#captian laserhawk red
nalooksthrough · 3 months
Red didn't just randomly stumble into the room. He had a Reason for being there.
I've been in the Captain Laserhawk fandom for a little while now. And I have noticed there seems to be some confusion as to why Red suddenly burst into the room while Rayman and Bullfrog were talking. I don't know why. For me it was fairly simple, I figured it out a little while after my first viewing. And got confirmed by the show after my second watch through.
Red was hunting down Rayman, to kill him. As per Eden's direct orders.
But I can understand why people may have missed it. The audience had no time to process the comments made by Red in those moments, because of previous emotionally charged scenes. But the comments were there.
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Captain Laserhawk | All Rayman scenes - YouTube 3:34 - 3:36
In episode 5, when Red first enters the room. One of the first things he says is that he was looking for him. Looking for Rayman. And it appears that he had been looking for a while, since Bullfrog and Rayman were able to have quite a long conversation without any interruptions. And if Red had been hunting him down for what I assume to be hours, it would explain why he was so panicked when he lost sight of Rayman. Because how is he suppose to explain to his superiors that he managed to let Rayman of all people escape?
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Captain Laserhawk | Laserhawk vs Ninji 6 - YouTube 0:14 - 0:27
And later in episode 6, Red and Pink have an argument. Pink stating that she would never have let someone like Rayman escape. That she would have got the job done. Which means Red wasn't the only one was told to carry out this order, all the Ninji 6 were seemly told this same order. But unsurprisingly, Red was the one who volunteered for the mission. Or what I think is more likely, was chosen out the bunch, because they knew for a fact he would have had no problems with killing Rayman. He may even enjoy it.
But, I hear people asking. Why would Eden want Rayman dead? And why send a single Ninji 6 member, when they could have gotten the whole team, or send out an entire police squad, or even done it themselves?
That first question is easy to answer. There can't be two Raymans. The system only works with one. And it's best to keep the unquestionably loyal Rayman, then the one who's loyalty may be put into question. Best to get rid of him before he becomes a problem.
As for the second question. Eden doesn't want the general public knowing about this. Rayman is a beloved icon in Eden, if the people knew that Eden would do this to Rayman. People would be rioting, it would be the beginning of an uprising that even Eden won't be able to control. So they have to do it secretly, make sure people don't notice. And sending the police would be too noticeable, and anyway regular cops are apart of the general population. So you need to send the special force, people who already know the truth about how things work in Eden. But they can't send the whole team, because the team are celebrities themselves, paraded around as Eden heroes. And if people notice them, which they most definitely will, it will ruin not only their image, but Eden's as well. So they select only one of them, a member who they know would have no problems in completing the mission. And it would have worked out perfectly if it wasn't for a traitor within the board.
As to why they don't do it themselves? Most of them are lazy, happy to just sit in their nice little meeting room and let everyone else do the hard work. And the one person who isn't, has her own goals which involved keeping Rayman alive.
Red was sent by Eden to Kill Rayman, because there can only be one Rayman for the system to function. And they only sent Red, because they didn't want the general population knowing as it could lead to them revolting. And they were too lazy to do it themselves.
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viaviv124 · 5 months
Canon interaction
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