wakeywakeygrrr · 5 months
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Although she doesn't remember who she's missing....she still carries the Capyper keychain that Yato loved.
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But in the end she is able to remember him by his scent even though she is not in her semi-Ayakashi form.
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He's been watching her all this year without her knowing, even though he says he won't let her see him....she finally finds him. He's the one person that she always miss. He will always be that one person she will never forget, no matter what. It's a promise she made to him.
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kurisus · 5 months
Noragami: Final Chapter thoughts
For the last time :') I've been making these for roughly half the manga's runtime, both in chapter count and years. Which is wild to think, but anyway, spoilers under the cut. One final time.
I really spent the first half of this chapter with bated breath alternating between being relieved that Hiyori is okay and grew up to be a doctor and everything, and stressed about where Yato was and where her memories were. Then Yato showed up, and I think I burst into tears out of hysterics. They really got me, I thought he was gone.
That aside, it was an excellent chapter. I was right when I said that this would just be an epilogue and the true suffering was over, but god. god. I'm relieved they gave me that open ending and the chapter was mostly good old-fashioned Noragami silliness. With the expected gut punches.
It's probably a good thing that Yuka never got to reunite with her brother, but at least knows that he's resting in peace. That he was given a proper burial by someone who, at the time, barely knew him but wanted to make things right anyway. Great now I'm crying again.
Hiyori's pocket with the little capyper keychain she bought forever ago. WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH.
Yato's CPR being so intense it cracked Hiyori's ribs. god he was so desperate to save her. WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH.
Fujisaki getting nostalgic seeing tall grass (as we know from the omake is called kaya) was weirdly touching. Though Father has faded, Kaya is the one that is still remembered. We never got to learn his real name, and while I am still curious about it, I can see the purpose--by not knowing his name, we the readers don't give him a lifeline.
That's not the only fourth wall lean in the final chapter. There was also Yato being able to save himself by becoming a meme, much like how the fandom and Adachitoka have memed on him for years as well.
Back to the chapter, it looks like Father's consciousness had always been lurking alongside Fujisaki's, maybe making him do things from time to time, which is really weird and creepy. Maybe he was dormant until the Yomi arc, but either way he's been doing this to a dozen other guys over the centuries. I'm glad the cycle was broken.
It's hilarious that Fujisaki tries to ask Hiyori out and she's just like haha not interested coo phone be upon ye.
I'm so glad the cherry blossom party has become an annual tradition with even more gods invited to the party. I'm also so glad that Yato refuses to release Kazuma and Bishamon apparently makes it a point to bully him about this whenever she sees him. But also, Kazuma doesn't seem to want to be released. He's just like yeah whatever man I'm glad you saved us. Cheers.
Side note, Kazuma's new glasses look a lot like the ones he was wearing in that 100 years ago flashback of him and Bishamon, around chapter 68 or 69 I think?
So we also get to see the aftermath of what happened to Yukine--he still transforms into a wolf every now and then, because much like how Nora transforms into a snakelike creature whenever she loses control of her emotions, his form is a wolf, and unlike Nora he's always been very emotional. So the nightmares come out and Yato's left with a giant wolf thrashing around in their shared living space lol, but at least his dad is there to hug him :')
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The panel of Yato hugging him made me lose it again. THEY'RE SOOOOOOOO.
So we never did get to find out what happened to Yukine's father--but as I pointed out in the reread I did during December, I don't think it matters. Yukine wasn't going to exact revenge on him anyway because he's not the kind of person to do so.
The page of Nora reading Hiyori's diary also made me so sad. Hiyori's right--she probably did have parents who loved her, but she never got to meet them. One thing I noticed throughout this manga is shinki habitually chasing something relating to their pasts. Yukine craves a good relationship with a father figure, Kazuma is obsessed with Bishamon because he missed out on marrying a girl he loved, Daikoku acts like a dad to every child he meets because he died before having his own kids, and like Yukine, Hiiro craves the parental love she never had. And as Hiyori pointed out, being given a name by Father was like being given life.
Since we didn't get to see what became of her name situation, but Yukine still bears the Hagusa name, she must still have Mizuchi. If her master is gone, can she still draw borderlines? Does she hang around with Yato and Yukine still? Adachitoka didn't say Kofuku DIDN'T name her, so...
The way Hiyori remembered Yato because of his scent had me SOBBING, yall. She didn't forget, but she did solve her problem and it was solved by people, just like they've been saying throughout the manga. But now, they can be together again. Yato was away from her for some years, and maybe he'll leave for several more (it's been a repeated thing in the manga that he'll insist he has to stay away for her own good), but the point is that even if it's been years and years, she'll always remember him. It's open-ended, but that just means it can be my preferred ending of Hiyori not forgetting but choosing to distance herself. She'll meet up with Yato and Yukine every once in a while living her own, separate, fulfilling life. They've been watching over her all these years anyway.
And so, that brings us to the close. It's as happy an ending as we could have possibly gotten, and above all else, I'm relieved. I've been saying for...years, probably, that I want an open ending, but I really thought it was off the table with recent events.
Final hangups are the same as they were in my final reread (tagged under #Noragami reread on my blog), so I won't repeat them, but the bottom line is that I got everything I wanted out of this ending--except maybe a trio hug? But that interior illustration of the four of them, all smiling and happy, Yato's arm around his sister, made up for that. I kind of wish there was a Yatori kiss for real, but the panel of her touching her lips also assuaged that.
Anyway, I'm not sure what other manga would/will make me unhinged enough to type up monthly thoughts posts for years, but I'll be tuned in to whatever new Adachitoka has coming up. Whether it's a full series, a short series, or just a oneshot, I'll be reading every word. I'm also looking forward to getting the final volume once it releases here, and praying for an artbook announcement.
Thank you for reading! I have some posts to make, some projects to plan, and I'll be diving into the tag once more for old times' sake. This won't be the last of me!
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yatorihell · 5 months
Noragami Chapter 109 Thoughts and Reaction
First off a massive thank you to @fast-moon for years of dedicated service to the fandom and answering our questions. You have been the pillar of the community from the moment you picked up the series.
Now onto my (second) read reaction and thoughts
Seeing Yuka and she's aged more and she's looking at the sakura tree thinking of her brother just like Yato told Yukine she would I'm so sad Adachitoka you make me so sad
WHO LEFT THE FLOWERS could it have been Yato? Could it have been Yuka unwittingly placing them to remember her brother not knowing it's actually Haruki's grave? I'm so sad
Oh when it said another new year and we're at the hospital I'm so sad and then it turns out it's been many years!!!!!
The Capyper and star sticker as an earring? Remnants of attachment to Yato? Earring like Kazuma? Thank you Doctor Iki? Killing myself
Oh I really expected her diary to show up and then it does but Nora has it I'm so sad
The fact Hiyori's whole memory of that year is fuzzy so she doesn't remember Capyperland, and probably her grandma's death and the hospital arc and so many other bits
Oh she's touching her lips as she wonders who saved her I'm so fucking miserable Adachitoka you make me so sad are you happy
Jumpscared by hot Fujisaki I forgive you <3
Fujisaki gained control of his body and immediately fixed those bangs hejdjj
Remnants of Father's yearning to see Kaya again sorry babe she wasn't your girl maybe you'll find one that looks like her
Coo phone attack jdjdjnd that was so funny I can't believe he actually came back I was reaching with that prediction
My god I know it's not Father and he's cute now but I still hurled when he asked her out
Rip Masaomi's hairline, they say unproblematic men age better, so what crimes did you commit
Also rip Mr Iki you've aged so much it's probably the stress, but he's still got his medical license!!!!!!
Also I've been told it's been 8/9 years since that day with her being an intern now, it makes you wonder if Masaomi started a family
I actually couldn't believe how many of the bingo card predictions were coming true when I got to the sakura party jsjdnjf we truly manifested this ending
Little Ebisu growing up you will live forever you <3
Takemika and Kiun showing up like two dads with their children and pet bird jdjbdjfk
Takemika reassuring Shinatsuhiko that no one's laughing about their reincarnation vs Takemika bullying Ebisu in Heaven about killing him I hate growth I hate it (affectionate)
Followed by Takemika owning the fact that he himself has reincarnated when it was kept secret for so long I'm so sad
Oh Adachitoka you're so sick faking us out with a toast to Yato like he's dead followed by Bishamon once again beating the shit out of Yato at a sakura party
It's so funny Yato wouldn't release Kazuma but tbf it's handy if he ever needs to use him again
I wonder if Kazuma is treated differently now that he's a stray, or if he could suppress the name physically (it would only show if he got called like Nora did)
This Houki shinki that's a pegleg gun???? Rendered us bamboozled double checking Bishamon didn't lose a leg
Yato please find Yukine some clothes that fit????? Or maybe they're loose so they don't tear when he transforms and they can go back for them idk I don't like this look
Yato disappearing into the ground and becoming known as Teke-Teke he is the living meme hejdjb
I'm so sad Yukine has nightmares and turns into ayakashi form every night and Yato's wearing a Capyper jumper and he's hugging him
I did wonder if Hiyori's diary was on the shelf with the shrine, which begs the question when did Yato go to retrieve the shrine???? I'm so sad he would've seen that she fixed it and maybe it's a but scuffed from where it was dropped but it's his
Yato following Hiyori to keep her safe and he didn't want to cut ties I'm so sad the cord problem was enough to divorce her from the far shore without severing them altogether
Nora comforted by the fact Hiyori believes she had a name when she was in the womb? Devastated how did we never think of that
Interesting that the Yuuki name remains even after the word was destroyed, but it means that Yukine can't sting Yato so silver linings
Yato still doing his regular job of slaying and answering small prayers
Cherry blossoms being like snow I'm so fucking emo
Oh I'm so fucking miserable I'm so fucking sad I hate this manga she remembered him all on her own after all this time and she's a doctor and everyone's safe I'm so depressed we're gunna celebrate April 2nd we need to work out what year it will be when she remembers
The final art????? Of all of them happy???? Hiyori is a doctor???????? Nora is with them??? Smiling??????? I'm ending it
It's been such a ride for these last 9 years since I picked up the anime and then demolished the manga right in time for season two. I've made friends and I've enjoyed building this blog into something that people used for their Noragami content. In the words of the rats this truly was my noragami
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eerna · 9 months
Yato found out Capyer isn’t real :[
Death of child innocence
Broke: This is Yato realizing Hiyori has been in love with him this entire time
Woke: This is Yato realizing Capyper is a capitalist product meant to sell him merchandise
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yoshikata42 · 6 months
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Capyper !
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velvetineblue · 2 months
i was talking about 2D faceclaims with lynnie & bee && it reminds me to share with you my favorite picture of tai's faceclaim...........................
it's this:
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he is so beautiful................................
LJAKDLWKHK he doesn't look like that most of the time, he usually looks normal... even pretty
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but while there are other 2D faceclaims that would capture his physical features much better and more 'accurately' ..... I just think there is no one else who kinda shares his looks + (with a consistent amount of resources i can use) who also gives off the "fucked up little freak" vibes as much as yato from noragami ajkdhkjhkjajk
ajkdhaj i just cant describe the vibes. if you've seen noragami you get it........... but yato is truly tai's brand. he is a clown loser whose entire existence is to be mocked................ he is also tragedy personified: he was born to SUFFER, he has never known happiness........ he will wear the most detached, unaffected look while killing u because when he doesn't give a fuck, he RLY doesn't give af......................... but he will also meow at you : 3 , wear fluffy pink cat headbands happily, and be the worlds #1 most enthusiastic fan of capyper (which are mythical creatures made up creatures that are basically just capybara's that can walk and wear clothes akjsjaas)
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kofuku46 · 2 years
Kofuku and Daikoku at Capyper Land, Manga Coloring.
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Chapter 41: A Picture Together
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nyappytown · 1 year
Are you still running a Noragami discord? I saw somewhere that there was one?
Hi Anon! I do indeed run a Noragami discord with the lovely @morgeln
Please, come join the fun!
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kofubisha · 1 year
merry christmas @thedeliverygod ~ i got the request from you for happy yatori/trio stuff, and i sincerely hope this delivers ❤
(written for the @noragamisecretsanta 2022 event)
gnome for the holidays
“What do you want for Christmas, H—”
“Nothing! Thank you.”
“Aww. Really? Not even the littlest, tiniest—”
“No gifts, thanks.”
“But I’ve been saving up for months and I think you’d really like this one—”
Hiyori’s voice, which had started at tepid tolerance, became as hard and cold as diamond. The warning note in it made Yato go a bit pale, which Yukine observed with relish.
“If you deliver another garden gnome to my house,” she said in the same immovable tone, “I will block your number, stop buying you food, unfollow you on Twitter, and tell every liquor licensed shop in the area that you have nineteen DUIs and that selling to you is a danger to the public.”
“They wouldn’t remember me, though—”
“Furthermore...” She cut Yato off seamlessly, and his eyes actually started to well up with tears. Yukine didn’t know if it was at the threats or the tone they were delivered in. This was a girl who had seen one garden gnome too many. This was Hiyori Iki off the leash.
“I will enlist my friends to take down all your posters and cover all graffiti with your number. I will tell them you are a much less cool and edgy Banksy” (“Banksy isn’t really ‘cool’ or ‘edgy’ anymore,” Yukine put in, to no reaction from either) “and, finally, I will take your precious bottle of coins and throw it right off a bridge.”
This final twist of the knife went too far. Yato collapsed beneath the table and commenced a long, whimpering wail of insurmountable heartbreak.
“Who’s strangling a possum in here?” Daikoku poked his head in the door. “Quit caterwauling. Dinner’s ready.”
: : :
The garden gnome situation had begun a month previous when Hiyori mentioned that she was learning from Daikoku how to grow flowers and a few kitchen herbs in a corner of the yard at her own house. Her mistake had been to mention, quite offhandedly, that a little statue or sculpture, perhaps a fountain, might be a nice touch.
“Or a gnome!”
Yato had developed a recent, apparently irreversible fascination with garden gnomes. Yukine wondered what the appeal was, a dark internal voice whispering to him that Yato would reveal that he suffered under the same delusion with the gnomes that he did with the capypers, thinking they were just very small, heavy little men who like to stand silently outside people’s homes.
Hiyori wrinkled her nose at the suggestion.
“I’m leaning more toward a fountain,” she had said feebly, but it was too late.
Three of them arrived within the next week. Hiyori, not wanting to entirely crush his soul, put one in a discreet corner of her little garden, three-quarters-hidden by a clump of thyme. The other two went under her bed, where they stayed for the next day as she thought about how to dispose of them. She didn’t entirely like to put them straight into the trash, but they were so hideous, and she hated them so much, and they simply couldn’t stay under her bed where they would cause night terrors.
She took them to school, depositing one in a dusty, ancient little upstairs closet and the other deep in the shadows underneath the stairs leading down to the boiler room. She felt ridiculous doing this, and nearly took them both straight to the dumpster beforehand, but the thought of Yato finding them there and feeling betrayed…
She rolled the second gnome so deep beneath the bottom step of the boiler room that it wedged there solidly. Better to hide them around the school—to catalyze a future custodian’s heart attack upon discovery—than that.
As it turned out, she had no reason to worry. By the time the eleventh gnome made it to her house, she was piling them happily into the dumpster en masse.
“Can you get him to stop?” she begged Yukine. “This must be absolutely burning through your savings.”
“I think he’s stealing them,” Yukine confessed. “He was cleaning dirt off the bottom of one yesterday before he went to leave it at your doorstep. I tried to stop him…” He trailed off in defeat.
Hiyori shook her head sympathetically. She had already told him outright via several communication channels that the gnomes were unwelcome, but all had fallen on deaf ears. Yato seemed to think this was her cute and coquettish way of requesting more gnomes—because that was what arrived.
By the middle of December, Hiyori had hidden, thrown out, or otherwise disappeared eighteen ugly little statues that had vanished from gardens around the neighborhood. She had been forced to lie to her parents, who had seen a few before she could dispose of them and wondered aloud and at length at their daughter’s new propensity for garden statuary.
“As long as you keep them to your corner, darling,” her mother had said, her uneasy glance resting on the grinning, green-hatted little ceramic man Hiyori had tried to tuck behind her back before the door opened.
“They don’t complement the wisteria.”
: : :
Yukine found Yato outside after dinner, nursing a beer and staring disconsolately at the cloud-choked December sky. Something Yato had said amidst Hiyori’s litany of threats had settled in the back of his brain; it bothered him, and prompted him to speak gently when he might otherwise have scolded.
“You’re leaving breadcrumbs.”
Yato didn’t look at him, which gave Yukine the sinking feeling that he was correct.
“Nope,” said Yato, in a light and throwaway voice. “Breadcrumbs are meant to leave a trail. She doesn’t need to be following me.”
Yukine continued, merciless.
“All right, not breadcrumbs. But you do hope to jog her memory sometimes. Even if she doesn’t remember you, she’ll still be dealing with the traces of your existence. Whenever she sees one of those things, she’ll think ‘Hm…where did that ugly little statue come from? It looks like garbage, so that’s where I’ll put it.’ And eventually they will all be in the trash, forgotten, along with everything she remembers about you. Was that your plan?”
Yato had turned around, keeping both hands flat on the railing. His eyes had flickered with something that wasn’t quite anger, nor sorrow, but had qualities of both. By the time Yukine finished speaking, his face was very quiet.
“You’re a good kid.”
Then he pushed away from the railing and wrapped Yukine in a crushing hug.
Yukine blinked. His arms were pinned to his sides at the elbow; all he could do was bat feebly against Yato’s ribs and squawk with humiliation. As the hug went on, he wondered if he had eaten something off at dinner and was experiencing the most vivid hallucination of anyone in the world, perhaps of all time.
At some point approximately eight million years after it started, Yukine was released. He felt his lungs expand properly again and took a grateful breath.
But he had to admit: the hug had not been, overall, bad.
“I’m glad she’s got you to look out for her,” Yato added. It was said with weight, an enormity of meaning that left Yukine without a response. He was only recently familiar with the concept of “looking out for” someone, or of someone “looking out for” him. The responsibility was great, and strange, and terrible.
When they walked back inside, Kofuku and Hiyori had their heads close together and were watching something on Hiyori’s phone, at which they would occasionally gasp or wince. Daikoku was still in the kitchen, putting away the very last of the dishes. Hiyori was not permitted to help with this as a consequence of being technically a guest, and Kofuku was actively barred from doing as a consequence of having broken not one hundred, not two hundred, but exactly three hundred and sixteen pieces of kitchenware since Daikoku was named.
“What’s so interesting?” Yukine asked, craning his neck to glimpse the small screen. Hiyori and Kofuku each had one earphone in, and they looked up as he approached.
“I’m watching Hiyorin’s future husband crush another man’s head under his armpit,” Kofuku said. “He’s very good at this move, and also the one where he hugs the other man very tight and makes him go to sleep. I’m not sure how that one works,” she said, enormously interested in the brutality taking place on the phone screen.
“Ah.” Yukine was familiar with this subject. “A Touno highlight reel?”
Hiyori blushed to the roots of her hair. “I just wanted to show her some of his best—”
“Muscles?” Daikoku called out from the kitchen.
“—moves, before he comes to the city next month for the championship matchups. I really thought about getting a ticket but they were going so fast, and I can’t exactly afford it—”
She cut herself off at this point, looking ashamed at having said so much already.
“Good thing you have those gnomes,” Yato sagely offered, taking what Yukine thought to be the hugely unnecessary risk of souring her mood for the second time that day.
After several seconds, Hiyori took in a fortifying breath and said with sainted patience:
“Oh? And why is that, Yato?”
“Because one of them has tickets to Touno’s match hidden in the base.”
This response, delivered to a thunderstruck room, didn’t seem to have the effect Yato was expecting.
“I wanted to put something inside each one, but I’m not allowed to spend that much money anymore, so I ended up just with the tickets.”
Yukine thought back to when he saw Yato “cleaning” the bottom of the gnome. Logic began to click into place.
“H-how…” Hiyori’s voice was breathy, her face a frozen mask of tragedy.
“How many gnomes ago—I mean days—was this?”
Yato tapped his cheek thoughtfully. “Not actually sure about that. I think it had a yellow hat, though.”
Her stricken face lost a few more degrees of color.
“Metro station restroom,” she whispered inexplicably.
Springing up from beside Kofuku, she reeled in the earphones and shoved her back in her pocket. By the time anyone else could think of moving, she was already at the doorway and shoving her feet into her shoes.
“Thanks for the meal, Daikoku!” she called over her shoulder.
Before throwing herself out the door, she stopped, one of her shoes still dangling from a hand. Then she whirled back into the room, grabbed the front of Yato’s shirt, and pressed her lips very quickly, very gently, to his cheek.
Seconds later she had darted from the house, and Yukine saw her moving down the street at nearly a sprint.
When he turned back to the others, he saw that Kofuku was so incapacitated at Yato’s expression that she could no longer move, and was rolling around clutching her sides in paroxysms of hilarity.
“He’s broken!” she crowed. “She broke him!!”
~ fin ~
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writeranon69 · 1 year
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capypal · 9 months
Capybara-Inspired Artistry: From Paintings to Toys and Blankets
The capybara, natures most amiable and gentle giant, has found its way from wetlands into the realm of art and design, captivating hearts across the globe. From intricate paintings that capture the essence of these charming creatures to delightful toys that bring their lovable presence to life, and even cozy blankets adorned with their adorable images – the capybara craze is spreading its warmth everywhere.
Capybara Painting: Portraits of Nature's Serenity
Capybaras have become muses for artists seeking to convey tranquility and connection with nature. Capybara painting often depicts these creatures in their natural habitat – lounging by the water's edge, basking in the sun, or peacefully socializing in groups. The paintings not only showcase the capybaras' distinct appearance but also evoke a sense of calm and contentment that these animals embody. Brushstrokes bring out the texture of their fur and the sparkle in their eyes, making each piece a window into the capybara's world.
Cuddly Capybara Toy: A Huggable Delight
The capybara's endearing nature translates seamlessly into the realm of toys. Capybara plush toys have gained popularity for their undeniable cuteness and charm. Children and adults alike are drawn to their soft, pudgy forms and sweet expressions. These toys serve as adorable companions, providing comfort and joy in their presence. Whether placed on a bed or desk, capybara toy bring a touch of whimsy and warmth to any space.
Whimsical Capybara Sticker: Adding a Playful Touch
Capybara sticker has become a fun way to incorporate these creatures into everyday life. From laptops to water bottles, these stickers showcase capybaras in various poses and situations. They capture the capybara's friendly demeanor and carefree attitude, reminding us to find joy in life's simple pleasures. These stickers not only personalize belongings but also spread the capybara's positive vibes to those who encounter them.
Capybara Blanket: Cozy Comfort with a Dash of Cuteness
For those who want to surround themselves with the capybara's charm, capybara-themed blankets offer the perfect solution. Snuggling under a capybara blanket is like receiving a warm hug from these gentle creatures. The blankets often feature artistic renditions of capybaras, adding an artistic touch to their undeniable coziness. They make for wonderful gifts that bring a touch of nature-inspired comfort to any living space.
Whether it's through a captivating painting that captures their quiet beauty, a huggable toy that radiates their affectionate spirit, a playful sticker that brings smiles, or a cozy blanket that wraps us in comfort, capybaras have certainly made their mark in the world of art and design. Among all, CapyPal is a worthy name which deals with capybaras. The company will facilitate you with the capy-themed products. They share a portion of every purchase for protecting wildlife at WWF. Visit https://capypal.com/
0 notes
kurisus · 6 months
Noragami reread: Volume 11 & 12 thoughts
The next installment of pain.
Actually, volume 11 is probably the least painful one out of the whole series. It consists mainly of one-off shenanigans while setting up the following arc, and god I could read 50 more just like it (this is me psychically communicating to Adachitoka I want them to write a slice of life).
So yeah, there's a chapter about Yato's new path in life, the iconic trio + Kofuku & Daikoku go to Capyper Land, Kofuku & Daikoku's backstory, and Mayu's past. Interspersed with all that is a heavy feeling of domesticity. Some angst, but Father even says in this volume that he wants to give Yato a little break before he gets back to ruining his life. So we can pretend, for a little while, that everything is fine. This is def a comfort volume, and one I can go back to when I feel like microdosing on Noragami.
Though, of course, it is not without its foreshadowing. Of particular note is Yato and Daikoku talking about Daigo, where Daikoku tells Yato that you can't watch your kids forever--and pfft, Yukine, his kid? He knows his place. Meanwhile, Yato looks concerned. I think he's reflecting on the father-son relationship he has with Yukine, and trying to fit Daikoku's advice into that.
While treating their relationship as parental was a way of healing for both of them, there's a lot of caution about it in earlier chapters too, so of course it makes me think of the Nora arc and get sad again. Adachitoka was telling us they'd make it blow up in our faces, and we ignored it until it happened. Which I think is just the modus operandi with Noragami, tbh.
Volume 11 really is a break because as SOON as volume 12 starts, Yukine is nagging Yato for all of 1 page before trash dad decides to ruin everything again.
I think a lot about Yato's thoughts on Sakura: "Sakura likes flowers. And little frogs and stuff. She likes sunsets, too. But I can't give her one of those. When I told her that, she smiled again." He was just a little guy and he cared so much about making her smile. Even though everything about her was new and scary to him, he loved her with his whole heart. THAT BOY LOVED PEOPLE RAGHGHHGHGHHHHH
From Hiiro's line right before Sakura goes haywire, it sounds like Father knew he had another shinki all along and only punished Hiiro because she was the one within reach. He then told Hiiro to ask the other shinki about her past, resulting in the mess we got. It's his way of reminding Yato who's in control. If Sakura had liked killing people, he might have let her stay on board.
Discord reactions ft. more explosions
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yatorihell · 5 months
Noragami Reread Volume 11-13
I'm so sad Adachitoka you make me so sad
We've hit the Sakura chapters and the hospital arc and I am not having a good time
Vol 11
They're visiting Suzuha's tree they've not forgotten him
Coo phone where are you baby
Yato shaming Kazuma for being like That with Bishamon
Father is like 'I want to have as much fun as I can' then makes that woman jump off the balcony
Father wants to save Hiyori from his worthless son jshd
'She might take Yato away from you' 'that would never happen' lol suffer
'Just being near him is enough to bring someone disaster' why did we ignore the red flags
Father stop saying you got dumped dieeee
Crush his balls Hiyori
Yato clinging to Hiyori wanting her to talk about her problems
'I have to do something for her' grant her wish lol
Capyperland trauma here we go
Yato using his money for someone else is such a development
Kofuku wanting to ruin Yato's smile hsh
Hiyori preserving belief that Capypers are real
Yukine deserves to go to Capyperland
Kms the trio are all together they're so happy even with all the disaster happening
Hate that the Marry Me sign wasn't in the ova
'Can we stay together a little longer' sad to say I think a little while is over
'How much can I trust your words' hand scene had me more feral than the season 1 ending
Yato's goddess Hiyori dream would be a fun little ova
Kofuku backstory time
Kofuku being banned from shinki but taking Daikoku because he's hot, I wonder why Heaven didn't make her release him
Daikoku giving Kofuku a name in return
Daigo was so cute but all I can think of is the Kagome children, creepy bastard is probably in there
Yato cutting Daikoku's ties but it was fake and they worked it out together I'm so sad
Daikoku would raise Kofuku if she even reincarnated I'm so sad
Bubble era Kofuku is a look
Mayu's past but what we really wanted right then was Yukine's
Father letting Yato make memories to destroy later die challenge
Gods greatest secret and Sakura arc let's go
Vol 12
'If he'd lived his shadow would be longer than mine' mine would be a lot shorter if I was stood on a cliff
Fuck offff Father croc ass bitch makes himself known
He's really making him play video games
I forgot what happened to the old word
Necessary evil foreshadowing
'I won't do anything to Yukine' liarrrrrrr 'Hiyori chan on the other hand' zsgcgcf DIE
'You're a taker' vs Yato giving Hiyori his last breath I hate this manga
Father die challenge
Yato calling Hiyori my pure white yet more foreshadowing
Love how they've both been sent photos of the kiss/trip out of spite
Nora go away (I forgive you)
Is that Father's hand on Yukine's shoulder during the fight sjhdb
'One day Yukine will belong to your Father' dieeee this had us pressed for years until it happened
Bishamon seeing Yato in a new light
Yato's concern for Yukine after the Nora fight he's really got the daddy issue and daddy solution package
'I was getting hot and heavy with Hiyori'
Yato reveal that he has a lifeline
'You wanna dig out my tush crystal'
Hiyori tail memories let's goooo
God this is so fucked up look at all baby's murders
Yato's Sakura tree has me quaking cos you know when we see it again it's bad!!!!
Baby Yato is so cute
Nora's reaction to being given away for Yato to name
I wonder if the black background and boom boom SFX are meant to represent the womb fir Nora's memories
Yato immediately starts swinging once he gets a sword
Yato and Sakura meeting and he has the attention span of that butterfly
Sakura smacking the shit out of Yato he needs it tbh
Father ready to punish Nora even without proof because Yato's lethargic, not blighted
Yato experiences geniune, no strings attached affection for the first time?
Yato get out of the tits
Yato learning kindness from humans and how to be a kid
'I want to be with sakura a little while longer' WHERE HAVE WE HEARD THAT BEFORE
And then he ruins it by killing
Adachitoka really gets the emotion down to a T in this manga Sakura's face is perfect
Sakura finding her purpose is to teach Yato
Father punishing Nora again for Yato's actions but he's a good dad (joke)
Nora like 'and I took that personally' when Sakura notices she has 2 names
When you read it you're like oh she evil but then next chapter you know she didn't know what would happen
Father said its for her own good
Vol 13
Love how we've ignored the whole Hiyori storyline lol when did she last ask to be fixed
Kazuma trying to put a spell Yato he's that crazy, even if it was a joke that bitch has issues
Yato wondering why Father is putting ayakashi in humans then thinks of Hiyori jdjj
'You like Yaboku don't you?' now we're confronting the feelings (I wouldn't say they're all the way there yet but she cares for him)
Oh I'm so sad stop bringing up that in centuries Hiyori will be dead and Yato will be alive
'When people die no one can ever see them again' I hate this line stop haunting us
Yato and Yukine guarding Hiyori at school and you can see Yukine's bag floating midair
Love how Hiyori just bodies Yato when she thinks about liking him and he enjoys it
Hiyori wanted to be a doctor when she was little
Hospital attack was such a curveball I was riveted
Yukine's name chips oh it begins I hate this
'You'll lose your future' haaaaaaa she did now she hasn't
Yatobisha team up
I love how Yato looks in this chapter
Bishamon bare handed killing ayakashi she's just that powerful
Tsuguha getting hit and it's just game over basically
'You're going to make Yato take care of it again' several gun emojis I hate this fucker
'However they want to save her it's up to them' with a kiss apparently <3
'Neither of us can do anything but kill stuff' vs most recent chapter has me all sorts of ways
'I don't have to cut anything I'll figure something out' CAN YOU then again her cord is gone nkwnso defacto win if she remembers him
'How can I save Hiyori' kiss <3
'I'm always here to help you'
'I want him to wrap me up in that gentle light and forgive me for everything I've done' IS THAT HOW IT FELT WHEN SHE GOT NAMED HUH
Hiyori half phantom was such a level up
Bite him it's a love language
Oh the hug I'm so sad Adachitoka you make me so sad
'I can't let you come to this side yet' I'm so sad adachitoka you make me so sad
Oh what are the chances they won't even see each other final chapter lol (I will die)
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theelispace · 1 year
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Takin a bath
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heloocolors · 2 years
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﹟ Yato, Hiyori and Yukine 𓈒 𖦹 coloring ☆
🌀。゚ Chapter 41 - Let's Take Them for Our Memories 🗯
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mister-grass · 3 years
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@lazydaos capyto 4ever
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