#car key replacement San Diego
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Max Pro Locksmith is the leading licensed locksmith provider in San Diego and surrounding areas, offering a full range of services for residential, commercial, and automotive needs. Our experienced technicians provide fast and efficient solutions for emergency lockouts, key duplications, lock installations, and lost car key replacements for all makes and models. With a focus on customer satisfaction and 24/7 availability, Max Pro Locksmith is the trusted choice for reliable and affordable locksmith services in San Diego. Contact us today .
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floydsglasses · 4 months
𝘼 𝙒𝙝𝙞𝙨𝙥𝙚𝙧 𝙉𝙤𝙩 𝘼 𝙔𝙚𝙡𝙡 - Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw (A Quiet Place AU)
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Pairing: Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x AFAB OC/ Valerie
SUMMARY: Society has fallen to ruin's where silence is key to survival in a world where most humans have been killed by blind but noise-sensitive creatures. Two unlikely survivors come across each and agree to stick together.
Tag's: Mention of blood/wounds, post apocalyptic setting, use of ASL, Alien creatures. Stranger's to Lover's, Angst, Swearing, Fluff, inacurate first aid, No Use of Y/N A/N: First Story on tumblr, I hope that I did this right and hopefully I didnt mess thing's up too much
SOUND. What once was so common is now almost extinct as the human race. The birds no longer flew in the sky, car alarms didn't blast loudly with a touch of a button, soft chatter’s from conversation now replaced with howling of the wind. Everything before was so simple, it was so easy, she didn't have to worry about the sound of leaves crunching under her feet, closing a door too hard, letting out a breath too hard. Now one wrong move in this world, a person’s life is gone in less than a whisper.
Her hand’s trailed over the isles of abandoned goods, she used to love going to the supermarket, seeing people and having a nice conversation with the cashier, kind smile’s.
Now a trip into town is so dreaded, the world is so quiet and it’s almost insufferable to her. Though she would much rather prefer the silence of the world then the harsh darkness of death from the predator's who now ruled the world.
She looks down at her grocery list, written on the back of the brochure for a navel bar, The Hard Deck. Before day 1 of the end of the world, she worked at a cafeteria in a nursing home, after rough day’s she would sometime’s sit at the bar with a bottle of beer. At the moment she much preferred the sound of the man she could catch glimpses of the few night’s playing 60’s tune’s on the piano. She assumed anyone she once knew is gone now.
She slide’s the can of food into her messenger bag, making sure not to stock up too much on the cans, learning the hard way that too much noise will attract the monsters.
Her bare feet smack the ground of the white tiled floor as she turned onto the next aisle.
Food rations were running low for her, and it didn't help that nowhere was safe enough for her. Walking around a desolate San Diego without shoe’s also wasn't ideal. Pain killers, she thought .
A few weeks ago she tripped on the sidewalk, skidding her knee and thigh, not something she would recommend handling without pain killers.
The snap of glass pulls her out of her thought’s. The hair on her arm stood to attention as her heart pounded in her rib cage, eye’s widened fearfully. Her hand grazed her knife holster, gripping the ebony handle. She had never handled a weapon for the purpose of hurting another human, not before this new world began.
Her breath shake’s as she lightly step’s around the corner. Unsheathing the blade from her waist. Monster’s were not the only threat in the world, the people, rumors at least swirled of groups of people calling themselve’s Bandits ruled parts of the city. She had not ventured that far, she was hell bent on finding somewhere away from the city, anywhere that was safe.
She huffed, swinging her blade as she rounded the aisle corner. She panted, her head darting in each direction. All that remained were leaves blown in from the broken front door, a few item’s laid on the ground.
She shook her head. Paranoia much. She rolled her eye’s, putting her knife back into its holster. You know you are totally crazy. Her bare feet turned on the edge to go back to her original isle.
Her arm’s smack into a metal stand, it began to fall to the floor. She gasped quickly trying to stop its descent. Its pamphlet’s crashed with metallic bang. Her eyes widened in horror as her heart raced, blood drained from her face.
Oh God, she panicked. Roar’s in the distance began to cry out at the sound. She stood frozen in fear, panting as she desperately fought against her sense telling to hide.
She let out a gasp as she was brought to the floor. She expected to be met with darkness, her eye’s closed tight awaiting the pain from the sharp talon’s of the creature’s that ruled the quiet world.
Shhh. A voice whispered next to her ear, their hot breath sending shivers down her spine. Her heart pounded. Her back was held closely to something..someone.
Her arm’s radiated with warmth, mostly from fear. Could the stranger be holding her back so they can save their own skin, or did they have something else in mind.
No time can pass in her mind as clicking began to fill the supermarket. Footsteps heavy on the tile, a hissing sound filled the air. The stranger behind her shuddered at the sound’s, the two of them both equally fearful.
Click Click.
They sounded. The dark silhouette casted on the ceiling above them on the white bar’s. The stranger’s hand clamped over her mouth as her panting grew erratic, she stood still not daring to move, even with the tight grip around her body from the stranger.
The click’s began to get closer to them, the footsteps heavier with each step. Their dark gray skin tight as their gorilla like movement helps them traipse across the tile. Their flower-like head’s turn slowly in each direction. She guessed they were looking for any sound.
She gulped as she held her breath, restricting her air. Hoping it will limit any sound she may be making, even with the help of the person holding her. She was sure that she was louder then what she may be stopping.
On her spine, a light thump was against her back. Rhythmically repeating at a rapid pace, similar to her own.
The creature’s head twitched with each click from its mouth, searching for her. Its heavy footsteps thudded against the ground as it walked on all fours.
A single tear trailed down her cheek, the heat from the stranger’s hand made the pool of sweat on her forehead fall. With a final twitch of its head, it let out an inhuman, ear piercing roar. A swift move the monster ran out of the supermarket.
A sigh of relief left her lip’s. The calloused hand left her mouth, her shoulders relaxed briefly. Her eyes widened, she reached for the holster that held her knife. A tight grip on wrist stopped her. From the size of his hand, she could tell he was a man, one who worked with his hand’s from the vein’s that popped.
He held on tightly onto her wrist as he got to his feet. Her heartbeat had not stopped racing, adrenaline pumped through her veins. She snapped her head, she had been ready to throw insult’s in, her head at least.
She looked the man up and down. His dirty blonde hair, messy and short. His dark brown eyes scanned her, maybe he saw her as a threat. Though he clearly had a chance of overpowering her. Above his chapped lips laid a thin line of facial hair, she wondered how long it took him to grow it.
He released her hand, putting his hand’s up in surrender. “Who are you?” She signed to him frantically, he blinked at her panicked state. He shook his head.
“I'm not gonna hurt you.” He reassured her she scrunched her nose up.
“Did you follow me?” She signed slowly. He shook his head.
“I was here before you.” The man stated in sign. “Bullshit!” She signed, her brows furrowed in anger.
“I swear.” He swore. In their silent world, she was thankful that she had taken the time prior to learning ASL. She wouldn't have thought it would be useful in a post apocalyptic setting.
Her shoulders relaxed, her jaw remained clinched. “Listen, to me please.” He pleaded with her, she crossed her arms.
He bent down on his knees leaning over grabbing a blue and yellow pamphlet, the world's map of San Diego written in a white font.
He began to carefully unfold it, placing objects on the corner to keep it straightened out. He looks up at her. “Marker?” He signed.
She furrowed her brow, she shook her head no. “What are you doing?” She signed to the stranger.
“Showing you something.” He signed, he looked around at the old store, smirking. He lightly stepped across the tiled floor.
She noted the duct tape on his boot’s, tear’s and rip’s in the leather in each curve, she supposed he had placed the tape to absorb the sound, she hadnt even thought about it.
Beginning to make mark’s on the map, taking pauses to think. His lip’s formed a thin line, he looked at her.
“You see that?” He signed, she shook her head.
“The Circle’s?” She signed to him, even in sign language he could detect the sarcasm she laid on. He gesture’s with two finger’s for her to get down to his level. She bends down to her knees, getting a closer look.
“You see it now?” He signed, she shook her head. He gently grabbed her hand, using his index finger pointing to the center. A green and beige island in the ocean, half a mile from the North Island docks. Her brows furrowed.
“What is that?” She signed. He blinked. “Island, not far from the bay, safe.” He says in sign language, she shook her head.
“Nowhere is safe.” She says.
“You don't know that.” He says, he motioned in frustration. “And you do?” She pointed out.
“Come with me.” He signed, she shook her head at his offer. “No, I don't know you.” She says.
“So..we can help each other.” He tells her, she shook her head in disbelief.
“I don't need your help.” She reassured him, she had gotten pretty far into the two year’s they have been in the apocalypse. His jaw dropped slack.
“You sure?” He challenged, and she nodded her head.
“Look, I can see you don't trust me.” He signed, she shrugged in agreement.
“But If you want to not live in fear of making a noise.” He paused with his hand’s up, he breathed out quietly. Her heart skipped a beat, looking at the brown eye’s of the stranger.
“Then come with me and see if it’s true.” He says.
She crossed her arms over her chest. She eyed the broken object’s on each side of the isle’s. The man in front of her offered her safety, and it had been so long since she last talked with another human being. He had saved her from being alien bait.
“Okay.” She signed to him. He breathed in relief at agreeance.
“One condition.” She state’s, he nodded his head.
“If it turns out to be fake.” She start’s. His gaze on her softened.
“We go our separate ways.” She sign’s, he nods his head.
“Deal.” He signed. The both of them got to their feet, he shuffled, folding up the map and stuffing it away. She lightly picked up her fallen backpack, she still needed supplies.
His brown eyes watched her. Before the alien had crashed in he had caught glimpses of her through the broken shelves. Her hair tucked into a beanie, a windbreaker jacket and jeans, no shoes though. Her own survival tactic he guessed, she seemed focused on her objective of getting what she needed.
“What’s your name?” He ask’s her, she gulps hesitating. She lifts up her hand’s and begin’s to sign out her name.
“Valerie.” She mouthed to him. He smirked. “You?” She asks back.
He runs a hand through his hair, he raises up his hands, slowly signing out the letter’s of his name. “Bradley.”
THE NEXT FEW days the two survivors had grown close, well as close as two people can when they are only using sign language to communicate.He would fumble on his signing that she would have to guess what he had said.
Her legs ached on each side, they had been making their way out of the inner city, following the highway to the marina. If car’s didn't risk the chance of them being caught their trip would take twenty minutes, now it would be a three day trip on foot, not including them avoiding the creature’s.
Valerie sighed, the morning sun of december shined on the two of them. The sun was high enough she could guess it was eleven in the morning. Bradley and her would both take turns with a large machete, it was heavy in her hand’s that most of the time he was the one welding it.
She feel’s a tap on her shoulder, she turned her head at him. “Are you hungry?” Bradley signed, she shook her head. “No.” She signed.
“I have a fruit cocktail, if you do get hungry.” He signs, her lip’s forming a thin line, smiling softly at his chivalry. She brushed a piece of her hair from her face, the bitter air whipping at her cheeks.
“Thank you.” Valerie say’s. She had grown tired of their small talk;most conversations that had gotten out of one another were about if they were okay, how far they were from their location, and where they should stop to rest.
Not that she didn't appreciate his worry for her, they had to rely on each other if they wanted to make sure they would see the next sunrise. She crossed her arms in her windbreaker, the two walked past run down car’s. Nature had started to reclaim her own, the highway’s covered in greenage and rust set into the metal of the high rise.
“Hey.” She stops him, he turns to look at her, keeping the same pace. “What?” He wondered.
“Before this.” She start’s off, looking away thinking of a question to break the ice. “What did you do, your job?” She ask’s. He runs fingers through his blonde hair in though.
He point’s to the sky, using two finger’s to trace along the white cloud’s. She furrowed her brow trying to understand him. “You..worked in the sky?” She signed.
“A pilot?” Valerie signs, he nods his head. He point’s up again, using two finger’s as a gun.He shot in the sky, she thinks, her eye’s widening as she understands him now.
“Top..gun.” She signed slowly.
“Yeah, and you?” He ask’s, she shakes her head. His job was definitely more eventful than hers. She cleaned table’s, served plates out to elderly people, and sometimes she would deliver to room’s.
“I worked in a cafeteria.” She signed to him. “Kind of boring.” She tells him, he shook his head.
“That’s not boring, that's simple.” Bradley reassured her, she shook her head. “You got to fly in the sky..All I did was serve soup.” Valerie says to him
“I would have loved that.” He tells her. “There were times I just wanted thing’s to be slow.” He admitted to her, she furrowed her brow at his admittance.
“Why did you join then?” Valerie wondered. He sighed, her eye’s drifting down at the grass growing through the cracking line’s of the highway. He gulped as they continued to walk on.
“I just had to.” He says. She nodded her head, she guessed it was a story she had to hear by mouth, which she was sure she would never hear.
“Long story short?” She signed to him, he shrugged his shoulders. “How far are we?” Valerie wonder’s.
“We passed about two, maybe three gas stations.” He tells her, she scoff’s, she hadn't taken the time to note the landmark’s, only keeping in mind how long it will take to get to their destination.
“They all look the same.” She says.
“Everything does.” Bradley remark’s, his movement’s in his hands are slower. She noted that his signing was slower than hers, she guessed he wasn't as fluent or quick in ASL like she is.
“How far from the marina do you think we are?” Valerie asked him, his brow’s furrowed, he looked around at the street signs. He pulls the map from his bag, placing it lightly on a rundown car hood, bringing the red sharpie marking off on it.
“We were at Amo’s street and now we are on 163.” He signed to her. She stands close to him looking down at the map. He had taken the time to mark off on each site they passed.
“Okay and how much further?” She wonder’s. His brown eye’s look at the map. “Fourteen miles .” He guessed
“Seriously?” She ask’s, she dropped her hand’s at her side in frustration. ”I think you are pulling my boob.” She joke’s, he furrowed his brow at her signing, got to teach him some thing’s.
“It's only been a few day’s.” He point’s out, she rolled her eye’s. A few day’s in this world was a lifetime with how long it takes to travel.
“Feel’s longer.” She remarked.
“You can still get leave.” He reminds her, she sighed. He was right, she didn't have to stick with him, they could part way’s now and hope for the best.
Though it was nice to have someone to care about, knowing that when she woke up that someone was going to be waiting for her. In the world before she had thrown herself into her work, claiming it was her mistress. She hadn't given herself time for relationships, and frankly they never gave time to her either. No need to waste her energy in a world that seemed so bleak.
“We’ve gotten this far.” Valerie reminds him.
“We finish what we have started.” She signs to him. Her eye’s hardened with determination, he smirked at her ambition.
“If we keep walking we should get close enough to the bay area.” He summarized. “What about sleeping?” She asked him, his shoulder’s slump, as if to let out a sigh.
He put his hand in a salute looking at the skyline in front of them. Building’s once filled the sky high reflecting from the glass now covered in vine’s, some had crashed down. Slashed from the claw’s and talon’s of the sound seeking creature’s. She often wondered how it must have felt to watch from above seeing everyone going about their lives. They must have looked like ant’s compared to them.
“There.” He point’s
“You wanna go there?” Valerie asked him, he nodded his head.
“That’s far.” She mouthed to him, he furrowed his brow’s
“So is the marina.” He signs, he point’s to the top of the building. “If we get high enough we can see how far we are.” He tells her. Her heart thumped as it raced
“Can't we just go to a motel?” She wonder’s, he shook his head confused. “Thought you wanted to see how far we are?” He ask’s, she gulped.
“Just the height is intimidating.” Valerie tell’s him. He smirked amused at her fear. “The world has ended and you are afraid of heights?” He signed to her, she rolled her eyes.
“No, I'm afraid of a creature climbing a high rise to kill me.” She state’s.
“I won't let that happen.” He promised her, his signing in the end being wrong. She shook her head.
“Give me your hand.” She orders. He furrowed his brow. She guides his hands, moving them in the right motion’s, mouthing what they are. “That’s how you do it.” Valeria corrects him.
“Thank’s.” He signs. She smiled softly, she swung her backpack up further. “Come on.” She usher’s him, her heart pounding looking at the sun peaking through the two towers.
SHE HAD DECLARED it she hated height’s. Even more than before she climbed the eighteen floor’s of the forty one floors of the Pacific Gate. She had always wondered what it must have been like to stay in the extractive type hotels. She had grown up in Virginia, in a rural town mile’s from the urban city, she had come to Calafornia chasing a dream that sadly fell through.
Her fingers grazed the chipped paint on the wall, the pearl white had turned brown from the age and vine’s had grown in the hall’s into the room’s. They had luckily found a room that wasn't terribly covered in the reclaimed nature. Bradley had insisted that they stay close to each other, both taking a watch.
Though they doubted that anyone or anything would find them up there, unless they made a sound. He kept to himself mostly, she wondered before the end of the world had he been a social person, like her. She could see from his choice in wardrobe, a Hawaiian shirt underneath his black jacket that he certainly had a taste. His tan skin almost kissed by the sun herself, had he gotten it from all their walking, maybe he had it before the world went quiet.
Her feet step on the ripped up dark blue carpet. The sun had set on the city and the moon had shone over the window’s of the balcony. A warm orange glow lit the room from her lantern. He laid on the bed, white ear bed’s in each of his ears, plugged into an old IPod nano. His brown eyes focused on the world outside.
She stands next to the white unmade sheet’s. A buffalo plaid blanket laid on top, she had insisted that she take the couch on the other side. She had noticed he had been limping up the step’s, knowing that the fancy hotel probably had a mattress that would make him feel better. He refused, if she could she would have let out a frustrated yell.
She tap’s his shoulder, he shuddered at the touch from her, he snapped his head in surprise. His finger’s grazing the knife holster on his leg.
“Sorry.” He signed.
She shook her hand. “It's Okay.” Valerie take’s the seat spot next to him, keeping a distance between the both of them.
“How did you get that?” She asks, pointing at the old technology, he smirked looking down at the blue case, a smiley face sticker on the back that slowly chipped away.
“It’s mine.” He states, she nodded her head.
“It still works?” She asks curious, she hadn't used one in years, preferring streaming from her phone.
His pink chapped lips formed a thin line. “Yeah, all my music from college.” He tells her, his signing is still slow.
“Anything good?” Valerie wonder’s, he shrugged his shoulders. He handed it to her to look at, she held up the screen, beginning to scroll with the control’s, clicking with each movement of her thumb. His music taste ranged from almost every decade up until 2012. She was almost surprised with the variety of choices’ he had at the tip of his fingers’, she looked down sadly, she hadn't heard music in what felt like an eternity, she can't even recall the last thing she had listened to on day one of their new world order.
She stops scrolling. Her eyes widened at the song, Jerry Lee Lewis’s, Great Balls of Fire. A soft smile creased her cheek’s. Lonely nights in the bar were less lonely when everyone around her began to sing the sixtie’s jaunty tune. She brought her hand to her mouth.
His brows furrowed at her reaction. “What?” He signed. She shook her head.
“Nothing, it's just.” She stops looking down again, her thumb grazing the play button. “There was a guy at this bar.” He perked up, his brows furrowed.
“He played this on the piano.” She recall’s, smiling softly. His eyes widened, his lip’s parting as his thoughts raced.
“Yeah every saturday..guess he is gone now.” Valerie signed sadly, she brushed back a piece of her hair.
Bradley had finally realized something. In the store, he saw her through the broken isles and fallen objects. He could have swore it was his mind finally playing tricks on him, until he caught a glimpse of her face.
There were night’s he would go into the Hard Deck. She would sit in the same spot each night, order the same drink, she always seemed to have her mind on anything but where she was. He had been curious who she was, why was she always in her head. He did plan to talk to her, only any time he got the courage to talk to her, she would get up and leave before he could get a chance to speak.
He pulls one of the white ear buds out of his ear, handing it to her. She looked down at his hand, taking it from him, placing it in her ear, pressing the play button. She flinches at the sudden piano playing. He chuckled quietly.
She rolled her eyes playfully. She began bobbing her head slowly, trying not to move her head too much. The two of them doing different motion’s to the music, if she was alone she would be all over the place, dancing on the mattress belting her lung’s out. He bites his lips, closing his eyes, thinking of better times.
Valerie mouthed the lyrics, leaning her head back at the chorus. She shakes her shoulders leaning into him trying to get him to join in with her. Bradley smirked at her happiness, the two of them tried everything to bond. Seeing the other experiencing something other than fear made his heart flutter.
He begin’s tap with his finger’s the note’s of the piano. Recalling the filling of the key’s under his finger’s, each movement a phantom at his tip’s. Valerie hold’s her fist as a mock microphone as she mouthed the final lyrics.
An inhuman screech fills the air echoing off the city. Her heart raced, wiping her head to look at the balcony. She shook her head. Figure’s she thinks’. The world outside was still as bleak as ever. Her smile fell as she glanced down.
“I’ll take my first watch.” She signed to him. His brow’s furrowed. Her shoulders tensed as she stood to attention, pulling her jacket closer. She turns on her heels to walk.
“Wait”. she hears a faint whisper escape’s his lip’s. He reached out, taking her hand in his calloused one. Their eyes locked as his face softened.
“Stay.” He pleads
She gazed at him. He had before insisted that they stay in separate rooms so the other had the chance of escaping while the other could too. Now here he begged for her to not leave him alone. Was he really scared this time, did he need that comfort of knowing in the room he wasn't alone.
“Of course.” Valerie signed. He gulped, running his hand through his unkempt honey curls. He laid back down. Placing his headphones back in his ear, leaving one out one for her to hear the music he played.
Bradley stayed awake for as long as he could, fighting hard against the sleepiness in his body, losing in the end. Soft snoring escaping his lip’s. Valerie formed a soft grin at his peacefulness, the both had seen so much, so many things lost and so many stolen from each of them.
She leaned over him, pulling a navy blue blanket over his chest. He turns in sleep, not waking. Hopefully he dreamed, anywhere that wasn't there must be better. Her eyes grew heavier and heavier as she stared at the quiet city. She wiped away the feeling from her eye’s.
Desperately battling against her own body clock, she groaned softly, wiping her cheek’s. Just shut your eye’s for a moment, the last word’s she thinks before her head hits the pillow and the world becomes dark.
SHE SCRIBBLED THE WORD on the notepad. The two had grown bored on their adventure to the marina.  Valerie had been sneaking around the Pacific gate, and found a white board for Bradley to use to communicate.  Thinking it would make their communicating easier, as his ASL was slow, and now she could properly tease him. 
“A.” He signed, she smirked, shaking her head. They had started playing the game hangman in to past time, they weren't far from the marina, having woken up late didn't help the ground they would have to make up. 
He rolled his eyes as she drew another body part to the stick figure. She licked her lips as she waited for another guess. She had won the last five round’s of the game and him once, to be fair she didn't blame him for not being good at guessing games when there wasn't anyone to give hints verbally. 
“C.” He guessed, she nodded her head writing the letter on the white board. He pumped his fist, the machete in the other, his turn as her hands were preoccupied with the marker. 
“I hate this.” He signs, she smirks at him.  “You just suck.” She teased him, he pulls out a tiny notepad, writing down in big letters. He holds it up to her. 
“You have a lot of sass for a girl with no shoe’s.” It read, her eyes widened at the comeback. She uses her hoodie sleeve wiping off a bit of their game writing. 
“And who’s idea was that mustache?”She wondered. His lip’s parted agape. “You love it.” He signs, she shakes her head. “Fuck off no I dont.” She write’s down. He holds up his own notepad. 
“Everyone loves it, baby.” His read’s, she rolled her eye’s. “Not me.” She gesture’s. He scoffs silently. 
“Wanna find out why?” He challenged her, licking his chapped lips. She looked at the hair above his lip, his facial hair being a stand out to the rest of his features, other than his well built physique. His blonde hair is curly on the top and shaved on the neck, unkempt yet somehow it still made him look even more handsome. 
“No thanks.” She smiled softly.  She looks down at her whiteboard, wiping it off again. “Keep guessing.” She urged him. 
He runs his hand through his curl’s. “P” He sign’s. She looks at him disappointed, adding another limb to the stick man.
“That’s two arm’s.” Valerie point’s out. He shook his head. His step’s halt as he look’s up. “What?” She ask’s, her eye’s scan his sight seeing what he stopped for. Her heart stop’s in her throat as it began to race. 
Hundreds of boat’s laid out in front of them on the waterfront, docked in their areas. Some fell prey to nature while some still remained. 
Her breath shaked, she looked to the man next to her. Tears filled both their eyes, they had finally made it after so many long hours of walking, and dodging alien’s they reached their destination. 
“Come on.” Valerie urged him. 
She turned on her heels quickly scurrying to the stairs that lead down to the docks. He followed closely behind her as the both of them desperately raced for the nearest boat’s. Her feet pound against the wood as she stop panting looking around at their option for travel. 
“Which one?” She asked him. He put his hand on hips trying to catch his breath. 
“Anything with a cabin.” He writes on his notepad, she nods her head. 
She walked around each boat, checking each for a key. She doubted that any of them would be filled with gasoline, much less run. For the most part they were almost all sailboat’s, and small yachts. She had never been on a boat, well one as big as the one’s parked in the water. She had gone fishing before with her uncles in the past, though she knows a small boat wouldn't get them to the island they needed something better. 
The wood creaked as she stepped back down again.  Valerie walk’s back around to the other dock, he stood with his arms crossed irritated. 
“That bad.” She joke’s. 
“I'll check again.” She tells him. He shrugged. “Be my guest.” He signed to her. The dock creaked again as with the heavy step of her foot. She gasps as a sharp pain in his felt in her thigh. She snapped her head looking down, a long black stick stuck out of her, piercing through pant leg. 
A scream of anguish left her mouth as hot fire pain ran up and down her leg. She collapsed onto the dock groaning loudly, her eyes widened as her hot tears welled.
Bradley ran to her side, putting his hand over her mouth, muffling her scream. Valerie cried as she tried to pull the arrow out.
“Don't do that.” He whispered to her. She whimpered, leaning her head back. 
He grunt’s as a cold metal graze’s his neck. Her eyes widened as another man behind him held a knife to the blonde’s throat. Two men dressed in ragged clothes, walk slowly behind him and stand above her, her heart racing in fear. Bradley slowly get’s to his feet, lifting his hand’s up in surrender. The man nod’s his head at the two men. The grab Valerie under her arm’s bringing her to her feet, she groaned quietly. A woman walks around, forcing a bandana around her mouth silencing her, she walks around. 
Her cold eye’s analyzing both of them. No one dared to speak, she slowly paced around them. She removes a rope from around her waist, standing behind Bradley. She smirked, shooting dagger’s at Valerie. She grunt’s wrapping the rope around his neck, pulling it tightly. He gasped for air pulling at the rope that cut into his neck. He groaned as the man behind him forced him to turn around, beginning to drag him across the wooden dock. 
Valerie grunted against the two men’s arm’s, her heart raced as she watched him struggle, clawing at his captor.  The woman from before circle’s her, looking the restrained girl up and down, vulture to its prey.  She point’s with her knife at the end of the dock. 
She pant’s in fear, gritting her teeth. Her eye’s went to his kicking leg’s, a black leather strap on his leg laid a metallic flicker of the sun. Her brows furrowed as she understood what to do. She stomps on the wood. 
The woman in front of her raised her brow’s at her action. Bradley looked at her, she stomped again, gesturing to her leg. He grunted twisting around trying to slow the man behind him, he strained as he grunt’s pulling him closer to the water. Valerie stomp’s her foot again, slapping thigh again. 
His brown eyes darted to his own leg. The black leather sheath with his initials in the working laid his brown bowie handled knife. He reached with one hand, the other fighting the rope at his throat. His finger’s link through the hole in the handle, pulling it out. 
Valerie met the eye of the woman leader. She smirked as her confusion grew. She grit’s through her teeth, extending her leg kicking the woman in the face, she stumbled back falling over onto the dock. She huffed, grabbing the handle in her holster, unsheathing her blade plunging it into the man behind her groin. 
The man hollered out in pain. His scream echoing off the city. Screech and roar’s sound alert at the sudden disruption of their perfect world. The man with the rope looked up with wide eyes, his distraction end’s as a sharp cut is felt to his stomach. 
He released the rope. Bradley got to his feet, he grunted as he balled his fist and swung it into the man’s face. Valerie grabbed one of the men by their shoulders, plunging her blade into his chest, he groaned in agony. 
Shoving him away from her. Blood rushed through her ear’s as the creature’s cry’s began to get closer to them all. Valrie grunted limping, holding her thigh, crimson brown leaking through her jean’s onto the wood. She gritted her teeth trying to move as fast as her injury would let her get.  Behind her she could hear the clicking of the alien, as well as its talon slicing through a body. 
Bradley pulled the man against the dock post, pulling the rope tight as he fought against him.  
“Fuck you.” He whispered into the man’s ear, he jammed the knife into the killer's gut. He let out a cry of agony, the creature’s hollers cutting in with his. 
Valerie ducked out of the way, her head slamming hard into the wood. The former pilot dove into the water as the man was tackled into the bay water. 
Her vision blurred as she looked to the sky above. She gasped for breath, panting as hot flashes ran through her body. The world around faded in and out, eventually turning dark.
HER BODY ACHED. Never in her life had she felt this tired, each side of her felt like they were under rushing water, slowing her with fatigue and aches. Her eyes fluttered open as she took in her surroundings, the room around her rock back and forth, small and walled with dark oak. She groaned looking down at her leg. 
The arrow was gone, the pain lingered. Her pant leg was cut open, a part of her maroon brief’s visible. A white bandage wrapped around her thigh, a bit of blood stained brown on her leg. She pant’s as she looked all around her, she didn't recognize where she was at all. “Valerie, it's okay.” A deep voice spoke clearly, her heart skipped a beat. She whipped her head, he got to her side sitting on an ottoman close to the wall. His blonde hair dripped with water, though the rest of his clothes remained dry. 
She stuttered for a moment. “I got the arrow out but I had to dig around the tip.” Bradley inform’s her, crossing his hands over his lap. 
“You bled a lot, and you kept waking up each time I tried to remove it.” He says to her. The glow from the bedside lamp illuminated his features onto the oak of the room.  His brown eyes meet her widened one’s, he furrowed his brow. 
“Are you okay, what’s wrong?” He asked in concern. She shook her head.
“Nothing, it's just.” She gulp’s. 
“I haven't heard you speak before.” She admits, his gaze softened on her.  There were moments she could catch glimpses of his voice when he mouthed words, it was much deeper then what she had thought it was. 
“Where are we?” Valerie asks him. He gulps, clearing his throat.
“Couple mile’s out from the bay, the creature drowned itself so it didn't follow us.” He reassures her, she nods her head. 
“How far from the island are we?” She wonder’s, he shrugged his shoulders as though.
“About five miles, give or take.” He inform’s her, she listens hearing the sound of water slushing around, she was on a boat. 
“They can't swim, and it’s raining right now, so it’s safe to talk.” He tells her. She groans as she holds her thigh sitting up. He gets to her side. “Hey Hey take it easy.” He soothed her. 
“I'm fine.” Valerie state’s, he shakes his head.  “You were shot with an arrow and lost a lot of blood.” He reminds her. 
“You said you were a fighter pilot, not a nurse.” She teased with a weak laugh. He rolled his eyes at her comments.  “Gonna take a lot more than an arrowhead to take me out.” She tells him. 
“Clearly.” He chuckled. “Listen, what happened back there.” She start’s, he holds up his hand for her to stop. “Dont..its okay, its over.” 
“No, I'm sorry.” Valerie say’s softly, shaking her head. His brows furrowed in confusion at her guilt.  “We didn't know they were there, it's fine.” He assured her. 
“No I meant I should have done more, I should have swallowed my pain and killed him.” She ranted, biting her lip as she thought about all of it. 
“It’s not your fault, none of that was your fault.” Bradley says to her. “They were gonna kill you.” Valerie stammer’s out, she wiped her eye’s. “And you saved me.” He reminded her, and she shook her head. 
“You did, I wouldn't have remembered my knife if you hadn't been there.” Bradley admit’s. He stands up, sitting on the gray sheets of the bed she laid on. His plaid shirt unbuttoned, underneath he wore a black shirt.  
“They would have drowned me, and killed you.” He tells her.
“Valerie you saved me, you did.” He declares strongly. He glanced down at her bare thigh. Shiver ran down her body as goosebumps painted her arms. Her heart skipped a beat. 
“Should probably change your bandage.” He whispered, rubbing the back of his neck. He cleared his throat. He stands up walking out of the cabin room.  A breath of relief left her lips. she hadn't realized it.  She missed human’s, conversation, touching, feeling, and experiencing. She joked before that she ghosted through everything, living only to work. Now she lived to survive, that wasn't living. 
He came back into the room with first aid supplies. He sat down in front of her on the floor, and began to unwrap the bandage from her leg. His fingertip’s grazed her thigh, her heart pounded in her ear’s loudly. “You're staring.” He mumbled. She cleared her throat leaning back on her hand’s.
“Sorry..uh just talk to me.please.” She pleaded with him, chuckling nervously. “Um..what was your word on the highway?” Bradley wonder’s, she scoffs. “Sore loser.” She grumbled, shaking her head. He rolled his eye’s as he soaked a cotton ball with alcohol. 
“It was cowboy.” Valerie tell’s him.  “What!?” He exclaimed, she chuckled, shaking her head. “See what I mean.” She teased him. She hissed through her teeth as hot pain stung her, she grit her teeth sitting up, gripping his arms. 
“Fuck motherfuc-agh.” The women swore holding him tightly. His brown eyes looked her up and down. 
“Little warning would have been nice.” Valerie mutter’s. 
“Sorry.” He breathed out. She shook her head letting go of his arms.
“Can I ask you something?” Valerie wonder’s, he nods his head. 
“Yeah sure.” Bradley say’s, he brings cold wet cloth, wiping away the dried blood that dye’s the white red. She glanced at his lips watching as he worked around the wound. She could see the outline of the arrowhead and where he had to cut around her thigh. 
“Did you ever visited the Hard Deck?” Valerie asked calmly. He licked his lips looking up from his spot on the floor.
“You said you were a pilot, and that was the popular spot for them.” She recall’s. 
“Did you ever go?” She repeats’. “I did.” He answers, she smirks. He place’s a white gauze on the wound, soaking up the blood, placing more around it. 
“So you must have seen me at some point right?” Valerie smiled softly. He bit his lip as heat arose to his cheek.  
“I did.” He says softly. Her heart pounded, the blonde stared up at her from the floor. His eyes glancing between the wound on her leg, his finger’s working delicately to not hurt her, and her face. 
His breath hot on the bare part of her skin, his focus didn't deter him from how close the two were getting. More than they have been since they began their journey. “Did you ever try to talk to me?” She wondered. He wrapped the bandage around her leg tightly.
“I wanted to, you always left before I could.” Bradley admit’s. Her breath hitched at his confession. 
“I saw you every Saturday, you alway ordered the same thing.” His brown eyes glanced at her.
“Pale Ale, with a garnish.” He recall’s, her dropped slightly agape. 
“And you always looked like you had so much on your mind.” His voice vibrated. Her brows furrowed as she began to rerun scenes from the world before. Every Saturday. She thought. It couldn't be him, could it. “I never got the confidence though, kind of mad at myself on that one.” He chuckled weakly, he shook his head. Her thoughts raced as she played everything back, she only caught glimpses from behind, his sunglasses always his eyes from her, and the crowd’s of civilians and armed forces. 
He turned around. “It was you wasn't it?” Valerie say’s, she sits up with her hand in her lap. His heart pounded, he 
“Great balls of Fire, every saturday…the piano.” She lists,their eyes not daring to look away. 
“Was that you?” She asks softly. He smiled warmly. His hand’s stopped wrapping, he taped it sealing her wound off. Her hand’s hold his on her bare thigh.
"Yes." He anwserd, he looked down at the floor. "That was me." He says.
She smiled, caressing his cheek, making him look her in the eye. The gap between the two of them began to get smaller As his hand slowly trailed to her waist. She holds the back of his neck pulling him in, inhaling deeply as their lips begin to move in sync.
His finger grazes across her skin, the warmth of them contrasting with her cold body. He leaned forward, hooking his hand under knee .
Her back pushed into the grey comforter, the both of them keeping the rhythm of lips . She wrapped her bare leg around his waist, while her other hand played with the hem of his plaid shirt.
She pulled away as sharp pain shot through her body. Valerie held her leg groaning in pain.
"I'm sorry." He whispered, his hot breath on her face. She smiled, their foreheads touching. "It's okay…should take it slow." She says softly.
"Not really my style." Bradley teases her, she could feel him smirk.
"Me neither." She agreed. Valerie untangled herself from, he pulled himself away from her. His blonde hair messy from her fingers.
"You should get some rest, I'll see how far we are." He tell's her. He adjusted his pant leg as he turned around. She smirked at her effect.
"You know if this isn't a rumor, then we won't have to worry about that." Valerie teased him. He bit his lip, turning around to face her.
"Are you good on that promise?" Bradley challenged her. She smirked looking him up and down.
" I might be." She smirked. He shook his head as his cheeks became hot. His brown eyes gazed on the injured girl.
"Get some rest." He says walking out of the cabin room. She sighed leaning her head back against the pillow. Groaning loudly as she closed her eyes as the ache in body remained. The boat slowly rocked her back to sleep.
A/N: AND THAT IS ALL SHE WROTE, God i hope this dosent flop because if it does I have to go down with. Anyway's, your favorite smart mouth guy is next.
Tagged: @cowboysandpilots @bobfloydssunnies @sugarcoated-lame @sorchathered @fairyheart @senawashere @swiftsgirlfriend @
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greymoonfeelings · 1 year
Burning Desire
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Pairing: Bradley Bradshaw x Fem! Reader
Summary: Being separated from bradley while he’s on detachment is hard but the reunions are always eventful.
Word count: 1.7k
Warnings: Daddy kink, d/s dynamics, fingering and unprotected PinV sex
Repost because tags weren’t working
“I missed you so much.” You mumble for the hundredth time as you press kisses to the back of Bradley’s free hand. His other hand grips the steering wheel as he drives the two of you back to your shared home. Bradley had been back on land for all of ten seconds before you were attaching yourself to his arm and refusing to let go.
“I missed you more, princess.”
“Not possible.”
“Oh yeah?” There’s a teasing lilt to his voice, but the grin is knocked off his face when you lead his hand underneath your sundress.
It’s evident from the first graze of his fingers against the fabric of your panties that you’re soaked. The feeling of that alone has his blood rushing south. After so many weeks with only his hand and a picture of you to get off to, having the real thing right beside him drives him crazy.
“Fuck,” he rasps, “take ‘em off for me, baby.”
When you’ve settled with your thighs spread and bare cunt on display, his fingers travel toward your clit. He plays with the sensitive bundle of nerves as you coast down the San Diego roads, but it’s not enough to satisfy you.
“I need more!”
“Ask me nicely.”
“Please, Daddy?” Bradley sneaks a glance at you, watching as you bat your lashes to convince him. He could never deny his favorite girl.
The car rolls up to a red light just as Bradley finally sinks a finger into you. Your pussy clenches at the intrusion causing him to tut. “You’re squeezing around just one finger, baby. Your pussy already forgot me that quickly?”
All you can do is moan as his thick finger pumps in and out of you. Your head lolls to the side, falling against the car window. Your panting breaths fog up the glass.
“Bet you spent so many nights trying to remember how I felt, huh? But your fingers couldn’t compare to the way I stretch you open.”
“Never,” You confirm. Bradley rewards you with another digit. Your shameless moans fill the car, overpowering the music playing on the radio.
“That’s what I thought. Only I could ever make you feel so fucking good, right?”
“Yes, Daddy!” You cry as he picks up the pace and begins to scissors his fingers, stretching you open to accommodate his cock later on. The prod of his thick fingers has your back arching off the leather seat. Bradley struggles to keep his eyes on the road, wishing he could watch you fall apart.
As Bradley continues to finger you, his thumb finds your clit. His calloused pad rubs tight circles and the extra stimulation is just what you need. You come undone with a loud cry, gripping the handle on the ceiling of the car as if your life depends on it. Bradley continues to work your clit as your orgasm washes over you but pulls away as soon as you stop thrashing, not wanting to over-stimulate you.
“Does that feel better, baby?”
You shake your head. “I still need you.” The ache of missing him has long since been replaced by a carnal need to be connected with him, consumed by him
“I’m all yours the second we get home.”
Bradley makes good on his promise, barely taking the keys out of the ignition before he pulls you out of the passenger’s seat. Once the front door is open, he hoists you up. His arms hook under your bum and your legs wrap around his waist. Your lips move against his in a frenzy of passion all the way to the bedroom. He only pulls away so he can toss you onto the bed. He completely undresses you before gently pushing you back to lie against the mattress.
His hands are rough against your bare skin but his touch is gentle. They leave tingles in their wake as they skim down your sides. He always takes time to admire your bare body after being away for a long time, committing your curves to memory as if one day you’ll vanish from his sight forever.
You grow timid under Bradley’s heated gaze and attempt to cover your body with your arms. He shakes his head and gently takes your hands into his. “Let me get a good look at you, pretty baby.”
His hand trails up your abdomen before cupping one of your breasts. He massages the soft flesh then leans down to attach his lips to your nipple. You cry out at the sensation of his hot tongue running over the raised bud. He sucks intently, marking up your breast as your hands through his sun-bleached curls. The coarse hair of his mustache rubs against the delicate skin.
Bradley’s grip on your waist tightens as he shoves his face deeper into your chest, giving your breasts all the attention. You love how he goes after them in an animalistic way, but right now you desperately need him to focus on the throbbing between your legs.
Getting impatient, you begin to grind against his chest, but it’s hard to move with his large body caging you against the bed. “Need you. Please.” You whine pathetically.
He pulls away from your tit and looks up at you. “Need me to what? C’mon, use your words.”
“Need you to fuck me, Daddy. I want to feel you inside me, deep and hard and hitting all the right spots. I need you to fill me up with your cum till it’s spilling out of me.”
Bradley moans, “Who knew my pretty girl had such a dirty mind?”
You pull back from him, a bit embarrassed, but he moves your face to look at him again. You peer up at him, your kind eyes filled with desire. Your loving gaze always makes Bradley feel warm and fuzzy like a fresh chocolate chip cookie. If there’s one thing he knows for sure, it’s that he would do anything to make you happy.
He quickly gets out of his clothes, freeing himself for you. His cock’s aching, but he doesn’t pay attention to it, only to you who lays there waiting for him.
“Being so patient, baby. So good.” He praises as his hand trails down your naked body and he comes to hover over you.
“Good, Daddy?”
“Yes, my good girl,” Bradley reassures before kissing you on the lips. “Ready?”
“Yes, please.”
Bradley slowly pushes the tip of his cock into you. Neither of you can help the loud moans you let out as the sexual frustration you’ve been dealing with while apart just melts away. “Taking me so well.” He groans as he feels your walls clenching around him.
When he’s fully seated in you, he stills, chin lying on your shoulder, giving you time to adjust to his size. You hook your legs above his bum and wrap your arms around his neck, forcing your bodies as close together as possible. Nothing quite matches the feeling of Bradley’s warm body pressed against yours. It brings a type of comfort that’s rarely found elsewhere.
“Are you okay?” Bradley’s face emerges from your neck to meet your gaze. It's becoming increasingly harder for him to stay still when you feel like heaven wrapped around his cock, but his number one priority is making sure you are comfortable, always.
“Yes.” You squirm under his body, trying to get him to move.
Bradley takes the hint. He begins to pull out before steadily pushing back in. He fucks you nice and slow making sure you can feel every inch of him. He maintains eye contact as he makes love to you. Words of praise fall from his lips like honey. His gaze is so soft you feel as if you might melt on the spot. It's a look of sheer love that you never knew before Bradley. Love blooms in your chest like spring flowers and tears well up in your eyes.
He knows your body like a second language. Each poignant thrust of his hips punches all the air out of your lungs. You struggle to ground yourself as your brain becomes increasingly fuzzy with pleasure. Unintelligible sounds fall from your lips.
it feels like your body has been set alight, you’re crawling in your skin begging to climb inside him instead. It’s overwhelming and difficult to communicate but Bradley knows exactly what you’re feeling. He knows how vulnerable you can get and it warms his heart that you trust him enough to let yourself unravel around him.
“I know you’re needy, princess. It’s been a long time since you were filled. It’s okay, Daddy’s home now. I’m gonna take care of you.”
You moan into his ear as he pushes you closer to the edge and your fiancé swears it’s the prettiest sound he’s ever heard.
“I’m gonna fill my pretty girl up. Make sure you’re nice and full of my cum just like you wanted because my baby gets everything she wants.”
The head of Bradley’s cock continues to abuse that spot inside of you that makes you see stars. Your whole body tenses up and you cry out as you’re pushed over the edge.
The satisfied cries falling from your open mouth combined with the feeling of your pussy fluttering around his cock have a dizzying effect on Bradley. His thrusts become frenzied until he’s filling you with his hot cum just as he promised.
“Fuck, I love you so much, honey.” He croaks as he struggles to return his breathing to normal.
After a few moments, Bradley gently pulls out of you and leaves. The feeling of emptiness slowly creeps back in while he’s gone. The extra warmth that his body provides is sorely missed as the air conditioner blows on your naked body.
You're not left on your own for too long though. Bradley is back, scooping you up bridal style and bringing you to the main bathroom where he’s prepared a bath. He helps you into the water first and climbs in behind you.
“I’m so glad you’re back home.”
“Me too.”
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vivalas-vega · 1 year
real friends / jake ‘hangman’ seresin x reader / part three
hehe two parts in one day. it’s my weekend and I was on a roll. here’s a long fluffy, kinda sad but mostly silly chapter!!! turns out cobra is a bigger softy than she lets on ;)
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real friends / jake ‘hangman’ seresin x reader / part three
add yourself to my taglist
one / two 
word count: 4k
warnings: language, hangman is whipped
tag list: @potato-girl99981 @olliepig @roosters-girl @angelbabyange @loveforaugust​ 
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The air was growing suffocating in your car as you pondered your options… sat along the side of a deserted road just outside of the city you cursed yourself for not springing for a new car when you had the chance. Something about saving the money for something else because your old girl had never failed you. You opened your phone as you manually rolled the window down and clicked Rooster’s contact.
“Hey honey, what’s up?” he answered, sounding out of breath.
“Hey Roo, I need- are you okay? You sound like you’re being chased.” 
“Well… that’s because I am.”
“Uh… okay? Why?” you asked, laughing a little.
“I’m actually- uh, oh fuck.” You frowned a little as you heard grunting on the other end, “I’m on a date. Had the idea of taking her to laser tag but I’m getting my ass beat. Did you need something?” 
“No, nevermind, enjoy your date. Use protection.” you said, sighing as you hung up. You mentally ran through your list of options… Phoenix was spending time with her girlfriend, Coyote and Fanboy were seeing a movie they’ve been talking about for weeks on end, Bob had taken a quick trip to see his family, Payback had said something along the lines of ‘if any of you call me over this break I will personally see to it you’re shot out of the sky’, which only left you with one option. You could call a tow, but it really only seemed as if you needed a jumpstart, calling would be a slightly over dramatic and costly reaction to your current predicament. With a groan you clicked Hangman’s contact, bringing it to your ear as it rang.
“Well I’ll be, a phone call? In the middle of the day? Knew you’d realize I was irresistible sooner or later.” You could practically hear the smirk.
“Can it. I need your help.” Your nerves were fried as you opened your car door, stepping out into the San Diego heat which was only a few degrees cooler than the inside of your car, not giving you the respite you were hoping for.
“What’s going on, are you okay?” Any sense of teasing was gone and was instead replaced with urgent concern. 
“Yeah, yeah I’m fine but uh… well my car is not. I drove out to La Jolla and took a wrong turn somewhere and old Betsy thought this was the best possible place to give out on me. I think I just need a jump,” you sighed, walking around to the front of your car and leaning on the hood.
“Betsy?” he questioned, and you could already hear the sound of his keys and his car door closing in the background.
“Betsy is my car, I’m taking no further questions on the matter.” 
“Alright, drop a pin I’ll be there as soon as I can.” You hung up and did what he asked, looking around you and trying to figure out what to do to pass the time while you waited. You walked around to the back of your car, propping the windshield up, dropping the tailgate and hopping on. You rooted around in the back, grabbing your emergency kit and pulling out some long expired granola bars, a change of clothes and a few bottles of water. You quickly chugged an entire bottle before grabbing the pair of gym shorts and walking around the side of your car, quickly removing your yoga pants and slipping them on after taking a few glances in either direction. You returned to your previous perch, opening Instagram and mindlessly scrolling, leaving a rather lewd albeit supportive comment on Phoenix’s most recent selfie, and a thumbs down emoji on Rooster’s gym pictures. 
Checking the time you’d realized it’d been about fifteen minutes since texting Hangman and hoped he’d be here soon. The heat was really starting to get to you and you pulled your oversized tee off and threw it somewhere in your car, desperate to feel even a little bit of a breeze as you sat now just in your sports bra and shorts. Sure enough as you were struggling to turn an abandoned book into a makeshift fan you heard the crunch of gravel as a car pulled up, and you walked around your car to see Hangman with what looked like an ice cold bottle of water. 
“Sorry it took a while, made a pit stop because I thought you’d want this,” he said, tossing it to you and you caught it with ease, immediately pressing it to your neck. 
“You thought right, thank you,” you said, watching as he popped the hood of your car. 
“Alright, let’s see if we can get this old bat running.” You watched as he connected both of your cars, scowling when he swatted your hand away as you tried to help. “What were you up to today?”
“Hike, there’s a really beautiful spot in Torrey Pines. I’d heard about a good brunch spot away from the beach but apparently my navigational skills are shit when I’m not in the air.” 
“Should be good, go give her a whirl,” he said as he got into his truck and started the engine. You let out a groan as your engine made a valiant effort to come back to life, but ultimately decided against giving you a win today. You shook your head at him as he watched you through his windshield and he turned it off and hopped out, disconnecting the cables and taking a look around. He pulled out your dipstick, absolutely barren, spare the last half inch that had a glob of dark brown sludge hanging onto the end and he just looked at you in horror. “Sweetheart, when was the last time you got an oil change?”
“Uh, well…” you took a moment to peer inside your car, looking at the sticker and reading when you were supposed to get your last change, “says here I was supposed to get it at 183,457 miles.”
“And how many miles are you currently at?” You checked the odometer.
“Jesus fucking Christ,” he muttered, replacing the stick and putting his hands on his hips as he looked at you with what you assumed was his best ‘disapproving dad’ look. “It’s honestly a miracle it just died on you and you didn’t blow a gasket or worse.” 
“I forgot,” you shrugged.
“The sticker is right there! Like, literally, right in front of you every time you’re driving.” 
“I’m a responsible driver, I don’t look anywhere but the road.” 
“Responsible driver,” he mumbled, shaking his head and pulling out his phone, “so responsible you go almost six thousand miles past your oil change requirements,” he continued mumbling as he pressed the phone to his ear. 
“Who are you calling?” He looked at you like you had two heads.
“Who am I- a fucking tow truck.” he said exasperated and you raised your hands in surrender. You listened as he gave directions to the tow company and sighed as you looked at your car, knowing the last time you took her in for work the mechanic strongly recommended you let him keep it for scrap. “Come on, they’ll be here soon,” he opened the passenger side and you climbed in, grateful when he turned the AC on.
“Thank you for coming to witness the death of my car,” you said, giving him a small smile.
“Can I ask why you’re still driving that junker around?”
“Watch your mouth, Betsy is an old bird but she still has a heart… feelings,” you said, pointing a finger at him and he chuckled at your angry expression, “I’m serious!” You leaned across the console to hit his chest. “I’ve had her since high school, she was my mom’s car before she got passed along to me. I have a lot of memories in there, her driving me to and from practices, school dances… I had a lot of my firsts in there once I got her.” You looked ahead at Betsy, in all her glory, with her hood propped open and covered in dust from the unpaved road.
“Okay, so take a photo and keep it in a scrapbook.” 
You sighed, “you don’t get it… I’ve shipped her everywhere I’ve been stationed, she literally saw me through diapers to where I am now. Every version of myself has been in that car,” you said sadly. 
“Honey, she’s unsafe at this point.”
“I know, I just… I didn’t want to let her go.” Just as you said this the tow truck pulled up and you rushed out to meet him, the two of you standing off to the side while he examined the engine. 
“Sorry kid, but I don’t think there’s anything I can do.” You nodded, looking at Hangman before turning back to the mechanic.
“Can you uh, I just need a minute.” you said, getting into the car and closing the door. Your hands gripped the steering wheel as you took a deep breath, “well, old girl, looks like the time has finally come.” You looked into the backseat, feeling emotion bubble up as you saw where your car seat had once rested, where you sang along to Britney Spears with your childhood friends, where Luke Something had deflowered you on your prom night, where you crammed a few boxes and a suitcase before departing for the Naval Academy. You pulled the mix of high school graduation tassels, your first set of dog tags, and a horribly tacky necklace Henry had bought you from a gumball machine from the rearview mirror before grabbing any relevant items from the glove compartment and front seat. You held the mix of items in your lap, taking one final moment and affectionately rubbing the dashboard. “Thank you, Betsy. You’ve been the best adventure buddy a girl could ask for.” 
You got out with a sigh, wiping a few tears away with your freehand as you precariously held the mix of memories and your purse under your arm and Hangman quickly grabbed them for you, placing them in the cab of his truck. The mechanic had since closed your hood, and you took a moment to do what Hangman had suggested and snapped a photo, fighting back another round of tears as you approached the mechanic to give him your information to bill for the tow.
“Don’t worry about it kid, don’t think I could charge you in good faith when you’re this torn up.”
“No, I don’t want to waste your time-”
“I’ll get money from the scrap, word of advice… get a new car this go around, and change the oil.” he said waving you off and you couldn’t help but start crying.
“Honey, it’s just a car,” Hangman said, pulling you into his side as you watched the man and his helper load her up onto the back, “you still have the memories.”
“They’re taking her for scrap. She’s going to be stripped and sold for parts,” you all but blubbered and he soothingly rubbed your back as you wrapped your arms around him. “What a terribly dishonorable way to go.” He continued to hold you as they began to pull away, and you buried your face in his chest, not being able to bear the sight. 
“Oh, sweetheart,” he murmured, squeezing you tight. He couldn’t help but find the whole thing adorable, your deep attachment to the car and the way you cried as if it was a dear friend ripped from you too soon, and not a car he would have guessed was on its last leg about five years ago. “Okay honey, here’s what we’re going to do,” he pulled away slightly once you’d calmed down, wiping the tears from your cheeks and noting how you kept your arms right where they’d been, tightly wrapped around him. “We’re going to head down to the nearest car dealership,” you started shaking your head, feeling another wave of tears coming on, “no, no no,” he wiped them before they could fall, “we’re going to go to the dealership, we’re going to find the car that reminds you the most of Betsy, and we’re going to get you all squared away with her, okay?” You sniffled and nodded, finally detaching yourself from him and dejectedly getting into the truck. 
“I’m sure this is not how you planned on spending your day,” you finally said as you made your way back into the city.
“Certainly not, but I’m glad to be here in your time of need. It’s what friends are for,” he said, shooting you a smile before returning his attention to the road and you nodded.
“It must look rather silly, getting so worked up over a car.”
“Not at all, you had a lot of big milestones with Betsy, I know it must be hard letting her go.” He reached behind the seat at a red light, grabbing two pieces of metal and placing them in your lap, “had the mechanic take that off for you while you were saying goodbye.” Your fingers wrapped around the metallic word of the make of your car, the identifying emblem that was covered in nicks and scratches, the foil peeling around the edges and the dusty license plate.
“Jake,” you sighed, looking over at him, “that was… this is really thoughtful, thank you.” You smiled at him, fighting another wave of emotion. You pulled into a car lot, surrounded by newer, shinier cars that in your mind didn’t hold a candle to your own but figured they would have to do. He reached behind the seat again, rooting around in his gym bag and procuring a well-worn Top Gun shirt.
“Not that I don’t love this view,” his eyes glancing down at your chest, “but I’m sure you don’t want creepy car salesmen thinking the same.” You were momentarily disappointed, remembering you’d left your top and yoga pants in the back of the car but let it go before slipping the shirt over your head, trying not to dwell too much on how it smelled like Jake.
“I don’t want you thinking it either, Bagman,” you muttered, accepting his hand as he helped you jump out of the truck.
“Hey, there she is,” he nudged your shoulder as you walked in the front door, immediately greeted by an overly eager salesman and his rather pungent cheap cologne. He led you over to a table where you rattled off a list of things you were looking for… Four wheel drive, AC, noted that upgrading to a bluetooth system wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world and before you knew it you were strolling through the lot looking at potential options.
“What about this one?” Hangman asked, gesturing towards a Jeep, and the man opened the drivers side so you could hop in. 
“It smells new,” you observed as Hangman got in next to you.
“Well, that’s because it is.”
“I want the faint cigarette and weed smoke smell I dedicated my entire high school career to embedding into the upholstery.” He chuckled at this, beginning to point out all the cool features.
“Wouldn’t it be nice to have your GPS right here, instead of dangerously on your phone?” he asked, pointing to the screen in the dashboard.
“It’s so fancy.”
“Sweetheart, I hate to break it to you but this is actually pretty standard as far as new cars go.”
You scoffed before taking a moment to look around, “I guess it’s not terrible.”
“See? And it's not quite the same shade of green as Betsy, but it’s close, right?”
“Yeah,” you mumbled, fiddling with the rearview mirror. 
“What do you think? I think it’ll be great for all your new adventures and new memories.” he prodded, trying to get you excited about it. 
“It’ll do,” you nodded and he pumped his fist, deciding to take what he could get as you climbed out of the car.
“She’ll take it.” 
You later found yourself at the Hard Deck, nursing a spicy margarita as Hangman desperately tried to raise your spirits. Rooster and Phoenix walked in, talking about the sexy Jeep in the parking lot and you groaned, head colliding with the wooden bar top and they both looked at you confused.
“What did you do to her?” Rooster asked, placing a hand on your back.
“Me? What did I do? Oh, I don’t know, just rescued her off the side of the road and spent the better part of my day trying to get her stoked about her new ride.”
“The Jeep is yours?” Phoenix asked, accepting a beer from Penny.
“Yes,” you mumbled against your arm.
“And we’re upset about this?” Rooster asked.
“I don’t want to talk about it.” 
“We had to put Betsy to rest, it’s been a rough day.” Hangman explained and you just made an unintelligible noise.
“Betsy?” Rooster and Phoenix asked at the same time and Hangman just shook his head as you stood from the bar suddenly, ignoring the headrush and making your way to the jukebox.
“It’s like you people don’t even know me,” you muttered.
“I think this is a good time to mention this is her fourth margarita,” Hangman said, watching as you fumbled with the buttons.
“Fifth,” Penny corrected, causing the aviators to all look at her, “she pounded another one when you went to the bathroom.” They returned their attention to you, blinking incredulously as the sounds of Angel rang throughout the bar, causing every other patron to look your way confused and slightly annoyed. 
“Oh my god,” Rooster said, mouth agape as he took in the scene before him.
“I didn’t even know this was on the jukebox,” Penny said. Phoenix stifled a laugh, watching as you leaned against the piano, clutching your drink with your eyes closed.
“I don’t think she was this upset when I almost died,” Rooster said, eyes growing concerned as you swayed before catching yourself and sinking onto the piano bench. 
“Dude, you didn’t even see her on the side of the road. I’ve never seen her show so much emotion that wasn’t anger,” Hangman said.
“I can hear you.” you half-yelled, taking another sip of your drink and humming along to the song. “In the arms of the angel, fly awaaaay from here,” you sang drunkenly, and horribly out of tune and Rooster couldn’t contain it any longer, turning towards Penny as he laughed.
“Oh, this is bad,” Phoenix said, also succumbing to her giggles. 
“Guys. Guys, guys,” you whisper shouted, gesturing them over and they slowly approached you, “a toast, to Betsy.” you said, sticking your now nearly-empty glass in the air.
“To Betsy,” they all said almost in the form of a question as they clinked their glasses to yours.
“It is customary,” you paused to hiccup, “at a wake to say nice things.” You looked at the rest of them expectantly, who looked at each other with wide eyes. 
“Uh, Betsy was… well, she was a great car, very… vibrant?” Rooster said, hoping it would satisfy you and you nodded along.
“Yes she was,” you mumbled.
“Truly a dependable car, there when you needed her,” Phoenix said.
“You have no idea,” you sniffled.
“I was only there for her final moments, and she went with grace.” Hangman finished and you held your glass up, Rooster biting his lip to contain himself as you cheers’d again. 
“What the fuck is going on?” Fanboy asked, as him and Coyote walked in the bar and Penny just shook her head.
“Apparently a wake, don’t ask.” She said, setting two beers in front of them. The rest of the evening went by smoothly, the gang slipping into their usual routine with the added running of interference to keep you from playing sad songs on the jukebox. You watched as Rooster and Phoenix played pool, drinking the water Penny had insisted you switch to as your eyes grew rather heavy. 
“You ready to head home, sweetheart?” Hangman asked, stepping in front of you and taking your glass to set on the table and you just nodded. “Did you come with Rooster?” he asked Phoenix who nodded and he fished your keys from your purse and pulled the car fob off to toss to her, “drive her car home whenever you’re done, I’ll cover your Uber.” He scooped you up as you half-heartedly waved to everyone, smiling as they told you to feel better.
“He’s so whipped,” Fanboy said, chuckling as the group watched you leave. 
“Jake?” you asked as he buckled you into his truck and he looked down at you expectantly, “you’re a pretty good friend.” 
“That I am, and you’re hammered, princess, so we’re going to get you home, okay?” He closed the door gently and jogged around to the drivers side, sighing as he saw you already falling asleep against the window. On the short drive to your house he thought to himself that he should have been annoyed, spending a day fetching you from the side of the road in the blazing heat, placating you as you cried, taking care of you while you drank yourself numb to toast the memory of a car but he wasn’t, not in the slightest. He honestly wouldn’t have rather been anywhere else than by your side during your time of need, and he wasn’t sure how he felt about the way his heart clenched when he saw your sleeping form in his truck, looking so peaceful in stark contradiction to the slight rings of mascara around your eyes. Even as he carried you to your porch, precariously balancing you as he fumbled to get your front door open he couldn’t find it in himself to muster a Hangman-esque comment, all he wanted to do was get you into bed safe and sound. 
You whined as he set you upright on your bed, forcing you to stay sitting as he crouched before you to pull off your sneakers, “are you a socks-on or socks-off person for bed?” he asked.
“Off, do you think I’m some sort of psycho?” 
He chuckled, “after today I’m not really sure what you are, darlin’.” He slipped them off and helped you crawl under the covers, disappearing momentarily to get you a glass of water and root around your kitchen cabinets until he found the ibuprofen, which he set on your nightstand when he returned. “Okay, honey, take those first thing when you wake up. I’ll call you in the morning,” he patted your shoulder as he went to take his leave and you forced your eyes open to look at him.
“You’re going?” you asked, your voice so small he couldn’t help but chuckle. 
“It appears my duties have been fulfilled.”
“I don’t think so,” you responded and he looked down inquisitively, “will you stay?” you asked, patting the bed beside you.
“Luring me into your quarters at this time of night? What do you take me for, a floozy?” he joked, placing a hand on his chest.
“That’s exactly what I take you for.”
“That’s insulting, sweetheart. As tempting as you’re making this sound, I think you should get some rest.” You just pawed at his hand gripping it and looking up at him with the saddest puppy dog eyes you could muster. He sighed, leaning up to turn your lamp off and walking around your bed, where he internally debated whether or not he should keep his shorts on. He decided to slip them off, already knowing you’d pitch a fit if you felt the rough chino fabric rub against you in the night and slid in beside you, careful to keep a safe distance, but that went out the window as you curled up against him, his arm instinctively raising so you could rest your head on his chest.
“Jake?” you asked and he hummed in acknowledgement, “thank you for today. It was really very cool of you.” You felt his chest rumble below you as he chuckled.
“Anytime, sweetheart, get some sleep,” he whispered, pressing a kiss to the top of your head and rubbing along your back as he waited for the sound of your breathing to even out. Looking down at your arm wrapped around him, head nuzzled into his chest he wiped his free hand along his face as he sighed. 
“You’re going to be the death of me.”
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mrssabinecallas · 2 years
Kiss me, Baby
call sign: Angel; Before becoming a pilot, Angel was a field medic for the navy, often referred to by patients as their guardian angel. 
pairing: Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw/ Fem!GF!Reader
A drabble of the “Great Balls of Fire” scene, 
⚠️WARNINGS⚠️ fluff overload, probably grammatical errors
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It was sweltering. The San Diego heat never failed to make you sweat when you were out of the AC. Back in North Island at last, home of Top Gun and many of your fondest memories. 
Stepping out of your car, you grab your belongings and head towards the front door of the Hard Deck. Instantly, the familiar sound of a piano rang through your ears. Pushing the door open, you see everyone crowded around the piano and bar, rush hour seemingly already begun. You were greeted with a chorus of people singing, “Goodness, Gracious, Great Balls of Fire!” 
Just as you spotted the familiar aviator at the piano, his voice rang out, “Kiss me, baby.” His eyes locked with yours, his aviators pushed slightly down on the bridge of his nose. He was wearing a white T-shirt and a hawaiian button down, looking ridiculous but seemingly pulling it off. 
“Ooh, that’s feels good honey.”
He smiled at you while singing, signaling you over with just a look. The crowd parted for you, and sang out, “I wanna love you like a lover should.” 
You danced along to the piano beats in the now open space in front of him, everyone cheering you on. 
“You’re fine,”
You waltzed over to the left of the piano, on Rooster’s right. 
“You’re SO kind!”
Sitting next to the brunette, you looked at each other and smiled in the pause, and continued to sing along with him. 
“I wanna tell the world that you’re mine, mine, mine, mine!”
You placed your right hand on the piano keys, replacing Rooster’s on the higher-pitched side of the piano, and started playing the high notes of the piano solo. The crowd cheered along, dancing along and enjoying their drinks. Penny, who was behind the bar, had even stopped cleaning glasses to sing and watch you and Rooster. 
As the solo came to an end, Bradley looked at you and sang, “Kiss me, baby,” just as he had when you walked in. 
You leaned in for a kiss, but decided to play around a bit and didn’t give him the kiss. Hovering close to his lips, you smiled and winked, and pulled away for the next verse. 
As the crowd sang, “Ooh, that feels good honey!” Bradley remained quiet, with a betrayed smile on his face. You just smirked at him and continued to play with him. 
“Hold me, baby!”
You leaned in closer to him and rested your head on his shoulder momentarily, returning yourself upright to keep singing. 
“I wanna love you like a lover should.” 
Rooster looked into your eyes when he sang this, his betrayed façade gone. He meant those words with his whole heart. 
“You’re fine,”
You sent him a wink. 
“You’re SO kind,”
You smiled brighter and sang louder, as did everyone else in the bar. 
“I wanna tell the world that you’re mine, mine, mine, mine!” 
You pulled your hand away from the piano keys and Bradley replaced it with his own. His continued the rest of the song. 
“I chew my nails and I twiddle my thumbs,” Rooster sings, nodding his head in a joking matter every time he strikes a beat on the piano. 
“I get nervous, but i’m sure it’s fun.”
The bar got more enthusiastic, knowing the end of the song was coming. 
“Cmon baby,”
He gave you that look. 
“You’re driving me CRAZY!” 
A silent plea to give him what he wanted
“Goodness, gracious, great balls of fire!” The crowd rang out, and Bradley played the last few notes on the piano. 
You gave in to his little plea. Grabbing him by the collar of his hawaiian shirt, you pull him into a kiss, and the bar goes wild. Whistles and cheers sound all around you, and everyone starts chanting. 
Rooster pulls back with a smitten grin on his face, and you knew this man would be the death of you. 
thanks for reading!!! this is my first fic, and i plan on writing more! any support is much appreciated.
have a good day/night, and make sure to stay hydrated! <3
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Our team is able to offer the assistance that you need in Taking out broken keys. Individuals can also be completely satisfied with our lock and key service because our company does the task with talent and with trustworthiness. Do you require assistance with unexpected emergency Trunk Openings at any time? If that's the case, give us a call as well as within a short time we are going to make your trunk opened quickly. Have you been experiencing an auto lockout late at night? In case you call us, Unlock Car San Diego will send our proficient lock and key service to help you. Our team can unlock your door quickly as well as in case you require a key made we are able to cut one right away, call us on 619-468-5069. Link:- http://unlockcarsandiego.com ----------------------------------------------------------- Address:- 4855 Ruffner St ------------------------------------------------------------ Services:- Cheap Car Key Replacement Unlock Car Service Vehicle Unlock Service Car Door Opener Replacement Car Keys Locked Out Of Car -------------------------------------------------------------- Discount:- 20$ off on Re-keying Service 30% off on 2ND ignition 15% off on change locks ----------------------------------------------------------------- Payment:- American Express Cash Discover Mastercard Visa -------------------------------------------------------------- Working Hours:- MON-FRI: 8 AM - 8 PM / SAT - SUN: 9 AM - 6 PM
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Locksmith San Diego CA
We have some highly adaptable locksmiths in San Diego, CA that can handle anything you throw at them. Do you require the installation of a home lock? Your car's ignition may have failed. You could even be caught in a business lockout and have no idea what to do. Be sure you can depend on us when things go wrong in your life—these are just a handful of the problems we can take on. call us (619-320-8458). Services Home Locked Out Replace Office Keys Key Duplication Spare Car Key Re key Locks Install New Locks Super Car Key Change Locks Discount $20 off Re keying Service 15% off Change Locks 30% off 2nd Ignition
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carkeycopysandiego · 1 year
Car Key Copy San Diego
Have you been having trouble replacing a lost car key and finding the best locations to go? Contact Car Key Locksmith San Diego, and our company will take care of you right away. Car Key Copy San Diego is an excellent 24-hour emergency locksmith service that is always available to everyone. Services Residential Locksmith service Commercial Locksmith service Automotive Locksmith service Discount $ 15 Re Key Services $20 New Locks $30 Auto Keys Discount of 2nd key Payment:- American Express Cash Discover MasterCard Visa Working Hours : - MON-FRI: 8am -8pm / SAT - SUN: 9 am -6pm
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changelocksandiegoca · 9 months
Change lock San Diego CA
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changelocksandiego.com Change Lock San Diego CA is ready to help you with any vehicle lock and key issues and problems in the best way right where you are in San Diego CA every single day and night no matter how late or early it may be. If you have an ignition or transponder key need of any type, then you can count on our skilled team of experts to take it on any bolt or key issue you may have with your automobiles on the road call Change Lock San Diego CA on 619-567-9517 . ----------------- Services;- Key programing Lock replacement Cut car key Make original keys Rekey locks Emergency Vehicle Openings -------------------- Discount:- 20$ off new locks 50$ off discount of 2nd key 15$ off Re -key services 30 $ off Auto keys discount of 2nd key ------------------ Payment:- American Express Cash Discover Mastercard Visa ------------------ Working Hours : - Monday-Friday: 8:00 AM 8:00 PM Sat-Sun: 9:00 AM 5:00 PM ------------------ Address:- 1023 Fourth Ave
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callsign-joyride · 2 years
Yankee Rose | J.H.S.
Summary: Getting called back to Top Gun couldn't have come at a better time for Erica "Miami" Kazansky. This was her fourth time being called back to Top Gun, and the failing marriage made her as excited as ever to go back. As one chapter ends, another one begins, but the connotation of that statement is up to interpretation.
Pairing: Jake "Hangman" Seresin x OC Erica "Miami" Kazansky
Content warnings: Character guilt, slight angst (?), drinking, getting drunk
ii. Old Time Rock & Roll
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The hustle and bustle of the airport was something that Erica had grown accustomed to. She didn't tell Rooster about her impending divorce, only that she would be heading to San Diego a few days before him. It didn't take her long to spot her family in the midst of people coming and going.
"You're here!" She exclaimed as she gave her dad a hug. Her siblings were in school, they didn't even know that she was coming home, so that gave her plenty of time to get settled in.
It felt weird to be back in her childhood room, even though she had made it more "adult". The nineties boy band posters had long been replaced by a variety of framed photos. Most of which were her and her family, but there were quite a few taken from the front seat of a jet.
She started to unpack her bags when her mom walked in with a set of car keys.
"You can have the Volkswagen. We know how much you love that thing."
Erica gasped and grabbed the keys before running to the garage. The '69 convertable Volkswagen Beetle had been in the family for years, and some of her most treasured memories with her dad came from fixing it up. She spent most of her life as an only child, and restoring the car was their number one way of spending time together. The newest addition was a stereo because the last one crapped out unexpectedly. After gawking at the car for a few minutes, she went back inside and continued to unpack.
She could hear her little brother and sister talking as they had just gotten home from school, and she rushed down the stairs to see them.
"Erica! You're home!" Ten-year-old Austin exclaimed. She smiled as her siblings ran up to hug her and tell her about all of the things that they had been up to since the holidays. It took some convincing, but the kids eventually went to their rooms to do their homework before dinner.
"So, when do you have to go to base?" Her mom asked.
"My email said Monday, but it would be easier to live on base. So I'm heading there on Friday afternoon. Rooster might want to get drinks at The Hard Deck, but I don't know about that just yet."
It was Wednesday. The family barely had a day to spend together before training started. Erica really only had evenings with her siblings because they had school, but the family of five spent their time together playing board games and watching 80's movies.
Friday morning came, and Erica drove her siblings to school. She felt guilty that they only got to see her every once in a while, but she dropped them off with the promise that she would visit whenever she got the chance this time.
She got a late breakfast before saying goodbye to her parents and heading to Fightertown. It didn't take long for her to get her room assignments and settle in. She knew that she would be sharing a room with Natasha "Pheonix" Trace, but she still almost jumped out of her skin as the door opened while she was reading.
"Oh, hey, Miami. How've you been?"
Erica and Phoenix caught up until both of their phones chined. That was how Erica ended up walking into The Hard Deck in a red sundress. She was a few minutes behind Rooster, who was talking to the rest of the group.
"Oh, Bagman, this is Miami. She's the only active duty aviator with two confirmed air to air kills," Phoenix said with a smirk.
"Yeah, I know. We graduated Top Gun together. She's always one step ahead," Hangman grumbled. Erica chuckled before walking over to the bar and ordering a beer. The music on the jukebox stopped and she rushed over to Rooster as everyone started singing Great Balls of Fire with him.
"No ring?" Rooster asked over the noise of the people around them.
"I'm getting a divorce!" She squealed. Yeah, they alcohol had definitely gotten to her. Other patrons in the bar heard her statement and started to whoop and holler. Someone even offered to buy her another round.
As the night wore on, she continued to drink more. She was going from buzzed to tipsy to drunk really fast, so Rooster took her car keys. Payback took her phone after she drunkenly tried to call Mark. Of course she woke up with a hangover the following morning, but at least she didn't do anything stupid.
@littlebadariell @jakexfmc @luckyladycreator2
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questlogisticsinc · 6 days
Benefits of Using Auto Parts and Tire Delivery for Your Car Maintenance Needs
An investment car is an enormous commitment, so choosing quality Auto Parts and Tire delivery Houston is essential in maintaining and extending its lifespan. While investing in high-grade components may cost more initially, they will pay dividends over time. Here are 10 key reasons why choosing quality components makes sense when repairing and maintaining your car.
Quality auto parts and tire delivery in San Diego are constructed to outlive their budget counterparts in terms of durability. This means fewer parts will need replacing in the long run and this could save money in the form of reduced replacement expenses.
Quality parts provide better performance than budget parts, helping increase fuel efficiency of your car and giving it its best performance possible when tailored specifically to its make and model.
Quality parts typically require less maintenance, since they don't tend to break as often or need replacing as often, helping reduce overall car maintenance costs over time. This may result in significant savings!
By investing in quality Auto Parts and Tire delivery Phoenix, you can enjoy peace of mind knowing they will protect your investment over time. Many quality components even come backed with warranties to give additional assurance of reliability.
There are times when life just feels too short to enjoy every experience fully, such as when there's too much noise around or it rains too heavily to enjoy every beautiful thing in its fullness. So I say: why should we have all these problems when there are many solutions out there to choose from.
Quality parts are manufactured to comply with or surpass industry safety standards, making them safe and reliable - this can reduce the risk of accidents due to defective parts. Furthermore, quality components will fit seamlessly with your vehicle make and model; fitting correctly while performing optimally.
Once again, this time in Italy. But as with every Italian tragedy - here or elsewhere - the realization comes slowly but surely.
Quality auto parts and tire delivery in San Diego for cars are easy to install, making repairs less time-consuming and cost-effective, enabling drivers to get back on the road quickly without incurring additional labor expenses. This enables drivers to avoid expensive labor fees that would delay repair processes further.
Quality parts offer customizable options so you can tailor them specifically to your vehicle, giving you maximum enjoyment while saving money by eliminating unneeded parts from purchase.
Quality parts typically come with longer warranties than budget ones, giving you added peace of mind about repairs and maintenance work. This gives quality components an edge in customer service too!
By making an investment now in quality parts for your vehicle, you can have peace of mind knowing it will remain safe over the years to come. Quality auto parts and tire delivery in Los Angeles will serve as invaluable support in maintaining and protecting it for many years to come.
At questlogisticsinc, we understand the significance of using quality parts for auto repairs and maintenance. That is why we only use original-manufactured pieces designed to meet or surpass industry standards.
We can help you quickly and safely find the auto parts and tire delivery in  Phoenix required so it can get back out on the road quickly. Come visit us now to experience our selection of quality components!
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sandiegossu3 · 3 months
Collision Repair Services and Headlight Restoration: Ensuring Your Vehicle’s Optimal Condition
Quality car body repair service and headlight restoration will make a difference not only in a car’s aesthetic appeal but also in its ability to function properly. Our San Diego Auto Body specializes in quality auto body paint repair and headlight restoration services which make us a go-to spot for best of the best. We are distinguished as a reliable partner that elevates your car looks to the best of quality and customer satisfaction.
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Comprehensive Collision Repair Services
Collision repair services with us at San Diego Auto Body is all about timeliness and effectiveness. Our goal is to restore to your vehicle its original appearance as well as structural integrity. Being a knowledgeable and sophisticated team, our qualified technicians are equipped with both professional knowledge and the most modern technology to fix all types of collisions from a traditional dent to a scratch to a major bodywork and frame repairs.
Key Features of Our Collision Repair Services:
Professional Assessment: It is our experienced technicians who engage in a comprehensive examination to determine the damaged components need to be fixed or replaced.
Precision Repairs: We leverage cutting-edge processes and prime substrates to bring your car back to its like brand new state.
Paint Matching: Our car paint repair shop is good at color matching and makes sure there is a perfect blending of the newly repaired paint and the original paint of your car for a flawless and beautiful finish.
Enhance Visibility with Headlight Restoration
A not-so-bright, yellowed, or fuzzy headlights also make your vehicle look unattended and reduces safety while driving. That is why our headlight restoration treatment is made to heal these problems that improve visibility, appearance, and driving experience when putting the light back to the original just like it is.
Benefits of Headlight Restoration:
Improved Visibility: Providing clear lenses that facilitate seeing in the dark when we drive at night, especially in areas with inadequate light, will reduce the risk of crashes and accidents.
Enhanced Aesthetics: With restored lamps,your vehicle gains a newer and better look, and its overall value will be higher, too.
Cost-Effective Solution: Headlight restoration acts as an economical choice to replace lamps; you do not have to pay for the new lamps and improve sight safety.
Trust San Diego Auto Body for Your Automotive Needs
Whether you require collision repair services or headlight restoration services, San Diego Auto Body is your one-stop destination for quality automotive solutions. Our commitment to excellence, attention to detail, and customer-centric approach ensure that your vehicle receives the care it deserves.
Visit SanDiegoAutoBody.com today to learn more about our services, schedule an appointment, and experience the difference that professional collision repair and headlight restoration can make for your vehicle. Trust us to keep your vehicle looking its best and performing at its peak!
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popalocksandiego08 · 9 months
Swift and Reliable Emergency Locksmith Services in San Diego
Emergencies involving locks and keys can be stressful and inconvenient. Whether you’re house lockout out of your home, car, or business, you need a trusted partner who can provide swift and reliable solutions. In San Diego, that partner is us – your local emergency locksmith service, dedicated to easing your distress and getting you back on track quickly and efficiently.
Swift Response When You Need It Most
At our core, we understand that emergencies don’t adhere to a schedule. That’s why we offer 24/7 emergency locksmith services in San Diego. No matter the time of day or night, our team is ready to respond promptly to your call. We take pride in our rapid response times, ensuring that you’re not left waiting when you’re in a tight spot.
Expertise You Can Depend On
Our locksmiths are highly trained professionals with years of experience in the field. They possess the knowledge and skills needed to handle a wide range of lock and key challenges. Whether it’s a simple lockout situation, a broken key extraction, or a more complex security system issue, you can depend on our experts to resolve it efficiently and effectively.
Comprehensive Emergency Solutions
We understand that every emergency is unique, and that’s why we offer a comprehensive range of emergency locksmith services. From unlocking doors and replacing keys to repairing locks and upgrading security systems, we have the expertise and tools to tackle any problem. Our goal is to provide you with the right solution for your specific needs.
Your Trustworthy Locksmith Partner
When you choose our emergency locksmith services in San Diego, you’re choosing a trustworthy partner dedicated to your safety and security. We prioritize your satisfaction and peace of mind, and we’ll go the extra mile to ensure you receive the highest level of service.
In times of crisis, you can rely on us for swift and reliable emergency locksmith services in San Diego. We’re here to help you regain access and control, no matter the circumstances. Your security is our priority, and we take it seriously. Don’t hesitate to reach out to us whenever you need us – we’re just a call away, ready to provide the assistance you require.
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Tuesday, May 16th: Domesticating the Shrew
So I didn’t go to the DMV this morning. I went to bed at 10:30 last night just so I could wake up naturally at 6 am...and still roll over because holy fuck I have no control. When I’m awake I’m happy to be awake by my god a body at rest loves to stay at fucking rest. Was I bear in a past life? 
A manic depressive bear? 
Anyways, once I journeyed out of the cave my day became more impressive. I threw on a navy sports bra, light blue leggings, and my old running shoes because I am sick of breaking in the new cool ones. That is until I saw a sliver of my little socked toe wiggling back at me. 
Okay. Might be time to throw them away and commit to the new shitty ones. Anyways, I took my (too) old shoes on a new path by heading to the bay today instead of my usual beach trek. I felt moody and girlie so was listening to Lorde’s “Solar Power” and Taylor Swift’s “Folklore” albums. My sights today included: boats, a telephone pole graffitied “Fuck Capitalism”, met a sheepdog named Alvin whose owner’s name I have since forgotten, and an old fashioned turquoise car with a surfboard on top- straight out of ‘60′s San Diego. 
Upon returning home, I put the cow leather chair that I’ve had forever in to the garage and texted (low key pleading) with Hannah to move Lumos’s destroyed cat tower AKA the first thing anyone sees when they walk in our home. She thinks I should buy something to replace it, but if she thinks I’m spending a cent on more furniture for that cat to piss on she’s smoking actual crack. 
I channeled my cat-shaped rage in to making a very ambitious smoothie and applying to jobs (getting some responses thank god) for about an hour. Texted Kendall and Kelly about Kelly’s wheel exploding on the freeway, Maddy about her finally opening a bottle of wine we ordered in Seattle 2 years ago, and Eric about how lackluster relationships aren’t worth it. 
My goal for cleaning today was just to organize my night stand, but looking at the dust behind it spiraled in to me vacuuming, power-disinfecting and reorganizing the entire corner of the room including the bookshelf. Then I spent 90 minuets cooking homemade Kung Pow Chicken (New Skill: used cornstarch). Washed all the dishes and swapped out the recycling. Today’s podcast was three episodes of Radio Rental, and then the new Ted Lasso. 
Finally at 8, I spent a solid 45 minutes doing yoga, (shoulder and arm flexibility, head to knee pose improving, happy baby pose is embarrassing). Today’s meditation was on being real. Yeah, okay. How’s this for real: “I’m not sure I’m getting any better at this.” 
Whew. Definitely a self-improvement day...minus the DMV. 
Along with the 90′s book, I’m also reading Sapiens by Yuval Noah Harari. Last night the chapter I was on discussed how the key reason Sapiens came to dominate earth and kill off other species of humans was due to our ability to agree on concepts that didn’t exist (gods, trade, LLCs). Shared meanings, myths, stories. It’s what makes us powerful, persuasive, and innovative.
In a way, I had to imagine I’d improve before I ever did. Will these moments, these tiny accomplishments, in to existence, in to behavior, in to part of the narrative I’m creating for myself. 
I’m someone who cooks, reads, journals, writes comedy, does yoga, meditates, cleans, works on themself in therapy, gets outside and runs, has good relationships with friends and family, politically aware and open minded, loves music, dresses well, and keeps their room beautiful.
Also my hair, tits and ass are pretty fucking phenomenal. Oh, and I wear sunscreen! Fuck me that’s not nothing. 
I’ll get my license renewed sooner or later. Today I feel like pretty identifiable.
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venusinsilk · 1 year
Today's agenda:
2:30 pm - gay coffee shop interview for part time baker work (I want to get hired no matter what! This will be a good financial cushion for me while I find new full time work)
3:30 pm - zoom meeting with HR chick at my current job, she reached out to me and idk what she wants to talk to me about, it's a surprise! I'm definitely going to tell her about how unhappy I am and the general suffering I witness every day. Also going to ask her to make appointments with all the bakers on my team so they can complain too. Can't wait to quit this job!! And abuse overtime during my last 2 weeks 🤑
4:30 pm - locksmith is going to drop off a new car key for me at my house! $215 for a gross boring car key but my other key is fucked, I can't replace the battery and the dealership quoted me $150 just to LOOK at my key without fixing it. A scam
5pm - 8:30 pm - eat lunch, sex, pack for my trip to San Diego this weekend
9 pm-5:30 am - work :/ HATE the vibes at this job so much!!!! It's so ugly
After work I'm going to sleep maybe 3 or 4 hours then leave for San Diego, maybe sleep in the car a bit. I'm so relieved to get away for a weekend! And I'm playing a show with my band, it's going to be so fun ❤️
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