#carat land 2022
meowonhao · 1 year
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two big puppies and their victim bff ❤️
bonus: master of meditation is unfazed
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gyunetwork · 2 years
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scoupsdata · 2 years
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kpopmartcom · 2 years
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forseokgyu · 8 months
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2022 SVT 6TH FAN MEETING <SEVENTEEN in CARAT LAND> Rehearsal Behind Sketch
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glitterslittleuniverse · 11 months
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Summery: In which Sage reunites with a close friend.
Warnings: none (messy writing??)
Characters: Sage (svt oc), Seventeen members, Seventeen oc's, introducing Jongin (original character)
Note: This turned out shorter then I thought. Anyways, here's a chapter introducing Yejin's best friend. I hope you like him and as always comments and feedback are really appreciated. Enjoy.
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June 2022
The cheers of Carats can still be heard as the members of Seventeen come off the stage. With the ending of the last show is Seoul they finally kicked of their Be The Sun world tour. The members buzzed with excitement as they made their way towards the green room. The staff cheered as they entered, congratulating them on a successful show. The members thanked them for their hard work before gathering together to say a few words for Inside Seventeen. After the staff cut the camaras the members finally relaxed, laying around the green room.
Sitting on the sofa, Sage lay her head back with her eyes closed, enjoying the fresh feeling of excitement after the show. Flopping down next to her, Dokyeom let out a sigh. "Too bad it's over. I think I have enough energy to do another concert right now."
"Speak for yourself!" came Zora's voice from a few feet away. "I thought I was gonna faint after the fifth round of Aju Nice." Surrounding members laughed at the girls statement, some agreeing with her.
A staff member approached them, clearing her throat to get their attention. "Yejin, your mothers on her way." Upon hearing the news Sage sat up quickly. She had almost forgot that her Mum was there to see the show.
"Oh thank you." she said to the staff.
"Did you forget?" Inquired Mingyu from his seat on the sofa opposite hers. Sage gave him an offended look.
"Of course not."
"Yah Yejin, how could you forget your own mother." Sunnie teased her causing Sage to get up from her seat and lunge forward to playfully slap her leg.
"Your lucky I love you." She shook her head at her, the members laughing at the banter between the two.
"Yejin!" At the sound of her mothers voice, Sage's face lit up, turning towards her with a smile. However her smile faded and she froze when her eyes landed on the figure standing beside her. Her hand flew to her mouth in shock as her eyes immediately began to fill with tears when she realized who it was. She almost didn't recognize him if it wasn't for the familiar glint in his eyes and the cheerful smile on his face. A face she hadn't seen in years.
"Hey Jinnie." the man spoke softly, giving her a reassuring smile.
At the sound of the name he used to call her Sage couldn't hold herself back any longer. As fast as her legs could carry her, she rushed to him, throwing her arms around his neck as tears fell down her cheeks. "Is it really you? Am I dreaming?" her voice only coming out a whisper.
The man let out a small laugh, his arms securely around her waist. "It's me Yejin. I promise you're not dreaming."
Letting go of the hug Sage looked towards her mother, who was smiling from ear to ear. "Why didn't you tell me you were bringing him?" she whined to her, whipping the tears from her face. "I wasn't ready for this."
"Sorry, we wanted to surprise you." Her mother laughed, pleased with her daughters reaction. "I think it worked."
"You're both so mean."
"Now now, stop that." The man took her hands away from her face, whipping away the remaining tears. "Introduce me to your members."
She turned towards the members, who had been watching the whole interaction with interest, wondering who the mystery man was. Linking her arm with his she brought him towards them.
"Everyone, I'd like you to meet Shin Jongin. My friend from Daegu."
The man, Jongin, bowed politely in greeting to the members of Seventeen. "It's nice to meet you."
The members greet him back in a chorus of "hello's" and "Nice to meet you too."
Jongin turned to Sage, giving her a sweet smile.
"Yejin, I was hoping you could join me for dinner tonight?" His words coming out as a question as he looked at her hopefully.
"I'd love too." she said, a wide smile spreading across her face. "We can go as soon as I'm ready."
The moment she left the green room she sprinted down the hallways towards the dressing rooms, excitement and nervousness filling her chest. It had been almost ten years since the last time she'd seen her best friend, the last time being before she started training and moved to Seoul. The two of them had once been inseparable, since the day they met in ballet class when they were only four years old. He had been the only boy in the class and was shy around the other students. Young Yejin didn't like seeing him being left out so she tried to befriend him. It wasn't hard as little Jongin was overjoyed that someone wanted to be his friend. They grew up together, going to the same elementary school, middle school, ballet class and even lived in the same neighborhood. They were always together, until Yejin decided she wanted to be a singer and left to follow her dream. Over the years they lost contact. Last she heard Jongin was studying in London at the Royal Ballet School.
Having finished getting changed, she made sure she had all her things before making her way back towards the green room. When arriving she looked around only to find Jongin was no where to be seen. Seeing her mother talking to some staff she approached her. "Omma, where did Jongin go?"
"He just went out to bring his car around the back." she explained. "He said it would be safer for you then going all the way to the main car park with all the fans still hanging around."
"Oh," She nodded in understanding. "That's sweet of him."
"So that's your childhood friend Jongin?" Sunnie nudged her, giving her a cheeky look. "He's cute." Her comment earned her a slap on the arm from Seungkwan, who told her not to say such things.
"Don't mind her." Seungkwan said. "I hope you have a good time."
"Thank you Kwannie." Sage smiled at Seungkwan.
"Ready to go Yejin?" Jongin's voice came from the doorway. She turned to him with a smile and nodded. Saying goodbye to the members and her mother, they made their way out the building together. Jongin had parked outside another entrance away from the fans and press waiting outside for the members to come out. Making it safely to the car they got in and buckled up.
"So where are we going?" Sage asked him, curious as to what Jongin had planed for the night.
"I hoped you would agree to eat dinner with me, so I already booked us a privet table at a restaurant."
"What if I refused?" she questioned him, narrowing her eyes at him, a teasing tone in her voice.
"Then I would have had to take your mother." The two of them laughed. It was nice hearing him laugh again. It was deeper then before but familiar. The sound caused a pang in her heart. She missed him. She missed him a lot.
On the way to the restaurant they talked about the concert. Jongin told her how impressed he was with the performances and how proud he was to watch her. "You look like you have so much fun up there." he told her.
"Yeah, I do." she smiled.
Inside the restaurant a waiter lead them to their table, a privet one in a quiet corner of the restaurant. Thanking the waiter they took their seats. "Are you hungry?" Jongin asked her as he opened a menu.
"Very." she replied, eagerly opening the menu to take a look.
"Order as much as you want. It's on me."
Looking up from her menu she gave him a surprised look.
"You don't have to do that." She protested.
"But I want to." He insisted, "Have whatever you want."
Sighing with defeat she went back to the menu to decide on her meal. There really wasn't any point in arguing and it wasn't something she wanted to do after meeting her best friend again. Telling him what she'd like to eat, Jongin waved over the waiter to place their orders. After the waiter left it was quiet for a few seconds, each waiting for the other to start talking first.
"So Jongin," Sage spoke first, "What was it like in London."
And so Jongin filled her in on his time in London. The things he did, the friends he made, what the ballet school was like, showing her pictures he had taken and much more. She listened closely, taking in every word he said. Then it hit her. He's changed. He had always been the shy one between them while she's always been more outgoing. He used to follow her around like a lost puppy and hide behind her when people he didn't know approached them. He was timid and bashful and there always seemed to be a reason to be scared of something. But now he was more confident. More self-assured. More expressive. Watching the way his eyes shone and his smile never seemed to fade, her heart skipped a beat. When did he become so attractive? His face had matured and he's completely lost the baby fat on his cheeks and instead displays a sharp jawline. Not only that but his frame had become much broader and muscular. He wasn't the little boy she knew in Daegu anymore...
He grew up.
And she missed it.
She missed seeing him grow into the man who's currently sitting across from her, talking about his adventures in a far away contrary. The Jongin she knew years ago would never think twice about leaving his family to go live and study in another country. It must have been a hard decision to make, one that she should have been there to support him through.
She didn't realize she had zoned out, lost in her thoughts until Jongin called her name.
"Our foods here."
"Oh, I'm sorry." she shook her head, bringing herself back to reality.
"It's okay." he chuckled, reassuring her. "You had a big day. You must be tired."
"No I..." she trailed off, not sure if it was too soon to say the next words. "I'm sorry we drifted apart."
The smile that had been stuck to Jongin's face all night suddenly faltered. "It's not your fault Jinnie, these things happen." A more serious tone in his voice now.
"But I feel terrible." she confessed. "I wasn't there to support you."
"You were."
His words confused her. What did he mean by that. Jongin only smiled seeing that she was baffled.
"I'm not the scared kid I used to be." he said, reaching to place his hand gently on hers. "A part of that, is thanks to you."
"What do you mean?" She asked quietly, as if she didn't want anyone else to hear her question.
"I watched you Yejin. I watched you take a chance and chase your dreams." He squeezed her hand softly. "I wanted to be like you."
Seeing that she wasn't going to say anything he continued. "Going to London, studying ballet, I did these things because you gave me the courage to. Seeing you debut, seeing you perform, you have so much confidents you shine. Your light encouraged me to try harder, to push myself to make my dreams come true too. You might not have been with me physically but I always had you with me. You inspire me Yejin."
She didn't know what to say. She had no idea that her debuting with Seventeen would motivate Jongin so much. While she lived her dreams he watched her from afar, supporting her, cheering her on while he sought to make his own dreams come true. It seems that even after all these years they were still connected to each other, even if she didn't know it until now. Their lives might have taken them in different directions but it had never taken them apart completely. A piece of her was always with Jongin and a piece of him was always with Yejin. She didn't notice the tears slipping down her face until Jongin reached forward with a napkin to wipe them away.
"Some things don't change," he chuckled lightly, trying to lighten the mood. "You're still a cry baby."
Sage laughed through her tears at his statement. "You're right." she sniffed, whipping away the tears. "I just... I miss you so much Jongin."
"I miss you too Jinnie."
Dinner continued with light chatter and laughter as they recalled childhood memories. Afterwards they left the restaurant arm in arm, smiles never leaving their faces. The drive to her apartment complex was quiet but comfortable as they enjoyed each other presence a little longer. They had made sure to exchange phone numbers, promising to keep in contact and that they would meet again as soon as Seventeen's tour is over. Pulling up outside the apartment building, Sage let out a small sigh. She didn't want to go home yet, she wanted to stay with him longer. It seemed Jongin read her mind as he reached over to unbuckle her seatbelt himself.
"You should go," he laughed at the little pout she sent him. "I don't want your members to think I kidnapped you."
Giggling at his words she turned her body to him in the passenger seat. "Jongin, thank you for tonight. I'm really happy to see you again."
"Me too." He showed her a genuine smile.
"I want you to know how proud of you I am." Sage continued, looking him in the eyes. "And that from now on I'll be there. I want you in my life again Jongin."
At her words she was pulled into a tight embrace. With her arms tightly around his waist and her chin resting on his shoulder. Jongin placed his hand on the back of her head, gently brushing his fingers through her hair. He sighed, content with finally holding her the way he'd been wanting to all night. "I too..." he whispered to her. "Want you in my life."
Neither one of them wanted to let go but they knew this moment couldn't last forever, no matter how much they secretly wanted it to. Separating slowly, they looked at each other and exchanged smiles.
"Good night Yejin"
"Good night Jongin"
And so they parted ways, this time knowing it wouldn't be the last and they would see each other very soon. Sage was filled with happiness after rekindling her friendship with Jongin after so long,
or could it possibly be more then that. Only time will tell.
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soov-archived · 2 years
WR⩇NG R⩇⩇M! O5. ulgo shipji anha
warnings ⠀ just chaos, cursing & lots of caps lock messages. pretty much a filler chapter ?
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MAY 4TH, 2022
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⠀ ⠀ yang jungwon, the leader of enhypen, keeps using his senior’s dance room to practice even after his manager calls him out. what is he going to do when the said senior finds out that he's not only doing it on purpose, but also trying to win her heart?
⠀ ⠀ pairing idol!yjw & f!idol!reader
⠀ ⠀ © soov, 2O22.
REi'S N⩇TES ⠀ my sense of humor is crap don't mind me❗ JAY N YN CARAT BESTIES ERA ?? ulgo shipji anha 🙏 his trauma w i-land tho ... Rip. not only joo acting like a leader while won is being dissed by his own members LETS WAKE UP
TAGLiST ( CLOSED! ) @fadedluvv @hiqhkey @wony-graps @4hysgf @mfbookishbitch-vhae @raimbows4u @ahnneyong @drunkjazed @ssseob @777wonz @kange3939 @byhsng @i-yeseo @riverkee @luvdokja @she-is-dreaming @luveuly @zeraaax @eunbiland @ineedcoffeeandtherapy @ch0ijiung @mxristars @itznotshy @jaxavance @mitsukifilms @4vonly @jovibaes @hykai @kkalechip @kittyeji @boowoowho @jeongintwt @chukiez
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fy-wonwoo · 2 years
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twsforus · 8 months
A guide to TWS.
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TWS is a multinational group of six members under the management of Pledis Entertainment, who made their debut on 22nd January 2024. The members consist of Shinyu, Dohoon, Youngjae, Hanjin, Jihoon, and Kyungmin, ordered from eldest to youngest. Interestingly, the group name TWS stands for "TWENTY FOR SEVEN WITH US".
Their debut mini-album, named Sparkling Blue, showcases the excitement and tension of the beginning of a new semester, where everything starts afresh. The songs in the album feature lyrics about everyday topics and a refreshing concept that can be relatable to the younger generations. Moreover, TWS can also be pronounced as Two Us.
On the 10th November 2022, the sub-label of HYBE, Pledis Entertainment, announced the debut of a new boy group around the year 2023. It was during the Fan Meeting of SEVENTEEN in Carat Land on 12th March 2023 when Hoshi from SEVENTEEN introduced five trainees as the upcoming members of the label's new group. However, their identities remained a mystery. Pledis officially confirmed on 7th November that the group would make their debut in the first quarter of 2024.
On the 21st December 2023, the group launched their official social media account and released their first debut teaser. The following day, Pledis Entertainment announced that the group would consist of six members and would debut on January 2024.
On 27th December 2023, it was announced that the group would release their debut mini-album, Sparkling Blue, on 22nd January. The pre-release single, titled "Oh Mymy: 7s", was released on 2nd January.
The six members were introduced through a group profile video released on 3rd January and individual videos, which followed the next day, on 4th January.
Brief profile of members (from oldest to youngest)
1. Shinyu
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Shinyu, whose birth name is Shin Junghwan, is the oldest member and leader of TWS. He was born on 7th November 2003 and claims to be "the father" of the group. Shinyu graduated from Lila Art High School in 2023, a year late due to being a dropout from Yesan High School previously. He has two elder siblings, born in 1997 and 2002, respectively. Shinyu has an INFP personality type based on MBTI classification and represents the visual of the group. He has a mature, trendy, and flower boy appearance with a small face and broad shoulders.
Before joining Pledis Entertainment, Shinyu was a former trainee at both SM Entertainment and Big Hit Music. He began training since his freshman year of high school. Shinyu is known to be friends with actress Lee Chaeyoon, who once participated in Girls Planet 999. They even shot a school activity video together at Lila Art High School. Shinyu has a calm and mature personality, but he also has some randomness that allows him to adapt well to other members.
2. Dohoon
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Dohoon, whose birth name is Kim Dohoon, is a member of TWS, born on 30th January 2005. He has an elder brother and completed his schooling at Lila Art High School before transferring to Hanlim Multi Art High School. Dohoon began his trainee journey in 2017 and is the longest trainee among the TWS members, making him a versatile member.
Based on the MBTI personality test, Dohoon's personality type is ISTP. His face is often compared to Nam Joohyuk and EVNNE's Lee Jeonghyeon, and he is known for representing the "strong and fierce" visual in the group. Together with Shinyu, Dohoon is responsible for the rap line in TWS.
During dance performances, Dohoon's movements are clean, precise, and he knows how to control his power and weakness. He is often chosen as the center during the highlights of the song. Additionally, his vocal ability is exceptional, with a wide range and good pitch. Dohoon tends to sing high-pitched tones with a soft voice, and he also features in rap parts.
Despite the group's challenging pre-debut period, Dohoon is known for not crying when all members remain teary-eyed two days before their debut. He was also very popular among his seniors and juniors during his middle school years. Dohoon is a talkative and random member who adds life to the group's chemistry.
3. Youngjae
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Youngjae, whose birth name is Choi Youngjae, was born on 31st May 2005 and is a member of TWS. He has a younger sister and completed his schooling at Jamshin High School. Based on the MBTI personality test, Youngjae's personality type is ISFJ. Compared to the other members, Youngjae is relatively calm, but alongside Shinyu, he often speaks more.
Youngjae's position in the group is as the main vocalist. He has the loudest voice among the members that is clear and gentle, optimized for band vocals. He is particularly responsible for delivering high notes and the song's highlight parts. During his dance performances, Youngjae showcases flexible dance lines with big and proportional body movements.
Youngjae's soft and gentle look comes from his double eyelids, round eyes, and slim face. According to his fellow members, he has an organized personality with strong vitality. Additionally, he was discovered by Pledis Entertainment through Instagram DM. He occasionally uses a Gyeongnam accent while speaking.
4. Hanjin
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Hanjin, whose birth name is Han Zhen, is a member of TWS. He was born on 5th January 2006 and is originally from Xinxiang, Henan, China. Hanjin completed his schooling at Hanlim Multi Art High School and has the personality type of INFJ based on the MBTI classification.
Hanjin is the only foreign member of the group, who joined Pledis Entertainment through an audition in China in 2022. He worked as a trainee for approximately a year before debuting. Hanjin's position in the group is as the sub-vocal due to his lacking Korean. However, in the b-side song "Unplugged Boy", Hanjin showcased his stable and warm vocal.
Hanjin's dance skills are excellent even though his training period was relatively short. He is also the visual member, who is a handsome Chinese man with large, beautiful eyes, dark double eyelids, and a sharp nose. His small face is filled with attractive features that exude luxury.
Despite Hanjin's limited language skills in Korean, he is actually a talkative and noisy member. His favorite season is autumn because it is not too hot or too cold. Furthermore, Hanjin is an active user of selca and loves photography.
5. Jihoon
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Jihoon, whose birth name is Han Jihoon, is a member of TWS. He was born on 28th March 2006 and has an elder sister born in 2002. Jihoon is skilled in guitar playing and dancing, and he is also INFJ based on the MBTI personality test. He attended Hanlim Multi Art High School.
Jihoon became a trainee in the entertainment industry after attending Move Dance Studio in Suwon. He began his training at YG Entertainment in 2017 and subsequently moved to JYP Entertainment. He then joined Big Hit Music (later known as Big Hit Entertainment) in 2020. Jihoon was part of Trainee A and was set to debut next, but the group was canceled. He finally joined Pledis Entertainment in 2023 as a trainee for about seven years before his debut.
Jihoon's position in the group is the main dancer. He is passionate about dancing and has a precise and controlled movement. He has excellent choreography memorization and can create choreography as well. Jihoon likes hip-hop music, and his clear and transparent tone showcased remarkable vocal ability with a comfortable listening experience. He has plump lips, lovely skin, and cheeks that are soft, portraying a cute image when he smiles with a round-opened mouth, revealing his gumline.
Jihoon is an excellent dancer, but he is said to practice too much that resulted in his knee joint inflammation. Monica, who appeared in Street Woman Fighter, is his dance mentor. He attended a dance school called OFD dance studio ran by Monica.
Jihoon is fluent in three languages, Korean, Japanese, and English. He is reportedly more popular than other members, just like Shinyu and Dohoon, but with a wider range of recognition due to his exposure as Trainee A. Jihoon and Kyungmin are known as the loudest and most talkative members of the group.
6. Kyungmin
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Kyungmin, whose birth name is Lee Kyungmin, is the youngest member of TWS, born on 2nd October 2007. He is the only member with two younger brothers and attended Hanlim Multi Art High School. Based on the MBTI personality test, Kyungmin's personality type is ISFP.
Kyungmin received training from Mu Doctor Academy, an audition academy, before passing an in-house audition held by Pledis Entertainment and joining the label. He is the main vocalist, with no remarkable contrast between his natural voice and singing voice. Kyungmin's voice is refreshing but somewhat childlike, with a beautiful and unique tone that captivates the ears, particularly at higher notes.
Kyungmin's dance technique is clear and loud. His slightly droopy eyes and plump lips give him a cute look, often compared to a puppy, especially when he smiles with a raised mouth corner and a dimple that appears, making those who look at him smile along.
Kyungmin and Jihoon are known as the loudest and most playful members of the group. He is known for his outstanding academic achievement and excels in mathematics, ranking sixth in his class. Kyungmin is the first HYBE idol to debut in 2007, but based on the RU Next audition program, Wonhee from I'LL-IT was the first to confirm his debut. However, Kyungmin made his debut earlier than Wonhee.
TWS's first mini album: SPARKLING BLUE, released January 22, 2024.
Go streaming!!!! :
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chweck-in · 1 year
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dinonetwork · 2 years
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230210 - WEVERSE
[DIGITAL CODE] 2023.02.27 (MON) [DVD] 2023.03.08 (WED)
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fy-bsk · 2 years
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gyunetwork · 2 years
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scoupsdata · 2 years
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xtruss · 4 months
This Rocket-Firing Boba Fett Is Officially The World's Most Valuable Vintage Toy!
The Highly Prized Star Wars Collectible Was Just Auctioned Off For Over Half a Million Dollars.
— By Cheryl Eddy | Monday March 03, 2024
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Here’s A Full Glimpse of Boba Fett in All His Glory. Who Needs Diamonds When You’ve Got Rocket-Firing Action?
It’s not surprising that a pristine example of Kenner’s notoriously rare Boba Fett action figure with “rocket-firing” action—never released to the public after being deemed a choking hazard—commanded a jaw-dropping sum at a recent auction. But $525,000 is quite the handsome bounty.
According to a Heritage Auctions press release, “its price more than doubled the record for the most expensive Star Wars action figure sold at auction, held by a rocket-firing Boba Fett that realized $236,000 in June 2022.” This latest sale featured one of only two surviving examples of a hand-painted version of the never-released, circa-1979 figure, hence the increase in value; incredibly, it only exists today because someone at Kenner rescued it “from a box of discarded toys deposited there for employees to take home.”
Heritage also notes that “this miniature Mandalorian also bested a Barbie to become the most valuable vintage toy sold at auction. In 2010, a one-of-a-kind, 1-carat-diamond-wearing Barbie sold for $302,000. Her reign ended Friday thanks to a protracted bidding war that landed this holy grail in one collector’s cargo hold.”
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forseokgyu · 8 months
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