#carly rae is the exception and I'll stand by that forever
windandwater · 2 years
still thinking about that one time some dude put on Miley Cyrus at a group event and looked at me like “I bet Ang will know this song” and I looked back at him like “uh...I’ve never heard this in my life”
“c’mon you know this song!”
bitch no I’ve never partied in the USA, ever. don’t bring me into this. I didn’t hear that song and then connect that song to her until like 10 years after it came out and once I did I hated it.
like I’ll fuck with whatever but most of the time the only music I can reliably recognize is either something your dad listens to or a boyband from the 2000s. I don’t know shit. my music taste is “I threw a dart at spotify, listened to a queer folk singer from Leicester for three weeks, then told it to get wrecked and listened to Jimmy Buffet on winamp for no reason instead.” get your “you look like someone who listens to miley” comments out of here.
(important: listen to miley if you want. do whatever you want forever. I’m also doing that. by not listening to miley cyrus.)
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