heyluvu · 2 years
Title: I Miss you
Summary: Eddie Munson, famous guitarist of the world wide known rock band “Corroded Coffin” takes her daughter to the airport to see her mom, but after something she says he started to realize that maybe his life wasn’t what he wanted anymore.
Pairing: Eddie Munson x Chrissy Cunningham
Notes: I just watched Elvis and the inspiration kicked in right there on the movie theater that’s why it’s so short. Also this is my first fic on English so I hope you like it and if you see any mistakes please let me know!
Los Angeles, August 1999
The sound of the camera flashes dispelled as the car continued to drive into the airport’s zone “Daddy” he turned his attention to her daughter “I don’t like the lights” the five-year-old rubbed her eyes sleepily. Olivia liked to sleep on cars since she was a baby, it was like magic, when she wouldn’t stop crying he used to take her on drives until she finally fell asleep which took less than 10 minutes.
“They woke you up, didn’t they?” she nodded “I’m sorry, baby girl” Olivia opened her arms in his direction, that meant she wanted a hug and Eddie could never deny a hug to his little princess. He took her into his arms, sitting her on his lap while stroking her blonde hair in an attempt to make her sleep again.
“I’m so sorry” he whispered into her hair leaving a kiss on her head. Olivia was the greatest love of his life, since the moment he found out about her existence she had been everything to him.
“No. Don’t worry I’m okay” she answered with her head laying on his chest. Her head turned to him, watching him with those beautiful big blue eyes that she got from her mother “Is mommy going to be here soon?”
“Yeah, any minute now we are going to see her so you can go back home. Are you excited for back to school? Elementary school is a big step”
She nodded “Are you coming with us, daddy?” Olivia asked innocently, with a bit of what could be described as hope in her gaze.
“Uh” he didn’t know how to answer to that “No, sweetie. I don’t think so, I still have to do some things here with the band. You know the band, you like the band don’t you?”
“Well, yeah but uhm” she started talking while playing with her hands “At school my friends always talk about their daddies and how they play catch with them and that stuff”
“You want me to play catch with you?”
“Well, I’m not good at throwing things… or catching them” she responded “But if I have to I can get better at it. I just want you to play with me at home” something in his heart felt like breaking “I miss you, daddy” he didn’t know what to say.
Eddie Munson was a lot of things, but a bad father was not amongst them in his books. Sure, the band, tours, and recordings took a great part of his time, but he always tried to make time for his girl. If it was up to him he would take her and Chrissy everywhere, but knew that wasn’t right. Olivia needed a home, a real home, and school and friends and all of those things a kid needs in their life, that was why they bought that house on Hawkins after all, so she could live a “normal” childhood.
“There’s mommy!” she said happily leaning on the window, waving her hand so she could catch her attention. Eddie turned his head to her direction.
Her hair was shorter than the last time, just a little bit, you wouldn’t notice if you didn’t pay special attention to her, something that he always did. The car stopped, making Olivia open the door so she could start running towards her mother “Liv, wait” he warned but she already was giving her mother a big hug “Damn that kid is fast” he thought, that was something she didn’t get from him.
Chrissy noticed how Eddie hadn’t got out of the car yet, which was weird because he always went behind their daughter as she ran “Baby, get in the car with aunt Robin. I have to talk to daddy, okay?” she asked while leaving a kiss on her forehead. Olivia nodded and quickly got into the car, closing the door behind her.
He could hear the steps in his direction, and his heart started to raise as they became closer. It was always like this, no matter how many years had passed she always made him feel like that.
“Hey, rockstar” she greeted him with a smile. Eddie didn’t respond, maybe because he was still processing what his daughter just told him.
Chrissy let out a sigh and gave the driver a look, moving her eyes he understood that she wanted to be alone with him so he got out of the car. She took a sit beside him, closing the door as she entered the vehicle.
“Olivia” he started to talk “Liv said she misses me”
“Oh, you know how kids are. They always say all kind of things” she tried to make him feel better, but noticed that it wasn’t working.
“Am I shitty a parent, Chris?” he finally asked.
“What? No, of course not”
“I mean, I try not to be. I try to talk to her as much as I can but it’s- just the band and everything is sometimes too much, you know?” the words were just coming out of his mouth without any thinking behind them “I know about shitty parents, I had shitty parents for christ sake, but maybe this is a different kind of shitty. Maybe shitty parenting is a wide spectrum and my parents fall in some part of it and I’m in the other”
“Hey, hey, hey” she stopped him “Eddie, listen to me. You are not a shitty parent” Chrissy began to explain “She just spent two weeks with you after a long time, of course, she’s going to miss you more after this. But she loves you even if you are not with her in person, ‘kay? Olivia knows how much you care about her, every night she waits for your phone call and never shuts up to her school friends about how her dad is this big rockstar that always travels around the country. She isn’t gonna grow up to resent you, because you always show her support and love. So no, you aren’t anything like your parents”
Even after months of being separated Chrissy knew what to say to make him feel better, which was only telling the truth. She really did think that Eddie was a great father to their child, maybe a bit absent but it wasn’t on purpose.
After moments of silence, Chrissy reached for his hand, her fingers intertwining with his. That warmth in her hand and her heart when they took each other’s hand was something that couldn’t be compared to any sensation in the world.
He still made her feel like a teenager after all these years. She loved him and he loved her, there was never a doubt about that, anyone who knew them could see how perfect they were for each other, but after months of not seeing each other, they decided to separate. He remembers that day as if it was yesterday, sitting on his hotel bed, hearing about it on the phone, hearing her cry through the phone, and feeling so guilty about not being there for his wife to hug her and kiss her and telling her that he still loved her. But she was in Indiana and he was in New York, and that’s what ultimately brought them apart.
“Maybe” she broke the silence squeezing his hand “You can take some time off, you know? Go back to Hawkins and live for a while that suburban lifestyle that you always claimed to hate but deep down you want that for your kid” both laughed “How does that sound? You can see Wayne and his new and improved mug collection, you can take Olivia trick-or-treating, pick her up after school”
“Go to bed every night with the woman I love” he added watching her through his peripheral vision to observe her reaction in a surreptitious way.
Her cheeks turned red and a light smile appeared on her lips “Yeah, that too” Chrissy whispered. She sighed. Silence became the main communication between them. After a couple of minutes she let go of his hand “Well that’s your decision to make, isn’t it?” clapped her hands on her tights and opened the car door “For the record” she added “I miss you too”
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heyluvu · 2 years
Jason: can’t you see? He has a crush con you, Chrissy!
Chrissy: no he doesn’t
Jason: yes, he does
Eddie: yes, I do
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heyluvu · 2 years
Does anyone have hellcheer fics recos? I’m sad and I need some fluff happy content hajsjakajs:((
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heyluvu · 2 years
Unpopular Eddissy headcanon
I don’t think that Jason was as shitty boyfriend as some fics make him. I think that he genuinely loved Chrissy, but Chrissy simply didn’t love him back (‘cause you know if you partner doesn’t talk to you about their problems something is not right) and that’s okay. Neither I think that he would’ve obligated Chrissy to stay with him, he may be simply be a douche about it but he wouldn’t force her to stay together.
But Im still a sucker for the drama that crazy ex boyfriend gives to the plot of fics.
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heyluvu · 2 years
Hellcheer Headcanons
Laura Cunningham edition (because I’d like to offer you a different point of view for headcanons and fics. If you don’t like it it’s okay but I’m a sucker for happy endings.
At first she hated Eddie, but never said it out loud. She would do comments like “Oh, are you going out with that boy again? Don’t you think you two are hanging out a little too much?”
Laura first refers to Eddie as “that boy” then “the Munson boy” and finally “Edward”
She tried to change Chrissy’s mind about dating him but after a while she gave up on that. She thought that maybe it was just a phase and they would grow apart in college. Boy was she wrong.
When Chrissy told her about how she was moving to another state after finishing college she was mad at her, like really mad. They stopped talking to each other for months. “What would people say if they find out you are living with a boy outside for wed?”
When she heard about how her daughter and Eddie eloping she was devastated. Not because who she decided to marry, but because she wasn’t there for her. Like most mothers she always dreamed about Chrissy’s wedding and it tore her apart not being able to see her take that important step of her life.
She swallowed her pride and after months of no communication she gave her daughter a call and asked her to visit so they could talk about things. They had a heart-to-heart conversation that lasted all night long.
Chrissy finally told her mother about how much pressure she felt when she was a teen and even opened up about her ED and how Eddie and her friends helped her. Laura was shocked, she didn’t knew how much she was hurting her daughter with her comments. “Oh Chrissy, would you ever forgive me?”. She did. Laura promised her she would try to be a better mother.
That night she finally said that maybe just maybe, Eddie wasn’t a bad partner after all.
After that visit they didn’t talked everyday but they gave each other a call every once in a while. Also Eddie and Chrissy take turns to spend Christmas and New Year between her family and his uncle.
When Chrissy announced her pregnancy to her family she cried. The day after the news she started knitting a blanket for her future grandson or granddaughter.
During the last weeks of her daughter’s pregnancy she basically moved into their apartment to take care of her. Eddie slept on the couch.
When baby Olivia came to the world she was the happiest grandmother on the world. She even hugged Eddie. “Your mom hugged me” “Are you sure she didn’t think you were choking?”
She loved her granddaughter and always carries a picture of her in her purse to show to her friends. Since she was a baby Olivia couldn’t pronounce “grandma Laura” so she just called her Lala, and she adored it.
Even tho she only sees her on Christmas, Easter and birthdays Olivia loves her Lala too. Chrissy never talks about how her relationship with her mother was while growing up because she doesn’t want to ruin her daughter’s relationship with her grandma.
She still doesn’t fully accept Eddie. “My girls are finally here! Come in, dinner is ready… oh, hello EdWaRd”
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heyluvu · 2 years
Eddissy Headcanon because why not
Chrissy’s mom calls Eddie “Edward” but she always sounds annoyed when talking about him so it’s more like “EdWaRd”
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heyluvu · 2 years
Modern AU HC
Eddie secretly listens to “Night Changes” by One Direction because it reminds him of Chrissy.
I just now that Chrissy loved One Direction and cried when they announced their hiatus
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heyluvu · 2 years
Ok so, 2000s AU where Eddie is singing at a party “Scotty doesn’t know” while he looks straight into Jason’s eyes. Someone needs to make this a fanfic
I’m not a writer someone please make this I’m serious *cries*
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heyluvu · 2 years
amybeth get behind me
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heyluvu · 2 years
Ok but after the @whosbby comparison between Eddie and Chrissy and Layla and Warren from Sky High I need someone to write a AU about that
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heyluvu · 2 years
Hellcheer wedding headcanon
In a universe where they both survived obviously
Eddie and Chrissy got married on a wedding chapel at Vegas. Since Chrissy’s parents didn’t approve of they wedding they just kind of say “fuck it we’ll just elope”
Even tho it wasn’t the type of wedding always dreamed of, Eddie was the type of man she always dreamed about getting married to.
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heyluvu · 2 years
If only I knew how to color shades and draw faces and all of that😭
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*I think I've seen this film before and I didn't like the ending plays on the background*
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heyluvu · 2 years
Steve: So I’m in love with him. Billy.
Robin: Billy? Max’s brother?
Steve: Yeah- Thoughts?
Robin: And prayers.
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heyluvu · 2 years
@harringroveweek June 26th:
After School Detention
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heyluvu · 2 years
stranger things? more like gayer things
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heyluvu · 2 years
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inspired by fic LOL
Steve lost the bet against Robin. And Robin chooses him a Halloween costume.
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heyluvu · 2 years
chrissy cunningham girl kisser (real) eddissy bi4bi couple (also real)
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