dadmyth · 8 months
i don't remember the last time i went from hypomania to depression this swiftly and abruptly and it's so fucking funny tbqh like bro last week you were overflowing with energy and doing the most and now you're getting drunk on your front stoop after a full day of wasting time bc everything is too hard
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fellshish · 22 days
Aziraphale eating snake shaped food in front of crowley in increasingly cartoonlike manners hoping he’ll finally get the hint
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thirteenashmctrash · 1 year
okay so i have gained a new species of spore for my collective brainrot and i have found the perfect selling pitch to drag everyone i care about down with me. if you know the show this is hilarious. if you haven't watched it pay attention:
the show's called leverage. you know how there's those crime serials that aren't good at all but we've all watched a little too much of at least one of them even though they are blatant copaganda which is morally terrible? take your favorite one of those, but remover the copaganda. all the characters are criminals but their only victim is capitalism. every cop in the show is stupid at best and blatantly corrupt to a disgusting level most of the time. there is just as much genuine and intelligent social commentary as this premise demands.
i sense i already have you hooked. i can make this better. stick with me for a minute on this: the character dynamic is a muppet movie but also the Scooby gang
stick with me here!
You have Parker, who fit into the Scooby gang as Scooby and would be played by Gonzo. her crime thing is that she is a cat burglar and she is very good at it. her skill with it is borderline slapstick (hence Scooby) and she is very autistic coded and misunderstood (hence Gonzo)
You've got Eliot, who is the Shaggy and is played by Sam Eagle. He is the brute force of the team and he wants you to think he is all serious and grimdark. but he loves making the employees and victims of their capitalist targets aware of unions and he is a big himbo. i say he is shaggy because he plays Parker's straight man, he has the second most cartoonlike abilities, and he has a passion for cooking
Hardison is Velma as played by Kermit. he is a geeky hacker with a passion for orange soda and he is the heart of the team. he gets overlooked as leader even though he is the driving force of everything they do. like Velma. he also has that trademark Kermit brand of slapstick and deadpanned humor in balance.
Sophie is Daphne as played by miss piggy. she is basically the world's best grifter, she usually the front man interacting with the target the most. she has that crazy streak and the self defense capacity that miss piggy and Daphne (when she's done right) both have. she also has the confidence and style.
Nate is Fred and he is the human character. Fred has "let's split up gang" and Nate has "then we have to steal *fill in the blank with something comedically unfit to finish the sentence*" Fred and Nate are both flat characters with the main trait "i think I'm the leader but my smart friend does all the work" and the main interest of "trapping and screwing over capitalists" he mainly gets to call himself the leader because he's the idea guy and he has an apartment. his role in the muppet analogy is the peak of my pitch if you're still here. because while this is definitely not the Christmas Carol, Nate is the human character because he is Ebenezer Scrooge if instead of being a capitalist, Scrooge was an alcoholic and instead of character growth he was just steadily losing his mind. his moral compass and general intelligence are on a roulette wheel that is spun at random intervals lasting from seconds to the occasional few hours. also he and Sophie have divorced parents of grown children syndrome and the other three are said children. in vibes, of course, they aren't actually related.
if anyone stayed with me through all of that you should seriously watch it. even if i sound like i pulled this all out of my ass. it's so good.
it's an actively anticapitalist, copaganda free crime show where you get to see fun characters beat up every thing bad in society and fuck it all over. it balances fun comedy and wild characters with serious topics and moments in a way that is very natural and genuine. it also has one of my favorite autistic coded characters, a positive and healthy relationship that develops in a way that feels natural to the characters (as well as a rockier one if you're into drama) and it is in the midst of what looks to be an actually well handled revival series with the original cast. i haven't caught up yet but I'm so excited for it. the original had 5 seasons and the revival is waiting to be renewed for season 3.
please go watch leverage. it's so good and it deserves more fans. also i want more fic and that next season
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trybard · 4 months
my week has been a series of cartoonlike misfortunes if one more thing happens im going to pop like a grape
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konotte · 9 months
living vicariously through your reblogs of delicious food illustrations…
ohhhhh hell yeah I absolutely love food illustrations, especially more stylized and cartoonlike ones!! 🥰🥰🥰 I could make it a separate tag on my blog hmmm! 👀👀👀
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starleska · 2 years
As a fellow Art lover. 🥴 what makes him so wifable to you? to me it’s his flamboyant posturing and his precious little face
HEY omg i'm so sorry that it's taken me a couple of days to get round to answering this!! busy, BUSY time of year with lots of stuff to get done, i've been run ragged 😭💖 i hope you're doing well!!
ahh, Art the Clown…the ultimate slasher wife 😖💖 you're so right about that…he's adorable in such a strange way, and i'm in love with his Robbie Rotten-like movements!!
the thing that gets me so much about Art is although he's coy, and playful, and teasing…sometimes all of that vanishes. not only is he a silly, deranged kind of killer who loves to toy with his victims…but sometimes you see this shift in his face from ridiculous, cartoonlike evil, to genuine maliciousness and cruelty. i always think of the bit in the first Terrifier when he shoots Tara…that shit shook me 😳 he's capable of such a terrifying depth of emotion that vascillates him rapidly between clown, monster, and human…it's amazing.
also he's just hot i mean 🥵🥵
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therobertfrasergang · 2 years
Robert Fraser, John Lennon, and Jonathan Cott, 1968
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In the Montagu Square apartment in Marylebone, London, John Lennon is photographed by Ethan Russell as he listens to various singles and talks with art gallery owner Robert Fraser and Rolling Stone journalist Jonathan Cott. September 17, 1968
Update: @misspaoline adds "It was Robert Fraser who introduced reporter Jonathan Cott to John Lennon"
This is recounted in Jonathan Cott's book, Days That I'll Remember:
"A week before John’s You Are Here exhibition was going to close, I revisited the Robert Fraser Gallery to see the show one last time. On the afternoon I was there, I decided to introduce myself to Fraser, whom I found surprisingly approachable and gracious. He told me that he subscribed to Rolling Stone, and when I mentioned that I would love to interview John for the magazine, he informed me that the Beatles were in the midst of working on their White Album, and that he doubted that John would have time to see me. But he took down my phone number and said that he’d propose the idea to him and would report back if he heard something positive. At the end of August, I received my dreamed-of call. Fraser conveyed to me the news that John was willing to grant me an interview in mid-September, and offered to act as liaison with regard to arranging all the details. A week later, Fraser phoned to tell me that I should come to John and Yoko’s London flat on September 17 at five o’clock in the afternoon and that he would be there as well to make the introductions…
I arrived at 34 Montagu Square on Tuesday, September 17, 1968, at five o’clock in the afternoon. I nervously rang the doorbell, and after a few seconds, a smiling John Lennon—his round, wire-rimmed granny glasses immediately gave him away—opened the door. “Come in, come in!” he said, took my coat, then led me into the living room where I saw Robert Fraser sitting on a couch next to Yoko Ono, who was dressed in a black sweater and black pants. Glancing around the room, I was instantly transfixed by the astonishing array of photos and posters hanging on the walls. Among them were the two full-length nude photos of John and Yoko that would appear on the controversial cover of their soon-to-be-released Unfinished Music No. 1: Two Virgins album; a giant Sgt. Pepper ensign; the fanciful 1967 Time magazine Beatles cover for which the cartoonist Gerald Scarfe had sculpted the group using papier-mâché, paste, wire, sticks, and watercolors; and Richard Hamilton’s iconic poster collage made up of news clippings about the Rolling Stones’ 1967 drug bust, for which Fraser had received his six-month prison sentence. There was the scent of Indian incense in the air, and John, Yoko, Robert, and I sat down around a simple wooden table covered with magazines, newspapers, a beaded necklace shaped in the form of a pentacle, a sketch pad on which I caught a glimpse of some of John’s inimitable skittery cartoonlike drawings, and an ashtray brimming over with French Gitanes cigarette butts.
We began talking about John’s recent You Are Here exhibition but were shortly interrupted by the ringing of the telephone. John got up to take the call, and when he returned, he informed me apologetically that he’d just found out that he needed to be at an all-night Beatles recording session at Abbey Road Studios for the White Album. So we agreed to meet up the next day to do the interview. But as I got up to leave, John unexpectedly said, “Why don’t you just come along with Yoko and me to the session"…John, Yoko, and I left the flat, entered a waiting limousine, and were driven to St. John’s Wood."
-Days That I'll Remember: Spending Time With John Lennon and Yoko Ono
(Looks like Robert didn't go to the studio with them. Interesting.)
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isobelmccarthy · 1 year
Red Grooms (b.1937)
 Grooms is best known for extending pop art into life-size environmental constructions. A Texas rodeo, a slice of downtown Chicago, and a New York subway car are among his large-scale "sculpto-pictoramas" peopled with cartoonlike characters.
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gaypexredditor · 2 years
emergence of method acting is part of why talking movies before the 50s are often literally like cartoons and not quite as much afterwards and the like constant knocking of it from people who just saw something about jared leto being annoying to his also dumb scientologist spook coworkers is so boring like why is the reason for the opinions everyone shares and constantly restates in these group masturbation rituals so transparent and open while also clearly weak . as if the glass display of it itself is meant to turn anyone who can’t so easily just be filled up with that stuff crazy and reclusive. it’s not even necessarily bad for movies to be cartoonlike btw but transcending it as an almost given is obviously a good thing
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avactsclass3c · 7 months
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 The theme aligns with my feminist perspective as it celebrates inclusivity all women are included whether you are fat or thin ortransgender this exhibition resonates with my values and beliefs in the way that women are just as much as a man to have such a public display of our empowerment is very powerful, the emotional impact it made me feel proud to be a woman and it helps to build a community of women who feel the same did leave a impression on my perspective in the way that it allowed me to broaden my perspective of what feminism is it made me feel proud the specific elements within this work was the illustration style that use simple childlike cartoonlike visuals to evoke a sense of pride the artistry and presentation of confetti/Glory inspires me to be playful with my art exhibition like childlike mellow is something that I want to incorporate into my future work I want to make a difference through my work similar to confetti’s/glories I am vision my art contributing to society to go conversations and impacting perspectives through spreading awareness about causes that I am interested in such as feminism and sustainability and inclusivity and mental health awareness I can do this by creating interactive campaigns where people can learn more about these causes and perhaps be able to contribute to them who one of the specific messages from the exhibition that I liked was that people come in all shapes and sizes I would like to channel this into my own artistic expression collaborative nature of this exhibition resonates with my own approach to collaboration in my artistic journey as I would like to know many people in the field so that able to work with them to create collaborative art this is good for not only my professional but also my personal growth journey here is my revised statement 
My artistic journey is an exploration inspired by impactful exhibitions like “CONFETTIS” at the Glories Mall in Barcelona, curated by @artwork_in_promess. Celebrating inclusivity and empowering all women, regardless of size, shape, or gender identity, this exhibition resonates deeply with my feminist perspective. It serves as a vibrant testament to the strength and uniqueness of women, leaving an indelible impression on my artistic vision.
Five-Year Aspirations:
In the coming years, my vision extends beyond admiration for existing works. I aspire to create art that not only mirrors the celebratory spirit of “CONFETTIS” but also contributes to societal conversations. Envisioning my art as a catalyst for change, I plan to focus on causes dear to me, such as feminism, sustainability, inclusivity, and mental health awareness. Through interactive campaigns, I aim to spread awareness and invite meaningful contributions to these causes.
From Now Until Then:
Embarking on this path involves obtaining a diploma, exploring diverse creative landscapes during a purposeful gap year, and pursuing a degree to refine my skills. Simultaneously, I will actively engage in networking, attending events, and exploring job opportunities. “CONFETTIS / Glories” has broadened my perspective on feminism, and I aim to channel its powerful message that people come in all shapes and sizes into my own artistic expression.
This vision propels me towards a future where my art not only draws inspiration from impactful exhibitions but also serves as a platform for collaborative endeavors. Embracing a collaborative nature resonant with the exhibition, I aspire to know and collaborate with many individuals in the field, fostering not only professional but also personal growth.
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blue-opossum · 9 months
Atypical Kinesthetic Transition (Post-Hypnagogic)
        Atypical Kinesthetic Transition (Post-Hypnagogic)
        1 minute and 20 seconds to read
        Monday night, 11 September 2023
        DN-183,286 (estimated dream number without numerical suffix)
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        Anticipated entry into my first stage of slow-wave sleep has always occurred with the defined awareness that I am "only" navigating my vivid imagination, but "enigmatic" (transpersonal) dynamics also integrate into the background as protoconsciousness spontaneously "scans" all the living minds of the world. I no longer give this attribute much attention since my validation with Zsuzsanna, and the mentation is often impersonal or irrelevant.
        I peacefully study the simplistic beauty of a hole in the ground that has somewhat of a smooth, rocky texture. I can see its bottom. It may be about four feet deep. My perception of it stabilizes and marks my awareness that I am becoming less conscious, as is usually the case at this point. The essence of water is not as predominant as it usually still is by this point (for example, gliding or circling into a half-submerged cave, as is often the case). The perceived depth of a cave or hole typically corresponds with my degree of liminality, similar to how water dynamics typically match sleep-related dynamics and staging and how fire correlates with "speed" and degree of precursory consciousness.
        My illusory kinesthetic response is witnessed (atypical in this stage) rather than experienced as me riding in a vehicle. I see three identical men, unrealistic in appearance, in a car, moving to the left. One is driving (lefthand side), and two are in the back seat. Their persona is cartoonlike. I have an impression they are giggling (without accompanying audio).
        Suddenly, as they pass, all the car's windows shatter, with the pieces flying out and dissolving, but without the men seeming to notice or care. The scene amuses me but also annoys me with its lack of realism.
        Breaking glass occurs during the cusp of precursory wakefulness, breaking the illusion of dream continuity. This self-evident dream trope even occurs as such in "The Deadly Dream" (1971).
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albertcapraro · 9 months
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September 1977 - Town & Country The New Fall Fashions Come Alive on the Sidewalks of New York CHIC STREETS PHOTOGRAPHS BY JOEL BALDWIN This is where it all happens. Where the new fashions are born and tested. Where what American women will be wearing is being decided. Come September, the hub of fashion activity that began weeks before in the ateliers of Seventh Avenue suddenly quickens the pulse of all New York streets. They turn into extended runways, where the news marches into the daily mainstream. On these pages, T & C presents a cartoonlike distillation of just that, with the top designers--good sports that they are--re-enacting the recurring joys and impedimenta of classic New York street scenes. By the way, they had a killingly hilarious time doing it. As for the fashions, the look for fall is decidedly different. The shapes are newly softer. The fabrics--whether slippery or fuzzy--are more tactile. The core of the news is multiple-piece dressing in marvelous surprise mixes of colors and textures. What these designers have done was to meld the recent explosion of fantasy with the sensibility that is at the root of American sportswear. Result: clothes that are slightly old-fashionedly romantic in a thoroughly wearable, modern way. All hair and make-up: Bruce Clyde Keller.
Albert Capraro, right, comes to the rescue with his expert handling of the hottest stuff in town. He achieves the multilayered look of the moment in the most coolly casual manner and with the warmest results. Chris is grateful for the oversize over-everything sweater that functions like a coat, has a big scarf and swings open on a complete twee suit: fitted blazer, skirt bouncing to fullness from a hip yoke, ascot-tied Italian cotton shirt.
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dingkaigrad604 · 11 months
David Follet
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I like these works because they are a very precise mix of a realistic style and an extremely cartoon style. features are drawn realistically but exaggerated. shading and colouring is realistic yet cartoonlike and mixed with comic style linework.
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cyrah-is-cool101 · 1 year
My Take On: Black and Bruised
This is my take on the 2003 boxing video game, Black and Bruised.
(Note: Black and Bruised belong to Digital Fiction)
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So, everyone knows Punch Out but ever heard of Black and Bruised? Some of you may not know but it's a video game with wild characters, decent control and a surprising story-driven single-player mode. Casual gamers looking for a new boxing game will find Black & Bruised to be a charmingly fun, albeit overly simple game to play. Hard-core boxing aficionados chomping at the bit for a new boxing game should pass on this one, since its gameplay revolves around power-ups that often have more influence on the outcome of a bout than the player's boxing skills do. The game features six different gameplay modes: single-player exhibition, two-player exhibition, survival, tournament, training, and boxer's life. While the first five modes listed here are self-explanatory, the game's main single-player mode, boxer's life, is fairly unique. The boxer's life mode is a career mode of sorts that imparts a good deal of its story through prerendered cinema sequences that play in between the matches. Every fighter has his/her own story line, and these stories are not only entertaining, but they also tie directly into the gameplay of the bouts. While the point of any boxing game is to punch your opponent while trying to minimize the damage your fighter sustains, Black & Bruised also features a power-up gameplay element. At different points during each bout, an icon will appear in between the fighters' health bars that represents one of an assortment of power-ups, such as invincibility or super punch. When this icon appears, you and your opponent will literally fight to win it--if you put together a good combination before your opponent does, you'll get the power-up. Once you have it, you can use it right away or try to build its power by landing more punches. Every punch you land gives you a star that appears above your health meter. Once you've filled the line, the stars will change color and start building up from left to right again. You can do this three times, since each power-up has three levels of power, much like the super moves seen in some fighting games. With each level you gain, the power-up you have becomes even more effective. This power-up mechanic is extremely effective, and it is very often the deciding factor in a match. The controls are fairly simple and offer the basic punches you'd expect, such as hooks, uppercuts, and overhand rights. The game does include a number of combinations for each fighter, but the game's default difficulty setting doesn't really require you delve into them very much. On the harder difficulty settings, though, you'd better know your stuff, since the AI doesn't let you get away with just landing one or two punches. In terms of graphics, Black & Bruised uses cel shading to create a cartoonlike look. This approach, coupled with the fact that the game's 19 fighters are all extremely unique in their design, definitely makes for a solid presentation. The lack of transitional animations and the blinding speed at which the fighters move from one position to the next do hamper the game's impressive presentation to a certain extent--the animations don't blend well from one to the next, which makes it look a bit like the fighters are just jumping from one punch to the next. When they are just moving around the ring, though, the fighters look great. Both versions of the game are similar in terms of visual quality, though the GameCube version is a bit smoother and more colorful than its PlayStation 2 counterpart. The audio includes quite a bit of voice work, most of which is campy but well executed. The dialogue fits the game's overall over-the-top style and adds a great deal to the characters' personalities. The game's upbeat music and cartoonlike sound effects also help set the game's lighthearted tone. In any case, any serious boxing fan will want to look elsewhere for sim-styled boxing. But in the end, Black & Bruised is a fun arcade-style boxing game that casual gamers will find entertaining for awhile. So, here's my take on Black and Bruised:
The game will have a more graphic change
Adventure mode (more on it later)
More variety of side characters or background characters
Added protagonist and new antagonist
Let me introduce the protagonist (aka my Black and Bruised OC)
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Meet Lilith
Hometown: Cebu, Philippines
Height: 5'8
Weight: 145 lbs
Career: 12-6-7
Biography: Both a city and country girl with a heart of gold and a dream to become a boxer. She was introduced in the boxing scene as a rookie and gets along with some of the female and male boxers. Lilith, as her name stated, is a literal 'she-devil' because of her fiery temper and fierce snarkiness. She then faces of with her first challenger, Abraham Van Hellsing III, who is a bounty hunter and he's after Lilith's head. She and Kid USA were a couple during middle school but broke up after graduation, now Lilith has a new crush and his name would be Mickey Mcfist.
Yellow and Orange
Teal and Pink
Fuchsia and Peach
Blue and White
And the antagonist (2nd Black and Bruised OC)
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Meet Abraham Van Helsing III aka Hunter
Hometown: Saxony, Germany
Height: 5'9
Weight: 178 Ibs
Career: 12-8-9
Biography: The descendant of famous vampire hunter, Abraham aka Hunter is after Lilith's head because she may be a demon however Lilith denies being a demon nor her name has any relationship to anything satanical but Hunter could not listen to her reason and swore that he will have the title of champion and her bounty.
(Note: If you defeat Hunter at the end of the main story and you can play him as a 2nd protagonist)
Red and Black
Lime Green and Yellow
Orange and Purple
Green and Brown
Returning Characters
Mickey McFist
Knuckles Nadine
Royal Pain
Bronto Sore
Holly Vixen
El Luchador
Ally Gator
Major Flak
Jumping Janet
Old Master
King Khan
Adventure Mode:
You control Lilith/Hunter as she/he travels the world of Black and Bruised. Complete missions of each of the boxers and receive rewards. You can either fight or play a mini game based on the mission.
Boxer's Mission (Part 1)
Mickey's Missions
(His Casual Outfit)
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(Irish Fight) Fight Mickey in the ring 7x (Rewards: $170 and Lucky Charm)
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(For Lilith) (Kiss Me, I'm Irish) Go on a date with Mickey (Rewards: $270 and Lucky Necklace [Accessory])
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(For Hunter) (A Note from Mickey) Fight Royal Pain, Bronto Sore and Old Master to teach them a lesson (Reward: $370 and Hoodie [Outfit])
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(Cheers, Lad!) Have a pint (Mini game) (Rewards: $140)
(Dance of the Clover) Irish jig (Mini game) (Rewards: $160)
Nadine's Missions
(Her Casual Outfit)
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(Rodeo Star) Fight Nadine in the ring 3x (Rewards: $130 and Rodeo Golden)
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(For Lilith) (Showdown Photoshoot) Change into a cowgirl costume and pose for the rodeo camera (Rewards: $250 and Cowgirl [Outfit])
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(For Hunter) (Movie Mayhem) Beat up Pharaoh in the ring (Rewards: $250 and Cowboy [Outfit])
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Find missing guitar (Rewards: $150)
Square dance (Mini game) (Rewards: $255)
Tiny's Missions
(His Casual Outfit)
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(Mighty Lumberjack) Fight Tiny in the ring 4x (Rewards: $190 and Squirrel Plush)
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(Forest Hand) Help Tiny collect wood for the mill (Mini game) (Rewards: $70+, Tree Hugger Necklace and Hat [Accessory])
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(Protest No More) Fight Ally Gator and convinced her to stop protesting about saving the trees (Rewards: $400)
(Lumbrejack Heart) Take a picture with Tiny (Rewards: $78)
Pharoah's Missions
(His Casual Outfit)
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(For The Glory) Fight Pharaoh in the ring (Rewards: $503 and Bastet Statue)
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(Protect the King) Protect Pharaoh from the paparazzi (Mini game) (Rewards: $650)
(The King and the Devil) (For Lilith) Help Pharaoh regain some fans from Odiva by making an ad (Rewards: $456 and Egyptian Tiara [Accessory])
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(The King's Orders) Fight Royal Pain and give back money he borrowed (Rewards: $680)
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skybirdkb · 2 years
Wii need speed
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Even when you unlock new cars and compete in the higher-difficulty races, the motivation to keep playing completely disappears after a few hours of racing the same events. While the star system keeps things interesting throughout one location, doing the same thing over and over again in five locations is repetitive. Unfortunately, Career mode is a bit of a drag because of the lack of variety in race types. After you achieve a certain number of stars, you will be able to unlock new cars, customization options, and new locations. One good thing about this system is that it gives you an incentive to play the same event more than once, and to spend more time at each location. You can then go back to the same event and forget about placement (since you've already got those stars) and focus on something else-you can acquire a star for drifting successfully and another star for clocking a lap under 1 minute 15 seconds. However, within each event there are three or more stars to be won by doing different things: for example, you can race in a circuit event and aim to come in first, second, or third for three stars, two stars, or one star, respectively. Progressing through each location is a matter of completing all the events and acquiring the required number of stars to unlock the next city. The race types are standard Need for Speed: circuit, elimination, drag races, drift challenge, time attack, and speed trap. The game's star-based progress system is pretty standard but well executed: it's suitably hard but not impossible. Of course, there's also the competitive aspect of the game, which is just as fun, albeit in short bursts. The solid colours and cartoonlike design make this racer a relaxed and fun experience. In Arcade mode everything is unlocked from the outset, and you can take your pick from more than 40 cars in all three classes. Arcade mode is also a lot of fun, offering up a total of 10 tracks (two in each city) and events like team race, elimination race, drag race, and circuit race. There are also items to pick up along the tracks which can get you out of trouble: a wrench pickup that will instantly repair your car with the press of a button, and a police badge pickup that will shake off the cops and offload the "heat" to one of your opponents. This in part is what makes the gameplay so fun: zooming around on wide tracks with brightly coloured cityscapes in the background, giving the cops the runaround (this wouldn't be a Need for Speed game if the police weren't constantly trying to break up the party), and occasionally crashing into a wall or two just to see what will happen (you can't total your cars).
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Although the game features real-life car models, from Beetles to Renaults to Corvettes, they've been made a lot bigger, brighter, and faster, like cartoon cars. You start off in Rio and make your way to Cairo, Madrid, Singapore, and Dubai racing city cars, performance cars, and finally supercars. You can choose to play either in Arcade or Career modes, the latter of which takes place in five locations that you gradually unlock as the game progresses. Besides the standard go-and-stop moves, you can execute a nitro boost a la Burnout by shaking the Wii Remote, and you can drift by tapping the brake. The game supports up to four players, in both Arcade and Career modes, so you can have four different people playing with four different controllers. Practically every setup imaginable is supported: the Wii Remote (one-handed steering by pointing the Wii Remote forward and twisting it left or right) the Wii Remote and Nunchuk (steer with the Nunchuk) the Wii Wheel the Wii Classic Controller or the GameCube controller. The controls are responsive and simple to master, regardless of which controller option you choose. Need for Speed: Nitro is not an intimidating racer, which should come as a relief if you're not a diehard racing fan.
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I love you fictional sleepless mentally ill burnout academic characters portrayed as desired by or desirable to others for their value as a person and not their usefulness/achievements
I love you emotional support best friend characters who call the previous types out on their melodramatic spiraling bullshit and lend a hand in a crucial moment to encourage them to pursue happiness
I love you romantic interest character who unknowingly brings their mess of a partner joy from doing the simplest things
I love you comforting cartoonlike art style and comic relief breaks to offset dark and trauma-oriented content of the main plot
I love you fic writers who begin stories on the premise that a character's most-worried-about secret in canon has already been revealed and accepted by the people in their life who love and respect them anyway
I love you stories about people with messy or fragmented minds pursuing their goals and gaining a support system and managing to work with others successfully and be there for people they care about and loving and being loved and overcoming adversity
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