#cass is always interesting to draw- her design is so different from the other cats
hysterical-cats · 17 days
Some Cassandra would be really nice! :D
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Cassie is a real popular lady to get two requests!!
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nxrthmizu · 4 years
How about writing a Hiro x Tadashi fic with prompts 2, 3, 4, 5, 11, 15, 18, 28, and 29? I'll understand if you won't do it for any reason, not a problem 🙂
Prompt(s): Cuddling, Rainy day, On a date, Stealing each other’s clothes, Watching the other sleep, Feeling lonely, ‘Pretending to be a couple and this is a big mistake’ AU, Height differences.
A/N: Sorry it took so long~ Enjoy! [I really hope I incorporated all the prompts...]
- Cady
Rain pattered on quietly outside the bakery as Hiro typed furiously into his laptop, working non-stop to try and find that one error he made in the configuration of his new robot programming. Tadashi watched, amused as his brother huffed in frustration, unable to find the mistake in his work.
“Stop laughing!” Hiro complained, overhearing his brother’s chuckles, swinging around his chair to face his brother, who was standing in the middle of the garage that had been re-designed to become Hiro’s little ‘lab’.
“You need a break.” The older of the two proclaimed, shaking his head as he eyed the frown on his little brother’s face. “Hey- Are you wearing my sweater?” Tadashi accused, noticing how the fabric was clearly three sizes bigger than Hiro’s tiny frame. A blush flitted over the messy-haired boy as he was found guilty.
Hiro pouted. “They’re comfortable to work in!” He protested, reasoning with his brother. “Besides, you have tons others just like this…”
“That does not mean you can steal them!” Tadashi refuted, crossing his arms, pretending to be angry. It was fun to watch his brother fumble for a reason, but at last he burst out in a laugh, relishing in the embarrassed look that crossed the younger’s face as he realised he had been played. “Come on.” Tadashi grinned, ruffling Hiro’s hair as he dragged the younger boy away from his swivel chair and laptop. “I know what will make you feel better.”
“I feel very well, thank you.” Hiro replied dryly, still getting dragged nonetheless. “Where are we going?”
Tadashi turned to look at him with sparkling eyes. “We’re going on a date!”
San Fransokyo flew by in a thousand neon colours as the train buzzed through the city, weaving between buildings on the rail. Due to Hiro’s shorter stature, he was forced to hold onto his brother’s arm as he couldn’t reach the handhold provided for standing passengers. Tadashi had that smug, amused grin that he always wore when their height difference was accented by Hiro’s inability to reach high objects, which, for your information, did nothing to soothe Hiro’s already-sour-mood.
“Where are we going anyway?” He grumbled.
“You’ll see~” His brother replied, drawing out his voice in a sing-song voice. An elderly woman, who was sitting in front of them, watched the two in amusement.
Hiro grumbled sourly. “Come on, Dashi! I could be figuring out the mistake in my program by now…” Seeing the crestfallen expression on his brother’s face, he sighed. “Okay, I guess I do need a break,” He admitted, marvelling at how fast Tadashi changed his expression is to a beaming one. “But how many stations do we need to go by?!”
“Err…” Tadashi smiled meekly. “At least 15 more…”
A groan reverberated from the younger boy’s throat as he slammed his head against his older brother’s chest, nearly losing his balance when the train turned a sharp corner. Tadashi caught him by his hoodie, wrapping his arms around the smaller boy and holding him close to his chest, making the younger of the two blush and continue grumbling incoherently.
Tadashi was beaming as he gestured to a modern, robot-themed coffee shop that they had to travel seventeen stations for. “So…?” He was practically jumping around as Hiro stared, baffled. “They have a really good discount too, it’s-”
It was only then that Tadashi realised what his younger brother was gaping at. He wasn’t wrong about the discount- There was a giant, pink sign advertising the 50% discount that would be taken off couples.
“That… Promotion?” Hiro cleared his throat dryly, raising an eyebrow at his brother. “Well, since we came this far, we might as well try the cafe but I don’t think we’re getting the promotio-”
“Hi! Are you two a couple? Come straight in!” A lady dressed in a grey apron and very upbeat, robot-themed waitress dress greeted them as she pushed the door open. She smiled brightly. “Well? What are you waiting for? It’s 50% off for couples!”
Tadashi gave his brother a wide grin, resulting in Hiro groaning loudly internally. “Yep! We’re totally a couple.” Tadashi grinned, lying horribly through his teeth. “Let’s go, Hiro.”
After they’d settled down and admired the tech-y decor of the cafe, they were handed two menus, which piqued both their interests. Tadashi immediately flipped towards the cake section while Hiro browsed through the chocolate and cookies section.
“I’d- Uh- Like the chocolate milkshake. And butter cookies.” Hiro added, flipping through the menu. “Tadashi wants a cup of hot lavender tea and a red velvet cake.”
The waitress nodded attentively, smiling warmly at the siblings couple. “Your order will be here shortly.”
Tadashi thanked the waitress with a kind smile, but as soon as her back was turned, he gave a grin worthy of the Cheshire Cat. “We totally convinced them that we’re a couple!” He said, oddly delighted.
A drink and a desert later, the two were sighing in satisfaction as their stomachs murmured their agreements at the good food. “Let’s get home before Aunt Cass starts worrying.” Hiro mumbled, not wanting to hear his aunt yell at him and then ‘stress eat’ donuts again. The sun had started to retire outside, letting the neon signboards take over keeping the city lit. Overhead, the moon watched over her city, her glow protecting those that were astray.
Rain begin to fall onto the glowing city of San Franksokyo as Hiro and Tadashi boarded the reverse train that was going back to the station that was a few minutes’ walk from their home. The passengers of the late train was generally less than the afternoon train they had taken on their forward trip, so the two found a quiet seat in the back of the train as it buzzed through the city.
Hiro yawned, feeling his eyelids fluttering close. As if Tadashi was an oppositely-charged magnet, Hiro was instantly attracted to lying his head on the taller of the two, slowly slipping into slumber. The rumble of the train was soothing, vibrations trickling down through your spine as it lured you into giving in to exhaustion. Lines of code swept past Hiro’s brain as he dreamt quietly of finally discovering the error he made in his twenty-paged programming.  
[Oh my god I had so much fun with this I hope you’re happy with it!!! Thanks for the request, sorry it took sooooo long, my life is the dimension of chaos :D ]
- Cady 
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