#cassidy's 'boss' i was thinking it would be a 'chase' boss of sorts
majormeilani · 1 year
oh also it's been decided (by mice and i) that in a hypothetical gameplay setting, if cassidy or nicole dealt damage to the player, they would both do two hit points of damage each hit as compared to the other characters who only do one hit point of damage each hit. (save for empress because she destroys you in one direct hit. and i guess vanessa too? considering if you get caught by her you die instantly)
to balance this there would be special heart pons (which would be able to restore two health pons and MAYBE offer temporary invincibility. lore wise i want to say these were developed by my other ahit oc, rin, because she's a doctor and was looking for quick healing methods) these would be found in a level where you would fight them to be collected. environmental things in the level such as hazards would still do one hit point of damage though.
there is one buffer for cassidy that if you wear barbara, who is his black widow spider pet and acts like a "badge" on your main hat, he would only deal one hit point of damage to you if he managed to strike you.
i would like to think that cassidy and nicole both don't play around in the situation where they want someone dead and are significantly more ruthless than the elder bird directors.
teehee fun to think about.
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axel-mania · 5 years
Please talk about Zack.
favorite thing about them 
If I have to choose just one it would be his humbleness, which leads him to be considerate in real life, but also has great implications for his character. Not only does it mean he’s able to identify how an ego can grow out of control and portray it suitably obnoxiously, it also means he’s happy to debase him doing ridiculous things and portray himself as completely destroyed by his opponents. Then there’s when his true humbleness even shines through in his character when he tries to downplay his accomplishments around the other Suzuki-gun members and bashfully shuts down their praise. Really love that. 
least favorite thing about them
The way his dramatic selling makes me scared for him! He goes all glassy-eyed and limp and still through his pride tries to fight the exhaustion weighing down his body, as if he can be more than the human he is with enough confidence and effort. I suppose this isn’t particularly rare for wrestlers, but the way he specifically portrays it is so striking visually. If I have to give a real dislike, it’s that he’s held onto the British Heavyweight Title for so long. It belongs in its own company, and I feel it’s kept him from being in serious contention for the IWGP belts. 
favorite line
“What’s next for Zack Sabre Jr.? Oh, bumming... I’m just going to fuck you,” said Zack, referring to Orange Cassidy, after bowling him over and saying some muffled even more NSFW things. Non-Seb readers, please watch the video! It’s always been lovely how aggressive Zack has been in getting through the message that his opponents are attractive to him, but even as a joke this is a whole new level of gay. 
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Taichi, though Best Friends are tempting. Godspeed You! Zack Emperor. is an incredible friendship to watch. They’ve apparently wasted away the nights not just dancing but doing their best to have heart-to-heart talks through the language barrier, and this sincere attempt at understanding is what I think gives them a very close and natural feeling connection. They’re always on the same page in the ring, and Taichi sincerely tries to calm Zack down, and Zack sincerely tries to promote him, and Taichi thinks Zack is the nicest foreigner he’s ever met and a true British gentleman, and the way they hug and openly consider themselves brothers, and the way they always end up talking about the same things, and the way Taichi was so possessive of Zack after the Tag League civil war match oh wait oh no-- 
I mean, we all knew where this was going. Murder besties, Zakupe, El Desperado/Zack Sabre Jr. This is my M/M OTP period, actually, but you know that too, and you’ll probably know everything I’m about to inelegantly say. I guess what’s important about this pairing at the heart of it is that Zack is sweet and naive and unaware of SZKG power dynamics enough that Despy can go to him and be supported without worrying about it being chased by pain or a put-down. From the start of their tag partnership, it was clear that Zack liked Despy, and trusted him and his instincts where others didn’t. He’s even gifted Despy a vape pen, and then there was even the vegan bagel incident. Unsurprisingly, Despy latched on and awarded Zack’s attention with devotion, promising to be there for him, rubbing his shoulders whenever they’re together, making an effort to joke with him to get through the bullshit. They stay physically close and touch each other constantly whenever they’re given the chance to appear in the same place. That certainly implies something, though we can argue about what exactly. 
Then there’s the little we know of how Zack reacted to Despy in NOAH, and the intrigue he must have felt, facing this mysterious guy whose face he can never see, who acts romantically towards him one second and then tries to injure him the next. That dissolved into the comfortable companionship they have now, but there’s no reason Zack wouldn’t still find Despy too interesting for his own good. Especially now that he can see what he looks like under the mask, lol. As you and others have pointed out, it’s important for both of them to be with someone that truly likes them and that isn’t an unattainable object to be chased, or an enemy to be destroyed. It’s their best chance at healthiness, and means they can finally have the intimacy (and handsome partner) they deserve. Two seemingly unloveable awful people choosing each other. Suzuki-gun is great at having a fierce loyalty and respect for anyone in their group, and absolute disregard for anyone outside it like they’re the scum under their shoes. And that kind of us against the world dynamic is just fucking great, tbh, especially between the two most visibly othered members of the group.
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I guess it would have to be Zack and the Boss. The Boss acts like his father more than anything, and Zack admires him like one, and there is a severe power imbalance there… the Boss is clever enough that he knows exactly what he could get away with ordering Zack to do, and that is a very wide pool of things. I’m not saying it couldn’t be written well, and in fact I’ve enjoyed fic where a younger Minoru time-travels and does things with Zack, but it’s not something I’m ever going to want to see. Maybe that’s hypocritical though because I fucking love the ship that is Taichi’s unrequited crush on the Boss lol 
random headcanon
He and his old tag partner Marty Scrull are amicable exes. They have a quiet sort of affection for each other, never intense but in a way that feels like they knew each other well once and can always rely on the other person as a comfortable place to be whenever they cross paths. It’s not just they had multiple tag team iterations, showing their relationship endured even after they stopped thinking of the two of them as the center of the (wrestling) world, but they also kissed and fell asleep on each other... But it feels like maybe Zack has evolved past Marty now, idk. 
unpopular opinion
I don’t understand why people hate him! Everything about Zack that’s supposed to be awful and obnoxious I just find funny and endearing. But then I’m broken and can’t properly react to wrestling anymore, a heel apologist, so... 
song i associate with them
You’ve made me associate Zack with Colossus by Idles. The flurry of pro-wrestling references and passion for justice in the second half definitely captures what he’s trying to do! This is actually an easy one because Zack is such a big music fan that I can also listen to anything he’s mentioned like, say, Nothing Great About Britain by slowthai, and think of him.
favorite picture of them
The beauty of his submission work + his gentleness and patience with others + striking imagery + intimacy, hands. Also the skulls and adorned hearts remind me of Despy 
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poipoi1912 · 7 years
Carisi-centric thoughts on Ep 19x01
A new season of SVU, and a new series of these posts! It appears I still have a lot of things to say about this show, lol. Welcome to new readers/followers, and welcome back to my old friends :D
Overall Thoughts
A good premiere. Surprisingly so. I forgot what it was like to watch SVU without my blood pressure rising every 2 minutes because of muddled messages and heavy-handed preaching. We had a relatively straight-forward case, good actors playing the perp and the victim, a memorable defense attorney, good dialogue (what???), a little rule-breaking which gave us interesting legal arguments, a little team work. I liked it.
There was a stronger-than-usual focus on Liv, but she is the star of the show, and this was a pilot of sorts, so I was expecting it. This premiere was about the new showrunner tweaking the format and the overall vibe of SVU for Season 19, so I didn't mind that he chose to focus on Olivia. I wish we had something other than Noah drama for her to do, but I suppose that's the easiest source of anguish for her, writing-wise, so the investigation storyline makes sense.
Squad Thoughts
We didn't get as much of the squad as I would have liked, and everyone's characterization was pretty thin, but again I attribute that to the new showrunner's attempt to set the story and use broad strokes to define the main players. I hope we'll see more character development later on in the season.
At this point, I felt he wanted to re-establish all the characters, so he chose to showcase (in a somewhat clumsy, overly expository way) everyone's main attributes.
Sonny - Italian, smartass funny, lawyer with morals Amanda - mother, weirdly attuned to perps, abrasive Fin - rule breaker, fashionable (lol), has negative fucks to give Barba - smart, sarcastic, supportive Liv - mother, leader, saint
I think there were better (and certainly more subtle) ways to convey all of those things, but again, if we treat this premiere as a pilot, I can see where the showrunner was coming from. He wanted to show us which parts of the old show he wanted to keep, and which parts he wanted to change.
We know he sees Sonny and Amanda as platonic buddies, so he gave us the classic S16 dynamic (Sonny getting on Amanda's nerves with his law stuff and her snapping). We know he wants to establish a bond between Amanda and Liv, so he gave us that lovely supportive moment between them. We know he sees Barba and Liv as close friends, so he gave us warm, shoulder-bopping Barba (awwww, btw) (also, Rafael, my guy, you’re friendzoning yourself at every turn). We know he wants to show a tortured Liv, so he gave us both the Noah moments and her chastising Fin as his boss, because (finally!) she's concerned about lawfulness.
Bottom line, I can see the effort to build new (and rebuild old) team dynamics, something sorely lacking in S18. So I'm willing to wait it out and see what else the writers want to do this year.
Sonny Thoughts
Again, the show focused on the few things we already knew about Sonny, and gave him a few (mostly clunky) lines to establish his personality. The writers went a little too hard with the "jokes" (that fridge thing especially, yikes), but they also gave him that solid line about revenge being a food group. I've always thought Sonny was at his strongest as the comic relief (not the butt of the joke, mind you. Just the character who brings some levity with his Munch-like, out-of-left-field observations.) so I'd be happy to see S19 returning to that.
Sonny and the Law
The show also remembered that Sonny is a lawyer. Sort of. They remembered he went to law school, at least, which is something. I do wish Amanda had been more specific, perhaps saying, "I know you think you’re a bigshot now that you passed the bar, Carisi, but STFU" but we can't have it all. Plus, the writers were smart enough to have him be the one to question Fin's actions. Sonny’s always had a strong moral compass, but he’s also been a stickler for the rules.
This was a textbook (a Constitutional Law textbook, in fact) case about the rights of the accused. Someone like Sonny (a former law student) would certainly enjoy arguing the merits of both sides of the argument, and he’d probably think nothing should undermine the rule of law, if only from a philosophical standpoint. Conversely, someone like Amanda (or Fin) would only think about the bottom line. So that conversation (and Amanda’s anoyance) worked for me.
Mostly, I appreciated the fact the writers remembered that Sonny cares about the law. I was reminded of the police brutality episode in S17, when Sonny was so adamant about getting a warrant, and Liv was less so. 
I've made several posts about Sonny being a caught-in-the-middle type of character, having a cop's heart but a lawyer's mind, and I'm hoping this season might revisit that. Sonny is not just another generic cop. He has more nuanced opinions, and he articulates them. He speaks out, even when his views isolate him from the rest of the squad. That's what makes him stand out.
Which brings me to:
Barisi Thoughts/Hopes
I'm really looking forward to seeing Sonny's interactions with Barba this season. I'm curious to see how the new showrunner wants to play that angle. As I said, Sonny is not just another cop, but he's also not a prosecutor. Theoretically, he won't agree with Barba either. He's always been somewhere in the middle.
Sonny is the character who can complain about jurisdiction or a international law and get shit from the other cops, but he's also the character who can say something like "hindsight" to support his fellow cops when a lawyer like Barba just doesn't get it.
And yet, Barba gets what the other cops don’t. And we know he’s shown interest in Sonny’s potential legal career. I’d be happy to see them arguing about the specifics of each case, but I’d be even happier to see them forming a front against the rest of the squad, or discussing Sonny’s hesitation to leave the force even when he spends most of his time arguing the legalities of it all.
There's a lot to mine, when it comes to the Sonny/Barba dynamic. I hope the writers take advantage of the characters' history, their contrasting personalities, and their unique (to this group of people) shared perspective when it comes to the law.
Sonny may no longer need a mentor, but he could use a friendly ear.
Stray Thoughts
Sonny's ass.
Was that a CGI cab in the opening?
Fin's surprised/amused "I didn't even know it was legal!" was everything.
Liv's new/old hair is flawless.
Barba felt like a lawyer again. For the first time in a long while.
Is Brooke Shields with Child Protective Services?
The squad was following the guy but they didn't have anybody covering the exits? Nor did they have anybody with the victim who was about to testify (i.e. the victim whose death would kill the case)? Come on.
Are Cassidy and Munch working together now? And can we see that?
Will Chase was fantastic. One of the best acted perps in recent memory. And Amy Smart was great too. As was Peter Jacobson. Truly, solid dialogue makes all the difference. We had great guest stars last season, but they were mostly wasted. In this episode, they all had a chance to shine.
Legal arguments? Cases cited? Foreign governments intervening belatedly? A defense attorney who was extremely smart but not extremely evil? One who chose to use his legal knowledge instead of resorting to victim-blaming? What?
A Latina wife of a perp who did the right thing? A black victim with sympathetic characterization? A less than wealthy victim with sympathetic characterization? What??? What show is this? (seriously, it's so easy to be mindful of things like that)
Speaking of the victims, how about respecting their wishes not to testify? Wow. That said, Sonny did seem to get momentarily possessed by the spirit of S18!Benson, when he tried to say that they could subpoena the first victim. I'm just glad that he looked and sounded conflicted and regretful, even as he was trying to say it. That detail, the way Peter practically mumbled that line, like he had a hard time even saying that out loud, it made the moment count. You can look for justice, and you can sometimes be harsh in that pursuit, but our characters shouldn't lose their empathy.
After a whole year, I finally watched an episode of SVU without it feeling like a chore. Or without having to fast-forward through anything. This premiere was hardly groundbreaking, but it was a decent, competently written hour of television. At this point, in S19, that's the most we can ask for. I'm glad we seem to be getting it.
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branlovestowrite · 7 years
Complicating Factors: Chapter 3
This is my work in progress fic, which I have only been posting on fanfiction.net.  After 12 chapters, my muse has fizzled out. I hope by revising & reposting this, I can get inspired again. Your comments and suggestions (chill vibes only!) are welcome and encouraged!
Complicating Factors
Rating: M for language and smut in later chapters
Summary: Emma Swan is a single mother trying to contact her ex and father of her child, Neal Cassidy. While she expected some awkwardness when meeting Neal’s mother, Milah Gold, she never expected the undeniable attraction she feels toward Milah’s younger boyfriend, Killian Jones. No Magic, Modern AU. Captain Swan.
Previous Chapters: Ch1 Ch2
Also on fanfiction.net.
The rest of the weekend was uneventful, and Emma started the new week feeling good. On Monday she started the work of transitioning to her new role, taking on a few of the lower risk cases. These were not as lucrative as the case with Jack, but they were quick, and she was able to complete a few in one day, providing her with a take home pay on Monday of around $250. Not too shabby, and much better than the pay she was getting as an admin. She had not made progress on hiring her replacement, and Tuesday morning she committed to doing that. She was just settling at the desk when her cell phone rang. It was Milah. Emma hoped she had some news on the Neal front.
"Hello," Emma said as she answered the phone.
"Emma, it's Milah. How are you?"
"Not too bad. How about you?"
"The day is still young, but it's looking good. I was calling to see if you'd be available to have lunch with me today?"
"I think I can do that, but let me get back to you in about an hour. I need to do some interviews today."
"Ok, well if today doesn't work, let me know about tomorrow or Thursday. My mornings are slow during the week."
"Will do. I'll call you back shortly."
Emma hung up. Her time with Milah on Saturday had greatly improved her opinion of Neal's mother. Milah was charmed by Henry and seemed to truly want to be a part of his life. Emma prided herself on being able to read people, and saw no hints of Milah being anything other than what she appeared to be to be. In addition to the woman's obvious affection for Henry, Emma found she really liked Milah. She was a warm and open person. She felt now that the possessive behavior over Killian at their first meeting must have been more of a physical manifestation of Milah's insecurities than any enmity towards Emma. She wanted to get to know this woman better, and was looking forward to a one-on-one lunch with her.
She went through the few résumés they'd received since posting the admin job on Friday. Most had no experience, which was not necessarily a bad thing. Two looked promising, and Emma called them to do a phone screen. She was able to get one to come in around 11:00 for a interview. Confident she could be done with that by noon, she called Milah back and scheduled lunch for 12:30 at a sandwich shop nearby.
The 11:00 interview, with a young woman named Ashley, went well. Ashley didn't have much work experience beyond working as hotel maid, but she was pleasant and organized. She saw the files stacked on Emma's desk and offered to help sort them before the interview even began. Emma wouldn't let her do unpaid work, but Ashley gave her a few ideas of how to organize the files that would make the process go faster. Emma liked Ashley, and after a brief meeting with Leroy, they offered her the job. She happily accepted, though she did say she would need a few days to get her childcare situation in order. Leroy was amenable and they agreed she would start the following Monday.
Emma was in a good mood as she walked to meet Milah for their lunch date. They placed their orders and then sat down at a table near the back, where it was quieter.
"Did your interview go well?" Milah asked.
"Yes. We hired her, so now I have a replacement."
"Now, tell me again what you do. I have a vague idea of what a bail bonds person does, but it's more from TV shows where an unusually large man jumps over fences to chase down offenders.
Emma laughed. "My life isn't quite so glamorous. My company helps people who have been arrested and don't have the money to afford bail. If they don't show up for their court dates, we have to pay the entire amount of their bail to the courts. So, my new job is the make sure they show up for court."
"Do a lot of people skip their court appointments?"
"Not as many as you'd think. But enough that my boss, Leroy, keeps five bond agents in rotation. Most of them are small time cases. Not as dangerous as what you see in the movies."
"And how do you get paid?"
"They pay us 10% of the bond."
"Fascinating. How did you get into this work?"
"Well, it's a long story." Emma took a deep breath. She couldn't tell Milah how she got into the bond industry without telling her what came before. "Since you haven't spoken to Neal in so long, you probably don't know that he was dealing drugs."
"Neal was a drug dealer? No, that's news to me. It's really hard for me to picture him doing that. When was this?"
"About seven years ago. I met him when I was 17. I had no idea he was dealing while we were together."
"And how long was that?"
"Two years. He disappeared a few months after my 19th birthday. The cops came to search our apartment and found cocaine in my suitcase. I was arrested. They tried to get more information from me about the supplier, but I didn't know anything. They gave me two years."
"That seems a bit much if you didn't know anything."
"Gotta love those mandatory minimum sentences. I've never even done cocaine. The worst I did was pot, but even that wasn't very often. Anyway, I found out I was pregnant with Henry while I was in jail."
Milah looked crushed. "You served two years and had your son in jail because my son set you up?"
"It looks that way. I haven't heard from him since, so I don't know if he meant to set me up, or if he just forgot he'd used my suitcase to stash his supply. Anyway, when I got out, I had a hard time finding work. I met Leroy, and he took a chance on me and made me his admin. I've been his admin for the last two years. Just got promoted on Friday."
"You are certainly inspiring, rebuilding your life the way you have. Did Henry stay with your family while you were in jail?"
"No. I don't have much family. He was placed with a foster mother, Regina Mills. She was actually really great. She helped me get back on my feet once I got out. We still see her a lot."
Milah grabbed Emma's hand across the table. "I know I shouldn't apologize for what Neal did, but I am very sorry that you went through all that."
"Thank you. I don't like to focus on the past. I just keep trying to move forward and give my son better than I had." Emma let out a deep breath, keeping her emotions in check. "So, how about you? I told you my story about Neal. Why haven't you seen him in so long?"
It was Milah's turn to sigh. "I told you about Robert last time and how cruel he was. I'm sure you've guessed that Killian was the man I had an affair with."
"Yes, I thought that might be the case."
"What I didn't tell you was that Neal and Killian were friends. That how we met."
"Whoa..." Emma said, sitting back in the booth.
"Neal was a sophomore at Storybrooke, and Killian was a first year grad student. He was a teaching aide for Neal's history class, and they hit it off. Neal brought Killian home at Thanksgiving. Said he wanted to show him our English Thanksgiving."
"Neal told me about that. How you guys had traditional English dishes instead of turkey."
"Yes, well, Robert and I never celebrated Thanksgiving, but Neal begged us to do it when he was little. All his schoolmates talked about their own celebrations, so we decided to put our own spin on it."
"And Neal thought Killian would enjoy it since he's British as well?"
"He's actually Irish, but he spent a lot of time in school in England, so he's lost most of his brogue. But, yes, Neal thought Killian might like it. I felt an attraction to Killian the moment I met him, but I knew it was wrong. I tried to avoid it."
The parallels to her current situation did not escape Emma. "What happened?"
"After Thanksgiving, he was always around. He and Neal spent quite a bit of time together. I thought it would be good for Neal. He was never a very serious student. I hoped Killian would be a good influence. Killy was such a sweet boy. He lost his mother when he was very young, and I thought maybe he was looking to me to fill that role. I was alright with that. But one day, he came by when Neal wasn't home. Robert and I just had a fight, and he wasn't home either. I knew it was a bad idea, but I invited Killian in and we had dinner together. That was the first time he kissed me. I was horrified at first. Tried to avoid him and pretend it never happened, but the next time I saw him, all that attraction came back in full force. He told me that he never saw me as a mother figure. Said he loved me and wanted to be with me. I resisted for a long time, but by the summer we were seeing each other regularly. The truth eventually came out. Neal was failing, and when he found out about my affair, he decided to quit school. He ran away and cut off contact with Robert and I. Robert divorced me, and I took the paltry settlement he gave me to start my shop and purchase the flat above it."
"And you've been with Killian ever since?"
"On and off. We've had our spats. The longest we were apart was six months. I never dated anyone else, though. I truly do love him, even when he's being a complete arse. But I don't know why he's convinced I'm the only one for him."
"Why not?"
"We want different things. He wants a family. He swears he does not, but I see the looks on his face when we are at the store and a cute child walks by. Or how much fun he had with Henry. He wants a child of his own some day, and that won't be with me. I am content with my life. The only thing I want is to reconcile with Neal."
"If he's told you he doesn't want a child, why not just take him at face value? Maybe he's not lying."
"It's not just that. We fight. A lot. I hate how insecure I feel around him. And I know that Neal would not be happy if he came back to find me still with Killian."
"Neal doesn't get a say in this," Emma said. "He's a grown man and he doesn't need to be happy with your life decisions. Only you do."
"And what if I'm not?"
"Not what? Not happy? Then do something. Find out what's making you unhappy and change it."
"I wish I could be as assertive as you. I don't think I've ever done one thing in my life that wasn't tied to a man in some way. My father kept me under his thumb until I escaped to be with Robert, and then Robert changed and I jumped ship to be with Killian."
"You started your shop. That wasn't because of a man."
Milah's face lit up. "You're right. I did that for me. I love vintage clothes. The quality is unmatched by many of the things made today."
"Find other things like that. Things you like to do just for you."
"I wouldn't even know where to begin. Have you ever let a man control your life?"
"Just once. With Neal. Well, I guess Henry does, but that's different. I learned a long time ago that I couldn't rely on anyone more than myself. The only one who saves me is me."
"How did you meet Neal?"
Emma flushed. "I was stealing a car that he'd already stolen. I'd just turned 17 and was running away from the foster system. I'd only had one driving lesson, from a fellow foster kid who first showed me how to break into the car and jump start it. I took those skills, packed up my stuff, and bolted. I took the car, thinking it was an old one the driver probably didn't need anymore. I scouted it for about a week, and it never moved. But I didn't realize that Neal was living in it."
Milah's eyes grew watery at the thought of her son living in a car. She blinked a few times and sniffled. "You said you were 17 at the time? That would have made Neal...23. Is that right?"
"Yep. He was the first person who actually seemed to want me around. I latched onto that."
"I can't imagine him taking a young girl in and then abandoning her later. I thought I raised him better than that," Milah huffed. "I want to find him and grab him by the ear and make him explain himself."
"I'm guessing you've had no luck getting hold of Robert?"
"No. I tried visiting his office yesterday, but he slammed the door when he saw me coming. He threatened to call campus security and have me arrested for harassment. Still such a bloody coward."
"So maybe I should go see him."
"I can't ask you to deal with him. This is my problem."
"Yes, but he doesn't know me. He has no reason to hide from me."
"Good point. Well, if you want to go by, his office is in the Spencer building, room 204."
"Thanks. I think I will do that. What's the best time to go?"
"His office hours haven't changed since he started the job. On Wednesdays, he's available from 9-11."
"Tomorrow morning it is. I'll let you know how it goes."
"Good luck." Milah said with a smile.
Killian was trudging up the stairs to his apartment when he felt his phone vibrate to alert him of a text message. It was from Milah.
Last minute appointment. Be home late.
He typed a quick reply. Dinner?
I'll eat before. Fend for yourself. :-)
He pocketed his phone and pulled out his keys to unlock the door. He had some grading to do and thesis proposal to review, so there was plenty to occupy him that evening. After setting his things down, he walked to the kitchen and saw nothing appetizing, so he decided to order Thai food. After calling and placing his order, he sat at his desk and began working.
He was lost in a research paper about the Golden Age of Piracy when the doorbell rang. It seemed a bit too soon for the delivery to be arriving. He opened the door and was immediately pulled out of the apartment by a pair of burly arms.
"Liam?! What the blazes... Let go of me!" He pushed his brother off.
"Now now," Liam boomed in his commanding voice. "Is that any way to greet your brother?"
"You're lucky I don't give you a black eye when you greet me by putting me in a headlock."
"Comes with the territory, little brother."
"Younger brother," Killian corrected, rubbing a sore spot on his neck. "Come on you stubborn arse. Let's get inside."
They walked into the small apartment, Liam toward the couch, and Killian to the fridge. Two beers in hand, Killian joined his brother in the living area and settled on the couch. The clinked their bottles together in a toast and each took a hearty sip.
"So," Killian began, "what brings you to Boston?"
"Investigating new opportunities. My company is looking into switch carriers for some of our Trans-Atlantic freight."
Liam worked in logistics for some sort of manufacturing company. That was all Killian knew about his brother's livelihood. It seemed to pay well, however, and he was constantly travelling between his home in London and the US, though often to New York instead of Boston.
"Well, I wish you would have told me you were coming. How long are you in town for?"
"I wanted it to be a surprise! I fly back in next Friday, but I have to spend most of next week in New York. I thought I could take some time off and pester my younger brother for a few days in Boston."
"I can't cancel my classes. The administration is watching me like a hawk. I think Gold told them I was just handing out grades."
"You'd think after ten years he'd be over you shagging his wife right under his nose."
Killian gave Liam a pained look. "It wasn't like that. You know."
"I know nothing other than you jumped on her like an eager puppy and wore her down until she couldn't avoid you."
The younger Jones brother began scratching behind his ear, his old nervous tick. "You're not being fair, Liam. You know I love Milah."
"Aye, that I do." Liam clenched his teeth, and Killian knew he was holding himself back from voicing the remainder of his thoughts. Killian had heard it all before. You two are both lovely people, but you don't belong together. You're just so afraid to be alone that you cling to each other and block yourselves off from the chance to be really happy. This was a constant refrain in Killian's thoughts, fed somewhat from Liam's comments on prior occasions, and also from his own insecurities. He knew there was something missing with Milah, but he was terrified of the thought of ever leaving her.
"Speaking of," Liam said, "Where is your better half?"
"I don't know. She texted me and said she had a last minute appointment."
"She didn't say what it was?"
"I didn't bother to ask. I have some grading to do, and I ordered Thai food, so I was looking forward to a productive evening."
"Well, put off your grading and stash the Thai for your lunch tomorrow. I'm taking you out to dinner."
"OK. Let me put on something other than my professor uniform." Killian stood up and went to his room to change. As he stood in the room in nothing but his boxers, he heard the doorbell ring.
"Oi! Liam! That'll be my food. Cash for the tip is on the kitchen counter." He finished dressing in jeans and a soft t-shirt. He walked out to the living area, the rich aroma of the food making his mouth water.
"I may need to have a little nibble. I am starving." Stepping around the counter, he saw the cash he had set aside still sitting on the counter. He spun around on Liam. "You didn't give him the tip?"
"You Americans and your bloody tipping. Why isn't it just included in the price?"
"You git! They'll never deliver here again if I short change the drivers. Or if they do, they'll spit in my food."
"You really have become an American. You didn't even correct me when I called you that. And you're more concerned with making sure this crazy system stays in place."
Killian paused. "I'm not an American, I'm a Permanent Resident. And that place has the best Thai food for miles, and now, thanks to you, I can't ever have them deliver again."
Liam laughed. "Come on, Killy. Get your shoes on. I'll find us a better Thai food place for dinner."
Wednesday morning found Emma driving around the campus of Storybrooke University trying to find a parking spot. Was parking such a mess at every school? She suddenly found herself grateful that she'd never had the college experience, if only because she had no idea how she would deal with a parking situation like this every day. Finally finding a spot, nearly on the opposite side of campus from where she wanted to be, she stepped out of her car and shivered at the chilly air of the early spring morning. She hugged her jacket tighter to herself and started the long walk to the Spencer building.
After getting turned around more than once, and with the help of some students, she stood in front of the Spencer building. It was a clean, sleek, modern building. Obviously one of the newer ones on campus. Idly she wondered if the building Killian worked in was as nice. She opened the glass doors and followed the signs to the elevator. Just as the doors started to close, she heard a cry in the hallway.
"Wait! Please, hold the door!"
Emma swiftly moved to block the doors from closing and pressed the button to hold them. A petite woman with brown hair rushed through, holding a box overflowing with books.
"Thanks," she said.
"No problem," Emma replied. She turned to stare at the doors for their short ride to the second floor. The elevator dinged and the doors slid open. Emma found that she and the young woman were going in the same direction. She approached the door to Robert Gold's office and saw that it was closed. The woman saw her pause.
"Are you looking for Professor Gold? He'll be back in a moment. He told me he was going to grab a coffee."
"I am, thank you."
After she deposited her books in what appeared to be a small library, she turned and extended her hand. "I'm Belle. I work with Professor Gold." She gave Emma a warm smile, and her striking blue eyes sparkled with cheer.
"Emma Swan."
"Are you here to talk about pursuing a law degree?"
"Oh, no. This is a more personal matter." She felt uncomfortable revealing too much about herself to a relative stranger. To change the subject, she said "Do you teach as well?"
"No. I'm actually the assistant librarian for the school, but I am helping maintain the legal library until they can hire someone to take over."
"So, just a temporary role?"
"Well, it was supposed to be, but that was a year ago. There's always an issue with getting funding in the budget for the replacement, so I just keep helping out. I'm lucky we have enough student workers to help fill the gaps in the library."
"Why not get a student worker to come over here?"
"Oh, well, he wouldn't like that. He's very particular with how things are organized."
"Professor Gold."
"I wasn't aware he was head of the department."
"I'm not," said a voice behind her. Emma turned to see an older man with dark grey hair and a ruddy complexion. He was dressed impeccably in a tailored, pinstripe suit and leaning on an ornate cane. His brown eyes had a cold look, but Emma recognized them as the same eyes that her son Henry possessed. The same eyes Neal possessed.
"Mr. Gold..." she began.
"Professor Gold, if you please. May I ask who you are and why you are making questions about my staffing choices?"
"Robert, please, she was just making conversation," Belle interjected. Emma did not miss the fact that Belle was not required to address him formally.
"And who is she?"
Emma steeled herself and stepped forward, extending her hand. "I'm Emma Swan. I need to talk to you about your son, Neal."
He did not take her hand. "What could you possibly have to do with my son?" He sneered.
Her patience quickly wore thin."Recently, not much, but five years ago he abandoned me, pregnant and serving time for his criminal activity. My son wants to meet his father, and since Neal has disappeared off the face of the Earth, I need you to help me find him."
Gold was speechless. His eyes changed from their previous disdainful cast and took on a faraway look. "Neal had a son?"
"No, I had a son. And if it were up to me, Neal wouldn't have anything to do with him. But that's not fair to Henry. So, how do I get in contact with Neal?"
The faraway look was gone. He stared at Emma again with that cold gaze. "How do I know the boy is even Neal's?"
"Because he has your eyes," Emma said. She whipped out the wallet-sized picture of Henry she had stashed in her jacket pocket that morning and handed it to Gold.
He looked down at the picture with watery eyes, but the emotion almost immediately receded. His eyes raised up to meet Emma's. "I don't have a number for Neal, but I have a way to contact him. I will reach out and let you know once I hear back. How should I contact you? I assume you no longer reside in jail?"
She scoffed and handed him her business card. "My cell phone number is on there." She snatched the picture back from Gold. "If I don't hear from you, I'll be back. Don't think about trying to hide from me."
"You should watch your tone, dearie."
"Let's get one thing straight. I am not afraid of you. Try to intimidate me all you want. It. Won't. Work. I am here for one reason, and that is to give my son a chance to meet his father."
"I never do anything without a price."
"Robert," Belle interjected. Emma hadn't realized she was still there. "This boy is your grandson. Stop being hostile and help her out."
The effect was incredible. One moment Gold was an angry imp ready to destroy Emma, but a word from Belle and he turned to mush. There was definitely something more between them than just a work relationship. Gold released a heavy breath. He turned back to Emma."Very well, I will contact Neal. If I don't hear from him in a week, I will call and let you know.
"Thank you," Emma said, turning to take her leave.
"Wait, Miss Swan. Might I keep the photo? I'd like the share it with Neal."
Emma hesitated. She didn't like the idea of this man having a picture of Henry. But it may make Neal more likely to come out of the woodwork. She reluctantly handed him the print.
"Pleasure doing business with you. We'll speak soon."
She turned and stalked toward the elevator. Despite the satisfactory outcome of her visit, she couldn't help feeling like she'd just made a deal with the devil.
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mrvdocks · 8 years
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no one requested this but I had this in my head for a while now and I just had to get it out.
I do believe in fate and destiny, but I also believe we are only fated to do the things that we'd choose anyway. And I'd choose you; in a hundred lifetimes, in a hundred worlds, in any version of reality, I'd find you and I'd choose you
Ireland, 1900
You first meet Cassidy as a teen, particularly 1916, just shy a few months before he takes part in the Easter Rising. He’s cocky, rebellious, and just a bit of a prick, but you see something in him. In that same year, you both only share each other’s company a few times.
You two never talked, mostly exchanged some glances here and there. You two lived in such a close proximity and yet in that time, you two never not once, talked. There seemed to be an unspoken silence between the two of you. The occasional glance you both gave each other was enough. But he was a complete fool, always doing things to catch the attention of a pretty girl. 
Billy always teased him about his silly little crush, egging him on to find some courage to do something about it. He always brushed it off, never really thinking too long on it.
On a warm day in February, you overheard him talking to Billy about joining the Brotherhood. Once he spotted you from the corner of his eye, he instantly fell silent. His eyes focused on you as sudden as he quieted, and you could only stand there, baffled. 
Then, came the day before the Rising, and everyone was celebrating for some reason. You remembered the day clearly, the jeers, the festivities, and most importantly, Cassidy.
It might've been the large amounts of alcohol he consumed that allowed him to do this, but that day he couldn't help himself. You’d had a few drinks yourself, but you remember being at least a little dazed. He takes your hand, and entwines it with his, bringing your body closer to his. His long arm wraps around your waist, head crashing against his chin, as you share a look. 
The action makes you laugh in surprise, and his fantastic brows furrow in confusion. “I’m not that funny looking, am I?” 
You shake your head in shy response, opting to not stare straight into those dangerous eyes. 
The both of you stay still in that position, the sounds of drunk giggling and cheers all around fading out. It feels like it’s just you two in the moment. He makes a pain expression, taking you out of the loop. Just before you can ask him if he’s alright, the hand wrapped around your waist comes up to cradle your face. It sends shivers down your spine, and your hair stands on end when your lips finally connect. 
He tilts his head slightly to kiss you properly. All in all it was clumsy. Tongues and teeth colliding together, desperate touches and a want that burns you both. The feeling of your lips against his feels perfect, as if the two of you are pieces that were supposed to fit together. You were avoiding this all along, and now that it was happening, it felt like that warm feeling you get once you've ached for it for so long. It felt like coming home.
You almost feel betrayed when the next day, you wake up alone and a bit chilly. But the thought of that night was burned into the back of your memory. You’ve come to realize, he’s gone. Probably for good. 
Maybe you were right. Because he did leave, but not entirely. He abandoned the war, and just when he thought he was safe, the unexpected happened.
This time, you don’t meet Cassidy. You’re walking down the street, minding your own business, when the heading of a local newspaper catches your eye. It makes you halt your steps and a mental picture forms. The picture is gruesome nonetheless, and you immediately feel pity for the poor victim’s family. 
The killer, which was seen in broad daylight, was describe very fantasy-like. The witness was declared insane, as they reported the attacker to be a vampire of all sorts. You snorted, thinking it to be just something that would be forgotten very soon. 
You’re a secretary for a mob boss this time, and while it’s a dangerous job, you think you can handle yourself. It’s comfy with great pay and protection. Nobody gives you lip unless they want to meet the end of a fist with three gold rings decorating it. You’re adored, is the point. 
You've seen your fair share of men that come and go, usually with a few body parts missing here and there. You think you've seen enough trouble for now, but then he appears. 
Cassidy walks in, looking like a bat out of hell. He’s fidgety and does double takes every time someone walks past the window of your office. It’s not until your boss walks out and greet him like an old friend, that you feel a sense of familiarity about the panicked man. 
You don't mean to overhear, but he's in some kind of trouble. The big kind. He’s asking for favors and lots of money at the same time. Says he feels like there’s people after him. Your boss tells him he can get these people off his back, for a price. Cassidy practically begs, which seems uncharacteristic of him, and thanks your boss a million times. You tune out once they get on the topic of his past crimes, and resume your daily routine. 
Cassidy walks out, looking more confident than before, and he directs his attention to you. He makes a suave move, and leans on his left arm, grinning that toothy grin. 
“Don’t.” You begin. 
Every man to so much as lick his lips towards you has received the very bad end of the stick. Stick as in beat down. This guy seems nice, but you don’t want to get him hurt. 
“Let’s just greet each other and just go our separate ways, alright?” 
He pulls back from your desk, and gives you a lopsided smile. You get the sense that you've just urged him on further.
“Alright, luv.” He drawls, and winks. You sit up straight, taken by surprise as he makes his way towards the door. 
“See ya later.” He said sheepishly.
You narrowed your eyes, watching him disappear. 
That night, he appears at your doorstep, flowers in hand and a shit faced grin. You decide to let him in to see what happens. 
That had been 10 years ago, and all you’ve heard now about him is that he’s in very big trouble. Of course he was. He’d managed to get away and become a recluse somewhere in New York City, or that’s how it was rumored. He’d cheated your boss and ran away with a few thousand dollars to do with as he pleased. 
The other bosses were not very happy about this. You’d taken this as a guess as you stared down the barrel of a gun, one pointed at you and one at your boss. Wrong place, wrong time.
You bump into Cassidy out of sheer coincidence outside of a drugstore. 
“Sorry.” You mumble, as you try to get past him. 
He gives you his signature grin and then books it out of the place. You don’t realize what he’s done until you hear a pharmacist and two officers yell and chase after him. 
You chuckle to yourself, but then trail off. Something about him seemed familiar, you couldn’t place it. It’s almost as if you’ve seen him somewhere before. You search your memory to find where you’ve seen him. 
You come to the conclusion that maybe you’ve seen his sketch on the nightly news.
You brush it off as quickly as you thought it, carrying on with your day. 
“Jesse could you please stop leaving your notes everywhere? I’m not your maid.” You sigh in frustration, picking up each piece of paper that has been mindlessly thrown on the floor. 
As always, Jesse’s passed out drunk on his bed. You stand in his doorway, hands on your hips, shaking your head. His snores fill the room as you walk in and remove his shoes. 
“I should get paid for this.” You mutter under your breath. 
You weren't his caregiver, and you most certainly weren't his sister. But you felt your relationship was something like that. Jesse had been there for you since you were little, after Tulip left, you two had each other. 
You didn’t approve of his lifestyle, that’s for sure. But you went along with it because you cared deeply about him. 
You sighed heavily as you plopped down on the couch in the living room, flipping on the tv and just staring up at the ceiling. 
You peered up from your comfortable position, meeting a tipsy Cassidy.
“Get kicked out again?” You quipped dismissively. 
He grunted in response, almost tripping over his feet and plopping next to you.
“Ugh.” He reeked of the usual, cigarettes and alcohol. 
“You find it odd ‘ere?” He says suddenly.
You give him a daft look, unsure of what he means. He copies you, and the thought begins to sink in.
“Alright, who are you and what've you done to Cassidy?” You noticed he pressed the palm of his hand to the back of his neck, holding himself in an uncomfortable position.
You sighed, weary. “I guess. Everything’s off around here. The air, the people....you.”  
“Me?” He blurts, taken by surprise.
“Yeah you. There’s something about you that seems so familiar but I can't figure it out.” 
“How familiar?” He shoots you an interested brow and cheeky grin. You can't help but roll your eyes.
“You know what - forget it.” You chastise. 
“Oh c’mon. Alright look, I’m sorry.” 
You shot him a look of doubt, pursing your lips. Your eyes flickered from his body to his face, and without hesitation you wrapped your arms around his torso, heaving yourself up and close to his body. He froze instantly, this form of affection feeling foreign to him. 
You could feel it coming, the snarky remark. 
“Don’t even think about it, you big lump. Just let me have this.” You nestle your face near his collarbone, and close your eyes. 
You could feel a hesitant hand come up to rub your back softly, and then lay firmly on your shoulder. His arm draped around your back. 
“I’m not funny looking am I?” You mumble under your breath.
“You know, that sounds familiar somehow.” 
A pleasant smile grew on your face, and for the first time in your life, you wondered if past lives were possible. You made a note about asking about that later, when Jesse wasn't so intoxicated and when Cassidy wasn't so worrisome. 
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