#castle 2x17 spoilers
castle-dominion · 1 year
First names my beloved
Busts down her door!
Girl is this safe?
She would not have survived bro, unless maybe she was taking a bath at the time & managed to simply get some mild burns all over her body.
NOW IS NOT THE TIME TO WORRY ABOUT NUDITY First thing you do is take off your jacket & give it to her. It’s like when an a-hole rips off someone’s hijab, I was told the first thing you do is offer your jacket if you couldn’t snag back their scarf.  Castle: Your Apartment Is On Fire. m- now might not be the best time for Modesty!
I’m assuming the buttoning up of the jacket was offscreen.
At least the paramedics had smth for her to wear.
Well thankfully not everything is absolutely brunt & broken, & not everyone in the building has to move, just the ones in proximity to beckett’s apartment.
Wow clever. You know, my brother still needs to duck tape me up so I can try to escape.
Her phone survived?? I guess she was holding it when she jumped in the tub. It would be hilarious if there was an episode where someone was murdered by an explosion but it turns out they technically didn’t kill the victim because the victim survived the explosion by jumping into the still-full tub but died in the tub because they were drying their hair at the time. How bout that?
How was he so good at hiding from every camera 30 times?
Castle raising his hand <3. But ngl as an adult I love to put up my finger when someone is talking so they let me in & I don’t need to interrupt
I don’t understand baseball. “His only other joy in life was the knicks.” ‘poor guy.’ Is that a statement on the sport team?
KB: What is missing from these pictures? RC: Good taste. JE: Area Rug. KR: Decent Lighting.
Oh wait “If you’re a knicks fan you’ve got to share your pain with somebody” so it WAS a statement on sports
You know what, as someone in the restaurant industry (with love to family owned, ethnic, & diner-style) I honestly respect her for working that angle!
Behaviour is very big. See this is the only good thing about the fbi.
RC: ... I get half of these (Bro he’s smart & literate & you’re smart & literate) JS: Yes & you also kill people for a living, in your books.
I like agent montgomery & agent avery Smart, smart!
Creepy apartment... Neat red light tho. Interesting choice in design.
Man either has a printer or gets a lot of magazines...
He has gotten away with murder!?? Smart of him to be able to write about it & then make it happen. One part fact, one part fiction, that’s like my friend+’s fictive alters XD. Sorry petrichor, I hope you find this comment funny & not offensive. Tho tbh I feel like as somewho with neurodivergency who experiences psychosis & also has fictive/introject alters & is a writer I feel like maybe you would hate this episode. Then again you are also an adult & able to enjoy it while seeing points to critique. 
If you have burned off finger prints, you would still leave finger marks, juts without the print pattern. 
Like the clown episode in murdoch with the phone calls.
RC: Now you know what it’s like for me
GIRL JUST RADIO TO ADVISE THEM OF HIS POSITION Girl he’s not going to stop when you say police. He knows you’re police.
When I first saw this I thought he would jump on top of the train. Also lucky timing to be able to get on the train & not have her get on it & he’d be trapped with her.
I love captain montgomery.
I love mature adults who deal with things thoughtfully.
MR: Well that explains the hunky guy with the earbud. I assumed it was Richard making a point on my dropping by unannounced.
I wish I had a relationship like that with my gran or gramma... sad...
I love how she’s having an intense conve & he’s just eating a hot egg.
Jordan, not shaw?
2009 lookin email lol
That’s def how technology works
The thing is, you want quiet shoes but non-slip shoes!
Ooh a gun.
Everyone needs to learn sign language or at least their police signals & scuba signals & important & rudimentary stuff
calls herself nikki heat.
Good aim!  Oh wait nevermind
Bro the police does not need more budget going into gizmos & gadgets. That money could be spent in crime prevention, like, say healthcare, housing, amenities, food, counseling...
Care is so good. Love is not necessarily there & friends can care for each other & crushes are something in there too.
Writer airbrushed across the back window... Ryan & Esposito have a better car than you do! I’m embarrassed to have criminals in the back of that thing!
I made dinner! (looking at takeout)
Bro you literally have a guest bedroom... but I do like the joke about the home theater. It’s like the home gym after the kids go to college
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castle-dominion · 1 year
c2x17 tick tick tick...
RC: ask me why I’m here KB: I ask myself that every day
Ryan’s jacket again looks like one Dirk Gently (or my gay uncle who lives in australia) would wear
She’s so right, it is not her, but since it was Heavily based on her she Should get a say in who plays her. My family has discussed this many times. 
This was one of the first episodes I had seen. Actually, it was the last one I’d seen before never watching castle again because we only had four episodes on our TV. Then we got the DVD set & FINALLY I got to see the second part. Yay for two-part episodes...
MR: “you are not another man, besides, I trained you!” (so true bestie) (also, another point for the “rick castle is trans” AUs)
RC: they spell something,, they spell... Kinki :}
I love music sm. I know a fiddle song called calliope house that I can play in four keys & on any string.
Second intro ^-^ I am going to keep this post I think.
Oh right the fbi. I mean cooperation & acab & gizmos & all that good stuff.
He’s like a kid. Excited. Playing with this stuff.  Girl it is BETTER to have a machine to do the work, it is faster, it doesn’t matter.  Rick, ew, you have Nikki Heat & someone called “Rook” (which will get you killed in a chess club if you call it a “castle”) & it’s literally just RPF & you make em have sex. Come on bro, you know the BS she already deals with as a female cop in the early 00s? (& IG 2010s)
Yeah bud the animation sure works like that & it’s just that easy
Agent Shaw & Castle really are a lot like beckett & castle.
She could have said “I will come with one person as backup, I cannot come alone, but I will somewhat respect your wishes” maybe?
I like shaw. We have more people than you do, our goal is to catch the killer. You need to get some rest, I’m a mom, I know that.
“Aha, one of your old wedding videos” he says, about martha rodgers the actress fighting with a guy in a monster costume
OH NO I FORGOT ABOUT THAT PART, DOES HE DROP THE BODY OUTSIDE THE DOOR? no wait I think it’s castle. She keeps her gun in a drawer? In Canada you need to have guns locked up, on the farm we would actually keep the gun but lock up the bullets. She doesn’t have it on her, she doesn’t have it locked up, she has it halfway in between?
Yeah data & gadgets are so cool & like... Granted, she does envy that he listens to shaw.
“I will have you know that I sleep with a gun” IS SHE OK? how do you even do that? Is it like bed knife from markiplier?
I like how he just made himself at home & went through her cupboards & all that. Though I’m sad she mostly orders in. It is not /so/ hard to meal prep on sundays,, at least for lunches & then you could order dinner... or maybe you make supper every night (that you are free) & take leftovers to lunch daily. It surprises me how much people don’t cook...
“there’s a body out there I need to find” comedic timing
Ryan how is that relevant??? XD XD ryan chill “what time did you & mr castle go to bed last night?”
Lanie (& literally everyone): So cute the way you do that
It’s neat seeing castle wearing normal clothing instead of his usual style
JS: Ok sweetie, Mommy has got to go arrest somebody now, I’ll be home for dinner. I love you, bye. So cute ^u^
Spoilers for the next episode: Ok but even after watching this I don’t understand. He shot the gun, where did the bullet go? The gunshot is what told the fbi to go in, & he definitely did shoot the gun, but how would it work? Ben conrad had to have been dead on the ground & set up before Scott shot. Once scott fired, he ran & hid in the hidey hole & let the pigs find the body. Where did he shoot?
two-floor apartments are so weird to me. I once stayed in a penthouse mansion in japan four times as big as the floors below, but... it was the entire floor, not double-leveled. 
Ok but this trigenerational household is so great!
No but listen. When you shoot a gun or loose an arrow, you usually use the hand that correlates to your dominant eye. I’m left-eye dominant (ish) but right-handed, I learned to shoot with my right hand, & I Really Really Suck. Ben Conrad might have been mixed handed in that way, writing with his left, shooting with his right. Except for them seeing him in the window that is.
Ooh I love a landline -u-
Sure bestie cuz that’s how it worked.
I actually just remembered, I DID see another episode after this on network TV, but it was way in the future & beckett said “I still don’t have a house” & I’m like ‘so she did survive & her home did get blown up, huh’
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castle-dominion · 1 year
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castle-dominion · 1 year
You know the drill. Bad filming, bad camera, bad framing. But her he looks like a puppy!
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