#casual matty is so cutie
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domestic boyfriendism
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devourable · 1 year
✘ delinquents
sfw | tws : yandere behavior; stalking, obsessive thoughts, mildly implied violence
delinquent male yanderes x reader! only pronoun used for reader is ‘you’ 😌 i took a bit longer than expected so i hope yall enjoy these knuckleheads
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mattias was the first to take notice of you.
he caught sight of you during one of his typical late night walks with his friends, semi-drunkenly cracked jokes amongst themselves as they passed around liquor that they had stolen earlier in the day. and when his gaze fell onto you from some distance away, he stopped walking.
you were doing nothing but sitting at a bus stop, but... what was it about you? the way the street lamp bathed you in its light, illuminating you with an amber glow like you were the only thing on the street? it made the boy's heart stutter in a way he'd never felt before!
when his friends returned to his side upon noticing he had stopped walking, mattie quickly pointed you out to his friends ("guys, check out that cutie!"), and an additional three pairs of eyes landed on you as your bus rumbled down the road. and they all had the same reaction as him — you were adorable! what were you doing out on your own so late? didn’t you know there were criminals around here? poor little thing you were, you must’ve not had any other choice…
clearly, you needed someone to protect you!
they were too far away to approach then and there, but it was probably for the best. getting talked up by four drunk, imposing male strangers so late at night would probably not make the best first impression, one of them pointed out as they watches you board your bus. so completely unbeknownst to you, your four new admirers had already began to devise a plan to meet you formally.
it was strange how naturally their collective desire for you fell together. any other time, if even just two of them liked the same person, it was enough to cause infighting and strife among the friend group. but you? the way you united them simply by existing, you had to be something special! it must’ve been destiny that they noticed you that night.
the four would slowly trickle their way into your life, one by one. despite mattias begging to be the one to do it, dominic would be the first of the four you’d actually meet. in his eyes, he was the least intimidating, the most suave, the most manipulative. his charmingly crooked smile had always helped him charm his way into and out of most situations, and you were no different.
he’d casually start riding the same bus as you at the same times you did, using it as an excuse to talk to you. coincidentally, you and him had the same stops, too! and he even got the driver to give you free lifts, even when he wasn't around. it was an old favor he was owed, he'd say, so you didn't have to pay any mind to the tense demeanor of the bus driver whenever you boarded.
naturally he’d offer to walk you home, too, but if you weren’t comfortable with that, it was no biggie (he’d figure out where you lived regardless). he was content with waving you off and walking in a different direction for the meantime.
mattias and judas came next. when dom had managed to convince you to stop by the nearby corner store with him one day, his friends just so happened to be there! as if they weren’t waiting there every day after you and dom had established a friendship.
it was all mattias could do to not scoop you up the moment you met. you were even cuter up close! he was so happy when his patience was rewarded by being graced with your voice, your laughs at his witty sense of humor, and your little smile when you looked at him. did you like him back? did you think he was half as attractive as he found you to be? he desperately wanted to know what you thought of him, but he choked back his questions to keep from scaring you off. in spite of his usually energetic persona, he played it cool to gain your favor.
judas, meanwhile, observed you in relative silence — he wasn’t much of a talker, dom explained — but it didn’t mean his thoughts weren’t any less intense than mattias’s. he couldn’t deny it — he liked you, quite a lot. more than he thought he would. despite finding you attractive too, he didn’t think much of you when he had first grown aware of your existence. he’d simply chalked you up to be the temporary fixation of his friends. but the second you did meet, judas’s mind went to places he had never expected it to go.
for once, he found himself… wanting someone. wanting you. and for once, he was happy his friends had dragged them into this whole scheme.
the four of you all got along so well! and when aaron was finally introduced to you as well, he was no exception. aaron was the only of the four to have a car, so when he ‘learned’ that you were taking the bus so late to get around, he was quick to offer up his own services to help you out ("dom is too much of a nuisance to drive around," he'd claim). an excuse to be able to spend more time with you, with and without his friends around, and you don’t have to deal with public transportation anymore! a win-win, right? and when you accepted, he was over the moon.
it didn't take long for them to sweep you right off your feet after you had met all four of them. they were relentless in capturing your heart and all four of them worked together to ensure you were theirs.
on top of that, none of them were afraid of breaking a few rules or laws to do that, either.
you found yourself always with at least one of the four — usually mattias, as he had the most free time and arguably liked you the most — and the few times you weren't, you could bet they were doing everything in their power to get back to you. other people in your life suddenly began to pull away from you, never having time or simply not wanting to be around you, or so they claimed. it left you with little else to turn to outside of the boys. they had started to puppeteer your life without you ever even knowing it.
they didn't quite understand the pull you had on them — hell, you didn't even realize what you were doing to them! and they even started to question if what they were doing was okay. was what they were doing to your life just to keep you in theirs worth it?
but dominic, mattias, judas, and aaron all came to the same decision the day you agreed to be in a relationship with all four of them...
it was definitely worth it. and they'd keep doing whatever it took to keep things going exactly as they were.
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sincerelyreidburke · 4 years
Alright so, Could you please entertain me with how Nando would react to seeing Quinn in stage makeup?
freshman year | march
  If there’s one thing Nando has learned after several months of dating a theatre boy, it’s this: the drama club does not fuck around.
Like, as in, Quinn was already in rehearsal when he woke up this morning and now Nando’s game for the day— AKA his sole Saturday obligation— is finished and they’re still there . It was a matty game, but still . Quinn has literally been in the auditorium for, like, eight hours.
Nando knows why, though. Six days from now is opening night for the show. And today, as Quinn explained to him several times, is ‘load-in followed by a double run’, which is apparently drama club code for We Are Going To Be Here Literally All Day.
He understands, though. He knows. They’re busy. They have a whole musical to put on next weekend, and the weekend after that too. And Quinn himself is super busy, because, well, he’s the big cheese! He’s the lead. He’s putting the Evan Hansen in Dear Evan Hansen.
Nando is a ridiculously proud boyfriend.
Also, he cannot wait to finally see this show next weekend.
All that stands between him and that is what today signals the start of: tech week. Quinn has had some things to say about it. He’ll probably have more things to say about it. Nando wonders if he’s going to be nervous this week.
He’ll help him if he is; he’ll be here for him.. He’s going to blow this show out of the water. Nando knows it.
They win the game 6-1. He leaves the rink to an outdoor temperature which, miraculously, is something besides absolutely freezing. The sun hasn’t set or anything yet, but it’s getting later in the day, and it’s overcast and sort of gross out. “Hey,” Ben says, bumping against him as they walk. “Where are you headed right now?”
Nando glances at his phone. It’s 4:45. Theoretically , Quinn is supposed to be done at 5:00. But Nando also knows by now that the Kiersey drama club is notorious for breaking their rehearsal end-time promises.
“That’s… a good question,” he replies, looking up at Ben. “Where are you going?”
Ben shrugs. “I might hit the Beech, if Rem’s up for it.”
Nando nods. “Sweet.”
Ben tucks a loose strand of sweaty hair up into his bun, watching expectantly like he’s waiting for Nando’s answer. But he seems to read his mind, because a second later, he asks, “Is Q still in rehearsal?”
“I think so.” Nando grins a little. “They have him under lock and key.”
Ben smiles fully, and jostles his shoulder. “Duuude,” he says. “You must feel deprived.”
Nando knows he’s being chirped, but Ben never misses an opportunity to chirp him, and he wouldn’t have it any other way. “I do miss him,” he says. “But I’m so excited to see this show.”
“Oh, he’ll kick ass.” Ben pauses. “I can’t imagine that guy doing anything at less than a hundred and twenty percent.”
“You’re right.” Nando’s insides are mush. He wants to see Quinn. They should watch a movie tonight. Or something. As long as he can hold him. “Are you gonna come see it?”
“Yeah,” Ben replies. “We can do student BOGO night.” He winks. “I’ll be your date to make him jealous.”
Nando laughs at the gray sky. “Yeah, okay.”
From behind them come rapid footfalls, and then Remy appears at Ben’s other side, half out of breath with hair still sort of wet from the showers. “You guys suck,” he announces. “You left me in the dust.”
“Dude, I thought you were with Marc,” Ben says.
“I was .” Remy pauses and looks over his shoulder. Nando glances behind them, too— Jordy and Sam are a few yards back. “But I meant to catch up with you. Where are you going?”
Nando is hungry, and he has an idea. “I think,” he says, “I’m gonna go get food and then intercept Quinn on his way out of rehearsal.”
Ben flicks his wrist and makes a whip-cracking noise. Nando shoves him, and they laugh together.
“Okay, well, you have fun with that, lover boy,” Remy replies. He looks to Ben. “Beech?”
Ben nods affirmatively. “Beech.”
They part ways at the corner; the rest of the guys head for Beech Street and the hockey house, and Nando makes a beeline for the Bluegrass Café. He likes this, the balance in his social life— his friends chirp him to no end, but there’s always plenty of friend time and boyfriend time. He loves the team, and he loves Quinn too.
Of course, he hasn’t, uh. Said that yet. He wants to let Quinn say it first, so he doesn’t rush or pressure him.
He walks across campus to Bluegrass, where he picks up a to-go order— Swiss and rye grilled cheese, with a serving of fries, a cookie, and a hot tea with plenty of honey. He’s sort of hungry, too, but Quinn never finishes his fries. And plus, there are snacks back in Quinn’s room.
From the café to Beckett, the performing arts building, it’s a five-minute walk. The Nando of fall semester would be bitching about the wind chill, but today it’s really not so bad. The scarf Quinn knit him for Christmas has proved to come in very handy.
He carries the paper bag of food in one hand and the tea in the other. When he gets to the auditorium lobby, there isn’t a theatre kid in sight— which means they’re all still inside— but the good news is that he can’t hear any music in there, which means they’re doing notes.
And yeah. He knows theatre terms now. Like ‘doing notes’.
He really, really loves his life.
He sits on his standard bench, where more than once this musical season he’s sat to wait for Quinn after a rehearsal. When it gets to be 5:03 and there’s no sign of anyone leaving, he digs out his phone, puts the tea down on the arm of the bench, and looks through his Instagram to pass the time. Parker, their captain, posted a picture five minutes ago, of himself with David and Ville, taken after the game today. They’re all in their jerseys, just off the ice. It’s really wholesome. His caption is road to playoffs!!!!!
Nando is going to miss the seniors so much.
There isn’t much else in his feed, which is kind of boring, but he’s too preoccupied trying to wait for a sign of life from the backstage door that it doesn’t really make a difference. Finally, at 5:14— which really is not that late— a small group comes out of the stage door, chattering away. Among them is Quinn’s friend, Maggie, who Nando is at least ninety percent sure is playing his friend in the show. She spots him and waves. “Hey, Sebastián!”
“Hi!” He smiles. If there are people coming, Quinn can’t be far behind. “How did it go?”
Maggie grins back. She was one of the first drama club kids to be nice to him despite his jock-ery, and for that he’ll always be grateful. “It was fun!” she says. “Quinn’s coming. He was just talking to the director.”
“Sweet.” Nando has sort of been waiting all day for this. He feels the takeout bag, and, thank God, it’s still warm. He waves as Maggie leaves. “Have a good night!”
“See ya later!”
More cast and crew people start to filter out the stage door after Maggie and her group. They all go in different directions, some talking, some singing, some arguing. Some acknowledge him, and others don’t. He knows it’s sort of a scandal that their prodigal freshman is dating a gross hockey player.
He’s getting just slightly restless when, finally, a strawberry-haired cutie emerges from the door he’s been watching. Quinn is in a white cotton scarf and looking at his phone, and Nando grins a little, leans back on the bench, and plays casual while he waits for him to look up.
A few steps out of the door, he does, and Nando watches a smile cross his face as they meet eyes across the lobby. “Oh,” Quinn laughs. “I just texted you.”
Nando grins. “Hey, baby,” he hums, and then stands to go greet him. His phone buzzes in his pocket, which must be the text.
He meets him halfway across the lobby and wraps him in a squishy hug. Quinn is so small in his arms that he can rest his chin right on top of his head, and he gives him a good squeeze.
“Oh—” Quinn’s voice is muffled in his team jacket. “Be careful.”
“Careful of what?” Nando asks, pulling back to meet his eyes— but right as Quinn responds, he sees it.
“I’m wearing makeup,” Quinn says, and— and yeah . He is.
It’s subtle, Nando knows this much. And he’ll be the first to admit he knows absolutely nothing about makeup, let alone stage makeup, but— but. Quinn is definitely wearing it. There’s some kind of powder, and he’s pretty sure there’s also blush, and eyeliner, and— mascara? Or do his eyelashes just look like that? Nando has no idea, but—
— but he looks— beautiful.
He gapes down at him for what must be a slightly abnormal amount of time without saying anything, because Quinn arches an eyebrow, a question in his eyes. God , he has pretty eyes. They’re blue-green, entire oceans, and Nando could lose himself in them, and how did he ever get so lucky ?
“ Wow ,” he says finally, and adds, “You look—”
“I know, I know,” Quinn replies, waving a hand in the air. “It’s… a feat, but it’s just part of the process. It was a full dress today, so—”
“Wait, no,” Nando amends, shaking his head. “I meant— that wasn’t a bad ‘wow’. I— you look—” Nando is too gay to function, apparently. “ Pretty , baby. You look pretty.”
A smile quirks on Quinn’s lips, and Nando really wants to kiss him all of a sudden. “Oh?” he replies. “I didn’t realize you’d enjoy this look.”
“Yeah, neither did I,” Nando laughs, cupping his face in his hands. “C’mere.” He kisses him gently, and Quinn laughs a little against his mouth.
“Hi,” Quinn mumbles.
“Hi.” He runs a thumb over his cheekbone. He’s definitely wearing blush, actually. “I missed you today. How’d it go?”
Quinn lets off a long breath, closing his eyes; he’s still smiling a little. “It went very well,” he starts, “but it was a long day.”
Nando pulls back a little, takes him by the hand, and starts to lead him to the bench. “I brought you dinner,” he says, gesturing to the bag and the tea. “And something for your throat.”
Quinn makes a gentle noise of either exhaustion or gratitude, and he squeezes his hand. “Thank you. You didn’t have to do that.”
Nando kisses his cheek. “I wanted to,” he replies, then hands him the tea. “I can carry the food. Where are we going? You need to make any stops?”
“No,” Quinn says, leaning against him as he lifts the cup to his lips. “Next stop, my room.”
“ Nice .” This is exactly what he was hoping he’d say. Nando watches him take the drink, then exhale deeply, like it’s essential oils or something. He tries not to let his eagerness show on his face.
“This is perfect,” Quinn says, of the tea. “I’m serious, Sebastián; thank you.”
“Of course, baby.” Nando is still sort of lost in the sight of his made-up face. It’s not so different from regular Quinn— maybe it’s just the whole theatre thing, the knowledge that this is how he’ll look next weekend, the pride in what his boyfriend is doing. But also, his eyeliner. Who knew he could rock eyeliner?
“You’re staring,” Quinn laughs.
“You’re cute!” Nando whines, and wraps an arm around him to kiss him again. Quinn squeezes at his forearm, and Nando keeps it sweet but also not obnoxious for a public place. They have this down to a science.
“C’mon,” Quinn says, once he releases him, and holds out his free hand. Nando takes it and follows him; he leads him towards the door that will lead them toward the dorm. “Before whatever’s in that bag gets cold.”
Nando falls into step next to him. “Seriously, how did it go?” he asks. “Tell me about your day.”
Quinn squeezes at his hand again, and when he looks up to meet his eyes, there’s something of a twinkle in his gaze. Nando just about swoons on his feet. “Come back to my room,” he replies, “and I’ll tell you all about it.”
Nando is more than happy to comply.
He’s kind of pretty sure that he’d follow this boy anywhere.
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Sekhmet & Lulu pt.2
Lulu: [have you got a Sunday vibe? Besides Lulu doing her homework amongst this debauchery because she’s still that bitch]
Sekhmet: [Hmm, probably just keep this party going because that’s how we live, you’re going to be reeling Monday lmao, clearly we’re setting you up with the connections you want to start this whole journey/your secret socials etc]
Lulu: [For that precise reason we have to say that you have Mattie teach you on Monday lol, just casually asleep or shell shocked hello]
Sekhmet: [Clearly, just like umm who are you and what have you done with Lulu]
Lulu: [just sending her pics and deets of all the boys in this class like smash or pass haha, soz bit busy sis]
Sekhmet: Okay so they might be 👀 right now but they’re all gonna be doctors lowkey so 🤠
Sekhmet: don’t discount [the most passable lads in this class]
Lulu: Okay, you want me for my 🧠 that’s unexpected
Sekhmet: It shouldn’t be
Sekhmet: You’re the full package though, don’t get it twisted
Lulu: So are you
Lulu: I could be a doctor several times, you too, it’s not that hard
Sekhmet: Okay, so pass ‘em all unless they gonna spend all their parent’s money on you
Sekhmet: or give you that school 👑 but I’m thinking none of y’all 💀
Lulu: Let them spend all their inheritance on us and then still pass, is what I heard
Sekhmet: Tell Mattie to give you a ⭐️ because I’m so proud of how fast you’re learning
Lulu: She won’t, she’s pressed I’m not raising my hand to answer EVERY question
Sekhmet: She needs to find a new teacher’s pet you’re mine now
Sekhmet: also she’s lucky you’re there, I’m missing a lecture right now
Lulu: Gotta do it all to have it all
Sekhmet: I know, I’ll go to the studio this afternoon
Sekhmet: they’re not telling me anything I don’t know, it’s different to school, I KNOW fashion
Lulu: Yeah, don’t worry, I was applying it to myself not you, I still have SO MUCH to learn, but you could literally teach them things
Sekhmet: 😘
Sekhmet: I miss you, cutie
Lulu: I thought you were going to say it but you said lecture
Sekhmet: Baby
Sekhmet: I bet you did the cutest 🥺
Lulu: maybe…
Sekhmet: You’ve got the best face, I can tell exactly what you’re thinking and feeling at all times
Lulu: You could’ve told me before I made a profile they’re all going to be able to read me
Sekhmet: Men aren’t that smart, first-off
Sekhmet: also it’s not a bad thing
Sekhmet: the ones that see you just want what they can give you will be the ones who LOVE that
Lulu: 😄 I know, I realised v young I was smarter than my daddy, that’s never been a bad thing either
Sekhmet: 😌 I think mine would do anything for me
Sekhmet: but it would definitely make him cry if I suggested he was the first in a long line so 🤫
Lulu: I won’t tell him how fast I was willing to do anything for you
Sekhmet: You can remind me though
Lulu: How would you like me to?
Sekhmet: Take a selfie for me before this class is out
Lulu: [Do that ASAP because you’re highkey]
Sekhmet: That was too easy, she doesn’t watch you as closely as I would
Sekhmet: Okay, you have to get one of these boys’ numbers
Lulu: Or I am, but no, I miss you too, not sorry
Lulu: which one?
Sekhmet: [the one we think is the cutest]
Sekhmet: not going to be a bitch 😘
Lulu: Okay, hold on
Sekhmet: I’ll be here [bed selfie]
Lulu: [drop that number on her cos lbr all you’d have to do is play dumb about whatever you’re learning rn and be like please help me 🥺]
Sekhmet: 🥰
Sekhmet: he better not be a stalker type or we’re gonna have problems
Lulu: He’s not smart enough, I had to listen to him explaining [whatever nerd shit we’re doing here] to me WRONG, but all the biting has totally made my lips look bigger so
Sekhmet: 😷 ew
Sekhmet: thank GOD most of the boys on my course are gay because the ones that aren’t are a nuisance
Sekhmet: I just wanna think about my pretty baby and her swollen lips, leave me be
Lulu: I was thinking about whether his father would be hot or not but there go my hopes for the quality of the bloodline
Sekhmet: He looks like he’d age well but looks might be where that ends
Sekhmet: it’s so rude of Matilda to be your teacher when you could have a hot nerd to drill it all into your brain
Lulu: My maths teacher is not it either 😭
Sekhmet: I’m mad
Sekhmet: when you sneak me in we’re going to hunt out an actual fine teacher
Lulu: You’re my teacher
Sekhmet: I’ve never been on that side of the fantasy
Sekhmet: 🥴 I like it, even though my makeup is going to turn out wild if I think about it too hard
Lulu: It’s real, I want to know everything you know
Sekhmet: I promised I’d share and I will
Sekhmet: 🤓🤍
Lulu: Promise me it all happened and wasn’t, like, some crazy lucid dream I had after seeing you at the engagement party
Sekhmet: I know I looked that good but it’s real
Sekhmet: check your thighs for the bruises
Sekhmet: [messages from that dude from saturday] and he can’t stop talking about you
Lulu: [pics like yep they’re there] 🌺
Lulu: Wow, he loves me 😊
Sekhmet: They look so pretty on your skin
Sekhmet: Yeah he does, I wonder if we should meet him in person…
Lulu: Shouldn’t I force him to wait like you did?
Sekhmet: Oh, he can wait
Sekhmet: when I tell him how busy you are with school he’s going to feel like the pervert he is 😈
Sekhmet: but would you want to?
Sekhmet: I think we could make him do just about anything right now
Lulu: If you think we could, we absolutely should
Sekhmet: You don’t have to do anything with him
Sekhmet: but he’d definitely be into having you talk to him in the flesh
Sekhmet: even more into watching me do all the things I told him I wanted to do to you
Sekhmet: There’s a spectrum, a lot to play with
Lulu: I wanna play
Sekhmet: 😻😼😽
Lulu: It would’ve been slightly sad if you’d told me I have to be with him when I can feel you all over me still
Sekhmet: You don’t have to be with anyone you don’t want
Sekhmet: he isn’t good enough for you
Sekhmet: but he can look at what he can’t have
Lulu: When?
Sekhmet: 🤔
Sekhmet: If we don’t make him sweat it for at least a week, I think we’ve wasted the bag
Sekhmet: once we’ve hit a certain 💰 goal then we’ll see him
Sekhmet: But I know you’re excited, I’m not going to ghost you in between
Sekhmet: He needs to hear about what we’re getting up to
Lulu: I told you, you deserve multiple PhDs more than anyone in this room
Sekhmet: I don’t need anything when I got my 💰💳💎 and my baby
Lulu: Are you okay in my room?
Lulu: Monty won’t be jealous forever, he’s just used to being my baby
Sekhmet: He’s adorable, he’s just like you
Sekhmet: and your bed is super comfy, I wish I didn’t have to leave
Lulu: He doesn’t do as he’s told like me, he’s totally 😈
Sekhmet: That’s exactly why I like him
Sekhmet: I’m making sure I give him lots of attention, don’t worry
Lulu: He is starved of it, that’s a too true comparison to me, before
Sekhmet: 🥺
Sekhmet: I’m going to give you so much you won’t even know what to do with it
Lulu: I know what to do, it’s give it back
Sekhmet: ⭐️
Sekhmet: okay, now I remember why you’re my favourite
Lulu: You can tell me if it’s not good enough, to help me get there
Sekhmet: You’re so good
Sekhmet: but I won’t stop helping you ‘til you feel that
Lulu: Please pretend you don’t know when I do so I can act like it’s never and you don’t ever stop helping me
Sekhmet: Why would I ever wanna stop hanging out with you
Sekhmet: you’re so fun and you love me so much
Lulu: Idk but I know I don’t want you to go
Sekhmet: I won’t, baby
Sekhmet: if I do I’ll take you with me
Lulu: I do love you so much
Sekhmet: I know
Sekhmet: I love you too, just look at your bruises if you forget
Lulu: I won’t
Lulu: you’re in my 🧠 as deep
Sekhmet: It’s bad how much I love that
Sekhmet: but I don’t care
Lulu: I’m not going to let you stop thinking about me either
Sekhmet: I could be obsessed with you
Sekhmet: Show me why I should be
Lulu: [I don’t know what you’re gonna do here girl but I know it will be extra as all hell thanks to your weird twin energy]
Sekhmet: Lulu
Sekhmet: you’re unreal
Sekhmet: it’s so rude of you to be in school right now
Lulu: I’ll leave if you want me to leave
Sekhmet: You will?
Sekhmet: What will your teachers think
Lulu: I’m sick, don’t I seem SO sick to you?
Sekhmet: Very
Sekhmet: Bed rest might be necessary
Lulu: my heart’s racing and my breathing is super shallow, matron will be able to feel that
Sekhmet: I should’ve brought that outfit with me
Sekhmet: Think about that whilst she’s checking your vitals and you’ll be getting sent home so quick
Lulu: I hope she doesn’t call my parents because of my alarming 😳
Sekhmet: Let her call here
Sekhmet: I’ll pretend to be your mum
Lulu: 💀
Lulu: that’s ridiculously hot and I’m mad at you now
Sekhmet: You’re not
Sekhmet: you’re going to feel so better when I insist they send you home so I can take care of you
Lulu: It’s not supposed to be this blatant, I try REALLY hard to not let the mummy issues jump out
Sekhmet: I’ve got you, baby
Sekhmet: Don’t be embarrassed
Lulu: 🥺
Sekhmet: There’s nothing you can be turned on by that I’m gonna think is fucked
Sekhmet: I want to fulfil every fantasy you have
Lulu: Then maybe I’ll tell you about when I was way younger and what I did with all the pieces on the chessboard…
Lulu: even though it wasn’t as fulfilling as I imagined it would be
Sekhmet: That’s the most you thing ever and we’re recreating it
Sekhmet: but now you know what will feel good, and I’ll play with you
Sekhmet: Did you get caught?
Lulu: By our housekeeper at the time, so I had to make sure my parents fired her for other reasons, obviously
Sekhmet: You’re so bad
Sekhmet: You definitely need to be punished for it, sorry
Lulu: She was super old, I thought she was going to drop dead
Sekhmet: I bet how much that terrified you turned you on even more
Lulu: Yeah, it did
Sekhmet: I knew it
Sekhmet: And I know you wanted to get caught every time you did it after
Lulu: I wasn’t though 💔
Sekhmet: I’m going to make you reenact it all for me
Sekhmet: but the outcome is going to be VERY different
Lulu: I’m obsessed with you, totally
Sekhmet: Did Dolly catch you?
Sekhmet: Poor Hath had to pretend to not see SO much
Lulu: She’s not as good at pretending as she thinks
Sekhmet: 👀?
Lulu: I can feel her eyes on me every single time they are
Sekhmet: I get that, it’s a twin thing
Lulu: We used to do things together, with Gabe or our roommate
Sekhmet: NO WAY
Sekhmet: 🤯
Lulu: she’d kill me for telling you, but I wanna kill her more seriously these days so who cares
Sekhmet: I’m actually shook
Sekhmet: and she won’t know I know
Sekhmet: though it does make me look at her different now
Lulu: No, don’t look at her
Sekhmet: It’s okay, I know it was all your idea, babe
Lulu: Everything was, she didn’t have her own ideas
Sekhmet: If my sister had ideas as good as yours, I’d let you take charge too but
Lulu: I can be your sister, or whoever else you want
Sekhmet: I’m so jealous of Gabriel
Sekhmet: and your roommate
Lulu: She didn’t want me there, but I was, sorry
Sekhmet: Dolly or the girl?
Lulu: that girl had SUCH a thing for my sister, it was embarrassing
Sekhmet: Ahh
Sekhmet: well she’s clearly got no taste
Sekhmet: you’re better
Lulu: or style 😶
Sekhmet: 🤣
Sekhmet: fuck her then, except don’t, clearly not worth the trip to Switzerland
Lulu: We could go back if you wanna see it but if Gabe’s ugly now you have to pretend you didn’t see that
Sekhmet: I know you did it for the power
Sekhmet: anyway, if he was drop-dead gorgeous I’d be even more threatened 🥺
Sekhmet: Jay said she might take me away for my birthday, you have to come
Lulu: Of course I will
Sekhmet: Not me thinking about how much we can get away with in front of her
Lulu: Either her hubby comes and she’s trapped in his 👀 or he’s not there and she’s pining, whichever possibility is the one happening she’s not noticing us
Sekhmet: trapped in his makeshift dungeon
Sekhmet: it’s true but she’s so wrong for not noticing how good we blatantly look in our bikinis
Lulu: Everyone else will, including her man
Sekhmet: I bet he saved the stories I tagged them in
Lulu: He definitely did
Sekhmet: Need to go through his follow list asap, bet it’s all instagram models
Lulu: [Go look and screenshot it for her] 🤭
Sekhmet: I’M DEAD
Lulu: I hate my photographic memory right now
Sekhmet: You do NOT need to be getting inspo from these basic bitches
Lulu: 🤢
Sekhmet: It’ll help convincing your matron
Lulu: If you’ve got emetophilia 👌🏻 but otherwise I don’t think I need to go that hard
Sekhmet: I LOVE that we’ve found your limit, babe 😅
Lulu: I love that it’s called a roman shower but I’m too skinny already for that to become a regular thing
Sekhmet: I’m not going to give you an eating disorder for kicks
Sekhmet: or rotting teeth, that’s too mean 😰
Lulu: It wouldn’t be an easy sell
Sekhmet: You’re too funny
Lulu: It’s no joke I can’t put on any weight ever but we’re making it work
Sekhmet: So many people would kill for that
Sekhmet: I have to work out to keep it tight
Lulu: But you can get all your bridezilla bonding time out of the way whilst getting those results
Sekhmet: That’s true
Sekhmet: but I can think of better ways to get sweating, tbh
Lulu: I’ll give you a work out, I have lots of outfits for that
Sekhmet: You could use more though, right?
Sekhmet: we can ask [the dude] and go shopping
Lulu: Always
Sekhmet: You can try them on for me
Sekhmet: and I MIGHT share the pictures with him
Lulu: He’s gonna lose it
Sekhmet: As he should
Lulu: Will it keep feeling like this or is it because I’m a newbie to it?
Sekhmet: I don’t think I could do it if it was JUST about the bag
Sekhmet: Girls do
Sekhmet: But I still fucking love it
Sekhmet: It’s always exciting and if it ain’t I make it for myself
Lulu: Honestly exactly what I was hoping your answer would be
Sekhmet: 🥰
Sekhmet: I know you’re going to stay about it, you’re just like me
Sekhmet: If I thought you wouldn’t be, I wouldn’t have shown you as many tricks, kept it level one and easy to get out of
Lulu: All I want is to be just like you
Lulu: I’m super thrilled you think I could be
Sekhmet: You will be
Sekhmet: just don’t take my gigs from me okay 😜
Lulu: Just this one, maybe…
Sekhmet: 😱
Sekhmet: Good thing there’s enough dick to go around, no loyalty 😏
Lulu: Before we question my loyalty, do you know how many children he has?
Sekhmet: 3, I think
Sekhmet: he doesn’t bring them up an uncomfortable amount but he isn’t the mention it and you’re dead type either
Lulu: 😻💦 That really does make me wanna fuck him though, sorry
Sekhmet: Yeah?
Sekhmet: I’ll tell him, see how he feels about that
Lulu: I was going to try not to, I swear!
Lulu: also I’m so sorry for saying fuck, twice, mummy
Lulu: please don’t give me any other punishments, I’ll be good again 😇
Sekhmet: I’m keeping count of how many spanks you’re getting once you get home
Lulu: I’ve never needed my pen in my mouth more, how awkward it’d be if this was a computers lesson
Sekhmet: You’re definitely going to need something bigger to bite down on
Sekhmet: too bad if you were in computers, I could send you soooo much you’d have to x out real quick
Lulu: Meaning you have to tomorrow if you’re letting me come back to school that soon
Sekhmet: It’s basically easter
Sekhmet: and I have so many more important things to teach you
Lulu: If it’s going to be a while, I should say bye to the chapel before I go, the dorms too if there’s time
Sekhmet: 🥺
Sekhmet: I wanna come in so bad, make me even more upset about it
Lulu: No, don’t be upset it’ll be for you as much as me
Lulu: I’ll film it and you can give me a script if you like, or I’ll improvise, but in whichever option I’ll make sure I moan really loud how you LOVE
Sekhmet: You need to nearly get caught
Sekhmet: I wanna see you panic
Lulu: and I’ll light the candles when I’m doing my prayers, I’ve never tried the dripping wax thing before
Sekhmet: then go talk to the priest like you don’t have cum and wax dripping between your legs
Sekhmet: and that you weren’t thinking about me the whole time
Lulu: He’s almost hot, I can’t believe that hasn’t come up
Sekhmet: Baby 😣
Sekhmet: You want him all for yourself, you slut
Lulu: You’re making me realise the untapped potential in all kinds of things
Sekhmet: It’ll stay untapped, you’re not allowed to now
Sekhmet: I’m going to and you have to kneel there with your sister and pray for forgiveness
Lulu: Oh my fucking god
Sekhmet: You know he knows how sick you are, they always do
Sekhmet: you need to be punished so hard for all the things you think about in chapel that aren’t just your homework
Lulu: It’s such a pity it is almost Easter and too late for me to take Dolly’s place in choir
Sekhmet: You need to join, so I can come watch you perform
Sekhmet: sing so sweetly about being such a good girl whilst squeezing your legs so tight it hurts
Lulu: Okay but we’re going to need to do hours of practice to make sure I get in
Sekhmet: I know how to get you hitting high notes
Sekhmet: Mummy will be so proud of you, baby girl
Lulu: 💀
Lulu: If you keep talking this skirt is going to give away all my secrets, it’s doing the most to expose me to the 🌎 as not chapel choir material
Sekhmet: What else are skirts and desks for if not touching yourself under
Sekhmet: You’re my special girl, they wouldn’t dare not let you in, you’re fucking angelic
Lulu: Another reason I’m beyond thankful not to be in computers, the wheely chair would be sending me across the room
Sekhmet: I love you 😅
Sekhmet: my flustered princess
Lulu: I love hearing that you love me
Sekhmet: [voice note it]
Sekhmet: say it back
Lulu: [do obviously, but hopefully not literally at your desk please]
Sekhmet: Good little one
Sekhmet: now I’ll kiss it better after I’ve hurt you
Lulu: 🍼🥺
Sekhmet: Just say you wanna suck on my titties
Sekhmet: it turns me on like you wouldn’t believe, idk if that’s what mum’s are talking about with that special connection but 👀👀👌🏽
Lulu: You can ask Jay soon, she’s probably pregnant right now that’s why he had to say yes
Sekhmet: if her titties get huge I’m looking, disrespectfully 😶 @ her mans move over
Lulu: She could make so much money if she was
Sekhmet: Lucky cow
Sekhmet: not that she’d ever
Lulu: I’ll cash in like that when I’m older, you’ll see
Sekhmet: That’s my girl 😘
Sekhmet: it’s such an easy gig, everyone just wants to worship you for carrying life
Lulu: I’ll be able to keep it going, idc how many boys I have to have before I get my daughter because she’ll be totally worth it
Sekhmet: Your mum had all girls, maybe you’ll be the same
Lulu: or twins and I’ll be huge and everyone’ll be super into it
Sekhmet: with how skinny you are, it’d look so sexy, tbf
Lulu: Don’t tempt me, I’m too busy
Sekhmet: WAY too busy, and too little
Sekhmet: if the baby just disappeared then maybe but 🤣
Lulu: If you pay people enough to do everything you can pretend it has, it’s what my parents did
Sekhmet: yeah, but you wanna spoil your perfect daughter, right
Lulu: Yeah, I love her already whoever she is, idc even if she rips me apart coming out
Sekhmet: She’ll be adorable, and you’ll be the best mum
Lulu: and you’ll be there to hold my hand and feed me 🧊
Sekhmet: 🥺 of course baby
Lulu: I’m distraught we didn’t spend my birthday together
Sekhmet: you don’t even understand the party I would’ve thrown you, introducing you to the town barely legal, it would’ve been incredible 😈😈
Sekhmet: 19 is less fun but we’re going to make it everything
Lulu: BUT it’s FOREVER away for me, I want a party NOW 😭
Sekhmet: So…
Sekhmet: let’s give you a new birthday, for your new name
Sekhmet: just remember the date you pick 😉
Lulu: You pick it for me, then I can have a surprise party
Sekhmet: I am your mummy, after-all
Sekhmet: and now you don’t have to share with Dolly
Lulu: This is SO exciting!!
Sekhmet: I LOVE throwing parties, you’re so lucky for how 🔥 this will be
Lulu: I feel v lucky, you know that, right?
Lulu: you’re the best thing that could have ever happened to me
Sekhmet: I know, you’re very good for me
Sekhmet: even if you’re not for anyone else, that makes it more special
Lulu: the most special
Sekhmet: I might make you a party dress, would you like that?
Lulu: UM how is that even a hypothetical question?
Lulu: I might actually die but in that instance I’d be happy to
Sekhmet: just 👑 things
Lulu: Is the dress a surprise too?
Sekhmet: Yes
Sekhmet: but taking your measurements and being VERY thorough will be a lot of fun
Lulu: I’ll give you a grade if your uni doesn’t
Sekhmet: I bet I can make it fit a brief but fuck them if I can’t, what you think is more important
Lulu: You’re the sweetest to me
Sekhmet: Just wait
Sekhmet: it’s gonna get 😈 too
Sekhmet: It IS your big girl party, after-all
Lulu: I’ll try to wait but it doesn’t sound like it’s going to be very easy
Sekhmet: But worth it
Lulu: I know it will be
Sekhmet: Who do you want me to invite for you to play with
Sekhmet: What are you thinking?
Lulu: 🤔 Who will spoil me hardest? 💳💎🎁 and 😈
Sekhmet: I know exactly who to pick now
Sekhmet: do you just want daddys or do you want some other girls to play with too
Lulu: I don’t need other girls I’ve got you
Sekhmet: Okay, you don’t have to share
Sekhmet: just us and men ready to celebrate you in all the ways
Lulu: You should invite [the boy’s number she got earlier]’s father for me
Sekhmet: You know I will, don’t test me 🤪
Lulu: Don’t fail it, I’m being deadly serious
Sekhmet: He’ll be so much hotter when you know what his daddy’s dick feels like
Lulu: I wanna fuck the daddy of everyone in this year group before I leave
Sekhmet: you’re living the dream, Jesus
Lulu: Even the gay ones
Sekhmet: no one can be fully gay when given the chance to fuck something so perfect as your tight little self
Sekhmet: trust me, they can still be tempted
Lulu: It’ll be easy to tempt them with you
Sekhmet: I want all the dick that ever touches you inside me too
Sekhmet: I’m going to have to fuck Gabriel just because
Lulu: Sure, but I’ll be watching him, literally and figuratively
Lulu: he’s not allowed to get comfy
Sekhmet: No one is
Sekhmet: I only want him ‘cos he’s had you
Lulu: You’re not going to kiss my ugly roommate as well, are you?
Sekhmet: No
Sekhmet: but she can let me sit on her face whilst I kiss you instead
Lulu: Only you could make me want her back around
Sekhmet: 🥰
Sekhmet: I only kiss pretty girls
Lulu: I’ll need names or @s to track them down with
Sekhmet: [some girls we know who are also about this life]
Lulu: [just not replying while we look them up and then deliberately not after because we’re threatened by how pretty they are]
Sekhmet: Did you get your phone confiscated?
Lulu: Mattie wouldn’t, I’m her favourite sister
Sekhmet: Thank God
Sekhmet: it’s going to come in very handy
Lulu: True
Sekhmet: What’s up?
Lulu: No, I don’t want to say what I want to say, I’m not doing it
Sekhmet: Why not
Sekhmet: you can tell me anything
Lulu: because I’m smarter than this and I hate feeling stupid
Sekhmet: What’s made you feel stupid 😟
Lulu: Let’s behave like I’m not upset by something I know is ridiculous
Sekhmet: okay, how can I fix it
Lulu: I don’t know
Sekhmet: do you need more or less attention
Lulu: Ew, it’s never going to be less
Lulu: who would want that?
Sekhmet: 😌
Sekhmet: don’t you know how bad I miss you right now
Lulu: For all I know you miss all those other girls too though
Sekhmet: Honey
Sekhmet: none of those other girls are mine
Sekhmet: they’re girls I’ve worked with, some of them friends
Sekhmet: you’re my sister
Lulu: I said I was being an idiot
Lulu: I know, but I can’t bear that you existed before me, at most it should be that you’ve had a few minutes, like with our other sisters
Sekhmet: You aren’t
Sekhmet: didn’t you hear me say I’m going to fuck everyone who ever so much as looks at you
Sekhmet: you just wanna claim me, so claim me
Lulu: How?
Sekhmet: Post your bruises and tell everyone who you belong to
Sekhmet: And you can kiss every single one of those girls and you’ll see how vanilla they are compared to you
Lulu: [do post those pics obvs]
Lulu: What flavour am I? That’s the only one you ever hear about
Sekhmet: That question has me remembering 🤤
Sekhmet: 🍓 and 🩸
Lulu: That’s perfect
Sekhmet: You
Sekhmet: and you have to believe me because it’s an order
Lulu: So you don’t ⚡️🔥 me
Sekhmet: Exactly
Sekhmet: You’re in enough trouble with God with a capital G, babe, don’t get on my bad side
Lulu: 🤏🏻? Because you’re making me want to
Sekhmet: Fuck around and find out 😈
Lulu: [show her how much your phone is popping off because of the bruises, like yeah I’m in demand too so you better stay on my good side too]
Sekhmet: They wanna add to the collection so badly 👏🏽
Lulu: I’ve never been someone who really appreciates art, except food 🍷🥃🍸🍹 and clothes, but I think I’m starting to understand now
Lulu: they do look beautiful
Sekhmet: I can’t stop looking
Sekhmet: very distracting
Lulu: I can’t stop touching them, they hurt as beautifully
Sekhmet: You made me lose control
Sekhmet: you did that, you know
Lulu: I didn’t know if I actually could or not, despite what we both said
Sekhmet: I didn’t think you would
Sekhmet: or you’d block me as soon as you got me out
Lulu: You thought I was a tease, everyone does
Sekhmet: A little
Sekhmet: or fully ready to send it all to Jay
Sekhmet: but then you said enough back that I knew that went out the window so
Lulu: If they can laugh it off they don’t have to play 🐓 that they’re always going to lose because I’ll always go harder and darker than little boys want to go, it would be cute if it wasn’t constantly the case
Lulu: but no more sacrifices
Sekhmet: People always laugh like I’m joking if it isn’t something they wanna hear
Sekhmet: easier for them but I know what’s true
Lulu: and you know I wanna hear everything
Sekhmet: we’re too alike for me to replace you
Sekhmet: I want to know all the fucked up thoughts in your head, and I want to act out every single one
Lulu: No censorship in art, I’m p sure it’s widely agreed on
Lulu: we don’t have to hold anything back from each other
Sekhmet: we’re going to share everything now
Lulu: I’m gonna find out where he’s spending easter hols and I’m giving Gabe to you
Sekhmet: 😭
Sekhmet: you’re the sweetest ever
Sekhmet: and it’s going to make you see how much better I am at everything
Lulu: I saw that as soon as I saw you, but I want you to know who I was, you’ll see how much better you’ve made me
Sekhmet: What did you two used to do together
Sekhmet: take that question as 😇 or as 😈 as you want
Lulu: Everything, I thought, but I had a way more limited scope for what that meant, so actually, more like nothing
Sekhmet: Makes sense, you had to keep him
Sekhmet: most boys are intimidated by anything real
Lulu: I did what you said, innocent, sweet, and he liked it
Sekhmet: Inexperience makes ‘em feel better about their own, like they’re not behind you
Lulu: and I didn’t have any that wasn’t in my head
Sekhmet: Yeah but boys only have what’s on their screen
Sekhmet: no imagination
Lulu: It was a bore but I still won, most chess matches are hugely predictable against novices, but if there’s nobody else around you at least get to practice until there is
Sekhmet: You can play against yourself, right
Sekhmet: talking about actual chess now, obvs 🙃
Lulu: 😅 You can but why? Chess is fun because by the time you finish a game you know exactly how that person thinks, you’re let into their 🧠 even if they don’t want you to be and if you beat them well enough you’ll stay in there for yonks, they won’t be able to get you out, you can make them love you or hate you
Sekhmet: I’m obsessed with the way you talk about chess
Sekhmet: I’ll have to be good by the time we go see Gabe so I can beat him because he didn’t pay attention
Lulu: I’ve been devoted to it forever, I fell v hard so young because it was the most intimate and romantic activity and I had access to it whenever I wanted without anyone telling me no
Lulu: I’m not gonna lie, I think you could beat him already, but I’m desperate to teach you something so 🤫
Sekhmet: You’re already in my head so I’m not afraid
Sekhmet: Looking forward to it ♔
Lulu: Can I come home now?
Lulu: after I’ve filmed my goodbyes, I mean
Sekhmet: You’ve gotta
Lulu: The matron’ll be calling you in a few, I’m going to her rn
Sekhmet: Let me practice my best mum voice
Lulu: If she doesn’t put you on speaker you need to memorise the entire convo and reenact it for me
Sekhmet: You’d be straight up having heart palpitations, the woman would be STRESSED 😏
Lulu: What hospital fantasies do you have? In case she calls an 🚑 next, I’ve promised you vids
Sekhmet: Nothing you could get an actual medical professional to agree to 😫
Lulu: 🥺 You don’t think I could? Well now my heart hurts for real 💔
Sekhmet: Don’t be sad
Sekhmet: it isn’t you, it’d just be very ethically dubious
Sekhmet: You’ll have to settle for playing doctors and nurses with me
Lulu: It’s not settling, but my objection to the word is my only objection here
Sekhmet: If any of your classmates’ daddys are doctors, they might see us privately though
Sekhmet: don’t have to kill the dream dead
Lulu: I’ll look them up in the uber back, class sizes aren’t big but I just know we’ll find at least 1 👨‍⚕️
Sekhmet: I’ll enjoy watching you squirm when he gives you the most invasive examination ever
Lulu: He’ll be doing it harder than I was when he gives me my good girl 🍭 after
Sekhmet: You deserve all the 🍭s and treats you want
Lulu: My oral fixation is out of control
Sekhmet: SAME
Sekhmet: if there ain’t something in my mouth I’m 🔊
Sekhmet: not that either is a bad thing
Lulu: Am I 🔊?
Sekhmet: You’re still holding a bit back, but that’s just what you’re used to
Sekhmet: you’re going to be louder, like you’re already braver
Lulu: You’re going to be super proud of me
Sekhmet: I thought you’d be quieter
Sekhmet: with Dolly there
Sekhmet: so I already am
Lulu: 😊
Sekhmet: That’s before I knew about you sharing EVERYTHING though
Lulu: She always held back more than a little
Sekhmet: She’s not you
Lulu: No, she’s not, she broke my heart too gradually for me to even realise it was happening
Lulu: once I did, I fucking shattered hers
Sekhmet: Do you miss her?
Lulu: It’s totally past tense now you’re here
Sekhmet: Then I’m not sad for you 🤍
Lulu: Stay and I’ll never be sad
Sekhmet: I want my own place
Sekhmet: my flatmates suck and they kill my vibe
Sekhmet: you can live with me
Lulu: Where are we going to live? [name some rich af london postcodes like this one or this one]
Sekhmet: [send her dream houses we have saved on rightmove because the energy]
Lulu: [Just gush about your faves and why like oh I love this about this house and that about that one because xyz]
Sekhmet: We need a space we can do whatever we want, whenever we want
Sekhmet: Sneaking about is fun but it ain’t when you have people in your face about what you’re up to 🥱 sorry y’all are lame
Lulu: and I’m not letting it cut into my earnings, it’s the worst luck school already is
Sekhmet: Mhmm, and hotels are like, tiring after a while, especially if you have to bring EVERYTHING to play with
Sekhmet: fuck a sex dungeon, I want a mansion 👯‍♀️
Lulu: Someone’s daddy’ll be a property 👑 too
Sekhmet: We have to 😍
Lulu: I’ll have him begging to give me the keys to EVERY house in his portfolio
Sekhmet: The viewings are going to be everything
Lulu: I want a horse, I used to love riding when I was younger
Sekhmet: You’ve gotta
Sekhmet: [old horse riding content of y’all too, posh gals ftw lol]
Lulu: look at YOU
Sekhmet: I know 🥰
Sekhmet: it’ll be a tragedy if I don’t reproduce too, maybe when you have your babies
Lulu: I’ll carry yours if you don’t want to, give me your perfect egg and I’ll incubate it in between pushing out all my sons
Sekhmet: 💀
Lulu: it’s what sisters are for
Sekhmet: you having my kids has officially sent me over the edge though
Lulu: I’d be thrilled to offer you a kidney or something but sadly we’re probably not a match 😭 but I can do this for you
Sekhmet: Doctor daddy is NOT taking out a kidney 😨🤣
Lulu: 🛁🧊🧊
Sekhmet: If I’ve gotta sell my organs I’ve fallen tf off too far 😷
Lulu: There’s a whole list of people whose organs we could sell first, don’t even worry
Sekhmet: 🙌🏽
Lulu: I’ve gotta thank god first that grandma has most of my baby pictures and they’re not lying around in embarrassingly close proximity to you 🙏🏻
Sekhmet: But I wanna see
Sekhmet: I’m going to ask her, whenever she comes to check on you
Lulu: Absolutely not, it took me YEARS to get cute and those years are something nobody needs to see
Sekhmet: Fine 😣 but I don’t believe you were ever not adorable
Lulu: pre-puberty I was an utter disgrace, not in a hot way
Sekhmet: Glow up too real
Lulu: It’s a shame it didn’t show up in time for the child modelling career my mummy wanted us to be destined to have, but like, better late than never
Sekhmet: The shine is all yours now, not hers
Sekhmet: plus the costumes are better
Lulu: I think you should meet her
Sekhmet: yeah?
Lulu: There’s a few days when they get back from [wherever they are rn] before they go to [their next destination]
Lulu: Gabriel is one thing, but you’ll never truly understand me until you know what I’m really up against
Sekhmet: I’ll meet her
Sekhmet: you’d think she was living the life how often she’s away though
Lulu: Daddy too, they’re a constant pair
Sekhmet: Couple goals
Sekhmet: straight men would NEVER 🙄
Lulu: If he’s closeted he’s in very deep, but maybe all the over the top intimacy is overcompensation
Sekhmet: That would be TOO sad
Lulu: Yeah, it would
Sekhmet: What will we do?
Sekhmet: ☕️🍰 or 🍾🦪
Lulu: She doesn’t eat 🍰 EVER, obviously, because of course her figure was never the same after Jay and we trashed it totally
Sekhmet: Of course
Sekhmet: not like most women have kids and don’t all end up with a frumpy mum bod
Lulu: She’ll rage when I look even hotter after, I cannot wait
Sekhmet: I just know she’s OBSESSED with how skinny you are
Lulu: A walking clothes hanger is exactly what she wanted in a daughter ⭐️
Lulu: but I’m too skinny for my father, equally as obviously, because they can’t let me win
Sekhmet: What does that even mean
Sekhmet: it’s not like you’re sick
Lulu: I think he thinks I am, like it’s an attention seeking behaviour or something
Sekhmet: So like a man
Sekhmet: like you’re going to make it that obvious
Lulu: He’s read 1 book written by a man and he understands women
Sekhmet: He can try and mansplain it to me
Lulu: You’ll DIE when you hear his music
Sekhmet: Oh God nooooooo
Lulu: [give her the deets so she can play these ‘bops’ all through your house haha]
Sekhmet: [video dancing as if they are] 🤭
Lulu: 😍
Lulu: but this is worse than the ugly roommate thing, you can’t make me like [whatever the worst songs are called]
Sekhmet: I could, but these are NOT going on the party playlist, even for the flex
Lulu: I’m so glad mute exists and I can still watch that as many times as I want
Sekhmet: Come dance with me I’m bored and lonely
Lulu: I’ll be there before you finish the debut album’s iconic bonus tracks
Sekhmet: 💀💀
Sekhmet: well, at least someone is finally going to get fucked to his music
Sekhmet: bad luck for him it’s his daughter
Sekhmet: nothing will feel more like a world mute for you than my tongue on your clit
Lulu: Please, I can’t deal with being this 💦💦💦 for this long without being able to take all my clothes off, I’m SUCH a drenched mess that everyone can 👀 what a desperate slut I am everywhere I’ve been, so I’m begging you, honestly
Lulu: I tried to be good and smart and keep it a secret with my blazer, only now that’s wet too, and I don’t know what else to do, I so BADLY need you to help me fix it
Lulu: 👅 me ✨ and I’ll steal my daddy’s 🎤 to sing your praises the loudest
Sekhmet: Your sheets are never going to recover
Sekhmet: You’re never going to recover
Sekhmet: You know you’re my desperate slut forever, and I’m keeping you ready to be fucked at all times, so I can use you whenever I want
Lulu: But you do want me to 😴 with your nipple in my mouth and your hair wrapped around my fingers like I’m your baby
Lulu: I know you do, meaning you have to let me
Sekhmet: My pussy aches for you, I have to look after you forever
Sekhmet: my angel baby Lulu, come lay with mummy and I’ll make it all better
Lulu: You can suck my thumb if you like, as I won’t be needing it
Sekhmet: Your oral fixation 🤤
Lulu: Sometimes I’d wake up with Dolly’s thumb in my mouth because I thought it was mine
Lulu: Idk when she got a separate body or why she wanted to
Sekhmet: It’s her loss
Sekhmet: and there’s so many people you get to possess now
Lulu: My phone hasn’t stopped
Sekhmet: The money won’t either
Lulu: Gabe’s going to be in [somewhere he would be] for the entire hols, we’ll need it
Lulu: I’ll have to look heartbreakingly good for the reunion
Sekhmet: We’re going to need a whole [place] appropriate wardrobe
Sekhmet: as well as all the pre-trip beautification
Lulu: Maybe I’ll get a tattoo, that would have him so shook
Sekhmet: OMG
Sekhmet: You have to let me pick it
Lulu: Of course, you’re my mummy without your permission I’m not allowed to get anything
Sekhmet: I know what you like
Sekhmet: and there’s plenty of places only very lucky people get to see
Lulu: 😊
Lulu: Another surprise? Or are you going to tell me
Sekhmet: You won’t know ‘til they hand you the mirror
Sekhmet: because you have to trust me that much
Lulu: I do
Lulu: I’d let you eat me like those german guys are always trying to get people to on cannibal threads, expect for the fact I’d then have to be dead, that’d be bad luck
Sekhmet: I’d get way too sad, some Dahmer shit, try to turn you into a zombie
Lulu: No way, you’re a fashion student and you’re NOT gonna turn me into a chic skin dress or something!?
Sekhmet: You are SO right
Sekhmet: idk how you’re gonna cover all of this though, give me your sister as spare parts 😅
Lulu: Wait until the ☀️’s out for max freckles though, hers get wilder than mine
Sekhmet: the new leopard print
Sekhmet: I’m about it 😍
Lulu: But I want her to stop existing not be immortalised forever as fashion history, if you can try not to get too famous over it
Sekhmet: you’re the muse, baby
Lulu: Oh my god, that just made me realise Gabriel is literally a swiss version of my father 💀💀
Sekhmet: 😶
Sekhmet: and how much more does that make you want him again
Lulu: it makes me actually want him for the first time ever
Sekhmet: Awh, he’ll think he’s finally made you cum
Lulu: The realisation that he didn’t before because he is now and it couldn’t be more different is going to be amazing
Sekhmet: You know that’ll hit him when we leave 💔 poor boy 🤭
Lulu: he’s still not going to get a hit album out of it but he’ll be closer anyway, he’s welcome
Sekhmet: and he’ll get to think about us when he’s fucking his boring uni wifey
Lulu: Ew, I bet she writes poetry and performs it
Sekhmet: their connection is SO deep but they’re both bored already
Lulu: Idk how to be bored, but that could be because the soundtrack to my childhood was my parents fucking and fighting overheard from another room more than it was being forcefed my father’s musical masturbation attempts playing from every speaker in each room
Sekhmet: it quickly goes from scary to exciting, right
Sekhmet: when you realise that your mum loves it, even if it sounds like pain
Lulu: Yes, not that it was that scary, because like you said, I’m super brave
Sekhmet: Very
Sekhmet: but then you’re sad they won’t let you join in in their special secret fun
Lulu: but now too happy you’ve given my own finally
Sekhmet: You make me happy too, I don’t think I’ve ever been understood like this
Lulu: Me either and it’s all I’ve ever wanted
Sekhmet: Jay and Mattie just want to tell you you’re not broken
Sekhmet: I know that you are and it makes you even more powerful
Lulu: Who did it to you?
Sekhmet: Honestly, I don’t know
Sekhmet: sometimes I think someone must’ve touched me as a kid and I’ve blocked it out
Sekhmet: but then I think I just did it to myself
Lulu: It’s totally legit that you’d give that power to yourself, such a you thing to do
Sekhmet: 😌
Sekhmet: all I know is that I’m touching myself to the thought of being abused right now, so it probably didn’t happen
Sekhmet: because I want it so badly
Lulu: We could charge a hypnotist to the 💳
Sekhmet: convince me I was so he can repeat the process
Sekhmet: yes please
Lulu: I don’t need reminding how much I LOVED to sit on my grandfather’s lap, it’s a overly accessed memory if anything
Sekhmet: bitch, playing horsey makes me melt
Sekhmet: you know what that bouncing up and down is doing to me 🥴
Lulu: I miss being a child, everyone fussed over you constantly
Sekhmet: Me too, sometimes you have to let me be little with you, okay
Sekhmet: everyone was in awe of how perfect I was, I swear
Sekhmet: they couldn’t even pretend they weren’t so proud of how gorgeous I was, what did they expect was gonna happen
Lulu: Thank god I’d be thrilled for my daughter to turn into you
Sekhmet: you mean it?
Lulu: you’re still perfect and I couldn’t be prouder of you for everything, not limited to how gorgeous you are
Sekhmet: 😭
Sekhmet: our daughters can be best friends like we didn’t get to be before now
Lulu: grow up together like we should’ve, my version of inseparable, not Dolly’s version that doesn’t mean anything
Sekhmet: they can share everything
Lulu: they’ll love each other so much 😭
Sekhmet: Just like their mummies
Sekhmet: we won’t make them feel bad for anything
Lulu: I hope they can have the same father, imagine
Sekhmet: FUCK
Sekhmet: Lulu let’s get pregnant in the same fuck
Lulu: We have to
Sekhmet: He has to be the hottest daddy we have ever seen
Sekhmet: so they can really enjoy sitting in his lap
Lulu: He better not take forever to find
Sekhmet: We wanna be MILFs when they’re teenagers so we can make all their boyfriends sweat 🥵
Lulu: perfect timing
Sekhmet: just like everything we do 😇
Lulu: I’d trust you to pick him without seeing him, you know
Sekhmet: My taste is flawless
Sekhmet: and I know exactly what you want, always
Lulu: It is, but say you’d trust me
Sekhmet: I trust you, baby
Sekhmet: you know the nastiest parts of me
Lulu: I know and I love
Sekhmet: were you wearing stockings today?
Lulu: Can’t you remember?
Sekhmet: It’s a fever dream for me too
Sekhmet: but that reminds me, when I decide you can go back to school, I’ll be dressing you
Lulu: [take a pic to remind her what you’re wearing and to mark the occasion of the last time you dressed yourself lol]
Sekhmet: Good
Sekhmet: so good
Sekhmet: I’ll have something to tie you to your bed with, and gag you
Lulu: I’m going to have to get the driver to carry me in
Sekhmet: You’re so teeny tiny, I could do it
Sekhmet: I don’t want you to trip and hurt yourself before I can
Lulu: You’re going to be so happy about how many french nicknames there are that apply to me
Sekhmet: Tell me
Lulu: [Drop the list because there really are, I’m not joking, it’s always like my little doe, my dove, my little dolly, my fairy/elf/pixie etc, like okay damn]
Sekhmet: I knew Europeans were filthy
Sekhmet: help me with my accent so I can kill you with all of these immediately
Lulu: Let’s see how much help you need, go ahead, try
Sekhmet: [you probably took french at school because typical of an english school and it ties to fashion pretty well so you at least understand the basics, not that that will stop you being adorably 🤭 in this video attempt]
Lulu: Oh wow
Lulu: okay, you’re a teacher’s pet too, that makes complete sense
Sekhmet: I didn’t try as hard as you but my teacher was not a [cute nickname from above] like you she was a heffer so
Lulu: I’ve never had a cute teacher, at this school or the last, god said NO, we’re not giving you that much earthly pleasure
Sekhmet: RIGHT 😩
Sekhmet: I would have killed to be bent over my desk, or theirs
Sekhmet: giving head whilst they give a lecture, ugh, real-life school was boring, no matter how hard I tried
Lulu: Learning turns me on anyway, I’d be feral, it’s lowkey for the best
Sekhmet: You’d be in the not-fun kind of trouble
Sekhmet: it’s true, sadly
Sekhmet: but you can play with your classmates, I did as much of that as humanly possible
Lulu: Tell me about it, we only talk about my schools
Sekhmet: I didn’t board, that gives you more opportunities
Sekhmet: but my parents weren’t about that life and I’d probably have kicked up a fuss because I missed my dad too much
Sekhmet: but I still wanted to have all the fun possible with the setting
Sekhmet: pretending to be in after-school activities gave me free run, locker room, that’s a good one we’ve not discussed
Lulu: I know it’s not the point of the story but I really wanna hear what after-school activities you picked to pretend to be in
Sekhmet: You’re the best kind of nerd
Sekhmet: [obviously mostly sporty things but definitely something library-based too, maybe chess actually like so soz lol]
Lulu: I’m sorry 😅 the possibilities would have driven me loony
Sekhmet: I love it
Sekhmet: what lesson turns you on the most then?
Lulu: Maths, I’m the only girl, the teacher included
Sekhmet: I so see it
Sekhmet: I would just be begging to get gangbanged by them all in my head the entire time
Lulu: and then for extracurriculars, Chess of course, but I also really fucking love theatre, even Dolly being there can’t ruin it
Sekhmet: You’re a performer too
Lulu: Always
Lulu: except with you
Sekhmet: I want to be the only one who knows you
Sekhmet: don’t let anyone else in
Lulu: There’s no room for anyone else, my body knows that, and it needs you inside me all the time
Sekhmet: You aren’t real unless you’re screaming for me
Sekhmet: every part of you, mind, body and soul needs me to exist
Lulu: I didn’t exist, I’m your baby and you made me
Sekhmet: I’m the luckiest
Sekhmet: I can’t breathe
Lulu: I’ll breathe for you and into you, it’s okay
Sekhmet: How is it that I didn’t know you until a few days ago and now I can’t be without you ever again
Lulu: I might not be a goddess like you but I’ve got power, it’s this, all I know how to do
Sekhmet: You’re something sacred, precious, you need to be protected and guarded so nothing can hurt you
Lulu: nothing can hurt me while you’re watching over me
Sekhmet: I need your devotion to be the full goddess I’m meant to be
Sekhmet: I need someone to give the world to
Lulu: You’ve got it and it’s absolute
Lulu: give me the world you’ve created for me
Sekhmet: Come inside and receive it
Lulu: come get me
Sekhmet: [Do it]
Lulu: [get in that house and hush this is page 27]
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Dearest Maine, You Are Our Beloved (3rd of the 4-Part Blog Series)
Now that you have an idea of what happened in #DearestMaine event, I would like to share now my observations of Maine that night. There’s too many notable moments that it’s difficult to compress it with my previous blog entry. So let’s go back to the events with the perspective focusing on Maine.
Maine surprised everyone as she enters the room very casually and giddily. As if she isn’t a mainstream local celebrity at all! Some of us met her before and others met her for the first time but everybody’s facial expression looks the same as if the words “ANDITO NA SI MAIIIINEEEE!!!!” were painted all over our faces. No one rushed to hugged her or took a selfie with Maine because: 1.) We were all so surprised since no one(not even I, as one of the co-host) notice she’s approaching the door of the room, and 2.) it’s dinner time. 
That shade of red looks good on her, I mean what she worn that night. It gave off an in-between-a-teenager-and-a-young-adult-vibe-on-her. What she first did when she arrived at Relish restaurant is to hug and play along with Matti as if she did not see her for months. Maine sure does missed her nephew, after all he’s a little ball of sunshine. As we were having our dinner, I notice the level of comfort Maine has with her family. It’s the first time I saw her with her parents and siblings. She even has Matti on her lap and offering him the sweets in the buffet. I know she has a soft spot for kids as I saw in pictures and videos of fan interaction, but to see it personally warmed my heart. Not everyone has that patience and affection for kids and it’s nice to see her to have that soft spot.
After dinner, the program started. We invited Maine to sit on the designated couch for her at the front. She received the bouquet of fully-bloomed yellow roses from one of the members of Maine Group of 18. She sat down and leaned on her right side. I suppose she did it to be more comfortable while she’s listening and watching. 
Mainewas intently listening to the flow of the program. There were times she would even randomly share her side comments. hahaha! Cutie Maine indeed. With every AVP, I noticed she has few kinds of smiles and delightful expressions. She has this wide smile (kita ngipin), shy smile, and smile of someone holding back her emotions. Maine isn’t the type to show huge emotions in front of everyone, being the introvert that she is. I like best when she paid close attention to the AVP about the messages of different contributors for the book project. Konting beses lang kasi siya kumurap noon. I can’t help but wonder that maybe this is how she is whenever her friend tells her about anything. 
One of the highlights of the events, the live testimonies, showed again more of Maine’s listening and caring attention. She did listen intently to each of them. Every testimoner got up on the front and they were standing literally few feet away from Maine. I understand their overwhelming emotions to stand there and they were speechless at first before they shared their story. Most of them have written or printed it on papers, probably so they won’t forgot everything they want to say to her. I admired their bravery to tell their stories of courage directly in front of Maine without completely losing focus at all. To be honest, if I were them, I won’t be able to finish everything telling my own life battles. I might even break down there out of overwhelming emotions. Maine listened to every testimoner and we encouraged them to have a photo opportunity with her. Nahihiya kasi sila lumapit pagkatapos nila magshare. They have a little chat with Maine and I saw them smiling and laughing, maybe Maine tried to make the mood lighter by telling them something to smile and laugh about. She even hugged each of them. That kind of hug with a back rub, as if reminding them to smile more than to cry in facing life’s challenges.
With the turnover of the book to Maine, I love her immediate reaction to it. She looks like a kid who just received a Christmas or birthday gift and she checks it at once. I saw her taking out the cover, peeping through that cover, opening the pages of the book, and smiling while scanning the pages.
True enough, she is delighted to have that book: a collection of our heart’s messages for her.  I hope that when she feels down, one way to make her feel better is to open that book to remind her of our endless love and relentless support.
During the messages given by Tatay Dub and Nanay Dub, I saw a sort of shy kind of Maine as her parents reaffirm their love and support for her. Thus, they are also thankful to each of us supporting Maine. It seems like I even saw Maine looking to the floor and looking back to her parents, like how a shy child is whenever she hears her parents talk about her to other people. Hahaha! Mga 7-yr old na little Maine siguro yun ganun gesture niya. 
When it’s her time to say her message, she even thought “Ano pa ba sasabihin ko? Parang nasabi ko na kasi lahat.” (non-verbatim). She thanked us again for the support we gave her. She said thank you for accepting her and she hopes this won’t have an expiration date. Syempre palakpakan lahat! Hahaha! It feels good to see Maine that she feels, knows, and acknowledges the love, care, and support from us. 
The program ended after that and the attendees took the chance to approach Maine. Different requests were given by Maine. I even heard some of the video greetings like “sa totoo lang, nababasa ko tweets mo sa akin”. Napaisip tuloy ako na baka lahat tayo nabasa na niya mga tweets. Fans are very creative too with where Maine signed like her book, magazine, their artworks, etc. One even asked on her jacket! If I were her, I might not wash that jacket again. hahaha! I also approached Maine and let her sign the copy of the program and I asked her if she remembered my promise about Palanca. She said yes and I showed her the receiving copy of my entries given by the Palanca Foundation. She held it for few seconds, smiled, and said to me “Goodluck!!” Maine does remember. Thanks too to my co-host as she said I was the one whom she mentioned in her blog. I did not say my name again but when I got back the copy of the program with her signature, I saw my nickname there. 
While all of these are happening, a duo sang in the background. Maine picked up the mic, listened to the song, and dropped the mic. I’m not sure but I think I heard her say “Hindi ko alam yun kanta” Maybe she’s in the mood to sing. Ano ba yan, bakit hindi ako humingi ng sample nun program mismo! Ano klaseng host ba ako!! hahaha! I regretted I didn’t thought of it. 
We saw Maine checking the decorations especially the porcelain dishes with her pictures on it. Almost everyone took pictures of her and it felt like she’s in the red carpet with different camera lights flashing. She gamely posed for the camera, much to our delight again. Then Matti came running to her, saying she left her bag. It was the yellow bag fan gift with customized design painted by @ArtsyBits, Maine took the bag and posed again with that bag that time around. The fan who made that bag is at the side with an all out smile. We told her she can take pictures beside Maine but she was shy at first. Many insisted and she went beside Maine to have her friends took picture with them. It was not only like an idol-fan interaction but a designer-model interaction too. 
Maine and her family and management team left the venue and I was there with the members of Maine Group of 18. I did not know what happened afterwards but I read in a Twitter thread that Maine even becomes so makulit as some fans wait for a ride going home. 
Maine is indeed very energetic and happy that night. I guess she’s more comfortable if there are less people in an event. #DearestMaine is one of the best and most memorable nights for me in my lifetime. I am humbled and grateful to be in that event.
Salamat ulit sa lahat, Maine! 
Thank you for reading part 3 of the blog series!
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