#casually posts his profile as if I haven’t had it halfway finished for months
nicos-oc-hell · 2 years
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Full Name: Leviathan Njord Vecellio
Nicknames: Levi, gremlin and idiot (affectionate)
Name Meanings: (I was going for a water theme named) Leviathan; a giant sea creature from Hebrew Livyatan, Njord is the Norse god of wind and waters, Vecellio doesn’t have a meaning
Date of Birth: September 25, 1996
Gender: Genderfluid
Sexuality: Bisexual
Blood Status: Halfblood
Ethnicity/Race: Caucasian
Nationality: Danish
MBTI Type: ISFP- Adventurer
Wood: blackthorn wood, which is well suited to a warrior who will go through danger or hardship before bonding fully with the wand.
Core: Dragon heartstring, As a rule, dragon heartstrings produce wands with the most power, and which are capable of the most flamboyant spells. Dragon wands tend to learn more quickly than other types. (according to Mr. Ollivander)
Length: 10 inches
Flexibility: flexible but not bendy, more bouncy, but durable
Other Magical Abilities: Levi can talk to animals, magical and normal animals
Patronus: Rottweiler
Patronus Memory: Getting his first bow and arrow
Boggart: Slugs
Riddikulus: snakes
Levi smells like paint, wet dog (from his Rottweiler) and oil
Levi smells…tbd
Mirror of Erised: All of his family together like when he was younger before they all moved around the world
House: Slytherin
OWL Classes:
Transfiguration: Exceeds expectations
Charms: Outstanding
Herbology: Outstanding
Astronomy: Exceeds expectations
Potions: Outstanding
History of Magic: Exceeds expectations
Defense Against the Dark Arts: Acceptable
Flying: Exceeds expectations
OWL Electives:
Arithmancy: Exceeds expectations
Potions: Outstanding
Charms: Exceeds expectations
Care of magical creatures: Outstanding
NEWT Classes:
Care of magical creatures: Outstanding
Herbology: Outstanding
Charms: Outstanding
Arithmancy: Outstanding
Potions: Outstanding
Quidditch: He became a seeker in his 4th year
Prefect: No
Clubs: Magical creatures club, Dueling club and Potions club
Favorite Professors: tbd
Least Favorite Professors: tbd
11 to 18 - hogwarts
19 to 24 - dragonologist apprentice
25 to death - owns a magical creatures reserve
Faceclaim: James McAvoy
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Height: 5’8
Weight & Physique: 158 lbs, athletic and well built
Hair Color: Blonde with pink highlights
Hair Style:
Eye Color: blue
Skin Tone: honey
Scars: he surprisingly only has scars on his palms from when he fell off a wall and onto glass
Modifications: (piercings, tattoos, glasses, etc.) just glasses
Distinguishing Marks: green hearts on his cheeks
Clothing Style: severely baggy clothes, he wears clothes that hang off of his body
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Accessories: (watch, jewelry, etc.) a bunch of bracelets
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What’s In Their Pockets:
What’s In Their School Bag?
Text Books
A bunch of fiction books
Parchment paper
Animal food (separate bag he carries with him)
Voiceclaim: James McAvoy
Accent: (might differ from voiceclaim’s) Scottish
Dialect: Northern Scottish
Language Spoken: English, Italian, German and Danish
Languages Understood: English, Italian, German, Danish and Japanese
Speech and/or Language Disorder: A slight lisp if you pay attention
Father: Eren Larsen
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Dad: TJ Sutherland
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Other dad: Ian Campbell
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Bio Mother: Skylar Vecellio (Womb donor)
Twin brother: Efesto Mars Vecellio
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Levi is younger than Efesto by 20 minutes, they aren’t identical except for the eyes
Efesto got their moms hair color while Levi got their dads hair color, they only have the streaks in their hair and eyes in common
Efesto is Levi’s ride or die
Faceclaim: Tom Hiddleston
Pets: A rottweiler named Rocky: 
Best Friends: Efesto, Dylan and Alexandra
Benedict Whitten; Jack Whitten; Thea Whitten - @unfortunate-arrow
Brian Haywood-Reese @catohphm
It’s Complicated:
Jack Whitten - @unfortunate-arrow
Brynn Cooke - @camillejeaneshphm
Samuel Murand - @hogwartsmysteryho
Rivals: TBD
Enemies: TBD
Love Interest: TBD
Future Children: He doesn’t want children but in his mind if it happens it happens
Positive: Honest, dependable, loyal, open-minded
Neutral: Athletic, observant, sarcastic, reserved
Negative: rude, impatient, passive-aggressive, judgemental
Color: baby blue
Food: Crab legs
Weather: Rain
Books: Rick Riordan books, more specifically the Kane Chronicles
Hobbies: pyrography, drawing, origami 
Music: he listens to a lot of rap music (nwa, 2pac, snoop dogg, eminem, 50 cent) and rock music (queen, acdc, guns n roses, journey)
Dislikes: the color green very much (very counterproductive of a slytherin, I know), ribs, honey (allergic)
MBTI Description: Adventurer personalities are true artists, but not necessarily in the typical sense where they’re out painting happy little trees. Often enough though, they are perfectly capable of this. Rather, it’s that they use aesthetics, design and even their choices and actions to push the limits of social convention. Adventurers enjoy upsetting traditional expectations with experiments in beauty and behavior – chances are, they’ve expressed more than once the phrase “Don’t box me in!”
Pre-Hogwarts Childhood:
Born and raised in the muggle world in Kolding, Denmark
Played in the woods for most of his life behind his house since his family home was away from the city
Attended a muggle school where he got his love of languages as he had to learn English
Was thought to be a squib as he didn’t show any magical prowess until a month before his 11th birthday
Learned about magic with Efesto even with the squib doubt
Hogwarts Years:
Sorted into slytherin (very displeased with the aesthetics of slytherin)
Introvert for most of the year during his first year
A lot of separation anxiety in his first year of hogwarts as he’s used to being in the same room as Efesto
Rule breaker because he’s bored
Lots of detentions
Dragonologist apprenticeship
Works at dragon reserve for 5 years
Works at a magical creature reserve for the rest of his life taking care of animals
Raising animals as if they are his kids
Death: died of a heart attack
Levi can pick up any subject rather quickly. Even if he hates the subject, he can still ace it
Loves to draw whenever he’s not in class
Even though he has friends, if they don’t physically drag him to do stuff with them, he’ll most likely be in his dorm doing whatever
Has a sketchbook with him all the time
Picked up a scottish accent from all the times he’s spent in Scotland with his aunts
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