splicedskies · 2 months
@catadioptrics - Liked for a Starter
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Altra didn't expect to find himself back in Sinnoh any time soon.
But Mount Coronet was a place he'd come to time and time again several years prior. Back when he was living with his mother in Celestic Town. Before he had a single Pokeball on his belt, before the ferry incident.
It had only happened half a year ago now. But it felt so much longer. He'd met a handful of new friends, seen a new region or two, but was still no where near strong enough to even begin looking for his Mother.
Let alone being able to stand on his own as a trainer. He felt so.. aimless..
Those were the thoughts that ran through Altra's head as he sat on one of the broken pillars at the top of Mount Coronet; a place he'd heard his mother once call 'The Spear Pillar'.
He'd been here before, many times often alone, like now. Just to look out over Sinnoh. Though his peace was soon broken as he heard footsteps close by.
That noise alone snapped him from his daze as he'd look up and around to the source of the sound. He didn't know if anyone came up here outside of locals...
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"... Is someone there?"
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melemeleguardian · 6 months
A malicious energy manifests in the room as Nico appears from somewhere, though by now it’s already common knowledge that he can teleport. As he gets a good look at Koko, though, the expression on his face tells that he’s very confused about what he’s seeing.
He followed the traces of Koko’s aura, right? Then why was Lucas standing in front of him?
Then, as realization dawned upon him, that look of confusion turned into one of barely-concealed schadenfreude. Right, something fishy was definitely going on here but that was unmistakably Koko. He’s a telepath, so he knows these things!
“Koko Puff, is that you? I came over because I wanted to give you something nice, but you’re looking different!”
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“Did you change your hair or something?”
Ugh, wasn't it enough that Koko was stuck in someone else's body? No, what was he saying, if a situation could get worse then it was probably Nico to be the one to make it worse.
What a pain to be on the receiving end of this torment for once. Well, at the very least Koko could say he was glad it wasn't Necrozma who found him like this. Nico was the friendly cryptic horror and easier to deal with after all.
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"Yeah, yeah. It's me. Are you just going to stand there and make fun of me or are you going to help find a way to switch me and Lucas back?"
Yeah, needless to say, Koko wasn't in the mood for any of Nico's shit right now.
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vivalavillain · 9 months
🎉❤️ yeeting Nico at Archer
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It had taken time-- as all things worth doing did, but after many hours across many days, Archer had finally pinpointed the person responsible for his little gift. He hadn't recognized the stranger right away nor even after looking into him a bit further after confirming his identity. He was a mystery to be solved and Archer was very much looking forward to finding him out.
So he cast his nets out into the void, asking after any and all information leading to a clearer picture of who Nico was. Most of what he found was surface information and nothing of vast interest but the fact that he'd witnessed the man psychically deliver a black-market substance through headquarters from a short distance away had more than caught his attention. Armed with a little more knowledge of who the other was, he'd sent an invitation to the last known home-location on file for him. He wasn't sure if the other would show or what he really hoped to accomplish by inviting him out, but he figured a public place like the Goldenrod Department Store's New Year's Eve party would be a more enticing place for a first meeting than, say, the basement labs of Rocket's underground base. After all, when the invitation was hand-delivered (to a mailbox or through a mail slot, Archer couldn't remember) without a return address or postage and signed with a simple, "I know. --AA", it seemed the most palatable choice to making contact without spooking his find.
He hadn't actually expected the other male to show so when he spotted a familiar face in the crowd close to midnight, he was more than a little elated (and, perhaps, after several shared glasses of champagne, more than a little tipsy). He'd weaved his way through the throng of people, making a beeline straight for the young man. The clock began to strike the hour as he approached and sneaked up behind Nico, snatching him by the wrist and twirling him around. (Surely if he was psychic as all signs seemed to indicate, he'd see it coming, right?) With a grin, he tugged the male toward him, drawing his hand up to his lips and pressing a kiss to the other's knuckles.
"Happy new year, Nico. I'm so glad you could join me."
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airborneace · 9 months
A mysterious shadow passes by the corner of Winona‘s field of vision for just a moment and vanishes just as quickly. Where that shadow stood, something was left behind- a box containing what seems to be a fully functional, high-tech jetpack! It's probably stolen from Devon.
Winona was typically more observant than this, but something about the stress of the holiday season and increased workload weighed heavy on her. Heavier than she'd like to admit. So she got sloppy, not quite catching what it was that she saw in her periphery. But she noticed enough of it to be sure to check the area.
In the spot of that sighting was a most peculiar box. It was quite large, and upon picking it up, it was revealed to be quite heavy. It had to be for her, right? She brought the package into her office to open it in peace and quiet, only to be greatly confused by its contents. What even was this device?
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"A jetpack? Are these even allowed to be retailed?"
She inspected the gadget suspiciously and thoroughly, ensuring each part was in working order and nothing was tampered with. But sure enough, it seemed to all be to factory specifications. This was a present for her? Well, if that's the case, she may as well cast doubt aside and enjoy herself for once.
"I'll need to see about giving this a test drive sometime. Hmhmm. Thank you for the present, mysterious stranger."
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shadowsightings · 9 months
A mysterious shadow passes by the corner of Rui‘s field of vision for just a moment and vanishes just as quickly. Where that shadow stood, something was left behind- a box containing what seems to be an exact copy of Super Sailor Kepler's outfit tailor-made just for her! It even comes with a wig and matching accessories.
"Hmm... What in the?"
Where her eyes playing tricks on her? For a second, it looked like there was a shadow Pokémon or something of that nature had just skirted outside of her field of vision, causing her to do a double-take. But of course, nothing was there anymore. Well- Almost nothing...
A box? For her? There was no one else around, so this had to be the case. Bringing it into her room, she swiftly opened it, neat as she could. When Rui looked upon the contents she could hardly believe it. It was one of her favorite characters' cosplay uniform.
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"Holy... crap... It's so detailed. This must have taken so long to tailor this way."
But... Hold on how did anyone know this? She only shared this fact about herself with precious few. Momentary wonderment faded again as she saw the wig and all the accessories. Including those from very niche OVAs that only saw limited release. Whoever gifted this must be a serious otaku, like her. But how does one thank someone when they never even saw their face? Maybe she'd get the chance to in the future.
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flock-keeper · 9 months
A mysterious shadow passes by the corner of Fearghas‘s field of vision for just a moment and vanishes just as quickly. Where that shadow stood, something was left behind- a box containing what seems to be a multitude of plushies themed after Flying-type Pokémon from many different regions! There’s also a Furby in the mix.
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Fearghas saw some of the shadow, and he tilted his head in confusion. “What tae hell is that?” After his question, he saw a box in front of him. He then kneeled down and opened the box and was surprised to see all of the plushies of Flying type Pokemon that were inside. He then smiled and started looking at them in more detail.
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“Damn, nice! This is pure quality,” Fearghas exclaimed as he picked up the Furby. “I don’t know who ye are, but thanks! I well appreciate it.”
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starikune · 9 months
A mysterious shadow passes by the corner of Shaun‘s field of vision for just a moment and vanishes just as quickly. Where that shadow stood, something was left behind- a box containing what seems to be a custom-made guitar shaped like a Skarmory’s wings!
"Bruh, what the fuck..." Shaun looks up at the sky, thinking that a cloud just obscured the sunlight or something. He looks around, raising his eyebrow when he sees the box.
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He tentiatively reached his hand out to open the box, gasping softly when he saw the sick-ass guitar! Silver and red, what a color combo...
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"Holy shit, this is fucking epic... hey, yo, thanks! Whoever you are."
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abyssonance · 10 months
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watch ikki slay
Bingo Time [Accepting]
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They know Ikki wouldn't scream at them about bad things, just good things, so they can yell.
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mxstball · 1 year
@catadioptrics from ask
Heidi was prepared to talk to Giratina as it was, but she was, in fact, surprised to see that it was willing to shrink itself to meet her like this. She wasn't sure if it was humbling or soothing.
"Sightseeing in the Distortion World would be nice, but not today, thank you." Heidi shook her head. "Sadly though, I'm here for something far more serious."
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"I have come here to deliver some unfortunate news. Arceus... is dead. She passed away in a duel against another Creator a few months ago. As such, effective next week, I will be the new Arceus of this world." She paused and bowed. "I am sorry that I've taken so long to deliver this news. I was taken into the Hall of Origin soon after taking the mantle to adapt to my new role. I... don't know how close or far apart your relationship with Arceus has been, but you have my deepest condolences for this loss."
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splicedskies · 1 month
Boss Battle it is time to return to the world of the living here
[ This one I have indeed thought about. Especially considering the fact ya' boi is possessed by Giratina, and it's basically legendary vs legendary here.
So.. this seemed fitting.
I chose THIS particular remix of Raw, Unfiltered Calamity since it's not as heavily 'dreary' as the other while still holding the heavy notes. It shows there's more to it all, that perhaps this is only the beginning; while keeping the intensity of the original. The tone shift at the 3 minuet mark is certainly the point that the battle reaches it's half-way mark and things actually start getting serious.]
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melemeleguardian · 1 year
[ Equip Tapunium-Z ]
Go in my askbox, and give my muse an RPG-style command!
You Equip Tapunium-Z
Granted it's not going to do much without a human to help add to your power, but it was still enough to squish Guzma when he's being... Well Guzma.
You exampine the Tapuium-Z
It's been a long time since you receive this from Sogaleo and Lunala. You have no idea how they received this or why it worked for you and the rest of the Tapu but you are thankful for the extra power boost. Actually, you did have an idea why Z-Crystals sometimes imbued specific Pokemon with unique abilities, but you rather not confirm that idea.
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vivalavillain · 9 months
A mysterious shadow passes by the corner of Archer's field of vision for just a moment and vanishes just as quickly. Where that shadow stood, something was left behind- a box containing what seems to be a vial of Berserk Gene. Where did that come from?
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"Now, where did this come from?"
Long, slender fingers pluck the vial from the box and examine it closely. He recognizes the color of the substance almost immediately-- the way it swirls in just this shade of red and orange when turned against the light-- but further study will be required to find the exact answer. He tests a few drops of the liquid down in the paltry labs beneath Goldenrod, absolutely delighted by what he finds after an hour or two of running a few specific tests. It's been years since he's seen anything like what's inside the vial and he stoppers it again with a slight pop! He can't stop smiling at the apropos gift and he sets it up behind a glass case to which only he has the key.
"Let's keep you here for now, until we find the right use for you. We have to be careful not to spill or waste too much of you. Who knows when someone will be so generous again."~
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healbellls · 1 year
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@catadioptrics has sent: A portal opens, and the Grimace shake spawns next to Morty.
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Notices the milkshake, and quickly grabs ahold of it.
"Oh dude, that's awesome! I've been dying to try this one for awhile now! I don't see anyone around so... It should be fine." He talked to himself the entire time, he inspected the drink and the cup for anything out of the ordinary or any possible red-flags.
However, nothing could have possibly prepared him for what came next.
While sipping on the drink, his eyes shot widely open. For he had been enlightened of his condition, his reality and humanity. His purpose, or rather lack of, in this realm. Everything finally made sense to him, he no longer had any doubts in his mind.
Tears ran down his widely open eyes with dilated pupils.
"i'M aLrEaDy DeAd."
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airborneace · 1 year
Do you ever feel worried that another weather crisis could happen in Hoenn?
The answer comes as though shot out of a barrel of a gun. This is clearly a thought that's not only circulating through her mind, but at the very forefront of her thoughts. How could she not? The last time it happened she was the one dealing with everyone's worries and complaints. The lives of many in her hands all while having no ability to physically affect anything aside from writing hurried emails and shouting across the phone lines. Lord Rayquaza, has she ever felt that much stress in her life before? Even now Winona feels her heartbeat accelerate thinking back on that moment. She knows that forces that be are around and perfectly capable of running amok again. But she promised herself and all of Hoenn that they will be prepared for it next time. That is her duty.
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chronocorundum · 2 years
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"Then why doth the humans clamber for it so? I see no other reason to descend it!"
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emmetrain · 2 years
Wall of Text- (Emmet is pointing at) @catadioptrics
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"Hi though. Hello."
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