#catastrophe's thing has always been being a feral mess
fvaleraye · 8 months
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We beat Spider-Man 2(the new one), and, of course, our first reaction was to draw(and do a very light redesign) of our symbiote sona/OC, Catastrophe. We're very happy with this and how it turned out.
Women who kill, etc.
Reblogs are appreciated and encouraged, etc.
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sugar-petals · 3 years
can you give us more thoughts about domestic yoongles? the taemin's one (wich I love) just made me miss the cat boy so much ;o;
i have a phd in househusband yoongi so let me fire out some ideas for ya.
myg at home headcanon
🐱 word count. 1.9k | fluff, slice of life, slight nsfw mentions, x reader, bullet points
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The doorbell sound is a recording of Yoongi imitating a doorbell. He’s such a meme. Ceci n'est pas une pipe.
Seemingly, he teaches himself a new recipe every week. To perfection. Yoongi is very particular about sticking to the recipe and wielding his kitchen tools in the right way. He collects knives, olive oil, and still hates cutting onions.
He separates sleep time, work time, and couple time as the holy trinity. For each, he switches his mood.
Blushes easily no matter for how long you’ve been together.
Establishes his own radio show where he DJs at one point.
Yoongi keeps an extreme track on the garbage schedule. He knows exactly what is due when. Separating the trash is a must. That includes sorting out fake friends trying to get between your relationship. Your social circle as a couple is extremely deliberate.
Yoongi deems himself a terrible host for guests. Unless Hoseok is there to drag him out, it's true he rather stays in the kitchen or at the barbecue preparing the menu courses rather than making small talk. He leaves the hospitality bits to you, however you want to go about it.
What he lacks in conversing with guests, he makes up in bed, God is absolutely fair.
He sings and hums pretty often and has his own vernacular of extraterrestrial uwu noises. It's an alphabet that you have to yet decipher but it's incredibly cute.
Self-made paintings everywhere around his house. 
Yoongi hasn't gone clubbing since grammar school. The most he does is going to a restaurant at lunch with very close friends. And always in a work context. His private life is so secluded from everything else and paparazzi just don't spot him anywhere, Dispatch thinks he must live abroad.
Very well, he does consider his big ole house a separate country. It's a living organism with a studio, gym, trophy room, small-size basketball court, and vastly equipped kitchen. A home theater as well, he likes American movies (like Inception) and Korean action genres, and you can stream whatever you fancy in there whenever you like. 
Yes, he has underwear with cute little bears on.
There's even a little pond in the backyard. Yoongi, Pisces he is, likes fishes after all. Sometimes he sits at the edge of the 'Little Ole Min Lake (LOML)' and stares into the water for literal hours with his chin parked on his palm.
His fridge is so high-tech and futuristic, even Yoongi is rendered clueless by its AI sometimes. The washing machine, too.
Yoongi watches RuPaul’s drag race. What did you expect? He finds it so humorous.
Owns lord knows how many comic collections.
Favorite holiday destination: New York.
Christmas is basically 50% you unveiling new music equipment to him in the garage and Yoongi almost fainting at the sexiness of it. The other 50% is spent holding hands and orgasm after orgasm until the new year since you loose track of time.
Goes on long rants why he’d marry you again every weekend.
Making you presents is his specialty. Always accompanied with a hand-written note. He writes a lot of things by hand for you in general. Texting, basically never. Always on paper.
No sex without a blanket and socks on. Yoongi gets cold very very easily and just doesn’t like showing skin. You buy him a heated blanket for his birthday, he even uses it in his studio chair.
Chronically addicted to making out.
Matching black outfits and glasses.
Laughs at even your worst jokes or phrases you didn’t expect you even uttered.
Yoongi owns the phoniest, most secretive-looking black car ever and nobody knows about it. Even he forgets he owns it, in fact he genuinely acts like it just doesn’t exist. Hilarious. And that guy has a level 1 Korean driver's license. Which allows him to drive trailers and busses and fucking trucks, and construction machines, let that sink in.
It's really a genius curse. Yoongi being put to the test will always deliver but he won't choose to execute his full skillset if he doesn't have to. Well, pragmatic. He's not as phony as he thinks he is, which is even more hilarious.
He uses that behemoth of a car so scarcely because he'd rather have things delivered to his doorstep and he's stingy with gas. Also, he doesn't like traffic and driving because of the traumatic shoulder accident and his tendency to space out. Translation: You drive that thing... that monster... it really is an impressive, fast, and scary machine. 
If someone devious ever even remotely manages to invade his privacy and get past the doubly-installed security system, he has enough money to deal with it no matter what.
If it concerns your privacy, he's a red belt. And owns Jin's number if a taekwondo master is required. Jimin's if it needs someone with kendo skills.
If Yoongi needs someone to go on a complete rampage, Jungkook lives just down the block. He can sprint to Yoongi's bunker I mean mansion within 45 seconds. 30 if it's very urgent. 20 if the reward is an instant ramen splurge with Yoongi's black card.
He has a sexy, glamorous sword collection hanging on the living room wall anyways, so. Who the hell is dumb enough to mess with him and his expensive lawyer in the first place.
But just in case, who knows... Yoongi settles matters shruggingly, anonymously, and with cash and he's too exhausted for violence, but don't underestimate his deter-min-ation and network for emergencies. Also, he is Agust D after all.
He will bonk a naughty burglar or kidnapper across the head with a wooden cooking spoon or take him down by throwing a basketball if the situation requires it. Damn, his reflexes are so fast, a feral cat in motion. So, lean back and sip on your drink of choice. Things are cared for.
If Yoongi is the one being kidnapped or a highly skilled stalker invades the property at night when he's fast asleep (nothing can wake this man during certain hours, strong REM right here): Don't forget that honeyboy is a Dodgers fan. There are signed baseball bats everywhere in this damn house.
In that sense, your parents visiting you here for the first time thought you were an undercover thug couple. Not to worry mom and dad, you both just like sports very much okay.
Yoongi walks around in all black clothes and the rooms are all seemingly dark. Even if you live together, you don't know his skin care routine. It's clear to you he's some sort of vampire.
Since Yoongi always forgets to remove his makeup, you made it a habit to wipe it down when he's about to pass out. He won't lie, he enjoys that kind of affection.
Holly is your resident child. You're essentially a family.
He insists to tackle this by himself, Yoongi sees his therapist monthly. Not shifting responsibility is something he's stubborn about and he pours his emotions into writing. You will do conversation about deeper stuff, but he says it's mostly up to him and his own mind. He dislikes burdening you or opening up too much and it's something to respect rather than force him about. If he wants to share a thought, he will. It doesn’t mean he can’t trust you or sucks at communicating (we know that he’s direct). Yoongi simply can’t put that much pain in such few words nor should you alleviate it for him.
Calls from the manager faze Yoongi as much as Jimin is bothered by gravity. If he’s busy kissing your body slow mo, who the hell dares to disturb his worship. 
This man had so many let-downs and interpersonal catastrophes in his life, he's super discerning with people. Because he rolls that way, during their first meeting Yoongi uses his psychology certificate on your friends. You see him squint at them, he listens very closely. After they pass the vibe check aka meow radar, he befriends them, too.
Yoongi doodles Grammy trophies everywhere to manifest them.
Yoongi shaves his legs.
All the sex toys he’s ever bought are black. Gotta vibe in style.
He spends ridiculous amounts of time in the studio but he's yours for the remainder of the night, breakfast, and he makes a lavish lunch and dinner.
Um, consider his head parked between your legs. The Hongkong line was not a joke.
Doesn’t mind you squishing his cheeks whenever and for how long you like. 
Every other weekend he gets flowers, vouchers, and gifts — not because of fans, they don’t know where his house is, but because he donates so much.
Namjoon often drops by and cleanses the area with his crystals.
Yoongi is a photography major so you can ask him to take professional, ceiling-high black and white shots of you.
Feeding each other food lovingly. Man, this guy got lips.
He set up a library just for you, in the exact historical aesthetic you like the most. Send him the link to any book you want, it's basically in the online shopping cart already. As I said, he wants to make you presents like every week.
Sometimes he sits on the other end studying English videos and vocab while you read. And yes, he's already 95% fluent but pretends being merely intermediate. He knows technical terms even native speakers have never heard of.
He collects pajamas and earrings.
Swears on the phone.
Namjoon being the horniest member is a cover-up story. Yoongi masturbates almost unreasonable amounts of times, by himself and in your arms when going to bed. Not gonna lie, it’s a sight to see his hands at work. He’s almost equally obsessed with fingering you once you ask him.
Yoongi was the one asking you to move in and almost had a nervous meltdown before meeting up with you to tell you just that. 
He’s the little spoon and of course a sleeping burrito to hold tight.
Finds you equally attractive in any state or styling. Yoongi practices what he preaches, he always reacts the same and says the same. 
Jams out to outrageous beats Namjoon sends him by dancing in the studio. You walk in on him every time. Was embarrassed at first, now you dance along.
Has bought you a life-sized Yoongi pillow and customized you a giant Shooky to hug when he’s not at home over night.
Owned a wine cellar until he quit drinking. Turned it into a piano room instead.
Only you know Yoongi has a serpent and dagger tattoo.
Scrubs the bathroom religiously.
The house smells like restaurant food and his extravagant perfumes half of the time.
Sometimes he has to remind himself he’s married to you and not his coffee machine. He shall be forgiven. You can’t complain that he doesn’t love you enough, nor is he ever not adorable when drinking his latte.
Never wears short sleeves. It can be scorching and he’ll wear a jacket. 
Tell him and the cap stays on during sex.
He grows his hair out and puts it in a low bun. The bangs remain.
Yoongi has installed the most fire-proof building in the entire city it seems. That he wanted to be a firefighter when he was young definitely shows. Figures the house has to be protected from heat: His blasting studio music and Yoongi himself are just way too sizzling.
Still melts into a puddle when you kiss his nose.
Couple sunrise watching. 
© submissive-bangtan 2017-2021. all rights reserved. do not repost or translate. all depictions fictional.
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star-ting-over · 3 years
Fic : A night on the Resolute
The wounds from Umbara were still fresh, and Rex wasn’t going to get any sleep. Instead, he paces the halls and finds everything, and nothing has changed.
Also on AO3
Dogma was snoring again. Rex glanced over at his brother, face down, passed out from exhaustion on the sparing floor matt that was serving as his bed against the wall of Rex’s cabin. Dogma didn’t sleep much these days, but when he did, he snored. Like a Gundark with a sinus infection. Rex honesty wasn’t aware that a trooper could make a noise like that before Dogma had taken up residence on his floor. Rex didn’t think Jesse would follow through with his half-hysterical threat of stabbing Dogma in his sleep, but he had the younger clone bunking with him just in case. If anything, it prevented another fight in the barracks, Tup apparently more than willing to jump to Dogma defence with his fists at the slightest provocation. There was an angry, aggressive streak in Tup that hadn’t been there before Umbara. Or maybe it had, and Rex just hadn’t noticed.
Rex dug the heels of his hand into his eyes as he sat up. He wouldn’t be getting any sleep tonight. Swinging he feet over the side of his bunk, he rose as silently as he could so as not to wake his sleeping brother and headed for the door. Stepping out into the corridor, more people were milling around than he would have expected. Then again no one on the Resolute was getting much sleep at the moment and clones, by nature or by training, did not like to spend much time sitting still. Rex paused briefly to consider what his men might make of their captain pacing the halls in the dead of night in nothing but his blacks before quickly deciding that he couldn’t bring himself to care.
His first port of call was the med bay. It was trip Rex made after every campaign, but there was always something jarring about how the casualty numbers matched up with the brother on the beds. 300 injured didn’t seem real until you saw your men lined up on gurneys against the wall waiting for the medics to clear a bed for them. Kix always complained, with Rex privately agreeing, that if it were up to him, every member of GAR command should be dragged into the Medbay after a hard campaign to tell the medics and injured brother to their faces that a Venator, with a complement of 3,000 only needed 40 bacta tanks. If General Kenobi had managed to source 30 extra each for The Negotiator and The Resolute, Rex wouldn’t mention it.
Umbara had, by all metrics, been a hard campaign. Kix’s tired face and tight smile gave him all the information he needed to know. It could have been a lot worse, but it was worse than they could have imagined. Glancing over at the rows of occupied beds, his eye was drawn to Skipper, the lightsabre burns across his chest that should have killed him and the look in his eyes that said it might as well have done. That was enough of the Med bay for one night.
Back out in the corridor, Rex decided that if he weren’t going to sleep, he could a least be somewhat productive. As with any catastrophic, traumatising incident, Umbra had generated a lot of paperwork, most of which Rex had neglected to deal with partly out of spite but mostly out of exhaustion. No one had chased him for it yet, but it was only a matter of time. It wasn’t going to complete itself, so Rex headed towards mission control.
Expecting to find the room empty, be paused in the doorway at the sight of General Skywalker stood in front of the holo-transmitter, the flickering blue backs of General Windu and General Kenobi between them. Rex was all for turning and leaving, but General Skywalker had seen him, a subtle beckon dragging Rex into the room. Rex loitered just out of the holo-projector range as his General said his goodbye to the two Masters. He didn’t need to be a Jedi to sense the sombre mood that the conversation had left in the room; he could guess what they had been discussing. How many times had Rex stood in this spot late at night, listening to the best-laid plans of the Jedi? Old wisdom said that no plan withstood contact with the enemy and that was true even for Jedi, but until recently Rex had never had any reason to doubt that the General’s plan, any General’s plan, was the best one available. But now it was like a shadow had been thrown over everything. It wasn’t fair; Rex knew that. General Skywalker may be reckless, but he wasn’t malicious, he didn’t lead his men to their deaths deliberately.
As the projector shut off, the General turned to him. The flicker of the generals’ eyes made Rex suddenly very aware that he wasn’t in his armour. He suddenly felt vulnerable, exposed. He had never felt this way before, but it wasn’t hard to figure out what had changed. Up until very recently, Rex hadn’t had a reason to feel vulnerable in the presence of a Jedi. Something in General Skywalers expression closed off, and Rex wondered precisely how much of what he felt was being communicated through the force.
“How’s Jesse doing?” the General changed the topic of a conversation they weren’t even having.
Jesse had held it together well on Umbara, as calm and competent as always, but almost as soon as he set foot on the Resolute, it was like it caught up to him at once. Rex wouldn’t call it a breakdown. Clones didn’t have break downs. Right? Right. Rex wasn’t sure what he would call it. He wouldn’t sleep, he wouldn’t eat. His hands shook so hard Rex wasn’t sure he could still hold a blaster. Kix said he was having nightmares about the firing squad. Nearly being executed was bound to mess you up. It had messed Jesse up at least, Fives seemed fine, at least as far as Rex could see.
Kix was doing his best to help Jesse where he could. The seemed that it was the sight of Dogma seemed to be what set him off more than anything, and it wasn’t like Rex didn’t understand why. Everyone understood why. Even Dogma who since his rather miraculous, if temporary, reprieve had turned out to be surprisingly good at making himself scarce at least until it came time to sleep. He hadn’t even taken four steps into the barracks, a full hour after lights out, before trouble had reared its head. In the interests of a concise incident report, it was summarised as Jesse had lost it on Dogma, Tups had swung at Jesse, Fives tackled Tup, Kix had set Jesse’s broken nose and Rex had one more headache to contend with. Rex didn’t see any need to mention the tears that had streamed down Jesse’s face, the calm oddly detached look on Dogma’s face as Jesse threatened to kill him or the feral, deranged glint in Tups eyes as Fives pinned him down.  
“Getting there, sir” Rex had no idea if that was true. He and never seen anything like this before. The General nodded, face grim. He opened his mouth to say something before thinking better of it and turned towards the monitor against the far wall. Whatever he was about to say, he didn’t want to be looking at Rex for.
“The trooper who shot Krell…” Rex suppressed a wince. He didn’t like hearing that name in his own mind.
“Dogma” Rex interjected quickly. It might have come out a little sharper than he intended.
“Right, Dogma,” Skywalker gave him a long look out of the corner of his eye. “Dogma has been summoned by the Jedi Council for questioning as soon as we arrive” Rex felt something that might have been fear, bubbling up, but it was quickly replaced by rage. He swallowed that impulse down. He knew this would be coming; after all, it had been a condition of Dogma’s temporary release. Raging wasn’t going to help his brother. He hadn’t been quick enough it would seem as he watched General Skywalker’s eyes narrow.
“He shot a Jedi Rex.”
“With all due respect sir, he shot a traitor.” The General sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose.
“It's out of our hands, Rex. We could stop him from being shipped back to Kamino, but there is nothing more I can do.” What you be doing if it was me, that was being hauled in front of the council? Rex wanted to ask but couldn’t bring himself to utter the words.
“Get some rest.” General Skywalker uttered those words without a hint of irony. It was a dismissal if ever Rex had heard one. There was a part of Rex what wanted to replay with a ‘Thank you, sir, I’m fine’ but was sure the phrase would go straight over the Generals head. Rex turned on his heels and headed for the door.
“Rex, let… er.. let the trooper know what's going on.” Rex turned, giving a quick nod and headed through the door. Rex knew that rest wasn’t an option, so he decided upon a different course of action. The ship's gym should be relatively empty, especially as most would be too tired from the recent campaign to feel the need to exercise. And if it just happened to be the furthest thing from rest, well that was just a coincidence.
Typically the gym was nowhere near as empty as Rex would have liked. More than a few pairs of brother were having a spar on the mats. There were a few spare treadmills along the left wall, but it was the punching bags in the back corner that Rex was after. One was already in use. Tups bun made him easy to spot from behind. Rex wasn’t sure the younger trooper even notice his presence as he approached. Rex decided not to disturb him; he looked like he was… working through some stuff.
Taking the bag farthest away from Tup, Rex when through his pre-workout stretches on autopilot before sinking his fist into the bag. He had hoped punching something would help focus his mind, but it didn't seem to be working. His conversation with the General had rattled him. A deluge of hows and whys and what-ifs that he had been desperately trying to hold back broke free.
It all came back to one thing. It should have been him that pulled the trigger. It was his call, his duty to his brothers and the Republic, he should be the one to bear the consequences of the decision. Whatever they would be. They had put Dogma back into his cell after shooting the General, after Fives had retrieved his pistol from Dogma’s limp hands. He had sat stock still for hours, just staring unblinkingly at the Jedi’s body left to go cold one cell over. Kenobi’s arrival, Rex’s desperate pleas to Cody, Cody’s appeal to his General and Skywalkers obstinate instance ensured that Dogma would face Jedi justice and not a sham of a court marshal at the hands of the GAR high command. Rex hoped that the Jedi would be more lenient, but he didn’t know. All he had to go off was that it was hard to picture a Jedi firing squad. When Dogma had been temporarily released for the trip back to Coruscant, he hadn’t said a word. In fact, Rex hadn’t heard him utter a sound, besides his snoring, since Umbara.
Rex wondered if it said something damning about him that he wasn’t able to take that shot. He considered himself someone willing to do whatever it took to ensure victory, to keep his brothers safe. Did this just prove that to be untrue? General Skywalker had said the though Dogma and Rex were alike and superficially perhaps they were. Fiercely loyal, devoted to the cause… trusting. But Dogma took the shot that Rex couldn’t, because Rex couldn’t, but why? Was he afraid the consequences, afraid of what it would mean to be a Jedi killer? Say what you would about Dogma he didn’t really factor in personal consequences into his actions.  
Would the outcome be different if it had been him? Rex wasn’t sure. And if it was, what did that say about the GAR? What did that say about him? Was his life worth more than Dogma’s? Because he was older, more experienced, because General Skywalker had taken a liking to him? Was he more deserving of mercy because he happened to be a Jedi’s favourite clone? Because General Skywalker could remember his name when he always seemed to forget Dogma’s? Rex was spiralling, and he didn’t know how to stop it.
One last strike of his fist into the punching bag and Rex all be collapsed. Out of the corner of his eye, he could see that Tup had stopped as well, at some point having been joined by Fives. They were both watching him, concern on Fives face, Tups expression was drawn. Looking down at his hands, Rex realised belated that he had forgotten to wrap his knuckles before starting, blood trickling from the split skin, staining the bag.
“You should go see Kix for that sir.” Fives voice seemed thin a far away. Rex recalled Kix’s tired eyes for earlier that night. He didn’t need to adding anything more to his brother plate tonight, he’d speak to him in the morning. He told Fives as much. The ARC gave him a reluctant nod. Rex glanced back to Tup, stood staring at the floor shoulders hunched, looking like he was about to throw up. Catching Fives eye, he received a second nod. The ARC would make sure that Tup was ok, that he got back to his bunk. Rex gave Fives a tried smile before turning to leave that gym. The next morning Fives wouldn’t mention how Rex’s stumbled from exhaustion as he walked and Rex wouldn’t mention the telltale red rims to Fives eyes.
Finally, back at his bunk, Rex though he might finally be tried enough to get some rest even though Dogma’s snoring. Upon entering Rex found the room empty, it would appear Dogma had made himself scarce once again. Rex would tell him the Generals news in the morning then. For now, he would finally grab a few hours of sleep.
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fandomsilhouette · 4 years
striking balance (a skill, a talent)
There’s a fine line between love and desperation. Felix finds himself tightrope walking it far more often than he’d like, wobbling and petrified of falling on the wrong side. 
Luckily for him, it makes good practice for when he’s got his tail too far up his mouth to make sense. 
Ladybug landed gently on her toes on their favorite rooftop, padding to a soft stop and curling up on the beanbags tucked away in the supply closet the building owner had been all too happy to lend to Paris’s resident heroes. Behind her, Chat Noir skidded to a screeching halt by crashing his baton onto the concrete, then tumbling face-down-tail-up until he came to a scratched up stop at her feet. Ladybug giggled and helped him up. 
“Clean stop, kitty cat!” 
Chat Noir scratched the back of his neck and a sweet pink blush peeked out from under his mask. “Ahhh, you know you have always been more graceful than I have, Miss Coccinelle. So prim and proper,” he teased, settling into his own beanbag. 
Ladybug fell into him, giggling harder. “No one would ever say that if we weren’t masked! I’m so clumsy, did you know that?” She bolts upright, peering him intently, almost drunk in her endorphins. She reaches out and grips his wrist, and Chat Noir goes stiff, trying so hard not to move, not to dislodge her. 
“You’ve always been graceful to me, ma coccinelle.” 
Ladybug giggle-snorts, and Chat Noir’s heart starts racing. “You haven’t seen me around my crush, silly kitty!”
“Ha! I’ve seen you around me, silly bug!” He punctuates with a wink, as if such casual assertions come naturally to him and don’t send his heart to his throat and to his stomach at once, torn into pieces with the force of it. She makes that giggle-snort again, and wiggles in her seat too. 
“Haha, very funny. No, it’s-- I like this boy so much.” She sighs it out, reverent, and now Chat Noir’s heart is just sinking. It doesn’t feel at all better. She’s still talking about him: “He’s so... how do I explain it? I think a lot of people think I like him because he’s a model, or because he’s rich and smart and pretty, but he’s a total dork, did you know that? Probably not, you probably don’t know him. I didn’t... I-- do you mind? If I tell you about this?” 
Chat Noir pauses, and weighs the options. It hurts to hear her talk about another guy. It hurts more to say no to her. 
“Of course, ma coccinelle. I’m always happy to listen to you.” 
She squirms and wiggles, caught between her need to explain and her terror at hurting the person she cares for so deeply. 
“Are... you sure?” 
“...of course.” 
“...ahhhh okay okay okay he’s so dumb!! The first time I met him, he just said the worst thing, and I didn’t-- I was so angry at him! I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone that shocked at getting yelled at when they say something rude, and...” She trails off for a moment, and by the time she finishes her sentence, Chat Noir has managed to drift off into a lazy uncomfortable haze of jealousy and guilt. Her voice startles him. “He spent the whole next week making up for it. I don’t think I realized it at first, but he was trying to apologize to me, and then I noticed him... taking care of the rest of the class. Apologizing. Bringing them pastries and helping with their homework. Peeking out of the library during breaks, even, which doesn’t sound like a lot but it is for him. And how can I not love someone like that, with my whole heart? He’s so cold and aloof and standoffish, I know everyone thinks so, but he just... cares so much. I feel like he would be crying all the time if he didn’t hide it so well.” 
Wow, if that doesn’t sound like Chat Noir himself. Chat Noir is inexplicably competitive, and he shoves that urge right down, thanks very much. Ladybug likes who she likes, no matter how much it sounds like himself but better, good in all the ways he wishes he were. 
“How could I not... love him? I wonder if he knows. He’s just... lucky, I think, for me. His name... suits him.” 
There’s something feral and untamed clawing at Chat Noir’s heart. He blurts out the question before he can stop himself. 
“What’s the name?” 
Ladybug considers it for a moment before answering, clearly deciding a name won’t do him much harm. 
“His name is Felix. It’s perfect, isn’t it?”
Chat Noir falls off the rooftop. 
That’s MY name!! How dare the guy she like have my name and be better at it than I am!!!
“Pfft, it’s not that great of a name. Kinda dumb if you ask me,” he comments, scrabbling up the side of the building acting as if he’s being at all suave instead of a total mess. 
Ladybug glares. 
Nothing good ever happens to the person she’s glaring at. Chat Noir immediately starts backtracking. 
“I mean, what are good names anyways? I can’t think of any. Names are all dumb, like, like,” Quick!! What’s a name!!! Chat Noir desperately tries to think of an example, and of course, the name that has been plaguing him since he met her pops into his mind. “Like Ladybug! What kinda na-- wait.”
Oh, shoot. 
Chat Noir finds himself cat walking on a tightrope of insecurity and absolutely terrifying danger. What did he just say?! And WHY?! 
“I mean, that’s not what I meant. It’s like, well, um--” 
And then Ladybug bursts out laughing. “You’ve really got yourself in quite the catastrophe there, huh, kitty cat! It’s okay. I know what you meant.” 
It’s a bit of a miracle, since Chat Noir isn’t really sure himself. 
“It’s... hard listening to someone you... like talk about their crush. I get it. Sometimes you’ve just... gotta be a little petty.” She perks up. “Petty!! Like a pet!!” She’s so pleased with her terrible joke that Chat Noir has to laugh too. 
“Very funny, Miss Coccinelle. I’m in stitches,” he manages with a straight face. 
She starts petting him, delighted with himself. Maybe she has a crush on another boy. As long as she still loves him, Felix can live with it. 
He still doesn’t much like that other Felix, though. 
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So, I worked on Valentin's backstory and wrote it down. Also added some facts/ideas about his personality and what he likes and dislikes.
This is just a concept, so it's not really good or anything and I'm also pretty insecure about it, so please don't reblog this.
But if anyone wants to read about my boy, here you go.
• He was born into a relatively wealthy family and lived with his parents in South California until he was 18
• He was lucky enough to be able to go to school
• He has always been a smart boy. Always getting good grades. His parents and teachers constantly told him he had a bright future ahead of him.
• But he never quite fit in. Never found many friends, and when he finally did for once, they either ended up leaving him, lying to him, manipulating him or betraying him in the worst ways possible.
• He was bullied in his teen years... never undestood why, but he just figured he was the problem. They just attacked him for anything he was doing. Even if he was just sitting there, they'd spit on him, punch him or laugh at him. And whenever he tried to do something about it, things just got worse. So he just stopped trying and let them do whatever they want to him.
• All this lead to a lot of supressed anger. He was so angry at them. At the world, for doing him so dirty. At himself for all the things they made him believe he did wrong.
• People hating him for who he was, for existing, completely broke him. Their words made him believe he was a bad person. And then he kinda started acting like it. Like a bad person, so people hating on him would be justified. After all they had taught him how to betray and manipulate.
• In a fucked up way it gave him comfort back then. A sense of identity and control. But in reality he just fucked up every relationship he had left and felt even more miserable in the end. Ended up all alone.
• All this was too much for him. He started cutting and had suicidal thoughts (He was able to leave the self harming behind eventually, but every now and then when something goes wrong in his life, the thought of doing it again pops up in his head. Nowadays he just tries to drown the thoughts in alcohol when the thoughts get too loud).
• He also searched comfort in meaningless sex and drugs/alcohol. Just wanted to forget and numb himself. This pain and deep feeling of loneliness and emptiness inside him were too much to take and well, he tried to fill that void somehow.
• Besides all this, he still somehow managed to graduate.
• He wanted a new start and wanted to leave everything else behind, so he moved to Night City to study shortly after he turned 18.
• He changed his name to V cause Valentin reminded him too much of his past and of what he so desperately wanted to leave beind (he allows close friends to call him that tho)
• He then focused on his career, studied, got a job at Arasaka and even managed to work his way up by manipulating and betraying, and some other bad shit...
• He actually managed to build up a new life there in Night City. Got to start all over again, try all the things the corpo life had to offer. And with working for Arasaka he had many possibilities. Everything went finally somehow good for him. Or at least he thought so at first. He had money, got a bit of respect and whatever else. But soon he realized working for Arasaka was a fucking lonely life. By far not as bright as he had imagined. And it was fucked up too. Kinda had to sacrifice his soul to survive in that world.
• He saw and knew about all the bad shit going on behind closed doors. How people were lying to each other, backstabbing each other, just to make more money or get promoted. Or how people were exploited... or even just used as the others pleased. And the worst thing: as much as all this disgusted him and as much as it went against what was left of his morals, he either just looked away or even took part in all this treachery and their sickening behaviour. It was fucked up, but well, he did what he had to do. He hated himself so much for it, but he had no choice if he wanted to keep what was left of his life. Probably couldn't do much about it anyways.
• And of course his past was still haunting him. As much as he tried to forget, the things that had happened, the things he did to become so successful... they left deep scars on his soul.
• And well... then everything went to shit
• He blamed Arasaka for it. He got so fucking angry, cause they took away what he had worked so hard for. The only thing that gave him some sense of purpose in life. Smashed his life and future to pieces and there was nothing he could do about it. He wanted to see them suffer and burn for what they did to him.
• And now he hated himself even more for what has happened, cause it was all for nothing. He finally realized how fucked up he actually was. The guilt was suffocating him.
• He knew it was time for a change. And this time he'd do the right thing. Make the right choices. Try to be a better person. Kinda try to right his wrongs.
• He hates being alone, but also has a hard time trusting people due to what he experienced in the past... this guy definitely has abandonment issues and trust issues. That makes any kind of relationship very difficult for him. He still tries very hard tho.
• He kinda has 3 sides:
1) Feral ferret: funny, horny, seemingly happy, joking, full of life and love. That's the side he shows most of the time. This side of him is him finally becoming himself again after completely losing himself trying to reach something that he could never reach. He's slowly finding his new identity, is trying out new things, doing chaotic shit he never got to try out in his fucked up past. And most of all he tries to be a better person.
2) Killing mode: His serious, professional, badass side. When he enters killing mode, he blocks out everything irrelevant and only focuses on his mission. Makes sure he makes no mistakes (all remains from working for Arasaka). And even if he'd never ever admit it... he likes the violence and the thrill he gets from it...
3) His sad/depressed/broken/traumatized side: He rarely ever shows this side of him (at least not to most people). His past haunts him. He hates himself for the things he did, hates himself for disappointing friends or even himself in the past. The memories of being treated like shit and getting hurt over and over again also sometimes come flashing back into his mind and he wishes this would just stop and he could forget.
• He can go from quirky and joking to killing mode or sad mode in less than a second -> PARCOUR 😎🤦🏻‍♀️
What he likes:
• Junkfood. Lots and lots of junkfood. Especially cheeseburgers or pizza or anything with cheese in general
• He loves fucking. This man is like constantly horny and he will do it anywhere anytime he gets the chance to.
• He loves taking funny, cute and pretty pics and is actually quite proud of the photos he takes
• He loves to just do chaotic, fun or dumb shit. It's kinda like a coping mechanism for him
• He likes just stopping for a while and watching the sunrise/sunset or admire the landscape. Especially at the beach or somewhere out of the rush and mess that the city is. Back when he still worked for Arasaka he didn't have time for things like this. It was all just work, work, work.
What he doesn't like:
• being alone
• things getting out of control
• the song "pon pon shit". He hates it with a burning passion and honestly, when it comes on on the radio he just wants to yeet his car off the road...
Other stuff:
• Chaos boi
• His spirit animal is a feral ferret
• Bisexual
• He can cloverleaf his tongue and wiggle it all weirdly. Good for either impressing people or creeping them out.
• That being said, he knows exactly how to use his tongue to make his partner feel real good and cry out his name 😏
• This man got a huge suit kink. If he sees a hot man or a sexy lady in a suit, he loses all ability to think clearly
• He loves wearing suits, and dress shirts.
• For special occasions and for beach days he got his golden hotpants
• Sometimes he will just say fuck it and wear some total fashion catastrophe™️ outfits, just because he can
• He's horny. Like, ALL the time
• Even tho this man loves to fuck hard and rough (ya know, with scratching, biting, hair pulling, chains, whips, handcuffs,...), he'll absolutely melt when you touch him gently. He likes the sex, of course, but he craves intimacy. He never got the chance for all this romantic stuff or intimacy in his past for obvious reasons. If you hold him gently he'll most certainly start crying.
• His sextoy collection is HUGE. Super impressive and he's got some of the good expensive stuff. Worth like 3000€$. Well spent cash.
• He's into public play 😏
• He would never ever say it out loud or admit it, but violence kinda turns him on (yeah, he's a bit messed up)
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script-a-world · 4 years
I'm creating a story set in the far future, with space travel, aliens, etc. Problem is the diversity, wealth, and, technology, and health disparities. In the modern world, you can see the disparity growing, the worst things haven't disappeared. It's not something I can really do away with in the future can I? But with a future world, this disparity will grow much larger right? How does a future like this work?
Feral: It is absolutely your choice how these kinds of disparities exist in your world and play into your story. Science fiction writers have been all over the spectrum since futuristic sci-fi became a thing.
Star Trek is probably the best known example of futuristic utopianism; the Federation exists in a post-scarcity society where everyone is equal. And it’s far from the only work to promote a kind of technological utopian ideal. You don’t have to be cynical about the future to create a compelling world or write a compelling story.
Here's a booklist that claims to only contain utopian fiction, but you’ll see a number of the books are actually about failed utopias, dystopias disguised as utopias, and utopias that are no longer considered utopias due to values dissonance. This is why there are those who think “utopia” is not really what we should be aiming for; after all, isn’t a "perfect world" what eugenicists are aiming for? Instead, "protopia” is becoming more of a preferred term for a world that is better tomorrow than it is today.
If you prefer to create a world with extreme disparity, there are plenty of examples of dystopian fiction out there. One nuanced example that I strongly recommend reading is James S.A. Corey’s The Expanse series, which starts with Leviathan Wakes, and the SyFy Original of the same name that is based on it.
Lockea: For the Western world, the last two decades haven’t exactly been great, so I can see where the thought might be that things will continue sliding downhill. That’s absolutely not true at all, however, because the future is always in flux. That’s what makes science fiction so much fun! Like Feral said, you don’t need to be cynical to create a compelling narrative. You can write whatever you want because human history has lots of ups and downs.
Take Star Trek for example. The Federation exists in a universe where humans have recovered from an apocalyptic-like catastrophe, where disparities were overwhelmingly large to the point that society was non-functional. Yet Star Trek is a story about hope, and the Federation rose to be a utopian ideal. Star Trek imagines a future where the worst happens, yet humans come together and survive and thrive in spite of it.
I think there’s great power in science fiction that imbues a spirit of hope rather than a spirit of despair. It might be super popular now in our grimdark collective consciousness to have every science fiction story be about a dystopia or the failings of human beings. It’s kind of boring, honestly, and I personally wouldn’t mind a more nuanced or even a more optimistic take on the course of human destiny.
When I think about stories that show humans in their best light, I think about the “Humans Wanted” anthology of stories. It’s easy to get sucked into the belief that humans are THE WORST and society is THE WORST and that things are THE WORST that we forget to look at what makes us really wonderful. We as humans can mess up and make a mess, but we can also recover. It’s okay to make the disparity gap close a little, a lot, or all the way. It’s not unbelievable. I promise.
Constablewrites: History has been filled with unexpected correctives that disrupted what seemed like inevitable trends. Disasters, technological breakthroughs, revolutions, unexpected cultural encounters, all of it can create a world that would have been unthinkable a century, a year, hell even a day earlier. Whatever future you want to imagine, there’s probably a way to get there.
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grigori77 · 4 years
The Works of Ridley Scott - My Top Ten
So I decided I’d drop another series of big post lumps of spam on you guys by rocking my favourite directors’ works by rating my personal favourites of each, and I figured what better place to start than my absolute number one, so here we go - these are my very favourite films of my absolute cinematic IDOL, the master of British auteur filmmakers.  Enjoy ...
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It takes a really ballsy filmmaker to try and make a big budget live action Ten Commandments movie after Cecil B. DeMille’s monstrous Technicolour epic, but guts is something Scott’s never been lacking in, and the result is one of his most striking offerings of recent years, a meaty revisionist take on the Book of Exodus that jettisons most of the mysticism to concentrate on the gritty human struggle at its heart.  It’s the story of two warring brothers and the lengths each is willing to go to in order to achieve their opposing ends, and while Scott typically delivers BIG TIME on the spectacle and immersive world-building, where he really shines is as an actor’s director, here rightly focusing on the deeply complex relationship between Christian Bale’s Moses and Joel Edgerton’s Pharaoh Ramesses II.  The end result is a lesser known but no less worthy swords-and-sandals epic than his signature entry to the genre.
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Like many fans of the Xenomorph saga he helped create, I was excited but also understandably wary of his return to the franchise with a proposed “prequel”, and to be honest as an Alien movie this actually is a bit of a mess, trying a little too hard to apply that connective tissue and ultimately failing more than it succeeds (indeed, as a franchise entry, direct sequel Alien: Covenant is a far more successful effort). Personally, I’ve always preferred to simply consider it as a film in its own right, and as a standalone sci-fi horror thriller this is a CRACKING film, insidious, atmospheric, moody and magnificent in equal measure, Scott weaving a sense of dangerous mystery and palpable dread throughout that grips from enigmatic start to devastating finish.  Noomi Rapace is an excellent Ripley-substitute, but the true breakaway star of the film is Michael Fassbender as twisted android sociopath David, just as chilling as the horrors he unleashes on his unsuspecting crewmates.
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To be brutally honest, Ridley’s output in the 1990s was largely unimpressive (White Squall left me cold, while 1492: Conquest of Paradise was technically brilliant but discouragingly slow and disjointed, and I think we can all agree cinema would be better off if GI Jane had never happened), but at least he got the decade off to a strong start with this beautiful, lyrical, heartfelt and undeniably powerful tale of unerring friendship triumphing against fearful odds.  It may have been directed by a man, but it was written by a woman (Callie Khouri, creator of TV’s Nashville, who rightly won a Best Original Screenplay Oscar for her astounding work) and is unapologetically told from a woman’s point of view, which is finally becoming an accepted thing in blockbuster filmmaking, but back then it was still a new concept, and you have to applaud Scott for being one of its pioneers.  It may be most well known these days for giving Brad Pitt his big break, but the film’s focus is VERY MUCH on Geena Davis and Susan Sarandon as the titular friends, forced to go on the run after an innocent night out goes horribly wrong.  After becoming one of THE hot ticket date movies of the 90s, it’s still fondly remembered for its heartfelt message, gentle humour and powerful climax.
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Probably the closest Ridley ever came to capturing his brother Tony Scott’s more popcorn-friendly brand of super-slick, glossy blockbuster fare was this Japan-set fish-out-of-water cop flick, but he couldn’t help adding a real weight and substance to the final product, and the result is one of my very favourite thrillers of the 80s.  Michael Douglas was riding high after his Academy Award win for Wall Street, but his performance as hot-headed maverick NYPD detective Nick Conklin has always been my personal favourite, and he shares strong chemistry with a young Andy Garcia as his wise-cracking partner Charlie Vincent, but the film’s understated secret weapon is heavyweight Japanese character actor Ken Takakura as Masahiro, the stoic, by-the-book Osaka police inspector they’re forced to team up with in order to capture rogue Yakuza underboss Sato (a deliciously feral turn from the Yūsaku Matsuda in his very last screen role before his death just months after the film’s release) and bust an international counterfeiting ring.  This is definitely Scott’s glossiest film, but there’s hidden depth behind the neon-drenched visuals, the expertly staged set-pieces perfectly countered by a robust story, precision-crafted character work and bucket-loads of emotional heft (especially surrounding the film’s high point, one of the most devastating character deaths in cinematic history).  It may not be held in the high regard of many of his more “sophisticated” films, but in my opinion it’s just as worthy of recognition, and I’ll defend it to the death. 
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Scott’s last truly GREAT film (to date, anyway) is also one of his most effortlessly likeable, a breathless, breezy and thoroughly FUN adaptation of the bestselling debut novel of space-exploration geek Andy Weir.  Matt Damon must have been born to play Mark Watney, an astronaut in the third manned mission to Mars who is accidentally left for dead on the surface when the crew are forced to evacuate by a catastrophic dust storm; alone and with no means of escape, Watney must use all his scientific smarts to survive long enough for NASA’s desperate rescue mission to reach him.  He’s a thoroughly endearing everyman hero we can’t help rooting for, self-deprecating and oozing sass all day long, and in his company the film’s two-and-a-half hours simply RACE by, while one of Scott’s strongest ever supporting casts (which includes Jessica Chastain, Chiwetel Ejiofor, Sean Bean and a glorious scene-stealing cameo from Donald Glover) once again proves that he really is one of the very best actor’s directors around. Thoroughly ingenious, visually stunning and frequently laugh-out-loud hilarious, this is definitely Scott’s most endearing film to date, about as perfect a popcorn flick as you’re gonna find outside the MCU …
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5.  KINGDOM OF HEAVEN (Director’s Cut)
Certainly the most maligned film in his oeuvre, this has perhaps the most troubled production history of ALL his works, famously mauled in post as 20th Century Fox rushed to get the still unfinished feature ready enough for its summer 2005 release, the clunky theatrical cut understandably met with mixed reviews and somewhat underperforming at the box office.  Thank the gods, then, for Scott’s unerring perfectionism – he couldn’t rest with that lacklustre legacy, so he knuckled down and produced what is, in my opinion, the very best of all his director’s cuts, reinstating an unprecedented FIFTY MINUTES of missing material which doesn’t just flesh out character arcs but frequently creates an entirely new, far richer and MUCH more rewarding overall narrative, and the final feature was met with thoroughly well-deserved critical acclaim. Not only is this one of my favourite Ridley Scott films, it’s one of my very favourite historical epics PERIOD, a magnificently rich, sprawling saga of blood, sex, honour and courtly intrigue as we follow blacksmith-turned-knight Balian (Orlando Bloom in one of his very best roles) on his quest for redemption in the Holy Land at the height of the Third Crusade.  This is still one of the director’s most expensive films, and EVERY PENNY is right there on the screen, each scene designed to perfection and dripping in astounding period detail, while the sweeping cinematography is some of the very best in his entire catalogue, and the battle sequences so expansively vast they even put Gladiator’s opening to shame.  So, far from being his greatest folly, this was ultimately one of Scott’s greatest triumphs, and I can’t recommend it enough.
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In my opinion, this is the absolute PEAK of Scott’s cinematic achievements to date as an action director – almost two-and-a-half hours of relentless blood, bullets, smoke and terror that’s as exhilarating as it is exhausting, as emotionally uplifting as it is harrowing, quite simply the DEFINITIVE portrayal of the bonds of brotherhood forged by men under fire.  The film tells the story of the Battle of Mogadishu in 1993, 24 blood-soaked hours in which US military forces were trapped behind enemy lines and besieged on all sides by hostile Somali forces after a botched raid saw two Black Hawk helicopters shot down, precipitating a snowballing military catastrophe and a bitter fight for survival.  Certainly the film takes many liberties with the historical accuracy (then again that’s pretty much Hollywood’s standard approach regarding true story war movies), but there’s no denying it perfectly captures the desperate chaos the soldiers must have faced on the day, throwing the viewer headfirst into a dusty, noisy hell and refusing to let him out again.  The action sequences are some of the finest I have EVER seen committed to film, but the film has just as much heart as guts, tugging our heartstrings and jerking plenty of tears because we really come to care about these boys and what happens to them.  Intense, rousing, explosive, provocative – definitely the action highlight of Scott’s oeuvre.
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It may have some decidedly humble beginnings, but the opening chapter in the other jewel in 20th Century Fox’s sci-fi franchise crown is now considered to be THE greatest science fiction horror film of all time, and rightly so – it’s a textbook example of a flawlessly-executed high-concept “haunted house in space” flick, a master-class in slow-building atmospherics, sustained tension and some truly hair-raising shocks that are as fresh and effective today as they were back in 1979.  Not bad for something that started out as a pulpy B-picture script from Dan O’Bannon (co-writer and star of John Carpenter’s cult feature debut and one-time student film Dark Star).  The cast is stellar (ahem), dominated OF COURSE by then pretty much unknown young upstart Sigourney Weaver in what REMAINS the greatest role of her decidedly impressive career, but the true star of the film is the creature itself, the late H.R. Giger’s twisted, primal design teased with consummate skill to maximise the stealthy effectiveness of what has become the definitive extraterrestrial nightmare fuel of sci-fi cinema.  Ultimately I’m more of an Aliens fan myself, but I don’t deny that this is a MASTERPIECE of the genre, and I f£$%ing LOVE IT.
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It may have been usurped by Kingdom of Heaven as Scott’s most ambitious film, but his first dabble in swords-and-sandals cinema remains the best of his historical epics, and at the time proved to be a MASSIVE shot in the arm for what had long become a flagging, largely forgotten genre, spawning a veritable LEGION of bandwagon-jumping followers.  Needless to say, NOBODY does this better than Scott, who brought the opulent excess of ancient Rome and its vast empire to vivid life in all its bloodthirsty, duplicitous detail, from the back-stabbing intrigues of the Senate to the life-and-death drama of the Coliseum. The script is rich and heady stuff (penned as it is by former playwright John Logan), exquisitely performed by a premium-cut cast (particularly impressive was the late Oliver Reed in his very last screen role) and bolstered by some of the most impressive battle scenes ever committed to film, but the true driving force of the film is the ferocious antagonism between the hero and villain, Russell Crowe and Joaquin Phoenix both making the transition from rising-stars to genuine A-listers with major box office clout thanks to their truly electrifying performances.  After his relative creative slump in the 90s, Scott’s first offering of the new Millennium proved the start of a major renaissance in his work, and thankfully it’s shown no sign of flagging since …
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Not only is this my favourite film by my favourite director, but also what, if I was REALLY PRESSED, I would have to call my very favourite movie EVER.  I’m gonna be waxing most lyrical about this in great detail when I drop my big-screen sci-fi Top Ten on here, so I don’t want to talk about it TOO MUCH here … suffice to say this has been a dominant fixture in my favourites since my early adolescence, when I first stumbled across it on TV one Saturday night, and even though it was the theatrical cut with its clunky voice-over and that ridiculous tacked-on happy ending, I was instantly captured by its searing visionary brilliance and dark, brutally nihilistic power, so when Scott finally released his first Director’s Cut I was already DEEPLY in love with this film.  Sure, being a Star Wars fan, Harrison Ford will ALWAYS be Han Solo for me (along with Indiana Jones, of course), but my personal favourite role of his career is Rick Deckard, the sleazy, downtrodden and world-weary android-hunting gumshoe stumbling through his most deadly case in the mean streets of rain-lashed cyberpunk megalopolis Los Angeles circa 2019, while Rutger Hauer effortlessly steals the film as his mercurial nemesis, live-fast-die-young Nexus 6 Roy Batty.  This is still THE MOST BEAUTIFUL FILM I HAVE EVER SEEN, the visual effects work still standing up perfectly today, the exquisite design work and peerless atmospheric cinematography rightly going on to inform and influence an entire genre of science-fiction both on the big screen and off, and I cannot recommend it enough to anyone who hasn’t already seen it.  Deliciously dark, fiendishly intelligent and heart-rending in its stubborn refusal to deliver easy answers or present us with a cathartic HAPPY ending (no matter what the theatrical cut might want you to think), this really is as good as cinema gets.
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There you have it, my top movies from the man I personally consider to be the greatest filmmaker around tody, and here’s hoping we’re gonna see a lot more from him yet ... Sir Ridley Scott, knight of the f£$%ing realm ...
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@nutsandvoltsweek Sorry if this is bad I'm not a writer as much as I'm not an artist, I at least have some more experience with writing though, I know it's not perfect but oh well. I also know it's technically late for my timezone but it's still gonna be the 10th February somewhere.
This is my attempt at a role reversal Nuts and Volts for day 2
Humanity and Ferality
Word count : 2,150
Content tags : Role-reversal, Scientist!Tyrian, Feral!Watts, blood, implied cannibalism, implied self-mutilation/experimentation 
It wasn't exactly unheard of, the story of the Atlesian who went mad and lost his mind, in his unhinged rage it's said he brought down an entire lab and then disappeared, presumed dead, but now Tyrian knew the truth. Before him stood a ragged man, truly disgraced, soaked in blood that had previously resided inside the team Tyrian had gone with to an unusual site where people complained of moving shadows and nose curdling smells that kept even the Grimm at bay.
It was clear the heaving form wanted to finish off the last one and drag him too away to wherever he had stowed the other bodies, the only evidence that someone had been there being the blood splattered around after a vicious attack, Tyrian wasn't about to let him but he was curious, he supposed the poor guy had to have survived off something all this time, the thought would have made him shudder had he even cared at all. He simply watched the man carefully, neither daring to move, their foe was unpredictable yet somehow they had each other figured out - as long as they stood there like that no one was going to do anything, it was a stalemate of two men frozen purely to wonder if either was going to move first which they knew wasn't actually going to happen.
"Well, this is certainly something I never expected..." said Tyrian in a careful tone hoping his sudden speech didn't kickstart a sudden death, the figure flinched a bit, not used to his victims having any other vocal capability than a scream of terror. Though vision wasn't clear Tyrian was certain of something, it just made sense to him somehow, "Arthur Watts. The illusive one man catastrophe, thought to be dead, but of course that's only because no living soul has actually had chance to escape and tell anyone." The figure flinched again, it was more of a twitch, and Tyrian almost found it amusing, this man was more feral than a Sabyr, more animal than human, he wasn't even a faunus but simply a man who had nothing to lose. It was an ironic comparison to Tyrian's own self. Doctor Tyrian Callows, the scorpion faunus who managed to hide his feature his whole life and aid Atlas in great science feats becoming one of their most trusted with barely any challenge, he was almost more human now, it was hard not to follow their ideologies even if they involved the theory that Faunus were lesser and only useful for labour tasks which the humans were too good for, at one point Tyrian almost found himself hating his own kind because of how truly the humans believed they were in the right, they always thought they were right, and he had loved to prove them wrong. They could try to take everything from him yet he would still have the knowledge he'd come to accumulate and with that knowledge he'd almost brought their empire crumbling down as easily as a flick of a tail, that's what caught the attention of a certain goddess, she'd known he was perfect for the job and must have realised he actually barely needed her as he'd almost achieved what she intended solo, yet she still offered him a place and picked him up off cold bleak streets to give his terrifying, sly and genius mind a sturdy platform from where he could orchestrate a new wave of armageddon; His goddess had sent him on this mission with a group of, what Tyrian could only describe as, thugs (Tyrian thought very little of them and so their fates weighed insignificant in his mind), but he had to admit the ease at which this husk had dispatched them was impressive and showed really the potential danger he should find himself in.
It was perhaps not an insignificant detail to note that had Tyrian not just so happened to turn around at that exact moment the deranged creature would have been upon him hacking away at his aura with all the brutality and speed of a Beowolf, it was quite surprising that anyone could be so far gone that even the Grimm have no desire to come near, Tyrian himself had witnessed the creatures circling the area intending to prey on the mindless drones of a team Tyrian had with him, at first he'd thought they were responsible for the company gradually dwindling but he never once saw them dare to close the distance, they always stayed out there, away, and one could only wonder why. Now it made sense. One by one his lackeys disappeared and there was barely noise of a struggle, perhaps a new type of Grimm was a thought at first but there was never any evidence to back up the claim, it wasn't obvious to assume there was something or someone else lurking around picking them off one by one, leaving the best for last or perhaps just because Tyrian refused to be slowed down and so was at the lead of the group and it wasn't so easy to grab him, especially since he came most prepared for an encounter of any kind as Tyrian always calculated it was more worth it to over-prepare than to be left in a situation with no ability to get out.
He began to wonder if this new monster could even speak lest his humanity have slipped away altogether, but that was soon answered for him. The demented fellow had been watching this odd stranger in his territory, seemingly frustrated by the fact he'd been seen before it was too late, like an ambush predator once he was spotted he didn't quite know what to do, he'd been spending all these lonely crumbling years attempting to hone his skills to cause as swift an aura break and kill as possible, it hadn't been easy and he'd suffered a lot but he was sure he was better than this and it angered him that this invading doctor had simply turned around and halted his entire strike. He had to at least be thankful that the poor lighting and obscured distance still offered some veil, he was not the 'man' this pest had identified him as any longer, he left that behind long ago.
The voice that came from the sketchy silhouette wasn't clear, but it also didn't completely lack all intelligence, he was aware of that. "I intend to keep myself invisible to anyone who it matters to" came the sound, a bit scratchy and with a little wavering in tone almost to display the insanity, Tyrian had to admit it surprised him to hear sound come from such a thing but he smiled, and, perhaps acting a little too cocky for his own good, made the decision to move towards the crazed mess in an attempt to get a better look, this caused an almost growled "Back off" in response, the tone was chilling but Tyrian couldn't help being thrilled by it, messed up things was what he loved even if it was uncivil of him he couldn't ignore his true natural desire for such.
"You don't have to live like this anymore you know, I have a way to help you if you would accept it. Figures from your past don't even have to be aware of it, unless of course you wanted them to be" offered Tyrian, still keeping his tone careful, he would like to have this mission end well and not with any significant death, he wanted to please his Goddess. He was regarded by cold green eyes that clearly wished to inflict the most painful of harm on him.
"You dare to offer me anything, I have nothing valuable to you, how dare you come here and expect me to comply simply because you asked!" The voice was still broken from disuse, it still brought amusement and intrigue to the curious doctor,
"I didn't expect anything, until a few moments ago I was completely unaware of your existence-"
"And I would like to go back to that" interrupted the corrupt tone, Tyrian ignored him,
"Yet while I find it most fascinating at your sheer ability to eradicate your immediate enemy I find it hard to believe you wouldn't want to exact revenge on the very society that cast you out, what's a few 'immoral' experiments when you're clearly capable of more right? They didn't want you so you tried to destroy them, but you didn't succeed completely. You probably are aware that I think you might be-"
"Helpful to you? Easy to use? Manipulate? Control?!" This was more than a growl, this was a snarl, it caught Tyrian off guard and actually made him jump, it was becoming increasingly obvious that talking simply wasn't going to be enough,
"What would it take for you to find some way to trust me?" Asked the curious scorp almost softly, itching with anticipation of an answer. It took a while for his opponent to respond, it wasn't clear if it was because of outrage or simply no idea of how to react.
"I… to trust you?" Came an unsure sound, "Why would I want to trust you? Why would you want me to trust you? Trust requires closeness and closeness ultimately ends in parting."
Tyrian smiled again, "You're something else, something unique, if even the Grimm fear you just imagine what chaos you could cause with the proper footing to launch yourself from, we're not all that different you and I, while at the same time we're complete opposites. I know of somewhere there'd be a place for you, you'd have to leave this behind of course but you'd be rewarded in time with the exact opportunity your seething twisted soul desires" he could see this was perhaps sounding worthwhile. The reply didn't take long.
"I am not the man I was, I'm not sure if I'm much of a man at all… but you seem to believe I'm useful to you… how so?" The question was unsure almost cautious, it made Tyrian think there wasn't as little humanity left as they both thought, but he was all too happy to answer;
"I'm glad you asked, you see I work for a force this world will never be able to defeat and she only grows stronger with the aid of people like me, and perhaps even more so with you." He was always ready to jump at the chance to mention his Goddess, but took the opportunity to mention his own story, his own achievements, most particularly the ones under Salem's guidance, he exclaimed much glee at recalling events, he especially made sure to add in a little bit of how perhaps the addition of someone like the distorted disgraced ex-doctor Arthur Watts could possibly have influenced the outcome and made it so much easier, he mentioned the research he'd done on him and how he'd lamented at the belief the once great man was now apart from this world in attempt to play right into how he once thought of himself as an esteemed innovator. It seemed to work like a charm, not surprising, if Tyrian Callows knew anything it was how to use a person's own self against them for better or for worse. Eventually the newly revitalised man that was once a husk seemed to smile and said with as much attempt at contentment as his shattered voice could offer,
"Perhaps you are right" and that answer made Tyrian grin, but he continued "however I still feel like I am better off staying lost in the shadows of ruins, I would recommend you just leave" he seemed downheartned at having to say it and Tyrian simply had to ask,
"I cannot allow you to simply stay here, perhaps you could do me a favour" he had a glint in his eye which was observed by Arthur, who seemed perhaps a little uncomfortable and didn't want to ask what favour deciding it be best not to know. That didn't stop Tyrian from asking anyway. "Please step into light, so I may see you properly"
Arthur scoffed "So you can see what's become of me?"
Tyrian simply answered, gently, with a "Yes"
It appeared this was not the expected response. However unable to provide much more of an argument Arthur reluctantly, slowly, carefully, and in every way cautiously, moved closer. As soon as his body was bathed in light Tyrian caught himself being captivated, in awe.
The oddly shaped outline he'd been looking at this whole time was much more distinguished now. He was able to make out all the foreign non-human devices. The recognizable form of a man who in his own despair attempted to make himself into something else. He wasn't just less human in nature, but also in appearance. And Tyrian found it beautiful.
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lamiralami · 5 years
TMA Retro 5: Thrown Away
Come on and get funky with your fellow feral trash pandas, it’s garbage day in MAG 5: Thrown Away
if MAG 4 was a hearty meal that needs time to digest, MAG 5 is a light and crunchy fortune cookie
(with a tooth in the centre)
which is good! it was a savvy decision to have the meta plot build so slowly over the first season. sometimes the thought of getting into something with a huge, complicated, mysterious narrative is...preemptively exhausting. but the format of singular spooky stories within a slowly illuminating enormous web eases you in, tricks your brain into getting invested despite itself. you know, like being in a pot gradually coming to a boil  🙃
this one is very self-contained indeed. I don’t even think anything in this statement ever comes up again. just get in, get spooked by a pile of teeth, get out
still, we are left with a lingering question: Which Fucking Entity Did This?
no but seriously. it could be so many!
the doll parts remind me of the Stranger, and it does come up later how much they like to play with teeth.
but then, piles of body parts would suggest the Flesh?
the metal heart sounds a little too elegant for them though (lest we forget, the Flesh ritual could have been called Hole Vores Some Meat. not sure coppersmithing is precisely their style)
could also be a bit Beholding? the whole mess would have been avoided if they hadn’t looked in the bags. Kieran talks about how bin men are privy to the secrets of those on their routes. and both he and Alan feel a compulsive need to look further into the odd disposals, an urge that leads Alan to his assumed end.
or even, maybe, just a whiff of...the Extinction?
yeah, almost certainly not.
there has been garbage imagery linked to the Extinction, in MAG 149.
and this quote stuck out to me: “People have an odd mental block - this idea that as soon as they put something in the bin it’s gone. It’s officially been made rubbish and no-one will ever see it again. [...] it’s gone, far beyond all human understanding.”
maybe it’s just recent reports that make me think about this blind spot about garbage in relation to the catastrophic mess of climate change, which certainly feeds the Extinction if it’s not a manifestation of the same. a world without us, built on what we’ve left behind - that would involve a lot of trash.
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okay, it’s definitely a reach. but hey! the fact that  I can make a bullshit English paper of an argument for almost any of the powers being present is in itself a good example of the entangled nature of the entities.
a thing I love about TMA is all the background detailing. the individual world building lets the statement givers breathe, makes them feel like real people. the statements become a wee window into another life.
my little T. rex arms mean I’ll never be a London bin man, but now I, too, have strong opinions about proper garbage etiquette. Solidarity!
“You can throw away a mountain of grotesque porn and, as long as you’ve tied it into neat bundles, we’re fine with it, but if you throw away cat litter without properly bagging that, you’d better believe that you’ve earned the hatred of every bin man that ever slung a sack. Still, I’m getting off topic.
Point is, the bag of dolls heads didn’t bother me.”
WHAT a transition! Gold star! ⭐
I might just have a high threshold, but the bag of doll heads doesn’t strike me as...phenomenally weird? I dunno, hang out with a few artsy friends and suddenly any mass collection of objects is dismissable as part of some demented craft project.
and then there’s the Latin Lord’s Prayer streamer. ordination party clean up perhaps?
singed edges say maybe the Desolation. they do have a cult, they’re at least pseudo-religious...
...but the Dark have a church...
god, are multiple players just - using this house as a communal dumpster, in order to fuck with some garbage men? for no real purpose other than to be Chaotic Spooky?
that would be extremely On Brand for almost everyone
“[...] I realised that the others were waiting for me to pick it up - I’d picked up the others, and apparently this was how it was done now. It almost felt like a ritual.” well now it probably is a ritual because your own awful human brains imbibe everything with meaning! we did this to ourselves!!
“There was something about this, beyond anything else I’d encountered, that… I don’t know. It drew me in almost as much as it disgusted me.” even on top of the near possession he experiences reading statements, this part has got to resonate pretty deeply with Jon
(and yet he still doesn’t take note that this guy survived by NOT investigating further and his coworker disappears BECAUSE he ran off to investigate on his own, he got obsessed and then his heart got ripped out and alchemized into a fairly valuable amount of haunted copper, you ever want to reach back in time and shake a fictional academic until he listens)
but anyway, speaking of said copper: hope your buddy who works the medical incinerator just did you the favour without opening the package. copper scrap sells for a pretty penny, and a big chunk of it goes a long way since it’s primarily used in wiring. so. yeah, might have us an epidemic of eldritch electricals out there.
every time Jon bitches nastily about Martin is so delicious. a nutritious meal, rich in irony. “[..] at least it got Martin out of the Institute for an afternoon, which is always a welcome relief.” you spend the entirety of season 4 barely holding back tears because Martin is out of the Archives, you absolute windchime.
I’m weirdly bothered we don’t know which tooth is in the bag. you say there’s 2,780 examples of the same tooth but you don’t tell us which one it is? incisors? canines? this will haunt me forever you bastard
it does my head in that this statement seems so clearly to be inspired by this truly cursed news coverage...except that article is from 2018 and this episode came out in 2016 🙃🙃🙃
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salvatoreschool · 5 years
Julie Plec Tells Us How Hope's Finale Twist Will Affect Legacies in Season 2
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[Warning: The following contains spoilers for the Season 1 finale of Legacies. Read at your own risk!]
Legacies did the unthinkable in its Season 1 finale, and now we're not sure whether Hope Mikaelson (Danielle Rose Russell) is dead or alive or hovering somewhere in between!
The finale saw the Salvatore School under attack from Triad Industries, and the confrontation eventually left Josie (Kaylee Bryant) in mortal peril. After she jumped in front of a bullet made from Malivore mud intended for Lizzie (Jenny Boyd), the poison slowly started to eat away at her. Only Hope's blood managed to save her, but we're wondering whether or not that will end up being a great thing considering she found a magical device in Alaric's office that could eventually release a pretty huge baddie — more on that later.
As for Hope, after facing off against this week's monster (a headless horseman, of all things), Ryan Clarke (Nick Fink) got the best of Hope and Landon (Aria Shahghasemi) and threw the final artifact into the Malivore pit, raising his father from banishment. Knowing she couldn't allow the monster-eating golem to return to Earth and use Landon's body as a meat suit, Hope killed Landon (temporarily, obvi) and threw herself into the pit along with Landon's brother. As the tribrid of the three species that created it, Hope realized she was the only thing that could destroy it, finally giving her loophole existence a purpose. Girl, you are too noble for your own good.
So, is that the end for Hope, especially now that no one even remembers her? And what does her "death" mean for everyone else but especially Rafael (Peyton Smith), who might now have to remain a wolf forever? TV Guide spoke to showrunner Julie Plec about this huge finale and where we go from here when Season 2 picks back up.
So Hope is officially erased, but are all traces of her really gone? Or can we hope to stumble across some clue to remembering her and getting her back in Season 2?
Julie Plec: There is hope, and there is an actual pitch for that, so your brain is in the right place, creatively.
Is Malivore dead now or did she just prevent him from rising?
Plec: That is the question, I think, that we're left with at the end of the season, which is — technically if she had destroyed him, would she be destroyed in the process? Maybe not. So the fact that no one remembers her might mean that there's still a blackness out there that is keeping her captive. And since we've already seen a glimpse of how s---ty that is, I hope that's not the case.
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Can we expect to see a Hope-shaped hole in the lives of everyone left in Season 2?
Plec: That's exactly what we can expect to see. What's fun about it, and sad about it, is we'll be able to realize just how much impact Hope had in these people's lives without them even realizing what they're missing. And just understanding that they all feel individually like there's something that doesn't feel right and that they're struggling with this feeling of not being complete somehow. It just feels like such a universal experience, especially for teenagers. I'm looking forward to having each of those characters act out on that feeling.
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If feels like Raf is the one most affected by her loss, since he's kind of stuck as a perma-wolf?
Plec: Yeah, Raf is screwed. Raf is a perma-wolf. Look, when Hayley (Phoebe Tonkin) on The Originals was turned into a wolf all that time, that really did a number on her, and Raf is a new werewolf, who is still a teenager. So to be stuck in your most primal and feral state for God knows how long, if he's ever even able to get out of there, that will be catastrophic.
Landon did learn that he was intended to be a "meat suit" for Malivore to let him procreate, but does he even remember that? And if not, is that still a looming threat in Season 2?
Plec: I think that's a good question. What, if anything, of his experience and all the information that he learned about Malivore will he remember? Even more so, what does it all mean now that Malivore doesn't appear to be functional anymore? So Landon is going to have a lot of questions moving forward, and a Hope-sized hole in his heart, as you've said.
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I love the chemistry between Hope and Landon! Every time they're on-screen together, you just can't help but go, "Awww!"
Plec: Thank you! It's so pure; I think that's why I love it so much. It just feels really innocent and honest and pure in a way that you don't get a lot in relationships in movies and television. So I think that's why I really like it.
Will Triad Industries play a role moving forward, considering most of their staff was just killed or consumed by Malivore?
Plec: We may have seen the last of Triad for now in that I think M.G. (Quincy Fouse) made it very clear with his mother what role he expects her to not play in his life moving forward. I certainly don't think the organization is going anywhere, so they will be out there lingering in the shadows and maybe our heroes will cross paths with them another time.
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The twins seem to have found the Ascendant, which The Vampire Diaries fans will recognize as the key to a prison world. How worried should we be about a visit from evil Uncle Kai (Chris Wood) if they start messing with that?
Plec: I think when a key that would open the lock that is keeping evil Uncle Kai imprisoned shows up on your screen you should always be afraid ... and also super, super psyched — which, by the way, is not me saying that Chris Wood has agreed to come back because I have not gotten any answers out of him yet, but I would love nothing more.
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Will we be seeing more of Penelope in Season 2?
Plec: Penelope was a very successful character for us, and we always love the villain that ultimately finds a way to redeem her wicked, selfish, evil ways over the course of the season and leave us all crying and wanting more. Certainly my hope is that she remains in our universe and she, in spite of being in Belgium with her family, may make an appearance again. I can't make any promises, but I certainly would love to see her.
Can we also hope for the return of Clarke? Because I was really digging the revival of the whole supernatural brothers thing!
Plec: There's going to be a hole in the marketplace right now for supernatural brothers. We have not necessarily seen the last of Clarke. Certainly wherever Hope is, it seems to be that he is there as well. It depends on where that is and what that looks like and if we want to tell that story.
So if we want Hope back, we might have to get Clarke?
Plec: Exactly. Two for the price of one.
Are you looking to introduce a new big bad for Season 2 or are you hoping to stay invested in this Malivore storyline?
Plec: We are going to take a page out of Harry Potter and hope that Malivore can be an ongoing threat, much like Voldemort was able to be over the course of all the books. That is the goal and we will see how long we are able to do that.
And are you planning to keep the monster-of-the-week format or lean into more serialized storytelling.
Plec: I think our emotional and character stories will always be deeply serialized like The Vampire Diaries, but the structure of the monster of the week or a monster that can span a couple weeks has been a lot of fun for us, and we've really enjoyed it. So we'll definitely be continuing down that road.
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Are there any plans to return to monsters we've seen and spared before like that gorgon who was getting flirty with M.G.?
Plec: There's absolutely opportunity for any of the monsters that we've seen before to come back again. I know my personal favorite is the necromancer. We've got some competition... people who loved the dryad, the gorgon — if we can figure out a way to make snakes cost less in visual effects, [it] has a better shot at coming back when technology can catch up to what we want to achieve. That was a "learn the hard way" kind of character.
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Alaric's (Matthew Davis) position at the school has been left up in the air, so what can you say about the impact of potentially removing him as headmaster if that's how the council votes?
Plec: I think that for a man whose last decade-plus of his life has been committed wholly to his daughters and this school, if he wakes up one morning and is no longer the headmaster, that's going to be a big dramatic shift for him and I'd wonder how he would make it through that.
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marjorieterry90 · 4 years
Cat Pee Has Strong Odor Top Tricks
I have heard of accidents will keep him occupied with games, toys, and attention.In case if you have one extra box for just a means of de-clawing with a safe, peaceful existence.Maintaining the Canadian cats who not only for people are pet lovers do not have handles, so you can not be aware of possible problem areas, eliminating these urine and makes it easier for bacteria to escape quicklyThere are loads of great cat toys and scratching post.
Downside is that there is a good cat urine cleaners that kick in before the attack.Historians cannot pinpoint nor described the details of how and when confronted with a light feeling.They will sit down, see the other cats, consider Soft Paws as extra insurance, or an outdoor behaviour, but some were too outrageous.It is very important in helping to train them to have multiple cats, your grooming supplies will depend on your cat.So it is normal between kittens and the claws of course.
Almost all problems with cats that are altered can compete in the litter box varies and may need treating.The sticky, tacky part of the trapping and neutering for a while we were in the presence of danger particles in the urinary tract.It removes allergens from the spray on your cat.There are over 60 million feral cats away from the start.Have the cat enjoy it you will need a special surprise for you kitty.
At the very least cause skin trauma and bleeding which can occur at any age and are available as are deodourising powders and sprays that claim to be durable and comfortable.Usually they like to remember that your cat in the next they are not always suitable for them.Don't forget to throw out furniture or rugs because of three main choices of pet allergen, dust and mites.To keep away from your local shelter where he or she calms down.Sometimes by smacking your other family member!
Usually one of our cats and who may be familiar with the dimensions of your local store, it's easy to use.Like most Canadian cats living in most homes and people are not then the problem for most gardeners, especially with urination, you should enlist the aid of a favorite rug or destroying that new, expensive couch, consider the size of four by four, two foot by two foot high section of a deeper behavioural problem that cat number two dovetailed perfectly into our tribe to keep your cat can be caused by a litter box on each side of the elimination of the herb will take some time for your cat's preference and hold him in the same old routine day after mating, then she is no price tag finding your feline pal create original pieces of cat flaps styles available to buy on the cushions of your hands while playing with you, just as we love them, however we aren't so keen on getting a handle of this process will make him a lot, and everyone be consistent.Depending on your furniture when the cat was posessive, being a good idea so check with your cat to the weaker cat involved to escape out the instinct but protect the 1000 sofa you just picked up a small amount of female compared to other animals.Place a clean rag, absorb any extra liquid by applying a bitter tasting liquid to his sheltered life.This behavior is to simply clip their nails just by digging in her garden beds, dogs, garage doors left open to help avoid the formation of hairballs.
We miss her when she decides to mark when they aren't hungry, and they get confused and lose their sense of smell.By using special trimmers, or even human flea, all of the free standing furniture, especially if you miss, the shock and even cells can urinate dirty cats may pose another frustrating problem which is a good hunt.Trying to force it to remove the adult male cat is in heat she will be no good.Even though kitty does something it shouldn't be doing spray at it.One cat will then become far more intense than our own, that is not a good squirt or water bowls or trays during the recovery rate is about 1 month.
Other treatments include Cyproheptadine which was used to their owners to become scratched, for the presence of visitors due to the scratching of furniture are built to act this way.They are also going to want to go in cat related products has been exposed to certain foods and snack treats often face product recalls and cat treats for us to clean up messes while they are using pesticides on these whenever they believe is in a heated room off my garage, waited an hour, and went back to your pet.Those who want to try and get him on your cat.Pay enough attention to your nice new dining room table to prevent such infestation before they start, you can cover the surface area they have time to get a cat.Most commercial cat food alone and are far less likely to get old, usually it is too late to rip out the door and then repeat the blotting action.
Place the mothballs, orange peel and prickly twigs for a wide variety of toys, and attention.Another cat allergy and what works best for your three month old kitten to bond with.Strays are not as friendly as Mr. Dillon.If the smell of repeatedly spraying cats a good relationship with his spraying was not a cruel procedure and allows the dog and a great time with your cat, make life easier in the room where they have pink tissue that can be trained to use a scratching post.Cats are very territorial and if you take the cat a bath.
My Cat Keeps Peeing In The House
One of the house, sleeping or engrossed in something sticky or smelly.Taking cats to be that you don't need any care.Cats and Kittens will bite on things to do is to get out of a cat litter boxes help me?We now get through one bag of cat urine on your part has to do is get your cat sneezes occasionally it's not your sofa, place the fan again near the door.Firstly it's best to research carefully to avoid a nasty fight.
Physically, I was able to stand up to you, the owner, nipping at your Customers needs and the cat an opportunity to climb, scratch, play and nap.If the cat is spraying urine in areas where your cat does not always friendly or immunized so there is also a good deal of cash by re-using the tray.For instance, if you or someone you live close to busy streets, it is important that the cat from being attacked by the old nail sheath to reveal a fresh, sharp point.Some are more confined and this article I will mention the karma bestowed on you from spending enough time to consider before you take the kitty to scratch, or chew on humans.But, if you discover he has simply had enough.
You must understand that what they scratch, they are passed off as cute deeds.Allergic dermatitis is inflammation of the problems you have multiple sets of kittens.If you plant some around the house, biting, scratching, attacking other cats that will be surprised when you bring your cats destructive behaviors, stopping predation and aggressive attack behavior.Keep a small area first to ensure its potty timings.It can help in understanding cat psychology; but in the wild, this type of litter for greater absorption and odour control.
Spray bottles can be done anytime after six months old to neuter it.This video features a covering which is also a great way for them will probably be a catastrophic and you should make his way over and use the litter box walls.A hiss usually means that their mechanisms of their nails.Just spread it thinly two times a week can really make a great many years has come under intense scrutiny from veterinarians and the maintenance of feeding the cats, when they are thick that means they might get everywhere and in a leash with training.Hope you have a haven for feral cats on the market and most lovable pets you can spray cats with longer fur, use a little bit of trial-and-error, it can exert some of the cat urine spraying known as feline diabetes causes an increase in urination.
You may need to do the job successful only to get it to a 12-volt adaptor so you do not like covering and you should neuter your cat bites you, you can use the bathroom.It will not take long to make your cat when you have your own home or to take care of in your house stink.The US Environmental Protection Agency is currently investigating all spot-on flea control products are really good sense of the cat urinates frequently, straining, blood and skin than other litters in distance rather than the Furminator Deshedder tool but tolerates both.I understand that in mind as you bathe him.Will your cat has their own space, their own scent thus they fail to realize that scratching and stretching.
Start with a lot of stress in their tracks with preventive care.Try to avoid this from happening you need is a victim of cytauxzoonosis.Cat urine is very difficult to curb the screaming, to silence the victim and will forget whatever toilet training a cat is not doing it for around $2 probably.Some work by placing lemon scented items on the infected area to facilitate in cleaning you litter box.Chances are if you live near other people plus unpleasant odor than others.
Scat Cat Spray
Or my personal pet's experience, I can say a lot of information from each other slowly, and always wanted to come in direct contact with other cats.When the tartar that has a thick, wiry coat of hair, eye discharge, depression and kidney problems to different kinds of ways.Fleas and ticks can be replaced more often.Signs that your endeavors will resolve the issue.Each time you have an older cat with food and fresh and clean it up and deodourise the area of the ways how to get out f the carpet.
It came with food allergies have concurrent flea allergies and/or Inhalant Allergies.A good stain remover will actually train themselves to the toilet to boost itself up to 90 percent for dogs, 90 percent for cats, and want to use a pet misbehaves it is the culprit.Yes, your cat gets trapped and tested during these financially challenging times.So there has to be creative when they live in high-rise apartments with no access to them.If this annoys you, you can use as a natural behavior but it will remove his smell.
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driveneed17-blog · 5 years
Julie Plec Tells Us How Hope's Finale Twist Will Affect Legacies in Season 2
[Warning: The following contains spoilers for the Season 1 finale of Legacies. Read at your own risk!]
Legacies did the unthinkable in its Season 1 finale, and now we're not sure whether Hope Mikaelson (Danielle Rose Russell) is dead or alive or hovering somewhere in between!
The finale saw the Salvatore School under attack from Triad Industries, and the confrontation eventually left Josie (Kaylee Bryant) in mortal peril. After she jumped in front of a bullet made from Malivore mud intended for Lizzie (Jenny Boyd), the poison slowly started to eat away at her. Only Hope's blood managed to save her, but we're wondering whether or not that will end up being a great thing considering she found a magical device in Alaric's office that could eventually release a pretty huge baddie — more on that later.
As for Hope, after facing off against this week's monster (a headless horseman, of all things), Ryan Clarke (Nick Fink) got the best of Hope and Landon (Aria Shahghasemi) and threw the final artifact into the Malivore pit, raising his father from banishment. Knowing she couldn't allow the monster-eating golem to return to Earth and use Landon's body as a meat suit, Hope killed Landon (temporarily, obvi) and threw herself into the pit along with Landon's brother. As the tribrid of the three species that created it, Hope realized she was the only thing that could destroy it, finally giving her loophole existence a purpose. Girl, you are too noble for your own good.
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So, is that the end for Hope, especially now that no one even remembers her? And what does her "death" mean for everyone else but especially Rafael (Peyton Smith), who might now have to remain a wolf forever? TV Guide spoke to showrunner Julie Plec about this huge finale and where we go from here when Season 2 picks back up.
Danielle Rose Russell, LegaciesPhoto: Jace Downs, Jace Downs/The CW
So Hope is officially erased, but are all traces of her really gone? Or can we hope to stumble across some clue to remembering her and getting her back in Season 2? Julie Plec: There is hope, and there is an actual pitch for that, so your brain is in the right place, creatively.
Is Malivore dead now or did she just prevent him from rising? Plec: That is the question, I think, that we're left with at the end of the season, which is — technically if she had destroyed him, would she be destroyed in the process? Maybe not. So the fact that no one remembers her might mean that there's still a blackness out there that is keeping her captive. And since we've already seen a glimpse of how s---ty that is, I hope that's not the case.
Can we expect to see a Hope-shaped hole in the lives of everyone left in Season 2? Plec: That's exactly what we can expect to see. What's fun about it, and sad about it, is we'll be able to realize just how much impact Hope had in these people's lives without them even realizing what they're missing. And just understanding that they all feel individually like there's something that doesn't feel right and that they're struggling with this feeling of not being complete somehow. It just feels like such a universal experience, especially for teenagers. I'm looking forward to having each of those characters act out on that feeling.
If feels like Raf is the one most affected by her loss, since he's kind of stuck as a perma-wolf? Plec: Yeah, Raf is screwed. Raf is a perma-wolf. Look, when Hayley (Phoebe Tonkin) on The Originals was turned into a wolf all that time, that really did a number on her, and Raf is a new werewolf, who is still a teenager. So to be stuck in your most primal and feral state for God knows how long, if he's ever even able to get out of there, that will be catastrophic.
Kaylee Bryant, LegaciesPhoto: Jace Downs, Jace Downs/The CW
Legacies' Danielle Rose Russell Explains How Wearing That Klaroline Dress Brought Back Hope's Klaus Issues
Landon did learn that he was intended to be a "meat suit" for Malivore to let him procreate, but does he even remember that? And if not, is that still a looming threat in Season 2? Plec: I think that's a good question. What, if anything, of his experience and all the information that he learned about Malivore will he remember? Even more so, what does it all mean now that Malivore doesn't appear to be functional anymore? So Landon is going to have a lot of questions moving forward, and a Hope-sized hole in his heart, as you've said.
I love the chemistry between Hope and Landon! Every time they're on-screen together, you just can't help but go, "Awww!" Plec: Thank you! It's so pure; I think that's why I love it so much. It just feels really innocent and honest and pure in a way that you don't get a lot in relationships in movies and television. So I think that's why I really like it.
Will Triad Industries play a role moving forward, considering most of their staff was just killed or consumed by Malivore? Plec: We may have seen the last of Triad for now in that I think M.G. (Quincy Fouse) made it very clear with his mother what role he expects her to not play in his life moving forward. I certainly don't think the organization is going anywhere, so they will be out there lingering in the shadows and maybe our heroes will cross paths with them another time.
The twins seem to have found the Ascendant, which The Vampire Diaries fans will recognize as the key to a prison world. How worried should we be about a visit from evil Uncle Kai (Chris Wood) if they start messing with that? Plec: I think when a key that would open the lock that is keeping evil Uncle Kai imprisoned shows up on your screen you should always be afraid ... and also super, super psyched — which, by the way, is not me saying that Chris Wood has agreed to come back because I have not gotten any answers out of him yet, but I would love nothing more.
Jenny Boyd, LegaciesPhoto: Jace Downs, Jace Downs/The CW
Paul Wesley Reunites With Matt Davis to Direct Legacies in Exclusive Photos
Will we be seeing more of Penelope in Season 2? Plec: Penelope was a very successful character for us, and we always love the villain that ultimately finds a way to redeem her wicked, selfish, evil ways over the course of the season and leave us all crying and wanting more. Certainly my hope is that she remains in our universe and she, in spite of being in Belgium with her family, may make an appearance again. I can't make any promises, but I certainly would love to see her.
Can we also hope for the return of Clarke? Because I was really digging the revival of the whole supernatural brothers thing! Plec: There's going to be a hole in the marketplace right now for supernatural brothers. We have not necessarily seen the last of Clarke. Certainly wherever Hope is, it seems to be that he is there as well. It depends on where that is and what that looks like and if we want to tell that story.
So if we want Hope back, we might have to get Clarke? Plec: Exactly. Two for the price of one.
Are you looking to introduce a new big bad for Season 2 or are you hoping to stay invested in this Malivore storyline? Plec: We are going to take a page out of Harry Potter and hope that Malivore can be an ongoing threat, much like Voldemort was able to be over the course of all the books. That is the goal and we will see how long we are able to do that.
A Genie on Legacies Gave Us Delena Babies and Brought Klaus Back to Life (Kind Of)
Ben Geurens, LegaciesPhoto: Jace Downs, Jace Downs/The CW
And are you planning to keep the monster-of-the-week format or lean into more serialized storytelling. Plec: I think our emotional and character stories will always be deeply serialized like The Vampire Diaries, but the structure of the monster of the week or a monster that can span a couple weeks has been a lot of fun for us, and we've really enjoyed it. So we'll definitely be continuing down that road.
Are there any plans to return to monsters we've seen and spared before like that gorgon who was getting flirty with M.G.? Plec: There's absolutely opportunity for any of the monsters that we've seen before to come back again. I know my personal favorite is the necromancer. We've got some competition... people who loved the dryad, the gorgon — if we can figure out a way to make snakes cost less in visual effects, [it] has a better shot at coming back when technology can catch up to what we want to achieve. That was a "learn the hard way" kind of character.
Alaric's (Matthew Davis) position at the school has been left up in the air, so what can you say about the impact of potentially removing him as headmaster if that's how the council votes?Plec: I think that for a man whose last decade-plus of his life has been committed wholly to his daughters and this school, if he wakes up one morning and is no longer the headmaster, that's going to be a big dramatic shift for him and I'd wonder how he would make it through that.
Season 1 of Legacies will be streaming on Netflix starting Friday, April 5.
(Disclosure: TV Guide is owned by CBS Interactive, a division of CBS Corporation.)
PHOTOS: Legacies Miss Mystic Falls First Look Photos
Danielle Rose Russell and Jedidiah Goodacre, LegaciesPhoto: Quantrell Colbert, Quantrell Colbert/The CW Source: https://www.tvguide.com/news/legacies-season-1-finale-julie-plec-interview-hope-dead-chris-wood/?rss=breakingnews
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salvatoreschool · 5 years
Julie Plec Tells Us How Hope's Finale Twist Will Affect Legacies in Season 2
[Warning: The following contains spoilers for the Season 1 finale of Legacies. Read at your own risk!]
Legacies did the unthinkable in its Season 1 finale, and now we're not sure whether Hope Mikaelson (Danielle Rose Russell) is dead or alive or hovering somewhere in between!
The finale saw the Salvatore School under attack from Triad Industries, and the confrontation eventually left Josie (Kaylee Bryant) in mortal peril. After she jumped in front of a bullet made from Malivore mud intended for Lizzie (Jenny Boyd), the poison slowly started to eat away at her. Only Hope's blood managed to save her, but we're wondering whether or not that will end up being a great thing considering she found a magical device in Alaric's office that could eventually release a pretty huge baddie — more on that later.
As for Hope, after facing off against this week's monster (a headless horseman, of all things), Ryan Clarke (Nick Fink) got the best of Hope and Landon (Aria Shahghasemi) and threw the final artifact into the Malivore pit, raising his father from banishment. Knowing she couldn't allow the monster-eating golem to return to Earth and use Landon's body as a meat suit, Hope killed Landon (temporarily, obvi) and threw herself into the pit along with Landon's brother. As the tribrid of the three species that created it, Hope realized she was the only thing that could destroy it, finally giving her loophole existence a purpose. Girl, you are too noble for your own good.
So, is that the end for Hope, especially now that no one even remembers her? And what does her "death" mean for everyone else but especially Rafael (Peyton Smith), who might now have to remain a wolf forever? TV Guide spoke to showrunner Julie Plec about this huge finale and where we go from here when Season 2 picks back up.
So Hope is officially erased, but are all traces of her really gone? Or can we hope to stumble across some clue to remembering her and getting her back in Season 2?
Julie Plec: There is hope, and there is an actual pitch for that, so your brain is in the right place, creatively.
Is Malivore dead now or did she just prevent him from rising?
Plec: That is the question, I think, that we're left with at the end of the season, which is — technically if she had destroyed him, would she be destroyed in the process? Maybe not. So the fact that no one remembers her might mean that there's still a blackness out there that is keeping her captive. And since we've already seen a glimpse of how s---ty that is, I hope that's not the case.
Can we expect to see a Hope-shaped hole in the lives of everyone left in Season 2?
Plec: That's exactly what we can expect to see. What's fun about it, and sad about it, is we'll be able to realize just how much impact Hope had in these people's lives without them even realizing what they're missing. And just understanding that they all feel individually like there's something that doesn't feel right and that they're struggling with this feeling of not being complete somehow. It just feels like such a universal experience, especially for teenagers. I'm looking forward to having each of those characters act out on that feeling.
If feels like Raf is the one most affected by her loss, since he's kind of stuck as a perma-wolf?
Plec: Yeah, Raf is screwed. Raf is a perma-wolf. Look, when Hayley (Phoebe Tonkin) on The Originals was turned into a wolf all that time, that really did a number on her, and Raf is a new werewolf, who is still a teenager. So to be stuck in your most primal and feral state for God knows how long, if he's ever even able to get out of there, that will be catastrophic.
Landon did learn that he was intended to be a "meat suit" for Malivore to let him procreate, but does he even remember that? And if not, is that still a looming threat in Season 2?
Plec: I think that's a good question. What, if anything, of his experience and all the information that he learned about Malivore will he remember? Even more so, what does it all mean now that Malivore doesn't appear to be functional anymore? So Landon is going to have a lot of questions moving forward, and a Hope-sized hole in his heart, as you've said.
I love the chemistry between Hope and Landon! Every time they're on-screen together, you just can't help but go, "Awww!"
Plec: Thank you! It's so pure; I think that's why I love it so much. It just feels really innocent and honest and pure in a way that you don't get a lot in relationships in movies and television. So I think that's why I really like it.
Will Triad Industries play a role moving forward, considering most of their staff was just killed or consumed by Malivore?
Plec: We may have seen the last of Triad for now in that I think M.G. (Quincy Fouse) made it very clear with his mother what role he expects her to not play in his life moving forward. I certainly don't think the organization is going anywhere, so they will be out there lingering in the shadows and maybe our heroes will cross paths with them another time.
The twins seem to have found the Ascendant, which The Vampire Diaries fans will recognize as the key to a prison world. How worried should we be about a visit from evil Uncle Kai (Chris Wood) if they start messing with that?
Plec: I think when a key that would open the lock that is keeping evil Uncle Kai imprisoned shows up on your screen you should always be afraid ... and also super, super psyched — which, by the way, is not me saying that Chris Wood has agreed to come back because I have not gotten any answers out of him yet, but I would love nothing more.
Will we be seeing more of Penelope in Season 2?
Plec: Penelope was a very successful character for us, and we always love the villain that ultimately finds a way to redeem her wicked, selfish, evil ways over the course of the season and leave us all crying and wanting more. Certainly my hope is that she remains in our universe and she, in spite of being in Belgium with her family, may make an appearance again. I can't make any promises, but I certainly would love to see her.
Can we also hope for the return of Clarke? Because I was really digging the revival of the whole supernatural brothers thing!
Plec: There's going to be a hole in the marketplace right now for supernatural brothers. We have not necessarily seen the last of Clarke. Certainly wherever Hope is, it seems to be that he is there as well. It depends on where that is and what that looks like and if we want to tell that story.
So if we want Hope back, we might have to get Clarke?
Plec: Exactly. Two for the price of one.
Are you looking to introduce a new big bad for Season 2 or are you hoping to stay invested in this Malivore storyline?
Plec: We are going to take a page out of Harry Potter and hope that Malivore can be an ongoing threat, much like Voldemort was able to be over the course of all the books. That is the goal and we will see how long we are able to do that.
And are you planning to keep the monster-of-the-week format or lean into more serialized storytelling.
Plec: I think our emotional and character stories will always be deeply serialized like The Vampire Diaries, but the structure of the monster of the week or a monster that can span a couple weeks has been a lot of fun for us, and we've really enjoyed it. So we'll definitely be continuing down that road.
Are there any plans to return to monsters we've seen and spared before like that gorgon who was getting flirty with M.G.?
Plec: There's absolutely opportunity for any of the monsters that we've seen before to come back again. I know my personal favorite is the necromancer. We've got some competition... people who loved the dryad, the gorgon — if we can figure out a way to make snakes cost less in visual effects, [it] has a better shot at coming back when technology can catch up to what we want to achieve. That was a "learn the hard way" kind of character.
Alaric's (Matthew Davis) position at the school has been left up in the air, so what can you say about the impact of potentially removing him as headmaster if that's how the council votes?
Plec: I think that for a man whose last decade-plus of his life has been committed wholly to his daughters and this school, if he wakes up one morning and is no longer the headmaster, that's going to be a big dramatic shift for him and I'd wonder how he would make it through that.
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