ahamartia · 7 years
@catchthatregenerator starter :D
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“So you’re telling me this thing will give me cancer.”
He was staring at the device in the same way one might stare at a smear of dog shit.
“Not only is my privacy in jeopardy, but so is my good health. That’s what you’re saying.“
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slowly he walks in. hesitant in every sense of the word as he looks around. he can sense the others, they’re like him, so much like him. he doesn’t like the feeling. He’s special, his mom says he’s supposed to be special. he’s led to a room and there’s the doctor. the doctor looks familiar but not entirely. he’s seen him n his dreams perhaps, sometimes he hast hose of things that haven’t happened yet. 
“ I’m Gabriel. “ he says, small voice, uncertain as his eyes lower beneath their lenses. He doesn’t want to look at the doctor, he probably knows the things he’s done, how he gets out of control. “ do I have to sit down? “ because he doesn’t like the feeling of being the only one standing. 
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lightlybrilliant · 7 years
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“I'm drunk again. I raided that cabinet that you think I don’t know the combination to.”
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inkdreamt · 7 years
Veronica looked around.  Something was wrong in her little dilapidated apartment. Not that it was in bad shape when she got there, but... let’s just say that her life since discovering the electrical powers in her was anything but smooth.  A nightmare would best describe it, what with the burn marks along the walls, the half-way melted electronic equipment, the TV that looked more or less like it blew up.  And let us not forget the singed door handle.  All in all, it looked more as if someone was trying to set the apartment on fire in this one, even when it was the furthest from the truth she could get.
She turned from her bedroom and walked into the living room, looking around, her eyes growing wide when she saw a man’s face near the couch.  She was being stolen from?  What part of this place looked as if there was anything worth stealing?  A small blue spark started dancing from finger to finger on their own, anticipating needing to defend herself.  “I don’t have anything that’s worth stealing, so I suggest getting out before you really regret it.”
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electricelle · 7 years
@catchthatregenerator / x
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Acid bath. There would be a day where she would expect a normal answer. Although, let’s be real, this was a normal answer between them. Hm, indeed. She raised up her shoulders and shrugged.
“Unless you need something to catch fire, you don’t really want my help. Chemistry was never really my forte. Dang that public school system.”
The last part was a joke, obviously.
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thatslayer · 7 years
Aftermath || Adam & Faith
     It's been weeks, at least, since Faith saw hide or hair of Adam. Since she left him standing there on the sidewalk, two blocks from Little Tokyo, looking about as confused as she's ever seen him.
She didn't bother looking for him, he never made his way back and she's good with that. Makes things simple. Well, simple as they ever get.
             It's noon and Faith's holding up a booth in the only place in town that nobody she actually knows would ever think to look for her --- Starbucks. With good reason, too. She's not too keen on milkshakes that pass for coffee, or accousting hippie rock and, really, there's only so much Alanis Morissette a girl can take without going completely off her jump.
   Still, it's quiet and she needs the quiet if she's going to get anywhere in the chore of trying to derail the current apocalypse without Adam there to steer. Not really used to having the reigns, if she's honest. She's got maps up on a laptop screen, is trying to read a book of fucking Greek gibberish and sugar-soaked out of her mind on lattes. It's not going well.
                          She barely notices someone take a seat across from her. Doesn't bother looking up from her book, "Didn’t skip town? I’m impressed."
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@catchthatregenerator ~ old rock
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He stops right in front of Adam, his eyes full of being completely unimpressed as he holds the bottle of whiskey at his side. This was his hotel, his place of business and the fact that the front desk had allowed him to stay here was up for a bit of a yelling. Klaus was tired of having people think they were beyond his law, even men like this Adam. Everyone seemed to forget this was his town. “ You didn’t come to see me like everyone does - didn’t someone advise you that that was right etiquette? “
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ahamartia · 7 years
@catchthatregenerator cont. 
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Her mother had sniped that she was too old to be going through this rebellious phase. Seeing as it'd lasted since her 15th birthday, Laurie reckoned it was about time for her mother stopped seeing it as a phase.
He was flirting with her, and that was just fine. For tonight, anyway.
“Those guys better be after you.”
She clenched the throttle. 
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inkdreamt · 7 years
Viktoriya looked over to the man in the cafe, a curious look on her face.  It wasn’t that he was looking at her.  In fact, he was looking in the opposite direction.  But his thoughts were all on her.  A powerful female telepath somewhere in the bar. Now, just why would the oldest evo in all the world be trying to find a powerful telepath?  More specifically, why did he want the most powerful?
“You know, if you want to speak with me, you don’t have to go through the pretense of trying to figure out who I am.  I can tell you know my appearance,” she spoke to him telepathically, not looking away from him.  She sipped on her coffee before continuing.  “Though, I imagine why you wish to speak to me is something you would wish to speak about in a more private setting.  Am I right?”
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electricelle · 7 years
@catchthatregenerator / x
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Elle almost refused to pick up the other end of the line. Her blue eyes matched his, cautiously. He wasn’t suppose to be here and if he were any other person she would have told him it wasn’t the risk. Instead those words fell away and she lifted her end.
“I don’t think they allow the fun kind of visits here,” she said. A half hearted joke, but she delivered perfectly and without a lull. She was fine. See? She wanted to ask about Marilyn of course, but she kept her name safely tucked in her mind. The question brimming through her eyes instead.
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ahamartia · 7 years
@catchthatregenerator​ cont. (x)
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She was thinking of a moment very for from this one. A hot Summer, a house wrapped up in flame. Her thriving in the glow of it. 
“It’s not actions. It’s emotion. Cruelty for example, that’s an action fueled by emotion.”
She was his leash. If he tried to move, then she could stop him with the slightest effort. Like this he was allowed to breath, but there was nothing else in the gesture.
“If all you’ve ever known was cruelty. Then I won’t expect anything different from you. Is that all you’ve ever known?”
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east-nowhere · 7 years
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ADAM MONROE. // @catchthatregenerator
“ When you have lived as long as I, death becomes a constant companion. Few things impress me anymore. Immortality is funny like that."
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lightlybrilliant · 7 years
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“Listen, Adam. I know that you hate me but you can at least pretend to get along with me -- like you used to...for the sake of the world.” She says this defeated, without looking him in his eyes.
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