sonicismyboyfriend · 1 year
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inkbee · 1 year
Realizing now that I'm done with Latin intensive I can get started somewhat with my cathargate liveblogging. Pegg's first essay 'The Historians' Illusion" alone is going to take forever, but tbh I think going through it slowly and summarizing it as I go along makes for better understanding in general. He spends the first paragraph being kind of dramatic, but in the subsequent paragraphs which I was initially annoyed at for getting into the historiography as opposed to the primary sources themselves, actually now that I'm trying to map this out cleanly in google docs its useful and also interesting. Why does everything come back to the Germans
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eating meat is also morally wrong because they are carriers of reincarnated souls. fish r ok to eat tho because they come from spontaneous generation
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wrestler-x · 6 years
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inkbee · 1 year
I’m thinking of doing a literature review for cathargate. I’m good at summarising things and once I’ve summarised everyone’s arguments/evidence I might be able to figure out where I actually stand on the issue and where more research could be done. And maybe I could liveblog on here.
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inkbee · 2 years
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Now on a logical level I know Pons Estotz is lying here. However the idea of him just spacing out at every meeting until one day he’s like “wait, you guys are dualists for real?? Like unironically???” is so funny I just choose to believe it
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inkbee · 2 years
What I would give to be a fly on the wall in pre-Albigensian Crusade Lauragais, during one of those three way debates, Catholic v Waldensian v the bons omes/artists formerly known as Cathars. It’s so sad that culture of public dispute went away, literally no fun allowed
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inkbee · 2 years
Aimersent Viguier. If more of you bitches read Mark Pegg’s work I KNOW she would do numbers on here!!!
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inkbee · 2 years
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inkbee · 2 years
Cannot stop thinking about Aimersent Viguiers. In 1223 when she was an adolescent and heavily pregnant she went with her aunt to see visiting holy women. They singled her out and joked that because she was pregnant so young she had a demon baby. She swears off holy Good Ladies/Men, despite her husbands protests. Then in 1245 when these Good Ladies/Men are being hunted as heretics, she tells her husband she’s going to tell the inquisitors what she knows. He and a local lord threaten her and shove her in a wine barrel, and when her son is like “what the fuck” they barrel him too! And they leave them overnight and then only let them out in the morning when Aimersent agrees to pay the lord three shillings and seven pence. She goes in to be questioned. Lies. And then six months later she comes back and sings like a canary, is interrogated two more times, then comes back a year later and rats MORE people out! Morally I can’t commend her but she really did get the last laugh
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inkbee · 1 year
Got myself in as an auditor into a seminar/Latin reading group about the Punic Wars so I’m really chuffed I get to add a carthageposting tag to the catharposting.
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wrestler-x · 6 years
Remember, God cursed you to be a goblin, but the Demiurge can be overcome and you shall overcome him!
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