#catherine also referred to cranmer as a 'hostler and a heretic'
fideidefenswhore · 2 years
Another thing is when you tell some stans that Mary and Catherine weren't always that nice to Anne and they get upset and say they were the sweetest people ever. (calling someone a whore 24/7 and the concubine isn't really sweet) but i guess Anne deserved it in their eyes?
Well, for Catherine, according to Harpsfield and Cavendish, she never spoke ill of her and even told her ladies not to do so, either.
The first we know is not true because of contemporary reports of things Catherine said, the second, if true, did not seem to stop her from doing that herself? Or soliciting her/their confessors to do so from the pulpit.
Reminds me of a quote I came across recently:
The default interpretation of Anne’s voice as thoughtless and uncontrolled, rather than intellectual and rhetorical, demonstrates how our gendered assumptions can continue to slip in under the rhetorical radar, for authors across genders. Take, for example, how one of the most well-regarded biographers of Henry’s queens, Antonia Fraser, describes Catherine of Aragon’s rhetorical approach: “Queen Catherine, in her prime, had been far too well-trained, and too clever, to allow herself to appear ungraciously argumentative; she had followed the pattern of a certain kind of intelligent woman throughout history, making her point without confrontation”. What’s notable is Fraser’s wording; acquiescing to the status quo of female silence is both gracious and intelligent; by extension, Anne was neither.
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