#catherine cawood fluff alphabet
multifandomfix · 1 year
Catherine Cawood Fluff Alphabet
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A = Aroma (What do they smell like?)
Catherine always smells like her favorite tea and also a bit of sandalwood.
B = Babe (What would they use as pet names? Do they use them a lot?)
She’d use the occasional pet name, but she doesn’t get all lovey dovey about them.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
She can enjoy a good cuddle if she has a mind to. She doesn’t always make it a priority, but a good cuddle can definitely make a dent in turning a bad day around for her.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? What would they think about living together?)
Catherine is pretty much settled as it is. If having you move in felt like the natural next step to take, she wouldn’t hesitate, but she wouldn’t like you pushing about it.
E = Emotion (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
She’s affectionate in her own way. She’s a little rough around the edges and isn’t big on an abundance of physical affection, but she does take the time to leave you heartfelt notes to find throughout your day.
F = Flirt (How do they flirt? Are they smooth or awkward?)
Her flirting game isn’t as strong as perhaps it once was, but she can still charm the pants off of you if she puts in the effort.
G = Gifts (Are they a gift giver? What kind of gifts do they give?)
Catherine’s gifts are more necessities. She knows you need something, she surprises you and brings it home.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
Sometimes, yeah, she does like a good, long hug. And her hugs are amazing. Equal parts soft and strong and they make you feel oh so safe.
I = I Love You (How fast do they say the L-word?)
She’s certainly not going to dive right in to the big declaration of love, but it might come sooner than you think. Once you’ve won her trust, love, at least in some form isn’t far off.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
She can get mighty jealous. It’s easy enough for anyone to notice when she is, and she’s not afraid of inserting herself in the middle of things just to assure her territory is not being treaded upon.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you?)
She loves to kiss the top or side of your head as she’s out the door on her way to work. If she doesn’t do that, you know something is wrong. Her kisses in general are very soft, much softer than you’d imagine.
L = Little ones (How are they around children? Would they want some of their own?)
She’s good with kids, but would never consider herself an expert, even after raising her own two and Ryan. She’s pretty much done with that part of her life and wouldn’t necessarily want more.
M = Meet (How did they meet you?)
At the station, while you were waiting for a family member that was brought in. You were worried about them and Catherine sort of helped calm you down.
N = Nurture (Are they good at taking care of you if you’re hurt/sick?)
She’s not always around to play nursemaid, but she’ll see you’re taken care of and call to check in if she can’t stay with you.
O = Out (What’s a typical date night with them like?)
Maybe some dinner or drinks at the pub. Nothing ever really fancy. She doesn’t see the need for all the fuss.
P = Propose (When do you/they propose? How does the proposal go?)
If it’s coming from her, it’ll be over tea where she’ll just ask, casual as ever, if maybe you wanted to marry her. Bonus points if she can make you spit out your tea. If you propose, you’d practically have to beg her to marry you, even though she doesn’t have to make it so difficult for you. She just wants to know how serious you are about it.
Q = Quirk (What small habit/feature/quirk do they have that you find especially endearing?)
You love those moments when she just has no filter. She says whatever she means and it never fails to bring a smile to your face.
R = Routine (What does a typical day together look like? Routines, schedules, habits?)
Mornings are often chaotic. Your try to have breakfast ready when she wakes up, and you both have to get Ryan ready. Evenings are simpler though. Once Ryan is put to bed, you and Catherine are able to wind down together.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you?)
She’s incredibly protective. She’s not obsessive about it or anything, but she is extra vigilant and won’t shy away from using herself as a shield to protect you.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, etc?)
She never goes overboard with that sort of thing, but there’s always something nice planned, even if it’s as simple as your favorite meal at home in front of the telly.
U = Unique (What’s something they’d only do for you?)
Take a day off. She needs more time off than she ever seems to allow herself and if you asked her real nice (and probably begged a little) she’d take a day off to stay home with you.
V = Vulnerable (How long does it take them to feel comfortable being vulnerable around you?)
It’ll take her a little bit to really open up. That strong persona needs to be diligently chipped away at to get to the heart of her.
W = Wardrobe (What would they wear to impress you?)
Much to Catherine’s delight, she knows you have a thing for her in uniform, so she doesn’t have to try too hard to impress you in that department.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
Catherine loves to tease you. She likes to pretend to pick a fight and see if you can catch her on it. That has occasionally backfired and caused a real fight, but it always gets resolved.
Y = You (What are some things they would like in a partner?)
She’d need someone loyal and brave, not someone who is going to shy away from who she is or try and change her.
Z = Zzz (What are their sleep habits?)
She has some restless nights and nights where she sleeps like the dead with hardly any in between. On the nights she’s really out, she can be a snorer, and you’ve invested in some earplugs for that very reason.
For Anon
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Forever Tag: @baubeautyandthegeek, @ghostsunderstoodmysoul, @immyowndefender, @valencethefriendlychangeling, @crimsonwidow666, @rebelbossheart, @thedailyspiritualist, @orangeisnttheonlyfruit, @woman-simp, @aperol-with-izzy, @leonoralessoem, @ellepossum69, @lakita-fisher, @nclgsticore, @ayanthegreat28, @analuw, @luvlesavyy, @malfoyfeed, @aliciabrower, @bitchr-mkay
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multifandomfix · 1 year
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Catherine Cawood Fluff Alphabet
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