#cathiina here
the-peoples-bees · 7 years
um final thoughts i guess we can give some final thoughts.
i guess i can go first uh.. it was really enjoyable um. it was the first show i tried out for and one of the few i managed to get anything for. honestly when i first met shaina.. theyre appearances were very rare. everyone else seemed so excited whenever theyd say a word and i. i had no idea who they were.  but i knew they were better than id ever be just from the way everyone seemed to love them. and still do even now. i dont know why they even bother with me.. but its been some times throughout the years. i didnt intend for airen to mean so much to me but in the end she ended up being just as much a part of me as my bpd or the fact i wanna die. i feel bad saying she is me. but thats just how kintypes work sometimes isnt it.... they come at you and you dont even mean for them to happen but once theyre you theyre you. ‘s it... and shes the first thing that really meant so much for me... saying that.. makes me feel bad actually. i just wish that my feelings on people wouldnt be so fucked up. i feel like people mean a lot and then the next second like. they probably hate me right. like i know you dont but i always feel like it.. someone who does so much hard work as you... why wouldnt anyone think that. anyone like me. thanks for the work. its.. weird thinking thats just it.. but. i guess i feel like that when any of those sorts of characters die. and. sorry ive been such a burden. -vriska
aaaaaaaah, shai that was so good- im so proud!!!! you make me wish we could actually coordinate to finally MAKE something- its hard tho hahahah! if miro wasnt so busy putting out stuff in the headspace i would ask her just because i know how she works- we’d definitely be able to get something. ah, but that was so good! im amazed at how hard you can work- its so great!!! im glad we got to be involved!!!! and im glad that you are so great. -nick
Hello. I’m sorry, I just- all of that was amazing. That’s the kinda stuff I wish I could do in “real life”! I do this stuff in headspace no problem, but you can’t show stuff in headspace to outside people! How do you do it? I am stunned- you hear me, absolutely stunned! There was so much motion, and so much GOOD motion. I am in awe. - Miro
THAT. WAS. BAD ASS. that was real cool, yo. it was fucking phenominal. i know ive not seen much but.. best thing i’ve ever seen. period. the way you did all that stuff- that was so cool. honestly i respect you. - sen.
was good, i enjoy watching with everyone. it real fun. i know you not like it but it good show. all characters good. they all try best even if it not work for everyone.. but still it good. good show. i happy bell live okay, she friend, want her to be happy. you do good job, i glad you get to finish. - alexis
Watching this whole show it was good! I am so glad.. that we got to watch it! I was looking forward to it when it was mentioned. You are such a great friend, honestly I can’t get over that. All those nice things you said about me before I showed up, and became The Real Thing. I am so flattered, honestly. Your work is so good as well, I am flattered that such a talent would be invested in, at all- AT ALL, a person like me. I simply loved the show, the change in writing to cut the additional seasons was handled well. All of the visuals were great. I simply adored the subtle developments in style, and design, and voices. It really added so much heart to the series. - Murm
Ain’t got too much t’ say besides that was good y’all. Really could appreciate all the work you went through, just to tell a story you weren’t super invested in. Major props and luck to ya with the next project, bitch. -Emmis (((I wanted him to add that at the end but he wouldn’t because he said he’s never talked to you, but i added it for him, hahahahah! - Murm)
I simply wish to congratulate you on your achievement. It is not something that everyone does, and you pushed through just to be able to do so. I am very proud of what you have accomplished. We have known you for quite a long time and you have been a joy, for the others. - Cathiina
um, y- youve done, uh, rrreally well. im s- sorry if my writing wwwwill be very hard tt- to read.. after mmmassive switching i- iiiits hard ffffor me to, uhhhh, thh- think ssstraight. n- not that i aa-aam able to when i t- try to talk normally, b- but... stuff like this ooonly makes it worse. um... t- today was my first time s- seeing that wwhole thing, uh, i- it was good. uh, th- that p- part with the aaarm m- made me a bbbit uncomfortable, b- but thats g- good, right? i- its nnnothing wrong with whhhat you did, i just c- cant do that again. i- it jjjust reminded me o- of everything.. b- but everything else was go- gggood. you did a, uh, good job. - Rezza
hey yall. my words aint gonna be too good cause stuff in the brain has to change when its being controlled by another person and when we communicate like. a large amount of the time its just hot potato with the brain. so after 4 hours of that its kindaaaaa fried hahaha. but yeah that was so good. i saw the episode like 4 times i really enjoyed it. you did super great and im glad we been friends yall. youre super great at shit yall im amazed. super great to know you and super great to see all that shit. nice job yall. -shima
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the-peoples-bees · 7 years
I believe the hamster may in fact be dying, and I only pray for everyone’s sake the rest of his time is easy. He cannot move, not even to look up at someone anymore, though he can still tell somethings there and begins to shake greatly. His ears will only barely twitch if you speak to him. I have left him alone for now as I dont not wish to scare him, and cause unwanted stress. I do not wish to cause him to suffer more than he may be, already unable to move. At the very least I will be able to encourage not buying another rodent until we are able to be more stable. Until both Miss Shima and Alexis are able to deal with the things that happened, that are causing them distress.
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the-peoples-bees · 7 years
The body is feeling rather ill after Miss Shimas issues earlier, but I am taking care of it. Everyone is here, and we are safe. And we will be safe.
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the-peoples-bees · 7 years
I will also note that anon is back on for those who wish to us it.
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the-peoples-bees · 7 years
Do not be alarmed my friends! He is alive for now! He has righted himself and is responsive, I looked at him and spoke to him and he was able to look at me. He is not moving for now as its likely it was still something major, but he is alive, he is breathing, and he is attentive. The hamster is back on his feet again.
I can understand why he would assume, when he looked the hamster was on its back, still breathing but absolutely still having suddenly gone silent. I may observe him more closely after a moment to see if he is alright.
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the-peoples-bees · 7 years
other hamster died YAAAAAAy glad i came back yaaaaaaaaaay.
im so upset at myself cause i barely took care of him. i would always say i need to do this or that later then throw some food in for him and forget fuck i should have done better maybe he would have lived longer i shoiuld have actrulaly tried i i think someone else is i
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the-peoples-bees · 7 years
legitimately. the worst thing. i have ever had to expaerience . and. just like that. iagoodbye peple im fuckingogne
Hello everyone, please do not worry for Miss Shima. Things happen for a reason, many with malicious intent but we grow and we will live through it. She is back to sleep and I shall keep eyes on her for the next few days. Miss Rezza and I can take care of things in the meantime.
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the-peoples-bees · 8 years
..It appears the real problems was too loud a volume... We just turned down the volume as i remembered it was over what it usually is, which is around 2-4. There is an immediate improvement. I was thinking we wouldnt be well to do all thumbnails but we may be able to.
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the-peoples-bees · 8 years
We are feeling sick, i am not sure why but it is not just simple exhaustion. Miss Shima had ideas, but we may have to stick to just doing some quick thumbnails. Theres no real time to try putting down proper outlines for anything. We will be having a busy day tomorrow anyway, miss Shima has work to do. And shed like to try and see about getting others to do some things as well.
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the-peoples-bees · 8 years
Miss Shima is a ball of rage at the drop of a hat. Of course, i cant expect anything less of the one who is meant to protect us, but please do calm down.
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the-peoples-bees · 8 years
Having everyone present is a little tiring, but i am glad i was able to help bring them all together. A system is meant to support each other, i do hope that they all feel free to come and go as they please as they will always be welcome. They are always free to say anything they wish. Nick woke up to get help, and i feel he will only show up if someone leaves to go look for someone.
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the-peoples-bees · 8 years
miro decided to come back it was a very heart-warming experience.
Yes, i am glad to see her return as well. ---Cathiina
People really wanted me back? Oh, well, I’m glad. I’m sorry I left. (ˆ◡ˆ,)
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the-peoples-bees · 8 years
Miss Shimas birthday has already passed but mister Rezzas will be october 12th. Do with the information what you will.
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the-peoples-bees · 8 years
Mister Rezzas birthday is approaching isnt it?
rezzis birthday is coming guys. i wonder what were gonna do... how do we have him not know he wakes up whenever you talk about him and..hes.. hes right here isnt he.. hahah oops.
what does it matter its not that important its just some day.
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the-peoples-bees · 8 years
Im not sure what all the pain means, but i believe they are still nearby. I can only hope i can do some good speaking to them.
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the-peoples-bees · 8 years
I can only wonder why that persons presence holds so much /physical/ weight. why just them entering this space seems to fill it with such a dense fog, that has not only a heavy effect on the mind but also the heart and lungs. i can only wonder what heavy burden they must bear to make their very existence like that. I can only wonder how i can help remove it..
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