#cathy snider
wakamotogarou · 1 year
Waka Waka Bang Splat
By Cathy Snider
In a recent magazine poll, readers established "waka" as the proper pronunciation for the angle-bracket characters < or >. The following poem appeared recently in the magazine.
The text of the poem follows:
< > ! * ' ' # ^ " ` $ $ - ! * = @ $ _ % * < > ~ # 4 & [ ] . . / | { , , SYSTEM HALTED
The poem can only be appreciated by reading it aloud, as such:
Waka waka bang splat tick tick hash, Caret quote back-tick dollar dollar dash, Bang splat equal at dollar under-score, Percent splat waka waka tilde number four, Ampersand bracket bracket dot dot slash, Vertical-bar curly-bracket comma comma CRASH!
editors note:
< <- waka | akaw -> >
<< <- waka waka | akaw akaw -> >>
<<< <- waka waka waka | akaw akaw akaw -> >>>
0 notes
golbc · 3 months
February 12th Prayer Requests
Family of Norma Raney.
Ronita Zeisler - Hip replacement surgery tomorrow.
Don Inman (Friend of Troy Collins) - Mother passed away.
Beth Jenkins - Health.
Christy Snider - prayer for daughter-in-law's mother, treatments for breast cancer....taken to ER last night with elevated heart rate.
Lorraine Browning - Health.
Kim Dixon - Health.
Cathy Kreisel - Health.
Bessie Yeagar - Health and possible infection.
Paula Sanford- Surgery today.
Family of James' Tackett's brother- James' brother passed away yesterday.
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