#catie rants about malec
Hello girls gays and theys enjoy a Malec and chairman meow headcanon :)
Magnus loves to grab the cat and just kiss his head and his face and The Chairman will always get tired of it and then will scratch him. Magnus will drop him and dramatically sigh, saying “Now I’ll go find someone who doesn’t scratch my face when I’m kissing him!”
And of course he’ll go find Alec who’s finishing up paperwork on his laptop who’s trying to hold in laughs.
“Did the chairman get you again?” Alec will ask, and Magnus will grumble out yes.
“You poor thing. Let me see.” Magnus will turn his head and Alec get a tissue and wipe away the small amount of blood and then he’ll kiss him gently.
“See, shadowhunters don’t scratch.” Alec will murmur against his lips.
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hiiiii guys I’m backkkkk I honestly didn’t have any ideas for Malec headcanons for awhile but I’ve got one today:
As everyone knows Alec tolerates Clary and Simon (and we know he secretly loves them) but they can be annoying and so whenever alec starts to glare or snap if Magnus is there he’ll say “Alexander, be nice.” Or “Darling don’t make that face you’re too pretty for that.” And Alec will immediately try and hide the smile that Magnus’ presence alone gives him, but now that he’s talking well Alec can’t resist grinning like a love sick puppy. And then Clary or Simon will smile or tease and Alec will go to say something else but then Magnus will slide his hand down Alec’s arm, lacing their fingers together and leaning close to his ear hushing him.
And then I think it goes without saying Alec forgets what his last name is at that point, so clary and Simon walk away free a lot if Magnus is in the room :)
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Alec: Magnus I think we should get a divorce
Magnus: Alexander, what-
Alec: *pulls out ten thousand dollar ring*
Magnus: you’re a dork
Magnus: also, yes. I accept your divorce and your proposal and would be honored to divorce you only to marry you again.
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😴Malec and sleeping habits😴
•whenever Alec goes to bed first after a long mission, Magnus will always come snuggle with him once he gets home. and Alec is always half awake, trying to unbutton Magnus’ many layers and grumbling and cursing and whining for Magnus to use his magic and Magnus is just grinning and secretly loves being manhandled by him.
•Neither Magnus nor Alec are morning people. They would both rather sleep in until noon and stay up until midnight working. So they always wait until the last possible minute to get up in the mornings. They normally share a steamy shower though which just starts the day off right.
•Alec didn’t really think he could ever enjoy being lazy since you know, Shadowhunter, but he learns to love it with Magnus. There is truly no other way he would rather spend the day than watching movies curled up with Magnus and just literally doing nothing productive. Magnus has always enjoyed the art of being lazy, but it gets 10000000 times better when Alexander, his soldier Shadowhunter husband, finds joy in just being with Magnus.
•sleeping positions: I don’t think they spoon that often only because they like to sleep facing each other, but they’re still just as cuddly. Like I literally think they get as close as possible. They hold hands, intertwine legs, the whole nine yards because they’re both clingy people who love to be held and hold eachother.
•Magnus gets so used to Alec’s snores that he can’t sleep without them. If they’re ever away and can’t sleep together, Magnus will listen to the recording of Alec snoring that Magnus took after Alec didn’t believe he actually snored, and he’ll fall asleep so quickly after that.
•We all know Alec denies he snores, but Magnus denies that he’s a blanket hog even though he totally is. He gets cold at night and he’s used to sleeping alone so he’ll wrap the blanket around him and bundle up underneath the covers. Alec wakes up all the time shivering because he doesn’t have anything covering him, but he’ll just tug on Magnus and Magnus will roll on top of him to keep him warm and share some of the blankets.
•Magnus keeps his glamour down whenever he feels relaxed and safe, so he starts putting it down whenever they’re just lying in bed together. It makes Magnus’ heart soar when Alec looks straight into those cat eyes and sleepily mumbles “beautiful” while cuddling closer and completely laying himself bare because he just trusts Magnus so much. It still stuns Magnus all the time after his past, that a Shadowhunter has no problem being vulnerable with him. They love eachother so much I can’t even fathom it 🥺🥺🥺
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Magnus and Alec cuddling on the couch just talking about their days
Magnus: Alexander, do you think straight people understand anything?
Alec: absolutely not
Jace coming out of the kitchen in just boxers stuffing cereal into his face: hey I’m straight!!
Alec and Magnus: exactly
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so I’m rewatching the Malec wedding (lol shocker) and I’m just gonna make a list of things i wish we saw. okay? okay.
I SO SO WISH WE SAW LYDIA! I wanted her to be invited and I wanted Malec to like come up and just hug her and talk to her about her job wherever she is now. Magnus would joke and say “thanks for not marrying MY groom” and Alec would blush and roll his eyes and say, “my husband is a little too tipsy. don’t listen to him.” And they would just be relaxed and calm and able to talk like friends
Jace giving Alec a surprisingly emotional best man speech and literally everyone is crying at the end of it. Magnus is dabbing his tears away and Alec is s o b b i n g into Magnus’ shoulder and he just gets up and they embrace and hit each other on the back and Jace will say, “I’m so happy for you Alec you have no idea.” And Alec will point to his rune and say, “I have a pretty good idea Jace you can’t hide your emotions that well.”
Magnus will dance with Maryse and Alec will dance with Izzy. It’s supposed to be serious and stuff but it just ends with the music turning into something more upbeat and everyone break dancing and laughing and just being h a p p y
Luke and maryse will get a little handsy as the night progresses and Alec is just staring absolutely disgusted but like also kinda happy that his mom is so happy. Magnus whispers in his ear, “just a preview of what’s gonna happen to you tonight.”
Malec throws cake in each others face like normal wedding tings ya know. Magnus is like “Alexander if you ruin this impeccable makeup I will curse you!” And Alec’s like, “Babe we messed it up ten minutes after the wedding started when you were crying.” Everyone is laughing and taking pictures
When Malec is off on their honeymoon (that last like three months don’t even @ me) Jace and Izzy and clary will put together all their wedding pictures into a college and surprise them when they get back
so Alec sees Izzy and Simon dancing and kissing and stuff and he’s drunk so he’s like “Mess with my sister break her heart I’ll cut your little vamp heart out with an arrow.” Magnus is dragging him away and Izzy is shushing Alec and shooing him. The only thing that calms Alec down is when Magnus placates him with little kisses all over his face and as soon as he looks at Magnus he forgets what he was even yelling at Simon about.
The wedding reception is cut a little short because Malec is unsurprisingly missing after they were spotted groping eachother on the dance floor (Magnus wanted to take his husband home and Alec blindingly agreed as if he would ever say no to his ✨husband✨)
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do you guys want more? (I have more) comment your favorite and add your own ❤️
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Since it’s Malec’s 2 year anniversary (🥲) I came up with this random headcanon while trying to fall asleep
so I think it’s a well known head canon that Alec likes having his hair played with. Specifically by Magnus of course. Whenever he’s stressed he’ll put his head in Magnus’ lap. Or when they’re watching a movie cuddling Magnus will absentmindedly run his fingers through Alec’s hair and Alec will just melt. But I also think Magnus loves having his hair played with as well. Obviously this is something he’s not too familiar with as he styles his hair and no one can touch it without getting their fingers burnt off.
But when it’s just Alec and Magnus in the loft, Magnus will take his makeup off and change into sweatpants and just be a normal husband not the high warlock who has to look powerful and untouchable. It takes awhile, but I truly think Magnus thrives in the art of taking everything off and learning to be vulnerable both physically and emotionally with another human (one he loves more than anything else in the world of course, but still) its a lot to take in.
With all that being said, once he does take it in he loves domesticity. He loves changing after his day and cooking dinner for Alec. He loves watching movies while Alec plays with his hair free of any gel or style. He loves having those simple touches that remind him that he’s lifting those walls he built around his heart. His favorite touch is when Alec runs his fingers through Magnus’ hair, because that’s when he’s the happiest. And he learns that he can be vulnerable and happy at the same time, so long as it’s with Alexander.
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so I think both Magnus and Alec are obsessed with the others wedding ring (and they both know it and use it to their advantage bc they’re little shits)
Magnus will take all his rings off at the end of the day except for his wedding ring. He leaves it on no matter what but when he only has his wedding ring on it’s super obvious he is married and that’s where everyone’s eyes go because normally his fingers aren’t completely bare. Alec loves Magnus showing off his wedding ring, it makes him super super smug and proud.
Alec doesn’t wear jewelry at all, but he damn sure wears that wedding ring all the time too. Especially when he’s in a clave meeting he’ll wave his hands around and make the ring glint in the light. During the downworld cabinet meetings he’ll make a show of swirling his ring around and Magnus will just be staring at him in awe like this man is a tease but I love him more than anything
they literally never take their rings off for anything. like there’s nothing they could do that would warrant taking their rings off
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Just out here fangirling thinking about Alec being a grumpy asshole at the institute but then literally like a light switch turning into the sweetheart only Magnus gets to see whenever Magnus surprises him with lunch or comes in early for a meeting. It’s literally miraculous to see if you’re just a regular Shadowhunter who just deals with the normal head of the institute Alec, not Alexander the doting and loving husband. Izzy and Jace even start to conveniently call Magnus whenever Alec is getting too stressed or grumpy. Magnus will just happen to make a surprise appearance and Alec will turn into a happy little bastard for the rest of the evening.Unless, Magnus decides to take him home early ;)
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Sometimes Magnus walks into a room in all his glory, carrying all the energy of the room with him, and Alec will just get the biggest grin on his face. Like a smile so wide it threatens to crack his face into two.
Magnus knows exactly what he’s doing but he’ll still look innocent and say to Alec, “You’re looking quite smug today, my love.”
Alec will roll his eyes fondly and gives Magnus a once over before responding, “Who could blame me? I have you to show off.”
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Alec: I have a headache
Jace: okay, and?
Alec: *scowls*
Alec: I have a headache
Izzy: sorry big brother, I can get you some painkillers
Alec: *shrugs and agrees*
Alec: I have a headache
Magnus: *drops the potion he was carrying* oh darling I’m so sorry how about I make you a cup of tea and brew a little pain reliever for you and then we can take a hot bath and you can still apply an iratze if it’s hurting. Oh, and I can give you a head massage. we can go to bed early and snuggle and I’ll take care of you tomorrow if it still hurts
Alec: smirks and nods and opens his arm to get his first of one thousand and twenty two hugs of the night
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Magnus visiting Alec at the institute, sitting on his lap and peppering his face with kisses: “I love my pretty boy so very much!”
Izzy and Jace watching the whole thing: gagging and rolling their eyes
Alec nervously once Magnus leaves: “hey so do you guys think Magnus still loves me or what?”
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🤒Malec hurt/comfort head canons😘
•when Alec is sad and on the verge of shutting down Magnus is the only one who can really get to him before he stops interacting completely. Normally Magnus will sit Alec down and put his head in his lap, softly stroking his hair as he hums a lullaby. It calms Alec immensely, as it reminds him of the small period in which maryse sang to him
•they have little code words they text each other for when they’re having a bad day. If Magnus gets the text, he’ll make a homemade meal for Alec and get their fluffiest blanket out to cuddle with, along with a good movie to watch. If Alec gets the text, he’ll come home early and pick up steaks from their favorite steakhouse, make some martinis, and get a bath ready for Magnus when he gets home
•sometimes immortality catches up to Magnus and he has days where he’s just too exhausted to get up. maybe he lost a friend the day before, or it’s an anniversary or a birthday of someone he lost. Alec will stay with him until he feels better and just hold him and comfort him as much as he can. Magnus remembers sometimes feeling this way for days on end, but with Alec the feeling normally passes within a day or two.
•when Alec comes home from a mission or a patrol, if he’s injured in any sort of way Magnus’ magic will immediately heal it, similar to the way Magnus heals himself subconsciously. Magnus doesn’t even know what he’s doing sometimes, the magic is just already there healing the cuts and mending the bruises. Even if Alec had a training session with Jace and got a few bruises they’ll be gone before Alec even kisses Magnus hello.
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•malec is now madzie’s babysitter for whenever Catarina has to pick up a shift last minute. She’ll come through the portal with her blanket and stuffed animal she sleeps with if she’s just woken up or if she’s getting ready to go to bed. Then she’ll go curl up with whoever is on the couch or still in bed. If Magnus is with clients or working in his apothecary madzie with sit on Alec’s lap and fall asleep on his chest. If Alec is at work already she’ll sleep in Magnus’ apothecary chair and Magnus will come over periodically to adjust the blanket or kiss her on the forehead.
•when it’s pride month Magnus makes a huge deal about it and it just so happens madzie is staying the night so Magnus gets madzie to convince Alec to paint his nails in a rainbow pattern to symbolize the pride flag. Alec is obviously enthusiastic about it when madzie asks but he scowls at Magnus for the rest of the night when madzie isn’t looking. Magnus just calls him “my adorable grumpy Shadowhunter who also has pretty and bright nails now!”
•whenever madzie spends the night Alec gives her one of his sweaters and it’s like a dress on her 🥺 I just thought of this one god my mind is a mess but think about it: all of them wearing one of Alec’s sweaters and Catarina takes a picture of them whenever she comes to pick madzie up because they’re too adorable. If Magnus, Alec, and Catarina save that as their wallpaper nobody needs to know except them!
•Magnus and madzie introduce Alec to Disney movies. He always cries during the sad parts because Alec Lightwood Bane is an emotional mess who has a big heart. Magnus and madzie cuddle him and bring him tissues and kiss his tears away and Alec just feels like a baby but he secretly loves the attention. And it makes madzie laugh, so there’s that.
•Madzie always has something new she learned with her magic to show her favorite uncles and they’re both super excited and happy for her, but Alec goes over the top with excitement. He follows her every word and she sits on his knee while showing him whatever she’s learned. He’s always nodding and giving her high fives and Magnus just watches because wow this is his husband and niece and they’re getting along which is something he never thought shadowhunters and warlocks could do (except when Alec Lightwood enters the picture)
•Madzie says she wants to be independent and sleep in her own bed but she always slips into Alec’s and Magnus’ because she loves to cuddle and doesn’t like to be alone. Alec and Magnus just smile fondly and let her get in the middle so they can dote her with cuddles.
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⚠️More Malec headcanons alert⚠️
also no one really submitted any headcanon requests so I urge you to do so if you’re looking for something specific I’d love to write some for you :) don’t be shy I literally love getting stuff in my inbox it makes my day!!!
so I think whenever Alec showers at the loft he borrows a pair of Magnus’ fuzzy pajama pants and a hoodie that’s really Alec’s but it smells like Magnus so he uses it anyway. then he’s all warm and he wants his husband so he’ll go find him and wrap his arms around him He gets extra clingy after showers so he’s always finding Magnus and grumbling until Magnus pays attention to him and holds him.
speaking of showers, Magnus adores Alec’s fluffy hair and literally plays with it while holding him because (look to my last bullet) Alec is clingy after showers and he just wants cuddles. Magnus loves loves loves Alec’s hair but especially when it’s all soft and messy and smells like sandalwood.
Magnus had an epiphany one day while holding Alec close. Alec was napping, snoring with his face pressed against Magnus’ neck and Magnus gently sifting through his hair. Magnus realized he’s gone decades and years alone. Like physically alone. As an immortal, he’s never felt the need to constantly be around people since they’re more independent and stuff. But as their relationship progresses Magnus finds that he hates being away from Alec, like genuinely loathing it. Alec is the first one to make him feel that way. for example, Alec has to go away to some clave thing for a few days and it’s torture to be in the loft without Alec. He goes as far as to sleep with Catarina and madzie for those nights. And when Alec comes back, it’s like the scene in The Notebook all dramatic and soft and stuff. But honestly neither of them complain because they just sit on the floor and hold each other for like three hours before getting up and going about their normal routine. It’s new to Magnus to want to be close to someone 24/7 but it’s a good new!
after they’re married and things are really really really good, Magnus decides to stop drinking as a coping mechanism. He chooses to save it for fun nights out with family or friends, or dancing with Alec, or even a quiet night in when they just want to get tipsy and cuddle. It isn’t easy since we all know Magnus being an alcoholic was low key canon. Whenever Magnus feels the urge to drink, he calls one of the people closest to him. That includes Catarina, Raphael, and some more warlock friends he’s met along the way and trust. And of course, if the temptation is really bad he’ll call Alec and Alec will either come home or Magnus will sit with Alec in his office.
Magnus and Alec try and go on a date at least one night a week. They try tons of places of course, but their favorite will always be the hunters moon. Maia always hooks them up with free drinks because they’re so cute, and they always stumble out of the bar drunk and laughing and they have the best time there. They definitely make use of the pool table but they can only play for so long bc as the drinking continues the sexual innuendos also continue.
they’re obviously more comfortable around each other now, but I still feel like they would blush and hold doors for each other. those cute little couple things. Alec would tell Magnus how beautiful he looked and Magnus would blush and say alec looked even more beautiful. Alec would hold the door for him and then they would argue over the check whenever they went out somewhere. they would walk home and Magnus would link their arms and it’ll just be the same cute stuff they always do. But they never get sick of it and we won’t either!!
we all know Magnus has an abundance of terms of endearment for Alec, but we never talk about Alec’s terms of endearment for Magnus. I think Alec normally just says Magnus and it’s the tone of voice that conveys if he’s flirty, sleepy, mad or whatever. Sometimes he’ll say Mags if he’s feeling frivolous or causal. But my favorite is babe or baby. I think Alec says that if he’s drunk or sleepy or whiny, when he’s not in his right mind but he doesn’t care either way. Magnus always grins and blushes because it sounds so precious coming from Alec.
as time progresses and the tensions between Shadowhunter and downworld calm some, Magnus feels even more welcomed in the institute. I think people start acknowledging him and even making small talk with him, no longer glaring or staring whenever Magnus walks into the institute. There’s always those few bad apples, but overall the Shadowhunters adore Alec so they would obviously accept Magnus. And Alec has made it abundantly clear that Magnus is just as welcomed as any Shadowhunter. (Magnus secretly loves it when a Shadowhunter starts complaining because Alec gets protective and man is that hot)
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rafael/Max are sick or hurt. and worried parents malec head cannon
yes yes yes I love protective and caring Malec as parents!! thank you for your submission I hope you enjoy this! :)
•Magnus is the one who initially gets freaked out when Max gets his first fever. He’s full on in his making potions and monitoring his fever every thirty seconds mode; however, Alec will calm him down and assure him that babies are more resilient than one might think. He’ll usher Magnus to bed, and then he’ll put Max in his arms and tell him to cuddle with him. Obviously they’ll monitor his symptoms and Magnus will heal as he can, but Alec tells Magnus about dealing with his sick siblings and how they just took Tylenol and slept. That will make Magnus feel a little bit better, knowing he trusts Alec and would never do anything to intentionally hurt their child.
•whenever Rafe joins the family, they catch the flu the first winter they are together. it’s awful. Jace and Izzy put soup on the outside of the loft door and then bolt, and Catarina has to come in occasionally to bring medicine and check up on them because Magnus is so drained. They all just literally curl up together on their bed, Rafe shivering in Magnus’ side and Max curled up on Alec’s chest. But the boys are inseparable from each other and their parents so its very sweet
•that’s the first time Rafe calls Alec daddy and Magnus papa. Magnus hears it first when he wakes up to see Rafe staring at him and Rafe will say, “I feel really cold, papa.” Magnus will fondly smile and wrap the covers around him. And Alec hears it first when he’s hugging Rafe and Rafe will say, “You give people the best hugs daddy.” Alec will smile and just hug his boy tighter, giving Magnus a teary smile.
•Rafe has a tendency to get hurt in training (as most young Shadowhunters do who train with a competitive Jace) of course Alec handles the situation better since he’s used to injuries and such. Magnus goes into full dad mode, healing the injury or cleaning it up before he even realizes it sometimes. Alec just uses the iratze and reaches Rafe how to patch it up the old fashioned way so he knows how to do it in the future
•on the other hand, Magnus is much more calm when dealing with magic depletion or out of control magic when Max gets older. He’s always good at talking Max down and getting him to relax. Alec is too, but there’s a special connection between Max and Magnus because they truly understand what the other is going through. Sometimes when Max passes out from magic depletion he’ll wake up earlier than intended and Magnus will just smile and gesture to Alec and Rafe sleeping beside him because they’ll always take turns and give him strength
•both dads have special little things they do with both kids when they’re needing comfort: Magnus will sing Spanish lullabies to Rafe and Magnus will show Max animals or something Max is into at the moment with his magic. Alec will kiss Max all over just to hear him laugh and then he’ll tell a “heroic” but really exaggerated story about his beloved uncle Jace, aunt Izzy, and dad killing demons. Max will curl up with Alec and suck his thumb as he listens intently to everything Alec says. Rafe likes to hear both his parents sing so Alec will sing the lullabies his mom used to sing to Max and Izzy when they were younger.
Headcanon requests are still open!!!
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