emailpaulnow · 5 years
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Spring is here in full green splendor. Reminds me more than ever of where I was a year ago. Beautiful rainforest memories, I can't wait to make more. #TBT #ThrowbackThursday #GoddessTree #Cauhita #VisitCahuita #CostaRica #GoddessGarden #YogaRetreat #YogaEveryDay #kundalini #Naturism #Namaste #Tantra https://www.instagram.com/paul.christopher.sutherland/p/BxQUnSoF584/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=101mh3y8uo441
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Ein Ausflug nach Cahuita. #beach #wellen #meer #relax #cauhita (hier: Cahuita)
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Endlich wieder Sonne
Gestern wollten wir eigentlich nach Cauhita fahren, das Wetter war aber so gut, dass wir uns dagegen entschieden haben. Maja und ich verbrachten den ganzen Tag am Strand.
Aufgrund von privaten Problemen ging es mir leider ziemlich schlecht. Doch trotzdem bin ich so froh hier zu sein. Die Stimmung wird direkt etwas besser, wenn man sich einfach mal umschaut. Ich meine, ich liege am Strand an der Karibikküste, das Meer ist hellblau und man hört es rauschen, der leichte Wind weht durch die Palmen und die Sonne scheint, es sind ca 30° Celsius. Mein Motto: "... Because when you stop and look around this life is pretty amazing" und das würde ich so unterschreiben. Mir ging es natürlich trotzdem nicht gut, aber über meinen Aufenthalt hier kann ich nicht klagen. Momentan würde ich sogar sagen, dass ich einfach hier bleibe.
Wir machten Fotos am Strand und sonnten uns den ganzen Tag.
Nach einer ziemlich harten Nacht mit ziemlich wenig Schlaf schleppte ich mich heute Morgen zur Arbeit. Den ganzen Tag war meine Aufgabe auf unseren neuen Affen aufzupassen und ihn zu füttern. Dieser ist gerade erst 1 1/2 Monate alt und zuckersüß.
Trotzdem musste ich ihn gegen 11 Uhr abgeben, da ich mich nicht gut fühlte und ging nach Hause. Mein Kreislauf spinnt und mein Magen fühlt sich auch nicht wohl. Ich bin dann noch kurz in die Stadt gefahren und liege jetzt in einer Hängematte im Café.
(02.04.2018, 13:10)
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alabuenavida-blog · 6 years
Hi friends, 
It’s me again! Today is Sunday and I came back home from my first excursion! Let me tell you, this weekend was one for the books!
Friday- Friday was the longest day of my life ;) We all had to be on the bus by 6 am, we left and headed to Cahuita National Park. We stopped to get lunch at a local restaurant and the food was really good! I ordered Tacos Ticos, thinking that they were (similar to) Mexican tacos... but they were taquitos with lettuce, ketchup, and mayonnaise topped on it. I was not expecting that at all! After we got lunch, we started a little hike into the national park. Right when we got to the national park, we were able to see sloths, monkeys, and raccoon-like things (they were huge!). At the national park, there is a beach and once we hiked through the national park we were able to hang out at the beach for a few hours. This was one of my favorite beaches so far! It is so pretty and beautiful! I added a few photos below so make sure to go check them out!
Saturday- Today, I tried a bagel at this local restaurant in Puerto Viejo and let me tell you... I appreciate Costa Rican food so muchhhhh! But this bread was so dry. It was just a plain bagel and I am not sure where they went wrong. I’m sorry to that local Tican restaurant! Moving on, some of our group went on a bike tour and some of us stayed back! The ones who stayed back went to “Jaguar Rescue Center.” Jaguar Rescue Center was definitely a highlight of this weekend/trip. We were able to see sloths, monkeys, toucans, and snakes! We were a couple feet away from them so it was extremely close too! This rescue center helped animals that needed some kind of assistance with getting back into the jungle. For example, there was an alligator at the rescue center that was beaten when a random guy found him. The guy thought it would be a good idea to hit the alligator in the head with something to show he was the more dominant one making the alligator go blind! Some people who saw this then captured the man and helped to get the alligator some help. After the bike ride and trip to the rescue center, we were all able to reunite and we went to a bar nearby.
Sunday- was the last day in Cauhita and we were able to have some free time before leaving. One of the sweetest people I have met on this trip is Clare, and I got lucky enough to share a cabana with her on our excursion! Clare and I woke up kind of early in the morning and walked along the beach for like 30-40 minutes! It was so much fun and we talked about life. After that, we went to go eat breakfast and this extremely yummy restaurant but I can't remember the name. It was pretty cheap and they served us a good amount of food. After we were done eating, we all hopped on the bus and headed back to San Pedro!
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