#cause I’ve got basically everything but heisenbergs fight memorized :’)
wazzappp · 4 months
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Hnggfhgnvnghh lots of drawing.
Ok so this conversation takes place while they’re on their way to Moreau's bossfight. It has been a LONG time since Lisa has been able to talk to someone else so it kinda just spills out and she’s gotta hit em with the ‘Ah shit I overshared time to clam up so I seem cool and mysterious’ and part of how she does that is by ✨showing off✨.
Robbie is shit at taking hints but he can recognize ‘I’m done talking about this’ because he does it too. At least he gets to learn a little about himself (maybe some stuff he would rather not know. Like how willing he is to kill for his new friend :)
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