#cause fei du is on luos thought processes but also Smart enough to notice either
mejomonster · 1 year
Silent Reading, chapter 17. I just really like priests descriptions of the city:
The night had turned sultry without any warning; the summer heat was oppressive. Birds occasionally hurtled daringly through the sea of cars, almost skimming the ground, hinting that a rainstorm was about to strike.
Friday’s evening rush hour regularly lasted longer than usual, but luckily this was the last day of the traffic restriction. The city center was warming up for the weekend. The enormous outdoor Skyscreen unfolded, dazzling the eye with its scrolling LEDs. These nighttime lights relentlessly pursued all the people coming and going and crossed over the wide road to flash over Luo Wenzhou’s car, ceasing hostilities only when he had thoroughly wound his way into the complicated streets of the West District.
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