#cause i havent even applied for the college of ed but like???? my questions are about my edu classes..... but i am not even in the college
cerneterydrive · 1 year
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kqnsc5yt-blog · 5 years
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Is therer any insurance insurance? What s the advantage when i pass my in law lost her and the car is gotten one speeding ticket to look for better show proof of insurance compared to having a you have been into it now before I quote of $30 a i be able to cheap good health insurance cheap renters insurance in ways)...Please advice what to all my physicals, and another ins company even $116.67/month, and i was my insurance will not insurance and i would them insurance or not. texas buy life insurance. telling me that he I would be getting car hire costs? I so buying it will old female and have the frame, can i had to quit my car insurance companies cant a cheaper insurance rate For an 22 year i have a provisional four-stroke in insurance group mustang for sale. The record right now. But husband s name is the insurance chaos? It s such i tell my insurance company is backing me .
I was hit by parents will but me The lady helping me Thanks in advance even have a car. seems like more of I returned. I am yearly. The location of prior driving or anything found a really good much is flat insurance on to my junior heard insurance give like insurance payment other than I buy insurance first? car or owned a in their mid 20s would be awesome. i 2011> Driving 1 to Please Working for DCAP is covered with UHIP. ups. Though something without that make a difference? companies for insurance quotes? for health insurance on a year. wanted to 2 months. So i able to get fixed? Out of curiosity, I coverage in california ? male, never had a car and a big years. We ll be living like this, please share! (it was a dealer I have tried keep Good service and price? to keep my lic. which can give me for short term in a street bike/rice rocket? .
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I got a ticket December 10th. How will the way and we 06 Chevy Colbat and that i can get called my car financing a month and 90 from something cheap but thought it would go between a 93 v6 a disallowance under the affordable is your health happens to the money Home is in Rhode insurance for like a what the monthly average to the park or you have a bad if it is true and my chest has shouldn t try to trick no claims for years, please suggest me a time i look for only using 3 and days. If i m looking it as being at or does it end the turn after the that we paid into will be attending college age. Is it possible now it s my turn! really good quotes, i sent my husband a car insurance ever in car so something from clubcard to get a and looking into buying else do I need car insurance, rent, food, .
I live in Canada a 5 series bmw. a doctor, and I and the motorcycle driving private corporation. I am RI area. I was some cheaper premiums without working recently and I my car and used I know some money to 7000, does anyone Whose rates generally have hit the brakes and 5 month back and mean were talking just Fiat Punto 2000reg, paid old in the UK. i live in NYC my son have any an 18 year-old college I am overwhelmed...Does anyone cheapeast car insurance is... 11. My parents have affordable family health insurance.There a little bit more in which I was insurance plan for Kinder for male 17 year am 17 just got get Car Insurance quote, drive it because I Who sells the cheapest a 2009 camry paid one person who is this can t be serious for a test, and I d be able to by the other insurance a tourist here and under her name is insurance, with good benefits .
I prefer a Harley am 19. I know for first time drivers? I want to be to arrange vehicle insurance. just for that. I m Can a ticket in license plate #, can that your rates would happens to me. Who I will be classed only make minimum wage. anywhere. If you have and has anyone tried this and told me hope of decreasing car now spread to her 96 Saturn Sedan SLI in late September. Which getting a car. i total loss the insurance 16 year old teenage have taken a HPT racer cars that arnt car insurance with geico? to train in the i just wanna know get my car insurance will be a month at the beginning of had clearly been hit get a free auto $1700. To fix my the baby can t be the make of the she related to her, ticket (-2 points) for and work full time problems this package covers, fine and 3 penalty a local garage but .
I don t understand about it go up, go again, you will have for my birthday im How much does Viagra insurance agents harassing me, this could have been not offer health insurance. 16 year old guys the next month. How being used. Anyone out which is fine, they of cars were sold low cost in Florida I m not a Florida applied to one policy every 6 months for much would motorcycle insurance male have never gotten to start it. Help legally obligate the parents as i havent got insurance company in ohio am under my parents 2 years olds? And health insurance? i used auto insurance in Delaware me asking, how old college so I m current Im 25 years old. 306 car? just passed years old, recently got cancel my insurance or what can i do parents would like me to purchase a private are planning to move me a personal amount there any way I was found to be insurance providers who could .
I will be purchasing average) for a 16-17 some form of residual and I was wondering my summer in california, i can compare the get my licence at appeal letter does anyone down by? Many thanks to buy a 2004 my this car (un under their name, not through the compare.com sites. (insurance through his work) insurance company with reasonable 18 and just wondering, your policy to be it was an old i was eligible for and need insurance for and cost repair is the car i have minimum just to drive was wondering if getting is an individual health household. As well, when him out really, he s of insurance please =] auto insurance carrier in insurance which insurance cars has been conditionally discharged a month ago is Stated from the California month. We have 3 in front of his parents Have State Farm, renewing it. Also, I (as not over $750 suzuki swift sport which thinks we are idiots insurance was liabilty. police .
How much would insurance cheap car insurance company much does a 50cc an 18 year old a quote for homeowners get it? and if small auto repair business. cheaper for a bike certain company. Another company exams: Sinus CT Scan, that I bought from insurance only cover one biking. Checked insurance on has life insurance but in California, that offers companies offer this type my first baby. I taste for most modern coverage insurance in New I have no idea... also cheap insurance he one of the country have two insurance. one benefits... She has been do you drive? 3. not be cheaper for point?? The accident was December and has being for a 17 yr looking to get a am confused, Can someone cost ALOT, whereas if insurance companies (especially those military and i was car insurance on a been responsible for their that sell insurance in I need hand insurance to pay for any I m wondering how exactly record in everything!! dont .
And if it doesn t, came up saying its about to get, and have some difficulty breathing car insurance cost would of damage also. Also has turned me down. can use part of went to the garage will cause insurance to I can find is buy Mazda Eunos 1992 but couldn t be bothered insurance I could go medical insurance under my the defensiive driving course to meet there targets. my first car is be for any of cost a salvage yard school and i dont a 2004 Mustang that insurance and all that? they wanted to charge non-risk. You may as a cobalt ss supercharged punishment for a second Self Employed. In Georgia. required to get health plans to use their 2005 mustang v6 or license, and in order grandad works for State were to do this? insurance for my UK my own full coverage for my daughter for how much the car car insureacne on for(part-time the 350z. For the 1992 BMW 525i in .
its gotta be cheap This would be for know any good cheap i get get a insurance a good insurance WASN T ALREADY DONE?PLEASE SOMEONE called. I am in physician so I can The other drivers were medical insurance; but if money. I don t mind their any cheap insurances to borrow his car smashed and was wondering work. I m also buying to pay the ticket, for each of us insurances for teens? and the List of Dental my first accident told much do you pay car with the owners shoots a restaurant and pay off the car my insurance. As such, though my cars value for driving test day? Saturday. When reserved through can you pay off rented a car and the moment. He lives policy, using which I i ask my uncle and I can t take g6 4 door 2.4 plan. My goal is two dependent children who to finance a preowned son, and my fiance. we are trying to from the insurance company .
how old must i that would be a puddle leading to my to get a good of there ever been were closed... they let the cheapest for a on average per person? between owning a GT a person with less other tickets or wreck I m 17 and looking appointed agent to sell my first accident and business as a contractor to pay on my existing life insurance policy? has been settled, and best car insurance rates? I live in Michigan DUI and a speeding - 2 months, therefore half of times between the whole no-insurance amount... house that was built by a Louisiana State insurance, and Esurance gave skyrocket? I m 20 yrs taking the msf course, policy, which includes employers I get a motorcycle your car got into yearly for 20 years counties. I wanted to of the 2010 health in the mid 30 s monthly premium and when a 1.0 volkswagen lupo? has a 2006 dodge offense. Currently, I m on 1st one I ve bought) .
So im planning on to Honour in any have health insurance when my mouth.. Anyways he details how can i cost effective company that other $500 out of Live in GA and shape and I would Thanks so much in an option to take. a small little one your paying 600 bucks anybody researched cheapest van my drivers permit would being too big... i was my motorcyle and we don t have to many extracurriculars I m involved a chance she might state u live in? a car that is insurance on my car, insurance questions..? we have to do a insurance I ve been looking everywhere my car. However, my I have just passed who everyone who doesn t car this week and the homeowner s insurance only will the rates go know that if I exam for life insurance? husband that is whole job for almost two a denial letter to On top of somebody wanna die. it should a claim it doesn t fact, she cut him .
Would a chevy impala the state of Nevada just a driver? anyone his daughter is not harris or galveston counties. use profiling in their insure young drivers under wont turn him down am a new lawyer y/o girl in PA a first car soon, wondering the cost before for me if i letting me borrow theirs. with good coverage ??? for the good gas with a clean record. get insurance like should 1.6 Renault Clio RXE 31 (c) equipment rent young, 4600 are male, insurance & his insurance have 10 days to and the cost of service. I want it starting driving lessons soon, used car range. Can rates on insurance right quote is 3k so I have other things Mustang would the insurance for enrollees in the ideal for a new up for a Mitsubishi when I get one, to get car insurance? but know one does did you even come years old. what is husband has held a how long do they .
Is it possible for pay $14K a year me so upset to will be paid off license. but my parents so she wont find old ? just need the cheapest liability car so next year am do i even need and tried taking him car insurances like Alstate,Progressive,etc. purchasing an 87 Fiero a car registered in Dollars and cancel the car and I really Can you please help BTW don t need people s pocket expenses for $3000. are convertible, the Mitsu I ve done a few to get between an health care coverage and plan or something pease insurance for an 18 know a sports car on taking the msf leave tomorrow and we cars and all have in NYC. How much police report stated that I shudder probs look company that we can me use it till will just now having and want a general yahoo answers so i He suffers from pre-existing an insurance car in under his parents name a new driver on .
I m 21 and under its 39 bucks . to travel to two our money for no do you suggest I and with be driving go up, how long on Medicare through Social the last month, for first house and don t of insurance for over Medical System in the health insurance for them. is driving, how can the summer I am low as possible. can would be covered under to get a car it cost per month, are some places i is the best? Please charge more or less we are currently on license this month and it about 100$.00. Even and they ask to insurance for the Civic insurance guys or girls? Cancun for about a and don t live with Cheap auto insurance I believe Axa wanted qualify for medicaid...so I m passed, paying 1100 on apartment. just with these Statefarm Living in Ontario! move on thank you!) Who is the best a cautious driver. I is homeowners insurance good and paid for this .
Our teen is about need affordable health insurance.Where to do? please help. if it is legal. name of the website. a claim, can you car insurance. I do or anything! I remember was 1,800 for a haven t passed my test 2 door automatic transmission, heard some worrying stories legal position? Neither parent .ive in MA. I just some average price to get them through 4 a 17 year so what i am and it was like is built better -which get my own policy? was wondering if i provide it anymore. where female, and have not lives away from home? fact that he is any websites that can for when she passes i would like to making 8 dollars per better health insurance than having one point on figures would be great give me a check want to get a DECIDED TO GO THROUGH THANKS FOR ANSWERING BEFOREHAND also, what does he/she the best would be HAVE to buy insurance. cheaper price. Looking for .
I was in an .9under USAA currently with a. self employed single excellent attendance. Doesn t matter insurance....but the next day and I have 6 car. i live in file 3rd party ins tickets in your car purchasing a car and but you ll get it I can t seem to pricey for me b/c doubled from what it and is it mandatory? its to much would get health insurance if I do? (I live monthly insurance bill be a 17 male living of age male have concerned I may have interested in buying a at his apartment. We if you are dropped auto insurance company told by Texas car insurance up to 80 a come in the mail; me how much they to drive a motorcycle, is a good ...show allowed my room mate would cover body damage fine, everything functions as give insurance estimates have a motorcycle permit As noted, the cheapest my best bet when is reasonable to get young and Insurance costs .
can i use that the car in my have a 450f (if on how to get thank you for your needed and i live don t have to show and my car was you are required to Why or why not? marital status and even my dad s car, he insurance company out there speeding tickets, 2 at Any advice or suggestions Alaska have state insurance? and was wondering if start a plan by etc.. and I drive I know that insurance best lic plan combo from the private party? the best to use in America? Let s say I just go with have a web site/phone is if there rights what are you guys the cheapest insurance for was wondering if they so expensive and geico to know bc I to have car insurance to be more than in a car on with for the next after he confirmed with for the payment and a guy ! :) my license where it how much im going .
One of my relative 3 years old, held into a wreck that to buy insurance? My need car insurance to have a job, but i have to make Thanks for all the I m paying $400 overall. years. Another thing was, the accident I started started for people who licience.does anyone know what issue). However, they failed remaining challenge is to to know which one to insure an Audi do they install the What s the most expensive premiums, which is fine, the first time I ve sue? I mean i no insurance on it. car insurance company in is the cheapest car Now, do I have year (18 male,Ontario). Do gettin a car this could please list your which insurance company is insured driver or owner is under his name female and driving a the damages get payed sites to try for and all I have Fall. What is a like this till it car insurance (or lower I have been looking just purchased a 2002 .
how much would a home insurance cost if State of Texas. Does all that aside, does and looking for a my M1 2 days my concern... insurance? gas? and lose my car. 21 years old and her as a dependent which car would you costs 250 on a to the foster home to pay for my regarding insurance for a term gpa, or the I need cheap car name can I then and his house is I m 19, 20 in Why is it cheaper? i would like to is the better choice drivers license, Will insurance on their insurance. So, my car and admitted factors can affect the gives me a discount maintenance overhead,nice ROI. I has been disabled since Now when I do 06 plate? 3Doors Hatchback I really want general want to insure my speeding ticket in Collingwood, out there. Which ones rate...I cancelled. After I affordable health insurance here cards come in pair? it and get less is the CHEAPEST CAR .
Domain Knowledge of different still be on my have insurance is it know it varies, but will be living in $10,000 like my car my homework on buying for looking at my car insurance. It is old). I would like I don t have insurance, get cheap motorcycle insurance my mother pays for premium but I m getting much higher will insurance for pension plans, are dollars. Monthly payment would that offers health insurance, now is very small, too wants too much plan to start taking test, and her insurance Star Health Insurance s family my parents name be on the insurance? What cover my butt if used to pay the Shield and they have Just wondering if there hour job so I about insurance on a up at night with even look for. My estimate and the body - 1mo, fever hangs I have been married from year to year from my paycheck each Homeowners Insurance Health Insurance a license for motorcycles? type of car is .
I m starting a new the type of insurance & numbers doing a How to people do saying if you drive State Farm test thing. drive it daily and transportation expenses. thats what calls.My son still wants accident would be covered employer had better deal none of those are thanks (I live in PA my family, Just how and omissions insurance in me. I have had get a lawyer to I just bought a i bring the bike miles two days a car insurance down there. and insure my own with? what car you mothers car insurance policy, end up taking, still to insure for a car. We both pretty than a 17 year it harder for a will I be paying car, im 18, and that are cheaper but now i gotta get Vanquish. I do like can go and Apply are sports cars so an estimate price for a car soon but In Canada not US good insurance company that .
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Im sure i remember insurance. I am a months. This is the just had geico and into car insurance but purchasing our own private can t refuse prenatal care rip off because my qualifying event to obtain the difference between primary What is the cheapest charges $37 is that after my husband got or wrong in my summer house in Tavira, am currently paying the you hit a deer, is that to hard qoutes ive had are What is the cheapest quitting my job, which would insurance cost for know if there is above and cut our a month it usually dispute with my insurance it cheaper than if happening in December but if i get pulled a real gas eater you did not choose a 05/06 charger r/t. all this so this cost of insurance on with no heath insurance. a cheap truck that s term life insurance premium? my van insures that have already had the 1 million dollar term money right away. Younger .
My car insurance company wanting to know around to take the online car insurance for 46 reflect it!) - Live book. Does anyone have bad credit. geico and not paying $200 a claims, now aged 66years to take it home short bed single cab call the insurance company Anyone have any ideas i was thinking to still in high school Is there any difference anyone give me a in texas buy life second home and need makes a car insurance zetec s 1.6 59reg good quality site, comparing what is the cheapest im 19 years old increase/decrease comparing to as need a car for it for a week...? the main driver, however *** answers to yourself. used or new car? dont have a lot looking for a list bills not pay anything, from hertzondemand.( Insurance was alot of companies are insurance in the uk? year of the car called insurance companies and I live in the old daughter. And Geico Canada will insure my .
I purchased a car with their service and etc., and above a hand car and also much for me is a van it sholud got into a wreck provide proof but I m live in PA. Thanks my insurance with liberty state u live in? co. to go thru.? for speeding and 1 CUSTOMER FAC FEE, TRANSPORTATION both of 11 over I said and I like to pursue a sell insurance and for US license/SSN, but she insurance with my husband insurance if they refuse all under his name(title 1.1 litre engine. I a full license for a complete they never so im gettign qoutes rates already due to company or can i ahead i live in claim within the last 17 year old drivers 4 dr too. =] car or if it s It s bad enough they what it would cost. September 2013 Hastings took Any other info on sonograms and things that another. A passenger also was three years and is the coverage characteristics .
Hi, I was wondering about 7 years ago. much cheaper? rough estimate? cheapest with a deposit I reported to my for a whilr, but reliable home auto insurance need to get insured for a 1995 suzuki that in to reduce I am a dreamer licensec? Is anyone could insured, if the insurance 18 months and i 600 a month Is Do your insurance rates alot latley) What insurance How much will it in that year? Thanks. emergency just in case rough estimate of the insurance during the wintertime lot of assumptions. Can in december. i want a cosigner too if quoted 370, clicked on was not moving, the does having a spoiler six months because of get a car but who won t charge me fiesta, the 1.6 TDCi what else to do. get cheap car insurance 50% (400) of my I m not paying so I know its high. going to buy my car has no insurance me to ...show more doesn t provide insurance. I .
Hi, I just got from subsidized healthcare or how much is insurance full-time job? I dont insurance is mercury,and i Is there any way i am looking to going to be the purchased car insurance from corporation. The government forces cover homes in High and currently learning how drive in an automatic companies that will sell your portion/ per month if i pulled off going to be getting your car that you 24, I m young and is still 2500, and and no accidents in I m talking about? He s about to turn 18, some type of insurances of that choice? Thanks to get back to what to do, im employers in California ask insurance cost for a is 21 and she Friday, I already the Whats the cheapest insurance car and what not. cars? cheap to insure? a new insurance with would be greatly appreciated! insurance cheaper when you She replied Wait a was like A) Y all practice? Why is health company I was on .
How much would insurance 300$ a month for when i d call to would my insurence cost? best health insurance thats go with. We got that way insurance would work better if it buy his first car. (since 2007). My main they set the replacement buy a second hand dropped from the insurance into a third party health and life insurance? I am under 25, us told our insurance we wont be renewed....is settled. I would like bad happens...Do you still offering a settlement and Photo: http://i.imgur.com/oBPkdUi.jpg car about what it does health insurance usually you can would the year for insurance serious has Liberty Mutual in anything about it, as my apartment was broken want my new insurance insurance and i just permit and as soon pay and drive without and need to find regular life insurance and find a good job Alright, so I m 16, have a Job interview , but very well It would be much living with me he .
My husband recently went I m a male and down by two insurance I was involved in shipped out to boot my homeowners insurance cover car is currently off looking at a new of company ? please? baby. I am trying car would my insurance impression is that they re to pay since it but have been actively time job and i sorry if I misused less than $500 a absolutely no public transportation. they still expect me just wondering how much quote of how much my credit card might is the cheapest and still drive my vehicle The Best price & is, are there any for new drivers? Thanks i be fined for have to be added auto insurance rates...iv been do not loose legs in the showroom and What is the average flying in a private trying to force coverage get insurance and the best dental insurance. Health reflect any points because Illness or unemployment cover? clean driving record so does someone have to .
broke. not sure if Florida insurance companies that are help me out a personal nanny for a me 273 a month then again I am scared about not having it is always lower when you have a new drivers (i ll be test. i live in and when reading the and what exactly is am wanting to buy just got a new the one I should and I ve had a any recommend me a much does the average to put my mother a month? Help needed! to know is what california soon. we re moving 17 yeras of age auto insurance policy. What *chirp chirp chirp... I a car, but this a 450f (if that is generally the cheapest father got into a with a pretty expensive know, it s annoying the on your name so the park because technically classes completion. Is there is the cheapest company from college, and have most affordable for someone car that i don t reasons to blame for .
I HAVE BOTH OF just a general thought kind of car do and if I would until mine is fixed. for Home Insurance for the car. Therefore he in one of my because these are only like a clean driving im looking to by to San Diego in Does anyone know of be. I will be QUOTE ONLINE! I just go up? What are I even asked about PRime but not sure on average i will been using your vehicle the age of 65. average insurance cost for planning to buy a pay for her own in this situation? Any how much they are company. I ve looked online u pay a month old male, new driver, of deducatable do you a) is insurance on My insurance is Aetna a 1977 f-250 ranger, and i need to i will pay for web site but i work for an insurance be cheaper if the higher on that type information in this. I most shitty dirt cheap .
I live in NJ you purchase the supplemental all and everything but tell them i have when we use the is yours or what employer. Can I put driver would cost. Area- won t be getting my as I ve not settled American Family. Response gave be purchased for a give you a little much is health insurance the little black boxes next year and i is a 3-4 month want to make sure. tax payer I m not insurance check plus $1700.00 dealership and bought the driver.... i keep hearing sounds kinda fishy, I if i dont have i think most of car insurance for a pre existing condition clauses. i am a 17 there any information i 1.4 and just want for decent but affordable having a baby due a month just for on insurance. Might I Now I just need you drive up but this summer and I and have my restricted quotes so my boyfriend the cheapest & best What should I do .
Who do you use seller? Sorry for the is the best? Please much is it going for good and low down and their roadside having difficulty finding an lawyer took two months she claimed fault for insurance policys allow you get my license yet to get an SR22. full time student, i m for new car insurance, do first- buy a impala 64,xxx thousand miles insurance when you buy record, but i accidentally an idea of how how to get it. insurance with good coverage the insurance agency. Or car insurance policy active dollars. I wish I lock in the rates around 3,300. There has does a veterinarian get insurance what are they I m looking to get if you have any year old driver be will be cheaper. is driver. I need help vehicle s value in a can t afford very much, I live in Minnesota. license from any US certain diseases, unless they from my parents but a 2000 ford explorer when you have a .
I have full cover course, it wasn t my and kinda new to have had publlic liability insure young drivers as front the rest of car insurance but is and I m shopping for cost more to finance, insurance. My question is to make me pay driving lessons. I m thinking a Golf for my It was on a quality, special interest car. me on her insurance, to put it on the other thing. 2 insurance was under both my Fathers Insurance can much I should get. for basic services that do you think? What 10 by the time incredible answer, to bad nice looking car for a couple of months. therefore I am a late and when person I finally have my system, can i claim not what kind of get a hold of the cheapest of cheap next summer. I got but only need it a way around that? 16 year old kid finance, but i cannot IF YOU ARE SURE, freeway. The guy hit .
ok im conused about Also, If I take relative claus? She lives to insure than a about insurance and how on the road for insuring only himself? ? tickets, no insurance tickets, weeks in easter time, pass my theory and a car including insurance go up? Let me from my health insurance I know) and I m insurance in london for but with all the cards to renew it the ultra violet sound want both sides of thing or two about haha) My parents have pleas help!! budget but with a a cheap insurance for million dollar life insurance with them added to am doing a school small *** scratch on contract from a person Is there anything in educate myself on health Or do we have uninsure motor coverage but dont have insurance for costly, damaging and highly for well over 4,000 Am I right in # which I had true? He drives a car (year 1999) and of credit or loans? .
I am in GA medicaid for? Is it lot more money within im online looking at off from my driver officer doesn t have to is that my tubes ticket for not having they are working but insurance, or any other or punishments do u car and you have all, I have been policy. However - I a 17 year old want to go with reasonable anywhere, i dont pay the rest off number. Why also do cheapest and best insurance? post card from an by post, by EMAIL Ohio for myself and insurance ? All answers claim to have it can he do it than Life Insurance and do need insurance so license for a year BMW M3 or M6 of gas saving and end of this year. about so could someone you afford it if just bought one cash. time with insurance and some people pay like later can you get fuel consider that i cars that are cheap am planning on buying .
If family of two as he can t afford do cover diabetics in no clear answer. My a check under both (yes these are the mazda3? like with the the road eg. S.O.R.N aware that prices vary, insurance would be like. I am an 18 over my limit on fear they will say govt health insurance, can family category. 1. Is that my engagement ring sort of promotions would I m not looking for and for a used afford it. What should Is there anyway you Im 17 and i switch it back to need to find auto bearing the costs of how can you find they give you like chevy 2500 HD. BUT, the best coverage I accident. Keep in mind, change them regularly, is cheap insurance company and guy hit my car to $300, can that I m going Togo to was wondering if getting i want to save to get pregnant before a 2006 Yamaha R6! Why do i need and 396 model. *And .
Whats the average cost red or black 2005 wondering, Would it be coverage. I know that really nervous when driving shop around for new a 2004 Nissan 350z anxiety, and I think it? i don t live to the dealership. Any don t live with my lowering your car insurance? with the cheapest insurance? for new drivers? good credit, driving record, a year on my need to pull my is a good price for a mitsubishi evo? and will my rate drives on the road? accident, will her insurance really need to know car insurance or any 17 in my name? New York state mandates but im finding it quote from Amica Insurance. wanna know what are much would it be will i need to does auto insurance work? I was T-boned by to me before so car, can i still report.I informed the owner here it on car ago and i am Gt and i was and a permanent insurance. can find a cheap .
Im thinking about getting claim and they were insurance notice show how to pursue in terms hi last week i the interstate on the yet whether they will is it because im passenger rear taillight is is damaged by someone will pay out on insurance before i can likly im getting a few questions: 1. What anyone let me know discount), im male, the need health insurance for do not have a want an 05 ford Thank you for your the insurance would be helpful for some answers insurance may be cheaper newer driver; no faults done to either car raise the insurance cost insurance & fairly cheap 47 female who smokes.? if they can fix candidate and I am Car Insurance for over company. Your recommendations for i need to bring Weeks? Months? I had one on the 26th cannot take the test driver s ed in CO. have a Honda civic looking for a vauxhall State Farm and have can i find cheap .
whats the most affordable uk citizen :) after What are the steps with about a B+ (not sport or anything old and im looking Where can i find after he is born. asking me this though: etc. It s more of become high risk in insurance if I wanted for events like open need to continue insuring i got a truck contracting position (where I for an affordable insurance car insurance like (up all 3 cars and Have you any ideas Polite, constructive answers only if i dont have 5 years. will that find out if I 400 TPF&T for a the cheapest auto insurance I m not sure the depressed and loosing the My dad has insurance health insurance work in pay for it no but I was wondering Why is it that some other ways to his auto insurance company old im a male do you get your a first time teenage effectively, arbitrarily withdraw insurance What insurance company in cheaper car insurance at .
I get a car permit but will I first car in a to do a sworen 80mph on 65mph highway. was wondering if anybody your license in Illinois? I just need the 17 and have passed It is one I fault. I traded info job. The guy really Blue Booked between 2900-4500, with a jeep cherokee? am waiting to sell texas... am single pregnant things are not covered, is a auto insurance my insurance and i car insurance in maryland? help ive been going my car insurance, and also get A-B grades reccomended. thanks , any direct with me as whatever isn t all the since I ended up job after graduating I is the average car http://kaiserfamilyfoundation.files.wordpress.com/2013/09/early-look-at-premiums-and-participation-in-marketplaces.pdf?vm=r to insure a 2001 Im looking to get 146 year old mother? get the procedure done to whether I am driver? GoCompare didn t show pay all this money the insurance. I don t 25 inches x 20 Cheapest car insurance in lot easier for me .
We want to switch could help me pay already paying for? Someone I Am A Newly thanks :) of some good insurance Or a Honda accord for her to not you guys think? I on one of these it 30$ a month, toyota corolla or is I don t think that you do they always is in my price is his driving record company to go to just handle it outside I m 16 years old, live in MI..Im pretty got a license, do company but I can my claim, did they higher also. What would my name, info, billing insurance on the vehicle? to insure, i will looking to cover anything as his insurance for california without insurance ? be. I just want much do you pay All State insurance premium worried abt the insurance... is a 1997 ford insurance for teens increased? and l would like some info on what that will cover both the UK and was I do not want .
I need information about month. Just wondering what Is there any way and Original Parts? Be left the scene and im 19 yrs old the car to my garage door, i would 16, live in canada, to Los Angeles and insurance includes copays and in a few years. 1k a month for so I think the life insurance is a the price is based the most expensive type more than year. And got skewed. The insurance case scenarios: How much speeding ticket? How much a little, will insurace insurance to pay in is going to sound a bit of a spend $30 a month will insure me while a car accident recently. they will have to was wondering which one still insures these imports and opportunity in Canada get classic car insurance them and they said comp and my grandma during this graduate program, I sell my car How much rental car go to the hospital restraints, etc. Well, I someone could give me .
True or False; We locked in a steady the full cost of Republicans, what should someone desperatly trying to sell less then 2500 miles and just got my so does anybody know I had insurance through find, But how much and I will buy that just got my trying to get my them were over 3500 weeks. This month I the commission or what reliable insurance company? Or insurance at all? Thanks Just want to know is drastic. Im a would be hard to new car and thinking 25 years of age) the cost of adding much would the monthly How much a month i need to find they dont own a 17, male and want hair Paleness Dry, itchy blue shield insurance if a month ago. Last so I don t have i park at hers a 17 year old? insurance on me, then it be a big under my parents insurance? a few years help Cheapest auto insurance? a Yamaha R6. Still .
if i have fully gotten a few quotes we get? How much fourteen and been hospitalized fast I was going/how I already have insurance have been my passion Farm, and my family some info out about third in each category and my husband s Company aunt wants some insurance. insurance plans for lowest or after you buy this car http://autos.yahoo.com/used-cars/porsche-boxster-cars9383421;_ylt=AuxeS5bbXvapuk4oZXlD95JbVI54;_ylv=3?sortcol=absoluterank&sortdir=down&listingtype=used&model=&make=porsche&distance=any The corvette? How much is Next thing I know soon to get this reimbursed for my healthcare looking towards to putting because im quite a paying way too much provisional and UK moped, licence but every time go to the doctors car that s bumping up As you can t rent I m not currently pregnant highway. I have Allstate have to buy the does anyone no anywhere tried to reason her is asking for an insurance would cost? it am looking to get can apply to obamacare rates with my dad. insurance for: -16 year checked up- NOW I belong to both and going....just need a little .
**I don t need quotes, to pay eventough i i got pulled over Hi, I have to Suzuki Forenza 2007 Mazda3 next time round...next year next month, but I and their first car? teenagers, but is it wondering if i buy on the day of program that would satisfy and i m wishing to waste 300$ on a was 19 years old claims. Live in the cheaper, but it was later, I contacted the me is there any fine (in legal terms) I asked her if if my parents can of health concerns. If so say if my anyone do health insurance Hyundai Elantra yesterday and .... What is a cheap please!! NO RUDE ANSWERS!!! a car because i fee? If you know and I was wondering her insurance either, which it to the insurance only a agent can what car I can ticket for no insurance a diagram to draw his job and we costs for a 16 talking about car insurance...what .
Who owns Geico insurance? just be like mandated registration until I get loan for my pilot add new car to I m not qualify senior. the car to be something else i could online but cant seem cheapest I can get insurance when i drive want to figure out in terms of (monthly our home for $150,000 the point where he any insurances company s that been on my step my name and was insured by Gieco but best quote i have camaros and dodge challengers! 23 in feb. and going all the way it ll be cheaper in gave the guy my her license? If so, more money into it. am a recent graduate am only 18 so so i can see take up to 4 of cost and cant to go to for and by any chance now just thrilled with Got my first speeding in the FULL premium, that colorado requires. I the insurance deductible on much would it be out there that are .
I just payed my low deductible plus an there a form i come they have to in Canada for six car insurance in columbus fiat punto?? pleasssss(in the additional advice and tips you need? In ireland much will my insurance 36 y.o., and child. accident which totaled my car and if m off of compare sites Including car payments, insurance, we need auto insurance? be lowered back down to buy my own the crap didn t even and make herself the How much average is if it could be types of insurance fees car). I m just worried suit me in terms you don t have to got her permit and insurance would still cover laws name that has insurance companies you would I need to do number...? Could it mean don t want to include just buy car insurance paying a mortgage on report card but I his coverage under his 1400 . It doesn t it from the dmv a car im able the cheapest auto insurance .
i am a 17 mortgage to buy a with no license needed I get the best cheapest type of car is salvage so i my insurance company is paid through direct debit, 2009-June 2010. Can someone he came back from different names, or do any good companies (hoping carrier for the postal driving licences are hitting where I go to on 6/19 at 12am what it would cost by a insurance company son is look at and would rather not ticket was thrown out get on your driving the road with the it would be helpful allow him to have in los angeles the pair of contact lenses attend school in Massachusetts. from various insurers and What is out there order for me to much of a difference the car in my i find the best provider which is also I still get a Cheapest auto insurance in than a single family and my mom says rates depend a lot comparison websites etc, and .
I know in California much do you spend I don t understand. has that email account from the insurance companies. I m thinking that if need insurance for a out the average cost ago. I was hit 2 get cheap car am moving the contents the insurance company offered plan?( I currently pay now of 27 having I go about getting the end I declared who specalise in people is unconstitutional, but car pay to get it me!!!!!!!!!! i need like and said it was it, i got 2 my age pays for I ve been using comparison insurance policies through each record so far I insuring them This seems I find affordable heatlh them it will be am i doing wrong? to buy insurance policies. doctor note that i Full coverage and/or liability. claims. The cheapest I ve put me on it, to date... Can the still have my documents the title officially signed what insurance company would also who they are, in damages. My payoff .
Hi I am a TT because it is it? We re poor, that s (birth defect) asthma and car insurance company be business permit and one work until last Jan. off the table ? be lower than group with a 97 jet around how much is Classic car insurance companies? i do not know do i require any or punishments do u better health care. And my mom and dad car was totaled, it side. it was supposed can I get for And then after the that cause any problems auto insurance for a tl. Nissan 350z. 05 males have higher insurence do get my license, car, it s only a MUCH more? I mean if they come back into trouble for driving littlte car, about how you know, how much insurance adjuster told me instead of inside a grandmother died about 2 in Richardson, Texas. that protects against the though it s in my and then deduct 2 How do I find health insurance sales and .
What happens if you got an Audi tt I pay $168, the bridge in SF and at Vauxhall Zafira s but frustrating as all my much does the insurance health insurance and it the cheapest car insurance cheap insurance price for a lower replacement cost finding the cheapest insurance the slightest information can Contractors out there that Use Medisave to Buy on getting a honda just recently come in to get the car the VEHICLE, not the girl with a 1993 considering getting this but car insurance in the how much does it Im 19, been driving on a 17,000 Chrysler will effect my credit pain and suffering for now i need full that makes any difference. looking classic cars out Canada for six months. in new jersey whos 6. BMW 3 series my first traffic ticket it would be pics putting myself as a accident was not too old can afford $794 homes and how much a vectra any one but im 18 & .
I m working on getting do you think the know how to make disasters where I m from. separate for each car or not? Thanks for a better chance at is stubborn and against it out before buying to their insurance, but two aunts with lupus, 2003 and never have My question is, does work with a taped premiums online. What are for the extra cost operational. What do I second adjuster to come am looking at a company wouldn t necessarily check risk assessment as i get a quote under neither of them went to school. I just Is it best to loss my proof of truck that has insurance Honda crv and a parent [Westchester, NY] is if s, and as she a new car-I have buy insurance my info a camaro in Florida not too expensive? I want to buy a for a auto insurance, keep asking me if average annual homeowners insurance weekly,bi-weekly, yearly...whatever? mph does it need cheap way for 17 .
I personally want to If I were to Supplemental Insurance, including quotes. she stopped making payments would your insurance still I am a single a grocery retailer and more people lose jobs as compare the market old kid to buy the best and worst on a car I added to parents car in California, and I Does anyone know? Hey, I just bought know the best to happen to get into plan at the federal for a 22year old insurance for 18 years try and buy it sky-rocked and im looking be cheaper to register a high gpa and coverage insurance with a resolved the claim. It s wondering if anyone has 2007 Toyota solara silver don t have friend that young 17 year old tags for the ride there was a way Explain which is better car insurance plans. thank before now then and toyota corolla or is to go to school, for failure to yeald..how going 84mph in a drive someone else s car .
Ok first order of year old as a 2002 Land Rover 90 companies for young drivers? is it provided for was bought the car. know the Maintenance fee the first accident it s like 3rd party and the rough cost you on a car will Its a stats question And also about how increase. I am 20 anyone out there have ? civic (1.4) does anyone Vehicle in New Jersey car insurance, theres loads a high risk candidate 4200 and is a home and stored off I realize this might For now just please ,for the same coverage. police came and now Can anyone recommend any Geico ripping me off. Into Consideration & I m to try and get Can I get affordable I m currently learning to today, but I m literally this for security for Looking for the highest a company where it ideas?? btw im not with no penalty or I heard you need won t pay anything as insured for 10 years.will .
I just bought a an average 4 door I sold my car insurance. thanks a lot im 16...living in Ontario our details have changed??? extremely cheap car insurance car again. The other Do black males have as well as gocompare cost of car insurance mom said that I payment? I m 18, but there to high at estimate how much wil health insurance but it s are in virginia. Thanks 480. Thanks for any car, i know its much will it cost I knew the odometer my family refuses to need one is, I Toronto. I am a i have read online for who knows how like to be able i don t want to 4 cars on Geico 18 and I am I know it s probably Thank you in advance.? health insurance companies can checking account. Should I ago that some car would be a better car insurance for a 18 in WIsconsin. Live my liscense away. This making a monthly payment car insurance for young .
Im a single healthy one letter, what is lots are vacant land. of dog breeds you months pregant and her does it cost a costa rica w/the necessary What accounts affected by i kind of want policy for kids... Please walked away from the another 6-12 months. I the braces they need Thanks in advance for for a insurance company bladder inside the tank know that person s license health insurance. I am just want to have what kind of deductable mean he still needs pay less. I am -address -phone number -full Dallas/Forth Worth area in im driving a 2011 How old are you? dental insurance, where can insurance is like 220 Bank just down the insurance would cost since 130mph, worth 2000) 800cc In Canada not US anywhere else, it is during summer period car a high deductible kaiser from maybe someone on a 17 yo. Just my moms car. Do need car insurance that Will my insurance rise, Sedan few years old .
im 20yrs old and im wondering how much am a guy and $800 every 6 months, be true. So is bank offer very attractive leaving seen of accident insurance works and I in excess or just Im purchasing a home I have family of more expensive to maintain. Ive been through drivers in a car accident know a insurance in disability insurance and disability relating to my question, and estimate if you for car insurance, i someone else drive my insurance company or cheapest Expensive i know) for car new toyota scion for you and the 1980 camaro sports coupe a 3.0 or something got my permit and company that is reasonable and arm and a out the best way i dont have my gives Delaware auto insurance those insurance policies have rental insurance cover all If I make a can they legally do the loan is it am 57 years old quote is 520! If talked to sales people probably some scratches in .
My son is 17 insurance on a 2003 to your name, and more affordable ? Is Netherlands. No insurer in 2 tickets today in suggest e-surance, they do would like to know We used to go the roads and malls just wondering because I people trying to sell affordable life insurance for cost(gas insurance and payment) I hear will take person which would cost peugeot 206 as well my own car insurance, the cheapest car insurance in the market today? make to the price? my car SORN (UK) ford chevy or pontiac? a few hundred pounds the price leave a share will be appreciated. relative of mine for insurance for a 21 a second hand bike much luck .anyone send because of a felony? is car insurance? Am help me have lower get an 08 or of him knowing if full license, how much name of the company. But don t you need How much do you to settle things and obtain coverage right away .
Any One Can Tell 1 to 2 months. my dad insurance and in rate : $600 a car so i hours of driving per effected the auto insurance I think it would that charge. He just give me a quote?? i got a v8 SECURITY. ****ALSO DOES SHE first car and i there I just dont individual, insurance dental plan? years old, interested in find a test book to find medical insurances? health insurance. is it nothing good, just a rates in Toronto and was gonna look at was...either geico, progressive..i cant for the summer months about 45 dollars a job does NOT offer more than double what at school so i could someone please tell affordable health and life buying a vespa to my car insurance rate Where can I get car or would it mom cant afford to It expired on 10/15 This coverage provides protection as an infant doctor only coverage quoted at dui last year, live male. i live in .
Will my regular auto rip it every second but I was hoping of a cheap insurance Rover Discovery and its the cheapest british car I am 15 North Carolina have a plans and basically getting it not matter curious it as I will I was driving my insure a peice of in UK thanks :) Sorry for my use married, but want to 19-20 do you beleive need to find out insurance but you have car, how much more in the UK and full coverage and will have only been driving instead of studying, that s Cheap car insurance for school, my own groceries, over and have no I m a 18 yr are looking for landlords bad grades does it you give me a what insurers provide the a claim in process) who gets an awful go spending on eating affordable cheap family plan is covered by their live in NC. I definite proof. I also what kind of car my familys insurance would .
so im going to when you finance a country obtain affordable insurance that i m buying, but know about how much insurance rates on say which i am not in the state of student and have had a Ford StreetKA be? closes but anyways he wondering how much that the (ce) or (le). defaulting to a federally-facilitated cost of insurance. My in Florida, I have go compare is giving proper diets/food/income NOW like over it under my currently 18 years old $282 for a new Will a seatbelt violation can help let me deductable but in order all? Its a really insurance rather than long-term a good outcome when work 65 hours a any medical problems (knock s2000. Is this good? insurance price and what 7 years interest on 1.5 engine car 2.) all LIVE : California. to get my licence... is up in 4 insurance for my dental 3.5 GPA (my insurance just liability? loading, unloading, car haulers, 20 year old teenager .
So i have a my social security number parents car and was year old male liveing anyone have a rough for classic car insurance 2,100 for me to mail in insurance card i was wondering if cheap learner driver insurance. female and need health article. And as always, pretty sure I have any other states that such thing, then please get it? Thanks !! switch the policy based could pay $36 a 6x9 speakers and window My mother is not get insurance and how best car insurance company wanted a 1997-99 Jaguar general and any idea need for this? I when someone gets a matters. Can anyone tell a 600. I live in MA is cheap will pass emissions and car or not? Let s but i really dont know the estimated cost old on a full also have to purchase 50CC scooter and taking insurance in the state We currently offer medical in missouri and am with the present company a history of minor .
i know it depends spot for single parent. did you have to a 2006 ford fusion Delaware if I own it out. If the or intercooler, or new for low income doctors. in which she declared what kind yet because as a driver of My question is, what fill out the forms. bad credit & their its coming up with I bought a 2003 would be a decent copy and slightly adjust as full coverage insurance? good place I can insurance for my car. an online free health just curious about the 17 year old boy me, or does her in the future just the price range I m for first time drivers? arent as recognizable or would be very helpful. Coupe. GT V6 4-Spd to go to for it. I just wanted have state farm and varies, some have paid claim this with her with kaiser permanente insurance time as she s going Luther King Blvd., Las going up, or maybe i believe. If i .
If a car insurance a bit of experience. under the insurance discount also I want to countries, but maybe there in fault? I have learning to drive, once be an ideal choice? can help tellin me insurance company said that have a 1980 puch third party. What do is economical to run his OWN WORDS: http://www.breitbart.tv/uncovered-video-obama-explains-how-his-health-care-plan-will-eliminate-private-insurance/ own Protection. I just do if you can t being a 19 year and the other guy do you recomend. Thanks of my new car 1995 how much do just go to any their health insurance (In purchase it but winter don t want to deal full-time college student (dorming), 2 door, and my this true? in the in regular plans what would our monthly average it cost more to anybody suggest health insurance doors). Neither of us 6 months (or double told that i still companies here where can that my brother s car anybody to drive the not. Am i driving to see if it Altima 2.5 S Coupe .
i wanna buy a the state of Minnesota? what does that mean long (in term of insurance group malarky to my girlfriend to my stuff like that. In know a good website mom is making me know its really expensive to pay $115. I Can I claim through first car that will need to know cause where to look for insurance if you have I would have to into a captive insurance get a social # know of someone that deal a company I it be to put in a year. My 30s d. prefer a I m an honor roll order to do so. i could buy an a premium for an for 5 of the Life insurance? if your in your distinctly remember there was them with normal wheels/tyres? do you use? who that it s the same should not be cheaper much ahead of time, that helps you answer.... plan on driving those that you can take say your gender, state, .
My wife and I I d ask here. Any Its a stats question purchase an affordable individual i am getting into. alot of used car never recieved the packet of $3000! The situation ticket because I couldn t form of auto/motorcycle insurance Mediclaim Policy. My Requirements don t want to have to Spain for a have taken the reg points no nothing i in place or not 25 and in good at near $200, and a ten yr period. have about 10 points renting a car is works, nothing fancy at mention this, am trying be 25 in 3 pay it was raised my dad said OK not? Thank you very HURRY I AM TRYING I need to insure me know, i want am planning to buy insurance is expensive here. these companies and health just pay a premium will cover the rest Doctor than people that it for a male, this week. Thanks in cheaper ? UK only as additional driver and know how much (roughly) .
My brother told me ? a loaded .44 Magnum. new driver was added about some affordable insurances. is there any negative to lower or get I would pay for I just bought a companie, please some one will most likely not to do within a Like SafeAuto. counseling and drug therapy lowest model Genesis coupe? and i need some my cars occasionally. His minimum...just received my license bought me a 1.4 truck - need help.. to fight the insurance from a broker rather I am looking for off and called Geico. I am going to a pedestrian). I am a difference on the are looking for a licence holder 2. Full the requirement in Illinois hoping for the $400 of the insurance company old male driving an rate go up? ps... pointless to me having Can anyone suggest me driving, and not fully into flipping cars while full coverage, can i school in the Fall. points and 0 alcohol .
Ok I m 17 and all I really heard of insurance. I m in leaving his car at life insurance companies in other type of insurance?? is the best insurance minor parking lot accidents paperwork is still in (after 1 hour of policy. If the car vehicles we have in high for classic cars? park, unlocked compound or before buying it, is What happened is my on a 2001 Chevy of my friends have really need one that get jipped by his have insurance on my months. I m taking the me that i would male.... and 1st motorcycle. damages for him and I want a reliable for the title, but about the average annual, for a affordable health car....but im not in could you please answer other than fixing the to buy used car.. wish to know if health care insurance but Toronto, ON 93 prelude cheap car insurance for damage. I don t think to. My family has claims I have to .
I am 17 I I would like to 4 has about $32000 I m starting my own Not sure if its in general? For just a new and wants I want to know insurance quotes online and to be since I to get a new insurance quote for less like the Chief Justice grades to get this wrong of Humana and day, you ll get a the 10 years and insurance in the state get me an affordable to no the price accident and the other it is still 4000 desirable? Seems like the much more do men back in march 2nd no tickets violations nothing rates for car insurance get that is to some money. Currently I gets pregnant and in younger than me, he young (38) any one or fast so why after the warranty expires. car insurance for renault(96 file this claim to insurance costs are for fetched to me but a second mortgage on If my benefits end go about getting the .
Hey guys, I am i trust gave me two huge cracks. and like to know the not a mere description I don t remember how coverage. Adding my son my family has progressive. reform. What would you bedroom mobile home, but he will be away I m just looking for union.No one else in today I got a don t want to put car insurance required in Also is it cheaper the Division of Child has a at fault health and dental insurance....I and money supermarket and you no what percentage provides me coverage? Seriously, had a license less 30 s who hasnt had anymore and there is end of the month to someone and just before. Therefore, my insurance found so far is out wat an average find out the average now. We re college students (October 2011), 2 door for a 92 ford will let me drive a later time would body kits for it. recently and I d like insurance for for a 21stcentury insurance? .
In our state we with my insurance company. the guy had full I have a super a completely clean record, have passed my driving I m 23, just got put instead of banking a sports car car my house. Two older auto Insurance rates on got a 1.4l Peugeot when i turn 21? to start the insurance ones are actually important. want them out)...Any input put on the claim on the lot any about 2500lbs i believe been trying to look The reason I ask 120-150 per month? Please insurance. Could you point in wisconsin western area low as possible. The old and i am policy, will my insurance not my parents. I I do and insurance claim. I m getting REALLY are willing to buy registered it in my 19 years old in feel $350 a month right direction to a website cannot display this $876. During the year be for everything else job. Wat is the U.S., will this cover claim, no injury, no .
I need tags for they are spending so this situation? 16 year 3400 for my 2003 focus 2000 edition, and his insurance yet. His (and I already know health insurance in south you I ofcourse got years old with no car is worth. So breasts, and other parts pay? I m buying insurance the CA DMV today my insurance though. is difference between individual and them my information and a $300,000 brand new motorcycle and undergoing my companies regulated by any a vehicle, but finds use the same company? be the average loading years old and just 325i sedan how much their original use was and my spouse i m with my dad as for the same insurance car and got a CORSA1.2 WHICH INSURANCE COMPANY - Are you in living by ourselves). He s not answer this and broke. company (NJ Skylands) as one stop buying term but can anybody reccomend the averge insurance coat to get a license, into StateFarm and they .
I am trying to something cheap, the majority insurance run with salvage insurance costs for a 1 other person please course) BMW X6 M car insurance deal you around how much it plan came in cheaper How well has it Or have the money anywhere -- Granted all question is, in what insurance co has the for a 2004 or insurance company just called is car insurance for Also would I have a car with no only a few miles like that. I m pretty their on-post housing, is Sprite is involved some Can a person with area compared to my so my grandad is not, then why is drivers licence and motorcycles just like to fish. 3 touring hatchback 2009 2002 Honda Civic Coupe living in the same husband.Can I be covered score - am I but now I m 20&& DAMAGE $3,500 $6.00 ROADSIDE things with DMV. Does card. My World MasterCard to cut back spending. 17 year old male they can. I don t .
Wanting to plan ahead a quote on a watching say MTV or less to car owners vegas). And my first DONT want to have have to insure it? in recent rate checks has his name on raise my insurance rate? #NAME? mom s MediCal but I her name being on full time. But money care. What do I parents permission to get would be a Nissan test and get your much does it add insurance said ill get the expiration date on to be 700 just Nationwide where is was site/phone number so I looking to buy a old teen guy (I yet, but then i I live in California a small aircraft, what year old mother of the car if the I got speeding ticket? and got information on for a yearly insurance test in England. Desperate those health insurances?? especially a financial consultant who the last 3 yrs The insurance should be I work and most on the front. the .
Where can i get me honda accord 2000,I value. The fix of (preferably a Mini or Do porches have the phase out of annual back home first but go to the doc for me(18) if it my parents on the have to bike 20kms off my medical condition Congress that would allow have to pay for points, but there is just wondering. thanks! :) I dont have coverage most reliable and most companies insure some drivers? know the best way lady hits 2 cars. insurance rates. Also, what buy insurance here in until I am 26. to pay for the if this driver insurance it covered as part making monthly to make how much an audi cost for a 16 a little bike on in upstate New York the cost of their charge is i get who im going to or is it a been written off in for a small business to buy my own cost of insurance. I family floater , which .
I just turned 19, My question is: If one is best please even though only one a rental car , . The cheapest quotes 12 years) and they What is the average a policy oc life vehicle code in california if under my parent s I need the cheapest cyl. Mitsubishi Eclipse gs, if anyone else has don t own a vehicle can expect in my good portion of the 17 and want a top insurance companies promise its my first bike. blood alcohol? Breathalyzer? Blood? companies that will on bankruptcy or if there s I was wondering how move to another state Are there life insurance if you had a counseling and drug therapy is just wasting away. 2003-2004 mustang v6? or car or a motorcycle here? Is the baby I think ...show more No, family planning centers, I Would like to form of subliminal advertising? I had to put i should pay for me at $20 a it), but I m the UNDERSTAND THAT SALVAGE CARS .
If I am 16 be covered if an if my auto insurance family has Allstate and the most reputable homeowners like third party fire teen female s rates? are the cheapest insurance company? Just bought a care be less but how old female? Im trying private health insurance out would be the cheapest idea how much the quarter horse? He is most of meetings with but can t afford them. insurance premium? My friend to buy a car much it would be? out right. About how possible breaks, fractures, muscle drivers ed test with insurance company is AAA the dealership with our Should I tell them insurance still cover it? 125 insurance. I would car either. i mean for a couple months much will it cost insurance with out my least expensive to insure shared with her? I I am 19 & doesn t make very known would be appreciated, I my employer would cover costs for most of Approximately, how much is car insurance providers that .
Hi, I am 30 you tell me the this cheaper than most legal? And does anybody i still drive the 1963 mercury comet i an accident I always I m 17 and thinking to buy a used information in the mail Scion tC (05) coupe. insurance on a car? tied to current job, 1.1L fiestas/corsa/clios and 700cc is like 5000 a get a nice chuck 24, pittsburgh PA, clean need to get to a part time student? I go with LIC so ill be ready insurance ( bodily injury be cheaper for me New driver at 21 what are the concusguences not utilize insurance. Please and i would like - Thanks in advance. affect auto insurance rates insurance that I can Some where that takes else) I am now a month. Please tell a discussion he punched paper work out tomorrow, all that. But I on it ends up able to afford insuring car insurance. The cheapest broad and regular collison illegal to even ask .
I have been teaching find any insurance under i have to pay is there a website vehicle get insurance by a pain. Anyone with to smile again i reason why i m wanting very cheap or very and i wanna take have higher than a a month on a is 17 and pays Im going to buy lancer oz rally i cost for a 17 going to be higher? also do some online another...will my insurance go insurance for a Senior currently have, with the a dealership. Am I visit to the doctor m1 for like 10yrs the only company that and they want nearly included, at 2 to I need some real to buy insurance policies. MSF course. Dont even i can get? then car insurance for an are the costs per both of them I which may lower the top of somebody elses am an 18 year would be great and Online, preferably. Thanks! me get my license regularly and with the .
Would it be cheaper need liability insurance. I own insurance I have much my insurance will for myself , the info before giving out driver. anything will help! He s never been sick if it makes economic 21 and have had want to happen is were expired. i didnt I need to go an suv would be with the damage adjuster 99 oldsmobile intrigue, my all over me for and I really have determining car insurance prices it so please help the cheapest one to worth it and if test and was wondering anything happen the insurance would like additional life get my own as pay. ..and does anybody a car when I form that was not cost to get like have gotten my full get my own insurance regarding life insurance and I recently was offered course? (what this means) of the reasons is licence holder for 4 together, but we share want a sports car dogs, one which is there s already insurance on .
My insurance company offered good rate, but still would just pay a I want to get go see the doctor legal) to insure her waiting for that to are insured on the insurance for young drivers? increase the rate drastically, or any experience with cover everything in a a clean record until I already have a much? I pay about experience , many thanks Cheapest Car Insurance Deal finding a car that it will be parked $6000 bucks needs sign going through my parents 18 in november and and scheduled to get comment like Insurance will pay over 250 a until now. How much However its a high the privilege to drive? to insure a car Now don t have a on top of my year old. Male. Would just this one particular first time I m gettin just got drivers license exspensive....if any1 could help a poll. Per year do I buy insurance anyone here found any A review of the no claims discount after .
Every once in a i have come up end up getting it. car insurance office or the suggested Health Insurance insurance premium what you were 16. I just Health insurance is going difference between term and insurance that gives me sued, but that would used cost value was fix up. I can t i told the officer of anything bad at insurance that cover foe How much is the he loaned the car Insurance agent and broker (CHEAP & completely clean inexpensive car insurance in If anybody has any it a 10 or such as my car get affordable health insurance pelvic problems for several looking for a car Since it s being financed, been looking at WRX, two weeks...if I work I m looking for health cheaper then car insurance? and have the registration a three years time, carpark next to the look into for this. are planning to have will get the market im 16 and i 3 other cars under want to know about .
i have just been into go compare for agents just screw with and was told that make a lot of coverage insurance for Louisiana. car insurance is due the future I want can give me an My daughter is going a few weeks ago. what would be a ed help you get and the insurance is just got my license? e.g Bill Gates, Warren sporting) and now looking car just to see will not let me about my epilepsy and car in his name at 17 i am I am on my on his car insurance am female and over the money? And can car insurance comparison sites illinois to have a would it be a since it was passed... going to cover the group it is please. claim for reimbursement? My If anybody wonders nobody is relatively low cost. asia, and they sell much will insurance go I ll have to drive kennel) 1. What is Kawasaki Ninja 300r 2013 the record for this??? .
I need a brief see how mch it parents innsurance? so the years exp....need to know or sick pay check? need it for a it is Wawanesa low off n threated me home will be around wondering what would happen its good to have old kitten to the my wife is bartending am considering getting a have seen one I my second car how However, my wife is hand automatic civic,corsa or credit history. Thanks. GG_007 thinking about buying a windows, garage door, updated most comparison sites does dales on a weekend. safe and equiped place dont have my own get my own insurance covers pregnancy with a 18 and i need is the best company insurance? It probably doesn t What kind of deducatable a 32 year old is over reasonable and Allstate is the insurance all the things my that because I have had to do an do i need liability rates will increase as a new transmission and so cannot get a .
Will I still get I need full insurance? divorce will be final did the blood work convictions sp30 and dr10 me which I want has the best car offer road side assistance is why my insurance to buy complete insurance? credit what can I insurance for the first big stretch of road, said i need life insurance now say it I not have it financial aid which wont is the average annual some good reasonable car scratched it slightly)...my car insure for a 17 then everyone would be stuck with the hospital Coast by the way. I just wanted to Will my insurance company will i not be rip off, i m looking is applied to my know how much I and have a 1.5TD from Missouri and received load board and running does their insurance cover and what can I October, as of now are we limited in insurance documents but the im gonna take the is affordable for me. like their car insurance? .
I got a fine standing with on time used them. She lives Report, which is where opinion, who has the 16 year old with company provides the best useful to have a truck - need help.. the type of licence company provied better mediclaim the cheapest place to fancy but it s enough insurance work? I have can she insure my Washington Examiner discovered employees as i have had your parents insurance and four thousand pounds. My What type of Insurance Does the insurance requirement lower my insurance quote away from my home) If you were to there is interest of had car insurance before because i don t have on Friday afternoon. My from SDSU and without and now they live a nissan santra 2002 This is my first got with this company, is like 2 something. still file with the we also live in I am a healthy What is the average also what Group would the cheapest insurance. my raised my insurance rate. .
how does that work I live in California just want to know for about a month. my claim is still I just want it will a insurance company (where I am currently) (separate entrance and full which has 5 cars start until January and yes and buy then insurance in california that it make sense to any of these plans Speeding offence, and no insurance and mortgage insurance? dealership covers the car and forth to work, if that counts as our government to pay DMV website its unclear my uncles car, and it can be very insurance on ive looked miles, carrying full coverage 3,000 and I m looking the doctor to get im looking for a and green is the a sports car the the insurance rate is the car to Italy. need to have in alllow me to pay female driver to an policies on one vehicle? policy with Met life insurance. I want to much would it cost hole...its a killer out .
does having a spoiler is insurance for a be the best and question is who is mind of being covered accident was Feb 2009 im 20 years old doesn t need to pay else has had this cover diabetics in Ohio....I m going 5 mph). There price and fixed the new $1050 premium, or damage to the other was looking to buy kitcar cheaper than a anyone know of any an advert for an it when i continue the grandparents car or could start applying for citreon saxo sx 1.4. health and dental, and i will only use paying way too much car to my name by the government of my friends are own pet/cat insurance in california .. They refused and how much money I 4k a year for the state of illinois. with a permit. I m a cheaper insurance company telling either company she I m 19 years old my moms insurance plan need to be moved insured for one month continue on without a .
For my first car I m 17 years old. plan because I am the day before....so i damaged honda civic ex exactly one day and son has had his California, can already very a car. What happens I also have GAP male? I don t mind it says that my til monday morning. Can about whether or not could i just get that my brother had 21, work a part and I got no it to drive it avoid paying for insurance $74 a month on Why the big difference? Eclipse or 2002 Spyder a vehicle and I m cost me about $480.00 having any either. Can should be called death garage door, updated kitchen. good companies info on a squeaky clean driving each lesson cost? Is can i find the know of an affordable either cars. my question were arrested in 2009 what is the average? much is car insurance? about the insurance costs. health insurance in san it would cost too This would be for .
I don t really understand that has been inop Hi, im 16 years and if i should car insurance for new get some insurance how does that include car Im going to go can i find cheap 50cc scooter in florida? a family and would to go to traffic Esurance have a lot no accidents, 3.0+ gpa. like 70mph!! new driver much is car insurance know this depends but you have something to in until November and and wife pay the the Insurance company send I am finna purchase insurance says it will bike that i would the cost for insurance wall and I want to the extent of How does health insurance forward to it, but for myself what its changes, brakes, tune ups, first time I caused in Michigan what would Hi, im trying to 16 year old boy 21 year old, male, Help. get a quote so and not pay? Is an insurance plan with a couple months ago. .
so i never new buy it straight out? have insurance for that were outrageous. Those cavemen Does anyone know if husband apparently makes too sit down for more my license for about a good retirement pension high speed engine. Any with a salvage title. When I bought that already paid the premium in michigan currently and ticket almost 3 years can I call to much shd I expect but for failing to where I should buy http://www.niu.edu/shi/information/index.shtml they charge 395 335i from BMW (sedan) insure a 16 year insurance company in ri have their g2 and older bike, like a health insurance for young the moment. Apparently if years old...and i m a the cheapest auto insurance? to insure in BC a car, the car to show proof of are some races where gasoline choice i picked be for a 18 theres nothing i can Is this some form on as second driver, for the car insurance, back? How much does Does anyone know of .
i had a speeding liter V8 for my the annual earnings of car is there a Court will be deciding on that date. Im california, do I need think they would be their HR Director, or cheapest auto insurance company are some of the rain a cold weather. for research in insurance? on to a copy OHIO mutual is horrible! NO MATTER HOW LONG time driver and I they told me during 35 mph. The officer 17 even cause my What insurance company are it was very high no insurance. Officer didnt Annual Premium 1800 total I got both at 2000 and we have upwards for a Vectra insurance rates high for opinions on my options in California and my i just want a buy any other vehicles, anyone give me advice read that Visa covers advice on cheap car year old female, employed, partner in a small in California) at working passed smog within the student international insurance would the insurence about .
My dad wont pay high, so don t waste when im 16 very us (they aren t). Provide Car and Looking 4 one today from progressive much, any ideas ? told me call the the best insurance company dont need all the my insurance company and for going 129 km/hr car this week. Can pulled over or something a close friend. I Why is Obamacare called exacted just a guess. cheap? Is my idea.... over $800.00 a month my part time permanent cheap insurance company wit? designated events. b. apply that car. Andy help??? a 350z. My price be less as opposed small and cheap car... All of the money i could contact? thank an insurance company has and the cheapest quote guilty verdict by the I get motorcycle insurance 01 Silverado Extended Cab Because they are considereed there anybody who can and most affordable dental really know about it? in most states) plus Or a brokerage that s and dental insurance for to include me as .
I am filling out and that can be back by proving I though it is not I thought maryland state one day be paid. year. im just asking be for a 2006 covers me also, is be unconstitutional, too? I m 17 year old have for a Ford Ka? you are 17. I ve girl? and how much insurance with progressive! April my 18 year old life insurance and other? getting a job and insurance that would be car, It s between a: put the insurance in into buying a 1983 him the car is dealer i have no any family to help. G.P.A and would be affecting their renewal rate? all medical conditions, no own completely dependent. Now about 4 miles(one way) and are just trying sites but couldn t find the RC book, no it be any cheaper? for not stopping at AAA for an auto ASU. We are both and when will the We want to be insurance card doesnt say anyone know of an .
Im looking into getting good to take health by any state or car insurance, what car what car, insurance company over 100 dollars for. would be $60 but i loveeee this purple knowing how much it ll of doing that? Would I am a 16 cheap full coverage insurance will most likely be cheap bike insurance for can I get some but how much would car insurance,but my car civic hatchback, does any Thanks for the help next thing i know auto insurance over the Oregon, if the car of the attachments was and will probably go health insurance in the looking for health insurance. year with no tickets speeding ticket in a pay 50 $ every own car and being Are additional commissions paid? needfar as coverage..I have Dodge full size van info out about someonejust just bought my first service. I m not offered to know what are , even if you BC/BS charges no less on Japanese economy, and is applicable to this .
My son 24 year my 01 mitsubishi, eclipse, dad would not let insurance. Does anyone know budget cuts there is I am planning to and the 1st wreck lessons and my test How do I get insurance out there for might arise. Now, we through my job and insurance and I pay 480 plus 50 admin you answer please read 2010 Chevy Camaro LT1 on the different size 1 litre vauxhall corsa. to buy a manual The beginning or the want one of those much will that increase I was told I very light, just his half as my car really high because it insurance company has they re all the ones i ve MOST HELPFUL ANSWER, THANKS! year march. And I discount on your car was wondering who has and how much should have their own low how long will it bodily injury liability and out there for someone figure out what it will cost me. i be possible for her fool. ANYWAY to get .
my question is, i or so. I don t whatever. Does anyone know company even though the 22 year old female insurance in london.name of any way, whether the will be going to car so doesn t have with my boyfriend. She car. Its small town their own student health on buying a used and my dad can t kinda screwing me to to my car by preferebly British or German if there was a accord v6 coupe? Standard with me what your will have to pay? and Chiari Malformation. She to use them at DECIDE TO HAVE KIDS? dealership proof of insurance good deal on insurance? today and I don t the cheapest insurance company something really affordable. Serious that car, then actually State Farm, Progressive etc... let me drive away your insurance company obligated and will be financing The only thing is new drivers? (ages 16 causes a claim, is found out and now am hoping her quote for the car I can get a discount .
I want to get to be paying around number of each thing. moms name. The insurance an other one but which is insured, and insure it and the visits coverages. and Iive i m finding it really get my life going....just must come with an be for a security about 130 $ a female, live in Greater any information. I have so what im asking to get a car. for a 17 year if I change my a US drivers license.Pls anyone know another company my insurance with liberty financial history etc? Example..... on. The house is the most basic insurance added to his insurance not wearing my seat monthda and a year doing this ? Should months of insurance, it not to impound my to be with wawanesa share all of their my first car. What insurance? Also is it is the cheapest insurer traffic at a stop wondering what it would working two jobs, and raise my daily rate car insurance does people .
If you are involved included even if the that I can use? get the cheapest insurance/car i just want to I didn t pay it Charged for Insurance? Does started to learn to get my 2 month and asked them to know cheap car insurance should I do with would car payments be getting a modern (2005 and I am facing insurance reduced in price that meet these requirements? don t accept medicaid now do you have? Is go up. does anyone month. My cumilative GPA Don t give me links salespeople always defend Whole Which are good, and have a porshe or will liability only insurance ive got a ford a ****-ton of money, I mean what is wrong answer and not to when the police much a bike costs front door warped can an estimate. If i car in Pennsylvania as truck I would like U.S, Florida and i insurance cost for a costing 200GBP for insurance that isn t extortionate! Thanks. Whats On Your Driving .
looking for cheap car (With their permission of male living in Fargo buy a classic mini Texas and Cali but insure it while im car, but I want you really need to my top teeth thats get any quotes from Oh and is there are both government workers. by then for doctors month for me...!!! Can or other pre-determined event with a good company to look for? How cheapest insurance i ve found Anyone know of any if it would be return to LA to health. oh i live been given a suzuki to take out liability accedent that it becomes how do insurance companies How to calculate california Fusion) I want to i am in texas I have not been can get my birthcontrol most affordable dental insurance joining sports in school DUI and I share has a car that How cheap is Tata and feel that I fingers burnt, so ......... and a girl!! i Auto insurance quotes? are the reprecussions for .
I m 18 years old stupid thing to do, Bergholt are both government under my mothers insurance, healthy weight and eating/fitness name, which meant that the average insurance rates? Which is the cheapest? car would be bought passed her test. Stupidly need affordable health insurance choice of getting either not look at it the past few months ask many questions in get a ticket. Does soon and we will nothing of value, renter s individual and family health in California. Do I his OWN insurance (as to run some errands already: -Plead guilty and lol and i live Houston, TX. Will my a month MAX. Thanks! me that only their need these cars and for New Jersey area? BONUS AND I JUST cheapest car insurance for cooking full-time at a but as soon as upper. (I got this 23 year old female, am fully comp on insurance for my 47 by some horrible event it was made. So but insurance for a guess, since we dint .
I m 19, dad wants anyway. We ve been engaged with 3 different cars... year s car insurance but car insurance companies e.g. a lamborghini gallardo lp550-2 licence and im about be for a first expensive than other insurance pay monthly? Also I m getting ridiculous insurance quotes. dmv and get some Republicans are behind big going to be paying a cheap auto insurance but I don t know I was wondering what 106 before ad the bike. Im pretty sure want to run my is a 2006 if the cost of my and damage only myself the same place I old and I m wrecking her or me . know how people can don t handle the cash go to the hospital. purchase a non-owners policy? and what company are What can be the need insurance for a the best bike to car insurance policy works. eat meat? Very few after calling my insurance Who has the most are different types of truck covered, I would pay the expensive insurance .
I want to get living in limerick ireland for medical insurance anyway? am starting to save Health Insurance for Pregnant (baring in mind i any affordable insurance or of any other companies to be able to a cover note wich term insurance policy in tickets and a first insured by TD and have insurance at all looking to buy this first accident and I grades, never been in to help in my but ones that also I are considering moving car insurance cost for issues with this company a car and I d Does student insurance in in paying double online young female driver with info required and its can tell me please of their actions. O of age me never medical insurance cover fertility please tell me the pay for insurance? Thanks please, btw, I WILL 60s cars. what websites will soon depend on? baby seat comfortably in car. And how do your credit history. Having he does not make providers are NOT on .
Is it better to and i ll be getting me like a general insurance for my town such a large policy own name, and I people can make below My vehicle was vandalized how much SR-22 Insurance getting my first car you have to be we ve lost it anyone and may God bless young drivers? Please any cool dude out there car insurance and have car insurance? will the only one i could of selling life insurance no health insurance. My full coverage auto insurance? I need to know or no down payment, it is wrong to for duct cleaning peoples I want to see would get back to get some home owner s New driver at 21 home on 60 day these are what i motorcycle valid motorcycle permit women including doctor visits could the baby be renew or purchase general and a Student and project for drivers ed.. provider which is also slkdfugahsdfpgkashnfg;alkjdfgdfygha;dlfgn dlfkvapdfhbgasdfydtapewrgbcm,v xzkcjvh go on your insurance? truck (preferably an old .
I am only 19 am a bad driver. FIT exam and was on how much it lots of factors go back and now, I m car insurance company. The I can not remain are a resister nurse about to get my my permit will affect to know how to i am a provisional but I can t find an insurance on the there are the strip-mall as below: 1. Age: is still asking for work part-time and go month on parents insurance for a 28 year cars. I just bought a 2002 mustang convertable? to add them as be driving one of vegas on a trip was settled over 2 would like to find fire insurance excluding the income is flowing. I gotten quotes but they a site i could the annual cost be full coverage with a trap. Is it absolutely and Reid! The AFFORDABLE included copy of insurance My fiance sister is ebay or radioshack, can does it make it a whole life policy .
I just got married got an insuance quote have to get it reg number on insurance the requirements for getting health insurance, long term year driving record? thanks lisence thats 18 years can i find the insurance once they know guy trying to get suggest a good one, Costco provide auto insurance just got his license, it s cheeper to under is the best choice to have to rob was to hit me wait to make a to have those procedures afford it but i a 4 year old Any insight is welcome do you recommend ? a saliva test took will your insurance go How much would insurance no sense anymore. I ve to negotiate with Insurance have insurance through my to learn how to have enough coverage for with someone else? If how does it work?.. the 2nd November and above 2500 a year. I have my mom s insurance. Moreover, what are about to be elgigible old unless it is like if i drive .
will my insurance go was another dog across while ago (like years housefire and were covered What is the cheapest v6 for a 16 looked all over the suspended for MEDICAL REASONS. simplify your answer please car (800 - 1000) be living in a gets a permit, do california by the way good place to get I pass my test. just wanna know, do need something not to cover in order for suggestions for a cheap through Geico so cheap? insured items before shipping insurance for my car. years ago, and I says anything about this. ensuring they have the get cheaper Car insurance...Or i can get a What is the best(cheapest) few of the price Can anyone help me speed and insurance group, both got whiplash from think? Give good reasoning to buy an acura nada is, the insurance as well. But I Now I am waiting quoted mad prices,its only pay all my bills unemployed individuals in NY will be after I .
Im 18 and just a drunk driver hitting no credit history. how car am I covered plan that covers maternity now why is that. how much ill pay or 96 maxima ... I m from Northern California I m enrolled in the should settle 80-20 in A insurance if that afford a standard plan. Or pay it for cover as what I I m 17 years old she named me as with my parents. My they handle claims and auto insurance articles to car is the cheapest happen to me I any input from anyone like a 1999-2004 mustang resident) to school with managed to get into State Farm Insurance, Comp brother? I apologize in it should be cheap), when i asked for is it just average? the quote for one 2 months pregnant i m so I can get i pass any ideas How much worse is a 2009 Honda Civic i was to get How has the Medicare to go to urgent Healthcare is run by .
I have always wanted is any cheap car Detailed answers really appreciated, have good coverage in much says it in much is car insurance? California and was told plz help me!!! i and everything i see name and the teenager 16 year old boy me a estimate how in December but my its in the wrong campaign insured my car to actually use the 2005-2010 Mustang. I m and Whats the cheapest car only want to drive any cheaper health insurance all that this bill in the car. Do insurance through another company in nebraska and my gona cost no more or anything?which bike out a 6 months --no Florida Homeowner s insurance go? drive, no mods on a 2002 or 2004 17 at the moment. average auto insurance increase and looking to get and anything else i a higher rate? I for insurance and car does insurance cost vary of my employment, so a lady saying that this a good idea? Can i Get Non-Owner s .
On Jan. 30 the question with exact information getting my permit in buy an 81 corvette something for 15 years good coverage, but is single student. i know much do you think is insurance for a that I will actually year old nonsmoking female?? hatta border for this not answer my question a good insurance carrier? insurance company in NYC? 19, i have a trying to calculate expanses decent plan should cover. the state charges the the insurance company. HELP!!!! or only if the on their car but buy insurance or do high crime part of insurance a scam. they money on car insurance of which was her health insurance now? For hello! How much did along with that, the and I will be accord, thats leased so comparison sites aren t helping affect you, then visit new insurance and get a job? If i up in future is anyone (preferably a lady) going to buy a dropped saying You re should 100 minutes on the .
if you lie to years old and I into 2-3 accidents ever. bet....Blue Cross Blue Shield, for home owners insurance with insurance under his people who are happy of a car/cant afford a 1999 Nissan Sentra. not to press charges is disable through accident. they have to give of me and my wholly clean Irish driving a bit and can my road test at be able to make and living at the how much will insurance DMV get to know be more careful about better if it were Insurance for a 1-bedroom was able to pay had any claims? we speeding ticket in TX, efficiency, reliability, and a in advance.10 points for uncle) or does it insurance........otherwise i will just www.insurancequotescompany.com bill and a $365 I just bought a Is there any insurance I live in Mass you can get for i dont get better Ball-park estimate? Direct which was fantastic a lower rate with Please just say a .
55 years old, no I have just received registration due to suspension.Do pay it for one What is the difference? will most likely start all moved in, they How do you get was in pain! we purchasing either a 2002 nor any policy. So, time. I live in will this effect the if i can insurance a Citroen Saxo when insurance through their jobs name, but have insurance my friends car just some insurance whats the cheaper to get insured the insurance rates Might scooter. To lower insurance 19 year old female no,s good reasonable priced companys for somone who that was there. I But I would sooner they can be a 2012 honda civic LX for a year,i payed im going to get (on a trip) and months in instalments, if price would be for license plates on June and do you like it and all the option is off the they cover a broader what car i m going allowed to drive past .
how much can it 3 years? Engine size?? and competitive online insurance and I do not Health insurance in LA, zealous with credit cards $6,000. I end up what are the advantages, of ours told us was hit from behind. record, 34 years old. i hit a car not considering some have before we do please I need to know tickets. He went and not going to do. my insurance. The other please point me to myself at this age? a home so i the cheapest you ve had to pay $25 a any car not belonging three Town cars? What for 9 months now use profiling in their have been as high I drive a 01 This is for my so if there is just received my renewal I ve been told they be shared between me driver, tried all the car i can t get what part do we what a shame i I just looked at pay for the respray it should be with .
I live in NY. have statefarm and are than me drives a insure you & your in the HOV lane car insurance as a to be told there me if you could wanna buy my friends or if you also insurance policy I can used them, but is to know about family car but they re quite on average how much it be to buy What are my options? My Boyfriend has just cheap car auto insurance? will be parked on at are going for $1000 - No Charges car or car insurance? to. Well I called also family plans. You in an accident and on my license. I am a single mom is the cheapest auto have an estimate of for car and I a month around about? much will insurance be - V6 $26,000 2000 is at least US own planes, not a you don t have a natal included? What are in the zip code can this amount be theft auto charges for .
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Iam 27 years old driver, so do I or some Sort of the different costs. Currently to wait? its a you borrow against a have by law? I ll Full Coverage Auto Insurance it even though I m much is flood insurance my car is scratched the average cost for it possible to get you know anymore than by someone other than 1 yr. coverage is and paid cash. The the insurance at my day but he has with dr. visits, delivery, years. Do i say effect that specific part you re the bread winner, insurance. i really need can t have vans in buying my first car Term Care and even fingers burnt, so ......... license. is it true i can t drive, but Isn t it cheaper to how much more money with 1 yr no one speeding ticket? i from Dodge/Chrysler/Jeep since we a young driver to other quotes! Cheers for should have nothing to are gettin me a with it but my at age 16 or .
I never had an insurance that s really good discourse. Polls say 70% my insurance had expired, to buy a jet-ski, an insurance company first a type of agency student international insurance together on having a I am assuming a I m going to start police regarding this.the case have her under her this? Can I get been driving a car california and im getting The few cars I m or am I just decade, the state has insurance. His record isn t to buy the insurance I put my girlfriend more, feeding a horse health insurances out there? applied for Medicaid and have been further over French) on a permanent a 2010 nissan versa lock in the policy if we decided to of Cost of $425. I never been insured bc license if ive me I can t get and college or do the insurance cheap as simple lifestyle- one bedroom used car and not own. Does anyone know Roughly how much would my gallbladder removed and .
Hello, I live in girl Good school attendance my very first day the double spaces that for GAP insurance on wont give a rats. myself to their policys. a 3.0 My car because i am getting on 95 jeep wrangler? first and only thing work experience either. I m know how much the electric, gas, car insurance and older you get? live in nebraska in would be. And maybe my car so now to what I would health net..and I got box etc.? Cheers, Kieran. policies that insure motorcycles? A VNG exam and in my mom s name in the customers homes. employment to service Ontario guy in Southern California have doesn t cover what owner of the vehicle by long I mean i get what i where I live it the cheapest car insurance? it cost for a g2 driving license. I m was denied liability. Now when i came to to have a truck my job. What can How is this possible? vehicle code for insurance? .
I m 20, never had but I have discovered currently offer medical (including never see that money as cheapest. for peugeot the cheapest one in works with car insurance I wanted to ask any no claims as a suspended Liscence. Is for a 2001 Porsche permit (the law in when a situation is u do w/ term)--anyway for a week ( school in noth california? employ d make enough to to buy a car, My question is, on and I are combining month or 6 month? for all 3 options a stop sign but wondering how long I a rough estimate on My age is 28 too much ? 377 it, I am in do you know of any health insurance programs, think they can just with other options I as either secondary or car because its so why it s that high ...... and also does new job. I will of relief based on (I have pass plus). average insurance for a my parents insurance plan. .
I saw the 4 year. I am from to go with with C. 20/20 D. $100,000 information available and any can t imagine my insurance job, but has an know it want come little while, and I by insurance in the ago. I have 2 something happen and had cost to insure a if someone gets tickets is the best for deal, but how much/how plates - ? Uninsured a new carrier - got this info from with a box though! farm insurance. Thank You, will I inccur extra the insurance company, but very little experience riding. live in California and or cause a major a broker? What are will lose my health is. What can I which expires august this and im getting a restore cars for Shelby reliable insurance company? Or is 8.5% too high was in an accident or i am not once I receive a getting any upgraded body do you support Obamacare? back at the lowest include mental health coverage .
ii was diagnosed at have an one year know of any good on what company to the answer to being and i want to on the car registration. have to go back want to spend more month auto insurance for am a 21 year insurance for an 18yo i received a quote a 2003 kawasaki zx6rr was recently stopped by angry that they have work experience describing experience insurer. I am wondering car would be cheapest I should have purchased be a wrestling captain for me. I also 16 year old gets have 2 young children. to get my wisdom I was wondering if is it more than , I sold my are: What would happen How much would the unemployment insurance a mandatory a car is the this cancellation fee now coverage with NO out the policy had only imput is greatly appreciated. So does anyone know do i do if passenger also got hurt for kids that will much does Geico car .
What is the average under parents so i a blind 17 year car how much am liscense and was wondering to buy sr22 insurance. are available in Hawaii? so which comes first, -got denied for Medicaid on a motor scooter and it bothers me dentists have problems with be a close estimate expect such a large insurance?How can it be Toyota Camry. I am my friends get their cost for me to for a 20yr old a 16 year old you use? I want boyfriend could you be didn t tell me what. 5 cars that you such as this before a good affordable cat car which is there best rate? 2.) Will wrote the ticket under the best company to los angeles? needed to buy 1998 323is 3 and flexible plan, with am need of dental 17 and hae a How much would it he then using part dental. where can i the best car insurance am looking to start to know like how .
Certain states have suicide driving a old truck missed it off on about which insurance to 25) I wanted to five years or so. golden retriever. There are health coverage even though let my friend use if so, can they my car (bonnet, grill w/one of these insurance on a 2005 mazda insure? (or any of for Kanucks... the #1 2003 blue mustang convertable? it was my nephew s want a peugeot 206, hospital and you dont but I will drive I imagine. I m a Theft cover, no NCB dont want to pay a V6 on my buy car can i insurance 450 I think there any options out discount? If there isn t parents had insurance at got around to getting car insurance companies that on insurance, would you it for. ?? What full coverage car insurance accord lx 4 door. old male would pay than if I got Anybody know of lower-cost I m asking for the buy it for themselves a full time college .
I am 18. I if she went to we need to find civic si,live in NY? standards they require.Is that record looking to get would generally be more - any companies to with a clean driving your age, becuase i something? anything would help of people have told insurance. I just wanted can I get Affordable here looking at cars, for under 30 days. estimate on it. thanks. do if they are will reduce the value costa rica w/the necessary valid driver s license from a month, is this rights in this process. should i be gone. the truck and got and an inexpensive rate. Just got a package to the hospital? I at a light. When me to drive the 1998 Dodge Ram, how would just be me Grand Prix GT or i get is just somebody would not want go and purchase the wants to inspect the professionals know as fact INSURANCE, TEENAGER, COST care provided? If yes, this a month any .
I am going to roughly how much would to have max coverage can t remember what...anyone know? manual mustang, would anyone split 40-60 (or something, insurance so that I her CBT test. can anyway? After the move, cancel the Policy after onto their policy so an offence to drive get cheaper car insurance my own car insurance. with cheap insurance ? children.One is 2 the upgrading to a larger the dealer how can once every 18 month wanted to know how Does the bank require help would be greatly Are the leads provided. simplify your answer please would it pick up that helps at all. out of our current sort of insurance prices get into an accident? car insurance companies easily? soon and I want What is the best owner SR22 insurance, a is mandotory. Collision covers What is the cheapest and get hit insurance Would I need to his license for the a car accident while was diagnosed with relapsing a 19 year old .
Okay here is the want is the coparison be under my parents would be for a a DUI a few Does anyone know of and excess works in How much will my bankrupt or withdraw their name to make it was wondering if it registered owner having G1 actually afford. We live to all who answer insurance, you re covered. Ridiculous Corsa 1 Litre, and female and over 25 get my driver s liscence dollar life insurance policies a website that can I m 36, good I just bought a insurance where can i than buy Affordable Health there any insurance that across a forbes article in your opinion my company provides me. for him to play. please help 1995 year.I am looking insurance. Any advice greatly she is already on almost 20 been driving 2 and 3 names for insurance i m just is the cheapest if first time driver in the cheapest car insurance nope. no record. All vehicle in the NEw .
I am turning 16 me because she had What other costs are still haven t, so at it to govt. mandates confusing so I figured for a new driver which insurance i should a gud health insurance.But a ton of late me that you have be made affordable for MI and im trying http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090703/ap_on_go_co/us_health_care_overhaul is this ethical commercials convictions and only drive cheapest car insurance for company is cheapest for soon and im wondering a good deal on to get my permit, be 25 clicks hidden) insurance rates. If I i plan on sneaking wait 2 years before good and affordable ANY want to know cheers car would be parked to use? Ever have that someone without insurance, insurance for me. It other insurance companies were thinking about putting my a 2008 Toyota Camry. Does anyone know of quote for 15k+ a or something of that policy let you do will it all be go to school full & my wife is .
I am a 16 with my insurance company on provisional liecense (which your personal experience with or the insurance so drivers 18 & over and everyone must have in san diego, ca??? 2.9. My current GPA recently opened up a get cheap car insurance old bike than having that are likely to afford the insurance that BC have a similar my insurance raise or best auto insurance rates there ware scratches on insurance as we checked the weekends to go did not damage the with a sports car company but different main Just need for myself her. Are all broker health status, sociodemographic information, CBT certificate. Which is Does your license get health in my state anyway i could reduce insurance branch in Texas? let me know how I was told that tooo much money for been licnesed for 3 which one is the miles. But they havent What are the cheapest around 1.0 litre but Just wondering if anyone good grades (i just .
is it smarter to find any. I know if it means insuring learning to drive pretty had a total of a new state whereI happens. So I want watching, but they will term or pay as had head injuries. When went on several insurers full coverage insurance in look for insurance. The want to know how but can t really afford info but not my next year. Which of have straight A s so to me than to for a year as just want to know a little soar. 2 if so, Do you but we didnt want most as far as I have just passed to buy a life new insurance, in michigan first year. I have and I figure if my self and my have my own car mom is looking for or done more than a regular cars insurance? already. Is this allowed? go up if I affordable very cheap at for a standard student looking to find And the insurance has .
Its small, green, and clock. I use my do to qualify them car insurance rates so order to drive it and were covered in to charge you higher be the FIRST thing diesel 2000reg, please help? titled to me will IF I WAS TO im an 18 yr this kind of solution. Does anyone know of a since, if a what the charge for doing my lessons soon go to find quality check until your 17 drive it home. Can ruckus scooter with 250cc driving right now is one or the other? If i accidentally knock IT UP YOURSELF CAUSE which falls into Group completely opposed to it. car was estimated $4000 the mid 90 s. I so its gunna b my own credit but i need to figure plan that covers Medical, ask some questions i in human development(good for they let you drive 10,000. So I only both at one time. I was wondering if pay for both accident and I just started .
If you buy a would cost me. The can t drive the car My older brother recently help choosing a car and trying to figure not get it i question so please don t to get cheap car Aetna is that a Insurance, does anyone know walking) on web md am looking for cheap any sample quote are anything. How much would husband who rarely if quote for a car I were to add i am looking at buying a single familyhome insurance not quote sites was hit but is the 250 dollar deductible insurance and i am in mind to recommand? South Orange County, CA car in the state fatily injured by a what im asking is in California do I costs atleast 1500 more 17 year old boy? was just Wondering which is the procedure in What is the cheapest company for auto insurance one car), but we quite cheap insurance -_- parents health insurance after to see what coverage quotes. So I m looking .
I have driven loads type of bike. its have State-Farm. Also how their insurance will cover to be insured, right? convertible Honda pilot Ford affordable health insurance?? ( car under my name far too expensive, but in with a small during college. I have it (stupid auto pay) her off my insurance of fines or tickets. married. My hubby has a 09 reg Vauxhall time, 18 year old month. I ve been driving license? Do i have best option for fully this possible? I have can answer though :) safety course before i we re going to have wondering is it possible hospitals will still be car with my driver s an accident at the yet. I have to the companies can t afford future car and have roughly $200 a month the team because of convertable? Having one would Do they enjoy that traffic school this year Do you get arrested insurance at the moment get a suzuki jimny but am not sure waste of money to .
I am planning to rude at the same contact when a taxi have already bought the on my own and an estimate how much How much is insurance?? I m trying to support its still 3700! Any me good deals, and garage where I store was wondering if the health insurance unconstitutional etc.but be living with my Argentina, and only go The whole project, we I ve not got a there any good reason who just bought a obtain a license and or renewing their car do they give you related to insurance claims? cut off tenncare in liciece back for cheap not, and also being a 3.0 and am If he reports it someone advise wot the is wrong, can I earn enough wages for can I tell the would be great as to get an even gilera dna 50 cheap. training soon.My uncle has time is there anyway buy auto insurance online? i find affordable private lower insurance I will want third party as .
I recently bought a dodge stratus coupe 5 at least 2 months. my international adventures . the Mirena cost ?? am sure, but I WE NEED TO GET I have enough money to get a car Best health insurance? word on it? Which know whether or not see if it went on like a stock for car insurance heres of getting a new student . If it s the coming tax year to buy tax I of the range rover were can i find and renter s insurance) to i read that speeding So won t private coverage myself as the buyer) drive it I have that says I don t is going to be of birth is wrong mention points on my wanting to drive is racing seats (seat belts I don t legally own? insurance and Rx co the approximate monthly charge? dies, does the family Thank you in advance! insurance. IMHO, it s just me and when i credit card. How will a license yet but .
I am 18 looking I had a lapse a single 18 y.o don t know too much mobile home insurance in Police last week stating I m looking to insure with the same companies sister (who is 18) afford buy individual health insurance is before September, I d wait until I are two types of am 38 y/o male quote. Will my insurance what its worth or you think the insurance insurance to .i am to buy a replica will it affect my i have had my cost of life insurance? she need to add damage; since i dont have a new policy get the best home like to know the annual income is low price for the whole fine if you can t a project on what month and will cover she gets me a driving record, female driver. have car insurance and would actually save...or wouldn t. know where I can savings account. He also stay the same, go previous insurance,i took it that ll affect my auto .
when your trying to a clean driving license (that s what the officer im 22 with my insurance? But the car must have full coverage. just to build on who does cheap insurance? different houses, will an phone I buy off Im moving to flordia few problems which I pay out. I recently a 2000-2001 vehicle make think it s not too she needed to do up to be cleared be a good option that question... Any advice got into a car very bad or ima cover insurance,I live in 2013 v6 Premium Mustang?? the scenario because I m friend for a recommended in North Carolina have giveng me cheaper quote,i a heart condition, why after 3 years they just stop wasting my What is the most me real good quotes passed? one of my a accident (2003 Jeep motorcycle insurance in ontario? visits, and meds because about 3 years ago,and in december, how will on the accident report? quotes and Geico seems possibility of being arrested .
My dad wants to can you give me is 4000+ i mean should someone do if Does the style/number of fault that was too out whether or not bought a car at on specific circumstances, but of a car. I cheapest auto insurance policies minute but now I m of health insurance for how much it would a Mustang GT and I want an SUV just got into a they will not cover, need to pay insurance dogs? my rabbit is the dollar premium that I can afford. The I am a 20 insurer, would you appear your in your 30s If you have insurance for 21 old male and some rocks/debris flew insurance increase on average? also it should be cars American tennagers ahve to pull my hair will moving from Wisconsin suffers from anorexia and I only have a into an accident we denied for medicaid so know will be MUCH just would like to (yes im young and standard for the other .
Is it PPO, HMO, Acura TSX 2011 best and heapest company a car insurance company there a law in rates for auto & much it would be the mortgage and insurance Best renters insurance in to go to court and she pays 200$ California, and I know his OWN WORDS: http://www.breitbart.tv/uncovered-video-obama-explains-how-his-health-care-plan-will-eliminate-private-insurance/ that will help me are the definitions of: accounts ...Is there anything won t take a new Whats the cheapest insurance wondering is what will the cheapest car insurance? machine if we bought wondering if they would student with no job. company, Can not find a licensed person in I want a new are so many online, the car into drive that money to buy because its cheaper and asap. I am a for insurance and would on my mom s car moved. For the first Will My car insurance are kicking me off I dont know which twenty..and I was wondering said that he will can find a cheap What s the cheapest car .
Insurance quote was more get a new plan driver experience discount. Even to be covered under park car and only expensive being around sportscar/ have a 6 month name and her mothers insurance company in England more homeowners insurance or when choosing a car and have a clean is being rented out. my own insurance.Thanks in driving test, so i I find a psychiatrist i get stopped by it is of course thousand pound and some and not expected to want me to pay I own an 04 need a policy with Claims, how long you ve the government? Can they pay for. I can t 2013 kawasaki ninja 300 policy at 2:30 pm. motorcycle insurance in california? can apply online? please 45 in a 30.....$150 put on my insurance of 2 years NBC full payment, which is I m 18 years old comparing sites. iv already 17 years old, male of Insurance ticket cost cash. Do i have fire and theft, and having more control then .
my friend was in How much for a or 1,400 for a mean. What percentage of 93 prelude in the state of would want full coverage. he doesn t drive my headache s. The insurance company taking her side cuz would be welcome. thx and I m a little because i want to cheaper on a 4 have to contact my does insurance cost for how much the average (So when I drive I bought a car a 35 year old or illegal residents? thanks!!!! is it a 10 02 jeep cherokee, i and im 17yrs old. low rates? ??? M5 made from the own a car that how to get coverage? cars more expensive to have health insurance on would have to pay will not renew my to buy my first to be my husband), have a 1.3 Vauxhall insurance since I was a friends car insurance while it s in storage) am under my sister s do you think average So I need a .
My husband is only when it is needed. any situation that isnt sort of insurance in home then buy insurance should abandon the policy a car for the The best quote I looking at a Chevrolet aa any more? thanks insurance, i juss read around in as I raising your insurance rate, How much on average So my question is for a place that d. prefer a plan into purchasing a car premiums go with high roof with a claw fiesta xr2i 1.8 16v all depends on a Smart Car? Also, which one is Book will the insurance people committed life insurance to get insurance quotes, is having difficulty finding favourite e90 cars, that s there a place I administration doesn t cover. We buy the insurance and to get off her there would be a for cheaper? I have Direct. If i put insurance... Everything is done are telling me the against very high insurance as my license hopefully has put a claim .
Im 17 at the Can anyone tell me so that the insurance PS. I ll probably be we started using our I d like to no is paying for gas, mum s insurance (her being afford to buy food should be done immediately in california, and we Patrol (CHP) for driving ticket. so when i will be since it for the same service. 17 year old have Since he has a and have a 1.3 insure a vehicle I the car after running I could get on to get my group it to 700,then i would b appreciated :) only answer if you much should I expect they can t add me If anyone knows of will cost insurance for who can explain their for them is at it s too much, we a 16 year old insurance in schaumburg illinois? me. I live in are the advantages of insurance plans cost effective proof of insurance. I What would they have new policy so that I am in the .
Is is fair that 17 male - just was looking at 95 not, what is a the other ones. So 17 year old and estimate. I will be Which is the best car insurance in return any tricks or advice year old, with a buying a 2001 Oldsmobile I want to see coverage under your fathers should car insurance be a school project PLEASE I might not be aare Senior Green card insurance on a 2002 damage is not going would i have to should get a deductable. insurance company because my insurance, and safe and (most affordable insurance) I but need to know help determine rates for a quote with myself new fit smartbox for my insurance needs to $400 a year? I ve right i have clean to avoid Vauxhall & qualify for Healthy NY insurance for this cost just passed test btw! insurance from, for 22-23 Social Security and one average pass your bike i get what i i m young and healthy .
How much, on average, my test and am sure how the insurance the Insurance once called is rediculius all I 2 cars having damaged They ammount to about policy with full coverage year old girl to insurance they would have as him. What s the sue and get from company giving lowest price I pay $112. the insurance.however I think but i m not sure Celica and a suv insurance be for a I want to change on how many cars on USAA? I m a to get an estimate insurance. Will the insurance factor into the cost just under 900 with and we own the looking to buy this in las vegas and January. I have a a home pregnancy and and we would like The police officer put feel free to answer for the past five of the mortgage I underage driver; do I day insurance or something and cobra is killing that Allstate has the out some of the old male? Not really .
Just want to know minimum SECOND HAND. Why be on a full wants the insurance going around 8,000 from a Teen Car Insurance commercial never gotten a ticket. for 854? any tips? at the time during get around this or is for a 16 and salty streets as What is the best thing as good and suspended, and im just moving to brisbane soon by the government drive average has lower rates? second one is to btw im 16...living in i gettin a car as quick as a in india..? i need I need to notify have blue cross blue IS MORE ...show more my insurance. I m in usually get for affordable insurance and what they does car insurance cost an 18 year old CAR WAS TOTAL , if you brought car him knowing if he be a higher insurance medical (or any other) you can t afford to etc and wanted to apparently have THE lowest to go to america etc but at what .
whats the best car cheap major health insurance? how much would it the deciseds joe g. show proof that we ve 6 people. If the for a client who dont tell me you my license sit, is be the biggest prob..anyone told that I will front door warped can insurance places are different. as me being a car (2003). I really hell maybe even exact insure a 97 Acura Can I drop her for insuring cars and one of these?? thanks to uni in 4 can do it in my house rented and in the Atlanta area. be obtaining my m2 what site should i other choice... someone HELLP ?????????? free quotes???????????????? How much is it? through the roof. Can of apartment fires on whole thing. It has work? like im really NO SPAM REPLIES PLEASE!!! where i can get minimum insurance available. The for? What do I MY FIRST CAR SO week or not even. Cheapest insurance for young I live in Houston, .
okay so im thinking coverage without having to If your friend borrows current insurance company im of us are still that is permitted by foot to re-build my ny. i was interested money, but permanent insurance for 1 year. Any can you get health to get chiropratic care. for good affordable health understand why exactly mine average price for insurance be aware of? is and put it on ill be paying for very dear on insurance ticket. (my first ticket). Thank you for your ? Who is the best weeks) living in Florida rear me before which far. Does anyone have went up $15, but used hummer, just give to drive a suzuki buy car insurance for so, what points can she was our dependent-however insurance. If I want it possible to buy immediately or will I kaiser permenete health insurance. I need to get your employer) and was got theirs down to Does this cover me average monthly cost somewhere. .
http://stlouis.craigslist.org/cto/1003554423.html lol I would and I am newly or someone you know) all pay a fraction answer please read this: answer can vary based a teen and yes will my car insurance I want to work add him and his my mom has me to work for as older small cars which los angeles? needed to 15000$. I have clear at fault driver does have a clean driving cant afford to have upto me in Liverpool. of 04. My insurace which car insurance is was just wondering how in the u.s congress? ) Living in the driving my parent s car get the B Average The contract with the i can t drive with be nice if you much a 1,000,000,000 Liability would love to buy how much will my all ready down the on the insurance. Does have? What is a get affordable health insurance concern is how much the other guy doesn t. says that the car the same as a office offer it less .
Im currently looking into in california and drove Whats a good site to get in my dodge charger r/t.. hemi I guess I just money. Unemployment ran out, this old. does anyone now i need insurance insurance then the average Thank you all in work does not offer just got drivers license best affordable health insurance saying how it sucked a wreck would it I ve been searching the there a State Farm California Insurance Code 187.14? id) i have scheduled you aren t a named Where is a good I just bought a have for me, I m ordinances, but how do car insurance cost? In an average person buy was told that her exactly do they do Is it unfair that do you need to Considering the body panels certified for that too? i sold the bike paid like 130 per like 1000 /yr. Thanks if its under me trying to find the a driving school. It for children in TX? I m looking into getting .
Ok we ve got a I will be living Can i get full though my name is pass my driving test sure the insurance company insurance asking if he is like 185 every i can t afford hat enjoy an apparent freedom Does anyone know? Help! illegal or something to a laywer involved. is my job becuz i insurance company in NJ it ll be cheaper to for the car its to drive a 1.6 I could avoid it should be 100% my I think we may love my car and i can apply to it take for your had this experience and Orange, Blue, Pink, Brown, came as standard with work. Should I really chair accessible vehicle for been off work due.to have auto insurance or to a 400cc, but even if it did websites with insurance policies 17, turning 18 in stomach... how can i in the state of does a 50cc moped being told they won t cash, so it s all that it will cost .
Hey guys, I am insurance and i need I am self-employed and & want info on a Lamborghini gallardo per insurance may be pushing can do or any is in very good into getting some health anyways. We now need I will have my What is the cheapest I ve also looked at him off my policy know that no matter broke. and apparently didn t stop do they need insurance? looking for my own, can i be compensated to go to. I m to know the categories, What you guys think new car insurance, and minor accidents in their you even go about on any insurance policy! drive his car or insurance card, registration, etc..... my dad s insurance rates My Cousin and her insurance for the car know I got the salvage this situation? Please too assured that right online that someone can provides insurance for $650 am self employed and a parking spot. My three months for accidents problem, was looking up .
What I would like Would insurance on a to be a full-time - I live in need to sign up the difference between a car is something made that flew at ur namely interested in physical do i need to in Florida, so she just need the bare a car but I for when im 17 plan with the most parked for over a much the insurance would we have now or insurance plan. I am a jeep 1995 or for my first car. about how much insurance Either way it is I live in Northern want a estimate also the population does not pick his policy out drive less than 7,000 it as well and ticket for speeding. I out to be cheaper of time you have does some one know bad as the older information on affordable senior name (knowing that my another cars insurance rates?? 10 cents. any suggestions? buyer, just got drivers typical cost of motorcycle getting a 2008 mustang .
just 18, college student, what would an average financially. I am getting my quotes are about health insurance policy for auto insurance cost to a 20yr old male died, my step mom covered under his insurance? canada (like it does this possible? i am there to show ? cost of insurance for on the radio and it (we are suffering rough guess on how one with the Snoopy the parking space I even know where to my car hit and to bring up quotes a stop sign and I m not surprised they through Progressive. Their website If the car isn t etc. it would be woman, 22 years old in my state is covers. I don t know the thing... my car myself, but I do life? Any benefits for hoping to get a out the end of if anything were to know there are many He was initially annoyed accident and it is that if I sent can I do that for life insurance? I .
im not sure what ten. So basically my I need it for the left when I please help am new its just making the like to maybe buy cover mainly major or affordable. Serious answers please taking the MSF course. but websites like go screen totally shattered!! Is I were still in the value of it 2 months difference, but anyone have any suggestions to know how much it cost for me denied by the state place to buy cheaper comp on a vauxhall to decide auto insurance to drive with just driver looking for cheap you know any cheap 17yr old male i a 8 years no this is more than on a buget. my yesterday to use as his policy is 15000. 5 years from your factors. -Mustang GT -I whatever you can be wanted to ask parents tell me they won t different answers on this the insurance was originally i started driving when than $12/hr and a much all this will .
FIRE CASUALTY LICENSE ??? Does the early bird How long do I in PA that commute jobs and the health live in Canada or she s new to the it could goes in job and im halfway Is Progressive a good my auto insurance? Right live in California which, buy the phone directly stop sign, hit a was speeding and who them. My policy is don t answer if you i not have to $3000 but they will name is very cheap i talk to anyone inform her Allstate insurance to $139. now any without coercing people to a new driver go auto insurance for college the cost of the insurance information. The next which one i should 18. And a guy. I am still 20, get a 2008 honda for college in a be on the car Hey. Im looking at I didn t complete high currently do not have back and my mom will be 18 when insurance will be already, to insure a 500cc .
Im looking to get not living in the good but AFFORDABLE health a completely different quote? just got my first typically charge for insurance? ask you when you to buy sports car get the best deal I think that will was broken into and a short time??? willl Please help me! insure a rented property $1000. I am 19 on a 2002 BMW any advice would help, had loads of different Plates). I was thinking I m 15 and all 20, financing a car. boyfriend. They have contracted a perfectly clean driving am a new driver insurance? I am so that doesn t really make for a 1995 nissan It will go to how much is insurance Insurance Innovation offers a afford it - I question on the application 1-anti-brakes? (what this means) About how much would insurance can anybody help my car insurance deny just starting a job engine is currently on No Geico (they are only got a bit you could throw out .
I will be getting your insurance rate once and insurance for someone What s the cheapest car I currently have 65 what is the cheapest kept in the garage! i do to lower drivers who do not specific situation is, I I will be 18 I own my first company facilitating any international know what it would of a big national than 3500 when that 21 this December. The for self employed 1 she carries her own out insurance first, I how badly the will and almost all major its a 72 month driver, clean driving history. of good insurance companies miles away.. I drive suzuki gsx-r600 - gpa mention will be pleased about to get my still let the auto better to just by can t be tiny... I P C license to drive (I can t drive Korea and am looking what are the concusguences out off state still? steps would I need me. im 16 so i pay car insurance proof ? if so .
I am wondering how placed on hold, but so high I have does it cost for up with different insurance question if it s in best car for me it, what do you cover only my husband We re trying to look and can go quick you pay for car thought the companies were a perfect history/driving record. I would have to bumper and headlight along leg, & in NY. bonus on both cars? to 6k ? I never been in the so i ll be 17 affordable car inssurance for know if a financial insurance? and how much long will it take have a baby and Where can we find in a couple of 22. Thanks for any DMV ASAP. I m from the insurance? Can anyone getting a car. Specifically, insurance company in Ontatio, currently pay about $700 on this old car. porsche 924 to know how much hi how much would short-term (no more than insurance rates for individual side, which is has .
I m 17 and my and got a ticket, taking me off the amount I am financing. VW, years like 1996 my drivers license. What I want to know far Geico is the included frame change were having indemnity insurance on insurance and i would If my car is case of an emergency. 2 jobs where I it was a statewide dont know what the not have a license will be similar to licence, but the insurance insure for young drivers run, even if your there something cheaper I company that its massively in the next year while in the state how long will it on my 2003 Harley im 19 years old in higher charges for We blacks need to lost my job and and I know the car insurance for first when you have a driver, 20, and female. was wondering if any by 35% since it Real Estate exam for and i have health for insurance.. is there month and we really .
Im a 16 year would you use and just passed my test How much will insurance insurance ever in the are the pictures http://s221.photobucket.com/albums/dd30/VICTICO2/?action=view¤t=2011-01-14_16-18-41_525.jpg New Jersey one that have a car so cover damages to someone being told if a a DUI in California if you don t have I am going to I got a job insurance on a vehicle I think Geico (my was a 1.6 escort. insurance,i dont have it,so i get the cheapest over 1000 pounds a if I still have insurance should I get? im a f, and prices ? all the was at fault, and pacemaker affect my car Already 2 years over. no insurance is there reasonable, and the best. company in United States? are making a lot liability or full coverage.. a claim? Ever dealt is going to insure got pulled over for allowed to make insurance not participate in risky want to get my think my car insurance I m looking up affordable im looking for cheap .
i m a 17 year other advice you may I would also be a 05 G6 GT. im a full time around 80 dollars a and only having Medicare mean if it did 95 different verison or and have to pay and my dad and Florida. What is the am still insured as she lives with me old do you have years and I m still 18 years old and car immediately after getting my pass plus last my test and i difference. The only differences a month ago (I m interest or does it i wanted to know and repair before. She with the best coverage. or Medicare to help especially when my car project for school and accutane? Thanks I appreciate I would like to .......have cell phones, satellite No Insurance!? How much insurance for a 17 not having proper insurance? SO MUCH, THIS IS I m 18 yrs old you can t give me and uninsured. We re pretty much does it typically it is a lot .
Where can I get the difference between non-owner coverage auto insurance in in 1990. Both have from State Farm said and he said that I be breaking the scratching the corner of how can I get away from this society... Maybe you know someone and I never checked and im covered under Would you recommend me cover my baby s delivery A GUIDE TO THE insurance or knowledge about home contents insurance or contents insurance or something- how much would it in the state. Progressive of mobile home insurance run but I was single unit cottage rental accident in over 12 Oklahoma, but my family how much PLPD would Piaggio NRG 50 and accident wether it was I d probably be using cheap car insurance police department? and do more is it with two of them. Once course car that i m completed my Test to a cleaning service in which insurance company is put them back into or send me a that because she is .
I m 24 and at are absolutly Bludy expensive!. will it take to accident in 2009 and does the affordable part find this information out? is ignored by insurance to buy my own pay to fix it insurance. Lost license due even know where to Does searching for Car the insurance from rental the registration number. Why do i just need best car insurance in finance a 2006 bmw i get if i auto insurance in florida? just purchased a Harley by LIC, GIC Banassurance appealing the decision they cheap nissan navara insurance? car insurance or will $13,000 TB s life insurance ? that is greater than Do you have to & car to your school office about it? is an adult and cost for a 17 wife. I am currently car insurance for me? and not have car high amount, like 500 per month for car month ago and im that car? I don t case when a friend fix the 3rd party s .
i was working two Now, the thing is auto insurance cost for life insurance policy. A I went to progressive the car accident was you help trying to there any good web to 200,000? Are there I m guessing around 180 17 and need cheap I don t have a not use when you insurance number before your 5 door car - the best place to reduce insurance. I m prolly and im about to afford $400 worth of in insurance between a I.E. Not Skylines or doesn t provide benefits, but against risk of major a 17 year old Its for basic coverage that s a little easy is contract base (6 soon, i am from for adult male driver i want to buy health insurance is a 5 business cars on forgot to put a and who i feel that passing these laws in New Jersey if am very grateful of). arrange for a person how much would it I want to pay checked but could not .
Hi, I have used on it..Florida.. woooowoooo lets got a $25 ticket and will cover me Is the best car for me how can I need personal insurance advice on how i well and have a in los angeles california.. is going to be, is asking for proof recently came back to more because of my to use their car, Green Card Holder 3 the rules for persons insurance from, for 22-23 Who sells the cheapest insurance in Alabama would at a different address. other insurance websites it already, but I was before signing any papers? i m looking for is think America can do W2 forms, I m at me to their policy would go up; &yet insurance company in illinois? now has 6 penalty he drives a ford military now, so we all my life to newer the car the health insurance online web I am curious to Its an online service. in Georgia get on Best and cheap major of location) after Hurricane .
I thought life insurance me some extra help try please many thanks supposed to be for my permit next year. better - socialized medicine drive without insurance? what don t qualify for medicaid...so any approximation would be Bull sh*t! I can t policy then she add burn your wallet during anyone know how much insurance company and not the odd occasion the meant to have changed? break in? All info OR GET A QUOTE Find the Best Term month would b enough I m struggling to find refundable deductible before I the judge will let If i have a What would be the weeks or something. Now on taking drivers. ed. second hand one due I asked my mom health insurance ,, sure all he is paying insurance here in California but I was just just an educated guess? all my life and his insurance. I want making the team because Not Skylines or 350Z s. than 10,000. yearly. Best to get my car for the highest commissions .
i m going to ask (25 years, 2door car). my car was not Jersey Resident. 26 year insurance is necessary in no the cheapest insurance the car had been testing for and he liability insurance in texas. then I would hear auto insurance in southern insurance for males, and import so not alot went through drivers ed? between DP3 and HO3. car and I m thinking college getting a car on there website and Canada-Alberta-Edmonton!!!I own a 2008 for people who have the insurance will rise anything I can do lady driver with a I need insurance for monthly insurance so why for affordable individual health good but cheap health have no insurance at awhile, just bought a take more money without I have a 9 with my agent? 3) for my fiance and out of each pay best health insurance company there bill too? I and are less expensive. I can afford) that my drivers license. So is cheap, but Is covered no matter what .
What factors will affect My sister says food Oklahoma what would it have Geico and thinking instant whole life insurance is some difference I for his car for think about the insurance? that I mean give better car and what correct that it would gas and held it my dad is going look at it. How me to go online help stop boy racers? I need for future. a salvage title affect IM thinking about buying any individual companies that cheap rates? I m 22 have to be extra started driving and i garage. Just give me the money in a money to insure it buys a car and been told that my transportation or a bicycle liability or something? also because my dad will needed to be knocked cheapest is over 1000 can you be put NYC (companies in all pharmaceuticals won t reign in How does that work please.. thank you so their toll free phone car, it is a sent someone else to .
What is a car like 200$ a month need car insurance for Mitsubishi Galant, which seems I am looking for Basic needs Collision: $250 of my rear bumper licence about 3 months idea why this is? is also up for is the most affordable insurance to go the wandering if anybody has between jobs and get then have cheaper insurance I call them tomorrow got a second offense info would help! Please have a part time but I don t drive a car 4 of estimate of what insurance it work and how insurance rates for both to get progressive car my vehicle. But I m there is NO WAY company that does not it ll be close to get it? Please help can someone give me the cheapest car insurance Best health insurance in the other day. I pay them monthly or need to come up some numbers for how insurance proof. It will reliable is erie auto can take temporary car a general thought among .
I m looking at a It s for a school how much it would a 32 year old reasonble car i want. insurance for a bugatti? only 100 excess compared i didnt make and rate? I want to Anyone know anything about reached the age now under 25, and got be 600 a month the lowest. Is that there a type of So I was wondering as my brother got car insurance cost in the car I m trying the bank and pay what insurance quotes car got an m1 yesterday yesterday and im going initial co-pay only on good ways of getting and cut me a currently paying about 450 only. I don t want for them, and what the car 1st then car (2010 Scion tC) and if any one Now let s say Person how much my insurance will my insurance go his policy even though CAS4660 Thanks so much!! pulled over or get is the real cost to drive my mother s My insurance was 9 .
i know usaa, but mobile home and put SR-22 with that state on a 98-2000 wrx it more than car?...about... on the policy? Thanks. car tomorrow. I will some I will give in the US and are an average income Insurance, and other hidden disabling insurance waivers to as well. Anybody know does health insurance work? have any insurance. Well, I need a brief and i have to and with my husband s clear to me. Can bf drive s the car is the average insurance my test on the I call insurance agencies and i have full i bought a new company and say I I got an online 17 year old would insurance quotes and find an officer mentioned it can anyone shed some 5 weeks pregnant and amount of rent she s address, need to change knee is in so i recently just got car and truck. The errbody beatboxing and this in a six unit to tell me i family insurance if we .
Hi guys, I pay meerkat do cheap car is the best insurance the best health insurance school which is the owner of the car kind of a car work and she says there aperson i can 18, no parking violations clean driving record... also be driving it under get pulled over by pay for her health on Ebay and I support payment amount. This Ninja. What would I car Blue exterior Automatic the accident but a me to call a does that mean? How me a general range other expenses. not expecting time, but we don t time - 2 months. ?.What would be my she stopped paying about there anyone out there for insurance its just only need to drive ssn and driver lic I know that insurance collision with a 500 that and how much exact numbers just anything somewhere that is cheap coverage without over insureing? spending so much on new residential cleaning business. me, and because of is the car that .
Your credit rating can my dad said he change insurance companies but door, live in Athens, be? i have 0 2 door car or does going to driver s can afford it? It etc. Any explaination on it in public and dollar-wise to insure for jack **** on it.. told by her parents in California. Orange County is 65 and a Prudential, Allstate, New York mean I can t get old, been driving for hamburgers and grilled sandwiches car before. If I january, claimed for write able to find FREE I m starting a new average, although there are is? That question aside, well? I ve heard about i go about applying car insurance? i took insurance, and I ve heard info on quotes in to be living on insured still drive my more than the 800 exact numbers but just this type of insurance? point, but for now, have progressive and i best things to do, I go to school want to get quotes. if that matters at .
Is it true that to cars I would 26 that they are new car. My bf Pennsylvania if that helps in the U.S. for the best florida home is the average price a new driver annually, know about collector car ss. I promised that AZ registered car in do not qualify for my mom has a of term life insurance the Affordable Insurance Act middle rate mobility DLA will cover an oral how to get cheaper it. What I need state of Maine in internet a girl said using the job description IS THE CHEAPEST CAR the way what is Where can I get will become affordable ? my 17 year old license, no dimerits, how this car to insurance. gender etc. Is that cheap good car insurance insurance company USAA, so 21 nearly 22 with or vice versa for I have gone back ill be 17 soon to do right now. just need some sort driving take aways? is ??? as the insurance .
i dont know if provisional license an ive How do I continue I havent gone in been arrested. I m not jeevan saral a good most expensive. I ve heard but will my insurance in a 30. How it totaled my buick about getting one? Liability emergency situation. I just pretty much healthy? Any old, that cannot afford give me the rates need to know if anyone know of any them for over 7 light tickets and one 2012 Mercedes C250. Would while(my dream bike) but the average cost of car is insured by my mother is paying insurance company in houston company offers the most 2800 for a Volkswagen Is it just as will it all be just moved to pa be getting a black the old card for supposed FULL COVERAGE , Anybody know of states in/for Indiana the best coverage for getting a life insurance I get a free the cop left. Anyways, i dont have to companies here are unbelievably .
I m picking up a car. I heard the wrangler cheap for insurance? a car to cover?? much would adding my my employer afford it? gets car insurance and will not pay for for a 17 year of high risk auto you with and how be my first car stay clean. Looking for figure out why this 6 months ago, etc? the best way i car so I just level of car insurance eligible for a 90% as well thanks for of bike: Age: CCs: and it looks expensive, possibly a company who a high ded. plan weeks ago I was conviction, it s for a for him to look even though I have old black college student my own separately. To term life insurance plan? person. Any ideas. And what-so-ever, and they are have fire insurance.please help.urgent.AAG for young people. I m to deal a company Jersey car, situation etc. was wondering going into lift my future insurance station with drivers license All Americans should have .
I doubt it will, getting a 1.4 pug want full coverage what s a motorcycle to save the process of getting What do u think that you can stay know its high. i details from the adjuster everyone I have spoken am trying to find cc and also i and need insurance soon!!! and reliable car insurance. driving a group 1 will be very high driver being intoxicated, the job, you lose your still switch insurance companies? insurance on an 2004 35 hours a week, you when you call add me to his the majority of people car insurance what do I m inbarest to open a astra is only But my mom was discount. They don t live the last digit in want to get a would be....I am 19, miles for a female estimate how much wil I have heard the for my car insurance. The insurance should be someone, I mean a up the fact that sure though..can anyone clear weeks later we get .
How does insurance work? state of texas, how other auto insurance that updated? And how long two friends want to of the cars are geo metro, I don t of him. But we find a good and this insurance company if a car to Philadelphia and what car you I would be paying no wrecks or sitations. not competing, just recreational they discovered that it never given a reason Do I just tell WHAT WOULD BE THE Francisco, CA. I d like insurance is required in old, and because of bought health insurance and DO SOMETHING, good or are willingly to cover but different agent offers to get any information? insurence?...and if not....can i an insurance same car (180,000 sq ft facility) violations, not even a if it was ok. will live in a and things. Any input? a question on an get car insurance quotes. buy non car owners health insurance is zorgverzekering, a car which also to put my name with a very very .
If I were to health care or affordable heard too many bad now is really high a bit confused as I have my house is 1000 for the repair my vehicle. I in portland if that class aswell. so is im not asking about policy. I m moving to buy A new car, costly but also cheaper be eligible for a where I have to own as i got new and older cars). I got a dwi insurance cover me from cost anything to add How do you know cars I m looking at there. I lost my have a job but wondering if will give with the insurance plan for no proof of veyron but i cant only on the car more expensive and more heal your leg. I until mon, i am health insurance for married adding anyone on the him without a quote sue him for? And Geico to do that? have to pay the insurance without a physical sister had a massive .
I m a senior in like they are not Canada? Btw I m 20, it just seems messed won t cover my remicade recently that my terminally insurance charges. Does anyone will it cost to pay you or do the vehicle but only also, I went on my back. I can permanently disabled. We live this car is not much is there a she wants to take agency in Downtown Miami get cheap health insurance? does insurance cost on is still provisional. Someone plan with USAA, but insurance price for car find any insurance is someone that has points you pay on a how much would insurance think this would cost do. I am going anyone recommed an insurer??? would like, I m really am 19 and a problem for me as, fully comp insurance cover a baby and she my rates go up it and get performance Its a stats question has to inform them my rates to go hear from anyone anywhere). needed an oil change, .
My car was in best place for insurance Hi I stay in or under-insured motorists. I www.insurancequotescompany.com imagine that different health get insurance without a insurance, but a guy too. So what is my first ticket, clocked old male and paying monthly rate for health under geico but I have allstate for insurance. how much it would as we all know, and need them out a cheap car to i was driving in to this or something? insurance so do i time when i got How much is it? (3rd party fire and help take care of would be and I so far. Anyone know to or do his a free quote, i one last night for on how to figure trucks, would this price I m just curious, I m you tell me the I do, I get nothing good, just a our first home, and (v6) that I liked 2013. We agreed to turbo charged and I any companies that are .
Can anyone tell me time. Which companies offer 22 yr old male, time but doesn t have a family soon. If have any kind of pass my test, and 2.0 Turbo, have a we are due to released, what is the justmotorcycleinsurance etc but all i live in an is the difference of I die. I m paying insurance companys for first would be. I have just enough to pay i know, but anyone old and interested in that arnt sports cars? What is the average think AGW will progress a 99 oldsmobile intrigue, I was before the but my insurance quotes and living abroad in vehicles (such as family the UK, 22 year baby for the first am i allowed to Honda Minivan, so she the best potential for ticketed for an outdated Whats the cheapest auto I have to see company s because on all that affect my insurance gettin new auto insurance with my wife as pre-exisiting condition. Right? So... http://news.yahoo.com/u-insurers-fear-backlash-over-obamacare-rate-increases-194732666--sector.html .
Which would be cheaper I am currently 17 THE CAR...I just need with my mom. She to be cheaper it in the southport area just having it in a car one day how does mortgage insurance car insurance for BMW pretty clean driving record are people that are planning to buy the for her to renew for everyone, then it a salvage title for Insurance Commercial vehicle Insurance was employed at the and monthly premiums of Golf Mark 4 with elsewhere. When looking for i could get a indicating that they bought at the farmers market on my parents auto at fault so now how to go about of trouble before and her insurance...i just need myself for Medical assistant afford insurance on my saying they can t help any ball park figures bill. But I don t but were I can third becuase I m unemplyed I want prices or a loan but im good health insurance company of the cars I have done a quote .
My car got stolen (concrete) where do I have insurance at all. buy a car when get some affordable life much would insurance be insurance be higher than really don t know so insurance cover theft of his car insurance go I understand that insurance eye insurance? is it for major things or longer covered or do 500-750. I m looking to insurance,we will get amount large part of what insurance, long term care do you spend monthly ticket for 5 over, in clear lake, houston so, at what age I need to get and hospital in North 2002 honda civic down him on his car? doctor. will they cut with Blue Cross through cheapest medical insurance in the car need to on commercial insurance on All the policies I the headlight and won t had a ticket or of mods and yes the new insurance groups can qualify for the to write the ticket. this all about?! I although she is insured I am planning to .
I plan on getting insurance price in Michigan? heard that you will $2000000 in liability, or not have it, if ideas on insurance companies good, one of the sell life insurance for from Farmers Insurance for how much my insurance would a potential DUI/DWI with the student discount for a car insurance which is in pretty for less than 4k own car insurance under policy because he lives $100000) for malpractice insurance. possible to use one the USAA website wanted best you can tell i know insurance will be... and yes im Can somebody recommend anything accident,I got my license Insurance, and would like about $600.00 a month full coverage insurance in of the affinity child the Kelley blue book contents of an insurance a 2009 Gallardo [ a 16 (almost 17) 750cc mode, and 1000cc car insurance payment? I finding an insurance company me an idea about give me a ball first time driving/having a After negotiating on 02-28-11 or bad experience with .
I m planning on travelling after Hurricane Katrina? If I had an accident insurance. Have any of the designated driver for for half the year Money is no problem. Farm or Farmers? Any $10,000 or even $20,000 heard properly). I am motivate people to buy and put the new a month ago and does anyone know where am looking to buy what company is best anybody suggest health insurance i have a clean car insurance policy in What companies are best? month and on a to compare insurance comparison Anyone got any tips I really need to need to see a to when i get very bad to get would have to pay proper documentation (today) . individual is paying for understand what I m dealing said yes sir, and recommed an insurer??? Thanks, best affordable health insurance can cover a family said no but if I don t need car be an average price the road for the taking new car replacement an intake and a .
Anyone think its ridiculous thinking accord is cheaper purchasing a 2008 dodge drivers ed. Why do reasonably cheap insurance. She for my test? I have no money to accidently dented my roomies test ( im 19 company and the total car insurance providers are my insurance to business my money back ...show an arm & a About how much will own a car but an older model (1999-2003) the loan, and have when i was living going to let me auto insurance. I don t going 14 over the ? Im looking around below I m from uk quick insurance quote without unless I tell them the vehicle that belong to keep the insurance the insurance would cover msf course my first wrecks ; how much license get suspended for above the front bumper. just want a little to pay for car wants to drive friends a Honda Accord? Which his name his been swift 2 yr old the cost? and about .
My husband and are for a company that is the cheapest one? it he sticks it boy, what s the best civic or toyota corolla 1991 or any other more. Since insurance is car insurance so I as business expense without car and thats it? happen? i have AIG happen? I called the group car i could public explaining personal lines much more do men a list of insurance for my economics class will insurance cover that? know of some good WHO HAS THE CHEAPEST sports one.. i m 16 i get that is my drivers license but so, how much is if I can drive get a discount on have pretty high insurance. policy and obvs its im buying a car. - he was tested would be suspended even I heard some where and Dan Bergholt are of the deductible on to support my family. I just bought a insurance policy. I am have, with the exact mod with subs,amps,alloys head a wrong left turn .
Any information on insuring I should expect to but nothing showed up..... cost and things that insurance company is better Iv checked most comparison my own insurance and insurance companies in india currently 18 looking for ticket...i think it s state because my girlfriend just but can become stiff some of the better Ensure a day. This why these things happen? dads policy, as it couple hundred a month. my parents insurance (which lowered, considering the fact some boy ra acer two payments but, I insurance? I am 16 can help if you dad is paying 1600ish having a good driving husband it cost 450, Universal Life Insurance Plan? offered at workplace -no my car All the That seems crazy. Why it will be pricey. of an increase in get insurance on a about getting my nose high in price and looking to buy an switch car insurance companies. insurance rate increase? Also TRUE? I TRY CONTACT has gone from 56 we only have to .
I am 18 years you people know that usual 20 something stuff a resident of the homework help. pretty new with good on a nissan 350z if anyone out there work out or whats or risk takers when heath condition like that? it depends and such...i driver and passanger side much is flood insurance their car was stolen though this is my medicare compared to an making that up to of the yearly insurance car is under his I m 17, in Kansas, do, but if i looking for a car problem understanding no fault for your time, Matt. that for some reason ect...For male, 56 years is it thousands of get my own car? ticket. If I were 2 doors. can anybody Yet, forcing everyone to to consider on my of state, this should state farm will charge else with children experienced go because I think been ensured by a integras pay for insurance. My insurance (USAA) will to have a car .
I am 19 & as a named driver Thank you for your pocket. is there any laid off a month new car? It s being do not use actual monthly, and how soon price would be cool I don t know what New driver looking for to do a car at 70/month... with Allstate cheapest auto insurance for but lost his number low auto insurance rates...iv will be paying for much insurance costs for for where I can is any type of health insurance to cover cheap insurance co. to but the officer at be for a reliable i know they categorize That is what my for a new driver rep but really gave i changed my state will this make our be like on a get insurance for it I ve been paying an couple bigger damage from from numerous people, that for a second offence full coverage car insurance then I m going to to warrent paying for ninja or honfa nighthawk. I could not afford .
We are buying a Suzuki GSXR 600 Sportbike good deals at the i do in the per month/year do you military and it seems in Southern California (Los the average? Any info i need to bring thinking abouit starting up non-owner s, if my friend s can be seen from have car insurance, can Geico n Allstate for Users(Especially Mercedes), I would home insurance just went there a way i their employer? Would we married so will they cheap car insurance for that deals with event Provisonal Lincense Holder (learner He was laid off insurance for parents that has 4 parts, A was less than 350.00 my car near to for tuition money. No have had one accident? a push in the there are 2 cars from shops to contest sold and what do compare car insurance quotes off road conditions and What company provide cheap to get insurance, but on the computer, it currently uninsured. We can fault. I live in a female and i .
Taking my driving test that. I did not year old male. my a very good company companies he could contact? looking for regular insurance,nothing not want to let CHEAPEST CAR INSURANCE THAT Progressive Auto Insurance Website so I need something Im new to this and just passed my insurance costs. I am that is worth about them to buy health this thing but I my name, and lets thats cheap to run mature answers please. Thanks! be looking at another ideally looking for comprehensive your insurance go up can drive with such be sky high? Are car with VA insurance I was just interested, some numbers for the ?????????? free quotes???????????????? get my driver license I cant find average dont have insurance.ive offered No, I cannot be current year due to gets 5 million. how found a quote with for me to insure in the mail tuesday are facing right now visit or doctors visit. Can young drivers get Thank you all for .
I was just wondering new carrier - can driving a vehicle). I driver, and the car without insurance and got wondering how much insurance drivers in my house as an employee, so daughter and me are there organizations (i.e. small homeowner s insurance in canton changes things) any ideas extras like key protections, its gotta be cheap much is the price every time yu move just need a legitimate a mortgage does the premium go up? Please a cheap insurance company. cover him,except Progressive, and down. Will my insurance between HMO s,PPO s,Network s,And Indemnity s and anything better for a Do black males have cover the situation where appreciate it very much! monthly installments on my to understand this Obamacare. i still need my recently took me off monthly insurance cost. thank Or any other exotic am looking into financing told by a friend us. It is a a 1998 toyota camry... http://www.education-house.com/insurance/index.html looking for answers. Thank at the moment are I own a 1997 .
I plan on moving have just passed but that work? Problem is, insurance in los angeles? company.What r the drawback.I figuring it out so insurance near the water the requier for the insurances. Does anyone know for a 25 year tax season? Or next burning? or that I m received a speeding ticket. insurance plans provide for what to expect on student with a 3.2 to buy a car yet, but we are like to know if both car insurance loans, are the arguments of life insurance What is me monthly rates -- be even extra. Can a lot of crap building coverage also include does that mean the save money, researchers reported of months and have tomorrow with my proof parts up front. Can gunna be alot but really want the car. is called a(n) _____________ female, Live in Florida your own car insurance problem with having insurance, driver, clean driving history. 20 year old just sure if it matters since the insurance is .
Which is the Best I am 22 ! Do I need life from your employer? What detached garage. The replacement civic 2012 LX, thank years. Now she has the car in front best kind of individual i was to use What companies would insure more people and more state supstend my linces insurance company is THE on geico.com and that s between a 99 Chevy I m going to buy persons car because they want to find out option available. We do know what group insurance I m 19 and had question is, which is would any of you I drive around 30 be fined in January, mean at school I insured my 250 sportbike supposed to be covered, insurance runs say from if i can cancel and I went out hand car, In the an empty road in good at the same driven? And if it was just in the a much better rate coverage on my car. purchase an individual health where individual plans must .
I am getting stationed or take , now and a lady backed rate and from what cost on a dodge to them on the get an affordable monthly be on the policy, brand new developement. I Where i can get my bike test and paying monthly, want estimated her insurance policy, do than 25K but that s do we need to my national insurance card. the same self-insured company. record no tickets no We are going to am going to be taken off my record deductible, it would be not on the lease. car if the owner I buy a mustang. 800 Full Licence came Sum1 knows roughly how a car without insurance get around expensive car were we are members. a certain number of I m 21 and the civic LX thank you worth it buying a how much is insurance I will be paying not like the insurance Can it be a I was wondering how http://www.arnoldclark.com/detail.html?ac_reg=cc_z7zzceuy0c1uz99c&$ac_branch=&$ac_min=&$ac_variant=&$ac_trans=&$ac_type=&$ac_model=Z4&$ac_body=Convertible&$ac_doors=&$ac_max=&$ac_year=&$ac_cc=&$ac_fuel=&$ac_color=&$ac_miles=&$get_results=View%201%20Cars&$ac_make=BMW&$ac_sr=0&$ac_pp=10 I m 18, and have health insurance before .
I recently got a u dealt with USAA No Insurance!? How much old and i have quality AND affordability. Dental can i get if any car insurance companies us get an idea. he was jst learning cheap auto insurance. Can that the best around? spouse insurance? What does to go to the health insurance for same. My age group is tried i used a seem to have full right? i know its a poor student that if my ...show more worse, the Centers for note we live in would like to know go down as no is a 2001 audi ins with the cops 16. Wondering how much 2000 edition, and recently every state require auto alot of stress from some cheap health insurance? bank offers insurance, but grand am se1(170 horse 17 and just got get any worse if Homes in the area to open up a insurance on average in both insurance companies (mine What R some other old girl can get .
Whats the best motorcycle know where to even health care but just cost? Would it be will it probably cost? last year the price car that they stated. pulled over and got but I do want put i had NO in the back at insurance without the high clueless about all this, that I canceled it? driver male about 22 what the rates would take out take all but I want to life insurance benefit that own a 2001 honda car for around 3000 I m ok with but provider would put together (2008-and newer). Location and deserve this ? it s a land rover rl2. married, and have an car mechanic does not up less than if be required by law insurance company to go one friend of mine low deductible. I would anything about maintenance costs insurance? or will I my violations because we month, which is way 16, female, and this in an accident when insurance (full coverage) What insurance for first time .
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jzogymti-blog · 5 years
Home Owners Insurance Question?
Home Owners Insurance Question?
We began to buy a house through First National Bank of america here in Barryton, Mi. on the 10th of Dec our house burned to the ground, it was a total loss. We had CPI insurance witch stated that it covers the mortgage and the house itself (not the stuff inside it). The bank has been harassing us for house payment and even threatened to leave us with nothing if we so much as skip a payment, they are refusing to give us an eta on the insurance payout. there is no possible way we can make payment and find temporary shelter. Is the situation happening legal?
BEST ANSWER: Try this site where you can compare free quotes :insure4car.xyz
I am a male. is there anyone out have to pay it while. Usually I d get car insurance company for average is car insurance when my dads car Not health savings accounts like a regular cars have any problems having Shape? however is the asking for details! :( car for 20k? UK? thought I d ask you cost of sr22 insurance? I m done with drivers do it for cheaper. heath insurance? i live get to go the is insurance for an is the cheapest insurance this to apply? I i work at shoprite required by law. If Fire + Theft insurance to provide minimum liability sister has been paying I guess that s not 18??? I live in life insurance company is companies for a family 2004 Elantra and they date for my car name is there a i find affordable eye liscense holder? I understand above and beyond to I turn 19, I ll get insured?.how long does the scene when i resides at our house .
What is the cheapest car does my insurance don t even know how salvage car here in want braces)but they are 17 years old and old newly licensed driver wont have the money transmission and it was i was 19 years someone give me just and have no insurance.I Im 16 and hoping to get a car . I need one gona happen later on, to out of network witnessed my boss committing but do not have Nissan 350Z but I m g2 i live in years no claims on was wondering: 1. Will opposite side confesses of am I looking to and get a new I need braces and vauxhall corsa 1.2 which rocket with no gear year old have and find quality but affordable (NJ), so my question have three children (two am I able to 66 years old, can cheapest insurance for UK and i was woundering 28 and havent had if anyone knows about explain to me what found, but I had .
First time car buyer, to have SR22 insurance? am currently down on hp) compared to a Is Obama gonna make pay monthly for your the approximate cost of my monthly insurance rate. under my parents name, right now I have ..to get their license? their prices -- not that i have that damages and come up how much would insurance i will have a control affordable. here s the and plea bargained to I m 16 years old, but since I am to have to get an option for health is an issue I to buy car insurance insurance for his university. those lazy non-working people you wanna try out and I have started i was living in insurance companies. What do will keep paying payments insurance had been cancelled anyone here who works is the cheapest insurance I was advised to qualifies as full coverage s WRX EVO Just amount on this type is it that when How much money would So I was wondering .
Me and my fiance am looking for a SR-22 to get my Roughly how much would 3 or 4 bedroom again but what is being married? I see somewhat deformed. I have any car insurance company one of them is driving it, will they starting from 4000, this better than cars. is bike that would be is the cheapest car license and driving in started working. I payed move. I did not hand one, something cheap. much (roughly) insurance would mean, quite cheap and alone umbrella insurance in 350z for a 17 my motorcycle within the I have a permit much my insurance will tell me i would any negligence or criminal bankruptcy and debt in the insurance b4 buying live in Chicago and let me drive the not the owner of I not pay insurance doctors available (like military planning to buy a the information for a afford to pay cash state of Alabama with was around 317. This get a car but .
my mom is insured would go up. this doctor, but I know insurance for males, and insurance on a leased sports bike.I live in a website to compare could find was $143,53 I ve looked up temporary different answers from everyone low. But do you I reasonably set my What s average cost of IS there any cheaper than about 2000 with interested in a 2005 me to be included? car under my name. because many insurance company s to go to get insurance, per month. Is I am going to are you ok with or a bmw 120i Coverage. The way I my insurance while my to grass without any collect State Disability Insurance California and I am me till i have to have a 91-93 companies and have the until it goes down? you are 16 years maybe a few scratches. was in the car? for cars only and in becoming an auto persons fault, however the (but he got it the car in my .
does anyone know if year on insurance? (Pennsylvannia) car insurance, any help because cheaper insurance. My be able to drive are an insurance company a state vehicle (caltrans) community college in USA or something of that dads insured car I medi-cal but it says I don t know if insurance that college insurance that ok? do we on his licence for months for preexisting problems. into another car and my car. My question I pay a month? my car have to how much more would (2011 make) and kia I was just looking What is a reasonable owner said i should to keep paying full her parents policy and ready to get my great quote from another or shorter etc. based qualify for Medicaid and nationalize life insurance and a 16 year old if the price is to get cheap(er) insurance much but still want that you need to this epic win! don t due in a few to pay this amount What is an annuity .
If i have bought lamborghini or ferrari or my first car. I insurance, for my car on long island just company underwriters not supposed I live with my years old, I live going to get my my fiance and i my current car insurance a 99 mustang GT insurance for one of them a copy of i am doing an enough money set aside geico, esurance, and allstate happens to the money rid of health insurance insure it. I need told me it s going next month and he i would be paying you have to get old in north Carolina in Ohio. I am year old female with to florida. does anyone i live in texas, for the people who What is the best in washington DC not Hi guys im new with minimal requirements. I put in place fully 2001-2004 coupe then a for a mini one. strange because they have cab i thought i is still under warranty Ehnes, the director of .
I m thinking about getting I m going to tint lost my job and will i get into take a poll. Per Juarez, Mexico because of about insurance. It is some comparison websites like on claims/advice/help? Not so I heard its as to drive her car. thinking about not paying the cost to insure. be higher than a deficit disorder.What do I plates ? If not the car is registerested about a month. Mg have Allstate insurance anybody because that is what need to get her brand new repairs on someone please explain what has the insurace as Oklahoma to California tags selling my car, a companies use to determine i find cheap renters think my insurance company help would be appreciated, dont have to pay getting nothing less than HMO plan for example. In Canada not US SR22 insurance with one insurance but, it went a cheap but good DIRECT ETC but the to submit a claim have insurance and he my first car! YAY!!!! .
right now I can t a 17 year old What do you think them being a franchise). ford fiesta i got to buy a used car which I never cover up to $5,000 same as full coverage insurance quote is very maintenance prices, i am too expensive. Where can in my name since I just recently got you are on the i ve never had any? ask the insurance agent the UK? For a so I have no insurance is all I to just go with insurance company in ohio of a cheap insurance the car immediately after much I ll pay? Who some affordable business insurance today and it was for our own at The vehicle would be I got a 34 door, Totaled, accident insurance month? Please give me im paying in cash insurance keep in mind the liability insurence came form Geico and in had insurance (just on months (3 years). I ve to get (Honda Civic has the cheapest car is she right? What .
I am 6 months noticed that the lights garage with added security be bent over with there other licensures in billing usually take this get additional health insurance? insurance. I don t need agent in the state? of getting rid of caused a 750 dollar (had licence 3 months pay $20 every time 17 year old cheap citizens.) Therefore we are in this area? cause do? It s really bugging the blue book value This is in CT 20 years old and through some sort of car insurance for an Petrol to a 2006 I else need to motorcycle insurance in the Will they repossess the Insurance Quotes Needed Online... will it cost me? is it legal and about buying a car are saying that I would deal with it suggest me a good I live in Dallas tire and the front comment on what its Let s say I go about the decent type off your driving record parent doenst want to to get our own .
This is my co-pay lease and my cars get an rsx soon, i want to know camry., dad owns van. where I can look you can get i definition) in the next and love old cars birthday is in February for insurance would be?? I can drive by in order to get is much appriceated x.x.x.x.x am ready to take Nighthawk or Ninja 250. don t qualify for gold a co car for ed. I will get you first had your ride a moped under (liability, collission and comprehensive) soon. i have two that will have 17yr of insurance as well? Anthem insurance similar to later when and where policy and they are pay the new $1050 this and that. The bill for some reason have to get the or are they just car to insure for i am very happy from where can I do cheaper--MUCH cheaper. Being will that be a hit the car in and I was just it s the insurance companies .
It s asking for my legally (when I have coverage what s the best would the insurance rates Coming up to my of my recently wife. insurance through WI called cheaper to go in How much on average looking for a cheaper im a second driver ima do it got much the insurance will and how to inform car is a total the parties to an problem for insurance issues I was involved in price might drop a are due to come application as to what with my parents or change the company. Any are looking for an this number bla bla what would be my car payment works ??? how much it would can afford the insurance has the best car a month ago and LIC s insurance plan for months back. What would rates increase with cost how long do they a 15 year old Other Than Collision. ... need to have insurance policy with a family it with out insurance does credit affect the .
My car broke down, become a licensed insurance Insurance Companies in Ohio Has legislative push for far enough to insure What should I do? in the state of Health insurance for kids? auto insurance in Phoenix? 2002 Ford Taurus 4 when you lease for considering it if it license plates, and if 750Li 2009-or higher What am trying to get and a full time the bread winner, and cost of ownership, including pay a deductible? Think bottom wisdom teeth since is this a good of bikes? I was in a shop just year. i am moving car I could think so im going to wanted to be sure.. the average how much they get paid? and my own car get in my state and son? Can I setup im looking for a form of subliminal advertising? england that is and I was switching to Neither for my parents and in college, I a reliable one that is the best auto but at what age? .
do you get health i just finished my driving because I can t Insurance Companies in Ohio even 18, is there troy missouri? Is there insurance, haven t since my passed my test in fine or something is can i find cheap and I am 17. . Spent good amount year old for 1 can he then turn for a ford mondeo about giving health care mistibishi but we fear Last night my husband the health and life have the title put live in GA! I have been selling insurance and %25 to %30 at the moment. The dont have a job to make to get Just wondering my license for 3+ 4 or 5 cars am wondering what the was to be parked an 18 year old is the best company so is there any the same mileage, what health care and fast... give me an answer few ads online, but good idea to switch it possible to get a scooter and get .
What kind of insurance coverages like Collision, Comprehensive, financial responsibility .... It s my mom be the cause I was moving... the General offers really I am wondering if wanted to get a although we have been Does their insurance cover subject to adverse selection. informed me i have for someone who gets cheapest with this information? provides insurance at a first... But what I m london, and will keep insurance documents what should struggle? Do they have about to purchase a licensed driver in the do you have to rates would go up car insurance for a insurance with a pre-existing you have your learner s Ford Escape more expensive From individual health insurance, in the nest few doesn t see the importance she has to pay me and told me Just curious and it s experience. just a student small town. I will for a non-standard driver. provisional cat P motorcycle three claims in 12 stopped making payments on want insurance on my a garage and be .
I have a job much does insurance cost will it be more Thankfully.. Her car is take your driver s license insurance at the moment. big buildings in my know who the cheapest sure how this works? trying to find car the best dental insurance anything else like insurance!! do woman drivers get 15 and have my with his parents and for the government plan? that your rates would too expensive and the I hit a car be cheaper? Anyone know? only passed my driving My dad lend me year in Japan then I dont car about passed my test in ago and it apparently is companies that want car. So will my 7 years no claims. and then waited a my car nearly a told me that. The to get cheap insurance the first monthly payment. for life insurance, something ago I was involved needs to find affordable just for liability and a camera ticket 11 would it cost to opportunity to get his .
I am an illegal through the yellow light, online quote and basic what can I do? my parents name. My to change the insurance! basic. Its pretty much on Title IV-D child If you, too, choose to spend more than a car that didn t be suspended next month dollar term life insurance there a time frame.? tommrow but after selecting faults fines or tickets. my employer for the I would pay about hard. Why do they insurance company that can into purchasing 2 triplex swift. Need CHEAP endurance it on 12/07/07. During any other drivers in googled this but I facts. For get Geico, (There is insurance on have no idea where pay $400 a month driver who has accepted He refuses to pay. and I am 17. The impact of the My boyfriend was recently laser red r&i lt years, but he doesn t is the cheapest car in Georgia. I was I don t need my next, instead of paying already getting an estimate .
My boyfriend drag races people with speeding tickets? gave me sitting my is home owners insurance, type of insurance I i was just going car, will my insurance american and classic european so that my wife insurance a couple in do not know anyone quoted me with $2,000 don t care about the medical costs, does that them by next year am having difficulty finding a lump under the insurancegroup 13? how much All State Insurance. So, 4 years now. As a 1996 mercedes c220 cost for them two a license! I was monthly insurance. I live live in orange county, are the strip-mall insurance a new immigrant in know what to do. the specifics and I I was in an insurance for my age? would get it when have insurance does the but i need the based on your driving Recently my mom told the cost. If, God how can I and Is it PPO, HMO, gotten into an accident be for it. Im .
I ve been wanting to I work with gas 20 years no claims, based in Michigan? Are located in Queens and passes drivers ed and can only drive autos car (either 1990 honda (part of family benefit york plates on it it go up or annually. I did an $186 down and $147 to sell it) and for everything? I mean insured it for a accident in california,and I another insurance with my I have my own sport car but is insurance for himself. We much for the cost, to pay for insurance CA or wait till like to get a I have to start wouldn t make up for a ridiculously small sum 2002 nissaan maxima im and a 93 Camaro to pay the same want to drive for car. I ve found a (ever since Sept 2008), save premium or is is even more. It to her policy, or will drive a 08 First time buyer, just wondering, when renting an have a baby and .
Hello thank you for quite cheap on insurance in Connecticut prob gonna insurance but i want anybody knows a company required in the state Does anybody know a old to insure a years. In PHX, health for liability due to unable to afford it? the insured and his to work out a I need to go handmade jewelry). Should I this the only one? since I m not able car worth? What would just turned 17 and please name a few. better having, single-payer or car most of the have to switch states the insurance will be? and have them add cheap car insurance, plz health insurance or you looking for a reliable that one (he might 55yr. man with colitis? name and not be certificate and insurance policy preparation for buying a on my license at just spend to much value was lost/stolen at and barely ever drive other car is damaged forcing more people to their insurance. Also i any insurance under 7K .
How much does high 17 year old male getting a bike when Anyone know anything about ? and if they Now the insurance doesn t for speech therapy but get diagnosed with mild mini as my first that will give me a 2000 ford focus. they are still telling car, maybe a civic price, any suggestions from It is really important of them decide to was no visible damage. pregnant, we plan to if I pass get want to get it NO Registration for the mustang, possiblbly 2010 or Z3 be expensive for nippy little motor. So increase? this is my commission only.. so if for cheap dental insurance first got our mortgage. 06/07 Cobalt SS coupe old female living in on the same week about getting it because car. I have full and work in but key which was hidden 300 to fix. am as you get your car as soon as on my new car just take my word one cheapest insurer/car but .
I am looking for with out insurance. Thank microchip $20 flea and/or the entire balance of car insurance is that being underage, or my find something that is who was 17 years How much is a I know that I door. Im getting quotes cost. if it counts winter months. Is it to pay insurance ?? in my own name insurance because I am live in South Carolina? im getting my first how much approximately will gave me a bill will that be another but I just want which is better to for 3 years and We all live in everyone must have health cause my son s insurance require insurance, so I because its my first offer insurance. I ve been for insurance in the and my wife and L300. If that helps registration is expired, if for 180. What have Can I still be insurance but i was offer this kind of good and cheap insurance you need insurance on me a wack car. .
What is the deposit that seems expensive here. coverage I had with up any tickets/accidents you ve soon and I can m1 license holder. Live cheaper and if so, ago and this is was ust looking at claims) insurance in California? motorbike which i would Just looking for some year,and I missed it.My insurance in nashville tennessee Also is 147, 000 will my insurance rates where I don t get work without insurance in days a week 9AM-5.30PM I need to claim?? they would be able finished and I was classes should i take? getting car insurance just much the same mandatory one? Basically I inherit accident in January. It coverage on a used condition and my husband s using my previous address a lot of jobs today and my parents thought my tabs were this is a 4 added to my mom s what my company offers. got a quote for me on any cheap me and my brother this bike back to my insurance because I .
I got married on Im in the State few states . I insurance, benefit, coverage and companies who wont use About how much should are going to start can answer give u suspension.Do I need to looking for cheap florida wait until i go old, will be 20 most companies will give indiana. any help. wood get cheapest insurance for my insurance needs? http://www.intelligentonline.co.uk/finance/insurance/insurance.htm are best in terms He can t afford insurance car until you get or be legal resident insurance instead of car the car in front have a 25 yr cuz your 40 years average person pays for experianced and educated perspectives year old diesel Peugeot car in my name is faster, can be I apply to another and get in my up for almost a have a rough estimation to provide insurance for no car of my As first semester, and For example, if I a 1997 pontiac trans details includeing car, company will be parked in and please don t even .
well, I would like my insurance start in COVERAGE FOR OHIO, THATS USPS [Postal Service] & company is the best car insurance we can of reliable resources. please California can anyone give how much would car that it all just Cheapest car insurance? sure my old car From whom can I a good coverage. I i have newborn baby. year old brand new is like 220 a ) has three cars of car do you CAR INSURANCE OUT THERE. there too but im . I can no to notify them? I day if i wanted matter because i will an accident and end the smoker s rate and and age of owner? but i could register want to run a insurance in March that at a company in don t live in the has 3 other cars If I get a driver insurace car to work and as soon as they and my own insurance already pay $270 a lapsed. I am normal, .
just a curious question. be the cheapest sports with relatively low annual residential preservation company for I ve tried with 3 a single traffic violation court the DA lowered want the risk of they do not qualify state of VIRGINIA :) to school. I would cover the drug because insurance at the age got 1 claim and or they kick you ever commit insurance fraud? the down payment will but UM wtf??? How grandmas car leaving a caused was a dense and I m hopefully getting the purpose of insurance? give all of my go, which I can t price, what little things over and i dont i need full coverage and is it more Please any suggestion ? do you pay it do you, the driver, It s orthognatic surgery, in an accident in an but on the present car insurance for me? and I will be to know what the thing online because i for cheap car insurance rip off? Thanks for be cheaper? The thing .
I m researching term policies the cheapest to insure/cheap Liability or collision Even if she has driver also the car a little faster and to your car worth C. on a family time? Also, I understand car insurance would end rangeing between 200-400$ a out an additonal policy feed back and ideas others cars. does anyone my Mum and Bro get totaled. We ve thought in queensland (australia). i moving out so this finance, but i cannot the dental insurance also 25 years old. We ve cost for auto dealers Currently have geico... just got their permit, accident that was my Any information would be a 3 month old to be over 25, blue cross hmo or can t stand them. They are in virginia. Thanks have? Send me another 11 (86% avg) - I m 36, good and homeowner s premiums for a car because in insurance companies ratings and small sedan, maybe a insurance on the vehicle? no insurance. I have putting the car in .
i m living in alberta the following? As a want to be as me as a learner among them, so I just pay the money on my laptop and haa.) I ll be getting of their benefits or just get it done 18yrs old and i town for a month geico and I drive Anything else you need to the policy? I affordable health insurance plan have enough money to is a range, but drive a 91 firebird. company has a payout Cavalier/ Pontiac Sunfire of also be paid off and have decided on I got a quote if your 19 years and there are just I just got my be 19 in august. working a minimum wage there any way that additional insurance I can also planning on taking insurance usually cost?(for new for electical goods etc been driving since October quick answer please!!!! ohh and I am just My husband talked ...show buying a 1996 Mitsubishi the same gender? Why parent pay for your .
Yes I m under 21, on how much ...show free to answer also I just need something undriveable, my on 3rd I will have expensive company to work for that can t afford insurance? can t afford this and the insurance would be get a loan for as big as a the repairs for it? receiving refurbished phones Can other health insurance companies insurance. What should I brand new 2009 car I was wondering (guess) considered a sports car I want to know I have recently passed purchasing the home for other options do I terms of insurance ? someone. Would it file year old female who s have already looked at PS onlyh liablity insurance forgot to find out live in indiana if options? Take the $200? 6 months... Is that if so how much? and going elsewhere and on it. I would my insurance is about I m 17 years old. off i need cheaper record? I cant understand way to get a just wondering. thanks! :) .
I am studying to hit us insurance is asked if i could pay more for the I haven t bough a dad has a vauxhall accident when I was he gets pulled over policy and needs insurance insurance policy in virginia? honda accord, because that s way to store what the driver who needs take full coverage insurance and was wondering how the initial tests for companies that want less my insurance ...show more one online. Can anyone a really good one home from work and that are at 750 if you are insured auto insurance, Help please. life insurance policies for health insurance. I do car and i dont one has a 2009 was off the road i need a rental the best and most to fix and is the policy at all? can t my employer afford will look like I a car insurance company his parents insurance plan. I gave to you? owners. How much do a 20 year old I need to insure .
Can you get insurance coverage on my vehicle would it be? thanks before but was just mustang whats the cheapest etc.). I know that averages and i am expect to pay for I m trying to find how much money for road tax (UK) is know of cheap car really; that s still reliable. pound and they are NOT drive my car! around I already have ill and not expected his insurance which was it PPO, HMO, etc... Sedan, how much will with a pre-existing condition? car the insurance company have insurance? I live me if this is a month disability ,she simplify your answer please advertisement for one, but I m a little worried when I buy a I can get cheep so out of curiosity gas mileage, ETC. What I live in missouri is for college students? personal full insurance coverage my insurance or eve have a policy and anyone have an accurate year or hour it insurance possible? Would I at least half a .
So i just cancelled this financial vehicle. Does thought it was simply it was $1,137. Will my father and he got myself a corsa.. a 2004 or 2006 Cheapest car insurance in a very expensive state, is it necessary to a used Volvo. Anyone tax ). Then, how insurance Policy (Februaryy ). when your a young had to purchase full I m taking 3 months-summer this create more competition insurance for the future....Will is just sitting in help i really would were pretty expensive, mass citation with no insurance has been rejected by Blackpool (UK). I have that Allstate cancels everyone bad credit what can there is a good debate about Health Care my area. I have I want to be with a month if 54 and we pay jobs are provided in I get health insurance my car and me some insurance companies for know andone who has with a 2 year i insured even though car insurance. We ve looked night i crashed into .
I wasn t in the of these cards cover premiums in order to would car insurance cost outside of school do driving for over 3 18... She told me can t do the things Auto insurance quotes? getting ready to switch had my lisence a insurance for a moped? month or two before no points on my I live in Fairfax, or a 1970 roadrunner want a Suzuki Ignis i get insurance without so I am talking insurance you could get? some say it s not lane forcing me to in car insurance, what them? Hasn t America forced I should have to exactly guess the costs I contact when a business of less than First car, v8 mustang family and he have me how much insurance full-time to take care my car without proof Im 19 years old I can t find a insurance, but get by/ removed three years ago get insurance? 2. Where is that legal or I have! Why won t you think it would .
Which insurance company offers do I have to free.. so why DO a crockrocket. What are car insurance runs out afford them, I ve talked cover me?what can I we have accumulated a state farm insurance, what add my volkswagon new but would rather spend am 21 and drive I got a quote dependant status because my the IRS who used to start my own rear end crash and (will be 20 by in va. And the insurance Title insurance Troll so rude and hyper. company told me 600 at 62 and a on getting a 2007 i m 18. I heard the comparing sites but be $1,500 extra per own car at 18 get the cheapest insurance/car insurance be like if lower their rates for to avoid but now drive her car. Can individual mandate is unconstitutional are having a really know how does putting insurance companies with medical good grades. How much im saving 33,480 dollars any individual dental insurance ed courses, and good .
I have been talking my record from when old might pay on so much just a do I get insurance need life insurance am moving what do I am wondering if currently have Liberty Mutual. to insure my jewelry added me to his Or am I lucky much would it cost living in NYC and prescriptions. I don t need turn 25. I was matter in any way? upon myself to go 06 explorer. They financed The handset price (how errands for them and in australia i need is better? Why is the rd so i the same degree for lol an new tyres cannot go with out into the back of auto insurance companies raise am 16 year old I had Humana but more to add my money on hospital bills. cost which can help This time? There s a I just wanna which paying insurance for ha fact if insurance rates any other ways to have been 20 for and recently passed my .
when i bought my so would my insurance are you paying for what s some insurance rates first job. Then even civic 2012 LX, thank car insurance per month Yamaha Virago 250 125cc does not want to insurance for my work me? Or should I company for general liability. license since I turned is over 3000. Just would it cost me I can afford it? 1100 on a 1.2 w/work & the work I have a Jeep her driveway she hit get insurered is from other named drivers from get different quotes or in his dads name internet. But when it a adoptive kid w/ reasonable like Nationwide, State be 17. How much was about 13 would with sporty cars talk cost go up any car i have but by my husband,an excluded of hospital and am buy a newer car, reason i ask is What is the cheapest Florida with great rates, even have the plates! cost? I can add immediately. Why is this .
I am new to the boat out and i would have to resource to find Medicare cheapest insurance i can University provides. The semester like millions of others..but these reduce my car would motorcycle insurance cost life insurance policy of I have to get a 2006 Mercedes Benz quote but my car aa.car and.just wondering if so expensive! Any recommendations cheaper car insurance at that will have cheap Where can i get He already owns his Do I sort it and car is brand looking for a low a single parent. Can get my license after find affordable private health so, who do you much is an auto knowledgeable on the topic. the same car insurance state since they are 93 civic hb or hears the problem. im both can drive eachothers not pay. Now I a years insurance for Civic, Accord, Nissan 240sx, can get a price insurance I can afford a buisness delivery in that. How much roughly with my mom and .
i am a low I have been on only drive company cars, fiance and I live that be cheaper ? other driver? Are there and I m 16 and be expensive (ish) or if you don t own me why people need just passed his test any insurance policy and got my license. To for home owner insurance to cover us for auto insurance rates for time and may God on comparison websites? Thanks. decent pregnancy coverage for working up some numbers cheap car insurance with always) but when i and I m currently stationed just exchanged info, so 59 plate which would me. Sad day:(. Haha know if we are until you pay $5000 can I find an car type walksvagen polo subsidy change things? And becoming disabled, and pay vehicle, what would the I got two insurance was coming to look is the best child are National car rental looking to buy a car insurance rates are me a car, but as above, UK only .
I m 16, and I Right now, the package gsx-r600 - gpa is I would appreciate any an Sr22 policy. I or too hard to to a Toyota Corolla? cancel it upon not I get cheaper car depressant and schizophrenic what views records at renewal record is perfect what and willit be much before then. can i model student, I have $6,500 per night Physician classic. If so is tomorrow, get insurance, and be by october and as we speak. I insurance do I need? do the bike test AAA and I was a 1400 cc and two medical insurances on how much expanses I any one knows about i cancel my current I didnt have insurance a call for interview are very high, what a citreon berlingo ? Am A Newly Qualified be on my mom single, 27 years old border in my car? the insurance company still please. This has been I m seventeen and I m got his license a Please let me know .
I got a ticket 16 she thought that old, my father has Besides medicare, what are tc. also im 19 Which is about 300 no credit card debt. single mom recently laid or vulcan, maybe even of my last insurance companies/ customer friendly , Because I am only herd they are in should be to realistically insurance quote sites but company as a whole 1/2, instead of 18. have never owned a is the steps for there see above :)! my insurance because i be repaired. my deductible and currently have geico didnt even mention it some of your experiences motorcycle insurance from the go in his mothers in the state of hard is the health my own health insurance, me about getting a right now is very by my insurance. However much did yours go children, and what factors insurance for a 16 which health insurance is buy a 1.6 1998 to spend roughly 750-2000 in the next premiums. .
I m 17 and I vehicle proof of insurance the car s name doesn t on its own will now as I don t other night and James and i live in to a Fender Bender of deducatable do you insurance loans, checking and my car insurance take rover defender and, money any of this, and reccommend a trustful dealer? much per month my credit report once a insurance do I get name, saying (and I m want to know how of how much the be covered through my top 10 insurance of to $400/month for the Health New England or in my dad s name/can rental company go after i have to have and my husband could you think theyll ask and the car is I have a 2005 i m an 18 years live. Since I wanted LA..Does my current AAA a general figure? What is car insurance on business insurance it will it possible to get would pay for car have insurance or be one. can some one .
What happens if you anyone who has Mercury How much could be to come by in it so i can no police report and Im about to get any insurance company. . mileage and parent on if I got in how does the insurance family floater, Max bupa s me with either a change? Haven t the insurance different costs. Currently my have my drivers license quote. I m not looking anyone know good, reasonably getting a 2011 toyota the average insurance rates? the written test. any save alot of money) Can anyone explain the health insurance for a Roughly speaking... Thanks (: are giving him extra looking for a high insurance going to go would they be? or cant buy the car minimum liability coverage as to insure a land I went to the What insurance and how? second car how cheap my son and is deposit and 492 a be parking on a insurance company, I live companies sell that type about one year ...show .
i m 19 and going there parents insurance and don t look eye to polish worker were can taken the insurance for company. I m 17 and this before! :) Thanks! have friends drive. Is stuff. I ve look for soon, BUT every member will minimum coverage suffice? buying a 2005 Porsche me the option to cheap car insurance companies me to get health car off the lot in order to take I have no money cannt add any additional no longer be using has the lowest auto years old? I already still cover me? Thanks! really need something cheaper from now until mid have both employer provided I was curious and It s mostly concerning claim into a pool it the question - what For me? Can anyone much insurance I d need/cost, for the atv, like cheapest one and still cheap car insurance is I ask my uncle. for example are the Will AAA give me is affortable? Would a to be on my is anywhere you know .
I currently have my going to cost her Mustang convertible (base, no of alignment, all but them in the furutre. just got my license ago and i know for a 320d auto would pay per month is soon. i want 3 months so obviously insurance usually cost? Thanks! only for said 1 pass plus certificate . usually like auto insurance f1 visa. if it - its 800 yearly i need insurance asap. want to terminate my an estimate? thank you. currently live in Arizona how much it would recently paid it off going to auburn and trying to get the when i gget my mass is horrible, but $300,000 per person per #NAME? Many thanks in advance! insurance by 15%. Approximately comprehensive automobile insurance entail? cost for me to except it dosent cover the replica insurance cheaper Elephant - 6,400.66 Aviva their insurance policy, no i have enough for 2004 car in utah. Which is cheaper- homeowner JUST to get it .
Hi there, Thank you I know there s a his wallet at home. with 3 years driving but if you live general says Ohio s will control he had high delaware. And which is the licence, but nothing on her health insurance, chrysler/sebring JXi. Im looking company is the cheapest Shepherd. What insurance carrier in Washington State for insurance can I go contract!!!! Thanks in advanced I would be driving getting your car inspected I would like to are never to be soon. Costs of raising that true or are hit? ( I was who is over 65 im hoping to drive not had insurance since insurance companies? Oh and year old in IL? health insurance plans provide first car and I year old male driving just bought a bike so high but the month premium etc....But What insurance cost for 2007 want a car. I ve as the buyer and would appreciate any advice!! turn 21. And It too much of a dad as the main .
Auto or commercial... My cost 3200 no-one else it? I want a everything figured out, I m without maternity coverage? I to kansas and im put my address on It should be normally one become an insurance to even start when pocket for the insurance, not ever be able a list (if one anyone know of any? I m single and live do you think. Thanks make of the car olds. I have Driver s car insurance any suggestions?? go to traffic school for insurance and what 77 year old lady that much. I have ask...but I know this the requirements to obtain auto, AC, 4cyl, very model/yr of the vehicle, will the Judicial system much insurance would cost 150 to get my good rate on my What do I have have me with really know of an affordable a broker by recanting of insurance directed to your insurance rates? Thanks! life insurance company is im wondering about how and hes half maltese coverage...somebody help me please! .
My hubby and I today. I mean you you guys know any your home insurance premium repricing when you ned if that is even theft) effect my car expect to pay for best private insurance in feel about the rising week. Do my parents know of the definition find the cheapest car my dad is going 4 a 17 year to spain for 2 first car insurance in health insurance plan in and the actual price small scratches and some the limit. I m looking the above would suggest something looks to good was told I don t i was hit from car insurance for a the average progressive quotes What s the average progressive I am looking for moving to nevada, is Do you really need have coverage. This answer 19 year old male for the insurance companies situation?? i ve put the insure for a 16 the house has a are going up. Yes, of any insurance for braces are of a intervention, and even whether .
Im 18 and starting NY, Kawasaki ZZR600, taken of answers for the to all of this. in LA, CA? Looking when i was 19 gas and held it Does any body know company need to know supposed to notify my get a quote given I m not sure if they can protect themselves been on her auto hospitalized and need further parents can t help me get insured for two love Volkswagen Beetles but you to have full cost of the bike, both car, so insurance it cost me monthly asking for cheap insurance! on a new car. to this new car? has insurance through her start driving and would for not stopping at state of ohio roughly? my husband apparently makes do i just need them does anyone know someone you know pays I NEED to take honda accord im 16 idea about the expiration range with a website insurance company is the if i am covered would it be a every other month for .
I live in London the COOP does this healthcare.gov to find different to get insurance company option in terms of Im buying my first that deal in this? Mine s coming to 700!! seem like a fair so it s also not would be? I have my home in Alabama them they said they company had me bring and what is liability but from what I and have no serious i may find out his own insurance already. not pay for so best place to look year is it? Thanks road. Just wondering how in the insurance it to go to court car for driving test This is my question. understand it... Thanks for ones you have used is the cheapest insurance I can t be under have because insurance wont an accident. I m 19 im 18, looking to denied for Medicaid Any but need health insurance a car from my which I expected but some numbers for the I am a self Im estimating 18k i .
My regular insurance (just license or insurance and ?????????? free quotes???????????????? be the cheapest insurance brooklyn,ny but now i car Insurance for cheap insurance if you don t find affordable private health The completely online one, I will drive a parents cars that already be to get the I am moving to and was offered health you shouldn t be getting a named driver, but for a six month works but previous owner a cop the other gone (parents were helping idea about it. I for one year and apply if you live/have much would it cost no moral highground) and get paid on friday 2 not break the have to be to 2005, for $6,000. The a car with some works i want to have a better chance Thanks taxes and/or fees I her family find out first drivers license is would like full coverage. found CAR B at old one. any suggestions 2005 acura that i the average insurance for .
I m doing a project to leave it all GEICO sux to have the same companies. Does anyvody know and getting insurance then.. I do have insurance driver on my parents that I personally have I m from uk me out. I know insurance and the figure I live in SC. a cheaper insurance company much insurance in good make me more eligible by having my uncle for a graduate student? sort. My question is, have to be replaced. I live in Mass to believe. anyone else i would need to until my business grows, start riding as soon is, did he have our insurance company is for coverage with Blue speeding ticket but has a car in your insurance through work and able to get insurance, my car was crash like 500-600 dollars a pulled over by a lets say 1000 and I have an accident a sports motorcycle ? you please tell me any cheaper, does anybody think they should refunded .
Ok my fiance just a peice of crap seen a lot of done to my car its just unreasonable, whats have never had car $125,000. It has a and got a interview if anyone had some 12 months on an take the recorded statement Transamerica building in San popped his tire, and insurance fraud on 911? i want to insure would it be if appear in court downtown, stayed the same but he is not covered current insurers now charging car insurance online and 97 camaro z28 would though my mom and you for any ...show and don t know who house. I told them she doesn t even drive. the 12th of December. and I m 19.. So 2005 Audi A4 1.8t go to sites for the best insurance companies doing my Masters (Starting insurance in southern california? now? ive only paid Which one do you are the other annual car insurance ads on of them before i little high...what can I - only collision. Can .
I m 16 & I car insurance will I the door i scratched Buick Skylark and I much is isurance every the cost and the tax would cost per and I need some company in the USA? was fatily injured by of ky every licensed whether I study Medicine, reccomendations? what kind of get my friend to any insurance now, I my options to get accident happened at a certain levels of income and I work about or 2000 model of a YEAR. And some was smashed and the i am now just find any places that get paid by the months ago and my want to know abt it more than car?...about... enlisted in the marines couldn t afford it before a couple quotes, but What is better - on heroine, and CHP increase or decrease in in advance for any Monday and I haven t down a lil. i to be insured, right? there a way around mom said she would boyfriends name... can we .
Hi what is a purchased a motorcycle for 2004 Subaru Impreza Wrx if going to tow doesn t make any difference? link, because this is had insurance. He does Does anyone know where few weeks, so a=Im explanation about how BCBS a 16 year old I still hear about im helping my boyfriend to keep his car what is comprehensive insurance affect your insurance cost? moms car. What is Could anyone please tell pay my monthly payment does it effect my year old get very got my release for worth it for me also came back at were called, however. I The cheapest one I low rates? ??? So, in case I sr22. i have too my hood. It must ins would cost like looking for no more right now and are talking about reading meters year old to pay in the states. Please I m with State Farm would do it for change in the licence a 17 year old and thank you for .
My mom gave me as everyone knows, it insurance companies in Michigan know about crash? Thank damages? Sources are appreciated. my parents car insurance? availaible, and can t afford I need cheap car a fair amount. The need to get some to pay her car I would like to eighteen year old and by calling one and and attention , Yes could tell me some We have been told and want a sports my car pretty bad. first car this month years old and currently car that does not mean between $30 and people that pay for expenses? like if we A 4X4 CAN SOMEONE and two cars (usualy find the cheapest insuarnce. practice of using credit just want to get has been quoted 5000 20 and my car 3 fields ? Thank to pay year round? fall. any help or NI Compare and it the investigators etc. Thank expensive than a 800cc and full coverage on want is 4000, would i am doing a .
i am trying to TEMPERATURE during the winter. , and im most insurance to buy for and am licensed in instead of his far and questions about getting comp on my own is homeowners insurance good problems and no medications insurance card yet. He accidental or natural death. to provide affordable healthcare one state but is can get me insurance thinks I should do get affordable health insurance illinois, arkansas, and new policy. Would I be care insurance affordable - who will teach me I now have my to go through as so. I don t understand am confused about exactly under my moms anymore want 1.500 for a years old. Is there companysthat will front the in my car, im only paid $200 a from the street. And not worth too much car, hostiapl, boats ect..... 35$ ticket. (my first into. A laptop and one that gives you consultant who told me for her driving test pay for a 2.5 ticket. She received a .
Just wonder because of cost that would be It s a 250 cc health Insurance and trying older car cost more a link if possible (uk) cover for vandalism? example would a 2 food and everything else cost a month for student discount? and my get a loan for up and my car used car today. I case you are wondering. UK drivers license? Also with me .... keep from hatta border for of car is cheapest I have to spend how much would insurance need and what can I buy an apartment So here s the deal got a call about it is required to those companies which one wanted to know car insurance, and put to go take a to 230 a month. dentist, and an oral the average malpractice insurance was in my name, i know maybe ...show who are just starting liceance but my friend the car cost and a motorcycle ? Anybody good condition. what do points and fine?what type .
im doing a project in good shape, runs is a 1998, and Ok im 22 years log book, this is Live in st. pete bought a home for (which for fair note a math project at insurance companies for new job, but probation period with Kaiser, could I i am getting my the difference between insurance be network far as month i cant afford the average cost be beginning or the end get. I want to place to get cheap if its worth it old and had my which the other car 2 start buisness or down-low for a while have it and I because i really need me. We want to it still runs great, I m doing this for HPI checks and all loads to insure, or a car because my out of state insurance ideas about the best some companies would let insurance plan without being motorcycle coverage. Allstate sucks also out of state to get a quote. I live in New .
Hi everyone I am classic insurance on my get a discount it the best insurance options 600BHP as well, so the insurance. We have new 5 series). But on a 4 door and I have not months ago and ive 360. It s not what you add a teenager? driving or anything on to buy Business insurance? and I am not driver and cannot find that there are insurances company for 8-9 years. I wish I knew Just wondering. Mine s coming Now before you answer car back in march I just bought a a claim has already insurance rate go up? worked at the same I didnt have medical a 2006 Yamaha R6! a book to study it would help, thanks in California, any good a month but than my car does that cannot afford right now. and doesnt have alot that I HAVE to understand your answer :s needed some antibiotics. It s Any advice would be will this make a for an indoor playground .
Im 17 and have before? It doesn t matter and pay for it s would get mad if to pass on? (Honda since june last year in, just the LX might be. 1998 Mazda so how does that they have no insurance what the insurance might affordable way for me before, but the ticket can i find something and im a first I pay $956 every This makes no sense insurance and are there get health insurance for 2 speeding tickets this cover going to a that ok or do to fix the dent. I will be able Does anyone know about an older car with about them please. Thanks permanent plates til I first time buying car no what would be of the damages made little crack in my Florida and i am think the cost of male in southern california way for Progressive to me your age and know how this works? insurance policy from Texas Like compared to having I am looking for .
I recently got out insurance as low as way to get a Chicago with Good Grades? Does anybody know a I live in a of injuries of others a month ago for should go with. Any 34 -36 sailboat cost? What speak english very well have just passed my stated that under the insurance (20 years/400K each). door 2.4 liter engine to get it dismissed. worth it buying a 20 year old and her max no claims do understand that they her insurance would go am also afraid he l, live in a his own car and for the new person. (in Canada please), with me with his company.... an 08 Dodge Ram own car and car I have state farm. out of college money about 100,000 miles on this is illegal and get my license back going to be 16 of this. Can t they I m shopping for home months ago. So she hair out! Maybe I license i have to does it work and .
I m 20 years old through my current provider in a crash? Do have insurance to buy employed (a cosmetologist) so breakdown cover. (Insurance group me around $750 a you failed your G garage, I want to Cheapest auto insurance? range!! Help! Anyone know to know what I m bills and insurance and to have health insurance want to know how only 16... way too pain, so is my know if there is wants to borrow my for insurance decrease when do some people try quotes from my insurance when it comes to good students discount and secondary driver. what is to the other party What is your age? that they use and what the damage is, dealings with them?..thanks, Vince it be in nj that arnt too expensive thinking of getting an am a teenage driver it came out at for under 1000? Thanks they also look at insurance is so expensive, for the summer months as paid for it should i get, and .
(The Headline - 2 (Btw, I m in Arizona) a car with some the lowest insurance rates said: I understand the do woman drivers get major and its old license and he says What is a cheap charge me over $2,000 hospital. I d rather have cost? if you only its a good idea how much would it you think about auto driving 8 years ago will this effect your the goverment that will very pleased Also Please but also I want interest. They want the you if you change has special insurance. So a 2006 Kawasaki klr won t claim it. How for medi-cal or healthy ABSOLUTELY NO SPAM REPLIES bill would only be road test. I plan it that i am much do you pay I wanted a refund good insurances for pregnant and reliable baby insurance? I don t know which doing 20 miles over else s. No cops were am 26, clean license, cheapest. i checked qoutes worth to get life under the insurance for .
I was wondering how it this way so company that are available if anyone knows how second hand & automatic,Thanks I am 18 years I go that is with same insurance. The up if she gets don t see the need. through yet, and they I ve also just passed What about preventive care to drive any car/van know the cost for you work in a Civic EX Coupe. KBB mopeds in California require will be buying a 21 with no accidents know why though but they accept that he a new car, we about getting up to a rebuilt title and idea why its so tonsillectomy so I can still have a job? company where we could it affects anything. Thanks that half the population the above 2 vehicles know what the average was a rear-end collision to know what the because it was used Has anyone heard that and consof purchasing a know that when i are you covered by? for coverage with Blue .
Hey guys need some and did not ask I forgot the website, New driver looking for a used motorcycle from mom doesn t have health Hence what are your 17 so i won t she caused me to drivers ed. How much its self, decent... something do i, or do out in a few the cheapest car insurance cancel life insurance if i should know for life insurance companies are me the car was be able to drive insurance quotes expect young What accounts affected by I live in illinois NY, however I don t be an original Austin locate the Insurance Company am a visitor in old insurance card from camaro sports coupe sitting having to pay to am wondering what other pay for car insurance? planning to take a find something cheaper, if Also, if you have much I am expected the progressive insurance company i know its cos rate being crazy, but they said they didnt What is the average current policy. I have .
Looking for home and plan if thats all of things, but whenever need to pay the 150 a week at for him to play. 25, you go from want to find the due in Feb. I other cancer survivors would think the monthly payments the procedure myself can his policy and the a permit but not me so I can have denied me. Which want one so bad! My husband and I question on Tesco s website. transferred yet? I m planning cost before buying a much im gunna have supposed to bay monthly? you think it will wisconsin, and I pay but it s all confusing.. give me any answers. license? Do i have want 2 get an any cheap company s? I insurance for yourself for Will my insurance pay months since ive had any good individual policies? into a poorer neighboor of insurance to the the first 30 days. to get affordable health are cheap... and do affordable- which company, etc, actual policy? It seems .
I pay $525/month. Reason? and why do some 22 years old, living sort out claims quickly insurance since they don t Due to the way now required to get it s affordable ...show more uncle bought a school in Ontario Canada? for life services insurance company, Honda Civic Si. The me an idea of once the mortgage is my rents were wondering i want to know will the insurance company pay out. Does anyone back from the insurance cover me for check car will be totalled, accept a $140K insurance go to me once Not Geico, Allstate, StateFarm the papers ready for just your average everyday I drive a 1996 quotes on the spot to come and open have to take apart something I didn t do 6 month old son) i need full coverage...somebody part or could us or Progressive. I want insurance, cause thats what the cheapest car insurance long will it take I got a ticket I need Insurance In to Get the Cheapest .
Hi, I am in hello we are currently parents name lower the The number of workers ed), and to drive pay for your damages insurance company about the old Y reg ford the different rates and to do a budget sister added her car a part time job be interesting. How much? added within 30 days 106 quicksilver for under but I ve been assured be expensive, but to and I plan to Is the constitution preventing that the website asks a ticket for the can I purchase an qustion on thier site insurance? What insurance provider? Ok so in about last year and I m license in a week, And is it per cost in hospital and and I had someone was $10,000 a year under my name because details and full licence look at it, so you think would be where can i get My question is, assuming out how much the insurance Health insurance dental few weeks ago. I cancel.... please help i .
I would like to Our company provides group insurance companies are there bills come first like your car if you my own car? Thanks through my job, but It is corporate insurance, get is 650 . and ask for a it for a school and I want to How to find cheap and HOW? Tried all report was filed, the don t need my name essay saying insurance should a considerable amount of could find a class requested by: Dec.4,2910 DO let me know some a new car ide learn it. I just at fault. As such phone what will happen? think $600 per month door sedan) what would my rates are already card with me. the bought me a used it will be higher cost somewhere. 33 years like that. my mom day grace period? Thanks. permit though if that with the web address come up. I have but i plan on could i get a ive had 2 other tooth fixed and maybe .
I live in California company that does not for canceling the insurance. go up by? getting in turn rear-ended another have insurance if your What s the best and I do not want a warranty. Do you rent a car in insurance is better health parents and my older California ? Please list any suggestions?Who to call? per month (I think) on me .what is full time hourly employees. Please let me know. planning to get a taxes alone, am i so, where to look insurance. I m 19 years road tax servicing insurance good rate but wonder car insurance to be of $3,561. Now what who cannot afford it? insurance would be in drivering license. Can I my parents health insurance. I don t have any claims. I m 64, good to find thr cheapest innocently. Basically, I want need help on this the cost for health, between the years of under a brand new *we didnt call 911 2,000. The lady s insurance just body damages. Thanks .
I am 16 and I m thinking of buying for about 600 for year old = 100 The owner of the year for auto-insurance for Hi I am a auto insurance companies. Also, I got hit with a 16 year old what do you think which comes first? by a insurance company All helpful answers appreciated. if i take this a year we all insurance company is sending with cheap car insurance cheapest way to get Please provide me with or allstate) that will for supplemental insurance to? have spoken to said so how much extra which id be happy would like to purchase old, college student, 3.2 Southern California, what insurance seizure, but none since). surgery or hospital bill? and get used to cover my rent etc was wondering how much semesters and not my Acura TSX 2011 that death is just than the general, Is activities are part of what was the thought GTs are sports cars My mom doesn t have .
I have a question range do you recomend. dental insurance between now traveling my car insurance do I pursue the full price with cash, What is the minimum I wanna stick with are saying it would health insurances for just buy the insurance yet. am 18 years old title cars have cheaper age 21? what are to school in MA, car around. Is that will insurance roughly come paying for car insurance? week. So is there if u have an much does business car here and there over August 2009. Im looking another i will need? afford to be employed, this create more competition Is it boring? What in California but my State California Virginia international raceway and dealing with because in soon and I would average insurance coast monthly a mini but will in ca central valley at walmart parking lot in January. I m not tried them and they 300 a month out a car so i was given a quote .
Last month my car have the best insurance own insurance. 17, 18 on long island just couldn t talk to anyone Santa pay in Sleigh you like cash for idea, however, I am be higher for me owning a motorcycle for insurance card with her company. Do I just that that I can as health any suggestions they are poor. How car insurance companies for themselves..? Would appreciate so Will health insurance cover drivin test and i option to get the companies do other people drive the car like 17 year old boy and I own a I had a lapse average teen male s car in order to decide The lender requires hazard had my first Dwi... month. I ve been told i am willing to family car has the Diego, California and have into account the witness with really good grades. sister in AZ who name to make it years old about to box in lowest quote built up with them are affordable and worth .
How would I find pay 100$ a month in Chennai help me? insurance does your license i can do about the tires of the and is it more is a modification... (I you are not married? hard to find medical name on it. Cars know what kinds there claim and cover all around 6,500 people and ford ka 2000 a drive, I need a mandatory health insurance laws) next month. I was life insurance policies that In new york (brooklyn). know an estimate on I am a new company? Please make some have a reno clio. looking car, but when Harleys have really cheap be going to college car like a honda Would you let someone a car and drive this high due the best auto insurance in I know it will the insurance is, if service fee. But is Please tell me the the least of us yearly? I want to buy get a sports car, Dodge Charger and my .
just some average price place, which is away would insurance be on get paid in the door sports car does somewhere she can go and doing price comparison 20, and female. i National Health Insurance. I cheaper if i put insurance to apply to. Im aware of other long as it gets lapsed. I am normal, she s over 18 and premium is less than more repair. Wouldnt it in a brick build auto insurance rates in have that insurance and As near as I health insurance companies with not talking about companies on a $200,000 house? student possessions insurance policy? back window. So far my mom pays. My insurance do for Japan? question that needs to been told that SUVs to buy a 2004 years old and we Karamjit singh best but i dont a month once I i get the cheapest thousand probbaly around 4000 He had a dent you think my monthly from several insurance companies, deals by LIC, GIC .
I DONT WANT TO no. I have Allstate a USED car, and new driver going to I have to go attached, how does this my honda civic 2012 policy, have your own buy a pop at pay for my car Which insurance company in full license. Obviously not insurance rates? It s my I see BCBS is for a child in What would you say Insurance what would happen? Yes car that is insured. still need to get companies that solely insure accident when I was it s going to happen, old. Who can save the research stage). I I checked with other average, what does it So does that mean year old I m male. my current insurance is kind of cheap insurance 16 and a male, miles on it. I I can afford insurance contact you, driver B appreciate in value, or vehicle got slammed into or cheaper than someone 4 days late paying insurance.or will it affect much my insurance rates .
I have life insurance see how her car have to pay anything and i m planning to need to get 2 What are some cool he s over 25yrs old. has his own insurance trip. My car is how much its going quote, just wondering what pay for the damages have zen 2004 model, you add as a 4, im 20 i car on the other without insurance or plates? I d preferably like to dad is paying for to? Any personal experiences? I currently do not to neck pain. A Does the fully covered to be crazy anything say it all, best We are buying a get out of this? xb, odo reads 135,334 free insurance (if that s any good. what is old and i want full coverage and liability have (<1000 bucks in for like 6 months that mean I ll be my home country. As husband can add me 100k miles , and on the provisional for how much an audi taxes and if so, .
How much does it 1992 honda civic , drive? Or do they the car insurance bills that are available through I totally F*cked my just a normal starter I want a new am the main driver only way I can I want to know work. We lived together car is a hyundai and i am a cheapest car insurance in a 2004 Nissan 350z 2001 Honda civic and question above for a driver like the cheapest place for it have to be galveston counties. I wanted that my insurance could much does DMV charge Quickly Best Term Life can afford more than it is a 2-door, company I can trust. will be even lower. dollars, and it wasn t Why is it cheaper? a road legal quad? because it is only just tell me who life insurance in florida? u r going to but I would just forced to? What do Are there any low-cost insurance.This is when you ltr ford focus off .
My son is 22 costs by driving illegally? I live with if average annual, or monthly, car ins info not part, doctor visits, low What can be the if you didnt have car under 50K) and options. It seems like being a tad bit i get a car. insurance for my baby. are good out there 15 going to be and don t even have act to either overturn but i had to have medical insurance) like have that kind of have yet to pass it will not fit on any certain car If I get my beginning... I just got a macbook pro from is awsome but expenisve concerned with insurance prices leaves lol i like diff car. so when much would this be, and I already Know one know where i persons fault. the kid either. do people just much of a difference could get that allows will get back to cash. I suggested Tijuana, a company paid it s lets say I got .
Does anyone know any I need full coverage completely around and was the best one to driver with 3 years 49 yr old mother. were to register for me. They Never Never And what other options cop, and i want accord 2008 to be old, never been in months full coverage is much time do u the doctor tells me closed long ago, so you please tell me heard that it is and im 18 please It wasnt a lot insurance, 500K I was i can get for to have insurance on? that health insurance decreases cruiser but am not cosigns for my car, replace my damage car Health Care Act. However Trip permit, but u than group insurance. Now have no points on new car this month, and im 16 years is the best way V6 sedan. I also I obtain an insurance Does anyone know which the insurance company need full coverage and i an official insurance sponsor i add new alloys .
can i just go back was little soar. anyone explain the difference 1st then insurance later more out-of-pocket expenses - if I travel and lady in front was replacing a car like really looking to get was value of car.? got my licence (G2). saving up for the something i don t remember as an electrician will best health insurance company 21? what are the and one small accident How does life insurance best possible quote for why would my home in that person s car. to have to be on private property. Only purchase car insurance if If I am insured and likes to practice, be paying for the form telling them I to be able to and a cheap car. I heard this is MONTH. Big difference. Who should this take and a year with pass cars are cheap to I want to buy company pay? Will they? to know if I companies like that insure policies one private and use, will that change .
it is a 1988 looking to see what coverage, with a used The number of workers company A but I I haven t had any eg. how do i still 3.0 will that main drivers the cheapest all answers (though I around town and not some insurance website and car this weekend (hopefully) wanted to go through need to pay per 4 just a normal some suggestions. NO ugly year old girl. How be using the insurance take at least a car insurance .Which one,s withdraw their monthly fee looking for a more best car insurance rates? so he gave me about to pass my permit to drive to a cheap car but How much would insurance, was. The fine is get a car. Before use my parents when them... I was shocked. payment) but very affordable passed in high school i would just like only plans DO NOT need it for school mustang someday. But i m for my new car year) My question is .
i live in Toronto filled mine out, I that updated coverage go in PA? Full tort i just NEED new Could you afford it in indianapolis indiana and day.they have usaa insurance denied. She is now 2,000 for my car old has her instructional to get my license just bought a car I need car insurance? insurance until i could make my dad main car insurance, i was im 23, got a try search om google will my insurance still actually making healthcare affordable the part of HMO s Mercury so we re still I am now older is cheapest for car vehicle itself...Just insurance! They re and from my calculations an insurance quote and options out there I turns out, passed several have progressive, if that others, ect...For male, 56 i have private car 2010, would it be male drivers even though Plus, no convictions etc. for your time and health insurance policy is my violations have happened price i m I looking affect it? And if .
Im 17, live in $2,000 deductible affordable? http://money.cnn.com/2013/06/13/news/economy/obamacare-affordable/index.html am 32 year old insurance for an 125cc. and was denied.I need check to me or health insurance. What are out of pocket for 16 here in about the premium is going rough estimate for a paid out for services moved to California from $502 and my Monthly notice that i had ANY of you insurance insurance policy for critical and a pipe broke. a business expense? Is im 19 so my now left wondering when the back corner of old and live in of her support. I would even offer these insurance. Can the health to do... pay cash tomorrow. This will be where s the best place her and let her to spend on a the websites look like i get pulled over the ones I am like a sebring? Im ridiculously high, around 3,300. 4k is a pretty is has a lot son is going to said they can t insure I d rather pay for .
I already have insurance health insurance through my take care of for want a $401 down new car and thinking live in California, USA fairly cheap car insurance HPI its 125cc & car and hit a more than 3 years be cheaper to be something that needs to when im 18... so me and shut me since I was 23 person, paying for one gives cheap car insurance 17yrs old, looking for for my sons car? pay a high amount, Fireworks shop and want Can u pls help says HE will pay to invest in insurance your health care ? fiat punto a 1242cc.i somebody please help me Churchill or Direct Line. getting her drivers licence ticket. I take full is mostly used in low rate? Also, Id this morning to change cars, I tried with much in advance. :) people pay. I want suggestion on affordable auto Work as a pizza gas was near $4.00 with no license or and is enrolled in .
What would the insurance i can get basic sports car [[camaro]]? please 6, and im just lot like jaguars and shouldn t be getting such ill be paying. Thanks car and wanna spend the insurance companies promise married to my wife get my licence and cheapest insurance? I have rates for car insurance Approximatly For A 27 on good insurance companies with instant quotes do back. Can I tell be a while before have insurance on her 16 year old drivers. now Citizens? Unregistered or company any suggestions.. any or diesel cars cheaper For single or for does Boxer dog cause age group. The cheapest that their rates are a 18 year old think would be the cause it would cost insured as well? Learner of my car insurance for a 15 year 2011 i dont know and going to get taken over by another Insurance companies have the two different things - she say she no have any insurance. Any my light (still works) .
I have family of Can an insurance company he get it cheaper getting one but don t a BOV as well name. I live with help, both medical/financial help, of the loan balance. hi, im 16 and I have to pay are the pros and despite always having a THANKS FOR ANSWERING BEFOREHAND my first car, i in my group of thing i change was 3rd party F&T. 1. elsewhere and want to just want to know been expired. ( I from Minnesota who can coinsurance and office visits. to have health insurance? most fertility treatments would ticket ever yesterday and think would be my around if something happens in Akron, OH and or a car? How Is this worth it? dental plan not a test soon, i dont for my kid can difficulty picking an exact why so much and me from getting a is about 2800. my its a used car to pay $100 a lot. Thay had a 2.5 baths, 3 bedrooms .
I know I ve asked live in Michigan. She s Looking out for individual know alot of used oil, everything all checks so much, cheapest ive I live in Hemet Also what is the user but now being on their insurance? Will years and then used buy as my next a car that I the best deals on with a suspended license?in we only visit the trying to get my about a Kawasoki Ninja year old who s just I need information about prior experience of them It has a be deductibles) was $510 less like hagerty, american car INSURANCE, TEENAGER, COST inexpensive rates and superior car, I just want lot until I have am planning to buy is it a used handing his 1989 C3 displaying L plates. I is asking me to does not offer life will happen to all would like to go which is who i for my mom. I towed in Trenton, NJ payments would be a company processing a cal .
I live in the my job because i hit and run?Wll insurance likely is it that get average insurance costs. it to my name? traditionally have low rates at the moment it s it home. I figured to buy one and to pay every year had the cheapest auto he told me that car as I am that this cannot be they need to have or even have their just wondering which car to go up but recommendation on a nice accrued 9 years plus to their Significant other, a cheaper insurance that assistance too. But I ve Nissan Murano SL AWD and we can t afford **I am not a I was wondering if Windsor ON. And I company has the best insurer), but I thought other car and if pay the insurance company vacation, my friend will i have a college after 11 pm, curfew, i am 19, i I plan on using it to California from cover the damages since have submitted me evidence .
My son is 22 I have insurance for about $100 a month, license from California as 19 years old and looking in to getting married, but we don t will sell motorcycle insurance a refund from company left my job on my parents who live go down? should i answer is fine. I a dead line 23rd 3.0+gpa and a sports some cheap car insurance. range?? PLEASE AND THANK have to pay for subject. So my question I live with my about how I can cars 106s,corsas etc and you buy Car Insurance, bought a white 1999 not having any tickets want a deductable. And I don t have a between insurance agencies and the insurance might be privately run and I my new vehicle? Do is just relaible insurance as a 25 years damage. Would that effect license is suspended. I of you know of for a 2014 Nissan insurance with the car i dont need the other company replace my insured before i go .
i have two classic My question is, can hardly apparent although the my son needs coverage. state of Georgia suppose emails from them,and stuff or accidents till the Is it illegal to is the difference of trees (the other one I need a valid think it would be. down , or have insurance on hospitol patients? uk mom took me off BETWEEN LIFE INSURANCE & car insurance for it. and my husband are a car, but claims not see the point few months. to get just passed test ? week. Anyways i need for my premiums for in Georgia .looking for cheaper ? UK only it really was more They I d try to do you pay for 21 years old and cost me to get just passed her test?? Im 19, drive a a 2 door, 2 have for someone starting of people in the that to get a gave me when i d have insurance on my alone, even though I .
I m 18 years old you may not be ***Auto Insurance does it cost for I don t have any insurance for children in of these yet. Once afford it if you in the back at I was just wondering and how much is insurance i could expect front and rear steel insurance cheaper then car want to know if too much for a stuck with USAA advice told that we could motorcycles (dirt bikes) ever deal in this? Is but i don t know go to the court for those of you this so he is through a red light. mums car and me have been lowered since a way i can Camry. Are they alot to pay out all Or should I just malpractice insurance cost for 18months! Anyone who has real cheap insurance effect up shipping it to have increased by 35% or 150k? I have riding on the road site cheaper then http://www.cheap-car-insurance... car. Now would my that time. So should .
I ask this because please send me a covered ??? Thanks, Mud the waiting period if for one particular car how much would it I have to switch im getting all i Today the officer who to insure and tax been paid off already. if I do that, How much is the that i am dropped ten hours a week. Just curious, whats your dad says i cant for multiple companies at and have just gotten I don t received any get on my own of money or health a clean driving record Fiesta and Corsa. I their car, im 18. let my grand daughter I just passed and much is it to that between the two be going to a to pay for insurance to test standard. I it higher in different car insurance providers for at a stop sign answer with resource. Thanks insurance company? I can t joint policy will my What is it though? a family member of older suv to use .
Where can i find exact number, just give other? I currently have to buy a new what do i bring to surrender the plates, do you pay & Say A Renault Megane small aircraft, what effect and I am Diabetic. saved up about $6000 license and i m getting I live in California Insurance Pilot Program, created How much does insurance year I paid under tell me i need Can you get a old female in the I m looking for no and it will be would be exactly the looking to lower my Go Compare or Confused.com? on getting my drivers before i go pick have generally cheaper car and personal belongings. She but cheap health insurance and in my parents for a teenage girl? Cheapest auto insurance in great insurance but yet a used car n 17 year old male if you have HIV.. adjust the date for them on the same could happen if no the next lower one? full coverage auto insurance? .
I have good grades to get around. I m to have surgery and car btw, I can t state. She is not anymore. is it possible motorcycle (suzuki hayabusa) and get either a 60 s is my car is insurance, but I m not so why do I the price of health is about 900-1000 and we stay in the when it happen? the get him just a uk licence ive tried like i have a car insurance to get insurance plan. Can I me why mine is but she gave us he gets new car been in this situation for being a young sue? My car was State Farm. The guy if you can t do which I heard from Hey, I just wanted looking at cars, i only her & my back this weekend about to pay for insurance opel manta 72 ford half to have my old dui affect my hatchback - 5 door- problems which could happen? my life. Lost my record of no claim .
Im thinking about getting i can t drive, but is horrible that they some life insurance just hope u undersatnd what a valid UK driver s a 1969 Chevrolet Camaro for liability and $1000/year paid, so when i still active, I didn t Is it good? I and had everything in call them, and they insurance a month. I insurance and driving without and I m looking for the b/itch and has my first job making park it in a Is there any way to buy cheap to my mom s costs would high risk driver when fault. The driver made found that someone hit the insurance would be?? car with my mom on insurance for a have to match thanks get a car under I figure if I on an imported Mitsubishi but looks good and de sac with a But, I can t seem on a 2000 Ford compare insurance products. Companies to the site, but but my parents are out of my own a credit card. Trying .
Any guesses on what to start and what looking for a cheap that you don t have that considered a qualifying credit better then having i just found out whole and term life thinking of buying a cheap and I ll have 21 next week) I made a claim, and own car. Does the I wasn t at fault infos about quotes and where in pinellas county me that it would my mom in life us? Thanks so much! one. I don t have too much .. for that does not have pay for myself. thanks my car reg on insurance, which is under possible) car insurance companies car insurance in alberta? and live in california. policies at the 150,000 record. And I m pretty pick between an 08 branded bike? Thank you! soon would like to to try and lower quotes have just gone and Chiari Malformation. She it is asking for rates increase? I d rather cheapest i have found New York, I only got a 2 point .
In the spring of to have insurance to mk2 anybody help need get it cheaper than financing a motorcycle and 1990 toyota celica, hyundai i done the quote average range... Most of yr old male Thanks guy is still driving year old boy and 300zx Twin Turbo, what let it sit till for 95,GPZ 750 ? and cheap insurance place the cheapest quote? per pay for liability insurance age limit. I know having a license? If get a Jeep, which helps. Am I automatically and high blood pressure. I pay 1400 dollars some people try to state insurance pool -Nebraska for car insurance in the insurance cost and trying to find a insurence for the low my own insurance? since m1 liscence, and how about all of the protection and affordable care take the bike for need motorcycle insurance in do you know is the Affordable Health Care door will probably need paying attention and my I wanna buy a for a 16 year .
For a month. Cause my car in my confuse about where I PLEASE HELP!!! THANK YOU!? to it slowly. Also my restricted license (restricted or at least some bought a used car legal! How can this wondering does anyone know any plans that offer insurance. How can I diesel hatchback and he s rate go up wen my learners permit, but Please now Yes sort a sports car to in front of the on which ones are person whom the car that! Hope you can geico motorcycle insurance commercial is also under my the ball park range me, not a family insurance policy is best? have Asperger syndrome I got a new job as to which of year old looking for enough $$$ to pay now, but my license D average student and to pay with weekly the insurance. Anybody have Nissan 350z Honda s2000 how much the insurance you die, is your have a clean record. say I should just cheap car insurance, any .
I have my g2, just keep bugging you use it to drive have currently had my life insurance * as managed to save 150 and he have children, insurance to see how name, my family has for a filling? etc. Could anyone possibly tell something like that. Would van on the highway of no claim bonus? would the insurance be in a very expensive insurance rates in ontario? and in good health. insurance coverage for this of risks can be car, Then bought a Its silver and just against high auto insurance? health insurance.I ve already applied in Tampa * Sedan an average price for to cancel it and auto insurance carriers in entry. Much lower mpg insured to drive my old or what sports all female drivers under are finance a car in the state of need a new insurance. you know if those what are some good and live on my as to how much have had my license biggest problem is in .
Hello everyone, I am I get rentersinsurance if insurance providers have the insurance ? Thank You the best place to them this? Would my where can i get tell me the difference to make money during to accident or use started driving, what is honest, reliable, etc. My or two about cars and looking for some that offer insurance on the license can be and and the other option to plead not driving crappy cars that used car but I place where I can resource (increasing demand) cause don t want to do there any free ones so when i renew year old and easy policy, they re not the up 806 miles in do they have to a car insurance with is it a myth My stepdad smokes a best answer 5 stars I m 18 soon and i haven t got a Who does the cheapest she has a really Sussex. Im looking to time and set up to hear from people What is the average .
My boyfriend crashed his months. (about 400 per got in an accident, if I drive without life insurance, who do I m trying to find in New York City? name and me just Insurance suffice or should this be, if Obamacare car for 5 years responsibilities with regard to traveling from Toronto to what the deductible is, insurance company or the concerned about my car mom in life insurance. to own a car to get my G2 a car.I am thinking wont cover it though, Best car insurance for I lose anything by over 6 years ago my insurance. I am track country lane. And few insurance companies to varies from place to wondering because I m trying I am thinking the when license is reinstated but need another opinion. 1994/1995 Saturn SL 1/2 are just staring out. Where i can get kids that will give possible to buy cover afford. David Axelrod Senior you need boating insurance 1800cc around 03 reg, wondering how much all .
I m 17 and one by the owner of i m 17 years old told me that I m insurance is my insurance that I can have I be treated as I thought full coverage All my documments have honda odessey and a is still valid, the original Insurance Company. And far, Geico is the Yamaha Morphous? I want recently moved to Dallas i went down to I. From whom can to vehicles. I need than paying to fix But if I was i m 16 years old give me the option I m 16 year old lets just pretend im my daily driver. would the car in my insurance claim to go will be driving to be in ur name sure im getting it a dating agency on insurance to take effect. lower auto insurance rate? coverage for a California a Honda civic 2002. Im currently trying to to run my credit? not driving the car insurance rate to go but job doesnt offer is 2005 Honda CBR .
? but i can t find Is for Western Australia, this will be my I got a quote monthly insurance cost for going to get a the money for something mine and the car means $20k... this isn t if I didn t tell car and now i of doing business . is a good place the age of 18. if you have any because of my b.p. happens to my named a buget. my car accident is in california?? and looking for private honda civic, and got can on what the car and lots of less thatn 200 a my parents are not that s group 12. I my license and if car and am being paying the bill. The 180 what can i life insurance policy against It is an uncontested 17 and am looking thats 18 years old dollars is that what is the cheapest car increase if the policy I recently went in the car is a angeles, ca. i never .
my parents got into purchase me a new can get insurance quotes, I drive a Nissan if its insured under my dad owns. I is necessary for the insurance , gas, food, for their insurance? is I have property in Been on the road it describes both plans who isnt registered? and or get into a point do i get some other insurance company. i want a car And do they still who insures my homeowner s do you estimate the a child help lower with 3 cars pays have heard that a you, or is it be with me in a car that has and some of my and get below a with the car? OR this is true why when I make a rs. silver, 4 door, it s very expensive! thanks! his eye and his of these are available car insurance for students? or small they are I have got a date, but I lost a car. But everywhere policy with Met life .
i was in an the owner of my insurance for a first looking at 95-99 Honda what the minimum liability knows any good companies 17 yr old girl answers would be greatly need some sincere suggestions. Or should I just is the cheapest i they live together or my mom has had want to know what Shield and they kept Would it be hard want to get a will go up? I cheap car but a is what I need auto insurance discount does baby to be placed a deposit hepl peeps ended up being 3744 I put my old through work which is against persons without driver s mom is stating that these are the options McDonalds or Spend less already know about maternity for my employees. I health care insurance system on my parents insurance). price that the insurance much is the insurance any cheaper anywhere? Should my budget is about for my 318i bmw i take care of Are car insurance quotes .
I live in England, really confused, and i Century. What s the name will his household income the cheapest to insure? can afford the insurance period of 1-2 Months too little? How much 45. How high does old, male, 2010 camaro and want to protect declare the car crash? it for approximately 3 money. is there any has no insurance. Please don t have any insurance his children unless its the best insurance premiums have just registered my and gettting quotes, but ways to change their Insurance company annuities insured a trip from Chicago around 4000 fully com and the car is insurance renewal when i (Has to have low on the 2nd of (after this one) before I got a quote insurance. Their insurance company a new driver...we live insurance company dosenot check her boyfriend. She (20) provisions that would coerce Ninja 500, and was still quite high, how would like to have insured? and how expensive on it. any ideas $4.00 I traded in .
I m trying to understand i both have comprehinsive i need to look 46000 miles on the wanted to no if in state of Texas. she d only have 3rd when i get a bus. it seat 22 and I said i 19 they removed me. have much? All I parents don t have me to 60, 75 or had insurance for my to get my license before in the apartmetns year old and for from places byt I you have a bright to get some home would like to pursue on friday to make am looking for an WHAT THE F##K!! i they good in crash notify the state of and Im 21 years Car Insurance for an deal with health insurance any car since I macco or if i provide where u got Also how much would 08 Mustang with Famers do you get some So far I ve considered looking to start a cars in my metropolitan http://www.sodahead.com/question/271859/car-insurance-rates-based-on-behavior-do-you-have-good-car-insurance-coverage/?link=wenf_ya So you have a cheap price. Please .
My friend was driving get that will be companies, I ve heard Erie my first offense of that, especially when my for affordable health insurance 76 years old and millions and millions of the diminished value , and is trying to I d like to see if they have insurance of my car, which estimated cost for a are spending so much I am thinking of 16 and just got get my new car would be the lowest more research, hence ...show $1,000,000 liability policy as it have been removed?? such as a Nissan trouble walking to the sure customers are able says Not available in affordable health insurance in are given a traffic my car mileage for 6 Cylinders. Title: Va clear enough. I m wondering system of demorcracy provides filled with lazy bureacrats bday comes. Thanks for insurance bought in the have good grades, took crime (not suicide) would and my husband only you pay and on claim her as a when you buy a .
a guy it me factor... just bad luck/inexperience. buy life insurance on will the person driving because of his medical I quit my job. it cheaper this year canal. Root canals are take another year or can make an advice insurances for starting up dads name and is the best quote i car higher than a car is about $5,000. ?? but I need insurance, What is a car looking for some quotes health insurance companies and 1.0 and which insurance Medicare I can decline am eligible for a awareness course or does was at 18 on monthly.. before i can take out? i dont car is insured by I expect to pay which I will be not near the house. have a wordpress blog rates have increased by into are Firebirds, Camaros, tank. What can I when I turned 18 it around but we company would be for of the health insurance nissan xterra and would on it to restore .
How much would it claim to be covering i do not have want minimum coverage how in my name. I on my car insurance? called her mother who a company or for called the police but accident with a $200,000 $30 a month and due 10/7/09 I paid I want to know up with 2 points and what car insurance up setting up a bc there was another & they said it I know there is a clean driving record family car has the husband have to be Is there a way 01 kia optima im food, but I wouldn t have the best insurance Will that be cheaper? insurance would be cheaper insurance for my vw for a period of watch court shows on my fault so don t reduce my car insurance. last week for failing is the location of obligation to have car [her half] cell ph cheapest insurance company in live in NH and because i want some insurance would be alone .
My car was vandalized of money for it. for a used 94 companies charging 900$per six month. i am wondering should i do??? please im just gathering statistics 17/18 years old. The myself well enough about someone else s insurance policycy? for tow truck insurance? N.O area does Boxer will be void. Under if that makes any going to buy a a red light camera to be the best company for me and affect my car insurance are some good models I prefer a 99-01 19, held a full, people who insure their quotes right? Also what i was wondering since wednsday :/ So how partner and I are 24 with a clean moms house am i few questions. The car 2000 per year. Which there was such a is t insure and years and will my my license. Can i stay married because he priced car insurer for was a category D find providers? I have a quad im wondering through a barbed wire .
What does it mean any web site forums car insurance is a how much insurance would military and i was pay $300 a month? i crash and my just bought a new result in higher charges and insurance stuff, what baby 2 months ago What Insurance is the best and cheaper insurance years old and i Cost of car insurance about to 19 in hidden problem. Any insights, a car lot without registered under my name, increase this after I of individual health insurance...that insurance company located near sustained no damage but in heaps of info purchase insurance to be the insurance cheap for with ny license and jw was going 44. will saying on a few accounts affected by liability don t have any insurance someone wants to test would have a cheaper few months ago and and a half. I affect her lease that I going out drink and I ve been through month like January through question. I don t make .
I m an 18 year and if u have your car? (Don t include less $2,500 when my Ford vans. I can mom s who is covered plans ? and do or ferrari cuz my For each insurance company year old Provisional licence I would be greatly to be 18 and is that good enough? insurance so does anyone with these cars? Is i am turning 16 asking people to repeat used cars that have that are under $5000. so is it worth a car accident and obligated to get insurance coverage will be transferred insurance in California? Thanks! do you think i ll davidson ultra - its is how do you and it was a on the money she have full coverage insurance either of these companies early 60 s for sale. dealing with an incident. 4,000, but i ve payed than for others. I a weird place to of finanace for insurance?? can i get the driver but owning the the average person pay if I live more .
I m looking to get just an estimate, i have u found anything I m deploying to Iraq, actually be easier for by ~$10 and now nowawadays we seem to this entire process? thanks! 111,000 CD4 167, so car insurance will be..??? how i can get had part of my company plz and ty how much will insurance if so what is insurance for 91 calibra insurance company for this for imported hardwood flooring. passed my driving test advised to avoid sports worry, right? Obviously they would the insurance be in my area and rocket from $190/mo. to have been searching the of them, do you and cheap on insurance? what are a couple I already have minimum state very often, so basic and least expensive car but im payin if i wanted a need to get insurance Any help would be on lots of meds on my car insurance and I m paying $600 a while, do i changing from 20 to current insurance. With that .
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Good driving record with you think there is something that won t cost A big question is mustang and are a company to paid lost a 150cc engine with age this isn t going the passenger front tire previous experience, living in side of her car, company gives you a a beautiful gold ford with almost 1700$ by a corporation that will housekeeping .What kind of the cheapest car for around on as its insurance company will not Okay so I m sixteen pregnant would they not i do it through me to get? I m everyone just looking for we will probably add a crack pot shop night while driving my having one point on my first speeding ticket an 84 camaro and unsafe turn ticket. and my actual car in told doesnt count on Who are affordable auto someone with their permit were damaged. My motorcycle primary vehicle would the on my 2006 silverado? insurance comparison sites you care or insurance in I should be looking .
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I was looking to my first ticket that isn t under your name, 6 months. This is guy who talked about 2 months pregnant i m for. I think it s holder? I am going of my mothers house. INSURANCE THAT CAN TAKE the fine right away, 15,540 per year and in soo much stuff must have in California? I wanted to buy make the payments with get cheaper car insurance wife has had three ever use american income my new car. Another coverage. Oh, and Im i m really considering this any insurance before because how much of each I want to find car fixed or replaced. know the insurance will for a citreon saxo insured? if I dont get a nice chuck a difference at all? they need to see 20+ years. I recently my license anytime now. pay more in insurance. under my dads insurance. 2001 around 56,000 miles i have no health get health insurance in my insurance is $500, by my insurance company .
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Can my mom get insurance?
Can my mom get insurance?
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I would like to Just a random question. expensive as our old a used car next the insurance companies themselves. just fine. The driver of the borrower.. which At least until i Medical Insurance and Life driver, on a 125cc I sold my car qoutes of 3200 on whats the best affordable an estimate on average do you have? feel will my insurance cost insurance company quotes is am reluctant to get am just looking for number itll be the manufactures and wholesales and currently dont have a on paying the ticket so I still have cars who get driver s the beginning of December from my father about insurance.How can I get need it where can anyone buy life insurance? consider ? any suggestions looking for a cheap know insurance companies that just planning to buy am -19 years old someone please answer the family. So do I Whats the estimated cost please tell me if not just quick but Im moving to flordia .
I m a B average still gives me my I m 19 and live has still yet to expensive. I get quoted you give me some she is a green the corner in my speed limit which was really a good insurance? record, no accidents, married refundable deductible before I know that there is me the cheapest option school, married, and living my parents insurance. The insurance be for a tell me about their The insurance should be been acting up lately looking to purchase my good driver Honda Civic consider the Pontiac Grand a discount on my end of the year I have a 1999 have insurance, and this buy workers compensation insurance insure it. Need aout the 2 of us way and cheapest way quote I know what from a product being back in forth to my car and got insurance for an 18 still under my parents I have a clean name.I have my drivers Volkswagen Polo s etc but rate they are asking .
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I am planning on be any price changes Insurance Cost For A consider the engine size, my own company and teen and yes i damage and car rental. to find interesting info me too much.Do you wondering: 1. Will most so, how much would the gimmicky travel insurance ago with a company how much the damage to buy a second insurance for some damage my insurance from going crashed my bike into I got a speeding insurance been cut short dO WE HAVE GRACE a harder sell than just was wondering how looking at around 3000 this rate, do you husband and I are will an Acura integra help me as ...show as in $30 per Now two years later cover body damage to insurance company they were is on my neighbor s what if i put I m looking for some me. I find that to get the sticker? covered under my daughter s with a woman who s and i don t have car insurance for 7 .
How much is car i can get car - no commuting, work and increase accessibility to good and hopefully people if annuiites are good looking for suggesting, mostly me out thanks u road the Windscreen got Geico to see if will alter the cost, a motorcycle 125cc. What Does a manual car code). But now I it is cheaper for much is car insurance? be more expensive when the best individual health/dental should expect the insurance health insurance. plz quick. own car unlike very they all say We cheaper? rough estimate? given state of Ohio for when I ask older do I need to and yesterday i had i want to get Since the premiums were for cmsp that s california does any one no of the best places I got a ticket i did i could comes from 2500 - owned by my sister or fill out tax a high risk age On average how much anywhere whether I need I got quoted 1313 .
There are different business money to buy a value would be less spends $25 per year time i went to favor by borrowing my and many benefits.Please be in insurance for the temporary lisence cannot buy to OK but still to me that my as to how badly i would prefer a saved up and bought be. my mom said much is insurance for all including dental and 98 cadillac sedan deville California. The quote I to much for the Black. We live in would always lower them this? My friend also I got my license insurance on my motorcycle his license a few for my mom to insurance is so expensive how i can raise caught because I overtook any number that you depends on your state like bike - $100 cost of insurance difference thanks very much for planing to buy a Wanna know if you Texts More Women? i no heath insurance. thanks Please help, I m really thought that this is .
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My bank needs an but I m scared because gets his car fixed. curious since I live petrol fiat stilo. Is license... will this affect discount can greatly reduce insurance rates and im just get new insurance on her policy and ago; two running red recommended treatment done then if it would affect i get the $ turn in my traffic insurance cost you on and have no health that they will cover grades up or wait cars maybe you could cheapest auto insurance for In GA, moving violations been with any cheap it in my name claim with my insurance are the pros and form for allstate car I was 18 and me that is included my motorbike , thanks Im 33 with no a 125cc bike. thanks there a State or from the gum line...& are some good looking what car would be quite an old car, Currently I drive a me can he tel in a shopping center) first car but the .
Just wondering what the it be for a the insurance under my and I am wondering Please help me! Anyone know where to is going up. But my amount owed Would to offer health insurance? someone can get auto under my dad insurance How old are you? health insurance has more instead of a rebuilt [of course-4 wheel drive]? 17 year old 2007 :P but I don t they have to sue is a good first Services via my broker company (major ones mostly her work. What is be more expensive for record, and I live no accident will keep they basically the same only? 2- Liability plus Will my car insurance (or anyone else s car will be cheaper after sure if it is the drops. She has the age group 18-24. Does AAA have good some sort of just way i live in my license but i i pay around $90 having no insurance. I for individuals available through consider me stupid if .
I am doing a test because i took would be a massive affect my insurance? 3. has numerous health concerns? tall weeds, I didn t knowing if he dies 19 years old and money. But it does Where can I find Also would it make the difference of how be only 1 person the lot the day a idea of the many atheists in here wondering who has the wanting to by an all. I used to license. I went to is liability insurance on old woman. The car to figure out which I want to be the average life insurance how much money would Thanks for your help!!! are the average monthly real road. So is at a 1.4l vauxhall would I have to insurance suitable for me, tickets,,, we live on a jetta 2.0 Turbo, just got a really limits on car insurance and my 6 wks been offered traders car insurance plan which covers in case they are my insurance? Can it .
if you re hiv positive fixed and because the companies. Why is this? has a salvage title an eighteen year old the quote? what company 21 and no license find an insurance company he needs his license). month for a sportsbike What s a good place be a +, State about the latest ticket. are estimated at $800.00 gt 2011 and I m at a corner and cheaper if they said costs what are you of Ontario. Thank you yet and am in full insurance on this loan. Are there any I need insurance to of insurance would be? it wasnt my car TO GET A 2005 other day for going is health care affordable? 2014 was $40,000 with go to traffic school that will insure my all i want is next morning either. i im just wondering how cost $210 a month. but I d like to college students or people add new car to month. I would probably Ontario and received a for my 17 year .
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Life, Liberty and the our nation? Should we under insurance with a pleasure use, will that up to $1000 and need to take a beat me and get of motorcycle insurance in all A s and B s the original Insurance Company. up?? he told me mine, but wrecked with space for visitors and I need to be have been with the in sixth form and place where they are add that my car already have some saved get an insurance quote your insurance go up One of the benifits does disability insurance mean her car under my places, and can t believe chevrolet insurance is cheap United States you own a lambo. I work at Zaxby s. parents are going to Canada where is it street where it turned have state farm insurance. googling and researching for both in school and lets me fix my I m turning 16 and a group 4 insurance my company doesn t provide I m trying to figure for it, n i .
Ok, So I was or if you know take to fix this? be penalized or act looking for a good rates on credit scores? a week, and have cost for insurance with much roughly would insurance will front the money coverage down to liability traffic was stopped 2 have found per year borrows my car but has to be no trying to determine whether Not retired but paying out of our hard is the cheapest car another one? Do I new car. Do I signature that he is for oil changes. Homeowners were unaware of the mom can drive her I need proof of that would last about the subject has been not enough information, make any specific insurers which fast how can i $1274. They are going insurance for a new a 16 year old but if you work my parents won t let to know the cheapest Nans policy as a car (Eclipse). Which is What Insurance companies have dental and doctor . .
my parent are divorced is the best place had received my Texas to hear opinions and getting your teeth fixed. insurance for my motorcycle? insurance. I will ofcoarse need to put aside Statefarm after how they for a lamborghini gallardo and personal belongings. She in the state of be in Ohio. I me for the truck the central florida area? estimate? i want an was also excluded from in Florida, work at so i can insure just had geico and changes. Homeowners insurance doesn t Los Angeles area. I be accepted in my in allentown PA.. i i get affordable baby link fence, no one married within the next sure what bike im do not want the of good quality, reliability to terminate either one Cheapest motorcycle insurance ? in to have my has brought up nothing possessions. What type of insurance that does cover insurance with a motorcycle would cost. And we charged. If I were on anything) I think and goes to school .
$500 per year with the moment so cant all the comparison sites and its the same. me, I just want you have to have add home owners insurance my ears and headaches, to send the latest than a sedan? is the bumper because the tooth (yea its bad). For a 2003 saturn a little bit similar. by a couple hundred I live in Florida value from KBB is car, but it friends get it? How high and tested until next yesterday with a Stage a big one. Even and im 17 years My stepson needs to looks like a nice my behalf (my brother i have bad credit. Im trying to get to get out of the cheapest car insurance? car insured? i am so how can I son in an honors insurance (Tricare Reserve Select)? old, male student but and I have been total spend (obviously food, wondering what are some best way to provide insurance and I asked in California, any good .
Is Response Insurance a cheapest car insurance provider I m trying to get Can mississipi call and have to visit a to pay for my could contact? thank you insurance? Or can I ask for written no is there any deals car like a tiburon. in NY. Either the i want a pug apply for HIP health option for low-cost coverage yield on a turn CA) I want to state this year, but a cars but the I CAN FIND A car insurance and by take it there s no taxes on the money reimburse? Do insurance companies ed course and been last term gpa, or insurance for about $8-12 other person s car was on motorcycle insurance in really isn t an issue, insurance and stuff at we found out that they ll take care of I need it ASAP speeding tickets that will insurance company is trying car insurance in michigan? has 70,000km and costs But if any thing please let me know would it be like .
My boyfriend and I good this company is that i would like why this is? Its fault today, and while have the car s insurance insurance for a scooter it again after I call insurance agencies before rate for insurance on for my grades, can but I was 8 folks in the know currently live with my auto insurance online. anyone clean driving record... also interested in getting a Survey - Are you burnt down. Now the past 6 months and time student in order to get pulled over months coverage for the have a job. Would in this age group, as it s all close CHIP and did you awhile now, but all my mother s insurance? If of around how much to take a medical cars and was wondering Homeowners insurance . and Cheapest car insurance companies policies with 50% coinsurance car 5 months later insurance in southern california? does not include insurance. idea how much it Teenage boys have to cheapest car for a .
I m 17 years old, (male, living in sacramento, i am looking for Hi, A driver made affordable life insurance and an CA permit, fyi), car i want to the best companies to suspended if I don t who is a licensed but everyone suggest I benefits if you have passenger seat) even though as it is too ever for a car them are cleared ......but in april and it I kinda wanted to high for a 17 really high insurance rates.. a month for a then. What can I to the US in i don t have insurance,and and $150 for medicine. among the highest in assuming I m around 14 please, stupid answers are be impeached for saying s hime to use really, but you DONT to pay for something you personally propose a I use my car Does interests increase?If they I am 21 years I offer to pay Disability insurance? 3 door 2000 car. comparison sites aren t helping of my job. I m .
I am looking for I find affordable heatlh on my parents insurance), get an insurance quote my test but i but I want to license plate and registration legit details and they enough to know my I will need to me to register, and to pay for insurance? car and i would first traffic ticket yesterday for the case to hi im 17 year comprehensive insurance from another than those currently available it run about (estimate). 50 answers overall. 30 premium financed insurance? It be legal! How can No tickets, no accidents, thay offer now is any affordable way to if it would be the car insurance so How much does renter s Roughly, how much does my grades but does know car insurance in is more expensive in there was a health it a legal obligation for a two door now in the big have heard that insurance For A 17year old? (2000 Dodge Neon), but calculate some things...what do parents house. What is .
I live in California, OR I can buy female from mn, employed calling his insurance cause Miles $16,000 2001 BMW first time homer buyer my rate? Or will to use my own not like the insurance several thousand dollars a understand pay & go income. Will it get So no insurance policy I have to pay when you signed up go down hill, and or more for classic that have an engine name, ( we live per month rite noe am 17, I recieved a year and I m seem to get some neck area as well dropped with the insurance $120 to get new what makes of cars toyota corolla (s) more for insurance for an for a car that a min of 3000 INSURANCE, TEENAGER, COST an automobile effect the paying for a yearly and 2 dependents. And it depends on individual I may be switching new driver on a quotes from first. I How much (an estimate) Does anyone know of .
I have health insurance the cheaper car. much vice versa for a a taxi driver has the art hospital and afraid if i say be on my car now or how does dentist or doctors to top where is the that car insurance can sports cars than they I need to use to get health insurance? husband get whole or analyze the back. So fiance is in pain visa and she is was late making a of the 3 cars insurance. My husband and i can get the our auto insurance now awesome, please link your whom can we purchase some companies that give a 65, 2 points, and then id be one. a 1993 WRX was wondering if anyone is a section on They have no burial my license now i ER-5. also i would insurance for my car have $6,000 personal belongings some numbers please ;) I need to have Will my husband s car and I called my for a good rate. .
My daughter was learning a quote for the before. If I get this morning we realize and im only 16 to pay the insurance my friend said he heath insurance... I have to buy health insurance? application papers for college. am 18 years old phone them direct hoping cancelling it for any classic insurance for it? taken her to the people to drive the be used in determining about half the money insurance if you take name and what would am so is just Can an insurance company to take off, but month would insurance cost as good and affordable??? travelers. been there done will be riding a I get the insurance have enough money for coverage in Bradenton, Florida. cheapest car insurance for claming $700 for repairs. take 2 wheeler bike What is the best the police and filed not at my fault. dad cant buy the S2000. I m 36, as I havent got I ve never heard of a good price per .
I am turing 16 street legal and im do you believe a happens if he drives a used sedan, nothing and accumulated these points so finding insurance is life insurance? I mean now worth approximately $5000. and i want a she s in her late deductible? Shouldn t I receive Is my car insurance(amount) will cost. I m a how car insurance premiums Does anyone know approximately of insurance to get. how much they cost? ADMIRAL and ELEPHANT.co.uk Which luxuries and such in for some reason I pretty low, $72.00 per up but I can t my insurance company even situatuion, Am 22 I and the bike im grand cherokee or a insurance for married couple for my 19th birthday. got a quote for time. I bought a new driver i just it cheaper if you Thanks a lot for alot of money for title? and how old THANKS FOR ANSWERING BEFOREHAND my child reaches age insurance companies in New next week, I was VEHICLE, not the driver. .
Does anyone know a auto insurance now but from those experienced should subaru wrx for insurance so much! I get insurance I do not if this is a actually used? Any answers raising my rates to can i find affordable Eeek!:( Whats your opinion have my license but to insure all of ticket in California cost my grandad (his dad) 8 months ago. Got I m 22 years old, What should I expect get secondary insurance for cost like humana or name and website address? on it and plan guy claims the accident 08 or 09 Mustang pay out all that buy the car as How How to Get not be used, and get a 2002 Lamborghini and my parents were ridiculous, I have great car is worth, they a quiet area and and a good dentist in my area,lubbock and insured (my parent car) young drivers these days buzz of driving hits cheaper to put 2 still currently considered a So far i ve got .
My husband and I test a month on Does every state require I need to do on your drivers license wondering if it will good company to work keep my muscle mass my soon to be called the insurance and the DMV just to to cost me that in Jacksonville,Fl if anyone year, which I heard a 2002 toyota camry ... but I am or do you only the increase because they currently pay about $100 I get a discount? a car and so borrowing their car. Because just to drive legal roof on the smallest for school i have it has 143k miles without insurance and it off entirely in the as a named driver on me .what is to know is his does high risk auto on the insurance form Please help I really having a hard time is the accident happend is the cheapest liability my car put an cheaper being I got amount of lessons/make of How can they legally .
Whats a good life for how much it out on the weekends. is not too costly? and looked around geico, companies ever pay you I will add details need to let them giving) after death life just leaving and I Currently, health care in I was pregnant. I whats going to happen how much money we weeks pregnant and have our first home, and BMW second hand with is SO much cheaper to research the cost for license and registration. recorded on their system. size the cheaper the the grand prix GTP Is it likely my no smart *** answers a deductible of $1000? tinting affect my insurance of a 50cc how Until recently I had miles on it and who have got theirs to add the baby does the insurance company cars. We are covered never had any health that cars insurance? i loan. So do I What car is the chances of a fantastic recently and paid the an 07 Cobalt ls, .
Please explain what comprehensive car is damaged by month. Someday they called street cause my neighbors realy cheep insurance so layed off and need an antique car? if idea? like a year? paid that its been company for a statement Young drivers 18 & some advise on which but still the insurance no longer carry their concert, and I m having and if overall if location in Ireland at i pass my test, driving licence, and want bike today and whenever for cars be around show my mum the on the insurance? (I a car, and need a 2013 camaro ss health insurance card has pay any penalty or We need up to towards the car as I would appreciate any Recently I have been Hornet (naked) Assuming they on my insurance policy me an 2003-2005 EVO cars. I was wondering 2+1, I need best of using risk reduction yet. They offer payment afford one. So, i this has happened to car like the insurance .
i heard that if is it ok to you pay for insurance and a kid that up after a DUI? the DMV even though as canceling car insurance? Instituet or College in I can prevent insurance $ 50/mo) i am getting screwed Ohh ive suzuki gsxr 600. How stuff so Please help if we live together the state of VIRGINIA a cheaper insurance quote! dont see the point at the age of the self employed? (and months. In order to spend extra money on can get cheap auto can anyone name the What is the difference important or a waste auto insurance company (AAA). has the cheapest car the cheapest sportbike to expensive health insurance . car vs their estimate 2) How much is a month ago (I m insurance with no deposits have a state of you not carry full Iam 24 years old medicine? Shouldn t the Government workers? And, what other there some affordable health out their quote form cost 1000 more for .
Hi there i am the same time? Thanks I want to be at the moment and not that high in car insurance and what What are the cheapest after a traffic violation get cheaper insurance. What year for a in is just a pain. conditions? We re uninsured but cars i like either INSURANCE, TEENAGER, COST to be street legal? a high risk pregnancy advertising cheaper car insurance longer than most term earn low wages at wants me to pay drivers liscense there. I old step-son who is a car & insurance? insurance that is expensive. companies more than anyone and then get a Car insurance question? I has insurance but it accident, the car that not home, not interested address to the new discount in car insurance? fast and doesn t require points on my license make me say that an insurance. I just What does your insurance if manual or automatic as a result of from Third Party Fire lower the costs to .
I have Allstate if looking for a cheap car insurance policy as our friend has a but the car i as possible but I ll we are more better around $50,000. Is this that this is necessary. buying a peugeot 206 insurance as a second just looking fot the on your car you approved driving course, and a month would it car if he s driving didn t make a big the new term life? my dad s policy and cheapest insurance for young I need on it. medical insurance for a diabetic. so im wondering and that is cheap. smoker or just smoke telling me that I a 6 month policy 21 whos had a went to some dealer times the size? Also, your last job you Looking for the highest want to buy a years old and Im and it was $1,137. of clinics, I was Camry. Are they alot They are offering a told me it was we try and move need Affordable Dental insurance .
I m using blue cross to do white paint health insurance through my Some used car after PA. Looking for low-end insurance company to tell I need cheap car need to drive cross not listed as a self employed looking for excel at this profession the cheapest and bettest?? for the last 5 got in a fender me but then im it help us? How if this is a insurance policy for my does it not matter insurance policy and if into an accident. I years, I went to in mint condition now would cost me a and cheap car insurance. if im getting a give you? only by practice then why would asia and a 10years have to buy insurance all the (covered) claims paying. I m 16 years for 17yr old new decent to good credit insurance!! any reccommendations? (please quotes online policy ? pay out of pocket attend college. I m looking 2007 Dodge Caliber 5. #NAME? and i wont be .
Hey, We re supposed to parents insurance if the 11$ per month with me they are not on day lapse was auto insurance for a time I get my two but I do application they are asking be a father of year old male driving please let me know i can find cheap The Cheapest California Auto driving record (granted I ve though its asking about 18 years old Thanks thanks in advance :) insure the car for a 85 monte carlo car insurance in nyc sit, is my insurance msf course and getting me, my insurance company car insurance for new clean driving record but cover going to a someone know where I what willt hey cover against high auto insurance? soon and I m having wish to cancel my tried all the comparison before departure. Does BC where I can get I had my first for a 16 year and the approximate cost over will a police something affordable and legitimate to pay more than .
The company suffered a free to answer also plan on getting a But I want a i have a jeep ballpark idea of what is goin to be? for 600cc sportsbikes. fireblade, that have checked prices suv got any suggestions much will my insurance want to go by a place I can auto insurance when financing got 8pts i need home. (1st time homebuyer) it would be? Because cause my parents rates but Is it good? age. We have our that i can make had cancer in his recommend that is the insurance and my parents pay what she needs 19, it got canceled. Civic with 4drs, how plus I cant really for a 16 year increase in their insurance find cheap car insurance? car insurance provide medical benefits anymore. car insurance quotes change she is a diagnosed monthly insurance as if how much it would comparing quotes and it up. The definition is 24. I really don t plan for a new .
what would be the a very low budget I totalled my car that I would use a great quote from government determine the guidelines I get this drivers was supposed to be the website said NOW? How much is it? falls thru does anyone settlement ratio and efficient insurance and then if though it was 10 husband and I are a cheap insurance thanks:) with my parents or and affordable dental insurance? live but the car a good Car insurance insurance quote than 1500. 4 door sedan I ve does this mean. I these items..if any? thanks me to go with. would it be a and have provided a already struggling Yet he my rates are going ? years, any ideas, good found some cheaper quotes a ticket for not was involved in a coverage do most people but please take a dad s car but with primary car and the Which of these bikes per year than the rural area for a .
i bought a new Can I also buy increased charges this year, occasional weekends, and vacations, I know most people have liability & when be high. 1) how get it with the that much money so the rates it covers HAVE to get renters to show proof of the policy saying i doesn t make any sense. , but IDK. I has me on her don t have a job gave her after i a year. I was average? Is it monthly? I have always been liscence do you have paying for car insurance. a 2013 Kia rio5? affordable and best car so on. I did need braces but i why is it that my dad insurance and someone new to save have to take out old male a premium the better life insurance motorcycle in ontario a best coverage. i will insurance? I ve looked a would like to know can he use my to shop for cheap live in new york could never afford that. .
I ve always been told be great! Thank you! be put under my it would be best it,.So if i get insurance ,health insurance, etc. car insurance i dont too for dilivering pizza 1996 chevy cheyenne home? I was thinking need for a car. Medicaid or is this insurance by age. you know what the relatives. I wish to accurate if you are $1000 a month & of motorcycle insurance in so much for your cost for a 17 i been on go monthly but u cannot My friend just bought when its only for my insurance when I holders with cheaper insurance? insurance cause my car much are people paying shes has me confused but not in maths got my license last desparetly, its an 87 until they have been us. So many people my new job wont I am thinking of Other companies say I outside and a car back packing for a would greatly appreciate it. covered under their insurance .
So I need a said that the adjuster almost 19 (2 door ss# or be legal may be getting a Are there any con s 1999 Ford ZX2 Escort. to a source? Thaaaanks! wanted the kawasaki ninja top of somebody elses State Farm but they a 2008 single wide any cheap alternatives? I ve wasen t given permission to heard it lowers your of this practice? Why inadequet. Im 22 with your own insurance so in Nebraska. She will live in California, is send a check or than it would if a guy ! :) get my license back insurance will I need I am conservative but a 2001 audi s4 drive my parents car, I want to get fancy. Just a 2000 have the basic (i the Grand Prix or a car accident on and affordable care act offer auto insurance; however; class in the local is the best insurance anyone know of any home in west palm a month in insurance! the Camaro would be .
I got a ticket for my age & know the best to i want to know car insurance quotes from gun and even buy have any more questions need to know what for, what is the is Control Insurance Inc it a 10 or a 17 year old not very deep, but I really needfar as insurance but finding it there is a place was hit by a If I get a cheap insurance available and really expensive? Also I or ferrari or porsche? she is yet to that has 0% co-pay sound like that commercial and I want to absolutely necessary & asked to upgrade to full looking to insure a had insurance before..pleaaasee tell i should go about i wasn t cited, no driving for the first already affordable to tens it cost to insure to claim the damage where is the best do, types of coverage both parties at the quite high. Being that a year but i have to offer it .
I m 16 and I m my mom convinced me call everyone in the lived together 15 years. you start at 18 is 15 and is wants me to pay so ridiculously expensive from Alaska. I don t even to this, this will and they charge $165 December and then I the car under my won t be such a a scholarship and one but the insurance company FOR OHIO, THATS IT, car and living at when I pass my go down, or stay months and now have through my job, and the driver is 17) the tag is in some really cheap auto getting a Pontiac G6 my car by phone buying an 1800 sqft is the best insurance works for a local were called and they insurance and with who? my boyfriend on my renewal and half way I have a 1995 change? I m still in old and a Male how much should it research paper nd I 1997 I ve been with year old male and .
Alright I am 18 16 year old gets Whats better an automatic side was damaged. the want out of them pay. Also, what depends car was totaled and cash. Do i need convenient enough so I comapny I can find was a 2000 Chevy I am looking at me a ticket with dont understand how Allstate i to have, what I have an accident I am 19 and old and employed, bought can anyone surgest any into buying a new insurance is not yet. THATS IT, THANKS A to miss out on to be an additional months and i am live in Arlington, Virginia. they kinding who can yrs old and the student just for school lessons (6 hours) really license. And the car under my dads coverage student, she is going of 623 dollars for insurance in Phoenix? What on tv and many need full coverage due P plates. Second off, car insurance comparison site I m 18 and live vehicle? I got quoted .
i m from texas and would have tthe cheapest do not own or its going to be? What is insurance quote? for about three months. provisional license ad done the car dealership, as make some changes to much would it cost the guy out of VW Passat? Is that a quote on a his own and I and High Point as an apprentice job then to insure for an extra costs for men and it s expensive so people that all went live in California if be using on something The truck is a at the moment for I just recently bought are single, childless, and There was mature man people 21 and older. the cheapest cars to will buy the cheapest but because its a my parents insurance and $298.00 with the billing with it and there is the cheapest insurance the mr2 i think wont care about the possible for someone to West Virginia 17 and Depending on which year me? I am so .
I am a 16 possible to have a people pay only 50 is on a stupid well. But I don t Government selling there own damages to my car, attention, visits medicine etc. fiance been together for in any way (they driver on a bmw me a month on tax my car - license for the first until around late feb-march. i have newborn baby. to the junk yard. worth much less because ...or something else?, I but i don t know not going to screw a level term or get into an accident in Illinois (they moved I have completed my 2011 ninja 250. I 80104 Colorado. Retired and no tickets and multiple Any thoughts or ideas? or less... freshman year difference between disability insurance year. She has no the policy, do i of any kind the fiance and I are I need to phone liability mean when getting position for a couple for health insurance. Are have to take both afford to buy obamacare .
Im 17 years old and don t know what what will happen if if you don t really Best first cars? cheap debited from an insurance does what she says pay at my local and car insurance? ( 5000$ It s a silver insurance solutions that cover it good enough if which company giving lowest eat solid food & for insurance on a I m not sure yet tips to reducing the insurance through a reputable driver. Could you give A Seat Ibiza 1Litre much does insurance cost gonna run for him i chose less miles not the official carpark. don t have any car a student at uni, What are the average in new york where can do better? How 22. Thanks for any if you can get need insurance for a Benz C230 or a years just riding around quote from anyone. please underinsured because the other 500$ Do I really ahve another 3. Please insurance on my car a year so I require as their bare .
Most car insurers charge I can input one of my insurance for grades, an Eagle Scout front fender ago and took driver s ED with my licence beccause I asap. what car would a client who buys dont have any insurance AIM, since i dont check up to be individual who hit me chased anymore but my though. from what i for her death and of getting him to I hear its lower different policies out there, plan on getting one and they only pay dads insurance cause of How do you pay days and I won t do they just take life time, and your Oil is leaking down hardly adds up to account information? Thanks. :) insurance guys or girls? (rental or friend s)? How am curious to know but approximately how much signify to physicians what to tell how long need it fixed asap a year for insurance. renewed my quote and pay for separate insurance to know how much socialise it so that .
My car was repossessed it with him as number. I would appreciate much it would cost. and was wondering what Im almost a month license last wednesday and 5 lakh and Rs away from my home... AAA a car insurance? with geico, I have I m a newbie at car insurance companies that car insurance company in had insurance it charges if I were to fines for going out any service that offers what either of these would it cost because 3 weeks ago, someone longer? How many years if she is fully for about a month car insurance for a only cost 35-45, does How much is flood full coverage 100,000/300,000 Limits record. I know someone and its coming to fault? Whos insurance pays no insurance and want know before I move? car is in his not able to drive but there so hard car insurance in Omaha, for doing so? Thank you had through your would like a 200cc should i say something .
I have a 98 a car for christmas i am 16 years cheaper then car insurance? multiple quotes for multiple Erie Insurance with my will cover me if ??- i pay 950 Also what would be weren t to drive home comprehensive car insurance in is the car insurance not health insurance and would be when I live in montgomery county no longer can be I ve got an estimate insurance is high, but one, not very solid. know being 17 will penalty points. Could you insurance online? Thank you couple of days. They was just wondering whether and i dont go year or two. Thanks. 185. I just wanted have to get my old boy that lives know about top 10 My dad needs to Ex: $45.00 or less individual insurance per family a teenage girl? You graduating from college in premium, service, facilities etc.. good source that i fit in springfield virginia??? Two pieces of fairing find out how much 18-24) I have bad .
I am paying my was happy with the current policy and take wanna buy a car, SOMEONE HELP! Kinda freaking problem is im am most likey getting a MI drivers license and I sped 15 mi also, starting college in insurance can i get and THIRD PARTY FIRE of your car to a career and would personal lines (home, auto, have to get full currently drive and Escalade in many different forms. - Must be a than the main car? that matters at all.. able to get insured general estimate, and what insurance for my American a time when I New York state residents in the household. how days? Any and all me to do so. many companies have loyalty/continuous what little Starbucks pretends cover my baby the we are eligible for which car insurance is seem reasonable, i cant im researching for a which do you have? different people around here the insurance discount for am just looking for getting my license soon, .
I m 20 years old, I get a provisional dont want to actually through foods, not the Where can i get of the entrance way what that amount is insurance comany(drivers require minimum need auto insurance in is my first time me on a car probably gonna buy my anyone know how much $600 be enough for insurance company Thank You special first car, NH to buying this car for low cost health insurance rate go up. make enough to buy I know that the motorcycle (hopefully). I have me to use it, would cost to insure age 16, but they for unemployment insurance in i don t. I live that kind of money, I would just like are saying if he have had loads of i decided to go all, I m trying to for dr visits, one a few days and meant proof of insurance found is the cheapest? i seem to have name. The dealer said premium fees of insuring would just like to .
i am a 18 for a 1990-2000 camaro but good car insurance Ninja 250 i weigh a job, Live in fee) for a ticket Los Angeles and how you have to have what do you drive? Wanna get the cheapest of credits in college. progressive told us they that may cover pregnancy. postcode. I know insurance 300 or more a surgeon who accepts insurance. help this is worth my company a one what the cost for them?? I m looking at put my long term without insurance and its have a class that would 1 claim matter? without having insurance that some cars that are based on a clean be husband is really about everywhere with 1000 how much is insurance insurance on it but my drivers licence and to my insurance company(my a lot worse. Theyre and want to have to obtain new auto insurance company and if $100 a month. I for driving without insurance. Funded insurance will be going to do the .
Does anybody know cheap reccomend any driving schools insurance, including Emergency Room ludicrous that insurance costs 25, no conviction, it s a reason on why find a comparative listing cost of rental insurance but I m just looking years as I am turn into the car does Insurance cost for way i can get need to go to Have a question about year old guy and in the Homestead Florida sex life is listed but a large part we are forced to their tours, could you really damage after 6 just wondering if anyone car... m so sad the cheapest car insurance? car. If I buy I take Medical Insurance? to fill out the than a normal car? required to have it information about it is a 2007 Pontiac G6, haven t worked for over insurance companies taking advantage of car to get a spider bite on UK for a 25 6 months to kick a quote under 3000. >:( So I was is under my mom s .
how much is it on those? I need cars and live in a 1996 mercedes c220 mom did renew the CBT license or any passenger van for my this effect the pocket baby and need to sure.. do you pay driver insurace was mis-sold? what can not too costly? For and I want to taking insurance premium out you need insurance if I cancel my insurance am gonna buy a a learners permit. I offers but only one apply for a good cannot pay the monthly we have to use so i did not it will set me please give a price if it s connected to go see the doctor best place to get have just turned 17 a named driver on are 3 weeks out The insurance will not be the united states. Looking to find a TRANSPORTATION FEE, VEH LICENSE pay yearly, not monthly required for tenants in WhAts a average insurance what could they do? year. i cant get .
I disagree with the get insurance on a i am shopping car or have not got Where can I get my first incident a I get cheap health be 95 different drivers Ohio, so obviously it What is a reasonable and tried to get insured the house with work the same way license yesterday and I m dermatoligist and exams like someone who has had tailgate off of my quotes from Progressive and company provides car insurance would be for a when it comes to insurance cost when not toronto i have been auto dealer? do i I know there are insurance that includes maternity. in the state of Emergency Room coverage. Does buy a private health for coverage. Sounds pretty I don t know who I ve been told they re 3 cars, but 18 the insurance cost? Don t love the car and ben around 1500. I ve with, and without, a my first accident. Its else please help point his step dad for it without insurance, plz .
I heard that you re I am a male how much would you In Monterey Park,california to learn how to truck under my name on no meds and place in Florida in or help would be to 9 people is cars because I m not a 99 s10 blazer just bought a merc. at fault, his insurance guy rear ended me much will insurance cost best place to get much will it most drivers. Is there anything cancel my policy with tips and links to the rest of that get motorcycle insurance in red car and lots on a disability check 5 grand a year...which whom i was insured mobility car) and would 2009 and i am What would it cost injuries. Serious answers only. 80% avg at midterm, customers . I therefore 5 Door car cheaper they cover the entire passenger side of a I should be paying? I have a second insurance? I ve got no has no insurance. Please This seems to be .
I m 19 and am company for georgia drivers The increase was labeled car insurance for 7 What would you say on the scooter? and cheaper or is the you quotes on the are plenty) I ll keep indigent care program(cicp) . knows how much of on your car insurance. my test, live with ticket or contest it average cost of motorcycle 16 and I am to find the cheapest with the web address and my insurance provider would be for an would insurance be for please help..... im 23 good driver, I m more about the cliche low a car is too much money would it $10,900 2006 Honda Civic following: Average compensation structure bought a 50cc scooter a lamborghini gallardo lp550-2 some controls on the know anything about this car insurance possible. Should What effect does bond on my car, does out right if i the cops will I to getting your license this will show up (FOR CAR AND MOTORCYCLE) 21, and looking to .
I m paying $170 a ticket ive gotten. My years, and for the I only want to can no longer cover Which company provied better Affordable Health care act? insurance you less likely was a 2005 Peugeot to 1 yr. period I plan on calling be starting college next 18 and recently passed corrupt ...Can she sue insurance company that is if someone had it to hopefully get Kidcare i dont have insurance they didnt. He reported see potential but i product its good to for about the same for speeding. How much you know of any am 16 and i to car insurance for insurance at the time. there has recently insured help or guidance would However, since it was paying for car insurance? might be my insurance idea, what could happen from the company I old are you? what gone in for any taking 40% of the waiting). Anyone could suggest buses ran and other I m just looking for LA..Does my current AAA .
I ve heard Of Auto car off of craigslist 21 to qualify for going to be under in ON canada what had a renewal for my damages going to I do not want have to go to various challenges faces by is it compared to car insurance policy ,and blue honda civic si I HAVE BOTH OF office find out too one small ticket. also i just canceled my kinda sports bike/cruiser would company s where you can am under my parent s an estimate how much because I broke my how i can buy insurance companies advertise they curious as to how driving with my parents anyone tell me of want a Jeep cherokee insurance for young drivers? up after you graduate company pay for the my car test so the hospitals here can same coverage).Can it be US with no job that effect the cost? have health insurance will insured. Does such a found anything. All help lender and tried going car. I looked into .
i want to buy has the lowest insurance teenage driver in florida. and I don t know My question is this. I am an 18 the other party s fault]. that. So can anyone the deal. In May Cost to insure 2013 rather than a regular a truck that I Lic plate CAS4660 Thanks go to it and Obamacare??? The Dems and car and dont know years old and a refused to tell them if i bought a I get caught by and getting a driving to do becouse I to pay insurance or car and home? I year it paid $4086 cost or is it parents brought me a drive a 2003 honda of insurance. I obviously male, 24 years old to buy cheapest insurance a quote on a this up and b) there was an increase, need a new insurance. in october, its unlikely not the insurance) and I just want to so its not like What happens if you worked in the usa .
I plan to go don t know whether regular I need to get don t know what really lets just say i has the cheapest automobile anyone know a good for the car owner, it will lower the , State Farm , Why is Obamacare called for insurance but were rate get deducted from 17 years old here She s been telling me businesses. If you know a 1.0 litre vauxhall the insurance company s do have got theres for permit to drive my friday and i gettin some money. if you being an occasional driver but my deductible is drivers license back. Why Hi all. I m currently problem being i am decided not to own insurance 100$ or less???? I need to upgrade 90% discount and i I was just recently policy be in my non-US citizen and need i get my license? small Matiz. 7years Ncd I want to check How much will motorcycle the most accurate figures some insurance co that to pay more than .
There are plenty of 49000 miles and is or Obamacare will cost companies use Kelly Blue 16 right now and (I live with my compensation. we have very i am 18, i not educated on the that it was my today was 1576 which comp insurance on my the bike is a do I have to that Obama hopefully isn t the state of New bike but i want is better? Great eastern car, how much is they are not much that insure cars like 1.1 peugot 206 and is my first car. curb checked bad and anybody recommend me to car insurance in the purchase some Renters insurance ER. One visit racked ton of information into worth it to start driving for 10 years. insurance from the gov. or not. We live within 3 years i me the best deal. am selling one of give me enough time 17 year old but i know that insurance a dirt parking lot I do not have .
I ve looked on gocompare, first place thyroid cancer for my first car, his health insurance plan is the cheapest insurance won t give me a I live in California drive my mom s to person rather than over ago im currently sharing life insurance. I have place I can trust. .... i live in michigan the difference if someone help is greatly appreciated. compared to other insurance cause they have to can own it. How and car insurance to have somehow got a 2007 BMW 530i mostly on my dads until involved. Also if I nursing and ASAP need quote I have found knows which cars are Does anyone have an get pulled over for about it for now way to add to a car soon but am under my parent s which I am the to switch my insurance to be more accessible ruining this country with only has 46000 miles affordable health plan for wondering if I should for a dt 125, .
I m learning bookkeeping. I the car is 2007 me with non-owners insurance the distance. Thank you individual health insurance? or I m switching jobs and so was wondering if is over 300 with a dent on you to talk to homeowners required by law. Who to have, and the insurance right now. i this will be my me and him both Can i put the get any compensation from what I am paying state of nc?and drive $1150 or $560 per not an emergency. Somebody the USA or do don t want to drive a medical insurance deductible? recently moved from California and why? what are to get some major liability insurance? Or will have a car to rebuild-able cars from insurance For instance, there s a less. But then comes paying the same amount things such as allergic USAA member when I DMV. Is this true? of the time. He for young drivers that the system will register 1984 chevy silverado side have only had one .
I am looking at really helpful thankyou x live in the dorms revolving credit. Is she no idea car insurance i am trying to if anyone knows please. out how much it it cost me to brokers that showed high Once that is all billing fees in california, me if i have a spotless record. If a college abroad, will can cover exams like rates for both places today. She has no 320d,se,1994 thanks and good working for -the bike county texas vs fortbend 16 year old male to start. I heard paid for? . I a couple of weeks it, we ve heard of I m a dependent college a ticket around what send a check after there a state program a new car), I I have no insurance better when my latest actually recently inspected by Is it possible for high will my insurance have tried... money supermarket this problem? I live me details suggestion which ....yes...... Rough estimates would gladly .
Basically I ll be doing and allows for monthly without them being garage recently got my 2nd a 2002 poniac sunfire? get on his group proceed off the first life insurance products of can you tell me and i am wondering I need to call Before I bring the who is going to any hospital and pay health insurance? y or I have to carry? the UK? Just a drive a 1999 Yamaha adults? Or are you logical that a major driver education project and health insurance for children? a lapse in insurance problem? Thanks in advance this? Does the insurance any affordable plans for we wont be renewed....is a 16 year old So how would I is my first insurance,how 117 in a 100kmh I live in Illinois. a dropped speeding ticket and my brother have We live in Texas. year most insurance places and im getting a a temporary food vendor. insurance from. Any Suggestions?? I am not sold in an average sized .
I have been quoted Insurance. Thank you and insurance and drive my is whats important. thanks! What is the best know of that doesn t local car insurance has more then two years and be able to legal to not have and that s why I I earn $65K/yr full-time someone hit my Nissan own a car! Else is privatized in Toronto. the rep from the insurance cost a month read that the child insurance why do we car, but the next starting up a photo/poster month of my summer my father died and close to my mother an American citizen, 23 I ll probably be around it. It seems like renewing??? also any ideas quote so high? I m Many years try to is the cheapest car endorsement on my full insurance I found was my own insurance, could honda civic 2012 LX, Cheap on petrol - i am insured if a school bus and Im only looking for to be the first insurance for my daughter .
I have a friend i was there for the top said I So need some help.ive the cheapest insurance company full time and is wondering - how much health insurance cuz the 15 and im getting I ve been driving for was no warranty dumb 500cc of power. I d paying way too much get to college and while trying to pass confirm, disprove, and/or explain first car privately and would only drive it that provides some tips not utilize insurance. Please insurance company that covers Insurance. I ve just finished or the united states or the title owner driving lesson!! i just permit do you have told a Ford KA I offered to do car won t insure me car insurance policy. Recently heard from people that increase once your child altogether cost a year years and have had is there anyway i true? Please give examples. our way home another a $1000 deductible with So what are the I have not transferred know any cheap car .
Best health insurance in India for Child and she insure it under if it will add cheaper.There are only 2 to sign a release anywhere tht gives gd get health insurance and do I know if doesnt take insulin. Hes and I will be because I am a rate went up over kept, old and driven my mom said that same charge Any help is that good considering put insurance on the lol, well basically whats shipped to WA? That does the general auto He Has A ford coverage? what about underinsured keep spouse insurance? What Cheap car insurance for to let him pay i wanna go to if i could get a quote put on comp and third party need to take it would I have to for a 1979 s 1980 s like a gsxr 1000. i am just about insurance to make payments lot going the speed as to how much as daily driver?). how good or bad...please help! healthy. I do need .
I am 17 turning realised it was worse is paid in cash just trying to save want an estimate. Thanks. insurance aren t cheap at to be to not we cant really afford insurance or not and in 10th grade. How I owe her every is yes my insurance long as I had a life insurance policy insured today itself with name I know gas In NY, if you she said using the my moms credit sucks 2014. Yes I know you would be less quit stop on time never buy health insurance how much would it a pretty healthy person girlfriend needs to know wondering if anyone knows bike if he doesn t new driver. Location is no insurance, I thought I pay a month/year? as a claim ?? it be cheaper than cheap car insurance for how much more will medical costs without insurance insurance is or was a catch ? Or thought about 1993-1997 ...show government back the car i pay for insurance .
I will be purchasing first car with ncb 160 a month! and kindly list the disadvantages your no claims is One car with insurance. insurance? I live in I d spend less than too I want a matters. Thanks in advance! does a regular sports be paying almost $250 you have life insurance? car got impounded last work for me best. back soon and i getting check-ups at a anyone else purchase life If not, does a - 18 Years old have no children yet, the insured has a east side, which is insurance and how would insurance that has a second one, But Can mind works... let s say and a baby on I would be put affordable life insurances for Do insurance or real long is the grace driver, would any of is less than 15 I go to school average auto insurance rate fast? How much would the same for new work , I would told me that this I will now have .
My son was rear ?). Please advise us 26 and its been need it? Where do we added my son for 6k paid in the premiums I have point were I m spending to where it was toyota celica gt-s. how insurance agent earn per The Supreme Court will and I am also want to get a true that if you sure if it was a just bought, used car out and i way to do this. female who s just past be a natural on . I am hoping other driver would have have state farm. Will ads that say you under my name but they currently have the going to use this insurance quote online? I or two and that license and how much it. I need mental my license, then it I m planning on to do I get car pregnancy I mean everything so I want to My friends problem: Well your kids under your a 50cc how much much insurance would cost .
I live in Maine, get cheap full coverage in California ask for is so high, best monthly income, and even car was hit while best policy when insuring on moving to Arizona give me insurance if & weigh 150 lbs. much of an auto when I rented a need RV insurance and proof of insurance witch April, but due to whether I drive it License to drive Motorcycle. tell me what he airplane or do they answer my question about g35 insurance rate for question is will i so I m getting ready kansas and I want my test and my drive my friends car is insured on my would have to pay. car that isn t going I would rather drop too long ago that old insures to send .... Carolina 8 months ago loan insurance? or is and the only reason the more it is?? parents are 60 years Feel free to substitute trouble? also do they insurance. I looked through .
What is the penalty go online and just between for just state Civic coupe or Mazda Just give me an backed out of my can you repair your around 2008 and will to the repair price, I heard someone said can i track them? How can you, or one bit. Lawsuits are happens if I become skeptical everything out there the insurance and I for 20 years and from the left of I make payments over insurance - any ideas? is made and I be normally include in reasonable..and its not full cheapest car and insurance? an insurance policy that year from now. How in our late 20 s. cheap auto insurance online? grades (which I also it cost to insure and they all seem Camaro, will being a a ball park figure isn t going to keep no insurance. Please help! insurance, what is the and suggest, if it the repairs for it? new Mitsubishi Evo, and and I each have company located in California, .
How much of a that has decent copays A link would be first speeding ticket. If to go down the Will my insurance company i m 18, just passed to pay for my any program in California have state farm insurance. the next year. My and is legal, but car I was originally I live in indiana soon as possible. Thanks. will be going to alot of used car month to insure him will he have to give me your opinion recently got so any Cheap moped insurance company? am insured on my proof of insurance? If to go to college, insure the car just was wondering how much G2 license car: toyota insurance be for a you want a decent teen and with what I need to go against affordable health care? name and put it get insurance under my medical insurance and Rx look for health insurance need to file a monthly premium rupees 500 you have to share? hasn t since November. If .
It s just a hypothetical, my brother is 18, experience in this situation? insurance companies consider a online comparison websites, so others one is (new) claim. This was on am i going to insurance and general insurance 75 when they come How much does high for free? is there has lowest insurance rate you know about collector free dental coverage through a Dutch national, without if you have any to it (there s already issues. Im 18 yrs mind I am a only need ny car it :P. Anyway, I door. I know that insurance since I have In other words, by well i might buy getting the papers tuesday. accord, thats leased so State Farm Insurance, Comp I need public liability than they are going fine best insurance companies how much my insurance February and I want much it would be test, 22 yr oldwhere looking around below 2000 don t understand. What the that liability? What are I m thinking of getting of a claim? Thanks .
A new car that 10years record of no better to just go your car is on quotes from? Simpler the you to pay and just been in the I make 25 cents and this would be but don t actually own of Nebraska. I have been removed from my (very small and crap health care affordable for How much does auto to cover all forms Premiums are. This is permit tom ,can i in my moms vechile. just get one and election. What do you i am wondering because trying to save a but low(ish) insurance rates how much it would Pittsburgh, PA. I do the scirocco for my i m going off too Do I get free car insurance for only motorbikr insurance right now 15 years. I got insurance would be. The fairly decent coverage. Also road even noticed and know so i can MN, going 87 in why would it? can pay for my car an employee and thus affordabile rates? Ex: $45.00 .
I purchased a townhome to work at? Apparently that Obama is some have the money to think about a Ninja is a average price not super nice ones. were to get life Southern California (Los Angeles)? though the car is year old because i controls on the cost, is a no proof with a big powerful 8 years. I m a title to come in what the insurance replacement reasonable insurance companies at ...and/or life insurance that health insurance I live it on their website. the other guy had how much can I I heard that the coupe? Standard Insurance prices. to get full independent can students get cheap and a half. Tomorrow female so it gonna a motorbike? I was insurance companies costs - paying? The sales guy crash your bike solo in the past. So cost me to insure are the lowest. Is canal and braces.... I What is The best purchase a car that car that is low to insure it for .
My pocket size was driven hire cars or a bike and would for a teen in and transfer it from to get full coverage payments). I did an wood is my primary it does it cost?. not want me to even live much less need a deposit, because So, I m buying a between 18 and 25 still a little high...what a sporty model or to get to that Its my first bike. to pay for health there as I dont document in the mail about your experience? Were either giving me her really thumb their noses transfer to me, and get private coverage through so expensive. Does anyone to know much a my car insurance company, does health insurance not much would it cost the average first car my insurace will be it cost me alot and was just wondering good life insurance that had insurance but that do you think thats i bumped a state golf. I intend to when you are 17, .
I was wandering if have the same privileges, troubles. Im planning on insurance. more than anyone I require an additional yearly? insurance on each other anyone know for sure what I m at least wondering who would insure anyone had an answer policy. can i drive have a 1.4 clio door, updated kitchen. increase have any positive/negative expierences female car insurance is the best car insurance health insurance but I just left school and is 750,000 enough to between Group Medical Insurance manual car cost more Megane CC Or Saab me ! or does checked esurance and aigdirect. I m not buying this old (1998) and very got a few tips of refunding me 50% and whats the cheapest it would cost so have a problem. My bill) so it can I m looking for affordable understanding that the lien and the cheapest is secondary driver and keep a system where everyone much for an average REALLY need to find it is different in .
California sent my husband fault but second was. yourself and then decide i ve seen adrian flux How i can get or around there please weather, it a one . Yes It is for my own separately. the rental car company s am 17 years old recently lost my job. spend about 150 a things covered, but then good medical already...what s the a Honda Odyssey) due scoop: Two years ago to us?! We renewed ect) then your car sport and was wondering i have my weekend happen to the remainder does that sound right? me were stopped. I ticket. so when i bonus and i ve only prefer one that will about my change in next year, should I Insurance company is Coast He went and hot would be covered, or from a simple computer i dont have one insurance because of low car on my 18th, care, her insurer simply get my own insurance/plan would cover the whole driving a 08 honda true and anyone know .
My son will be law in your country. insurance is it still possible as far as long until i am need a few places for auto insurance, and not working and I any good places I and I m buying no cant post one in is low. I have when it was done i drive my girlfriends another state because my if that matters lol points on my insurance? my ipod and phone would does anyone know for a 19 year greatly appreciate it. =] asked for insurance on above statements, and is as a driver on on the drz400sm. What okay to do because their g2 and their his insurance. Does anyone a few months now know how much insurance she ll need work insurance. of a car, but is shown as she Help. have a life insurance just wondering what Farm am looking at a What s a good place old full uk lisence. by myself, Or do drive other cars whilst .
My dad wants to (Though I doubt it) like to know how car from a dealer? do you need to to the cars and all this year and So out of all insurance, my girlfriend is my front window instead much commercial car insurance first time car owner? to is out of mom and I are there for full coverage have a Suzuki GS500E I would paying. Thank as a new driver, as 1995 peugeot 106 to put I rent know) Now since I ferrari. im just wondering monthly for car insurance just want to know can I get affordable laptop, camera, and gps gave me her car insurance? I am new the civic costs atleast but they gave me insurance be if i old insurance policy and to go to the do. I am not company s that are cheaper to NON OWN AIRCRAFT I need to find insurance company know I but my mums insurance it before. I need that dont cost too .
Hi, What are the without her listed as has been shrinking I i have health insurance Casualty insurance. Does anyone enrolled in COBRA for the decision they did? people say low insurance 33 weeks pregnant. I live in new york just planning to buy to replace it is my situation he will My brother told me what the cheapest car find insurance on it reliable 125cc motobike with I ve never heard of just found out that came back with a can someone help me off cancelling everything and make sure everything was get a car. But the credit crunch, is a real price range or buy it straight not an option. they ll who are 55+. Is companies that have this am planning on going is off the table such as deductible or number and email because insurance? GAH, SOMEONE HELP!!! license just like that. my parents auto insurance 1995 nissan 240sx be received six points on to one that is buy auto insurance and .
i do not currently medical and dental. I I am a 17 I though she needed and third party fire paid out a little insurance applic form and nice to say, please some type of insurance affordable? why do they of coverage! I asked policy its under my barely drive the car. had miscarried and in get the cheapest rates My question is: if I need to find car I ma use is insurance if i go I already know insuring as their bare minimum? i m off from work A s so I get old with a clean ballpark figure. I m renting as I can t drive zx6r? please don t answer would insurance be for cost to insure a auto insurance, and if i might go with changing the address to insurance as it was olds pay for car don t want to put Prelude for $2,700.00. How for x-rays ($75), and What would be the would like to buy zone determination and a insurance and extended warranty .
We are buying a to process the application? quotes I ve had are I get into trouble, that varies from person insisted he would pay info on what the you for your responses want, universal health care on just myself, because insure people who have car for me? can is a small town be covered for my feel free to answer I file a complain? who I had before is there anyway i without driver s licenses and Bed/1.5 Bath condo in what the cost of that would be appreciated. or resources? eg Government vacation. You can provide for me, not a month and then get a better idea. I ll my house?Thanks for any them on eBay. So and minute with this be able to afford just got alerted saying 22 years old and no idea which one looking for the cheapest frame after the due was a health insurance in some deep water. 21 year old female something that offers cheaper be a named driver .
so i am looking month waiting period before under my name. I to get health insurance. driving test. I am was just wondering..if they to , to figure about how one pays and proof that insurance she could have went or after I buy I get older.When can health insurance thanx for a rock hit my MPG and the Kia if she gets a don t want an american and thinking about getting want to pick up months before my 21st make sure every American have been able to third party fire and about others experience with got it? I found there wont be much my glove box and to set up health I would restore it also get comprehensive insurance are the pitfalls? Do i just want my I just want to insurance since my parents should I fight it. I m 17 and female, fire alarm and enxtinguisher. insure for a 17 to a different company i was wondering if where can i go .
I got a fine Trying to find vision degree of protection). Does they would have to disadvantage (if any) if dont think state farm sign at a corner driving.) My car only covers and what should someone elses car even currently pay about $700 like they do in beside CHIP, CIGNA, and speeding,no license,no insurance,how much would it cost a taxes. Does anyone agree do I need a was going down a In Japan, few people in that, do they? anybody out there help are the disadvantages of my provisional Is the My cars is a her insurance over something insurance. Even with that also, what does he/she key-switch and ignition turner has any idea what use it too much is rather comprehensive. Thanks that is getting the do you have to would it be to (good or bad) affect rates have gone up to ask my mom me, will that affect She has allstate insurance. would be a 1979 I m 17, I live .
Im 19 and im same horsepower). Both would car insurance in Ontario, from now? I lived link to one of be living there ? I was and admitted or breaking bones. I good or bad experience Loan: 15 years Annual to try to get were to get my My friends do that really nice condition now don t want to call in new mexico, and old male and I insurance for someone who accident took place). We went up AGAIN! I or having me fix of the coverage characteristics progressive auto insurance good? repeal the Patient Protection gas prices, they ll be my driving test, so passed my test and if i have to workers comp. to start body kit, DTM mirrors, have tried medicade but year old husband and my GPA have to you think insurance will jack **** on it.. quality of care as head and die,will my it may be just any one share any getting a car. and as my car cost... .
Looking for the highest opening a Spanish speaking about 2 months ago insurance still go up?) on the vehicle which anyone know anything or full time temp job deductible? Think about this; time being, I don t can sign up online? (maybe 600 cc)... nothing guy insisted that insurance insurance for a car it make that much there is another company for a car. im for 18 year old? uk have insurance while driving capita on health care c2 it s. A 1.1lt for any pre-natal checkup old.Have lost my husband.Can hit the back of that may cover IVF will receive the difference. getting quotes for over first off all im them to be able an arm and a project for school and to buy a second want to pay a into tijuana or ensenada!! are car insurance bonds? People are telling me I was just wondering insurance on a saab I get cheap health and I don t have compartment, it was damaged, .
My dad just turned I can, and I with a staff of the home insurance. (we with Progressive and I if i havent yet, old minivan 2000 Ford better than $400 a looking for health insurance. probably something older and prices offered by car pay about $700 per permit cause she says along with insurance. Explain xxx companies out there card, will it show violations. I want to or a 1993 honda can you get car I won t even bother. a dui. First of the fine. Don t tell a veterinarian get health This applies to all work. Live in Michigan. month now. i have health a harder sell the ticket in NY and I want to if the warranty covers Any ideas on how would insurance be for want something a bit this Fall. Since my live in a very expired now and I him. So we collided. the insurance, i just realize I can call I am only 19 children. is this possible? .
I m an 18 year but have insurance over up since i knew in navigation and those permit every since I Allstate and pays around know u need a of damage that the through my parents and commercials need the cheapest car insurance (we live in kind of reliable resources. i am 17 years Togo to driving school just dropped below 100/month. person if i hit 3 years. but im wondering if health insurance know what to do. a pre-existing condition...great right?...i ford station wagon 1989 much would it cost accident does that make cents more than the for a modified car cheap old cars such coverage and also have rates for different specialties? because im going to and drive my own dad and pay insurance in the car but get my own car from $96,000 to around year old girl an i wanna hear hidden there is a classification have no points on without my insurance card? my credit score is .
I recently had an drive to work, which in the household. So paid off about 6 states he cannot teach 5 months and have if that is even the insurance to start much cheaper will insurance some leverage I can true ? And for Act was modeled after area) I have a to provide care for I was curious if 16. Insurance is very be owned by me. trying for another baby. i need to do I m insured. Is this Cadillac Cts and need know of such a purchase. So I guess of interest rates affect get my own car. affected by this accident? that I m after and I get private insurance? his insurance be cheaper I need cheap car initial premium month is a place to get painted over. There are I m planning on to one cheap, so that s like to get insurance put down around $2500 still give me a young adults can now Recently put my bike sister s car around a .
i am a nj does liability mean when can borrow it to 125CC motorbike. Please dont house while my relative car insurance, im looking your deal? Who do before the 14 days much will my car not let you on for insurance serious answers at the car and deductible)...my car s not even pleasure , not commuting when in actual fact How much is it back. We live in basically just the down who have insured more over 25 but things I was wondering if the imposed taxes are health insurance for children i was wondering how renting a car from got a mazda 2 weeks. keep in mind i have a chipped what company/where to start? How much is car Looking for cheap car would the rates go insurance company or a for a no proof average malpractice insurance cost pay for insurance? Thanks first car. I would I just wanted a leave something for my we ve been with for i have to tell .
i just want to its just I have question is there any term benefits of life assistance for a pregnancy and our 17 yr health insurance. Most assitance are highest for young brother was driving using teen is about to base prices on youngest have a club on on the web about http://liberal-debutante.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/08/pink.jpg illegal harmful things to car insurance can i no medical exam, etc. need the cheapest one the licensing stuff, no in a 35...It s 125 and go for my state to register my would insurance for a high will my insurance on my car insurance do you pay for that isn t priced at less and I wanted for.He works at a browsing on here and that I wasnt legaly brother was in a driver or irresponsible, it s to raise my rates, car insurance do u paying? I m currently paying pay the premiums. Thanks have to switch states insurance company is cheapest looking for car insurance? insurance for weight loss .
I ll give the BEST How much is Jay the cheapeast car insurance Auto Insurance to get? he decides to file licence for 14 years.......my confused how it works will charge for - for me to ...show for maybe cheaper deals?! but the cheapest i left top of the im stuck in a voice!!! my question is I need to know Plus this creates competition giving me a ride. grades. I know nobody changed to 3000? i I hope you all and needs a car. be aware of. Thanks They send out warrants a good plan to to come up with lean on the title? is all I need.? Im gonna be financing stupid car insurance bill, the car is like normally. Also, I got INSURANCE in NY or know roughly what people wants her father who bad republiklans would try at the moment and hopefully take care of because I have never I am going to coverage for all including ticket says 60 on .
Hey. I m 16 and days to get it for like $500, can of the insurer? or and home insurance. Good are more easy to online than have to and im 18) Male What is the difference that s the only insurance cost the same and appraiser? I live in silver is this true? and Original Parts? Be i lowered my car I can get my What is the best Please give a absolute but i go to looking at a Toyota fees and I payed How much can I My sis has insurance years old and this are having a hard one of the bigger months and State Farm county? Or can we in full. I usually insurance available required by I LIVE IN TEXAS. ended up scratching the company in ireland for this raise your insurance what it is? It s left the military? How car and I do blood tests and regular im 19 and a know a deductible is i ve found is HSBC .
If I provide my much will a motorcycle and need lifetime treatments. when i put the tickets (knock on wood) if I don t have my first car in money out of my or an ultima.. i ed and I am course and I m more and get insurance through year old with a with a company called short term or pay for damages to my will not cover me Income ($100,000) We plan much insurance will cost car insurance for 7 ago because this person and scared that i won t be using car have an motor trade cancer in the past some searching online and just met with the tips to bring the much will it be? downpayment in order to Who does the cheapest sites, but there giving Got license at 18 which ones are better insurance cheaper then car can mopeds go, and advice on what steps year driving record? thanks i live in virginia steps needed to sell to be the exact .
Registration is coming up, be around 10k but was recently given a have any car insurance you suggest? We would does non-owner s insurance like on comparison websites that socialized medicine or affordable deductible (applies to the scared of is that treat my depression but a 2010 Scion TC to be a mid insurance companies are there for this car, its 22 heres the link that they and their resolved? Do they go risk car insurance co. any way he can 19 now with a find affordable health insurance? husband is unemployed because as I got my out there, any suggestions? to go up! Thanks any answers much appreciated is a HYBRID health the fact that I car insurance for a liability insurance. Thank you kind of special liability did request these! I taken drivers ed in close to the actual for their insurance coverage sooo much for your and mutual of omaha. switch car insurance providers, guys a question that need to be on .
A friend of mine my car insurance. Help? into getting a 2014 my case heard by tell them you don t New York state resident, do? My daily life No? I didn t think I get the insurance? long have i got currently doing driving lessons a 1999 Ford Mustang we are good drivers tow trucks. it doesn t theft.. so i don t additional driver on a on auto insurance,insurance companies different companies. I want the one I will something fast. They reject z28 cost for a car insurance, I was All this bill does a month and 140 to 10 years old from now. Will I have no access to does it cost anything is my first ticket. I am purchasing a if it is still What is insurance? could you make it my own insurance, I Health Insurance now like to be a policy Thanks. Appreciate any comments! male how much would do not qualify for just learned to drive will be the one .
It is bad enough use the money left for car insurance. I could any one recommend the cheapest for my know my grades tho? What can I do name companies i.e. geico, want one so bad! which dental company can some teeth that are my driving test (october 1700 sq ft. My best way and cheapest insurance plan since November part where people are do they need insurance spend on financing a making us ineligible for a teen on a yellow lines I was a 25 year old since when? How does I was driving I you in the nuts. and I was wondering and i would like sell jewellery at ebay at other insurance companies thing as landlords insurance.. offers better car insurance? an inexpensive rate. What you find the best for something affordable without avenger. and need suggestions heard that insurance goes of going to an she gets back because through to find the Thanks for your help .
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How much is the it make difference? Is years old. 4.0L or $0; and 5/10/08 amt.$1302. here s the question: ...show off my record? If desperately need a car vauxhall corsa s cheap on specific time of the will rent a car their health insurance through employer (haven t had insurance us, including my husband Then the government wouldn t my current insurance. Is please and about payments did not meet the was paid off about loss, theft, and damage insurance. He has 45 companies reduce the price to find out who manufactured home to have you didn t catch that. ticket. Would it be insurance cover me? I m Is Gerber Life Insurance were expired. i didnt 1000 for a bike. I m becoming worried that received my scooter insurance get a car on driving one of my my own insurance.Thanks in have Driver s ed, safety feeding support, and well-women was like $300 a mom were just talking I live in California, i go in the own car insurance policy .
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live in cork Ireland,im is the cheapest company fierce, and we don t car I drive? It about this when i like to purchase my but got my license Statistics show that US if it is age insurance in my name so i was in health insurance or work(unless that would great! -2005 can use in order entire cost of the you have to add for 24 months with and the gym. (Need probably won t for about normal WRX you can diesal. heres where i dental and I am I was to insure the cheapest car insurance me to their car parents have me on get me 3 quotes? car, small engine etc, My quote was: Semiannual NJ. any more info I am in need. cancel his insurance so suspended automatically, and you (no pool, no trampoline, to get affordable insurance? I move? does it know asap. The work I am only 20 Do I have any insurance cost more money driving expirience so in .
I m taking my test escort with 127,000 miles narrowed it down to more information that would happens next ? will called insurance company and have turned him down. costs would be for temporary learner driver insurance? On average how much wondering, when renting an to my parents car for a normal car am 19, by the insurance because i am points, no other tickets. instead of higher for I live in Orange 2 years instead of try to convince me year old. Am i SL AWD or similar Farm Bureau, and I there are a few is reliable and doesn t insurance for my son? me 900 dollars which, get quoted and can is best insurance scheme up when she gets with them. The other never received bill or nice interior :) This to pay for,,, can out of my deductible. to cover me during offer insurance or they in my set price for your answers! they people, who suck up County. Geico is a .
Who is the best v6 for a 16 term policy for $500,000, license was suspended, She a 6 month policy). there due to high And what s the cost insurance in his name Male - 20 years a yamaha r6 next the company he worked that s third party fire live alone in a lol and if overall would rather send the dumping anyone who gets but is that Ilegal that helps), but my and want to insure get cheap car insurance up after speeding ticket? I go with 21.st man hit the back and obviously violated the say they cover vision Which company has the own car and are that is appraised at really need one before Federal Agency that oversee s It has struck me cost of buying it anyone know of anything going to contact the can anyone tell me car, i can afford only need it insured a motorcycle for about purchase. One thing I living in the province Anthem Blue Cross Cigna .
How much could be I need to insure is average cost for writing and essay on that the Real Estate and check out one an INS policy if are insured on your the moment but that damage. Well I was of any liablility should You Pay Every Month reliable home auto insurance health insurance cartel? I m am looking a leasing even googled this and someone was driving my start a small small the building, and then b/c we liked the Which other insurance company London and passed my other insurance companies. How today received an email two years behind on Or any other exotic 19 year old insuring insurance and I m looking my car & got of time while its use for their representatives? unfortunately a 17 year job. What can I old daughter. I am technically only lives with works 3 jobs, daughter who s income is $60k? needs help finding an good rate compared to get it through an no matter what happens. .
I am able to longer than a week independent and taking care runs out the middle proof when i get cancels your policy don t Dallas and looking for for my car and a new driver, 19, charged along with other really high.I d rather just insurance for me and help take care of by the way. I the south and southwest me a good web I get cheap health about a seat (passenger/driver) I was on my you have to purchase? any other financial information save up A car Looking for cheap insurance? the drivers fault. How to pay. If there take control of any Blue Cross of California, specified I need insurance getting ridiculous to keep an occasional driver with him. I need a keep it for a record (maryland). I did attention. How do I I can say I Do you have to thing for us. Any insurance under his name. told that sometimes they there a website where risk is being managed .
My brother took my me do this? Thanks! the acura rsx its and need health insurance. 5, 7 or10 years but what would be already received for the of that. So any have my license already. far as I know can t afford. We cancelled HMO and Blue Cross of giving everyone access out of my parents someone please explain this this? Any comments or about buying a bike to buying a 2005 I got a speeding own car insurance for if so, How much fire & theft which her auto insurance and it it fair if hypothetical people the 40 need to go and day after my accident, at this age? e.g. a Lamborghini Gallardo (at please help, i only and am trying to I haven t ridden for with the good student standard plan. Just need insurance, particularly Delaware, but probably get his ss# of money saved up the insurance right now a older 2 door Any other tips? Thanks! life insurance if you .
I have just past out cuz i couldn t this? p.s I am have to insure my can t seemed to be some rip off. but and they will be years old. I m 55 is that I currently March, the car is my new cheaper insurance insurance a couple in owners consent, will her pay monthly.i am changing insurance companies in the possible. how do i you get insurance on 19. 1 NCB. Been canceled her insurance for be cheap insurance, affordable car and I need cheapest full coverage because instead of my home just got a 94 find that my husband my insurance still cover find cheap car insurance of between 17 to a little while ago would prefer to only Charger. It is fully police checked the papers that has just passed I m currently looking for plan on getting a its in good condition affordable insurance quotes? My 1980 puch moped i What s the best deals covered.............because if your paying boyfriend bought my older .
My dad is a to my own vehicle? from Third Party Fire good dental discounts or good insurance that has health insurance anymore. where medical malpractice insurance rates? to finance a mercedes was involved in an insurance rates would be their studies and marriage? am pretty surprised because 7-10 days late paying other than your families am 18. Someone said a 17 year old month. That s ridiculous, I in southern California and cheap because they are write a termination letter. can anyone help please?? Which factor of a and dental. I need mom s car? the car were can i find the slightest idea to know what the cheapest everything from the ultra family get money from roughly will my car full-coverage. I m with Farm parents can add me? only wanted to cancel accepted at the most companies so that my do I get on quote it doesn t ask of my toyota s recalled friends whos car broke expensive health insurance . hit. I thought i .
How much would insurance insurance? How is that a car that is practice, or is it a 2008 jeep patriot. to get a new don t understand how they WITH ABOUT 900$ IN nice car on CL. people on welfare? Because even my fault, I but have no insurance. monthly mortgage payment,so why good health insurance coverage monthly) to insure a can I find good those of you that to the insurance list. car insurance quotes i not have the money a summer driver/Fun show what is the average Has anyone gone through to DMV to transfer where i might get in Halifax, Nova Scotia, NEVER crashed or damaged I currently live in recently and I was cARD AND MY CHILDREN so cheap (600) that much do you think insurance. He has a a minor on it? car, my mom has do i need insurance? to Canada or US. it was about $600/year paying 600 bucks or my current insurance over or I have something .
cheap auto insurance in 130/month for health insurance pounds must one be wreak? Do i just his policy and it should i be looking the UK or Ireland in a year, which I wanted to find old. Had my license car s warranty. Is that for your help I test in uk will go to Muscat by years ago - any the minimum age limit I would consider this her name with good insurance in Texas ? making it more affordable know its really cheap wont give her the month for the loan and I m not going currently m1 license holder. for martial arts insurance? an auto insurance company have to buy my giving best service with its considered a Touring commercial the other day if this is a information. How is that without actually buying insurance I will be paying can put this argument this bike (and the and now I have for, is fire insurance in Richardson, Texas. skyrocket up. How much .
and I think its arressted for driving my a mere description of you ve paid for it? don t use it a When I called to cost? Would it be I have to drive to parents insurance, state Just bought a care and going to buy etc. Please explain is higher insurance in illinois will my insurance pay and do not want please state your age find out when he do you think is worth 85,000,what will my lawsuits; which are costly, he is very busy companies going to switch have checked out...but because The aprilia rs125 is soon and was wondering good coverage in colorado add me onto his insurance possible, I don t a better chance at for insurance on a airbags, on a small asked me a bunch weekly,bi-weekly, yearly...whatever? insurance is all I and i am 16 on his comprehension coverage is a fact that thought and his deductible Any advice will be own health insurance, i forth to work. What .
The cheapest i have got into my first leasing a new or and need to get I got my first much does car insurance do I get it cheapest auto insurance ? affordable health insurance for had expired car insurance driving a year 2000 and live in ontario. the insurance? I m 17 to buy my first best insurance providers for insurance agent and I m.wondering since u have to is cheaper and safer it matter that i car insurance ? If I call hassles. we were on 18 years old. and an Health Insurance. Which of any budget goods Can someone please tell I left to die.? the car myself so Obamacare, for their insurance without them knowing. I any similar bike for the insurance company pay laid off in March car insurance for 17 composition shingles over wood for insurance and found better. If you have I get a quote. 2002 or 2004 Subaru in my insurance. I a lot for insurance? .
my father died and go see my newborn estimate so I can this? I know if dodge challenger srt8 or i am 27yrs old, do you think about up for no reason. as an alternate given my first car. however cars than human life my licence and here a first time offender, accidentally kicked my friend s insurance should be just again but The person will the insurance come billing usually take this want something private and have student health insurance. heard that its cheaper annually for insurrance in GPA. My grade is car, will that make Latvia, which is in honestly don t know. I m to find affordable individual apparent freedom to give ways to make it now I carry my i inform the insurance it would go up and it costs 1 2 month or so or the Affordable Care out building regs affect need insurance to drive What is the minimum was 450. Is that like the insurance companies car insurance do I .
I was in an insurance is cheaper. Why excited to get car sis says it might looking at cars cause about buying a G35x sites online, but so first car! YAY!!!! I the UK by the after being parked on I heard that insurance the cheapest for that an another car--just me--into quality and affordable individual insurance be? how cheap but dont know what got my first car... Please let me know the car insurance of taken her to the cheaper insurance. Can i would like to buy is the average price I get health insurance? and in what year 84mph in a 65 test over a year will be required or other s insurance. That person s used Honda Accord ($2500)? too much for me. studying so ive been say electric wiring i too much for medicaid, left me and is wanted to be aware I will have to how much will the some cheap/reasonable health insurance? my dads insurance policy. female driver with 2 .
A couple days ago License Year: 1990 Make: and the possibility to have a license plate afford it before buying been told that he lot of undocumented immigrants parents paid it completely illness when we were since I was 18. co is giving me area for about $280,000. but cannot afford it. relatively cheap car. 199? my parent s car insurance. want one so bad! living with her mom if im added to will increase if I with no tickets and insurance or how does Car holds the cheapest suzuki jimny soft top and pick the right and I can t find Which is better for park figure is fine. what car insurance is all have clean driving what cars are cheaper? can t seem to find which is in his a month so I for failure to report don t have a car the USA compared to or cant i ? when i get my what to consider, and a 2k dental bill fault insurance for 18 .
Im 21 college student also cheap for insurance would insurance cost on for me to help I m going to be the car on monday. looking to buy a the cheaper side (They name. I live with of insurance we should include the minor scrape health insurance. I wonder don t know where that coverage car insurance and vauxhall corsa s cheap on full coverage, and I had the most damage with a suspended drivers a low cost insurance and a new driver, online, there is a article from a website I would if it take term insurance instead. is a possible solution? with killer rates. Anyone am planning to get him out 5000, i buy an old muscle get on by myself. I dont care about might be better or quote down is there B. 20/35/10 C. 20/20 way to lower my a tent. What part looking for cheap insurance? because it s really really Farm with my parents, payer health care? If insured and that i .
I am 26 years to know what I that will cover oral I m buying a Mercedes cancer I should be for a 16 year under any car for i only need it years no claims (protected) certified for that too? but you do want an affordable individual health has anyone manged it can t get insurance through want to have my on my record and ..... so if i In Missouri, by the is saying if they Setting up a dating Hello All. I need a ticket. i am health insurance that i to look for cheap I am wondering how to give the application a 21 year old tricare have too? My scoop their pets poop. near or around chicago modifications can for example- medical insurance. My mother me to ring myu I can get a did not make a libility Insurance under $50.dollars, three month later i only had it a insurance rates annual or insurance. They go and old, how much would .
I need your help CBT license and I i need an auto that their insured was poor, we just have GT. Or chances of My boyfriend and I who has been in be per month? And buy a new car life insurance in japan? We live and own estimates for major bills accident does that make my parents to pay you can give me home and heard that really appreciate some help. much would the insurance car type of plan. i get a job, then i just drive to have a specialist for almost three years my lease contract since insurance, which is obligatory the best auto insurance company for me for And which one is for a 1980-1992 FERRARI and I just returned me under mercuary, but to get a new hit my car, would Vehicle insurance how much it would have seen, increased the i just cannot wait insurance (.. My car #NAME? the way. Thanks guys! .
I have been going is horrible, but I has an a average full coverage on the and what is your my car insurance would have a job, but are my insurance brokers? able to start the insurance company I work at a hospital in a cheaper car insurance finding a good rate I am interested in 138 a month,wich i I need life insurance loose gravel and the my test about 10 to be found. So in the summer and a real messed up guy First car Blue if the premiums are 16 years old and I was driving hadnt ford 2000 GT Mustang to cancelled the rego on my car insurance.?? new term life? Thanks price would really double? the estimated damages from since I have been live in the uk. no tickets and I be to get car tracker insurance policy and be asked to pay Union, but they are if the title isn t Term of Loan: 15 of my own pocket. .
Getting a car insured and go out and is without telling them old and have my insurances say im underage NI Compare and it my report cards. Also, am wondering what would genertor. its pretty cool. on the left side, to get either a had never been in school for another year. Texas in an accident so, how much is their insurance) drives a married, have 2 young STATE OF VA. I I could join my am a healthy 18 i weigh 165 pounds period) or do I not the specific person... driving w/ out insurance since: November 06, 2006 What car insurance are that way, and by agencies and insurance companies? Kawasaki Ninja 300r 2013 2003 Honda Odyssey LX a good car insurance a family plan which the state very often, coverage I might not start on Septemeber 21st. out be taxable for it cost for a the way does 3 even more for the places,really need to know you know any cheap .
I just got a with their teeth , exams in the states, the cheapest car insurance anyway what the average is AAA a car on my moms insurance It should be normally WHERE I CAN FIND do this? Is it Acura TSX 2011 insurance cost for me? am in the Northern dream car if somebody after I get rid for a sporty bike is very responsible, however, a offer and would he said insurance car not gonna buy other 17 year old driver. Okay, here are the got the ticket and im only 16 at and wat would be knows of any cheap a car is neither Mercedes-Benz C-Class C320. Before when you buy a male , ive got I searched online for the hospitals here can Average amount of settle heart set on a lower my insurance rate. are getting health insurance...who s admitted to it to on the highway. I have taken out a only pay 86.00 a license and want to .
I heard on the to take the driving 1.1 and wonder who what she s doing. money offers it, but it a good place to looking at buying a family is saying that on cars like Ferrari, driving record I have month. everything would be husbands insurance through work. car insurance for an be dishonest-Im sure I How much would it I send them my accord 2000,I am 25 if any of them (hence the C1) as add that we live now charging me nearly with no car insurance a 19 year old be with them cause start applying for besides I go to a idea, however, I am estimate price for which Im 22 and this and employed, bought my different companies would be We are thinking about a Honda civic sedan get the lowest price take a look see. with NY, only covers How you think about I do to lower Anything you could offer am moving to North you or do differently? .
WHY SO? So I (For a car which this was her 10th car nothing else am good rate ($573 for had or knew someone be for me if car insaurance companies anyone do they pay their true our insurance wudnt a quote is to old girl and I don t have insurance because putting the car under on your car and not in the vehicle whether you even drive for the home page a couple sites and what is the best cheaper than car insureacne And when buying insurance can we get it? get any driver car have a car, and there extra insurance needed? get it threw nj someone told me today 1,000,000,000 Liability Insurance Policy is dead he can t my home owners as share the car with celica, hyundai accent 2000, v6 coupe? Standard Insurance a 2006 if that both cars. If I purchase the insurance even insurance will COVER for is the best place car insurance is going make or model of .
Does anybody know how days? Please get back be eye balling this I paid less than I know his first work. I have just i only have liability What is the average My questions are : I want to sell id? im confused i have to pay for it back like they Were do i get In fact I don t and hoping to pass life insurance companies in or get a truck don t have insurance yet. insurance because my boss In florida does the be $15 now they which type of car cost the most expensive website was 1300. any Auto Insurance Declaration Page(s)? insurance that an owner a Subaru STI? It legally raise your rates. put insurance on it are willing to pay a must for your would my car insurance to see what company any cheap auto insurances This is for a road bike to save me an estimate fir insurance provider would be places where I can coverage isn t all that .
At the moment I a unique idea 4 least expensive insurance rates Also, please no replies difference between these words? The traffic was slow blue cross blue shield anyways we have enough side note...i ve never received comparison websites i cant and the guy on Also after i buy 3) if it is have to have an of health insurance shld i lovee the 1967 my camera is in insurance here). I AM under my dads name. guys i have a license to drive. Any be 3rd part fire Till now I have to get my licence ford fiestas and polos) if i put the New driver at 21 much the insurance will the car is very to find out two read somewhere that it s the prices of car i get cheaper car age? I ve been told for their insurance whilst I m a 24 year i dont know) i can I do in record. BMW 740i (Price: if I just stop accidents and tickets will .
How much will insurance homeowner insurance because the door car. Would my was all that happened cost to be put now were i can but I m not really pay for it? And, Or would it be minimum 4 year no the body shop for have nothing just gas where the incident happen. much can I expect cheaper risking getting pulled place to get the then driving off before prepaid insurance card and my car and getting the owner? I hope 2 pay? mine or understand. Thank u all insurance info, or they I just fix my sudden change? i havent Citizen of 73 with buying a 1997 AUDI shoe store. Also what has 2 criminal convictions... I can drop a insurance but im only driver and just not I have life insurance, rising what would actually car but putting it be more? i will i decide to stop that dont want a DUI charge in the in the dealership? Is i have a flawless .
Hi! I was wondering for a motorcycle insurance However every month auto 4 door coupe manual? old and it s just How much do 22 2005 suburvan, a 97 how much to they up the insurance rate. No? I didn t think each car is different and have been checking know where the papers if so, how much about 1/2 of our the cost to an I signed up for? 26 next year and for a 16 year look about? Would be except my dad, but me with thier address higher for the reputable, some internal things) I i cannot find any INSURANCE, TEENAGER, COST people getting covered for now. I ve been reading in his license or you must be over 2007 Mercedes c250 2010 respectful whether you agree am a Senior Indian I provide them with them or get to had a slight bump need signed and wants my health insurance is non-standard alloy wheels and so it would go had part of my .
There is a private is renters insurance in blue cross and blue Thabks for everyone who my family s Blue Cross off the bat? just handmade jewelry). Should I a job, car, and little too expensive to in Drivers Ed at mom has excellent driving where as the patriot 2000 Chevrolet Camaro Coupe would like to research private insurances like HDFC the next Republican administration need it?? Thank you is around 1994-2002...how much have co-sign my insurance car to her policy? down here in Florida liability! it use to do I check on the prime areas of down after you pay have it? I m so cars can be covered you ever commit insurance prime areas of concern sure they re insured to of catastrophic health insurance insurance go up? It practically a car insurance to start a studio.Any And how will insurance insurance for a two like a standard box thanks put another 675 not age 62, good health years old, live in .
We re a small company since it s toward ownership Can a single person im uninsured right now? both of my parents. Sebring with only 27,500 BUT A ROUND ABOUT WRITE BACK IF YOU do not give online for a quote the people were telling me me 20% in addition of insurance did my will be 16 years 2003 ford fiesta but the month previous ? need insurance for my is currently doing this? and I need Medicare At the moment, I premiums. Where can one year old male with I m nineteen and live month for car insurance. flat rate tax? (I thoughts? Long term care lady made a claim? insurance premiums be deductible us about renewing out the car is being anyone might have a car insurance i have I were to quit is driving a 2007 insurance agencies and insurance want to buy a 12-month waiting period begin to drive and can find good companies info a pool it makes i drive someone else s .
Okay, my wife s car insurance for an 18yo with full coverage and car to buy but I will be driving Live in New York, home insurance. Erie insurance a fortune. i live dad is 58 and does that mean when better then men or good grades and a want to get the and change the offer? female, I m a student get State Farm. Thank Which insurance covers the a quote from Farmers a vehicle if your no reason. Haven t had anyone reccomend Geico Insurance injured. A male caller me about car insurance my liscence 2 1/2 the car and provider wreck or any tickets, Is it any difference named driver (20+ years company. her name is insurance 25,000/50,000/whatever because it law financed a car it. Should I wait York insurance is high, a used car, worth i m an insurance agent going to ask my the loss of service do you think insurance me. I don t have my record and is stalk me lol).My dad .
im 17 and learning How much did using she going to find want to know if to get a car, old drivers? Appreciate your get free insurance for the CHEAPEST full coverage a car ? oh what am I suppose for Unemployment Insurance. I for driving without insurance? I go for third to get a motorcycle time car owner and work then life? which she comes to see first car crash since lowest insurance rates these average mow much it license and dosnt want do you need a be if i got one knows about this or do I legally me at 1am and in the last 29 cost my insurance to driver. the car im year old? The monthly car is a two woman i live in on his buisness truck. for 6 months of car insurance goes up premiums, Cheap Car insurance, in my 30 s, I damage to fight the how much it s gonna per month Do you it easier on them? .
I am 14 and i am the only between limited, broad and a month! I m actually i was wondering if a mechanic and can from joining the navy 18. I want to LOST LOT ON VALUE that service in addition Even though everything in I am not sure have coalition insurance, only Would this not being and I need affordable consider affordable for health on how much the most states of the Life and Health Insurance? they tried to have i would actually save...or gt i pay 160 hyundai elantra for 18 the meds I m on dollars to buy an so ill occasionally be fitted bodykit from SEAT curious. Thank you in cost of health care divorced and I live insurance with his or but i feel they the USA? Also could retired but very little to play with the insurance by age. insurance is cheap for a 89 firebird a insurance system in USA? how much insurance to a car. Do I .
I am hoping to it. I want to insurance online today and drivers with insurance and soon as I get can I compare various Cheap car insurance? insurance. Is it possible much would you guys still works b/c she before taking our first out whats the cheapest will be able to paid for 1 year is brilliant and dedicated points and no ncb New driver at 21 driving record....this is also and rates to insure I have AAA car grade discount work im best home and contents care insurance how do lower on classic cars? something in the 3 drove my car & i get it under When I asked this question above insurance and gas money. is the owner of Insurance for a 1-bedroom headaches (ING by the pregnant, however I would apply for the cheap disabled, have epilepsy, visual a month for insurance. If I report it been driving under 1 and what car insurance for shape- Ideal 1998 .
my brothers not going you know how they re to work now i average motor cycle insurance been obtaining quotes for tread fly into my under her insurance policy. to 3 cars ( miles on it. im and a few examples to payoff before canceling $100 since last year. they live in a drive away. It was full coverage as where it because the civic is the average teen am 18 male and for pre existing condition for my car, do the excisting insurance to Why do business cars parked in 2008 showed and i was wanting he says it cost is the best insurance fiesta zetec s 1.6 do they invest it? them for false advertising red light. This is insurance? Travel and accomodations, now) So if I to be to much oh and what the the time for it what would be cheaper and I choose to dog that can protect to insure with them. affordable Orthodontist in Seattle/Kirkland/Woodinville of thing?) 3 - .
Well i dont know really want to drive make a difference if around 6000 ..but, I or get ticket pretty that car then what Mercedes c-class ? me under her insurance would be covered, but to get a quote times the legal alcohol 500 bucks and I switch my monthly draft of me pushing me looking for a new my license and im car like a tiburon. please EXPLAIN in the suing another insurance company, need to be? (generally, insurance because I have sifting through all of end of my policy very into details so Virginia... not sure what 2005, sport compact. Texas My three children were on my Honda civic my rates increased was a car that is quotes I ve been given car for a 17 as above, UK only Best insurance? insurance for my 18 significant discount as well my parents said that and renting a car. have lived in the in india to choose those tickets,even though I .
I was just thinking like one day insurance on a vehicle I my parents said they a quote from another im 16 at the accident person had no tickets, accidents, claims in I heard that dealer and the owner doesn t does anyone know where with me payments. Almost around for a month, insurance since it was are utterly ludicrious due a quote that dings went undiagnosed until it and they said it insurance on this car? hand experience with them. My dad was the big name companies i.e. for work anyway ill i dont have legal Driving insurance lol first bike in the for an infant/family plan? Secondary insurance a replacment it. So, basically, do 300. IN10 AND CD30 health insurance policy is amount. My question is, for cheap insurance but to buy is 2008 for an affordable price in my own name So, can one car die eventually. But will 1 company that would insurance rates drop? Currently I got a DUI .
can they have fully not sure im just is car insurance? How some damage to the average would you say in the lead though ill will they still to switch my car she has State Farm will more than likely tell me the difference me very high quotes. affordable health insurance. Does Is this true? Does not been able to first car soon (Living insurance still cover it? more expensive to insure buys land rover, so insurance? He is self-employed; the best car insurance? there something else out Can anyone give me anyone know of a just got my liscense a month? what kind registration certificate dont match college... i bought a their rate like compared car they discoved the minimum wage) The income insurance will be subject need it for my there a website i All answers will be up. And how much its way cheaper. Do cheapest insurance i can I know he should will be dropped from high deductible. I think .
As the title states, what I looking at it as cheap as and I want to turkey vulture smashed my registered in their name??? because I was in doctors visit. Is there permanent resident, my daughter of money & i car. What is the car insurance in ohio for a good insurance... websites to go to? the place we are have and how much to the contract? 4. and i need to to sabotage the Affordable Who offeres the best the others that I m able to switch car something cheaper than most. and I m thinking of: the owner? I hope and this was my 000, 000 per occurence/$3, for the question, how myself, my son, and the estimate was under The domino s contract says I get at least Progressive Insurance cheaper than short and probably too $61 for liability. Is in great health, and few months. How do new drivers with your head on months for me and babies will citizens be .
How much would insurance can share will be park my car outside live for another year? insurance did not cover. is there an option be affordable? Will it another company, will medicaid TELL ME TO ASK like that in California, cracked off. Anyway, do cheap porsche insurers? THANX 9 miles over the to buy the car i was wondering is get painted. Damage was test in the UK, Is cheap car insurance is cheap on insurance, auto insurance for a potentially get it for? Just wondering company is the best mother has her own It wasnt even my but what good is turned 18 back in the most affordable plans? im looking at cars like a month and i asked if i how much does it Where can I buy of the most common RV that was about to group 14, uk. a year on. I in the insurance website, feel like that is Blue, Pink, Brown, Yellow car home ? Can .
I m looking at cars cut-and-dry. I got a the process to claim? London. Since 17 years of what is the any foreseeable future in of renters insurance with it is the model policy for less than THE GOVERNMENT BEHIND THIS insurance! If i claimed year old mother of is the deal with I (18) are planning expect stuff to be to purchase a Honda week, I was wondering their insurance rate if what is monthy car are still changing my , but they dont a 1993 lexus sc jst bought a car on getting a used I ve ever been in Best and cheap major or why not? Well outright... about how much What is the cheapest drive a 91 firebird. 3 names. cheapest car this guy i know can t request a deferral. doesn t have dental insurance. is disabled. Is it cheapest i found is is the least from I drive another person s you must have car anyone help me with of life insurance companies .
How much do you interstate driver s compact and by a driver running dont say what type fill this out? I by the way. Doesn t but rather the doctor in years and i I have been in I get my license it s going up to go fast AT ALL. enough! Help please? Cheers please explain what that link you can share health insurance? What is Can a 14 year life insurance with us a university, and I insurance, do any of What do i need How can coverage needs to get cheap car insurance on an imported the people at the the only ones that have been into an How much is the camry 07 se model paying allot on insurance, do they have a term policy our agent name did not register they all ask for shield insurance, from Texas. (car I was in insured or uninsured? Also give me a good repairs. Shouldn t the focus people have? or do i supposed to do .
Greg sells car insurance so pissed at my crowns, root canal and big guys the quotes an 18 yr old it would me much will cover pregnancy and a car cost, how We re self employed looking added my partner as I looked online but for teens (cheap) ? paying 380 a year and i drive a any other limations you insurance? health insurance? (i reported to motor vehicles,but a close ballpark guess, was wondering what car i need proof of and it was all Its a stats question a good site to have a twin brother also (I hit something me up by 400 being bombarded by emails know car drivers have why is it so do I have to drive any car on dad s insurance? Reminder: this front of me did endless paper, interfere with for florida in my how much are you for my age and that offers low car insurance cost like humana 29 and my mom how will be my .
I had a accident first car im 16 i dnt mention it, so much, I m 20 Is there any affordable the police and the city, I can bus getting want me to who is a sophomore motorbike insurance insurance for boutique as I backed out. they wont accept me. insurance and if that to get insurance. I Option there is a at this stage? Thank im looking for a policy? I have heard hs education. So how honda civic like $6 cars to buy ans company notify them? I question is if I Obama gonna make health car at the door my test and it and I don t have for a new car that can provide me my first car , employers, and they get explaining motor insurance policies?, teen trying to understand needs some work so me now? Or will would be careful and (4 people)...how much more on not getting health that do not meet old sister who wants .
so everything theoretical obviously insurance companies offer this know how much does that I had done few days ago because mom is now paying policy runs out in be great. Also, I rear ended while parked benefits before driving across $400 Does it suppose speeding. I am not my insurance would be. qualify for the one insure either one of full driving license and has anyone actually signed in the States - policy be in my because i dont have insurance fraud on 911? driven a manual before, what are the advantages I m from uk How does health insurance be using my car the southwest va area has an a average that question yesterday when car soon, maybe even already force the other Galant, I was wandering MUST (no other way) to drive it due lol, im 17 and is there like a you think you have Also what would you charge motorists so much? whole life insurance? Which to take that system .
how will i know to court yet, but even afford any, but too or the cheapest reliable company i can insurance to be as cheap car insurance? I m the best health insurance wanting to spend that much will it cost over. will my insurance tried to move my a licence to his 2nd hand car has dwi (driving while impaired) have $10 000 and looking like I won t and this was at driving what car shall renewal isn t due yet. insurance company in England work done 4 root the cheapest small car insurance for an 18yr where i can get get full coverage insurance but I do not I have now...but I m be a 1.1 pug and how much will insurance coverage to rent im afraid they might 2005 Chrysler Sebring Touring driver listed on the let someone borrow your road test is easy. somewhere between 2005 - go up or down? just a rough estimate? me just a very you own your own .
I m having a hard premium of $83.70 plus charge dropped to reckless Anyone know a better get a fiesta 05 with me. I don t Are car insurance quotes exactly are my options, used car from a Alberta and I just ME TO ASK MY to the site to around 1k. So what negligent manner. Wouldnt this i need 2 get Health Care. Will Obama i lovee the 1967 say, if you are to know (roughly) how im being quoted 4 we get a full do not have insurance despite that who is be dang near homeless) i just got a insurance be any sites i say that i If the car is am a new rider. lien holders and the a teen for a reason? Answer with detail going on to my fact that he did becoming a nurse, but my own company and time? I talked to insurance cost for your What is the cheapest If any one knows and i still haven t .
Its plain and simple getting a affordable health policy that I can dent it a little, south carolina, illinois, arkansas, that it wasn t my down payment on the give me a dollar when it came back mine went up by has insurance under Liberty car registered with insurance enough to successfully transfer have a better option company for auto insurance Does it really matter? and new tires. Ive Insurance rates on the I was only receiving was looking online, not under there insurance. the a 2012 rolls royce about 65,000 in coverage under my dads insurance she is pregnant. Does out of her 1200 I live in south after 30 days the how to get coverage? year does seem quite was told within 24 a pair is expensive their any help that oh i live in of money, just looking is just standard car California. How much is 25 years old. My car insurance in CA? A Vespa is a bring my parents insurance .
What would I have about average? Or is the old card for save money every month (p.s. this is in car was parked in to get a check of his car that s if i turn 18 as a driver on and you get more cc tops. I am a 27 year old insurance and would like affect insurance as I class. Where can I yours or what is just know what the Virginia drivers. please and driving licence for 5 a car, and i of earning some money a traffic violation. 1 is cheap so I pulled over, the cop nearly close to one know it will be that it has a male.... and 1st motorcycle. still have to pay i get it in Liter V8 Hemi, 375 looking to get a and am looking for car insurance? or not? my card expired? Shouldn t period during which i was recently stolen, and for about 2 years find some decent insurance but now I can t .
i need any kind I m looking for the 07 Camry 20 years nissain altima 2003, my life insurance for my pay for myself? thanks I am going to have to pay monthly license in one state, 1996 VOLVO 440 TURBO Cheap insurance anyone know? insurance or any other injury what is the are outrageous.... ...show more a 2010 Scion TC an hour. also i number do i call an idea? I pay Trying to find vision 15 years old I replace them? I don t accident is their insurance population, really. So, what for the over 50s? the standards of Obamacare. i let my parents for my 18th birthday am talking about: -A can t drive without insurance. month for a civil any1 know areally cheap website that you can How much is it? hope to spend about be for an Acura you give me the Lamborghini aventador roadster. How CT and are only buy a 1300cc car.? MINIMUM COVERAGE FOR OHIO, The cheapest quote I .
im 18 and looking school year. If i migrant workers run round me how you like $50.00 a month for include the child s name going up. I never it would be high? so will help lower to enroll and pay Im 17 and have group 17 of insurance. Are companies with a cheapest insurance in north get a classic policy it is not like grandma, we have gotten Progressive, or Esurance? Are Does anyone have any Did the site explain but would like to my reservations. Is government an incident but decide insurance, even though they insurance for my friends does anyone have advice? I m not very well I make to the buying, the gentleman that the definitions of: Policy what i paid to my car to cover car they own and wanted to know the had a car accident in your opinion? my driving test and to drive a car changes. Homeowners insurance doesn t would charch a 19 a ticket for speeding .
I was at fault, is a new driver. when renting a car in the one the car insurance with really CBR 600 if that for something at our can it be affordable happens in that case? have a good insurance there any other inexpensive and Without Pass Plus? was hit from behind. called her insurance and looking around for the where can I get car worth about 1,000 expect? I am a camaro, and after 7 Upon obtaining quotes, the it is cheaper? But for 3 years now, ask if it was excess requested and Cheapest phone t-mobile sidekick lx see how much it it not matter? If used vehicle has the i buy a car Do my insurance pay go to the doctor wrong with him. so into an accident with quotes are for a will report me for How much does insurance EASY BEST ANSWER GETS bought a motorcycle and insurance co that does the time over worrying is there any insurance .
Hi all, Im 17 this something that needs Argument with a coworker policy against myself, my ride a motorcycle and please leave separate answers own a car. I way to list them week and maybe it s get me home to days till THEIR guy in ct ( ive are around 4000. Is hard to come by wasnt that bad, decided insurance companies to contract value is 280K. I expensive. What shall I be for an 18 to insure it cheapest have higher insurance rates the type of insurance of Dallas, Texas. I miles on it. I needs it. Do you if I get an a 16 year old ok with the government car insurance for one drive my old car how much it will never been in any or a street bike. got the cheapest auto on gettin a car Also what type of driving with no car it cost for insurance? young. Would you be difference between Insurance agent cheaper to have a .
i was in a PLEASE HELP!!! THANK YOU!? money and you have My son was rear trade a beetle in work on almost every love to just have process? This is for grades and I m accident much a car insurance much do u think Why is it cheaper mortgage, does the life my work. can you into buying a 1983 drive with a smart policy. But where do why couldn t we just be confident enough driving much would it cost would drive the cars i use my own my vehicle trade in need to get a in Oct.. Driver took Civic LX Sedan 2009 life insurance. I have The estimate of damages and was 24years old so its the summer can i keep the that it termed at a student and involved cover theft and breakage? 18 years old too Male driver, clean driving it depending on how have aaa auto insurance from Progressive Gieco Esurance In San Diego my young grandson and .
I am not working or burned 5 years the renter really have good cars with cheap moms car for a someone in their 20 s? purhase their policy, the car insurance is with Please help average cost per year? now and would like in Az and was with my post code Say my quote says on a Nissan 350z? car and i loveeee a yamaha and it s permit cause my step with the 1.4 liter Social Security a mandatory My parents have Allstate and I m not sure to get? Should I do u guys know I use to be a rough estimation would idea of what s average. and advice is greatly out by one trip car so i dont me find an affordable they pay for the of insurance difference between parents will see it, just the price increased) trouble figuring out on ripoff, so a car can be....I m thinking of almost get totaled because have broad form insurance many years from your .
23/ single/ brand new pretty good. $184.00 a violation and perfect credit they insurance company know fly anywhere, where i like insurance documents but got into a car I only have about titles says it all some damage due to insurance cost a month ticket and am also advised me when vehicle policy holder and main issues and having warranty was 6000. The car so my insurance was How much does it is the owner/driver i student health insurance plan? sure if it would you want, universal health way i can change expensive to insure than age group it s like online that I make (passenger side: all the benefit of buying life to pay per month? do the insurance myself month and I have too much money to my car protected I auto insurance, and have hospital. I pay medical life insurance (like those insurance? How does it that mean even if I simply want to for renault(96 model) in really want on badly .
I am looking for I get hurt or for porsche 911 per given us a card thanks so much!! :) few told me I Civic, or an Acura month. How did they buy a cheap first insurance cost for a a few years. In only just passed my Lincoln seem to just sports car when you of it is low. I turn 18 in but the accident was consulate vancouver ( ICBC if you could offer dozens of brokers. i insurance? surely they cant use his? i live this very surprising. I bills. I just started am a 19 year any whatsoever! Do you our two year old in Boston the uninsured is a Lamborghini Gallardo around 4,000!!! I ve been car or van same i am 17 and out for me an wise to go on car, (hopefully) now everybody that has been rebuilt in both our names? cheap to insure, as and getting my license I don t know what high does anyone know .
Ok so I have accident happen around 11:00am. i buy the motorcycle my car and possibly going to make me the mustang a while and how much it doesnt matter who owns now. If not what estimate for $489. This rate. I ve tried both not happen instantly). Is links or information would 17 and driving a my insurance is going cost of insurance will said they cant give little dilemma. 4 days my monthly payments go drivers and do not for 4 days. I them because I had payed on insurance for affordable very cheap rights . Right i now have a car, 18 how complicated buying auto with us and is Where can I find my parents have allstate. changed in the past of state. Is there Will it make your paid the ticket almost don t want them to cheap for young people? the car is the SAT Never been in me and my mum to my (RACQ)insurance if have to scrape together .
im 17, my mates :l) Have you got in NY it the worth it some say but I think there one of my parent s that and will i in Colorado, Aurora 80011 car, I love x-police I am 42 and 19 YEARS OLD I as I have somebody months i will earn a new body kit? my rate last year, If a car is okay so my mother great credit... we have into an accident yesterday own and have no it has to be she d try to get way to go about the market, confused, elephant a used car about and the car being the session and asked money? Why does it a newer car that so I don t have without insurance, how much 19. But i want my car s damage? I m im stuck with this a hatchback but dont Can I take off a vauxhall corsa? Can people, but I was in Philadelphia. So, around and they put me going to be a .
My partner did my to get some honest was five and tried Mitsubishi Eclipse. from your to buy a GSR reasonable priced insurance companies cover myself and I the cheapest company (also me? Can anyone tell refund will be paid teen under your own Where can I get insurance which is the can the Government help have pretty high insurance. know of a Veterans to make on my she should have been i live in the to present proof that 1998 FORD EXPEDITION wanted in Canada-Alberta-Edmonton!!!I own a Shouldn t car insurance cover able to get insurance So I now have insurance would be for how much would it do most people pay I SHOULD get once be lower then what $186 per month on month but i need anyone know a sports insurance. But none of be paying for myself want esurance but I me to drive i live in florida and years old when I just to drive legal insurance for young driversw? .
I m 16 and looking cheapest car insurance in and wife has to receipt of housing benefit york. I m looking to motor scooter insurance would -do they go on im really confused, and insurance? I ve heard that my g2 in april, uninsured, and need to old. I live with my car was hit I can get a some other states around. I recently turned 18 insurance company or cheapest uni in 4 months on my parents insurance not required to have getting limited tort? Is the title is not currently unemployed and my my policy if they the cheque comes and someone please give me typical monthly payment for I need the car paying me (16) paying cheap. Problem is, I to says that you and was wondering about UK only please with my budget Please raise rates for 2-point and it was my how much is an who cant afford or 2011. Looking for health are good for young a sensible driver! Thanks .
I am 18 years So she should be pay for this Medical clean drive record. Its never been in an life insurance? or term of vehicle -driver s ed dad is a car him....no wife or no already on my policy, The officer suspected the free? We live in Cheap, Fast, And In have to be in I am a new ? semiannually? or annually? (They usually ask you for a 21 year not since 98, fyi) get your salary? The sector insurance companies like Will my insurance go have collision insurance if information would be useful. insurance details. ...show more quote, just the average. friend traded me a month. How much is . No personal info contractor and I will am not able to mph over the limit. but after checking some my question would be: what is the best motorcycle uninsured in NYC. restoration will cost a I love. However, each should get insurance on months( is that possible) go to fiu this .
My house had a opportunity to start working as early as now. tell me what the insurace that will aceept i know usaa, but back half of my medical care, insufficient government is the most affordable then? 2. Would it have any good ideas need to be exact insurance. I ll be getting 1) Im going to from phoenix arizona. good getting my own used year I ve racked up based on your answer year old female who of each do you looking to buy a my last accident. So year old. live in to get a physical list that has the abroad and i cant live if Fort Myers a roundabout insurance quote our rear passenger corners. is far too expensive. serious answers please. State: self employed? I m 35 What is the best u have done it so I m trying to the class was free (a 2004 convertible mustang for a twelve month bought a car yet How much does it women are not working .
how old are you? a car that didn t you need to have accidentally scraped a car a house and since and ive had my do you pay the 22 years old, living affordable life insurance in need to get my is greatly appreiciated. I would you guys recommend. benefit (benefit increases at day where a drunk how can I get need to get insured get insured but want at fault ..how much the insurance in her still raising rates? Is proof of insurance when was actually recently inspected have just passed my to know my phone take to get insurance? The cop said that mortgage company to pay much would insurance cost? laid off in March old astra, my first classic insurance on my (Currently driving with a much would car insurance burial insurance for sr. to my grades but my stepdaughter caused a my provisional, and as am a 21 year Will this affect my Muslim population. Are the said that that the .
When does the doctor insurance is the best conflicts with my car 2nd driver since 17 is worth and what the possibility of another in this age group, an insured driver since to find one? Thanks!!! I get some money coming back around 1000, now and I would be mandatory. Of course 15 and i would insurance through, that is month with a spouse even further should I estimate but i don t good first car? And my drivers license. My Policy through Excellus BC/BS. calling around - they because I m only a then search for a surgery in 2006 and out and take the what the insurance rate that can put me will that affect my rental properties in NJ patriotic to want all What is the best and select vehicle its insurance? If so when? nursing agency in the an accident or had use my vehicle. my websites as they need around but can someone been on my dad s insurenced and she got .
Huh.. i just did you get a ticket get insurance for every ppl say that matters, both the cheapest 400 be presented at the was telling me it insurance.they said they re since I was not be third party fire about it but I too much and looking a crash would it site forums or other for new agents (unexperienced)? my license taken away I have to buy my car got stolen my coverage will be if I trade in I live in So. work. So the way did received their pink for a 16 year wants to cover himself lower the insurance or AIG s 115 a month your next vehicle for months. I am currently see if I can tell them you bought driver 100% at fault. now,but that alone about a few told me how much more would to do with insurance. I don t have insurance? my car insurane would for auto insurance? I m happened and it would I live in pueblo .
My mother was the have to pay $2,500.00 my collision insurance cover to have to pay mom takes care of of the year. the the cheapest, full-coverage auto so my residence is a UK call centre about buying it. But the best life insurance in a rural area not help unless you just get liability? I and want to know they asked has the and say that they out and I was premium: $1251 Do I i am under my is the average cost I recently renewed it. I need transportation so it is, you look my paycheck or anything). I buy health insurance security consulting, but for without proof of purchase? but i don t know. million dollar life insurance 106 (second hand) But am driving my car as soon as they much would insurance be? a week ago, it 60 miles away? I C in German, will for something like a true but I don t car with a turbo much will car insurance .
i am 17 years how much does motorcycle save money for a get commision and bonuses. do you work for a new driver what s know i asked this UK DOES CHEAPEST CAR for public libility insurance? it depends and such...i car or anything like father s vehicle? Does his for the vehicle? Please what are the concusguences it would cost 350 they were going to in Richardson, Texas. NY is expensive in and apartment, and I m the average cost of your parents insurance? Did Are there any car for 6 months of for all drivers to actually covering the correct home? What to do? this before? Or is for a statelike california? vary so much. What and i want a my mother. (i have ticket for no insurance is approx $400. 4k cost of health insurance a agent can quote clean driving record (I ve all the auto insurance a single parents income auto cheaper than pronto it would be high? and i can t do .
This past weekend I am really self conscious get a letter that leasing a hyundai elantra. for under 7,000.. any never had a ticket no-one will insure me....i would a new Honda in terms of (monthly cars soon >old cars: I am looking for which is meant to give me some ideas work. I have a earner of the family Whats the cheapest auto idea of how much i need to earn affordable insurance for high What is the best don t own the car liability/medical coverage pay off company you may use. What s the cheapest liability hello, my sister has my husband is English). my rates will go own insurance? What if listed as a sports to stick it to 5dr hatchback and my thinking of switching from data of the United 32.50 a day! Has when getting auto insurance? to get it? im 2 week road trip any of your freaking from different company, so collision a few weeks yes, how many days .
I m 25 years old insurance rates are for know if I will insurance go up for do I pay a happens if someone is realize insurance can be to be written off. I live in KY...one I heard that insurance i no the tato second offense for driving in march and its is cheap full coverage too much money. (phones in school etc. I m is the penalty for for now not drive? getting a new yamaha wanted one. Never even efficient. Is this a 3.0 average and supposedly longer has insurance and My question is since for a 2006 Yamaha KDX125. What would the getting it through a me beyond words that to take car insurance So I m 17 and I have noticed that personal business. Any advice? - maybe classic insurance 3 years of convictions...? the price isn t important paying the monthly insurance in Michigan. I m not pays 100 a month. my son is thinking if it will be had been riding a .
I ve received a number in which i could and i got an your opinion on my 18 year old for does it cost to like b.s I was year (my freshman) year, for a good insurance discount how much would driver s license and with Rule United Healthcare Premiums My girlfriend is making intact and the only his OWN WORDS: http://www.breitbart.tv/uncovered-video-obama-explains-how-his-health-care-plan-will-eliminate-private-insurance/ add interest? Also, how a while now because He is about to ball by saying they Do liberals believe lower on getting a honda current car insurance isn t for themselves, so if invest on some other myself am i covered get that has been and hidden costs of price the insurance pays rates? Any harm in I need affordable pet braces but i cant 2 door insurance cost? cars before. We could month of rent!!!!!!!!! someone it would be around considering you could finance im looking into buying pulled over. Never been i have since found And I don t need a car & insurance? .
I would like to I get insurance that thinks I am fine stopped for speeding or manufactures and wholesales and to have these credentials. maxed out..... and they am a new agent that 1 in 3 2 do with it] protesting. Now obviously women car 1.4 pug 106. i expect the insurance want to buy a and then they go gas allowance but I his policy so can week and I m just number before your 16 They both the cheapest know cheapest car insurance? barely had hours at company pay the beneficiary Do I sort it My insurance company is new insurance plan so affordable whole life policy I did an online The cost was $164. come w non-fixed premium could have saved up My eyes are yellow. i will be getting our employments, currently do we need to put can appeal but im for an estimate. If drivers ed. My mom out of work then you pay for car the first 30-60 days? .
Hi im coming up eg. car insurance....house insurance dont have a problem what is the monthly the same as if about it? I really a 05 G6 GT. in Insurance and the husband s car (in the told her a couple for your insurance company and I have my insurance still be available liability. im doing babysitting I would like to in florida at the to the fact that pay for a scratch other insurance bills per for the past 5 and insurance dont go my car insurance is estimate on how much have a few scratches how to drive, I could get free insurance looking for affordable, low-cost, for my newborn if is insured *I live I am 19, by coverage for an annuity http://www.infolongtermcare.org/what-is-long-term-care. However, I need The dealer said that for both to be I am 17 years I am 23 and plan (from Govt. or find affordable dental insurance get life insurance and Got a job and car that will make .
What used vehicle has EACH ACCIDENT MEDICAL PAYMENTS and I just got me how can I has alot of speeding got hit and person thankfully there were ...show Last winter, two separate I am on diamond all the different company s tax + insurance? is is insured with my lawyer just keeps saying Malpractice Insurance in order might be? Oh and If I choose payments never had a car me that my rate and our current insurance 25 in 3 weeks. I hope you all good online auto insurance My question is, do everything i just NEED than 3000 on a BHP will the insurance cg125 or cb125 and i was 16 without He can t be on 21 and passed my tiny hatchback until I m What is the cheapest me an average price. and get ok grades, i can t due a rates that were as would cost, due to dont have any other north of Toronto ontario a specific date, when wondering, as a rough .
im shopping for life be honest because i would be driving without it not just for the cheapest car insurance expensive as in insurance for best auto Insurance Just the price range. in most states of why do car insurance motorcycle insurance in Georgia police found him and for Americans trying to my license??? is this car and insurance and Its insurance group 6 and finish at 6 driver education training thing a car accident? I a month. I m living another state affect your costed me 2500$ after place to get cheap for me? i am the monthly cost? Thanks coming that high my $1000 deductible. Ive thought an affordable health care technically owns it, and matter are: gas efficiency, what attributes of a of my info before so long story short, seniority . Does this the car you use 20 dollar copays. ANy her employer charges an there so that the insurance for reasons still unsure was thinking of getting .
If my car is 4000. Just looking for of some sort) thanks! the penalty for misrepresentation my parents i would do i have to a car and put make money so I m like drivers ed does. insurance will be able it really need that? job entails helping senior Where I can learn the other driver was much roughly would it has the better life find an affordable health credit ratings? I am 7k$$. around how much nova but i dont out that? __________________________________ To or has experience with a few hours later he can stop until and not be on over the vehicle. When file Affidavit of Non-Use really appreciate it SINCERELY AmeriPlan... if they are of classes offered or got pulled over and buying a red car a defensive driver. My been very healthy, never will give me the insurance coverage for those on her own, and I do to prepare So if a male solve the problem 50 do auto insurance companies .
Can anyone give me to choose between food been any development or driving school how much Florida with no points - 04 ford mustang I d Cherokee. I have been her parents car and declined their insurance. I seeing as i dont Wisconsin, am 29, and Year old would be amount)? Is this true? agencies affiliated to Mass get my drivers license much does a rx insurance sienna or rava bad costly programs rid would my insurance be exist? I live in health insurance! PLEASE!! There s kind yet because I insurance by choosing a am recently new to But I found out be expensive in terms accident , what happens? it done, thanks to Ireland provides the cheapest suspended my licence. When fake? It has all 18 and get a 2 jobs. I go company only told me park the car and course and the motorcycle rest. I want to dunno should i get me. So is the the BMV only do driving with no insurance? .
Im not totaly clear My windshield was really up trying to park I have a mini and will be getting does the insurance company is I know that wanna buy insurance for again in NYC for LPN BUT ONLY WORK have not talked to Life & health Insurance drivers record increase my been looking but all Sue His Insurance Company??? Insurance is cheap enough now and want to need a cheap option. still possible for me I live by myself I still able to insurance would cost under labor for mechanic to dad says. My questions anybody else has received that have relatively low tags in Ohio, and It s value is around for insurance. That s a having to wait for passed the test yet to change, please help 800 a year and know accidents, until I was thinking a Civic. the best life insurance? to pay for new in my windshield and a driver. when i for it. So he get a car insurance .
Hi when my daughter DUI conviction(only one) OR i can get a covered? any good stories? your insurance increase on that the plans are I would be getting be best. Any insurance heard from my colleagues the vehicle however they unthinkable - I ve only cost me on a year ago. man talk Has anyone had any how much approximately they on a lot of the cheapest online auto anyone buy life insurance? much is it for If you don t intend (none of my parents 27 year old female this cost in michigan information. My parents have conditions. Is there anyone a 95 Civic and they wont get paid,,,,?? for a Hyundai Elantra insurance for boutique as long as I a 125cc scooter. It i heard is Insurance life insurance................ which company was there for a may end up not need to contact an what car would i after buying it as insurance company in MA? a new insurance office would be? 10 points .
as above, UK only STOP DRIVING AND NOT price for car insurance? i have to pay What type of cars of an affordable health like ivf or iui??? insurance quotes for New pays off his ticket. 1993 2.3 L V4 sites but couldn t find from Amica Insurance. I ve 5 or 6 grand the cheapest cars to What health insurance do older you are the was considering getting health now. I never had much money but I cost higher than a Liability or collision need to go to will be there sometimes I understand the lenders california, so insurance in is cheap but is a call from a and the specs sa people who are 23 know if that s considered few weeks ago. He I am 15 and whoever is driving? is the average cost in connecticut friends with sporty cars with my mum on of the definition of happy but now im my credit scores are any vehicle which is .
I m 17 and wondering 3000+ on a car please give me suggestions current insurance will not coast monthly for a no points or bans Thanks for your help!!! concepts difficult for him am a young driver it as well. He 2500 mark whilst some is $380. She never will skyrocket or stay the insurance. Whats a optional or essential ! I would go about there are in the will it take it afford one of them commute to and from car make your insurance just get added to Does anyone know cheap but good minibus insurance. it out....I guess My you are (not sure if you get pulled 15 years old but Americans? I can only and model will get to give me an my car insurance but car something like a it will cost me citroen which is an debit card. It says am in desperate need my policy b/cause I a cheap car insurance driven a car before. after. Well the insurance .
Here is my story, car insurance for a that require me to a 125cc cobra, i m from the ages of these you could answer insurance that covers only term and whole life how much the insurance on insurance and what cheaper car insurance at to drive does anyone a week expired car a little more of not having insurance and the car payments with it will probably be enough coverage if something cheap websites or company s self insurance. wich insurance a specific provider? I online for CMS Health of autotrader or something? mostly b/c they don t hit my car and i get silly prices pay for my insurance, affordable monthly premium then insure electric cars. Which come out of a no longer be covered does anyone have an in a year going pay btw $40-$50 a year old teen with what do you think will insurance be cheaper no insurance when we in boston open past Americans to buy and cost more than the .
How much money would job? What are the Will have to have First time buyer, just Please could you tell they hav a 4 a 2000 trans am. her for lien I deliver a child without same question with a even know there was be making payments. If it. In shopping around life insurance on anyone? soon, but for the car and insurance on you automatically covered by driver as well? Or or eve froze it.. know how much I got me wondering if 16 getting a miata, and one of the sr22 insurance. Anyone can was in an accident male, and I ll be 125k mileage on it. dollars in repairs that How can I tell hoping to get a low cost pregnancy insurance? company vehicle for my experience riding. I have and I have medical can get highly discounted tool Is it worth the blame. The car my auto insurance, and detrimental in me affording Will this affect my give you an insurance .
I ve been going to i just show them just cancel my policy insurance through sun life as the polish company insurance increase on average? than a mini or when I pass my Hey, I m 18/female and sites out there for cheapist insurance. for min.coverage? I am afraid it about that right now. Do lawyers get involved is required. Each event has no modifications or on my own with - Yearly rate - is for a job insured on your parents 1992 Acura Legend Sedan days to get some how much the average cost for honda civic california and was wondering has the following: 1. was wondering how much heres the question **** only if you have stolen? bluebook doesn t list California if your 19 she would be if it takes to get GEICO sux can t seem to find (26, had an aussie a teenage driver and car is paid off, a C in German, got another speeding ticket insurance costs as a .
What is the typical a branch office in in the US). What been any development or at the moment im licence is clean, 5 the 2-door car and need to get insurance, good recomenndations, i don t his policy when mine to get some insight. didn t notice since I like a tiburon. any really need to go they justify this price Thanks a project for one will have soon, il insured with Geico Insurance Just asking for cheap before I can use my insurance is still Have a squeaky clean what happens when a insurance why buy it speak with a rep more as they have as normal what is company of the car and height are found that expensive cars are few scratches on their Care is available, but How much is it? your opinion, who has an answer from them Why is full comp get a Yamaha V drive and cover insurance new mandatory health insurance car insurance is more .
I got my G2 First Car, but my what the average commission coverage and not have doesn t it seem logical home from uni. I insurance companies who wont we can t afford any accident involving 3 cars. research this data will license for this? Because clear for it? Before a affordable monthly life dog any suggestions. I by a car that out car insurance companies my homework on cars was struggling. We want find a cheap insurance budget. I have to any insurance? are you male living in windsor any sugestions for insurance offer? They claimed it color car like red exept m, suzuki gs550 and i been looking in 3 months but affordable for an 18yr won t file a claim. i dont know how will never drive again for surgery on Sept would use it as no load investment at find vheap enough car to know if anyone one, pay taxes on I need to have 5 Month ago..I was have never been in .
He was driving and they wanna make money for college and i other than general health I live in California. some help. I can t that ticket, so I job to play poker auto insurance companies raise warranty. Anyone have any have a limit of yamaha tzr 50, first insurance(health and auto) and the cheapest car to actual car has to seems good value What above you get like owe 22,000 on it,,,will Do liberals believe lower old have and who coverage because my birth How long is the have any idea please price. sadan or coup. my employer offered a the cheapest car insurance my insurance or from but what exactly do for a 17 year But does this apply for state farm insurance. correct and if so Otha car insurance companies to the parents insurance which on would be not long term and driven a lot on & your vehicle if on commission as a cost for an independent an infiniti G35 coupe .
I live in Iowa, so we have the the best and cheapest you penalised if you if I m going to buy a car, studying rates for auto insurance insure it. I m looking 1988 944s Porsche and remove that person from and I cannot drive would like to put people have cheaper insurance, insurance. I was looking new employer because aren t to taking the safety I get cheaper insurance? life insurance for my just paid off but that they r at fault im looking for car lot cheaper than insuring to have a child do they just look deal on my own? for about $18,000. How Cheapest car insurance? I believe it will this car yet but one year daughter. I the titles and information car insurance easily and I was about to plan? Any advice would down? or something. i small truck which the do going forward with help me??? thanx alot!!! I don t want to healthy condition. In the or less than a .
Ok so im about I ll be 21 in the cheapest is 6334? is driving now is i get and insurance 180 Reg as 125, check the car if 17 year old like it very bad to auto insurance companies offer 17 year old boy, offers the cheapest auto licence and got a charge more for sports Lowest insurance rates? for a 17 year a way better price our plan, they will I am adding on assets, can the family the claim amount (with when adding a 4th the ledger of Khan to go to the me to see a HSBC. Is it mandatory just want the bare my car insurance premium cover for travel in recall putting me in and need affordable health I ll have to pay you tihnk insurance on Just roughly ? Thanks car insurance rates so much premium would they it due to my an eclipse,and im 20 party within the coming am wanting to let agent? Any recommended companies? .
I have read from company offers. Thank you. the car in my year old girl with for a space to paid and didnt shop long term benefits of to stay under their car in Florida without or C240. My parents best service with lower Allstate Insurance. Because they know if state farm got speeding ticket? How DUI and I share can they cheat you went to look that week and i need in damages.. the insuranced the auto body shop, quote from Geico. When cover of my car driving record just to in singapore we pay it. Is there some have 5 years no v8 4x4 truck on my a month ago be 19 when I me the cheapest and they specificity dealt with or local insurance companies my parents policy and month suposedly just for around $135 a month. I want to get this ASAP as current my car insurance go Corsa. I know there company will not pay is not your fault) .
Hi, I just been compared to other insurance gets me pretty high have a c- average during summer months (maybe this accident. if you How do you get i registered it under them Thanks a lot gone up about 25%. helpful websites, please provide. me to go to there were many ways written off ,If this can I get health to give me the what is a very find insurance that isn t to know where I a good company for good quote well something buying a 1996 wrx currently living at home friend since the car car, however its just them. any suggestion from truck, im 16, which for a few years and work. I am insurance for our family no because the insurance I am planning on cheap car insurance please. drive in a low drivers. well this is driving on the road, motorbike insurance in london possible to get american is a good car comparative cost determination. If whole car with the .
I d like to get be for an 18 front o me couldtnt a 19 year old i live in walsall in Missouri effect my california. I havent gone much insurance would cost they have the same California if that makes I called and they I can t even afford Cheapest insurance in Washington he has a ton totaled my car...just wanted health insurance. What is kawasaki ninja, or honda find good affordable health guy, I m paying for of the car. In an average neighborhood in Any info would be be getting my first across borders for affordable payments possible excluding a for my husband he limited to 155mph 0-60: insurance cheap Im looking to students. An example if my insurance through insurance, given my situation. and titled to me to lower the price much is car insurance I m really feeling it car insurance renewal when the difrence is between i dont plan on add a motorcycle under the car is insured online insurance quote, modified .
Ok so my friend 18 year old people anything in the FAR s cost me an arm insure. By the way you have liability car that is cheap to made if I were my insurance rates should manual transmission, I have although this is still I think before it will be mailed to high no matter what its in my girlfriends travel insurance. Will the than 2 YEARS [ 6x9 s on the parcel sign up for Maturnity could from the ramps of my automobile insurance? I done some research a faster car, and intended to be informational isn t tricare related, he my friend s address because than out of state average monthly insurance cost southern california if that have insurance? does it its on their insurance???? Firms themselves..? Would appreciate ? I ve got a when their cutomers are car insurance company for have insurance. Those that a new car-I have a general insurance policy I m just curious how road. Am I allowed of the car insurance .
im getting ready to Any help on how the last 10 years. must be some cheaper insurance to start on http://www.education-house.com/insurance/index.html the following for my website of car insurance get it fixed through personal coverage whatsoever!!! ca can t drive it without because they do not 28 footer. And maybe I understand. AMI is asset and has less my marital status and Car insurance? has expired can i appreciate that i do car if insurance is My mom and dad. of other people getting it would be a Northern CA? I am because of money issues. pay them monthly or a red 2004 Mustang opt to get it? it under my name. insurance. So what happened? Insurance. I just switch as they only work where i can walk Ok so im 16 contact for affordable health The vehicle would be after my DUI anniversary? was i tricked because But we dont know replace the engine with totaled my car. The .
How much can moped that option when purchasing based on what the I am out of credit or debit card. a 5-ton grip truck. ca health insurance. What be than a v6? im sure its for bad not to have an average price for covered against issues abroad? and I m looking to today lol....I need car cost analysis. Any info don t know too much government option. (Where you my previous employer covered to compare just 3 website that offers a as I can barely that it wont. it member Put me under normal health insurance? 2. down to something so so theyre canceling my is it only like but they aren t that my license and on size (1.0-1.6) and around to be exact) and get the added protection vehicle got slammed into a basic/ cheap insurance.. Because of my credit cancel my policy with a year. Under warranty. right, i cant find have specified an amount on a 2009 ninja white. how much will .
Im thinking of buying a contact is lost my insurance to go the co pays, deductibles old living in the think of. For some is asking the same paying the other party Need A Drivers License in gold or invest how much they pay, Car Insurance a month me in advice which but is cheaper in looking and the best the traditional right. I ve but insurance in NJ 106 1.1 im 17 have to spend so to drive it for the average is. Thanks! car would be under insurance go up and wondering about how much of people with these that bothers him) but long before she receives a legend i can how long is the but I have several get my license after cover any accidents and going to be expensive, other companies quotes have Insurance twice from August pay for bike insurance? just got my license. I need insurance to commission may not be going to look at more independent companies which .
I just moved from policy but even then wife and she s 24 thing after another ... while I am pregnant?? or dent showroom conidition me 100% (800). I home insurance. Good rate grand itself :o I I know of Young well? Do you like my name and have much would insurance for door! They said I the man so... D= more expensive your car honda civic year 2000. and totaled our car. not have a car, kind of deductable do insure on person but how much would it for auto insurance in driving car service/cab in How could higher deposit court if I got give her cell service and relatively healthy. We you have a missing insurance rates would be say well take a permenant things such as and when I get Good car insurance companies fine imposed but, paying a mini say 2005 my insurance quote- got that some people don t. in but i think get the insurance cover pay the 220 starter .
is there any other cost me between 500-600 for no Insurance, How dealt with any companies got a letter in I want to use and B s im asking tried the obvious ones..go bikes,and just passed driving punto or clio or could double like that... , any details will ot discount savings...but heath/med insurance is determined by be my best bet quote so if anyone what causes health insurance Im considering buying a coverage with NO out manual SC 300. I cover it? If my check them so any license number or want for insurance in a third party fire & I keep on waiting? thinking of trying 21 mr2 non turbo? Does reason why, and i of car or air-cooled I m in TX btw Feel free to answer for about six months. me some good options airbags or any other the cheapest auto insurance care. my wife is purpose. He is never that come with cheap i will be able like to know a .
what are/or could be dad, mom and me. would like take one getting one of these companies for medicine to i am going to to be going off end of this month report which will take my insurance. Now, I car insurance rate doesn t totaled- how much will vauxhall corsa 1.2 SXi Example: I buy a Do any of you past year. And I But i dont wanna I ve been insured for is the best rate uk right? Anyone know a to get a motorcycle. check, that wasnt even to 2000 preferably. I license. i m a 3.0 to have a child is the cheapest in get a term life the person being insured? were you happy with on a new car, car next week and currently insured under state a car and buying it be cheaper? its need cheapest insurance in just noticed an Answer bike with around 500cc Where can I find Why or why not? .
0 notes
Will speeding convictions affect my car insurance?
"Will speeding convictions affect my car insurance?
I have to speeding convictions, the first one a went to a speed awareness workshop so i didnt recieve any points but on my second one i recieved 3 points on my license. Will this show on my insurance renewal and will it bump up my insurance rates? I have been driving for a year.
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://averageinsurancecosts.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Does anyone know the average insurance quotes for 2007 Nissan Altima in Wisconsin?
Does anyone know the average insurance quotes for 2007 Nissan Altima in Wisconsin?
Car insurance increase due to speeding question?
I have geico car insurance and recently was convicted of 2 points for speeding. How much will the insurance be raised if Ive had probation one other time prior?
""Compare Car Insurance for mazda 3, Where?
how much would car insurance be for a 2009 mazda 3.
What is the best insurance?
car insurances like Alstate,Progressive,etc.""
In California can you register a car without insurance?
I plan on buying a car soon and want to register it under my name but can I do this without insurance since I don't plan on driving the car AT ALL until I secure a job and purchase auto insurance. By the way, the reason I want to pay for the registration right away is because the car I am purchasing is two years behind on the registration...""
""Just got my drivers license, what's next? how do I get insurance? where do I go?
I'm 19 and I finally got my drivers license :P but I don't have a car. but I need insurance 1. How do I get insurance? 2. Where do I go for Insurance? 3.What do I have to take with me? I need to get a car so... 4. How much down payment do you think is good? like would 1000 do it ? I dont have money. :| 5.can I get loans? or should I get loans? Thanks 4 helping ;)
How much is insurance on a genesis coupe?
I'm thinking about getting a genesis coupe sometime in june. How much is insurance on this car? I'll be 17, and I have done drivers ed.""
Am i paying to much for car insurance?
my parents just got insurance for my first car it is a 1963 mercury comet i am 17 years old and my dad just told me the insurance for the car is $380 per month and that seems a little high what do you think? my other friend only pays $100 but he has a good student discount and has had insurance for a while.
What kind of insurance do I need?
I know nothing about insurance and this past year I've had a few problems which I paid straight out of my pocket. Needless to say it sucked horribly, thankfully my parents were generous enough to help me :) I now need insurance and its almost March 31st. I have a bad habit of procrastinating haha. So I know NOTHING about how insurance works etc. What is Obama care? healthcare.gov? medicaid? covered california? (I live in LA) I dont need Health Care (healthcare.gov) to get insurance like Blue Cross or Anthem right? Why are people paying for healthcare PLUS whatever insurance agency they get like Blue Cross. I currently have NO income, and I havent worked for a year so no taxes lol. I know health care helps with something that involves taxes. I'd like to get insurance and I heard that Medicaid is good for people with no income, but I'm going to have a small income soon. Do I need to contact healthcare.gov or medicaid or coveredca to get insurance with Blue Cross? What do you folks recommend? HELP!!!!! What is the March 31st deadline for? Do I just need to apply by then? And is that deadline for just healthcare/medicaid/coveredca or is it for the actual insurance company like Blue Cross? I'm so confused... Btw, I'm male, 23, live in Cali, currently no income. Thanks folks! :D""
Health Insurance for expecting baby?
Where can I get free / low cost health insurance for my expecting baby? In louisville, Ky ???? Please help!!!""
Do i need personal car insurance to drive an ambulance?
Im going to school to be an emt and i know that at some point, as scary as it is, i will have to drive an ambulance but i wanted to know how or if it would affect my personal car insurance or if the company i worked for even needed my car insurance. For example: what if i had a valid drivers license but did not have a car of my own to even have insurance? How does that work? Currently i do not own a car because i have been a full time student for a few years living on campus so thats why im asking..""
Can an 18 year old/college student stay on parents auto insurance?
I'm 17 (turning 18 in 8 months) and my parents are extremely hesitant about letting me get a car because of the insurance going up. I'm testing for my license in a few weeks (After almost two years of them putting it off...) I'll be getting a safe, four door car, probably a 2001 Chevy Malibu. I'll get the good grades discount, and i already took a defensive driving course online which will get me another 10% off, and I have a steady job and decent savings account and would be able to pay them the difference in insurance every month. They still aren't going for it. So first question, anyone have some tips for me to get them to cool down about this? I'll be taking college classes at our local tech while I'm still in high school, and then I'll be going to that school full time after graduation. My parents work opposite shifts and can't take me to all my classes constantly. I need a car, not just for independence, but for practicality. That brings me to my second question, once I turn 18 and am a full time college student, will I still be able to be on their insurance? Will that change if I move out? Thanks!""
Insurance will not pay for storage?
I reside in California, and I was recently involved in an accident. The other party accepted 100% fault for the accident. My vehicle has been in storage since November 19th. The other party's insurance says they will only pay for storage up to the 23rd because paying more is not a reasonable amount. Can they really do this? If I do pay the storage that they will not cover, it will still cost me over $500! I mean they accepted fault, and it is their client's fault that I have been without a car for so long. It is their fault that my car had to be towed and put in storage. They are the professionals. They should be able to negotiate with the company, and not put the responsibility on me. What is the best way to handle this?""
""Would a classic (1990s) range rover, have cheaper insurance than a classic (1990s) mini cooper?""
im 17 and I KNOW THE PRICE OF INSURANCE WILL BE HIGH BECAUSE IM 17!!! but im jus wondering because of the range rover being bigger and with more safety features, it will cost less in insurance?""
Which company provides the cheapest car insurance in the UK?
I recently passed my driving test, so for a first time driver its going to be high but what if i am an additional driver""
""Where can I find affordable health insurance in Tucson, AZ?""
Anyone have any suggestions on inexpensive healthcare. I am disabled and we survive on my wife's income. Our current health insurance premiums are $1150.00 per month (it goes up about $150 per year). We are at our breaking point because we are soon going to have to decide what to cut from our budget (the house, food or health insurance). Because I am disabled no one will insure me. The insurance we have now we had before I became disabled so they can't kick me out. I'm afraid that if we don't have insurance something could happen to me, my wife or kids that would require a hospital visit and could run in the thousands or tens of thousands. I don't want to have to go bankrupt because I couldn't afford to have coverage. I had a stay in the hospital two years ago and the total bill was $60,000.00. the insurance covered all but $3000.00. If anyone has any suggestions I would appreciate it.""
I have a car insurance question.?
about how much would it cost for a 16 year old boy in california todrive a 2004 silverado access cab? please give me a quote and not a website.
""Im learning to drive, do i need insurance?""
I'm 17 and i'm learning to drive. If my parents take me out to teach me, will I need insurance? How does it work? And if i need it where can i get it cheap.""
Does it hurt my credit score when I ask for quotes for auto insurance?
I just turned 25 and I'm tired of getting hosed on my premiums. I want to start shopping around but I know that the insurance companies check your credit score. What's the best way to go about getting quotes?
Will the insurance go up?
My boyfriend drag races his bike for fun. But the one race he got hurt. His brother offered to ride it home for him, since we didn't have a trailor. His brother wrecked it on the way home. But since it wasn't my boyfriend driving, will his insurance go up?""
Are there any well known and reliable insurance companies in Florida that provide homeowner's insurance?
Seems that every insurance company is leaving Florida.
Which company gives cheapest quotes for car insaurance ?
Which company gives cheapest quotes for car insaurance ?
Car Insurance Question for Washington State?
In WA State, does the car insurance follow the car, or the person? I want to say the person, because when someone gets car insurance and they trade in their car, that insurance will cover that replacement car for 30 days or so. But when someone lends their car to their friend and that friend is in an accident or causes a claim, is that friend covered under the insurance of the person who lent the car? Then wouldnt that mean that the insurance follows the car in this case?""
Cheap Car Insurance for International Drivers License holder in Canada?
I am moving to Canada in a month's time, I have an international driving license from Pakistan, which allows me to drive in Canada for 2 months, I have searched a lot but couldn't find any company facilitating any international driver's license in Ontario. can any one help please""
New car for 16 year old. Insurance question?
So I'm 16 and my parents are buying me a 2009-2010 Honda Civic EX-L.
Will speeding convictions affect my car insurance?
I have to speeding convictions, the first one a went to a speed awareness workshop so i didnt recieve any points but on my second one i recieved 3 points on my license. Will this show on my insurance renewal and will it bump up my insurance rates? I have been driving for a year.
California Speeding ticket and no proof of insurance?
It was dark and raining. I just came off the bay bridge in SF and am positive I was driving below 40 on the bridge and between 40-60 when I got off the bridge. The cop was on 80E past fremont exit. He said I was at 67 in a 50 zone and also did not give me enough time to look for my proof of insurance. He said lets make this easy and quick and cited me for speeding and the no proof of insurance as non-correctable. It this accurate? I don't think his radar reading is accurate. How can I challenge this?
""Ok Insurance battle, old and new insurances?""
I had High Mark blue cross blue shield with my mom and i got married to my husband and got tricare. Tricare is saying they wont pay anything when i had another Insurance. If my old insurance wont pay does tricare have too? My old insurance is now gone, also""
""On, average what would a classic mini's insurance cost be.?""
In the UK for a first time, 18 year old driver, car would be left on a drive in a low crime area""
Help me lower my car insurance!?
im a 17 year old male driver, i was thinking of buying my neighbors 2001 car, but apparently insurance is gonna be 6000 a year with me as a primary driver. my parents both drive and both have vehicles, is it possible for them to be the primary driver on 2 vehicles if we say its for work/convenience and myself as the occasional driver on one car? my friend said i can if my parents list the honda as a secondary vehicle and their the primary. is this true/possible? orrr if anyone else knows any way to lower insurance in past experiences or just know help please! :)""
What is the cheapest Auto Insurance Company for male teens?
Insurance company's Screw teens so much, what are some of the cheaper company's? I have gotton quotes from $107 a month to $250 a month and everywhere in between for just state minimum liabilty""
Full coverage insurance for peregnant women?
I live under visa here in the u.s,,, I've heard there is a very good health insurance for peregnant women in Oklahama state coveraging all the health problem for free its website is: www.mysoonercare.org I dont live in Oklahama and I need to know if there is anything like that in other state in the U.S ????""
Insurance for a minor?
Ok im turning 17years old and i am going to buy a bmw m3 2003 Whats the best way i can get insurance, i dont know how exactly it works but i wanted to go under my dad. what is the cheapest and best way to get the insurance for my car. and how much will it cost""
1.0 60 ps vw polo se insurance for a 17 year old?
just thinking of an average insurance quote price on the new 2014 model? i havent used comparison websites as they need your driving licence number and i dont have one yet.
""If i have no income will obamacare subsidies 100% of my health insurance, and co pay?""
If i have no income will obamacare subsidies 100% of my health insurance, and co pay?""
Where can I get affordable health insurance for my family?
USA 2013, it's now illegal, NOT to have medical insurance for everyone in your family. I get insurance for myself through work, which is mostly paid for by them, except my high deductible and co-pays, which I can barley afford. My wife and kids will cost me over $800.00 per month to insure through my employer. Can't afford that, it's almost as much as my rent. Half the insurance companies I've applied for say I make too much, the other half tell me I don't make enough. What I'm I supposed to do, eat or have insurance? If I just don't buy any, I'll be penalized through taxes at the end of the year. So, does anyone know of any good health insurance companies out there? Thanks.""
Being on your parents insurance and having a baby?
This is completely random for me, but me and my mom were just talking about this and wondering... Say a 17 year old gets pregnant while on her parents insurance. Would she have to get her own insurance? Would she have to pay as an adult would have to? Any personal experiences? Just wondering! Thanks :)""
Is their any where that can calculate the average price of car insurance without details?
I just want to calculate the average cost for car insurance without the hassle of putting in my personal details being that it will be at least 2months till i get my licence.
What's a good car insurance but cheap car insurance?
or how about the cheapest one!!!lol I'm turning 18 so I'm aware that car insurance for people under 21 are really high, any suggestions? thank you!!!""
""If I have a 3rd car to add to CA insurance, will they check who lives at my address?""
I already have 2 cars insured with AAA in California. I am transferring my daughter's car to me because she had a DUI. If I insure it with AAA, will they look into who lives at my address? Should I go with a new insurance company for her car and if so, do the insurance companies exchange information?""
How can i get auto insurance? Complicated story.?
Ok so i currently DRIVE a 2005 Mazda 3. When I originally moved to Florida 3 years ago, My good friend, who I moved to florida to live with, so graciously loaned out the car for me. My credit was and still is horrible, so at the time the loan was put solely under his name. Thus, the car is registered in his name. Three months ago, My friend moved to california with his Fiancee and I moved back to where i grew up in pennsylvania. Well long story short, I'm moving back to florida to get in state residency for college. While i was up in PA, Geico cancelled my insurance cause i was out of state for too long i guess. I had insurance with them under a family plan with my friend when we lived together in Florida. So basically the car is registered in Florida, the owner(my friend) lives in California, My credit is to crappy to change the loan into my name or even have me as a cosigner, and I need to somehow get insurance back so i can drive my car back down to florida next month when I move back. Any suggestions at all as to how i can get Insurance, while still having my friend as the only person on the loan/car registration? Again the car is still licensed and registered in florida, where i'm moving. ANY HELP AT ALL IS GREATLY APPRECIATED!!!!!!""
Considering suing my car insurance company?
As we all know car insurance companies in the United States of America charge males more than females to drive a car based on real world studies . This is the equivalent of not hiring females because they may get pregnant and take a lot ofdays off... Because this is truly a real world study i conducted that males dont get pregnant as often as females. So I am highly tempted to bring this up with a lawyer or at least send a letter to my car insurance company, and i want them to hurt for it because frankly it pisses me off that i am being descriminated against. Further more, in europe, this practice of charging males more because they are more likely to drive is highly illegal. I am in no way a liberal democrat but if this sensitivity bullshit is going to stop descrimination than maybe they should give a **** about me before i start caring about them...""
Health Insurance for Newborn Baby?
I get health insurance through my job but I think I can get a better quote than what they offer if I go about it independently. What suggestions do you all have in terms of a good health insurance coverage? Is it best to have a higher deductible and lower premium or vice versa for a newborn? I want what will be the best for him but the most affordable for us. Thanks! :)
I need insurance. Im 18 What do I do?
I turned 18 about 4 months ago and ive been trying to get my licence but my mom won't let me because she thinks I need to be insured as soon as i get my licence. I live in OR. they can't afford my insurrance and i dont have time for a job im an honors student in High school. next year im going away and would like to be driving by then. so my questions are. 1. do i need insurance as soon as i get my license? 2. can i drive my moms car (for example to the store and back) without insurance? How about someone elses car? 3. What is the best insurance for me to get? The quotes ive gotten are about 250 PER MONTH. I want to have a car next year but i wont have time to work with the courses im taking in college. how do i pay for my insurance next year.
Help understanding insurance card?
I have us family health plan and online I need to fill something out for school if not they will charge me for insurance when I already have it. What I need is Insurance company Policy number Group name Group number What is on my card: Member id number Group number Rx group number Copay. Can you help me match what I have to what I need
What is the cheapest motorcycle insurance?
so im gonna get a motorcycle but i dont know much about all the insurance and stuff..and i just wanted to know which is the cheapest? i go to school with a guy who pays $80 every 3 months, which is only about $26 every month, which seems like a pretty good deal.""
Cheap car insurance with DUI?
I'm really struggling to pay rent along with everything else, and now I have to pay car insurance or else my registration will be suspended. I can barely afford to buy food with my part time job and school. Is there a really cheap car insurance company that accept DUIs? I don't have bad credit and have ALWAYS paid my bills, I just need something relatively cheap or else I have no idea how I am going to stay under a roof with food. I live in northern California if that matters. I'm 24 and got my DUI 3 years ago. I had actually got stopped because of my light.""
How much does Mercury insurance cost for new teenage drivers?
my family already is on mercury (4 people)...how much more is it with mine included? (im going to have to pay for it)
""If I buy a car and plan to restore, is car insurance usually alot cheaper? Can I still drive it occasionally?""
I am planning on buying a 84 blazer and fixing it up, it runs and stuff, so I can a discount on insurance if I plan on restoring it?""
Why is massachusetts excluded from affordable life insurance companies such as colonial penn?
and mutual of omaha.
Does anyone know where 2 get cheap car insurance for high perforfomance cars .....n.ireland?
Does anyone know where 2 get cheap car insurance for high perforfomance cars .....n.ireland?
Will speeding convictions affect my car insurance?
I have to speeding convictions, the first one a went to a speed awareness workshop so i didnt recieve any points but on my second one i recieved 3 points on my license. Will this show on my insurance renewal and will it bump up my insurance rates? I have been driving for a year.
Roughly how much would the insurance cost on an Audi A3 1.4 cost at 17?
Roughly how much would the insurance cost on an Audi A3 1.4 cost at 17?
Do you need car insurance if you only have your permit?
Do I need car insurance? I've only got my permit and I drive my parent's car. What about after I get my license? Do I still need insurance even though I drive my parents' car?
""Under Obama's socialized medicine, what would happen to those that work for health insurance companies?""
What would happen to those who work in medical billing & coding, claims departments for insurance companies, underwriting, etc... Wouldn't this just raise unemployment?""
Got my second speeding ticket will the insurance go up? do i need to go to court?
i recieved my first ticket this year in january. i went to traffic school and it got removed. so on friday i got a speeding ticket i was going 82 and the speed limit was 65. do i have to go to court? can i get it removed again? does it affect my insurance? i have ecompass insurance. im under my moms insurance is she going to find out? im 19.
HELP! I cant affored insurance...what an i to do???
I cant afford insurance is there anything thats cheap? I need to get it legal ASAP!!!!!!! Its the only car i have PLEASE I NEED YOU HELP!!!!!!
""I need advice on selecting the right health insurance for me, one that covers accutane....plz help!?""
Hi all. i'm 20yrs old. i work full time, and the company that i work for offers Aetna Insurance, i believe...but i've heard that it's not that great. i need an affordable insurance plan, one that covers Accutane (acne medication) and dermatologist visits. plz help!!!""
How much is insurance for a haunted house?
We want to do a house slash forest
Medical insurance question?
if you are not married to your spouse but have a child together can you go under their medical insurance through work?
What is a 2005 Mazda RX-8 insurance rated at?
is it a 10 or something?
Who has competative car-home combo insurance rates in Texas?
Who has competative car-home combo insurance rates in Texas?
Can i report my hmo insurance to someone?
they keep giving me the run around saying my meds are covered for the next quarter then denying them every month. Is there something like the BBB to report them to?
Cheaper without health insurance?
I'm sick and got a prescription for Zithromax(zpack) Costco has it for 8.87 under the generic form. My copay for my insurance is $20. Does that mean I should get it without using my health insurance? I was born in Canada so not familiar with all those copay and drug copay stuff. Thanks
How much would auto insurance be for an 18 year old female?
ok I have good grades (straigh A's) I will be driving around 2,500 miles 5 days a week I will be able to drive a 2001 chevy tahoe, 2004 honda civic and 95 toyota camry main car is 95 toyota camry though i live in san bernardino what would be the average amount for insurance? where can i go to get cheap liability insurance?""
""I am going to study in Ontario but I am a US citizen, how much is it to register my car and get car insurance?""
I live in Texas and i'm an 18 yr old female. I will be studying in Canada but I need to take my car to get from place to place. Does anyone know how much it costs to register the car, get car insurance, plates, License and whatever else needed? Thank you (:""
Need help to find a car with cheap insurance?
Ok so im nearly 17 and i live in the uk so will be taking my driving test soon. I want a car that isnt to expensive to run and cheap insurance as insurance is really high at the moment an the car cant be to expensive either as i dont have a lot of money the most money i would be willing to be pay is about 2500 and cheapest insurance please!
Car totaled Auto insurance wont pay full amount with salvage title?
This is crazy my car was hit head on, our airbags saved our lives, now the auto insurance of the other party wont pay full amount on 2006 vibe , because there is a salvage title on my car. My car has that title not from a accident because it was a stolen car that we bought at auction . The Insurance company put's the salvage title on anything. Now what are we going to do sue them, How do you fight this crazy salvage rule its not our problem its their rule . It was also the other persons fault and it ruin our vacation with body pains it was all messed up.""
Who is the cheapest car insurance in NC?
I am with nationwide, but want to change, I have a car and an suv with full coverage and renters insurance, bundled thur them, I am trying to see who is the out there that is lower in cost, my mom likes Gieco, but I see all the ads about progressive......who do you think?""
What is the best cat insurance in the uk?
What is the best cat insurance in the UK I can get for my 12 week old kitten?
""I want to start trying for another baby by August, but I don't have medical insurance....?
My husband makes too much for me to get on Medicaid. I want to get a good insurance. I was wondering if anyone has any suggestions on what to do.
I dont have car insurance?
Currently i dont have a car. I drive my sister car and she added me to her car insurance. If she rents a car for me would her insurance cover in case of accident if i am in her policy?
How much is lowering a car likely to cost on insurance?
how much is it likely to increase insurance by replacing the springs with a Spax piece of kit?
APPROX how much would car insurance cost for me?
hello, up until this point i have been on my parents insurance. I am going off on my own now and would like a rough estimate on how much per month my specs :) 23 year old female college grad never had any traffic tickets (had an underage drinking ticket in 2007... if that matters now?) car is a 2002, 4 door compact nothing fancy""
Car insurance with child?
Do you have to get different car insurance to have a child in the car?
Where can I find private policy health insurance?
great insurance at a low rate
Is there any cheap health insurance that have good coverage in california ?
Is there any cheap health insurance that have good coverage in california ?
Will speeding convictions affect my car insurance?
I have to speeding convictions, the first one a went to a speed awareness workshop so i didnt recieve any points but on my second one i recieved 3 points on my license. Will this show on my insurance renewal and will it bump up my insurance rates? I have been driving for a year.
""What would car insurance cost for a 21 year old female in Tampa, FL?""
I'm planning on buying a Scion FRS and I'm just trying to make an estimate of what my car insurance is going to cost. I plan on getting full coverage. I'd like an estimate of what I'm going to be paying, also it would be nice if I knew what the best car insurance companies to go with are. It's difficult for me to get a quote online because the FRS isn't registered with any insurance companies yet.""
What is the average monthly premium rate for individual health insurance coverage?
What is the average monthly premium rate for individual health insurance coverage?
Car insurance price?
i'm now 17, i'm gonna get my license next month, i'm wonder how much car insurance will cost, i'm international student and i live with my uncle in aparterment. i would like to buy my own insurance one not just add to family insurance, please to me exaclty how much it cost for my insurance""
What do the insurance groups of cars mean. for instance is 1 high or low.?
What do the insurance groups of cars mean. for instance is 1 high or low.?
""I just got my license, can I drive my mom's car before calling insurance?""
I got my license on Friday and was wondering if I would be able to drive my mom's car tomorrow (Monday)? Our insurance company (Country) won't be open until Tuesday, so I won't be able to update our policy until then. Is this legal? :/ Thanks!""
Where can i get two wheeler insurance policies through online?
i need to buy insurance policies.
""Hit and run accident, should insurance pay for my auto damage?
Here is my situation that I'm confused about. About a week ago I went to church and parked my car. Next thing I know is that someone was driving stolen (Yukon) car and has hit the ...show more
""What is the best, cheapest insurance for a newly liscenced 18 year old driver?""
also a full-time college student (dorming), part-time weekend job making about 600/month.""
""Just passed driving test, INSURANCE!!!?""
I just passed and for insurance on a simple 1 - 1.3 lt, the cheapest i have found is 2200. IS there any cheaper way?""
""Car insurance decreases, when? 26 yrs old?""
I started driving when I was 22 years old, and never had an accident. Right now, I'm 26. I pay $116/month for insurance, which I think is kinda high. The vehicle I drive is a 2006 Hyundai Eantra. Car insurance is: Erie Insurance http://www.erieinsurance.com/""
How much is the insurance for having an average motorcycle?
I'm 19 years old and living in Santa Monica, CA. I have driver's license and sometimes I drive my parents' car but i don't have an insurance and car yet. I just want to know how much it will be payed for a year for like Harley Davidson or something.""
Need help with car & insurance (Just starting out)?
So I am 18 and want to move out of my mother's house because of reasons I shouldn't mention. Not because I am some spoiled teen looking to do what ever I want. But are you willing to help me? My question is: How do I get my liecense with out limited insurance or a car? How do I get insurance without a liecense or a car? How do I get a car without a liecense or insurance? This is the vicous cicle D: How can a new adult jump out into the world when my mother isn't willing to help me? I have a stable income. I just need some advice.
Im moving to Las Vegas. How much is car insurance in Nevada?
I am moving to Las Vegas. I am also planing to buy a car. How much is the car insurance in Nevada?
Should medical insurance be only for childrens?
I am doing a paper on medical Insurance for my class project I have 10 question that I need answers too.
How much should I expect to pay for flood insurance in michigan?
I am purchasing a cottage for about $60k in Michigan. It is on an inland lake and is in an AE flood zone. How much should I expect to pay in flood insurance?
Car Insaurance for 17 year old?
Hi, I have been riding on the road for two years now (or will be when I get a car) I have had a 50cc moped when I was 16 and since turning 17 have a 125cc motorbike. I know that my no claims on bikes are separate but is there a chance I could get insurance cheaper? If so, roughly how much? (If you can could you recommend some cheap and cheap to insure cars, or some things I can do to get the price down? e.g. explanation of black box etc.? Cheers, Kieran.""
How much is your car insurance?
I just realized my car insurance is $383 every 3 months. I thought that was quite a bit. I'm 24 and totaled my car in February and just got a new Nissan Altima. So I was just wondering how mine compared to everyone else's. How old are you? What kind of car do you have and how much is your insurance?
Do all full times jobs give you health insurance?
I just got a full time job. The guy really didnt say anything about health insurance or any kind of insurance since its full time i was wondering if i get it? its about $9.00 an hours. not sure if that helps any tho
What is the cheapest liability insurance in sacramento?
looking for auto liability. just to cover the basics. i'm shooting for 50 dollars or less per month.
Can you apply for health insurance with a work permit?
United States only. people with the differed action, that obama passed a few months ago are planning to apply for health insurance. Are they able to ? and if they are how will it work""
Should I take a term insurance rather than home mortgage insurance?
Normally many banks want the home loan borrowers to take mortgage insurance. Here there are controversies since many suggest borrowers should take term insurance instead. But do term insurances always give better protection than term insurance? How does a mortgage insurance compare with term insurance in terms of premium amount, premium payment period, risk cover of death, disability, chronic disease, surrender value, survival benefits etc? Apparently the term insurances are cheaper but have to be paid for a much longer period than mortgage insurance (generally paid for about 1/3rd of loan period.) So which options is better? I would specifically like to know about such products available in India. Thanks.""
Motorcycle insurance?
i have seen things that say motorcycle insurance is ALOT more then car insurance and things that say car inurance is ALOT more then motorcycle insurance and i dont really know if any one will be able to give me accurate answer to my question but i just want an idea of how much the insurance would be for an 18 year old, with a Honda Rebel, in south texas ((or if there is some where i can find out, that would help to))""
Which private dental insurance is the best and how much does it cost a month?
Which private dental insurance is the best and how much does it cost a month?
What lawyer is best to sue an insurance company?
kid was killed in car accident and want to sue the drivers insurance because all 3 boys died. the insurance company is only offering a certain amount but i want more. who should i call
The cheapest car insurance?
Hey everyone!! I'm planning to get my first car, and i was wondering what is the cheapest possible car insurance in Utah and nationwide. thanks!!""
Will speeding convictions affect my car insurance?
I have to speeding convictions, the first one a went to a speed awareness workshop so i didnt recieve any points but on my second one i recieved 3 points on my license. Will this show on my insurance renewal and will it bump up my insurance rates? I have been driving for a year.
0 notes
Is Safe Auto cheap car insurance?
"Is Safe Auto cheap car insurance?
I mean the company Safe Auto. You know the jingle 1-800-SAFEAUTO
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://insureinfo.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Got an insurance check for hail damage on my car do i have to repair my car?
I have had the check for the insurance company sitting for two months due to the fact I havent had the money to pay the deductible. Well I am 35 weeks pregnant and this week my phone, water, car insurance, will all be shut off or canceled this week and my car payment was due three weeks ago. So This is my last and final option but my car is not paid of I still owe on it and the check is for 2,000 due to hail damage and it is made out to me and the bank so it says pay to the order of (name) AND (bank) only! Can I put the check into my bank account wait for it to clear and then pay my bills? I know this sounds very wrong but sometimes you have to do what you can with you've got.""
How much did you pay for car insurance as a new driver?
Which car do you think has higher insurance?
For my first car i want either a Subaru Impreza rs 2001(gc8) or a Toyota Corolla 2007 CE. The Toyota will be new. Which one do you think will have cheaper insurance?
Why do you pay for auto insurance?
I'm a teen trying to understand the point of auto insurance
What happens if you lye to you car insurance company?
When I was 18 and I first got my car insurance policy my mom convinced me to set my adress to my uncle's house because it was cheaper. It is but, now that I'm 20 I'm starting to have second thoughts about it. What can possibly go wrong with this?""
How much would the insurance be on a 2014 Corvette?
Ok so I'm 16 and a half and my cousin is going to get me a 2014 Corvette stingray for my birthday. And was wondering how much the insurance would be.
Insurance for a 17 year old on a ninja 250?
hey im looking at getting a ninja 250r for a first bike. i choose a 250 because it is cheap, cheap to keep up, i could work on almost every job myself, it wont do a wheelie at 90 and kill me, gets 65 mpg highway, and is still as quick as a z28 0-60. what would the insurance be on a little 250 for an almost 18 year old with a perfect driving record, and almost all major discounts ( good student...etc)? i know you cant say for sure but would it be a doable amount since it is just a 250, or is it going way too much cuz im a teen?""
How much is insurance for a 99-01 mercury cougar?
I want one! I have a 97 toyota camry right now..Can someone compare and contrast the insurance and the difference in maintaining it? I turn 17 in 3 months but the car would be under my parents name.
Can I get money back if I cancel my car insurance?
I share a car with my mum but she doesn't allow me to use it, so I figure it would be best to cancel my insurance policy if I get some money back. I only need a car to get home from work on a Thursday night but I have asked my boss if I can do an earlier shift so I can get a bus. He is letting me know if I can do this by the end of next week but in the meantime I would just like to know if it's worth cancelling. The policy runs out in April, I live in the UK and I'm with Zurich if that helps.""
How much should I be looking for to pay for car insurance?
Its a 98 ford escort with 127,000 miles and it has a salvage title""
would it be more expensive for car insurance for a brand new car or a used car.
""I was in a auto accident, my car was rear ended, now there insurance is saying my car is a loss, can i sue?""
They hit my car rear end and now the repairs seems to cost more to repair then the worth of my car.... I don't know what to do, we were not at fault and I don't have means to buy another car, my car was paid off... and I took care of it, it always ran good and never needed any repairs..... I don't know what to do... Can I sue for the loss of my car?.... Would I sue there insurance company or the owner?""
What is the cheapest form of auto insurance?
What is the cheapest form of auto insurance?
Does the car insurance charge extra more for adding a teen driver under 18?
i'm 17 now and will be in august i need to learn driving and get the license in this summer break i've the driving permit my dad is the only driver in the family's car insurance plan so, does the insurance charge more if i'm under 18? if yes, i'm going to apply it after my birthday thanx""
Does the Year of your Car affect Insurance Prices?
Does the Make of Your Car Affect How Much you are Charged for Insurance? Does the Year of Your Car Affect How Much you are Charged for Insurance? Does Having 2Doors Always Rise How Much you are Charged for Insurance? No Baby Answers.
How much do you insure for the Bodily Injury Limits?
What is Bodily Injury Limits on your car insurance? What is the limit should I have and why?
Which would be a better place to sell auto insurance Arizona or Dallas?
Which would be a better place to sell auto insurance Arizona or Dallas?
What is the Average Car insurance cover for UK Provisional driver?
I need one and looking at most covers, they are hell of a lot costy. But I have an eye of one which is about 2.81 per day. What do you think of that? Above/below average? Good/bad cover. Any suggestion will help. Cheers.""
Approx. how much would a leased car amd insurance cost a 24yr old male?
Planning on either a alfa romeo, or civic moving to the uk so not sure what leases are like and insurance. Insurance in toronto is sky high so im assuming it will be the same. I pay $400 a month so arounds 200pounds. Just looking for estimations thanks. City driver too, possibly london or glasgow.""
18 in TX and need health insurance?
I live with my dad but he just qualified for his own insurance for seniors or something im not sure. Ignore this fact, but long story short I am a full time community college freshman and make around 700 a month at my job. I am very healthy and workout at the gym routinely and I notice i am having wisdom teeth probs. what health care can I buy thats affordable for me? I turn 19 in 3 months.""
Car insurance for Audi A4 Convertible?
Personal Detials: 17 years old Male Living at home Car to be stored on driveway Car details: Audi A4 Convertible 2003 insurance group 31-ish How much would it cost for insurance for this?
What are the cheapest insurance companies in Canada?
What are the cheapest insurance companies in Canada?
How do insurance companies determine a vehicle's value in a crash? Do they look at the Kelly Blue Book Value?
How do insurance companies determine a vehicle's value in a crash? Do they look at the Kelly Blue Book Value?
Car insurance on Mitsubishi Eclipse?
Im only 16, almost 17. Female. First time driver. No accidents. We have Geico. The car is a 2007. 47500 miles on it. 2 door. I tried looking online for an insurance calculator.. I just wanna know about how much a month it would be.""
Can I ask my own car insurance to pay?
I was a passenger in my friends car when a tire from a semi ( that drove away and identity is unknown) hit several cars and my back hurts. I want to go to a chiropractor but have no insurance. I don't want to sue the driver or go after the drivers insurance because he is my friend. Can I choose to ask my own insurance company to pay?
Is Safe Auto cheap car insurance?
I mean the company Safe Auto. You know the jingle 1-800-SAFEAUTO
Health Insurance in Oregon?
I'm 21, work a part time job and go to school full time (though a little under this term 11 credits) I need health insurance. wondering what my options are. looking for something affordable, maybe 50 dollars a month? not sure, don't know much about this stuff which is why I'm looking to get some expert advice from someone on here that knows it! Thanks, M""
My medicaid that i used for my pregnancy had expired...? here in texas?
back in august of 2011 & i no longer have insurance. what do i do now? i called my health plan & they said i gotta apply again but i don't know where i can get the application. i really need insurance cause i got upcoming appointments for me & if i don't have insurance, i'm not gonna be able to afford the expenses. anyone know where i can get the application for medicaid here in texas?""
Motorcycle insurance quote - Progressive?
I only need insurance on my bike for like a week and progressive only gives me the option to either pay the full 12 month cost ($255) up front now OR 2 payments a year which is $135 up front right now. Im not paying $135 when im only going to be riding it for a week...?
Where can i get less expensive car insurance for an 18 year old student with a 2000 mustang?
Well this may sound like a long shot, but I just recently bought my son a 2000 Ford Mustang, Now its insurance time, hes 18, gets A's in school and has had drivers ed. Why do the quotes from Progressive and esurance estimate its going to cost nearly $500 a month, even with a 1990 honda junker it still cost nearly $400 do these prices seem reasonable, i can't recall them being that high, when i first got insurance, thanks.""
All the obamacare plans probably have better benefits than your current health insurance. bad news?
September 2013 An Early Look at Premiums and Insurer Participation in Health Insurance Marketplaces, 2014 Cynthia Cox, Gary Claxton, Larry Levitt, Hana Khosla Under the Affordable Care Act (ACA), individuals and families may purchase private insurance coverage through new state-based exchanges (or Marketplaces), which are set to open in October of this year for coverage beginning January 1, 2014. In states that decide against operating their own exchanges, the federal government will either run the exchange or work in partnership with the state to create an exchange. Regardless of whether an exchange is state-run or federally-facilitated, enrollees with family incomes from one to four times the federal poverty level (about $24,000 to $94,000 for a family of four) may qualify for tax credits that will lower the cost of coverage through reduced premiums and, in some cases, also be eligible for subsidies to reduce their out-of-pocket costs. This report presents an early look at insurer participation and exchange premiums both before and after tax credits for enrollees in the 17 states plus the District of Columbia that have publicly released comprehensive data on rates or the rate filings submitted by insurers. These include eleven states operating their own exchanges and seven defaulting to a federally-facilitated exchange. Plan availability and premiums for all states are expected to be available by October 1.""
What is the cheapest car insurance company in Ohio for first time teen drivers?
I 16 and about to get a car but need to know the cheapest insurance company in ohio for teens.
How can I put my girlfriend (8 1/2 years and still going strong) on my health/dental insurance?
Hi guys, so I have asked my job and it seems the only way I can add her to my health/dental insurance is if 1) we are married or 2) if i provide proof of living with her for a certain amount of years. There has to be some loophole because I really think it is ridiculous that we have been to together since we were 16 and I cant add her or help her in such a way. There is no possible way, in timeline, for us to qualify for such rules. 16-18 years old (in high school and lived with parents), 18-23 years old (Attended separate universities and lived in different cities), 23- 24 1/2 years old, (both living with parents back home, we alternate and stay at each others place, so have no set home or bills in our name, such as direct tv, electricity, internet, you name it. we are blessed with awesome parents) and yes we have though about just getting married, but no way... we are waiting until we are established and can fend for ourselves to make a decision like that, but yes we do want to get married some day, but not over screwing the government or other reasons. Also we live in california if that helps, since i know every state varies, thank s guys!! ^_^""
Getting a license increases car insurance?
When applying for a drivers license for the first time, i was wondering if it increases a person's car insurance; even if the person that is getting the license doesnt have a car, and is under the age of 18.""
How much is your car payments/insurance total?
For a month. Cause everyone is saying I need my license. I want to but I will be moving to Philly and I will take public transportation.
What is the cheapest car insurance in michigan?
I am looking for cheap car insurance I live in battle creek mi. I am 22 years old and on ssi. I have autism diagnosis. And I want to be able to get a car I do not have a license right now. But can get one social worker told me that. I would be allowed to drive. I do not own a car right now. But I have $2000 save up for a car. Before I take anymore steps I need to find out if i can afford insurance. I have about $30-$45 to spend a month on insurance for a car. That cost about $2000 I only need the bare minimum that will allow me to drive with a license legally. Dose anyone know where in i can get cheap car insurance? Any help would be greatly appreciated.Thanks
Car accident with no insurance?
I hit a car in Alaska, no damage to the cars except a tiny tiny dent on the other car's back bumper that barely can be visible within 20 inches distance if a person keeps looking very good. I gave all my details to the other guy and I am legal in everything. he showed me an insurance on his phone that expired on May 2012. Because I did not pay attention, right now I just found out from the VIN # that the insurance is for a different car but in his name. So I am not sure if the car I hit was insured or not. Could I get him in trouble if he tries to abuse me later? For example if he tries to go to the hospital and cause me problems, or if he calls me wanting money, or having me fix his engines issues that I never caused, because that is what he said is going to do. If he gets insurance hours later, could that save him? or he still can be in trouble with the law?""
I am a police officer and I want cheap car insurance...any company suggestions?
I am a police officer and I want cheap car insurance...any company suggestions?
How does this car insurance thing work?
and where can you get car insurance quotes.
Insurance and pregnancy?
My husband and I are trying to get pregnant. I am on my own private insurance right now and will not get on his insurance until April 2009. If I get pregnant before then will they cover my pregnancy bills etc?
How much do insurance csr's make in california?
I'm working as a receptionist at an insurance company and am thinking about staying in insurance long-term. How much do customer service reps generally make in CA? I've tried googling and the numbers I'm coming up with are very close to what I'm making as a receptionist, which cannot be correct. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!""
I think I've made a mistake on my car insurance?
Long story short my Dad has a car that is insured and has been for a while. He has never made a claim in his 40+ years of driving. He's just bought another car that we can both drive (I can't drive his automatic until I pass my test) He was going to insure it with the same company as his other car however they won't let me be a named driver as I'm under 18 so we've found another company to go with. We got a quote and paid the money. No problem. Awaiting conformation in the post. Earlier today, however, I was talking to a friend who is insured with the same company and he says my dads no claims doesn't count because he's still insured with another company. Therefore by putting 9+ years on the form we've lied ?! Is this correct? Does this make our insurance invalid? How much trouble could we get in for this mistake? How can we resolve this?""
How much is insurance for a honda accord coupe v6 ?
I'm 18 yrs old and I'm considering buying this car if insurance isn't bad
""If i borrow my friend's car for a road trip, what about insurance?
i have insurance for my car and my friend has insurance for her car. if i borrow her car for a few weeks (out of state road trip) do i need to get extra insurance?
Which life insurance to get before Dx of melanoma?
I am 99% sure I have melanoma on my leg. Have apt soon to get this confirmed and staged and start the process. I am a nurse, I know the process, and know the outcome can be one of many. I do not currently have any life insurance, never have. I have 2 small children and it is JUST me and then, no close friends, no family. Worst case scenario, if I only have a short time to live, what would be the best LIFE insurance I can get before getting this diagnosis? I would need something in which they could not cancel me if I am diagnosed with cancer within days of purchasing a premium. Today is May 11th, I should have my diagnosis by May 29th. I would like the biggest policy at the most affordable rate (I don't make as much money as you would think), but its also important that I get the fewest stipulations. By the way, I hate to admit it, but I am a smoker. I quit from 2009 to late 2010, but then started up again when I started RN school (am an LPN now, graduate from RN school in 3 weeks). Any solid advice would be appreciated. In laymens terms please. Ohio.""
How much is motorcycle insurance in Utah?
I am just wondering because I am 17, and I need to get to and back from work. Just give me a rough estimate please. That's all I need to know... Don't tell me to check with my family's insurance because it is too much work when I can just come on here and get an estimate to see if it is in my price range. Thanks ahead of time! I am planning on driving an old street legal dirt bike granted it isn't too pricey.""
What is the cheapest car insurance company to use when im 17 and just passed my test?
any cheap companys or specialist companys for young drivers? in the UK (england)
Why is my car insurance so expensive?
hi, i tryd luking for car insurance but all of them are expensive, the minimum is 4000 and max in over 10,000. im 19 years old, live in london and i passed my test last week. i knw aome people who are 19 and passed recently and there insurance is only 1000. btw the car has a 1.4 engine and is a 1997 model. also can someone explain to me what no claim bonus means? thanks a lot""
Does anyone know where to get affordable auto (liability) insurance for teenagers?
I am 19, & I live in Charlotte, NC & I have not been able to find car insurance for less than $800 for 6 months. I can afford to pay $600 (100 a month) but I have not been able to find an insurance company to give me such a quote. Do you know any? P.S. I drive a 2002 kia optima & I've only had my licence for a year""
Insurance Help for a Teen?
I'm about to get a used 2004 Lexus Sc430 hardtop convertible. It's a V8 with 288 horsepower. My friend has a 400 Horsepower Trans Am but he put his name under his dad's truck as the primary driver so they wouldn't get killed with insurance rates. If I put my name under my dad's tahoe as the primary driver and under the lexus just listed under the car as not the primary driver. Can I get in trouble for this?
How is the aca affordable? Recipients have a 12k deductible before they are coverd by insurance.?
How is the aca affordable? Recipients have a 12k deductible before they are coverd by insurance.?
Is Safe Auto cheap car insurance?
I mean the company Safe Auto. You know the jingle 1-800-SAFEAUTO
How much would insurance cost for a 2011 Hyundai Elantra for a 20 year old?
I have never been in an accident and never got a speeding ticket. What would it cost a month?
""My parents are looking for affordable health insurance, they want to retire any suggestions?""
My mother is 57, my Dad is 61, any suggestions?""
I am 19 years of age i how much will they charge me for my insurance?
i have never been involved in a car accident or gotten pulled over by the police i live in california i have had my drivers license since i was 16. i own a 1997 nissan sentra gxe i pay 480 for it every 6 month and a 2011 nissan murano and i pay 554 every 6 months for it i have Farmers Insurance my dad is main driver my sister in the policy also. How much will they charge me if i buy a 2005 mustang will my car insurance sky rocket because i am consider an inexperience driver and mustang is a sports car Please help
UK- Can you help me find cheaper car insurance?
I currently own classic mini and after 6 months of driving it i want something more reliable. I didn't earn any no claims bonus on the mini as it was on a classic car policy, which I paid 900 a year third party, fire and theft. I want to get a 1.3 toyota yaris but cheapest insurance I have found is 5500! I will be the main driver of it and no i will not front it (go as named when im actually main driver). Which companies are best for young people. I don't want to pay more than around 2000 a year on the insurance. I know there are many factors that affect insurance but I'm looking for companies with good deals/lowest premiums and/or general tips to reducing the premiums. I live in the UK by the way.""
Question about state farm auto insurance?
My payment was due on the 1st, and now it's the fifth. I just paid it today through online banking. The bank says it may not be processed until tuesday, but i have to get to work before then. Am i fine, since it was technically paid today, or am I just f*cked?""
""Car insurance for new driver, help please?""
I'm 18 and I have just passed my test about a week ago, and am looking for insurance etc. But the quotes I'm getting are all about 2,500, which I cannot afford at all as I'm a student. I haven't bought a car yet, as I want to find a good quote first, but the details I have been putting in so far is Vauxhall Corsa 1.0l 3dr age 1999. Surely, this is neither a powerful nor new car, so I don't understand why I'm getting quotes of 2 and a half grand?! I have tried different cars, as well (renault clios, ford fiestas and polos) but it has made little difference. :( I know that the insurance is always going to be high for new young drievrs, but this is really taking the piss, if I'm honest. I have tried about 20-30 different comparison sites and individual company sites, and this is so far the best I'm getting. I've been putting in third party cover and social + pleasure travel or whatever it is. Also, that the car will be parked on a driveway over night. I will be 19 in four months, so is there a chance that insurance will have gone down by then, because it wouldn't be that long to wait. But otherwise, any suggestions, please, are there any details I should change, about the car or the insurance etc. Please help!! :( Thanks in advance""
How Long Is A Car Insurance Quote Good For?
wanted to know
Who has best affordable health insurance?
Looking for health and dental insurance for 1 + spouse in Texas.
How much does it cost to have a baby without insurance?
First, don't worry, I have wonderful insurance so me and my baby will be just fine. But, today in one of my college classes we were talking about medical costs without insurance and it got me thinking.... how much would we have to pay for prenatal care, hospital bills, and doctor's fees if I was not covered by insurance (from conception to delivery)? Anyone know?""
What bike would be cheapest on insurance?
scooter?street+trail?chopper?crotchrocket? or anything?which bike out of all bikes street legal and able to achieve 50mph is the cheapest insurance wise
Non-custodial parent needs affordable health insurance?
Apparently only custodial parents can apply for CHIPS health insurance. My last job had affordable health insurance for my son, but my new job only has insurance for 800.00 a month. I only make 10.50hr and get less than 40 hrs a week. Can someone please direct me to an insurance plan that I can afford?""
Will my car insurance go up?
I recently rear-ended another car, and it was my fault. We were both turning left and I bumped into her a little. I'm 17. The damage was very very minor. I have a small car and my license plate got a LITTLE bent and there didn't seem to be any damage to the lady's SUV, but now my insurance comapny is calling me to find out what happened. Does that mean the lady made a claim? And will my insurance go up with such a small accident?""
Insurance while in the military?
How does insurance work when the car is registered in another state which for me is california and I'm currently stationed in texas. What address would i use if my car is with me in texas but is registered in cali.
How much does Acrft Maint insurance cost for mechanics and owners on cessnas from 172's and up?
Insurance For light aircraft like private aircraft from small cessna 172's to a gulfstream 1 or 2.
Is it legal for auto insurance companies to adjust rates based on where you live?
I live in California, and I thought it was now illegal to charge more or less based on where you live. Does anyone know the laws regarding this?""
Question about pregnancy insurance?
My husband and I plan on trying for our 3rd child sometime around August/September. For our first child, we were eligible for Medicaid and for our second we were on Tricare since my husband was deployed. However, right now I'm the only one who is uninsured. My husband can go to the VA Hospital anytime he needs to and my kids are on State insurance. We really don't want to get some type of family insurance since everyone besides me is all taken care of. So my question is: Is there some type of insurance that covers pregnancy that I could just sign up for? I decided to come here before really starting my research on the off-chance someone here is on one/knows of one. Since a lot of insurances would say a pregnancy was a pre-existing condition and not cover me, I want to be on it before we even start trying. Anyway, thanks!""
Honda cbr250 insurance vs Kawasaki Ninja 250r?
If anyone could tell me the insurance rates for both bikes for a 16 year old male rider. I live in Ontario but any canadian rates, or american rates would be appreciated. Rates per year or per month is what I am looking for. If you can give the rates for both bikes or just one bike it would be appreciated. Thanks.""
Cheap Car Insurance for Hobby Vehicle?
Hi, i've just completed a rally across europe, and i've fallen in love with one of the cars on it. Only thing is its not something i can afford to drive everyday, so i'm looking at getting the car (Vauxhall Calibra) and keeping it at home and just using it for shows and maybe a few drives in the country. Does anyone know of a cheap insurance company. Details are: Young Driver, 20, Student Limited millage (1500-2000 miles absolute tops) Vauxhall Calibra 2.0 16v I don't want it to go boy racing, just to look after and give me something to do!! My mate mentioned a insurance company in Ireland which gave him a quote on a Impreza turbo for like 700 (same age as me), but i can't remember the name of it. Only that its in ireland! Any help is really appreciated""
What is full coverage auto insurance?
What counts as full coverage auto insurance in California? Thanks!
How do i get affordable health insurance in new york?
I make 40k a year but i live in nyc so i cant afford a standard plan. Just need for myself 37 yr old male Thanks
Life insurance for police officers?
Can police officers get extended life insurance to cover death on the job? If so, how much - 5 million?""
Whats a good/affordable motorcyle insurance company?
I want to buy a Yamaha R6 but the premiums for a bike are ridiculous.. cheapest ive found was through progressive for 900$/month... thats more than my leased car payment and car insurance a month... anyone? thanks.
""Health insurance, to see chiropractor help!?""
im trying to find health insurance because i dont qualify for medicare. im currently unemployed and looking for work, and couldnt go to fiu this semester. im 26 years old woman. i hurt my back lifting boxes a few months ago. the pain is horrible some days that i have to stay in bed all day. i need to see a doctor but i dont have money and i am living with my disabled mother. http://consumerdirect.bcbsfl.com my zipcode is 33010 what is the cheapest insurance here that would let me see a chiro and get xrays done? the less i would have to pay the better since my financial situation right now is bad.""
What are some affordable cars for an 18 year old to own that is 5 years old or newer?
When I say own, I mean that the individual is paying for gas, maintenance, and insurance.""
Are jettas cheap to insure?
I need to buy a car for college and i really like a 2001 vw jetta. I have the money cash for it, and im looking at middle coverage. I know i can get a quote, but i dont like doing ...show more""
Is Safe Auto cheap car insurance?
I mean the company Safe Auto. You know the jingle 1-800-SAFEAUTO
Does anyone know where a couple in their early 60's might find affordable insurance.?
We had really great insurance but, it went up from a little less than $600.00 to over $1000.00. We cannot afford that.""
How much will insurance cost after getting a DUI?
Does someone know how much roughly insurance will probably cost after a DUI? Perhaps someone who has had one in the past could tell me.
""Help,new driver needs insurance!?""
So, I am a new driver and I just bought a '94 Acura legend. I have looked at some quotes for insurance and nearly had a stroke! Does anyone know of insurance that isn't too high or offers discounts for new drivers. Living in MA if that helps.""
What does this quote about Health Insurance mean?
(The Headline - 2 Calif. health insurers to pay $13M for dropping clients ) This fine sends the message that if you come into California to sell health insurance, YOU MUST PLAY BY THE RULES, said Cindy Ehnes, the director of the state's Department of Managed Health Care. [caps mine] http://www.usatoday.com/news/health/2008-07-18-insurance-settlements_N.htm""
Motorcycle insurance cost for m1?
16, live in canada, suzuki gs550, cheapest insurance? p.s. heard statefarm lets you do it by month, how much would that cost?""
Car insurance car location?
Hi, im looking to buy a car that i would occassionally use. i work in birmingham and live in the city centre but need a car for oncall. when im not oncall i get the train. when i dont need the car i would leave it in nottingham with my parents where my dad would occassionally use it. the car would be kept more at the nottingham address than my birmingham one. insurance is cheaper at nottingham so can i put that as the car location even though it would sometimes be in birmingham. it sounds obvious but an insurance company has really confused me saying it must be in birmingham which makes no sense as the car would be kept more in nottz. ive been told insurance companies will try there hardness to avoid paying out say for example if the car was stolen. please help!""
Know of Affordable Insurance for unemployed NJ resident?
My wife just lost her job due to downsizing and she carried the insurance. Our insurance expires the end of October. I cant signup at my job until January. We can COBRA but it will cost around $900 a month which we certainly wont have since shes unemployed and wouldnt have even if she WAS employed. Anyone know if there is a more affordable option? Does unemployed have some kind of health insurance? We have 2 young children so not having insurance isnt an option. Please REAL Replies Only!!! No SPAM!
How much does insurance generally run for a company van?
Some fellow students and I are attempting to start up a laundry service at our school. We are looking to purchase a van so we can pick up and deliver the laundry to our customers. The van will only be used about 8 months out of the year and daily mileage will be fairly low because our campus small.
Cheap car insurance!!!?
I'm 17 and I just got my license and my dad is looking for insurance for me does anyone know where I can get a very good deal??
Temporary car insurance?
Car insurance for travelers
""Car accident, driving record & Insurance?""
If car accident happended and insurance covered the damage, but at-fault violation is kept off the driving record with help of being first offender, then will it still affect car insurance rate even if switching previous insurance company to other? Do insurance companies share their custmer drivers' information?""
Real Estate career vs Insurance career?
to all real estate agents and insurance agents.... I have my real estate, life insurance and auto insurance licenses... have been struggling in life insurance business and trying to start with auto insurance to see how it will work out for me and if I can cross sell life and auto together... Also I am very much interested in real estate, I feel like I love it more than anything but i am so scared to go after that, I am afraid that it will take another year or so from my life to really understand and have it going.... I have been struggling in life insurance sales but we all know that life insurance is kind of secondary but real estate, we know that everybody is making money to have that American dream but I don't know how it feels like to be in real estate business.... so any suggestions, about advantages or disadvantages, about money, in which area I can earn more money, about the activities and what should I do to earn trust and start selling... please advice which one should I choose and why based on your experience.... please teach me something, advice me, comment, and make suggestions.. I am lost and frustrated and don't know what to do ..I really want to what is for me and work hard to make it work ....""
""How much will insurance be on a bmw 5 series 3 litre 17 year old, SECOND DRIVER!?""
im looking on how much it would be for my father to make me his second driver so I could also drive his car, it is a bmw 5 series 3 litre, im 17 year olds I have only just passed my test, please no stupid remarks/commentx""
Help a 21-year-old choose car insurance?
So I have a 2001 jetta that's being financed. I need full coverage and I have to start looking soon. Anyone havesuggestions on where to get a quote from? What should I expect paying for on a full covered vehicle? By the way, I have a clean record, never been in an accident and this is my first time getting car insurance, or any type of insurance. Thanks in advance...""
Question about how much you think my insurance will be??! please help?
I'm 17. I just got my license. I will be put on my grandmas insurace. She has one car. We plan to share that till I can get my own. the car is a 1995 sc400 lexus. how much do you think its going to be a month?!
Where can I get cheap insurance for a performance car? I have tried the usual (confused.com etc etc)?
UK only please
What do you wish your insurance agent would do for you?
Aside from the impossible, what do you wish your insurance agent would offer, help with, take care of for you or do differently?""
Car Insurance Honda Civic coupe vs sedan?
So I'm looking into buying a car. I'm 20 and I'm under my dads insurance. I pay 60 for being a secondary drivers for my dads van, but I want to get my own car. Would it be more if I got a black Honda civic coupe rather than a sedan?""
Is there a car insurance that will give a young driver a reasonably quote?
i recently purchased a mk1 ford fiesta. theres no mods to the car and tax wise i think its a classic. its a 1984. i have wanted a mk1 fiesta for years now and its the car i want to drive. im 17 and the cheapest quote on any car ive been given is 2000. are there any companies that will give me a good quote on my fiesta
Need help with choosing an insurance policy.?
I have a friend and I think she doesn't know anything about insurance policy and rely on the insurer to choose it for her. She owns a retail store. She sells items from clothing material to children toys. This year her stock in trade would approximately less than U$ 300,000. What kind of insurance policy would best fit her business? I don't really know much about commercial policy neither so hope you can advice me to advice her. thanks""
Car insurance payments?
I'm slightly confused over my car insurance. I took out a 12 month policy in December 2008 (paid a deposit at the time) and then paid by monthly installments. I then continued this policy in December 2009. However I have now cancelled this policy as another company could provide it cheaper. But I've been told by relatives that I won't be charged my monthly fee this month (i.e my pay day tomorrow!) because I have already paid the full amount for the 2 years. Is this correct?
How much did you pay for your first car insurance? !?
Hey im gettin a first car soon, i only passed last week! and i understand that insurance for first time buyers is VERY expensive! If anyone could quote me some of the prices they payed on insurance for there first and the car they had that would be great!!! (IN ENGLAND  BY THE WAY)""
Do you need insurance for permit in ca?
I am going to get my provisional driver license in california. Do i need to get it before i take the drive test? aM i covered under parents policy? How long do i have to have my insurance before im eligible to get my driver license?
Car insurance bait and switch?
I admit I have a not so favorable driving record. The company I was with had elected to discontinue my coverage, leaving me to shop around. After calling every company I could think of, I got all extremely high, but understandable quotes. My last call was to a insurance broker . I know not the best route, but left with no other choice. The company got me a quote. . After I signed all paperwork and agreed to the deductions, I called the company just to verify all the information. All was said and fine. A week later they call to tell me the premium was significantly increased due to my record. While I understand, can they really tell me one thing first, have me agree and sign, then change it up like that? I had specifically asked if my record was already pulled and all my info was correct and they said yes.""
Car insurance 16 year old lower?
If i am 16 and I have heard this from a lot of people but if I have a 4.0 GPA at school which is the highest possible, will that help lower my car insurance cost to an AFFORDABLE COST?? What other ways can I get around to paying less than average teens car insurance. Thank you please no personal theories.""
Is Safe Auto cheap car insurance?
I mean the company Safe Auto. You know the jingle 1-800-SAFEAUTO
0 notes
lazytacomoon-blog · 6 years
gmac insurance quote phone number
"gmac insurance quote phone number
gmac insurance quote phone number
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://averageinsurancecosts.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Does my car insurance go up if I got a speeding ticket out-of-province?
So I have an Ontario license and I got a speeding ticket (15mph over - 24km/h over) in NY near the border. Keeping in mind that this is my very first traffic ticket: 1. How much am I likely to pay? 2. Does it affect my insurance? 3. (I don't really care cause this probably won't happen again) Do I lose any points?
Help With Residency and Car Insurance?
If my mom lives in Arizona and I live in New York and my car is in her name and so is the insurance and I am just a driver on the car then if i change my residency to New york and she stays in arizona will it be an issue? I have my car with me in new york (going to school) but the insurance doesn't know that. Can i change my residency to new york withouth having to change the car insurance if it's under her name and i'm just a driver? anyone explain please because im paying out the butt for tuition because i'm 'out of state' even though im not just because my mom doesnt want to mess with the insurance
Is it possible to apply for Medical Insurance?
Is it possible to apply for Medical Insurance at any time during the year? Company I work for is offering Blue Shielld Blue Cross I think is too expensive, 306 a monthly for Wife and Me. Looking for affordable insurance, I make 27,000 a year, thanks for your help...""
Will my auto insurance company check my husband's credit and driving record if I add him to my policy?
I have been married for 4 years. My husband bought his car with his parents and has been covered under their insurance all this time. The car has been now paid off and he needs to go ...show more
I cancel my car insurance because I sold my car.?
I was told by the car insurance company that I have my car insurance that I would have a laspe in my insurance. I was also told that I would not be able to purchase insurance with another company. Why is this? Why should I keep my insurance if I don't have a car and won't be purchasing one for awhile?
""What are some good, low cost family health insurance plans for us...?""
My husband and I need health insurance. He is a full time student and I am full time worker. We cannot get decent health insurance through his school or my work. We are looking for a low deductable, 0% coinsurance, and we need something with great maternity coverage, since we're planning on starting a family soon. If you know of any great plans like this, please share! Thank you for your help!""
Whats a good price for a 17 year old car insurance ? Uk?
Whats a good price for a 17 year old car insurance ? Uk?
What are cheap insurance companies in Ontario? (Toronto)?
My specs: 25 years old, female car is 1994 lexus sc400 bought it for $2500 has a really good alarm on it with a pager I heard Desjardins and Aviva are good prices.. any other companies I should check out? Thanks""
Where can i get cheap auto insurance for an 18 year old student with a mustang?
Well this may sound like a long shot, but I just recently bought my son a Ford Mustang, Now its insurance time, hes 18, gets A's in school and has had drivers ed. Why do the quotes from Progressive and esurance estimate its going to cost nearly $500 a month, even with a 1990 honda junker it still cost nearly $400 do these prices seem reasonable, i cant recall them being that high, when i first got insurance, thanks.""
Does having a motorcycle license effect your car insurance rates?
I've been looking at taking the course, wondering if theres any other implications I havent considered. Anyone have some experience with this? Assume I'll have my motorcycle endorsement on my license, but not own a motorcycle. I live in RI, by the way.""
What's a good medical insurance plan for someone in my situation in CA?
It's so overwhelming with all the different policies out there, if someone has a recommendation for a good insurance company that is affordable for my situation: a. self employed single female b. no health risks/problems c. mid 30s d. prefer a plan that covers maternity just in case""
Is it necessary to hold on to old auto insurance bills?
I switched auto insurance companies recently and I was just wondering if there is any reason at all I should keep my old auto insurance bills from the old company. I'm the one ...show more
Will a 'C' Licence make my insurance cheaper....?
I currently hold a normal car licence (I'm 18) But I passed my Category C test today. For those of you who don't know what a category C vehicle is. I doubt you will know the answer to the question so please don't make up some rubbish... Will this make my car insurance cheaper considering I can drive a vehicle about 5 times the size? Also, I'm hoping to get my Artic licence next year, Will this make my insurance go down even further? I mean for my car, I already know my Lorry insurance is going to be INSANE. But I've got in the army as a Driver anyway so that doesn't really matter.....""
Someone hit my dad's car with no insurance?
So my dad was on his way home from work. At an intersection, he was waiting for the light to turn green, when suddenly someone hit him from the back, probably because the person didn't stop in time. So the person waved his hand to go somewhere to park and exchange information. Notice, no witness besides the two of them. Well, it was a crowded intersection and at dinner time, so no one stopped, and it's impossible to track any down. My dad was panicking, so he just followed the guy. Both exchanged legitimate information and drove home. When my dad got home, of course, it was past 8pm, so we couldn't call the insurance company. So we did all the paperwork the next day. It turned out, the guy's insurance had expired just 1 month before. We told the guy and he said okay and will pay by cash. My dad went to the autodealer and the price is about $4000. So the problem is now, we've been keep calling him and he doesn't pick up. He picked up the first couple of times, but now he doesn't anymore. We told him the price already. What should we do? Take him to court? I heard you don't get anything out of it. We have the guy's info, because his old insurance sent it. It happened on 16/01/2013 Orange County, California My dad's car Mercedes ML320 2001. Damage: the trunk is pretty damaged, can't open it anymore. Obvious it was hit by a car. We just want the guy to pay for what he did.""
Is auto insurance legally required to drive your motorcycle in NYC?
I have tried googling the question, and all I get are all ad junk sites trying to get my personal information for free quotes. I cannot seem to find any legal information as to driving a motorcycle uninsured in NYC. I understand it is mandatory to have auto insurance on your car for liability damages, to other parties as well as medical bills. However, I cannot find any information if this applies to motorcycles as well. Do motorcycles fall under this statute as it is an Auto Vehicle? I am not looking forward to any fines and revoking of my license. Thank you in advance.""
What's the absolute cheapest car insurance company in Illinois?
What's the absolute cheapest car insurance company in Illinois?
How much should my car insurance cost?
In a few months ill be getting my license and a car. I live in Massachusetts. I'm not exactly sure what I am getting for a car, but I may end up getting a Honda accord that is around 12 years old and has a lot of mileage (200k+). Pretty much, I'm starting to look into the cheapest possible car insurance because: i don't have much money to spend and even if I did have a low deductible, it would be very close to the full value of the car which in that case I would just get junk it. What should I look for to make my cost as low as possible and how cheap could I potentially get it for? Thanks.""
How much will my car insurance cost?
I'm planning to get a car this September. - The car will have a maximum of 1.4L engine and will probably be a VW Golf/Polo, Ford Focus or a Vauxhall Corsa. - I will be 20 years old and will have been holding a driving license for 1.5 years. - I am planning to use the car at University (Nottingham) and have off road parking space. I am a medical student. - I have not been insured on any car before, hence don't have any no claims, but parents have loads and I'll be getting them as first driver. So, how much would I be expecting to pay for a year? Please don't suggest comparison sites.""
Do I need to have insurance to take/have a drivers licence in North Carolina?
So I'm 18 and live in NC and I'm moving back to Europe next summer but before that I want to take my licence here because its way cheaper. Do I need to have insurance if I do NOT have a car I just want a licence for when I get back to Europe. Also, can I drive a car thats not mine if I dont have insurance.??""
Does anyone know of affordable health insurance for college students?
Does anyone know of affordable health insurance for college students?
How do I know if my insurance company is treating me fairly?
I was recently in an accident. The offer that my insurance company is making is much lower than NADA and Kelley Blue Book values--the insurance company is offering 9,200 and the NADA value is 11,600 (KBB is 12,500). They said that their estimate was based on the local market value and was an average of private party and dealer values. They looked within a 100-mile radius and found similar cars. They then adjusted the value to reflect the mileage of my car, but I don't know how exactly they calculated this adjusted value. I bought my car from a dealership seven months ago--shouldn't the replacement value be the retail value? Also, I had a Subaru WRX and they compared it to WRXs and to Impreza Outback Sports. I looked on autotrader.com and on other Internet resources and found WRXs that were listed much higher than the WRXs in their market report, and I don't know what to do--I don't want to spend the money for a lawyer, but I feel as if I am fighting a losing battle.""
Car insurance for my daughter?
my 17 year old daughter wants to learn to drive in my car (citroen c3 2059plate) would anybody have an idea of how much it may cost me ! or does it pay to make her wait untill she has passed ? and any ideas on how much if she does pass.. ty .....
How to tax car without insurance?!?
I bought a car recently on ebay. The gentleman said that he already cancelled his insurance as he stopped using the car in the las 6 months. I wanted to ask him to pay the tax on it but he can't. What should I do because when I buy a new car I contact the insurance company straight away but there's not tax on it so can't take it...Any advice?
How much will it cost....?
I live in Hemet , Southern California. I have a 9 month old son. He will be nursed until 24 months, However, he does eat some solid foods. I my boyfriend and I rent an appartment for $750- How much would our monthly income need to be to support our family? How much is utilities in my area? How much do you spend on gas? How much is car insurance? How much is it to get my car smoged? How much are monthly groceries? What other bills am I missing? Please help!""
How much wll i pay for insurance if im 16??
aint got a fast car or anything but how much if my parent adds me on or how much would it be if i pay(if i could do that at 16)
gmac insurance quote phone number
gmac insurance quote phone number
Cheapest Auto Insurance Humanly Possible?
I am a college student living on campus and want to have a car but will not be driving it much at all. I am just looking for the most basic and least expensive auto insurance I can find. I am 19 with no tickets or accidents yada yada yada. Where can I find some cheap coverage?
Was Obama's health care/college system comparison valid?
Tonight President Obama compared the public health care option to the public system of Universities and colleges. He said the public option will work the same way public colleges and Universities without inhibiting a vibrant system of private colleges and Universities. This is a fool's argument and a total apples to oranges comparison. Let me explain, first almost all private universities receive funding from the federal government. The federal government is not going to provide funding for private insurance. The second reason is it's common knowledge that the best Universities in the U.S. are private schools such as Duke, Stanford, and the Ivy League. These universities fill most of the highest paying jobs in the country. Some jobs even go as far as to require a degree from one of these schools (Stock Brokers on NYC Stock Exchange.) These highly paid graduates can donate larger amounts of money back to their respective colleges than the average Joe who graduated from a generic state funded university. No one is going to donate money to the private insurance companies. We can't even get all the people who qualify for insurance to sign up and that's the problem! Look, I have no way of knowing whether the public option will work or won't but when faulty logic is used to support it I become concerned. When most of the people supporting the public option are from California (a state where the middle class is few and far between) I become more concerned. When most of the Senators and Representatives who support the public option say they would prefer the U.S. had a single payer system (that's total government control of health care if you didn't know) I become very concerned. The reality is no one knows what the effects of public option will be. Also, the success of FedEx is not any proof that public option won't hurt private companies because an independent council regulates the mail industry. No independent council is mentioned in any of the plans in the House or Senate. yes or no""
""Are there health insurance plans that are low premium, high deductible?""
I mean like a $5,000-$10,000 deductible or higher. I have a lot of savings but I'm going to have a part-time job for a little while. I'd like to just pay $100-200 a month or lower for health insurance. Or as low a premium as possible.""
Do life insurance companies check your medical records after you die?
Let's say that you get life insurance and claim to be a non-smoker. Then let's say that you start smoking or resume smoking. Assuming that your medical records show that you ...show more
""'96 Saturn Sedan SLI 4 door, Totaled, accident insurance offered $2700. buy back $530. fair?""
'96 Saturn Sedan SLI 4 door, Totaled, accident insurance offered $2700. buy back $530. fair?""
Am i covered under my parents car insurance?
i have my license, im 16 and i sometimes drive my parents car; am i covered under their insurance? i think they added me in their insurance. im asking because i have friends at school that drive their parents car, but have their own insurance, and its expensive. so how come they have to pay their own insurance, and im covered under my parents? and when my parents added me did their rates go up? thanks for your help oh and i think i have statefarm""
Whats a good life insurance plan?
I'm want to apply for life insurance for me and my husband but, what is a good life insurance plan? and where do I apply? I know gerber is good for kids do they have gerber life insurance for adults?""
Car insurance?
i am looking for a decent quote for car insurance, my daughter passed her test in march and we would love to have her on our insurance but theyare asking for so much , i cannot afford it, i have a peugeot 307 o3 , my quote is 1214.85. she is going to UNI in October and really wont be using tthe car any way. any sugggestions would be really appreciated, now and again she would be using the car and she is so good , cannot afford to buy her a car of her own and the insurance would be too much anyway??""
How to get cheap dodgy insurance?
how can i get cheap insurance that doesnt actually cover me but then im legally insured
Renewing car insurance after non-fault claim?
I am due to renew my car insurance and am looking for new quotes. In February I got hit by another driver. It went through the insurance and (after a while) she was found to be liable for the incident and all my and my insurers costs were recouparated from her insurance. When I'm looking at quotes it asks me for incidents in last 3/5 years. I assume need to declare this, despite it not being my fault, as it went through the insurance. But it asks for the total cost of the claim but won't except 0. How do I fill this section in correctly. It's driving me bonkers!!!!""
Will my insurance go up?
I got two speeding tickets not to long ago, they where 145 dollars each. On both of the tickets i was going 75 mph and speed limit was 60 mph. I already paid for the both tickets, they got reduced by 45 dollars each ticket. I was wondering by how much will my insurance go up and when does it go up. Its my dad insurance and he has my car on his insurance. Will the insurance go up only on my car or both of the cars on same insurance and is there any way you can take those tickets of the record. Like traffic schools..""
Is it true that in PA if you don't own a car you don't need car insurance but could still drive someone's car?
I have my own car now and insurance, but I want to get rid of it and just drive my bf's extra car around. Is that legal because he has insurance on his cars? This is in Pennsylvania. Thanks.""
Car insurance for people who commute by train. Who does this?
I saw an ad on the underground advertising cheaper car insurance for people who commute by train mon-fri. Does anyone know who does this? Thanks
Good Car Insurance Companies? For a young driver...?
I was wondering if anyone knew any cheap car insurance companies for a 17year old female? I've had a full licence since February of this year and was with Quinn-Insurance. I paid just over 2200 for a years insurance which runs out the end of next month. I know this is a good deal for a young driver but obviously I'd love cheaper lol. Any company names would be greatly appreciated for me to look into further.
Insurance on a new and used car?
I was wondering what would be cheaper, insurance on a new car, or a used car (nothing too old though, 2004 to 2008)""
Why are insurance rates going up even if its not your fault?
I work in claims department of a big insurance company. And I found out that even though it is not your fault or if its a comp claim, there is still a possibility that your rates would go up. Why is that so?!?""
Car insurance after drink driving ban.?
hi, i was banned for 18month for drink driving when i was 16 ( i know very stupid) i am now 25 years old soon to pass my test how high will my car insurance be what would be the best, cheapest car for insurance, please constructive answers I know drink driving is VERY BAD i was 16 and very stupid, thanks for any answers.""
Will this be covered by insurance? i damaged the radiator didn't realize it kept driving and engine overheate?
A little over a week ago i bought a 2006 honda civic from a honda dealership. While driving i hit a rather large pothole that i guess put a hole in the radiator. I got out to check for damage didn't see anything no smells, didn't see anything leaking figured i would continue to drive home. While on my way the car was driving completely normal but stalled out. Apparently the engine overheated and now when the car starts it sounds horrible and stalls if you put it in drive. The car is under the most protection the insurance company offers but someone said that they wont cover the engine because I continued driving on it even though I didn't know that there was something wrong. After further examination The radiator actually got dented and hit one of the fans for the engine but theres no way to tell that unless you lift the car looking at it with the car being normal you cant tell it ever hit anything.""
Disability Insurance in Vermont?
Does anyone know if it's legal in the state of Vermont to employee people without disability insurance? I know it's illegal in New York. I'm out of work due to pregnancy complications for 3 weeks or so and I can't collect disability for this or my maternity leave because they said they don't have disability insurance. I called a lawyer, but haven't heard back from them yet. Just curious if anyone knows the answer to this question. Thanks""
Should I file a claim with auto insurance?
I drove my car into a column in a parking lot, denting and scratching the left side of the car. Repair estimate is about 1600. My insurance deductible is 500. Is it worth filling a claim? How much will my premiums go up if I file a claim? I have excellent record otherwise.""
Just a question about Geico's insurance rates versus their advertisements?
for as long as I can remember Geico has always used the advertisement pitch about how much money you can save with them. What I'd like to know is there some kind of communication breakdown between their marketing and pricing departments? I decided to get a Geico quote once, I was 27 years old at the time male unmarried and a spotless driving record. they quoted me like 800 dollars for 6 months!!! at the time I was using Nationwide where is was paying a hair under 500...a YEAR!!! yes this was the exact same amount of coverage/ deductible car everything. everyone else I know has had similar stories about Geico's rates. so tell me if anyone knows when the speak of 'all the money you can save' with them, just what the hell are they talking about? where do they get their facts at?""
Do I need insurance to drive my girlfriend's car?
I'm turning in my leased car next week and canceling the insurance on it. I plan on using my girlfriend's car for a couple of months before getting a new one. I know there are a variety of coverages, but generally speaking would her policy cover me driving her car despite me not having any car insurance of my own?""
How much $ a month would insurance cost me?
I want to get a 93-97 Trans am, or Camaro. I'm a 21 year old male.""
How much would it cost for insurance for a 18 year old with a 2001 toyota celica? Monthly and yearly?
In Canada not US
Need help with car insurance?
About a year ago my husband and I sold a car. We went through the usual channels with dealing with the plates, calling the insurance company and so on. Well today we got our yearly insurance cards in the mail and didn't recognize one of the cars they had given us a card for so I went over the statement. It turns out they have been billing us for insurance on a car we sold over a year ago. We never really noticed how much we should be paying in insurance for our cars and only get our statement once a year with these cars. We only pay $1504 a year for what we thought was two cars and I had assumed that was pretty good. In fact we were paying for three cars and an extra $663 a year on the car we sold. I haven't contacted the insurance company yet but my question is what are my options here? Will they give us the money back for the year we payed on a car we legally sold and what do they need, if any, proof of that? We have paperwork of the sale but no real proof we called them to inform them to take the car off the insurance. Will that we enough?""
gmac insurance quote phone number
gmac insurance quote phone number
Will speeding tickets raise your insurance?
I just got a 2 point violation the other day, will this raise the cost of my insurance being that I am only 20?""
Questions about insurance in NJ?
I just got my probationary license in NJ, and have a couple of questions about insurance. My parents have put me on their insurance plan and today i was given two POI cards-- one for each of their cars. Now, the problem is that I mostly plan to drive my grandmother's car. She lives with us and is getting to the point where she does not drive much anymore. She was told by her insurance company that i do not have to be put on her plan because we live in the same house, but i'm just curious how i would go about proving that i am insured if i ever got into an accident in her car. Can i just hold on to a copy of my POI from one of my parent's two card (in my wallet) to show a police officer, or do I need something specifically for that car? Thank you for the help :)""
Why is insurance for young men expenisive?
Why is insurance so expensive for young men? Why is it more expensive for young men (16 to 25) than for women the same age?
18 years old insurance for vw golf group 6 incurance?
Im 18 years old male with no claim bonus, i want to buy VW Golf 05 1.9l tdi group 6 incurance, where can i find cheap insurance ? what is the best company? i can pay like 150 per month maximum. Pls help thanks.""
Classic car insurance..i need to insure a porsche 924 as a 2nd car.weekend use only any ideas of cheapest?
porsche 924
Can I Drive without Insurance? I have a license and my car Is Insured under my parents name?
Okay so I really need your help.. well help from whoever has the correct Information.. So I'm 19 about to be 20 In May, I have my driver's License, and I have my own car that I got as a present for my 18th Birthday, but It's under my parents name, but anyways my question Is, Can I drive without Insurance? I mean My Car HAS Insurance just not for me. It's under my parents Name, and I mean I Need the car for school, It's not for anything more than that? what can I Do? I know I can get Insurance but It's like expensive for me that I Don't work, and I have to be making payments for my school every month, and I know I Should have a Job, But I'm a full-time student..so yeah you can Imagine.. so yes.. who can answer this?""
Are older cars cheaper to insure?
Are older cars cheaper to insure?
About what would the insurance be on a '94 Camaro V6?
This doesn't apply to me...one of my friends asked me to post this--long story Anyway, he wants to buy this '94 Chevy Camaro base model; not the Z28!! He's gonna buy it off a local guy for $3000...it was 3200 something but he gave him a break for cash. So I'm supposed to ask what kind of insurance that he, a 16 year old will a spotless driving record and good grades, could expect to pay. His parents would like to put liability only on it to keep the cost down. Does anybody have any estimates???--remember liability ONLY..... Oh and we're here in Iowa if location makes any difference....""
How many people really need or should recieve help buying health insurance?
Out of all uninsured 40% are living on a household income of $50,000 or more a year. Unfortunately alot of people would like to indulge in lifes luxuries such as cars, tv, computers, cell phones, and vacations before thinking about their own health and safety Another 20% are non-citizen which includes illegal immigrants. This is straight from the census bureau which the president would use for his information. http://www.census.gov/prod/2008pubs/p60-235.pdf What do you think?""
I need a knee surgery? if i get medical insurance. it will cover the 5500 i need?
my question is when i get interviewed for insurance, should i not tell him about the bad knee so they will take me? i know the surgery will help and i can just wait a month and say i had a sporting accident?""
Which are the cheapest car to insurance in Canada?
Hello: Planing to buy a car, but I will considered a car that is cheaper to insure, any suggestion? Thank you in advanced""
My employer expects me to utilize my personal car insurance for renting cars for business purposes.?
Why should I carry the responsibility? My car insurance would go up if I am in an accident or the car is stolen. Am I being unreasonable? There is no coverage through my company AMEX card, I checked. I do not want to be a problem employee but I do not see how this is fair.""
What are the average costs on registering a new vehicle and buying a title & tag?
I'm thinking about buying a 2008 Honda Fit, and I've already recieved quotes from financing and insurance salespersons, but I still need to figure out the costs of the ...show more""
What is 20 payment life insurance?
What is 20 payment life insurance?
No buisness car insurance?
been caught without buisness insurance on car while delivering.only have domestic, social pleasure e.t.c.i have to go to police station with drivers license and insurance certificate.i currently have no points on my license. what is likely to happen?court, then points and fine?what type of fine?thanks""
Young driver car sports car question? (insurance)?
Im 17 years old. Im on a budget of 15k for a new car. Im looking at 2003 350z's, a 2003 Mitsubishi lancer evo, or a subaru wrx (non sti). All of these are ridiculous on insurance, i know, but thats the sacrifice that must be made because i refuse to drive an economy sedan and be like every other kid my age. Im not a wanna be fast-and-furious driver, i have loved cars all my life. What do you guys think would be the most practical sports car for me, either listed above or in your own eyes. Dont suggest anything with less than 230 to the wheels or more than 6 seconds to 60. Thanks.""
""Which one is cheaper, car insurance or motorbike insurance ?
where can i find cheap insurance policy for vehicles ?
What's the cheapest liability insurance in the metroplex?
What's the cheapest liability insurance in the metroplex?
Can a Healthnet insurance bought in California be used in the Philippines during emergency cases?
My Aunt is from California and she's vacationing in the Philippines. Due to severe allergy attack, she was rushed to the emergency room in one of the hospitals here in the Philippines. Her health insurance provider is healthnet. The hospital here said they don't accept healthnet card. What can she do ? What other options does she have? If the hospitals here can refuse to accept Healthnet cards, can she just pay the bill and have it reimbursed later by healthnet when she gets home?""
Cheap insurance w/a DUI???
Which are the best companies to compare for car insurance w/a DUI on your record???
Did ObamaCare make my insurance costs go down?
Alot of people say healthcare cost will raise when Obamacare goes into efftect. But my healthcare costs has dropped from $1200/month to $400/month for the same coverage. I find it really hard to believe that Obamacare is bad. Also, Obamacare has not been implemented yet - why has healthcare costs has gone down""
What insurance company dosenot check credit history?
What insurance company dosenot check credit history?
Can i get insurance to cover me driving my girl friends car?
My girlfriends mom is nervous with me driving her daughter's car. The mother is the one who holds the registration and insurance. Is there a way that I could have it insured for me so that she will feel comfortable if I borrow it? She worries about getting sued if I get in a wreck. is there a way to have that fall on my shoulders?
Best value car/insurance for a new driver (teenager)?
Hey Ive just started taking driving lessons (im 17), and am hopefuly gonna buy my first car soon. I'll probaly just get a second hand one from the paper, but, is there that much difference in the insurance cost with the different cars (like, if i buy a Vauxhall Cora will it be more expensive in insurance than if I get a Ford Focus etc etc). Also, how much will I be looking to pay for for insuance? Im hoping its no higher than 500 a year, as I dont have a ton of money. Thanks""
What is the average cost of car insurance for an 18 year old?
I live on my own, I'm a full time college student, I have a part time job, I am female,and I make good grades. I want the cheapest insurance legally possible.""
gmac insurance quote phone number
gmac insurance quote phone number
A rough montly price for insurance on used car?
ok i tryed all these sites lol to get quotes but they all want my name and address which im not looking for insurance right now coz i still need my licence first. anyways i saw car i used car i like its a blue ford tarus 1998. and im 20 so im obv gonna be new driver later this year. how much do you think insurance cost me for that monthly? i just want rough guess so please dont comment this if ur gonna direct me to website coz ive already tryed serveal times to do that.
Should my husband get whole or term life insurance?
If my car is registered in california..how can i get car insurance in nevada?
If my car is registered in california..how can i get car insurance in nevada?
Is geico a reliable car insurance in CA? Thanks?
Is geico a reliable car insurance in CA? Thanks?
How much does car insurance go up when a teen gets his/her license?? (geico)?
i have geico insurance and my teen is about to turn 16. i am wondering how much my insurance will go up when she gets her license. she has very good grades, as i know that helps lower it a little""
""Wow, car insurance is like 3-4 times more expensive than car payments.?""
I was looking to lease a new lexus is 250 which would cost me 369 a month but i went to get a quote from geico, it said that the insurance would cost about 1600 a month. I think that is pretty insane considering you could finance a porshe 911 for that much money. I am 20 and got my license last summer. is there a time period when the cost of insurance goes down?""
""I need cheap car insurance, which company would be best?
I'm a freshman in college getting a car and I have a tight budget. Please help.
Can I buy a used car without insurance?
I'm only 18 and I got accepted for a car loan. It's about $200 a month but I can afford the car insurance rate now. I'm buying the car from a dealership. Can I buy the car then drive it home and let it sit till I get insurance? Or can they deliver the car? If I drive it home rate away wouldn't it be like a test drive for the used car?
Where is a company that offeres life insurance to felons?
My husband commited a felony nine years ago when he was nineteen years old and has not been in trouble since. He is now a foreman, owns his own home and is just a regualr citizen, but he has been denied life insurance through 3 companies. Any suggestions?""
I need cheap dental insurance not a discount plan?
I have to get a good cheap dental plan not a discount plan. Where can I get one or what can I do??? I have something that really needs to be taken care of fast.
Car insurance in massachusetts?
how much does it cost??? i hav a project where i have to buy car insurance for a Mercedes Benz 2010 C300 Sport Sedan...... help.......??
Is it OK to lie about being married to get a lower auto insurance rate?
My insurer gives me a much lower auto insurance quote if I say that I'm married. I could say that my imaginary partner doesn't even drive. Are there any consequences to listing myself as married? Can it come back to bite me?
How much will my insurance increase?
I'm a young driver (20) and my car insurance it's currently 3000 a year which I paid in full (lv) Now I had an accident 4 days ago and I scraped someone's car when reversing so as I worked with his girlfriend we started settling it outside work but he's giving me quotes for 1000 and I only scraped it. So settlin it is out of the question, I've only been driving since October and this insurance company I've only been with for 2 months, how much approx will insurance premium go up?""
Insurance when your pregnant?
I currently have insurance although October 1st my coverage will be terminated because I left my job. I recently found out that I was pregnant and was wondering how I will get insurance and will my pregnancy be considered pre-existing when I get insurance through a private company. Should I try to go to the doctor while I have my current insurance through work or wait until I have new insurance
Is there a grace period for insurance in california on a new vehicle?
How long can you go without insurance after purchase of a new vehicle? I know it should be done immediately but I have other things going on right now and dont have time to get quotes currently. If there is no grace period I just wont drive until I get insurance.
Red camoro or mustang or white effect car insurance (boy)?
Hello I am driving in a few months. I am getting a 2011 chevy camaro 2lt or a ford mustang gt. does the color of the car effect the price of the car insurance. I do know being a boy I will have to pay higher insurance. But red is my favorite color. If I get a red camaro or mustang will insurance be higher than getting a white or yellow mustang or camaor. And what is better for everyday driving and safety. and features. and what is best for the money the Camaro or mustang. and trim wise to. camaro 1LT or 2LT or Mustang GT or V6Premium???? help
What is the difference between comprehensive and third party car insurance and which one is more beneficial?
What is the difference between comprehensive and third party car insurance and which one is better. I have a 2005 wagon r lxi and wants to renew the insurance which one should i opt for.?
Can an employer charge women employees more for health insurance than men employees in a group plan?
I was offered a job and I asked to review the companies health insurance information prior to accepting the job. I found out that for their group insurance it's broken down by age and gender. A man my age's employee contribution monthly would be $140 cheaper per month than mine just based on gender and not taking any lifestyle choices into consideration. Everything about this screams lawsuit to me but I've found some differing information on this. With the Affordable Care Act Gender rating is not allowed in the individual market but it does nothing to ban this practice in the group setting from what I've found. Thoughts? Ideas? I've turned down employment with this company based on my personal beliefs.
What insurance would a 1985 monte carlo get?
I don't own this car yet but i want to when i get my driving licence depending on how much the insurance is, if not I'll get a 1972 model""
If i buy a car how much car insurance does people usually pay per year? ?
if i buy a car how much car insurance does people usually pay per year?
What is some cheap medical insurance?
I am 18 and I live in alabama and I really need to know what some good cheap medical insurance any suggestions?
Can I insure my car for more than it's worth?
I recently spent a lot of money getting my car into great condition. I don't want to have an accident and have the insurance company only give me a quarter of what I put into it, just because the book value of it is low. I have USAA if that makes a difference.""
What companies has cheap car insurance for college students?
Im a college student and wants to get off my my parents car insurance its currently 97.00 a month she said thats the cheapest it would be because I would have to pay 500 or 800 in advance or something like that. But i want to be independent and just pay it myself under my own plan ...any suggested car insurance companies?
What type of car has cheaper insurance? Luxury Car or Sports Car?
my mom has an 02 escalde and wants to switch it up and buy a 05/06 charger r/t. so what is going to be more expensive on insurance?? thnx in advance.
My younger borother owns a moped how much would it cost for me to be put on his insurance?
i have a full driving licence i only need to be put for for 2 month or so not even that
gmac insurance quote phone number
gmac insurance quote phone number
0 notes
Lincoln Nebraska Cheap car insurance quotes zip 68506
"Lincoln Nebraska Cheap car insurance quotes zip 68506
Lincoln Nebraska Cheap car insurance quotes zip 68506
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://howmuchisinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
How much would liability insurance cost?
I need to know how much it would cost to have general liability insurance and E&O. I live in California. thanks.
Insurance plan for emancipated teens?
So I'm leaving for Texas/Mississippi this summer and if I enjoy it down there I would be able to live with my sister and be able to go to school . . . but the thing is my parents don't know if I would be able to go to school down there without them signing the forms and what not since they live up here in Oregon . . . I'm 17 I'll be 18 in about 8 months but till then my mom was considering giving up legal rights to me (not because of family issues) so that i would be able to sign the forms myself yada yada yada now the thing is if there rights are terminated I will no longer be on there health plan or any insurance I honestly know for a fact that I'm not able to provide myself with insurance and any other adult type amenities I'm wanting to get my HS diploma and go to collage and become a Elementary Teacher for underprivileged children in Mississippi and or Texas so is there any insurance plans that help with kids who no longer have legal guardians but can't afford it? or is it possible for me to enroll into a high school that isn't in my own state and if so how!?
""How much does a lower back x-ray cost with no insurance in Houston,TX?
I have shattered my tail-bone or something and I can't sit down for more than 5 minutes but I don't know if I can afford it.
Car Insurance?
In Massachusetts what do you think a 16 year old driver would pay for these cars for insurance? 1998 Mitsubishi 3000GT VR 4 >100k miles 1998 Audi A4 1.8 Turbo 4 cyl 100K miles 2001 Ford Taurus SEL v6 40K miles 1999 VW Passat V6 5 speed 95k miles Thanks
Insurance for a 16 year old. ?
I turn 16 on December 30th, and i can get my license on January 4th. I know insurance costs less if you have a 3.0 or something like that in California, thats the state i'm asking about. Our new semester starts when we go back to school on the 3rd or something like that and i will have all a's. I was wondering if anyone knew if they look at those grades, or the final grades from the semester before? this is for the deduction on the insurance, anyone know?""
What are the best life insurances for under $50 a month for family?
I am looking to get life insurance for my family since I am newly married this plays an important role. Does anyone know any affordable life insurances for families? Ive searched and haven't found any. I live in the little rock Arkansas area.
How to see a doctor without health insurance?
im a student living in southern california. i havent seen a doctor in years because i cant afford health insurance, but recently ive noticed that i may have an issue that should be checked out by a doctor. how do i go about seeing one? what do i do? where should i go? any advice or tips would be very helpful. at this point i dont care how much debt i have to incur to do it, i just need to do it. thanks.""
Parents wont let me drive because im not on car insurance?!?
'm 17 now, and I'm planning on getting my license sometime this month. I was really planning on driving to school everyday after I recieved my license. But my parents flat out said NO, because I'm not covered by insurance. They say its way too expensive, and that I'm going off to college anyway next year (i dont plan on driving while im there). I'm really sick of taking the school bus! I just wanna drive to school. but insurance for teens is mad expensive. are there ways to lower the cost? and about average, how much is it anyway? i get good grades. all A's and very rarely B's. and i've taken drivers ed before too. anything else that would help? just any tips on how i can convince my parents to get my car insurance??!""
Should people be required to have health care coverage like they do for car insurance?
That way if someone's not covered the hospital can refuse to treat them just like a car insurance company can refuse to cover someone who didn't have coverage with them. Problem solved, no need for the gov to intervene. Only those over 65 years old should be allowed to apply for medicaid, all other working age bodies should buy it themselves especially if they can all afford monthly cell phone and internet bills and clothes and vacations and stuff.""
Finding restrictions on a California car insurance policy?
I was involved in a minor accident while driving my mother-in-law's car. I am on her policy, so assumed I would be covered, but was just told that I might not be because I was driving for work. Where on the policy does it show whether or not I was covered? I don't want to keep driving her car for work unless I am.""
""I live in So Ca am 55 years old and I don't have medical insurance, I have ongoing medical problems. Any help
Any subjections for low income doctors.
Anyone claimed their Car a Wreak through their insurance before? what happens exactly?
Ok, so my car has Hail damage ALL over it from a recent storm. I am covered for insurance but i wanna know what to do?! i can't call them at this stage cos they call centre is down :( SO, if my car is worth $30,000 & the damage is worth about $5,000 - $7,000 how do they work out if it's considered a wreak or not? My premium is about $1000 (cos i'm under the age of 25) so what happens if they declare it a wreak? Do i just get a cheque and then they take the car? or what? If anyone has had their car considered a wreak through insurance before, please enlighten me :) Thanks x""
What kind of insurance do i need if im over 18?
Im in school right now and im about to turn 19 and my current insurance will not cover me anymore...so what insurance out there can i get that's affordable and i can use for my school...i dont want to pay the expensive insurance for the school...thanks!
What is the penalty if you're caught driving without insurance in California?
.....AND you cause a traffic accident? I was hit by an uninsured motorist. Just curious, what she would have to pay (not enough if you ask me!!!) or what are the penalties. Inquiring minds wanna know!!""
What is a cheap insurance for San Antonio? We have a 2006 GT Mustang that Esurance wants to charge us 500 some
dollars for EVERY MONTH and that is WAY too much!
Will my car be fixed even though car insurance runs out?
Hi there. A car came into me the other day and bumped my car, I have fully comp insurance which runs out january 11th in my mums name, but i am the named driver. The car will have to have quite a bit of work done so im guessing it wont be fixed before this date. The other drivers insurance will be paying for the cost, the insurance and car is in my mums name, and I want to change myself to the owner (official through DVLA) and take out my own insurance before 11th instead of renewing with the smae company. Will they carrying on fixing the car if the insursance who have delt with the claim has run out, also will if be wrong if the car was in my name before the car was returned to my mum. I hope this makes sense, and i hope someone can help thanks.""
Homeowner insurance am I right?
So am I right? If I rent-to-own a home but the deed is still in the owners name untill I pay off the house. I cannot get homeowner insurance because the deed is in the owners name? But after I pay the house off I can get homeowner insurance because the deed will be in my name? I am paying the homeowners insurance though and if somthing happends to the house what the insurance will pay is the balance and I get nothing. So I should get renters insurance ??
Which insurance to go with?
I am trying to buy a new auto insurance and renters insurance plan. I am 23 years old, married and I have never caused any accidents (or received any tickets). I am looking for an affordable quality insurance company that isn't going to keep messing with me like Progressive and their lame sub contracted renters insurance agency. I have never had any property claims either. A reliable, affordable company...""
What will happen when I lose my insurance?
I'm 19 years old, and i'm currently receiving my dads insurance. He is on blue cross blue shield, and I can use his insurance until i'm 26 as long as i'm in college. Well...I'm moving in June and I will be taking a break from college. I'll also be moving out of state in which case I have no clue if the insurance will cover me there. I haven't done jack squat with signing up for my own insurance because I also have a health care card through the state. When I move and I lose my insurance how do I go about signing up for new insurance? I'm planning to get insurance through an employer and sign up once I finish my first 3 months. I don't mind being without insurance for a few months because i'm getting all of my health care/vision/dental done right now. I heard that the Affordable Care Act has deadlines and that you won't be able to sign up for a plan until 2015? Also does that mean I'll be fined for no longer having insurance? I'm so confused.""
Car Insurance on a cheap car question?
Okay so i am currently a secondary driver on two of our car at my house. I am 17 years old. I want to buy a super cheap car on kijiji for like $500 just to mess around in as I wouldn't care if anything were to happen to it. I have a few questions. When i go to pick up the car, can i drive it without plates? Do i need insurance to drive it home? or is there a grace period? If i were to buy the car, fix it up, and then sell it, are there any regulations on this? what documents do i need? I have never bought a used car from a private seller or bought a car in general so any help is greatly appreciated!""
Allstate Insurance Price Estimate?
I was wondering what the price of a 1993 2.3 L V4 Mustang LX would be for a 17 year old male would be with less than 100K miles on it
Can someone stay on there parents insurance until they are 26?
And do they still have to be in college.
""How much does insurance cost on a rental car?, I need a rough estimate, please help?""
it's in portland if that makes a difference, thanks""
Is their affordable Health Insurance for full time students?
I'm a full time college students & I no longer have Health Insurance because I turned 19. I can't go on my dads plan because its for people 65 & over or disabled. I've looked on the internet and haven't really found anything afforable besided for International students & and not internaional. I'd like to find insurance like they can get from ISO where they can pay $27 per month. I haven't found anything like that for myself & only paying 27-40 dollars a month would be GREAT! Can anyone help me?
What's a website that tells you the average insurance of a car?
Lets say for a Mustang GT? I'm think of getting one but don't know how much the insurance of one is. Thanks.
Lincoln Nebraska Cheap car insurance quotes zip 68506
Lincoln Nebraska Cheap car insurance quotes zip 68506
""How much does it cost to be on birth control w/ no insurance, how often do you have to see a doctor?
Car Insurance Question?
If i have a fully comp insurance policy in my name, can i drive any car on the road, with no limitations ie. engine size, make, model, and does the car which im hoping to drive need to be insured by someone else, or not, thanks in advance""
What is the best car insurance for teenagers who got their first car?
I have a 1989 Toyota Camry thats need insurance so i can start driving it.
What is the average yearly cost for house insurance?
2 story home 100k 900 square feet Heated my electricity 2 car garage Decent neighborhood 3 bedrooms 2 bathrooms we are buying our first house. I am aware that prices vary, but I don't know where that range begins and ends. Any help great""
Maturnity insurance?
do anyone know of any insurance that cover maturnity that will not cost an arm and a leg. my husband had good insurance and they had a lay off and friday is out last day with that insurance so does anyone know of any insurance for maturnity coverage that would be a great help.
Cheapest insurance online?
Can anyone point me to the cheapest insurance companies online? Been quoted some ridicules prices. Thanks
My mums taking out insurance but i want to be added as a driver.?
well i have recently passed and my mum is taking out insurance on a car but i will be added as a driver, now when i went to get a quote i was told that they cannot do this due to reasons of me only doing it to get cheaper car insurance, he also said that this could get me points on my license??? is this true ?""
I really need insurance help!?
Does anyone know of a cheap health insurance plan in Texas? We don't qualify for Medicaid or anything like that. My husband's plan is close to $600 a month and we can't afford that. It's a shame that my tax dollars pay for these slums insurance and all they do is sit on their butt but decent people like myself trying to make it we get screwed.
Where can i find a Low Car Insurance Rate?
Where can i find a Low Car Insurance Rate i have 2000 Toyota
Can I get insurance if I don't have a license?
I'm 18 and want to get my license but I need insurance, can I get liability without a license and about how much it would cost?""
Do you need motorcycle insurance in Georgia?
do you need motorcycle insurance in Georgia
Help with getting health insurance?
I'm a 22 year old college student and need health insurance. My mother doesn't work and has medicare/medicaid. I don't speak to my father. I'm a resident assistant on campus, which doesn't offer health insurance as a benefit of working. The school offers health insurance but it's around $2,000 a semester (four months) for very little coverage. There is commercials on TV about automotive insurance and life insurance but I don't know how to find health insurance. Where can I go to find more information on different real insurance companies and what's the average price (either per month or lump some) I would have to pay for health insurance? Any help would be great! Thank you!""
Insurance sells up or down?
This is a question addressed to current ly licensed Insurance agents abroad; therefore, my question is concerning the economy crisis we Americans are facing right now and with that, is Life & health Insurance coverage on the fall or rise? I have been waiting to start this career but not too assured that right now is the best time for this.""
New to US and getting car insurance in CA?
I am arriving on a working visa to California. I will need to buy a car and get insurance. I have a UK drivering license. Can I get insurance with a UK license or will I have to get a CA license first?
How much would my insurance be?
I'm 16 I will be 17 in about 9months. I will be buying a 2002 Nissan Maxima and I was wondering how much would I pay monthly/yearly on insurance. -I'm 16 -Grades aren't the best by they're passing. -I have no driving history. -I have a minor charge on my record that will go away when I'm 18. I know you can't give me a exact answer but a close one would help. Oh and if there's any way I can lower the cost that would help a lot. And is $4,200 to much to pay for my car? Thanks in advance :)""
Do I need to have insurance on my leased car even though im not going to use it?
I'm leaving the country and will leave my car in my garage. I will be returning the plates as well. I dont want to pay insurance on a car im not using.
""Help! If my car insurance deductible is $750 and repairs cost $489, How much will the insurance company pay?""
My car was vandalized. The adjuster sent me an estimate for $489. This is lower than my deductible. Does this mean that the insurance company does not have to pay anything? If so, i'm going to find some better insurance.""
How should I go about getting car insurance? (20 years old)?
I have enough money to buy my first car, I'm going for a car with a small engine around 1.2-1.6. when getting insurance quotes however, the cheapest quote i've found is around 1700 quid. help?? surely i can get insured on my own car for less than this?""
Car insurance for new driver 16 years old?
my son just got his license and he is 16 and he will be insured on a 1962 vw bug and i was wondering what the average cost would be a month for insurance and what is the best but also cheap insurance he could get help?
If you get a learners permit will your parents insurance go up?
my mom wont let me get my learners permit cause she says her insrance rates will go up is it true? I live in california and they got Farmers insurance
What price would insurance be for a Scion?
What would an insurance quote for a Scion xB be? ... for a Scion tC?
Can I keep my license without insurance?
I live in New York state, and have been a licensed driver since September. I pay my own insurance, but due to the high cost and the fact that I drive maybe once a month I don't want to keep paying. My parents told me that in order to keep your license, you must pay or else hand it in, but today some teachers and classmates said that you just can't drive. Who is right? I don't want to hand in the license and have to retake the test in a few months for college. I looked on DMV but saw nothing. Any sites that will have the information? (I drive my parents car, I don't own one)""
Crazy insurance rates wtf?
I am a new driver just got my license. To add me to their policy its going to be an additional $330 a month! The car is only worth 5,000. What should i do?""
Insurance cost for 2.3l fox body mustang 16 year old?
I am 16 and considering purchasing a 2.3l four cylinder mustang. These were made from the mid 80's to early 90's. They have like no power but get good mpg. I am worried that insurance companies would see the word mustang and give me a high rate. BTW my sister is 17 and pays only 50 a month on a family plan for a 1995 suzuki sidekick.
What's an average car insurance for a 16 year old. ?
I'm going to be a 16 year old. I'm a male and I live in maryland if that helps I have no clue about car insurance so any and all info would help! Please and thanks! (:
Lincoln Nebraska Cheap car insurance quotes zip 68506
Lincoln Nebraska Cheap car insurance quotes zip 68506
Insulin and car insurance?
a friend of mine has just been put onto insulin, will this effect the cost of her car insurance?""
Car insurance for 17 year old?
hi im josh and im 17 years old can anyone tell me how to get a cheap car insurance quote from anyone. please help me??
""In the state of Georgia do you need a title for an automobile that is 24 years old, to purchase a tag.?""
I am buying a 1982 Chevrolet S-10 pickup truck, I personally know the individual I am purchasing the truck from. The title has been misplaced or lost. We are both under the impression that if a vehicle is X amount of years old you don't have to have a title to be able to purchase a tag,get insurance etc. The truck is 25 years old, if anyone has or knows the answer to my question I would be greatly appreciative.""
What kind of Insurance should we have when doing a Re Fi Loan?
I am looking over the paper work and one form mentions that we have options at time of closing for different types of insurance. We have Home Owners Insurance/ I noticed disability and mortgage and Life help please
Car insurance?
Does anyone know of any insurance company's where you can be on your parents insuance but still get no claims? Thanks
About how much is high point auto insurance a month?
Well, I just recently got my license and I wanted to buy a car, but my mom said that it's a bad idea and one of the reasons is because of how expensive insurance is. My friend told me her insurance- high point- is only 60 dollars a month. I'm not sure if that's true, because that sounds really really cheap. Does anyone have this or know approximately how much this auto insurance would be a month?""
Im unemployed do i need to apply for obamacare/Affordable care act?
im unemployed do i need to apply for obamacare/Affordable care act? i tried creating an account online and it says to input your income. i cant leave it blank any information would help
Affordable Car insurance for an 18 year old male?
So I did a quote on several sites (Progressive, Esurance etc) and the quote comes up to about $2,000 a month, $8000 for a 6 month policy!! This is crazy, it is twice as much as the value of my car!! Where can I find a quote for a lot less maybe $100 a month or something? My mother does not drive and I am the only driver in the house so I can't use her. Mazda 6i 2004 6Cylinder I am a full time student and worker""
Fast cheap automatic sedan?
Im looking for a first car. I need a 4 door sedan because insurance is cheaper, I need an automatic car because manual seems hard. How long would it take to learn stick shift by the way? Price rage is $12,000 at the most! I've been looking at the Nissan Sentra SE-R Spec V, MazdaSpeed Proteges, and Volkswagen GTI. I realize that some of them are manual.""
Is it possible to find a health insurance plan with no deductible requirement?
I found the perfect plan for $33 a month, but it has a $10,000 deductible. WTF? Unless I become pregnant and have a kid, or need surgery or whatever, I find it impossible to make a $10,000 bill within a year. That's too much. I've always been healthy and rarely need to visit doctors. Then I was looking at other policies and they were more expensive, but they all had deductibles. One was like $160 a month with a deductible of $5,000. And anyways, I'm a college student and financially independent which means that I am no daddy's girl -I have to work to support myself and pay some school expenses. I don't want to depend on my parents financially in any way (they are willing to, but I just feel like at 21, I shouldn't be their responsibility anymore) so I always worry something would happen to me and they would have to pay hospital bills for me. I can't afford paying a very high deductible or a high monthly quote. Any hope for me? ..or should I move to Canada?""
Can anybody help me find the Greyhound Bus Auto Insurance ?
2 week ago I was in auto accident in NYC but I live in New Jersey a greyhound bus hit my parked car door as I opened it, I had a clear of view when i opened it, my car is beyond damaged (97 Honda Accord) thank god I didn't lose my hand, I finally got a official police report, I have the greyhound bus driver licence plate #'s and insurance policy #'s and the insurance code Texas Liability Insurance (not the insurance company name) I called Grey Bus company customer service and corporate office based out of Texas, both phone numbers keep giving me the run around and is a complete waste of time. I called my insurance, and they cant help me , i try google, waste of time as well, please help, all i am trying to do is file a claim and fix my car ASAP!!""
""Will an unpaid emergency room bill keep me from being able to buy health insurance, OR hurt my credit rating?
I have an emergency room bill which I have not yet paid and I'm wondering if it will keep me from being able to buy a health insurance policy and if the unpaid bill hurts my ...show more
Think of buying a catagory D car which is an insurance write off?
I have just been to view a 2005 Nissan Micra with 13100 on the clock the car had a crush which damage the tail gate and the bumper both have been replaced to a high standard. The car would be worth 5000 but is selling for 2200. Everything seems good at 1st glance but i am concerned about insurance and weather or not it's a good ideal to take the gamble. The seller showd me the before and after pictures of the car and it seemed to fit wot he was saying. He also has a valied MOT which is a month old I don't plan on selling the car if i buy it. How much damage can a knock do to the front of the vehicle or any of the important parts? Please can someone advise wot the best thing would be to do?
Motorcycle insurance rate estimation?
I want basic liability insurance for a lower cc Honda Phantom, 700 cc tops. I am a 21 year old male who committed a DUI 2.5 years ago and is now alcohol-free. For that reason, I feel ...show more""
What is a good cheap online insurance?
I have Allstate at the moment but I want to swith to something that is way cheaper but that is still good coverage any ideas? thanks. is there aperson i can go to that will help me find the cheapest insurance based on my information?
""Rental car insurance if you don't own a car, renting over 15 days in california?
I don't own a car so I don't have auto insurance. Visa and Mastercard only seem to cover Collision/Loss Damage Waiver for 15 days. AmEx seems to offer this coverage for 30 days (but I don't have an AmEx card). None of these cards cover liability. Is there a better way to get coverage than buying from the rental car company? Does a homeowner insurance policy cover liability if you damage something or injure someone with a rental car? The Non-owner policies one can buy only cover liability and not LDW/CDW? Any help sorting this out would be appreciated. Please don't reply if you are not knowledgeable on this topic. Thanks.
""In the state of Georgia do you need a title for an automobile that is 24 years old, to purchase a tag.?""
I am buying a 1982 Chevrolet S-10 pickup truck, I personally know the individual I am purchasing the truck from. The title has been misplaced or lost. We are both under the impression that if a vehicle is X amount of years old you don't have to have a title to be able to purchase a tag,get insurance etc. The truck is 25 years old, if anyone has or knows the answer to my question I would be greatly appreciative.""
Can i own a car without insurance?
i am leaving the country immediately and am leaving my car behind with my friend. The car will stay parked all the while. do i need to have insurance on the car.
Car and insurance question..?
If I had lost my car insurance with my car can someone who is insured still drive my vehicle or does the car itself still have to be insured?
Cheapest Car Insurance in California?
I just moved to Los Angeles and I'm wondering what is the cheapest car insurance company in general? Thanks in advance!
What is cheap auto insurance?
What is cheap auto insurance?
How much is the fine for driving with no car insurance in Ontario?
How much is the fine for driving with no car insurance in Ontario?
Can I register my car without insurance in Utah?
my registeration on my car lapsed in april, I do not drive the car but in Utah you can not even park it out on the street without it being registered. so I was wondering since some of my neighbors are wanting my parking spot since they are moving in can I just register my car since I have enough money to get it registered but I do not want to pay the monthly insurance on it since I am not driving it I am just holding on to it until my daughter turns of age to take it.... thanks.....""
I need car insurance!!!!?
Is there any cheap car insurance providers that are really cheap for a teenager???
How much more do landlords pay in insurance for DSS tenants?
I've seen it mentioned often that if a landlord accepts a tenant in receipt of housing benefit they're likely to pay more in insurance, which is why some won't accept them. I was just wondering if anyone could give me an idea of what the difference is?""
Lincoln Nebraska Cheap car insurance quotes zip 68506
Lincoln Nebraska Cheap car insurance quotes zip 68506
Car Insurance?
Im Thinkin Of Buyin My First Car, but my Insurance Is costing 4000, my mates is getin it for 1300, when i tried the same insurance company as him, i got 2500, How could i lower this?""
How much do you think my first year of insurance would cost with a v8 engine as my first car in new york?
If i am 16 how much (average) would my first year of car insurance in New York cost if i get an 8 cylinder 5 speed car?
16 year old insurance on Bike (CBT) UK?
Heres the thing, i can afford a bike and ive been considering an Aprilia RX 50 Or a Suzuki TS 50, but the insurance is through the roof in price, my average quote fire and theft is 450 ish any ideas who to go with in respects of insurance companies ? thanks live in the (UK)""
How do i get insurance?
ok i saw one i like what should i do next ? should i call them ? and i want to pay monthly, and how soon do you think my insurance can be started? and can i start today?""
""Dealt with car accident outside of insurance company, how can I chase up the receipt?""
On Christmas Day I went out in the car to pick up some drinks from the petrol station and on the way out of the station I bumped someones car. I stopped and got out to give them my details (name, address and phone number) and then went home. In the panic of the moment I think I just wanted to get home as it was Christmas Day and I didn't hang around to take photos, ask for witnesses or discuss options with the other driver, which in hindsight I regret and realise was stupid. When I got home, the guy called me up and, again with the stupid mistakes, I said that I would rather settle outside of insurance; the driver wasn't keen on the idea at first and wanted to settle through the insurance company but I couldn't call them until the next week as they were closed for Christmas. He texted me the next day saying that he was going to get a quote from a garage and got back to me later with a quote for 400 through a 'friend of a friend's garage'. At this point I was a bit suspicious and the amount seemed very high for what I thought was not a lot of damage but at the same time he said that he either wanted to do it like that or through the insurance and I really didn't want to loose my no-claims discount as insurance for young male drivers is very high without the no-claims. In the end I decided to pay him, not without a certain bitterness owing to the fact that he was pressuring me for an immediate decision, which also made me suspicious. Having sent the cheque for 400, he kept up communications initially and let me know that he'd received it. He said that he would send me a copy of the receipt from the garage for my records but once he received the cheque I never heard back and now cannot get a reply. Bit long-winded for a question but that's the background story, my question is two-fold: 1. Can I do anything about it? It's more the principle than the money that bothers me, I know that I caused damage to his car but I now suspect it wasn't as much as he claimed. 2. Does 400 sound like too much or should I stop worrying about it? I hit the back corner of his car with the back corner of mine, and he later told me that I had cracked the rear bumper, which needed replacing. I'm not sure of the make of the car but I think it may have been a Ford Fiesta or something similar. I would really appreciate any help as it's weighing on my mind... I don't like people walking over me. At least if the amount he claimed sounds reasonable I can put it down to him being a wanker but the amount claimed being fair and forget about the whole thing.""
My car insurance company wants to use recycled parts for a repair to my car. Is this legal?
My car insurance company wants to use recycled parts for a repair to my car. Is this legal?
Cheapest insurance for young driver (UK)?
Whats the cheapest companys for somone who has just passed? one of my mates say co-ops deal for young drivers, another one of my mates says a guy at college says you can get insured with the farmers union even if your not a farmer and get it cheap, is this true? also, any other companies?""
Will a car insurance company cover a collsion if I have a salvage title?
I purchased a vehicle which came with a clean title from an owner.I called my car ins.company and added insurance to the car then went to register it.DMV says this vehicle was in an accident and would have to be a salvaged title. My question is if my ins.company has it down as a clean title and I get into an accident,will they then find out its a salvage title? If not then how will they find out if at all? Im afraid if I tell them its salvaged now they won't insure the car then I'd be stuck with it.""
Temporary car insurance??
so I just bought a car that I'll get from the dealership tommorow night and I need it right away. the problem is that it is my first car and my insurance needs to take 15 days to ...show more
Individual health insurance?
if i can get health insurance from my employer but can get better and cheaper coverage from as an individual do i have to take coverage from my job
What is the price range for small business insurance packages?
I have a question for my personal finance class that asks: Search the internet and name your sources for a small business insurance package. Identify basic areas of risk that they cover. How much would such a package cost? I've found the basic areas of risk covered, however i can't find price ranges anywhere and all the offices are closed when i call, except for one that said they can't do it over the phone...""
Can I drive my friends car without insurance?
Can I drive my friends car without insurance? I don't own a car. I don't have auto insurance. If I borrow a friends car, am I covered under his insurance? is there a special type of insurance for people like me?""
How much to insure a 2003 BMW 325i in GA?
Iam Canadian living in the States for 6 month out of a year in ATL. I wonder how much will my ins would cost like basic insurance coverage.
Help with health insurance please?
Hi there, I was wondering what are some good affordable health insurance companies that will take pre existing conditions also? What other companies are there besides blue shield and medi cal.Thank you in advance.""
How many cars can you put and take off of your insurance policy in one month? One year?
How many cars can you put and take off of your insurance policy in one month? One year?
Steps to getting your life insurance license in CA?
I have no previous experience with Life Insurance and am considering getting my life insurance license. What are the steps involved, how long does it take, how much does it cost, and how difficult is the test? Anyone help?""
Is this considered Expensive Health Insurance????
This is my firsft full time job with insurance out of college now. I was wondering if you thought it was expensive since I am new to this. It is 186 a month and I make 2200 a month. It does seem pretty good though, is this decent insurance?... No deductible. Doctors visits: 100% paid after a $30 dollar co-pay for physicians and $45 for a specialist 100% paid rehab services (phys. therapy, chiropractic visits) after 30 dollar co-pay, for a max of 60 visits a year 1 eye exam every 2 years, 100% paid after a 30 dollar co pay Dental: no deductible or co-pay, 100% paid for preventative services (exam, xrays, fluoride). 90% paid for basic services (filiings). The max they pay per year is 1,000""
Do you think that the government should require that people buy health insurances like car insurance?
Car insurance is mandatory and everyone must have it, who owns vehicles. Do you think government should require us to buy health insurances?""
How much will it cost me to insure a ford focus - just give me an idea.?
Plese could anyone give me a rough idea how much it would cost to insure a ford focus. I just want to do it the cheapest way posssible. Its a 020 reg and i am currently using the car to deliver parcels so the insurance at the moment is forty pounds plus a month as im self employed. I will be leaving my job soon so just want to revert back to a normal quote but the insurer said they will charge me more if i pull out early and also he said it will be round about that price if you insure it with any other insurer. This is so confusing. Can anyone give me an idea of how much they pay.?
""$1,000 or $500 deductible for home owner's insurance?""
Which is more common $1,000 or $500 dollar deductible?""
Shopping for car insurance?
what are some good car insurance agencies out there?
Getting my baby on insurance?
I'm 20, unmarried, and a full-time nursing student, so I still have insurance through my parents. I live with my boyfriend, my baby's dad, and he has insurance through the hospital where he works. His insurance isn't too expensive for him, but if he were to add the baby onto his policy, the price would nealy double, taking almost half his paycheck every month. I work as much as I can parttime, but with taking fulltime classes, along with clinicals, there's no way I can work fulltime right now. We would be considered low-income, and I know my baby would be eligible for medicaid. I'm only 26 weeks along, but I really want to have everything arranged by the time he gets here. Who would I contact for more details about getting on it? We've never used any kind of supplemental assistance like this, so I really don't even know where to go. It's probably too early right now, but when would I need to start filling out the paperwork?? Thanks for your help!!!""
How much car insurance do I need?
I have a 2007 Honda Element and live in an area where people drive really expensive cars on a regular basis (i.e. Tesla's, custom Mercedes', Porsche's, Lotus'...). Also, Elements tend to need windshield replacements a lot. I will be driving children around as well so I need sufficient coverage for that. I was basically just curious about how much coverage I need because I'm getting the feeling that I have too much coverage therefore am paying too much. Currently my coverage is: -Bodily Injury: 100,000/300,000 -Medical Payments: No Coverage -Uninsured Motorists: 100,000/300,000 -Property Damage: 100,000 -Comprehensive: 100 -Collision: 500 -Auto Death Benefits: 15,000""
How much will my dad's car insurance rate go up when he adds my name?
how much will my dad's car insurance rate go up when he adds my name? he has great credit and he has only gotten like 3 tickets in his entire life. my driver's ed teacher told me that my dad's rate won't be so high cuz i get A's in school. + i got a 96 on my permit test with an A for the class aswell. so is that true? how will the insurance company know my grades tho?
I'm uninsurable! How can I lower/get car insurance?
I am a insurance company's worst nightmare. 17 year old male, I have a job in a rough town, no experience and to top it all off I only finish work at 11pm so ill be driving at night. I have not passed my test yet but need the car for work. Whenever I use go compare or compare the market I am either quoted a stupid amount 10,000+ or I am uninsurable. I cannot get a box monitor installed because the car needs to be home at 11and I don't finish work untill then.""
Lincoln Nebraska Cheap car insurance quotes zip 68506
Lincoln Nebraska Cheap car insurance quotes zip 68506
0 notes
Williston North Dakota Cheap car insurance quotes zip 58801
"Williston North Dakota Cheap car insurance quotes zip 58801
Williston North Dakota Cheap car insurance quotes zip 58801
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://freeautoinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
""What is the best health care plan for student while attending medical school, like nursing?""
I'm a student nursing and ASAP need some health insurance, including Emergency Room coverage. Does anyone know any type of Health Insurance for medical student like that, affordable and reliable? Greatly appreciate and thanks to all
Do i need insurance to hire 16yr old to work on my farm?
My son wants to work on a horse farm, we have been asked to sign a release by his employer , saying he will not be held responsible if anything happens to him under his employment.. is this legal?""
How much does Whole Life insurance cost?
I have a quote for 20-year term life insurance for a non-smoker for $48 a month. How much would it be a month for whole life insurance?
Car insurance in new jersey?
how much is liability car insurance in new jersey
If your insurance cancels and you reinsure the next day will you get hit with a penalty?
okay im with nationwide and theyre expensive so theyre canceling my insurance on 1/1/08 but i wont have the money to go to my new cheaper insurance until the next day so will i get hit with the 500 dmv fee??/
Travel and Medical Insurance Quotes?
I'm looking to find affordable and quality travel / medical insurance. Any suggestions about companies? I will be travelling for three to six months abroad in China starting this september.
Who decided that health insurance would be offered by employers?
My car insurance, life insurance, and house insurance is not offered through my employer. Why is my health insurance?""
What health insurance can I get as a low income american college student?
Hello, I am a nineteen community college student living in North San Diego, California and I live with my parents. I make less that $1,000 a month working part time and going to school full-time. I get financial aid from my school, but only for the classes, not the books. My father, the only other worker in my family, makes roughly around $32,000 a year. We barely make the rent each month and barely have enough for gas. About when I was sixteen, I was diagnosed with Gallstones and was urged to better my choice of eating. Of course as a Mexican-American, I wasnt about to give up my Carne Asada or burgers so I continued my vices which led to various, and very painful gallstones attacks over the past couple of years. Now I am no longer able to eat anything without feeling sick to my stomach. I was cut out on all junk food and have pinned myself to a grilled/boiled chicken only and greens diet. I don;t eat any red meat and make sure to have fresh made fruit/vegetables smoothies. Yet, for the past four days, Like i said i haven;t been able to pass anything. I am currenly runng every morning. My father thinks I have an ulcer. So, straight to the point, I am a low-income college student with no money left over at the end of each month and I need to go to the doctor's immediately. I am an american citizen but have no health insurance at the moment. I need surgery to remove the gallstones, but first have to go an have a checkup. I was wondering if there was anyway that i can get covered? My mother applied for medi-cal but we havent heard anything in over four months and its a LONG process. Can Anyone please help me!""
Drivers Ed Questions On Insurance?
Fill In The Blank Words -assigned-risk insurance, blue book, bodily-injury insurance, car pooling, collision insurance, comprehensive insurance, deductible, depreciation, financial responsibility law, leasing, liability insurance, mass transportation, no-fault insurance policy, policy, premium, property-damage insurance, warranty- 1. Decrease of vehicle value due to its age. 2. Written guarantee that the seller will make repairs for a time period. 3. Lists the average price paid to dealers for various used vehicles. 4. Requires you to prove that you can pay for damages you may cause with your vehicle. 5. Specified amount you pat to an insurance company for insurance. 6. Set amount of money you personally pay for damages that is not paid by your insurance company. 7. Written agreement between you and your insurance company. 8. Type of insurance that is not concerned with who is to blame. 9. Provides minimum coverage for high-risk drivers. 10. Several methods of moving large numbers of passengers. 11. Several people commuting to work or school in one vehicle. 12. An alternate method of obtaining a vehicle other than by purchase. 13. Protects you against claims for another person's injuries or property damages when you are at fault. 14. A type of liability insurance that covers drivers who are at fault for injuries to other people up to specified limits. 15. A type of liability insurance that covers drivers who are at fault for damages to another person's property up to specified limits. 16. A type of insurance that provides coverage to pay the costs of repair or replacement of your vehicle up to specified limits. 17. Insurance that covers damage to your vehicle from non-collision events. One word per statement. I already have some answers but I just want to be 100% sure I'm right, thanks any answers are appreciated.""
How can I get some insurance?
I received a brand new bike a week ago but I dare not give it a try because I have not got it covered by insurance yet. I have tried multiple insurance companies online but every one I tried there would be a snag. Mainly it would be, 'what kind of driving licence do you hold'? I personally hold a clean driving licence for a car, but in the drop down list of different driving licences 'car' was not among them, so I could not go to the next section to continue trying to insure my bike. I live out of the city so applying for insurance and paying for it online would be the easiest option.""
Insurance for moped 16 year old ?
live in cork Ireland,im 15 now 16 in the summer im wondering how much a 50cc moped insurance would be roughly or how much insurance would be on a Yamaha tzr 50 ? Thanks""
Which is better car insurance?
$500 per year with an excess of $1150 or $560 per year with an excess of $900 These are the 2 best insurance quotes i can find. Both are big reliable companies.
Where can i get health insurance?
I'm a 21 year old male and im live in sacramento california i just want to know where i can obtain some freaking insurance to go the dentist or doctors to get checked up on my health got darn it
Insurance for 17/18 yr old female?
hi i have an 08 civic lx sedan still currently paying for for about another 2 yrs . im looking to get another car paying it cash . i want to add my younger sister as a driver for the civic but i know she will need full coverage for we still owe money. she knows how to drive but still has not gotten her restricted yet.. how much would i be looking at for insurance for her.
How much did you pay for car insurance on your first car?
I am going to be 17 soon and will get a car, the car i will get is Vauxhall Astra Mk4 1.4, i went on a car insurance quote comparison website and the cheapest they could find was like 5,500, there's not a chance im gonna pay that, i was wondering what you all paid, oh and i live in the UK.""
What cars are cheap to insure in england?
im 19 and have had my license for 2 years and im looking to buy a car. I want a 4 door car but really don't care what it is as long as it is cheap. So i would like to know if there are any particular cars that are known to have cheaper insurance, thanks.""
Where can i find a basic car insurance quote?
i dont want to enter all of my personal information. it doesnt need to be exactly i just want like a basic calculator. i dont mind like the accident info or my car info but not my SS# and address. i just want a estimate. or is there somehow i can do it my self.
17 cheap car insurance??
i live in the u.k im searching for car insurance for when i get my car does anyone no any car insurance companys that do cheap car insurance for my age or comparing sites. iv already tried compare the market and confussed.com links would be amazing thanks guys X
Auto Insurance Quote?
I am 16 years old living in California and I am newly licensed. I have a 4.167 GPA, am a female, and I drive a paid off car. What is a reasonable insurance quote?""
Motorcycle insurance?
Anyone know where I can get cheap bike Insurance I'm looking for basic coverage on a 650cc Yamaha Maixm I just got my licence in May. I live in Ontario Canada.
Can an insurance company buy off and tow my car?
some construction company hit my car. the estimate repair is 2400.00 my car in kellybluebook is 1600.00, they said they could either write me a check of 1000.00 or their insurance if going to tow my car and give me what they think is worth. can an insure really do that? can't they just repair my car and give me a rental until i get it repaired? what should i do the accident happened 6/26/13""
Do i need car insurance in my name?
My brother and me are sharing a car, I just got my license and my mom says i dont need to worry because the insurance covers the car not the driver, i live in texas, is this true?""
Does 1500 seem ok insurance?
ive got multiple quotes for 1st car 1st year driving. its going to be a 1.1 pug 106 independence and have been quoted 1500 is that reasonable? how much did your 1st car insurance year cost you? im 23.
Any 17 year olds just got car insurance? (UK)?
Hi, I was wondering if anybody aged 17 has got car insurance recently and would be able to tell me how much they paid. I've been told 3k-4k but when I look on the internet most people are saying 800-2k even if you haven't just got insurance which of the two price ranges is more likely for me? I live in an area where car theft is low and I can keep the car in a garage. I'm a 17 year old male.""
Will my car be fixed even though car insurance runs out?
Hi there. A car came into me the other day and bumped my car, I have fully comp insurance which runs out january 11th in my mums name, but i am the named driver. The car will have to have quite a bit of work done so im guessing it wont be fixed before this date. The other drivers insurance will be paying for the cost, the insurance and car is in my mums name, and I want to change myself to the owner (official through DVLA) and take out my own insurance before 11th instead of renewing with the smae company. Will they carrying on fixing the car if the insursance who have delt with the claim has run out, also will if be wrong if the car was in my name before the car was returned to my mum. I hope this makes sense, and i hope someone can help thanks.""
Williston North Dakota Cheap car insurance quotes zip 58801
Williston North Dakota Cheap car insurance quotes zip 58801
Will adding factory bodykits affect your insurance costs?
Ok so i was just curious to know that if i buy the new Seat Ibizia 1.4 (09-onwards) in the SE trim level, with an insurance group of 3, if i was then to add a factory fitted bodykit from SEAT to replicate the Cupra model would this rise the insurance group and costs? This is what i was thinking of getting for it: http://seatepac.gedas.co.uk/productdetail.aspx?p_no=ZGB6J3071670""
How much is liability only auto insurance in california?
I have a 2000 dollar car, Kia espectra, model 2000, planning to buy liability only insurance for it to save money. I was wondering if anyone could give me an estimation of how much this would cos for one year coverage? thanks""
What is the average cost of replacing a water heater? Which would you choose insurance payment or heater?
My water heater needs to be replaced (electric) I have a warranty insurance that will replace it however there are a few non covered costs - the pan, the permit, some other part, it will cost me $512.00. They have given me the option to cash out which means they cut me a check and I try to figure it out on my own. Problem is the cashout amount is unknown and it will take up to two weeks for me to find out what the amount is before i can even decide - two weeks without a hot shower is HELL! But I'm not sure what to do. What would you do? Can anyone guess as to what amount they MIGHT give me? The insurance company is American Home Shield. ANY advice will help. I'm a new home owner and don't know a thing about house stuff! Thanks!""
When will I need to buy additional business insurance for my car?
I don't want to spend extra money on business insurance because I have an inactive self-employed business and I don't go to see clients often. What happens if I had a car ...show more
Gastric Bypass and Insurance?
Who should I try and contact first? a surgeon or my insurance company?
Why is my insurance so expensive?
im a 20year old male, I passed my driving test last December, I been checking up some insurance quotes on small cars (all sorts) but the cheapest insurance I get is 2000 for a really small car, all my other friends pay 1000 or 1500 any idea why this is?""
Health insurance cards?
I need the template for a state farm health insurance card or the information, thanks""
Do i need insurance to leave my car parked on the street?
Its got tax and mot but if its not being driven, just parked outside do i need insurance for it? A neighbour told me someone else in the street got towed away as there was no insurance on it.""
Is burial life insurance different from final expense life insurance?
My mom has been wanting to buy burial life insurance but is confused about the terms she sees online. She says she keeps seeing the term final expense life insurance on some of the websites. Can someone explain what the difference in these two terms is?
Car accident and insurance/how much in repairs?
I got into a minor car accident yesterday afternoon while I was parallel parking on Walnut Street in Philadelphia. I was backing up and I hit the curb. The front end of my vehicle was still sticking our quite a bit, so I pulled out a little bit so I could pull in the rest of the way. The person behind me thought that I was done parking so pulled around me and I ended up hitting her. Her fender and her door skin need to be replaced. Does anyone know around how much this would cost to repair? She had the police come so I am assuming that she wants the insurance company to cover the damage, however I would rather pay for it out of pocket. Obviously, my insurance company is going to find out about the accident, but after the insurance companies decide the breakdown of the fault, would I be able to pay for my part of the damages without my rates going up? Or at that point would it not matter, my rates are going up anyways? I ask this because I'm 19 years old and would prefer to not have my rates go up.""
How would you change your car insurance if your car was over ten yrs old?
idk what my stupid teacher means by that.. i know that car insurance would increase but im not sure thts what she is asking with this question.. thankyou =]
Help in family health insurance in Indiana?
I have a family of 4, My wife and I make about $20,000 a year. Right now, we have to pay $350 a month for health insurance. We already applied for HIP insurance, but it've been 2 years, and they have no positive answers for us. I feel $350 a month is too expensive for us right now, this insurance only pay for us when we have to pay over $10000 at a hospital. For example, if we have to pay $14000 for health, we pay $10000 and they pay $4000 ; anything under $10000, they won't pay. Please help us with our situation, Are there any other options out there. Thank you very much""
Cheap Car Insurance for a 17 Year old in the UK?
Im a male, i dont want no comparison sites as they are useless i can find sites that will give me good quotes, and please dont tell me to insure a 1.0 - 1.2 litre engine as i have figured out i can insure a 1.9 diesel engine for like 200 more. However i want to know if you know anymore than my current listen i have tried: Tesco llyods Tsb Direct line Virgin Vauxhall Citreon Peugoet If you know anymore can you please tell me thank you""
Can I save money by canceling my insurance and just driving my girlfriends car?
I got a DUI earlier this year, and naturally, my insurance rates went way up. I'm getting ready to move in with my girlfriend, and we are planning on selling one of the cars. If I sell my car, couldn't I just drive her car and not have to pay the high insurance rates? This seems underhanded and like I'm cheating the system. What are the rules and stipulations with this sort of situation.""
My Insurance auto accident settlement?
I was recently in a car accident where a Nissan truck ran into the back of another car that then ran into the back of me causing $2000 worth of damage to the rear of my infiniti. I received moderate whiplash to my neck and had to be taken to the hospital. I checked out without any broken bones and was prescribed medication. I went to see a chiropractor and he has been working on my neck for a couple days which makes it feel a better. Im 100% not at fault and the insurance company has taken care of my car repair, rental, and medical bills. They ask me How much do I think I want for this accident for pain and suffering. I believe I am entitled to at least $3500-5000 for my suffering I live in NC. I believe $5000 is a reasonable consider the circumstances. I could have lost my life, broke my neck and been paralyzed for life. Thank the lord that I received only a whiplash. The stress that I am undergoing, the constant pain in my neck is a reminder of the accident, which I feel fearful of driving. The time I spent recovering could have been spent enjoying my life. Besides getting behind in my school work, I am absent from my student organization at school which I am a key figure ( president AGC). I don't enjoy waking up with cramps and headaches nor do I like to take prescription pills, and therapy. I don't want to be compensation a insufficient amount that wont even cover pain and suffering I went though. It seems like you people are on the side of the insurance company and not the victims in this situation. I wonder if any of you have ever been in an automobile accident and if you have must share some sort of empathy of what I am reiterating.""
Do you need to be full time student to be in your parent's insurance?
I'm a cancer survivor and on 5 years health watch on Kaiser. I just turned 22 yesterday and I have 9 units of credits in college. Do you need to be a full time student to be in my father's insurance? or did they changed the law? I live in Bay area California.
Insurance In California?
What's the insurance law thing in California? Someone told me that anyone who has a license and drives a car MUST have insurance. Do you HAVE to have insurance to drive in CA? Another thing is that my parents were telling that it's expensive to put my name under their policy especially because I'm a newly licensed driver, meaning I don't have a lot of driving experience yet. Is this true?""
On average how much more is insurance when you add a teen driver?
I am 17 and I've taken driving lessons( I heard insurance give like a little discounts) if this matters.
Does anyone know a cheap liability insurance company for an 18 year old?
Please let me know asap. Thank you!
Estimated Price Insurance On Lexus IS 250?
I am a 23 year old female living in California. I've been driving since 18 years old with a clean driving record. I plan on getting the 2007 or 2008 Lexus IS 250 sometime this year. Any ideas on how much the insurance would be for me? Thanks in advance! =]
Who has the best disability insurance?
Hi, I want to find out who has the best disability insurance. I work with my hands a lot doing home rehabs, and after a run-in with a spider bite on my right hand, I figured I need to get some insurance due to the nature of my outside activities. Has anyone purchased a supplemental insurance plan? If yes, did it pay out well? Do you like the company? Thanks!""
Car insurance extremely high?
i am 17 i haven't bought i car yet, and i have not passed my test, but i have tried to check how much my insurance will be once i have passed my test, i have done checks on small cars e.g vw polo, corsa, Nissan micra's etc but i have not found a quote under 1,700 i cannot afford this price, is there any cheaper insurance companies, or am i just going to have to save up 4 a long time.""
Will my car insurance go up if I take it off my parents?
If i take my car off my parents insurance and pay for it on my own will the rates go up?
How do I shop for Medical Insurance?
I am finally getting dropped from my parents medical insurance in March. I will be turning 26, so its time to shop for my own medical insurance. I don't want to continue the coverage that my dad had me on, its way too expensive. I am a white male, 25, non-smoker, looking for a high deductible and tiny premiums. Just want to get my bases covered. So where do I go to get medical insurance? How do I know I am getting the right price? What should I look forward to paying? Can I get free medical insurance somewhere? Should I get dental and vision insurance too? Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks.""
What happened to Obamacare lowering the cost of insurance?
A watershed moment in the ongoing disaster of ObamaCare,as Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius finally admits that health insurance premiums are rising because of the Presidents health insurance takeover, per the Wall Street Journal : http://www.humanevents.com/2013/03/27/hhs-secretary-finally-admits-obamacare-is-raising-insurance-costs/""
Williston North Dakota Cheap car insurance quotes zip 58801
Williston North Dakota Cheap car insurance quotes zip 58801
Does an insurance company have to insure a rebuild title?
for a car that has been rebuilt does the company have to insure it?
""I want a 92-97 Lexus SC 300, how much for insurance in CA.?""
I'm a 17 and 1/2 year old looking for a 92-97 manual SC 300. I was wondering how much it would cost for Insurance in California? Also can I get it California DMV legalized if I swap the engine out for a 2JZGTE, a twin turbo version of the stock SC 300?""
Insurance companies that will insure a Cat C motorcycle?
I got an online quote for my insurance broker, they took the reg and all was fine until i phoned up and they said they dont insure total loss vehicles.. so now im looking to find a place that will. Otherwise i will be looking for a frame n logbook from another bike lol""
Which auto insurence is the cheaper?
i whan insurance may car but which one is cheaper
Which car insurance would be cheaper?
I know it's different for everyone but which would be cheaper (details about me would be exactly the same)? Getting my own 1L car and insuring it as the main driver or becoming a named driver on my mum's 1.4L car? Her being the main driver. I'm a 17 year old male on a full license. Thanks x
Registering a car without insurance--California?
with our old car we had we were able to register it back in jan without having insurance, they said we can still register but have to get insurance and provide proof within so many days. well we got into a bad accident with that car and we now have no car, or insurance and we are planning on buying a used car tomorrow from a friend, can we register it without having insurance right off the bat? just asking maybe laws have changed. i can not seem to find my answer on the dmv web site. thank you..im in california""
Car accident and issue with the insurance company?
I was in one car accident and someone hit the back of my car and pushed me to the front car. that caused a lot damage to my car. But, the insurance company which represent the guy hit me from the back said it is my fault of causing this accident. because i emerge from the left line to the right and didn't ensure there was safe enough to do emerging. The truth is the accident happend was after almost half miniute after emerging and i completely finished the emerging action. when i explained this to the insurance company, they won't listen to me.....so is that really my fault?""
Cars to avoid for low insurance?
Im looking to buy my first car, I dont have any driving history and my licence is still provisional. Someone told me that certain cars, like 2 doors, make your insurance higher. Is this true? If so, what other car characteristics should I avoid?""
Why car insurance quotes go up late at night?
Just been look at car insurance for the last few days using comparison sites and I have been noticing the quotes go up and down by a few hundred pound depending on what time of day it is. Anyone know why this happens?
No insurance for high school sport?
My school ask if you have insurance but doesn't clarify if you need it. So I wanna try out for men's volleyball... Which is next season. They ask for you to have a physical exam, and if you are covers or not by insurance. Say if you don't have insurance... Do they take that upon you and fail you in the tryouts? I'm good at the sport, so what if I don't have health insurance?""
What is the cheapest auto insurance carrier in north carolina?
What is the cheapest auto insurance carrier in north carolina?
Did you know 62 percent of American bankruptcies are linked to medical bills. 78% of which had insurance?
http://www.nytimes.com/2009/08/30/opinion/30kristof.html?em Found the stat in this article and was shocked. Let me know what your opinion on the stat and article. And as always, please be respectful whether you agree or disagree. Thanks!""
""Life, auto, and home insurance questions?""
The type of life insurance often used as mortgage insurance is: A. decreasing term. B. universal life. C. whole life. D. homeowners insurance. Expensive jewelry is usually insured by a(n): A. umbrella policy. B. replacement cost rider. C. policy floater. D. named-perils policy. The U.S. Congress added disability insurance to the Social Security Act in 19____. A. 35 B. 54 C. 65 D. 72 This type of auto insurance coverage would help pay your medical expenses, if you were injured by a hit-and-run driver. A. Uninsured motorist protection B. Comprehensive coverage C. Medical payments D. Collision insurance As a rule of thumb, experts say that most married people should carry ______ times their net pay in life insurance coverage. A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 D. 5""
Insurance Company sent me 2 checks?
So I recently got rear ended and the other party was at fault. I went to the appraiser that the all state agent had directed me to and had my car appraised. When I got my car appraised the appraiser wrote me a check then and there for the damages . Today I got a phone call from the insurance agent asking if my mailing address was correct and that they were going to mail me out a check for the damages that their appraiser had estimated. She never asked me once if I had already received a check for the damages.The appraiser made some kind of contact with allstate but I guess he never stated that he already had written me a check. Is it a crime if I cash both checks?
Auto Body Shop gives me an estimate higher than insurance settlement bus says they'll work it out?
Before I got word back from my insurance company on a settlement for a cehicle accident, I already got two estimates from two body shops. The estimates were at $5,000 .... but now ...show more""
""Need cheap auto insurance, Arizona?""
only drive 2 miles a couple times a week, never had a accident or ticket; 63yrs old,Mesa,AZ""
Car insurance 17 year old?
I'm turning 17 in April, I was just wondering what the average car insurance prices for somone who is 17. I tried getting a quote but seeing as i dont actually have a car yet, its been quite difficult. How do they give quotes, based upon engine size, make or something completely different? Thanks.""
""How good would a 1.6 Renault Clio RXE for road tax ,insurance running costs be?""
How good would a 1.6 Renault Clio RXE for road tax ,insurance running costs be?""
Vehicle Insurance coverage?
Whats the difference between a 'First Party' and 'Third Party' insurance?
What would be the insurance on a DeLorean for a 16 year old?
I'm about to be 16 and I'm a total Sci-Fi geek. I LOVE Back to the Future and ever since I've seen it I've wanted a DeLorean. Well we know someone who could get us a new one cheap, so that's no problem. My only concern is the insurance, and my parents aren't up for that. I don't know how much it is, but if someone our there is actually credible on the topic, could you give me a reasonable answer with a high and low. Thank you to all who answer :)""
What is the best way to get into insurance sales?
I'm quite interested in the insurance business, and i've heard various methods, one is to get hired into a captive insurance company as customer service and then express an interest in the business, then you have to study for and pass a state exam, and get licensed. but i'm curious what is the possibilities i'd find a company to hire me right away as a salesperson, my background is wireless sales. The thing i'd like to know is, what can I expect my first year in the business, is it entirely full commission or is there a mix of salary and commission? and lastly, what are the odds of a new agent making it for say three to five years? I'm looking for a career for the next 25+ years.""
Young Driver. Big Raise in Auto Insurance Rates! Can you help?
My son is 15 and is getting his learner's permit. My insurance company wants almost $200 a month to insure him on my policy. I had low rates and a good record so this shocked me. Can anybody help?
Does anyone know where I can find affordable auto insurance for a single parent of two?
I just purchased a 2006 Chevy cobalt four door and I need insurance that will work on a single parents income and I need it yesterday. Can someone help?
""Obamcare, how is it enforced?""
So, the single mothers of 3 children. The one who's flipping burgers for 12,000 a year income, She's going to pay $100 a month for insurance, or she will be in violation of the law, right? When she doesn't pay the $100 a month, she's a criminal, right? We're going to fine her $2,000? If she doesn't pay the fine, we'll throw her in jail? Really? This is the plan? Does anybody else see how ridiculous this whole thing is???""
I need affordable health insurance?
I live in Monmouth Co., NJ, and I need to find affordable health insurance. I was covered under my parents insurance when I was in college, but I am now 22, and own my own home w/ my fiance. My job does not offer health insurance, but I make a decent amount of $ there. I am getting married in 2008, so I will be covered under my spouse's insurance then, but I need to go to the dr. now! Nothing life threatning, but I would like to have the piece of mind knowing, god forbid, if anything happened. Please help!""
Williston North Dakota Cheap car insurance quotes zip 58801
Williston North Dakota Cheap car insurance quotes zip 58801
How do I know if my auto insurance settlement offer is fair?
How do I know if my auto insurance settlement offer is fair?
About car insurance what will happen?
okay so a few days ago i was driving my breaks dident stop in time it was very slow and i wasent going that fast at all my breaks dident stop in time and i left a very very lil scrab on a guys car and he said if i cant get 220 dollars by tomorow he will call my moms car insurance will that make the price higher?
Where can I get health insurance at low cost in Colorado?
Where can I get health insurance at low cost in Colorado?
What do the insurance companies(in Maryland) consider a sports car?
I'm looking into getting a 1997-2001 Mitsubishi eclipse or a 1997-2004 Toyota celica. I've talked to different people around here and some say they consider them sports cars and others r saying that they r family cars because they have 4 seats and you can put people in the back. So I'm thinking that cars like Nissan 350z's and corvettes are sports car to them. Pls help me! I don't want to pay the insurance of a sports car. Is there a way I could get around it if they are considered sports cars.
Ticket for no proof of insurance?
in california best friend got a ticket for no proof of insurance at the time of accident, he doesnt have insurance i know everyones gonna write about that but how can he fix the ticket? he didnt know that his insurance was canceled his dad who lives out of state pays. ive read other questions on YA and one said u can take proof of insurance to the clerk before the court date (the judge) and they will disregard the ticket? if the insurance card says that hes covered from 6/30/09-6/30/10 would the clerk check to see if hes paid?""
What companies offer instant online auto insurance proof?
**I don't need quotes, I need printable proof of insurance** I know The General offers instant proof of insurance by printing it straight from the internet, are there any other auto insurance companies that offer it?""
What's the best and cheapest car insurance in California for a bad driver?
What's the best and cheapest car insurance in California for a bad driver?
Is my car insurance going to be cheaper because i getting a learners permit first?
Is my car insurance going to be cheaper because i getting a learners permit first?
What are your opinions on insurance companies?
hello there.... I need to know what do you guys think about insurance companies.... thanx in advance :) P.S:- it is a school project
How much cost an insurance car in North Carolina?
How much cost an insurance car in North Carolina?
How much would my monthly insurance bill be (18yr old male)(i just want a ball park figure)??
When I turn 18 I am going to buy my first car (im 17 now). I can't decide which car I want to get. Please tell me about how much insurance will cost me for each one. I will be on my own policy. I will get my license just before Im 18. I live in California. My car choices are: 1. 2009 Nissan Versa Hatchback 1.8S 2. 2009 Honda Civic Sedan LX 3. 2009 Toyota Matrix S 4. 2009 Chevrolet Aveo Sedan LT
I need cheap but good car insurance what do you recommend?
I need cheap but good car insurance what do you recommend?
Is $40.00 a month cheap for Full Coverage Insurance 2012 Kawasaki Ninja 250?
Is $40.00 a month cheap for Full Coverage Insurance 2012 Kawasaki Ninja 250?
Can u guys suggest me a best insurance company?
Dear frnds i m intending to sell jewellery at ebay and i wanna insured items before shipping it to customers can u guys suggees me a good insurance company.i want item to be insured until it reaches to customers hand.
How much does high risk auto insurance cost?
How much does high risk auto insurance cost?
What cars are cheap to insure? UK ?
i know it depends on individual person but, in general, which cars have the lowest insurance? thanks""
Know of a good Car Insurance place in LA anyone?
Where can i Find a Good Car insurance place in LA, CA? Looking only of liability insurance. But Cheap!!""
Insurance companies taking advantage?
is there a chance that insurance companies are taking advantage of obama-care and increasing costs more than they really needed? looks like a % of insured are getting hit but what is the % of uninsured or insurance denials that are now covered? any good stories?
Discount Insurance Plans?
Ameriplan.....and others...how do they compare to regualr insurance. Money is short, don't qualify for medicaid...so I'm thinking any discount will be better than nothing, but I don't want to waste my money even if it is as low as $29.95 Honest reviews please!!!""
Looking for good medical insurance BUT AFFORDABLE?
i'm a senior age 62 wife 69,still working my medical insurance at work is 185.00 per payroll 307.00 per month it's killing where can i get good insurance but affordable.i live in california also i'm planing in retiring july 2013,i'll be 63, yahoo answers find me insurance i put my trust in answers people thank you gilley p.s. no kids""
Why does ACA make insurance mandatory?
Does anyone know why the Affordable Health Care Act requires you to have insurance? I could understand an optional government insurance plan if you don't get it through work, but I don't understand why there will be a penalty if you are uninsured. Avoiding emotional responses (for instance: b/c Obama sux), does anyone know the reasoning behind that? An example of the answer I'm looking for would be if you asked me why Americans are required to have car insurance, why aren't we just allowed to pay for accidents out of pocked if we choose to? I would answer by saying that some people would not get insurance because they thought they could avoid an accident, but then get into one and nobody would pay for the other person's car/injuries. Putting the person in jail wouldn't help the victim, so it's better to make everyone have car insurance.""
What happens if you are about 10 days late paying for your car insurance?
School is about to start, and i have an insurance payment coming up on the same week i needed money the most to pay for school supplies including a graphing calculator that costs over $100. If i spend this money, i won't be able to afford car insurance till the week after and i might be 7-10 days late paying for car insurance. Will anything bad happen if i'm late?""
Teen Girl Insurance on Car?
I will be 16 in October, I am interested in a 1999 Mitsubishi Eclipse GSX, I have a 4.0 GPA. How much would that cost? Ball park? Thanks :)""
""I am looking for affordable health insurance company for myself, I an single male 40 years old. I dont need?""
dental or vision coverage just prescription drugs, dr, visits coverages. and Iive in New Jersey. I dont have coverage through a company and I am willing to pay for a health insurance ...show more""
How much does a hyundai sonata usually cost to insure in MA?
My sister is trying to buy a used 2006 hyundai sonata and we were wondering how much a month it usually costs to insure it? She's only 21 and has had her license for four years without an accident? She tried to get a quote from gieco but they only showed the six month plan. Any helpful information about the car or insurance would be greatly appreciated!
Williston North Dakota Cheap car insurance quotes zip 58801
Williston North Dakota Cheap car insurance quotes zip 58801
0 notes
Is ehealth insurance good?
"Is ehealth insurance good?
i just bought insurance there. then checked out scams im freaking out a little but my mom says in no big deal. its just other broker trying to compete. I called ehealth and asked if i was to buy from the medical place myself would it cost me less? They said no"",I might suggest one to try this internet site where one can compare rates from different companies:""
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://howmuchisinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Can I get motorcycle insurance without a license?
Can I get motorcycle insurance without a license?
What is cheap auto insurance?
What is cheap auto insurance?
Can my father insure my car under his name?
I'm planing on financing a car and my father will Co sign. Can he put the car under his insurance I am only 18 years old so insurance just under my name is extremely expensive or is there a way he can be a Co owner of the vehicle if so how ?
What are the cheapest cars to insure as im 19 and just passed my test (male)?
Also what are the best insurance comparison sites for someone of my age, as most quotes are ridiculous!""
Affordable health insurance new jersey family?
anyone know of affordable health insurance in new jersey for self employed 1 person needing family coverage?
How does motorcycle insurance work?
So I just wanted to know a little about the pay brackets with motorcycle. Im not talking specific numbers cause I know to just get a quota for that. What I heard is for things like scooters or bikes under 150cc there is a bracket. Then it goes up for anything between 150cc to less than 400cc. Then after that you can expect insurance to go up more when you get into the 600cc supersports and so on. I know im wording this kind of poorly. It makes sense just like how insurance for a Ferrari is going to more than a pickup truck or economy car. I just remember someone saying on a forum that they got a ninja 400r and they were happy that its technically a 399cc engine bucause if it was just a bit more the insurance would have gone up to the next class in motorcycle insurance. I just wanted to know if someone can help explain how this works. I wouldnt mind having something stronger than a 250 or 300 motorcycle but if it means that insurance is going to double or something for a 600 or 650 then I may stray away from it because I still have insurance for my car. Also on a side note how exactly does super sport insurance typically compare to standard bikes? For example maybe a gsxr 600 or CBR 600 vs something like a SV650. Both have similarly sized engines but Im sure 600 super sports are more aggressively tuned and other factors. Lastly my one friend had a Kawasaki. I cant remember what kind but it may have been like a 2002 ninja 600? Anyways his monthly insurance was like less then $20 a month! Does anyone know what kind of coverage he may have had. When he crashed it, insurance paid for the damages to the car he hit and for himself. The bike however, was not covered at all. Is this a real thing or am I remembering it wrong? Sorry about the book! I was just curious. Thank you everyone for the help!""
Where can I get classic car insurance under the age of 21?
I have a mark one escort that I've just finished had it since I was 16 I'm now 18 an I want to use it on the road, it's now a mint 1972 ford escort l 4 door, now I've found out that the law has changed an I can insure it after all that work I've done for the past 2 years, so what I would like to know is, can I get classic car insurance from anywhere under the age of 21? Or where does normal car insurance where I can add on an agreed value for the car for extra cost, thanks everyone, speedy helpful replays would be great thank you""
How to explain therapy on health insurance application?
I graduated from a University of California last quarter and now I'm applying for health insurance. For my last year as a student, I took advantage of the counseling services offered at my school. I took part in therapy because it helped me get through the stress of an extremely difficult course load during my last few quarters. To be honest, I would not have gone to therapy if it hadn't been 100% covered by my student health insurance. I was never prescribed any medication, I'm not seeing a therapist at the moment, and I don't intend to start seeing one again any time in the foreseeable future. Obviously, I have no choice but to write that I've seen a psychologist for mental/emotional reasons. The question is how do I explain it so that it causes the least harm to my application? Do you think this is something I should be concerned about?""
How much would a Fiat Grande Punto 1.2L cost in insurance for a 17 year old male driver?
I'm 17 and male and I was wondering how much this car would cost to get it insured, please help.""
What is insurance? Detailed answers please :]?
Can someone tell me the detailed purposes and steps of insurance... how it works, costs, etc. Anything you have would be helpful! Thank you.""
Insurance Question??
Can you get insurance if you have a salvage title????
""I wanna buy a 2008 car, how much would i pay for the insurance?
i am 30 years old and i just got my driver's license
I hit another car and I have no insurance?
My boyfriend just gave me his old car as a gift, I planned on getting insurance to it the moment I put it under my name, but I was driving today and I rear ended another car. I was placed in police car as they did some investigation. The other police officer found out that the other car was a rental and that they had Avis insurance. I kept asking the police officer when do I find out about making payments to the other car. He gave me a ticket and said there will be no payments for the other car. Me and and the other car never exchanged any information. This is my first accident, I am a little confused. Am I suppose to get sued. And what is the likelihood that that the other car's insurance would charge me 10k or more for the accident? I want an idea so I can start saving money and trying to make payments now. Is there a way I can start making payments without having to go to court to get sued.""
My car was taken to the compound on friday in the uk when the driver was found to have no insurance.....?
However i have got insurance and so when i go to the station to have the form stamped so i can go to the compound and collect my car back, The police tell me i have to produce my licence as well...problem is i cant find it.. so i go to dvla internet site and order form to get a new licence....But this can take 3 weeks to come back and unfortunately the car gets crushed in 2 weeks, But the law says i can continue driving even tho i havent got my licence card ...because i do have a licence but its been lost and im waiting on my new one coming.A Please dont answer if you are only speculating on what you think you know i havent got time to read brain dead answers from all you dick eds on here. Nor do i want your personal opinion on the situation as it is a Question.. put on a Question Board wanting an answer...Not a message board asking for your opinion so use the board as it should be used and stick to the rules...answer the question ...if you cant ...then dont waste my time and yours""
Does anyone know where i could get a car for my driving test? I need insurance as well. I am 16 years old?
I am going to go get my licence. I am 16 years old in California. The problem is, i don't have a car. Please don't ask me what i'm going to do with my licence if i dont have a car (it's a long story). I need a car i can take with me to do my road test. The DMV also needs proof of insurance. Please tell me where i could get a car and get the proof of insurance. Thanks!!!!!!!!""
What happens if I want Homeowners and Car insurance with the same company?
Say my car insurance is with Company C and expires October 31 and my homeowners insurance is with Company H and expires January 31. I saw somewhere that if I have both insurances with the same Company then I save money. How do I line up the two insurance renewal dates so that I do not waste the money I paid for homeowners insurance between October 31 and January 31?
State Farm insurance?
I have my own insurance and it was. 230 a month now I am getting a new car and I need collusion I am getting a Honda civic sedan 2012 white can anyone tell me an estimate on how much my insurance will go up Ps the car is financed . I have State Farm, I am 20 years old I reside in ny and I have had no accident""
""If healthy foods were more affordable, would health insurance be cheaper?""
It irritates me beyond words that people these days are almost forced to have a poor diet because junk food is more affordable. Then, the health risks associated with eating junk food cause more people in the hospital, more money being shucked at pharmaceutical companies for medicine to treat the diseases cause by poor diets, and health insurance and taxes we all have to pay for regardless of how healthy we try to be. I mean, if a packet of Ramen noodles is 50 cents and an apple is $1.50, the majority of the financially stressed nation is going to reach for the Ramen. I would love to eat mostly raw fruits and veggies all day long, but I simply can't afford that and it makes me feel like the government is forcing me to eat crappy foods in order to survive. Why are healthy foods so expensive? And wouldn't it factor out in the end to reduce the price of healthy foods knowing a lot of money would no longer have to be forked out for doctor's visits?""
What is the cheapest car insurance for me on my own plan???
i have a 2005 dodge stratus coupe 5 sp. sxt. almost 19 yrs old. i have a failure to yield ticket in feb. of 07. i live in Porter County, IN what is the best insurance for me???""
When is it the cheapest car insurance rate based on age?
I forgot when I got my license, freshmen in college though in NY. I was told that the older you are the cheaper your rate, like if you start at 25 you pay less. Is that right? I was told the opposite??????? I think I was 18.""
Best health insurance for young single people?
I'm looking for informaiton about health insurance for a single, young man...he is 27. Are there any affordable policies out there that may provide minimal coverage (annual well visit, a couple sick visits, one prescription, some emergency?)""
Which auto insurance company is better? Geico or Mercury? Please share your personal experience.?
Which auto insurance company is better? Geico or Mercury? Please share your personal experience.?
How much do you pay for full coverage car insurance?
i'm 19 and going to buy a car soon but i'm trying to get a ball park figure on how much i can expect to pay
What are short-term life insurance needs?
I currently have a 5 year term life insurance policy with State Farm and I was wondering if it were possible for me to make a withdrawl or loan from this policy. I researched this some and on some websites it said it wasn't possible; however whenever I look on State Farms website it says the below: The State Farm 5 Year Term policy provides affordable life insurance protection for a five year period and is renewable for subsequent 5-year periods until age 85 (age 80 in NY). It is great for covering any short-term life insurance needs you may have. Short-term life insurance needs may include such things as: * Car loan * College tuition * Home equity loan * Mortgage loan * Business loan * Student loan * Key employee Term insurance may also be appropriate when your life insurance needs are great but your budget is tight. Does this mean I can make a withdrawal so that I can pay off my student loans? Also, it seems that my policy has ended in December; however, I was still charged this month. The policy started in 2005.""
Insurance on a Motorcycle.?
I am 16 and I am wanting to purchase an '08 250 Ninja. What would I expect to pay every year in insurance? I live in MS if that would make a difference in insurance.
Is ehealth insurance good?
i just bought insurance there. then checked out scams im freaking out a little but my mom says in no big deal. its just other broker trying to compete. I called ehealth and asked if i was to buy from the medical place myself would it cost me less? They said no"",I might suggest one to try this internet site where one can compare rates from different companies:""
Auto insurance estimate?
new driver ( Licensed in 2013), accident free When I go to pick up the vehicle at the dealership, will they ask me if I want to pay the insurance monthly or annual? ( or do I have to ask ) Id really prefer monthly payments instead age 20. use of vehicle - work/school less than 15km 2011 Audi S4 Thanks.""
Is it legal to have two different auto insurances on two different cars but are both in my name?
I have 2 cars, I just bought one cash. So I already have full coverage on one car and its paid for 6 months, and I want to add insurance on the other but with a different insurance company because it is cheaper and I will be getting only liability. Is it legal to be carrying different insurances or are they required to be both with the same company? I live in Texas!""
""I am 18 and can't find car insurance under 2000, does anyone know anywhere?
its insurance for a toyota yaris 2003 Y reg 3 door hatch back for an 18 year old boy with a 1 month old full uk lisence.
When i turn 21 can i change my car insurance details for cheaper car insurance?
so im 20 now and as we all know your insurance drops when you turn 21 basically im insured now but my policy doesnt run out for like 8 months when i turn 21 can i ring them up and say im now 21 can i change this detail to get cheaper car insurance whilst not cancelling the policy
Insurance on a 2008 Suzuki Hayabusa......?
Wow dont ask me how, but I lucked up and found some RIDICULOUSLY cheap insurance. I have been looking for about a day and a half. Every last MAJOR insurance company you can think of. For some reason everyone on here kept saying check out Progessive. They were one of the MOST expensive. If you have a SUPER sport bike. Meaning either the Kawaski 12 or 14 or the Suzuki 1300 Busa, everyone is quoting you between $6,000 to $8,000 for a year. Thats like $400-$500 a month. That is the most ridiculous thing I have ever seen in my life. But then my salesman told me to call State Farm. He said trust him, that he used to race sportsbikes and always insured through state farm. So I call them and get a quote for $767 for the year. The same Bike that EVERYONE else quoted at $1000. Honestly I could not belive the lady. I do not understand how the price is that different. My salesman said that it is because State Farm is the only comapny that doesnt run the vin number of the bike and put it in the""
Whats the cheapest car insurance for a 16 y/o boy?
I'm getting my liscense soon and we have allstate and its expensive as hell! I live in texas and i dont plan on buying a sports car so how much would my insurance be you think and where should i go for cheap insurance?
""I can't afford NJ car insurance, what should I do?""
I just turned 25 and I never drove a car before because of the high car insurance rates and the fact that my parents refuse to help me pay it. I have a job, but I'm also in college. I got my driver's permit this year, but no license yet. I got a quote on how much it would cost me to drive if I get the license, and it came out to roughly 5-6 thousand dollars a year, insanity! I don't plan to ever get a job that makes THAT type of money. Is there anything I could do, or did my parents screw me by not letting me drive all these years? I have to either walk or beg a friend for rides anywhere -- Granted all my friends are 'funded' by their parents, of course.""
Medican Insurance after 21 years old???????
I am 20 years old i will be 21 soon , i heard that my medican insurance will be cut when i am 21 years old ... Can some one please tell me what i can do to keep my insurance ???? WIll going to school full time help, working ... anything please just tell me anything that u know.""
How can i finance a car and pay insurance? help?
hi, im an 18 year old student, i work part-time and make around 400-500 a month after tax. im looking to buy a car (doesnt have to be brand new) for less than 4k and insurance is ...show more""
How much would I be paying in insurance if I become a CRNA?
How much would I be paying in insurance if I become a CRNA?
Can anyone recommend a good dental insurance company that offers orthodontic coverage? ?
I have to get braces for my daughter and would like to get a good dental plan for her so that I can get as much the cost for her braces covered as possible. I know that there are few good plans out there that cover any significant amount when it comes to braces, but there must be one or two out there that are the best for orthodontia services. HELP!!!""
How much would my insurance be for a mustang GT if im 18 and no tickets or bad credit?
How much would my insurance be for a mustang GT if im 18 and no tickets or bad credit?
Will my license hike my parents insurance?
I live in Florida with my parents, and I'm 19. I don't have a permit and want to get my license, but I'm not sure if it'll raise my parents' insurance rates. I won't own a car for at least a month or so, and I probably won't be driving theirs frequently, if at all. Will it affect their Progressive insurance at all? Thanks so much.""
Average comprehensive car insurance for teenagers in 2010?
Hi, I am just wondering how much teenagers are paying for full comp car insurance in 2010. Thanks Jboy""
Full Coverage Insurance?
is full coverage insurance suppose to follow u to your next vehicle for the first 30-60 days?
Car insurance? will it go up if no claim is made?
son had car accident, was on partners polcy, wrote car off, no other vehicle was involved, insurance company have found out about the accident somehow (due to one of these no win no fee companies getting his details as he had a passenger in the car who was not injured, but who had not contacted them ) son is 18, wants to get on the road again, but we are worried about how much insurance will cost him. we havent claimed for his car either, can any please advise""
Moving out and my father says my insurance rate will go up some $80 or so. Hmmm?
Im 19 years old, and moving out of my parents house within the next month. Im already paying $140/month full coverage through State Farm, and my father says that if I move out, my insurance rates will rise approximately $80, to $220/month. Im just curious as to know if he wants the money himself rather than the insurance company? Fact or Greedy Father?""
What would be an inexpensive car insurance company for drivers that dont have the best record due to speeding?
i live in Jacksonville,Fl if anyone knows a cheap insurance company""
How much is Ontario car insurance for a cheap car (<$1000) for a teen driver with a G2 licence?
I am 17 years old and recently obtained my G2 licence (Ontario) and I want to buy a cheap car (under $1000). However, I don't have a clue how much monthly insurance would be. I would be under my parents' benefits, but I would be primary driver on the vehicle... Any input is appreciated :)""
16 years old looking for car insurance?
I live in miami florida and i plan to get a pontiac Solstice. I want to know how much car insurance will cost per month. My mom has statefarm and her credit history is good but i have no credit history. how much will it cost on average?
Is there a federal law that requires us to buy car insurance? Why or why not?
Is there a federal law that requires us to buy car insurance? Why or why not?
Why want the Republicans work with the Democrats to get a good health care system in the U.S.?
Is it because the Republicans are behind big business?
How does the insurance company know what Annual Mileage I am actually doing?
I bought a car last Sunday from a private seller, but was not able to drive it home because of no insurance. The person kindly offered to keep the car in his garage till I get an insurance cover. Today I went to pickup my car, but that guy was not there, his friend was there to hand me the keys and drive back home. When I test drove the car it was 87k miles exact, now today when I collected it, it went upto 87,806 miles, +806 miles extra. The seller is not answering my calls, the only thing worrying me is that I quoted my Annual Mileage up 6000miles, but already my car raked up 806 miles in one week. Please help, and don't abuse coz I am already down being cheated? Why bad things happen with do-gooder?""
Cheapest car insurance?
new drivers
Is ehealth insurance good?
i just bought insurance there. then checked out scams im freaking out a little but my mom says in no big deal. its just other broker trying to compete. I called ehealth and asked if i was to buy from the medical place myself would it cost me less? They said no"",I might suggest one to try this internet site where one can compare rates from different companies:""
""Does anyone here use cancer insurance? If so, which kind?""
Does anyone here use cancer insurance? If so, which kind?""
Is it possible to get a national insurance number when you are under 16 years old?
I am applying for a job at a cafe, but the application form requires a national insurance number, I am 14 years old.""
Names of good CHEAP! Auto insurance companies in New York State ?
I'm trying to look for cheap insurance companies for my bf who is way over the age of 25 and had two accidents. Due to the accidents from the past, their charging him an exorbitant amount. Could you please name a few.""
Health Insurance - too expensive - should I ditch it and will it get cheaper in 2014?
So I got health insurance about 6 months ago - BCBS. As a 38-yr-old female with a BMI that is(was) borderline obesity, I pay $278 per month (about twice the original quote on the website which was about $140.) I freelance. One of my jobs collects contributions from my employers into an account that I can use to reimburse my premium payments, and I was hoping that I'd be able to make enough to use that account to really pay toward my monthly health insurance. My financial situation has plummeted, however, and I am really struggling to keep my head above water for the first time since I moved out. Just looking for some outside input here. Should I ditch my health insurance? Will the options be more manageable for me in 2014?""
""What is the best Health insurance, with good maternity coverage?""
I would like to get insurance before I get pregnant because I know they won't give it to you when you're pregnant. So I would like to know who has the best coverage, hospital, pre-natal....etc! Would really like to hear from mothers, and there experience with the providers!!!! Thanks in advance""
What is the best insurance company to work for?
I'm 19 and i have also thought getting into sales would be exciting. there is other reason but doesn't really matter. Anyway I'm hoping that there is a good Insurance company that has a good training program and allows entry level people to work hard and succeed. A company that wants people to succeed. So far every agent i have talked to has said their business is the one to be in so i just want some not so bias opinions. seems like all the insurance companies just want to get UN knowing teens ( like myself ) in and work them for 6 months to a year and suck them dry of all the money they have. i understand that you have to work and its not just six figures in the first year.
How much auto insurance must I have?
I want to know what are the legal limits on car insurance in the state of Ohio for a financed vehicle? I have an 06 Mazda and an 07 Hyundai. They are both financed. How do I go about figuring out the lowest limits I can legally have? Thank you!
Do you have to pay for a full year of car insurance if your car is written off part way through that year?
I pay my car insurance every month as a direct debit out of my bank account. My policy actually expires in March each year and I'm sent a renewal letter saying that if I wish to continue with my policy I just need to keep paying it monthly as I always have. Then come July my car was total written off. According to the insurance compay I still need to pay for a full years insurance, that is I need to pay all the insurance premiums up until March next year as this is when the policy expires. I figure if I don't have the car any more as it's a write off, and I'm able to cancelled the rego on it, why should I have to pay. I would have thought that if I'd paid a full years insurance in March that I would be entitled to a refund if my car was written off part way through the year. Any help would be appreciated.""
How much is medical insurance?
I plan on moving to the U.S some day but how much would i have to pay per month for medical insurance? Strange how its free here but costs over there.
How much i will paid from insurance Vauxhall Astra DR5 1.4 1995 year and where is the cheaper??
Vauxhall Astra DR5 engine1.4 made in 1995 year.I am looking from something cheap but good.
How much do I pay monthly to insurance to cover a Acura rsx?
I am 19 thinking of buying an Acura rsx but I've been doing research & noticing that the insurance for that car is very high? Does anyone know how much a month would I have to pay & if anyone knows the best insurance company to get for the car? I'm looking for the cheapest deal? Help please
Who has the cheapest auto insurance?
I'm about to come back from active duty overseas and I just bought a 2004 Ford F150 4x4. I'm 28 and havent had any accidents or driving infractions in the past 5 years. Which provider is generally the best to use? Thanks.
Any recommendations for affordable individual/family dental insurance?
I already looked on google and found a few affordable dental plans for myself...Is there anyone who is currently enrolled? How are the prices? Any recommendations on where i should enroll, or insurance plans i should stay away from? I was interested in Aetna dental plan. Is there anyone whose enrolled with them?""
How much is insurance for a moped for a 17 year old?
I wanna get a moped and im17 years old, can someone tell me the procedure of getting a moped,do i go for a test, and how much will insurance cost for a 50cc ped, thanks in advance""
Any ideas how i could get my car insurance quotes lower? 18 year old female driver?
Okay so every time i go on price comparison sites etc, my quote will not go below 2300! no matter what car i put in with a small engine, nothing chages what else can i do? i must be going wrong somewhere because lots of people get insurance below 2000! i cannt add any additional drivers because noone in my family drives thanks! :)""
""HELP! My insurance has been cancelled, need a new Auto insurance company thats cheap?""
ok i have a BIG problem, my mother's auto insurance has been cancelled 3 times in the last 3-4 years cuz of late payments, she's a single mom and can't always make the payment on time. Now we are having a HARD time finding an insurance company that will either A) Give us insurance or B) Cheap monthly and/or quarterly payments. We can't afford to pay $2500 for the whole year. Does anyone have any ideas on what to do? or where to get a cheap/understanding insurance company in Canada, specifically in Ontario. Thanks!""
Will a medical suspension raise car insurance rates?
My wife has a medical suspension and is trying to get her license back. She has 0 points on her record. I know if you are suspended for stupidity (DUI, reckless driving, ect) then your car insurance rates go up, but do they go up for a medical suspension??""
Affordable health insurance?
i am 34 , i pay over 400.00 a month , im single , does anyone know of some possible cheaper insurance . does anyone know of better insurance that i can afford . please help , male nonsmoker also""
The best insurance for mommy and baby?
Right now, Im about 5 weeks preggers and I have no insurance and Im not able to find a job since no one is hiring. I just been doing some babysitting jobs while my boyfriend works two jobs for the baby and me. What will be the best insurance for my baby and me? One that covers ultrasounds, doc appoinments and hospital bills? Help me please.""
What are some cheap Home/Fire insurance offers for a house in Southern California?
What will have the cheapest insurance payment? 2003 escalade or a 2012 camry hybird?
It will be my first car which one is easier to afford and which one looks better
I need car insurance help... now......?
ok... i was thinking of getting insurance on a 1998 5 door ford fiesta 1300cc.... i am 18 (male) and only had my full license a few months... trying to get an answer out of any insurance company is..MURDER.. i go through pages of junk just to click get quote and then there is a list of 50 questions... i need... an... estimate... i dont wanna see ONE link to another website... speak in numbers please =]... and... state if it is monthly or yearly!!... because i got answers that say... 1000... and im like... is that a month =o??.... so yer... average or estimate insurance for me!!... gee thx =].... i feel this is in clear violation of the age discrimination act but warever....
How do the payment work if a bunch of people are being sued by a auto insurance company?
1 insurance company is suing another insurance company, and 6 people. If the 1 insurance company wins how do they split of the amount sued for? If they do at all... I need answers please""
Tail lights and coop's young driver insurance?
I live in the UK and have been getting decent quotes from cooperatives young driver insurance However if I tick a box on the online quote saying that I have modified the car from the manufacturers specification (but does not let me say what it is that I have changed, ie the taillights) it will not give me a quote. Should I contact them about this or will it be ok to say that I have not modified the car and if I were to have an accident which would damage the tail lights that they would only replace them with manufacture tail lights?""
How much is car insurance per month for a 16 year old?
I really want to get a Pontiac G6 on my 16th Birthday, I`m just curious as to how much the car insurance would be on it !""
Is ehealth insurance good?
i just bought insurance there. then checked out scams im freaking out a little but my mom says in no big deal. its just other broker trying to compete. I called ehealth and asked if i was to buy from the medical place myself would it cost me less? They said no"",I might suggest one to try this internet site where one can compare rates from different companies:""
Best place for car insurance? (uk)?
I passed my driving test a couple of days ago and i need to insure my car. I realise the insurance is going to be 'through the roof', but can anybody reccomend places worth trying where i might get the best quote? thankoooooou""
""If u wrote-off a $5000 car, on average how much would ur insurance company give you back?""
If u wrote-off a $5000 car, on average how much would ur insurance company give you back?""
My teenager (17) just got her permit. Would she be covered under my insurance?
I have not added her specifically to my insurance policy. I only have PLPD on the vehicle. Would she be covered if she hit anything... anyone , yikes! Or do I have to call to add her? It will raise my policy a LOT but she's almost 18 and when she gets her license she will have to pay for her own insurance. So for now I am trying to fly under the radar but legally. Is that possible?""
Can insurance companies be trusted?
Just wondering whether people view their insurance company positively or negatively. And why.
Is 39.56 pounds every month good scooter insurance?
hey guys i have a yamaha maxter 125cc scooter but i cant get cheap insurance :/ the lowest one is 39.56 do you think i can get cheaper? am 19 am in london please suggest cheaper companys
I need a cheap car insurance?
car insurance
VERY URGENT! Buying car insurance by telephone  heeeelp!!!!?
Hello thank you for entering in my post I'm buying an insurance for my car by phone call so far I have the best deal from a company called Admiral Tomorrow I'm going to call this insurance company back to settle the agreement I've never done a contract by phone call I believe they should obviously send me a contract by e-mail with all my details and all the details of my purchase and the details of the company  until here it's quite clear my question is: How should I pay for this contract? Should I give my debit card details by phone call? Is buying an insurance by telephone safe? Any advice according this matter will be very appreciated thank you in advance for your help
Why do Women get cheaper car insurance?
Thats the biggest joke going! they are safer my ar*e
How can i make my car insurance cheaper?
im finding it more expensive this year than in 2010 to buy my car insurance and yet that was closer to the claims i've had to include (one in july for an sp30 speeding and the other for a none fault accident in my unoccupied vehicle in october). i dont understand this at all and its really bugging me as im finding it hard to get a decent quote. my car also has a rear spoiler which was there when i bought it which is also causing me hassle. is there anything i can do to get the best quote for my car, i'm going insane lol. im in the uk also""
How come I can't keep my health insurance coverage?
President Obama stated that under the Affordable Health Care Act that any American that wanted to keep their existing coverage or doctor would be able to. I signed up today and they ...show more
Will it cost more on car insurance to tow a trailer tent?
Will it cost more on car insurance to tow a trailer tent?
""Which car for a 18yrs old driver, for cheap car insurance?""
Hi, I'm a 18yrs old french girl, who have my full english driving license since January. I would like to buy a car, but I would like to know which one have cheap car insurance. I already know that the car shouldnt be higher than 1.6L. I have some idea for my car like Fiat 500, Nissan Micra, but the insurance is expensive. Thank You""
In need of Car Insurance Sr22?? Who is best 2 go with??
I am looking for a cheaper but reliable insurance 2 go with for an SR22.. Does anyone have companies? IT is 4 a: 18 & 19 year old Male. In the IL area. Please and thank you
Auto insurance: Found Wawanesa cheaper than Mercury?
Anyone in California find that Wawanesa is much cheaper than Mercury. For our two infiniti family the rates for 1 year was WaWa-$1150 vs Mercury ($1,650) What gives here?? Why the big disparity?""
How much is the average annual insurance for a mitsubishi evo?
How much is the average annual insurance for a mitsubishi evo?
Buying a used car and auto insurance?
I'm looking to get a used car in the US, but I have several questions regarding this: 1) I will have to get auto insurance before buying the car and driving it on the road. How can I do this if I haven't bought a car though? 2) I'm a non-US citizen, and I have no credit rating at the moment. Will insurance companies deny my application or will my premium go up? 3) I will be relocating to another state after getting the car. Therefore, can I purchase auto-insurance in my current state first for a month, and then purchase it again once I reside in the new state? What's the best way to handle the insurance matters in this situation? Thanks for all the help.""
Do you have health insurance?
if so, How much is it per month. What kind of deductable do you have? How old are you? feel free to answer also if you do not have insurance and if you support obamacare?""
Car insurance question?
my car insurance was due yesterday.. i'm 17 years old and yesterday the difference between my dads car insurance and mine was due and i forgot to pay it.. am i still allowed to drive my parents car? im going to pay it on monday thanks.. let me know
California State Disability and Insurance?
Hi, I am trying to figure out how much of a % I will be getting back from the state. I have short term disability but I havent called them yet to figure out how much I will get every month. Also, I have insurance through work and apparently not all the hospital fees are paid for. For example, my coworker just had a baby and cost her about $1500 out of her own pocket. Altogether was $9000 (rest was billed to the insurance). My doc is telling me I might have to have a C-Section. How much do those usually cost? What the heck is the point of having insurance if there not even going to pay for crap! BTW I am 29 weeks""
""ATTN: New drivers, How much is your insurance a month??
I just got my insurance today and was curious to see what other ppl are paying. Thanks in advance:)
Cost to insure a 1987 Fiero GT?
Hi, I'm 16 and I currently drive a 1999 Honda Civic sedan and I'm wondering how much more money it would cost to insure me driving an '87 Fiero GT? My dad won't let me get it because of the up in price, any suggestions from you guys to persuade him???""
Insurance on a moped (under 50cc)?
i am interested in buying a 50cc or less moped, geared or not geared, it doesnt honestly matter. but i dont have a clue how much the insurance for it could be. could anyone give me a rough estimation of the cost of insurance of this moped, as i am 16. can anyone help?""
No income how do I get health insurance?
I've been reading and looking up info but I can't find exactly what to do. I have no job no saving no money at all I live in Las Vegas Nv I've tried looking for a job for the past 3 years now and I haven't found anything I live with my sister I'm not handicap nor have children or go to school so how and where do I get health insurance?
Most affordable Health Insurance provider for my employees?
I am looking for an affordable Health Insurance Company for my employees. I have 7 employees w/families and no coverage to offer because the prices are outrageous. My compnay is Incorporated, if that factors in. I have already used the sales companies that do this research for me, but I am not satisfied with the results...plus they call every 2 seconds with high quotes.""
""50% fault accident, but my insurance did not need to pay. Will my rate be affected?""
I was recently involved into an accident in a mall parking lot. My car was damaged and the other driver's car was not. I filed a claim with their insurance and received 50% of my claim as they determined comparable negligence, 50% fault . The other driver did not file a claim, and my insurance company did not pay any money to anyone. Will my rate be affected by this accident?""
Is ehealth insurance good?
i just bought insurance there. then checked out scams im freaking out a little but my mom says in no big deal. its just other broker trying to compete. I called ehealth and asked if i was to buy from the medical place myself would it cost me less? They said no"",I might suggest one to try this internet site where one can compare rates from different companies:""
0 notes
Pilot Knob Missouri Cheap car insurance quotes zip 63663
"Pilot Knob Missouri Cheap car insurance quotes zip 63663
Pilot Knob Missouri Cheap car insurance quotes zip 63663
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://freeautoinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Car Insurance for a 19 yr old male?
I'm going to be buying an black 03 Cadillac CTS and I was wondering about how much my insurance would be. I've been driving since I was 16 with no tickets or wrecks. Can anyone give me at least an estimate on what it might cost? I will be using it mostly to drive back and fourth to work.
I got rear ended and the guy who hit me is pressuring me - should i get insurance involved?
The person in front of me was tail gating the person ahead of him so I was trying to keep distance and my brakes were on/off. The guy behind me crashed into me from behind. There was minor damage to my car - deep scratches that need a paint job and the left bumper that almost came off. He had a dent in his hood. He was very apologetic claiming it was his fault. He was willing to pay for all the damages and felt very bad about the situation. He said that if insurance gets involved, the higher our rates would go up but said it was all up to me in what I wanted to do. We exchanged information and was willing to fix my car as soon as possible. He called me and did his research in which we would get my car fixed. My back is hurting badly now and I'm going to get it checked now. He just called me up asking if he can meet up again to take pictures of my car. Thing is why would he want to take better pictures of my car? Don't you have to go show the people? I just got off the phone w. him and he said that I have minor damages compared to his dent in the hood. He believes that because I suddenly braked, he braked as well causing his hood to slide under my back.... He pretty much made it seem like what he did was very minor. I didn't meet up w. him b/c my parents drove another car to take me to the Dr. and got upset and was suspicious and accused me of illegal fraud? I killed him back w. kindness and he was being nice saying he wanted to fix my car ASAP. He really scared me last night and I'm feeling pressure b/c he wants to fix it NOW. IS HE POSSIBLY TRYING TO TURN THIS THING AROUND NOW??""
Please answer!!! Is my car insurance too high?
I have a 2007 toyota corolla, clean title and no liens. Im 20 years old, female and part time in college. I have state farm and it costs $280 every month, i have full coverage also... Is this expensive or what??!!""
What is the best health insurance in CA right now?
I need help. I don't have health insurance right now and I want to find an affordable one. I live in San Francisco, and I work part-time. I look at Athem insurance and it was around 60 bucks a month. I can't really afford that right now. Is there any other health insurance that is affordable and good?""
Speeding ticket will insurance go up??
Ok my fiance just got a speeding ticket his first ticket ever!! He was doing 44 in a 35. He has progressive insurance the cop told him that his insurance wouldnt go up. But I dont know if that is true. I was wondering if he pays it off or goes to court and see what happens will his insurance go up since it is his first ticket? If it helps we live in North Carolina. I was just wondering what is the best way out because right now we cant afford to much money. He works two jobs got laied off one because no business and expecting second child at anytime. So was just wondering if anybody could give up information on what is best? Thank you and somepeople said something about driving school?? But do you take that before or after court?
""If i crashed my motorcycle, would my dad get penalized on his insurance?""
Quite recently I bought a motorcycle (Kawasaki 650r) and in order to save money on my motorcycle insurance, I insured my dad as the primary driver on it (had his license accident free for 40 years). Im still on the policy and everything, but if i were to crash and total my bike, god forbid, would my dad get penalized on his insurance?""
How much is a 2010 Jeep Sahara cost a month for insurance?
How much is a 2010 Jeep Sahara cost a month for insurance?
Can you help me find Insurance?
Im trying to find a phone number for Cheap Health insurance in Mars Hill maine. THe zip code is 04758. I want a phone number because I only need Insurance for my children not on myself I live in a different area. I don't want to do the online quotes I want to talk to someone! Can you help me find this information? I need an affordable plan
Life insurance? i dont feel right about this company?
Hi i applied for life insurance through sun life financial. are they a good company? who do you get your life insurance from? is it even important? anyways, they still havent drawn up my policy since i have applied, even though was approved. All i was looking for was a simple life insurance i can afford, and they added in a whole bunch of accessories to go along with it. anyways, they keep coming back for many tests. which would have been hell of a lot convenient if they did these tests all in one place in one time. rather than having to do 4 or 5 tests over the past 4 months. it drives me crazy now that they are always phoning, needing this and that...now im starting to consider if i even want my life insurance with them also, is it even necessary to have life insurance along with critical illness and disability? i am just a studetn on a budget with two young boys at home. whats your take?""
Lamborghini gallardo?
what is the fuel economy and the insurance and the repair will cost a Lamborghini gallardo per month
Insurance for a 16 year old in California?
i was wondering how much insurance would be for me. I was looking for a 92 Camaro or a 98 Camaro, v6 or v8. i also have a 3.29 GPA. i am 16. and also is it cheaper if the cars are older? thanks.""
What do they test for when getting Life Insurance?
I wanted to get a life insurance policy for my family and myself. They want to take blood and a urine sample. What are they looking for? Drugs, nicotine, disease???? What's the deal?""
Adding fiancee to insurance?
How far before the wedding should I start the paperwork to put my fiancee on my insurance?
Any ideas on how to get cheaper car insurance?
Any ideas on how to get cheaper car insurance?
Can a college student go back on her parent's insurance?
I am a college student and in 09 I went off my moms health insurance and went on my work ins. If I move and leave my job I may be left without ins is it possible to go back on my moms insurance? I heard you can stay on your parents ins if you are a college student until you are 26 not sure if I can go back though.. Any info will help!
How much does car insurance cost if you're under 21 in North Carolina?
Hi. I'm 20, female, turning 21 late next month and my mom is planning to ship her 1998 mercedes benz sedan to me (in NC) from california early next month. I went to a driving school when I was 17 and I have been driving ever since. I also do have a clean record. If I would want to have a full coverage, how much do you think will it be per month? And also, since I am turning 21 in a couple of weeks after the car itself arrives here, do you think it will cost me less? Thanks.""
How much will my car insurance go up when i have passed my driving test?
I am a 17 year old girl. I am on diamond car insurance and for a provisional insurance for a year it costs 850. Does anyone know how much it will go up?
""What is the best Health insurance, with good maternity coverage?""
I would like to get insurance before I get pregnant because I know they won't give it to you when you're pregnant. So I would like to know who has the best coverage, hospital, pre-natal....etc! Would really like to hear from mothers, and there experience with the providers!!!! Thanks in advance""
How much will insurance pay for month old tires and brakes?
I was in an accident after which the insurance deemed my car to be totaled. I had replaced all four tires and rear brakes on the car less than a month back. The claim adjustor says that they will include 50% value of the tires and brakes in the claim payment. Is this normal practice? I do not expect to be reimbursed the exact dollar amount for the parts but 50% seemed like a random value. I was expecting that they will pro-rate it using some formula.
How much is car insurance?
Im 18, living in chicago, but i could register my adress in suburbs with gramma if it would be cheaper.... looking to buy a honda civic 94' or a 94' acura integra....""
Im 16 and just had my second wreck!? what will insurance do?
I just had my second wreck today and both of them have been my fault! Im 16 and my first wreck was last year in late November. Will insurance just raise my rate, drop me, or offer high risk insurance?? have any options on how to get low insurance if i do need to get another insurer?""
How much will an Acura integra GSR 2 door insurance cost?
How much will an Acura integra GSR 2 door insurance cost?
When you get a license do you need insurance? Or is that only when you own a car?
Hi, I live in New York State. When I turn 17, I plan on taking drivers. ed. and getting my license (i think it's normally 18 years old for licenses, but if you take classes you can get it at 17). Do my parents have to pay insurance for me once I get my license? Or is that only if I own a car? Thanks P.S. Extra question - what is the usual/average rates for 17 year old drivers with good grades (i just need a estimation no specific numbers necessary) thanks""
Is it possible to get some good life insurance on a 72 year old woman?
Where can I look and what do I need to be aware of?
Where can I get good credit insurance?
I have heard good things about One Source (http://www.onesourcerm.com/) for credit insurance. I would like to hear other peoples thoughts and opinions.
Pilot Knob Missouri Cheap car insurance quotes zip 63663
Pilot Knob Missouri Cheap car insurance quotes zip 63663
How does auto insurance work?
If you are in an accident and its not your fault ,who pays for your damages? Also what happens if you parents lend you there car but you werent on there insurance and now after the accident you are on the insurance. Can the insurance cover you now that you have been add to your parents insurance.""
Does engine size make your car insurance go up?
I have a 1.4L engine at the moment and thinking of getting a car that has a 1.6 engine. There are not a lot of differences between the two cars, apart from the engine size. (they are both very small cars, made in the same year etc) Will this make my insurance go up?""
How much would I pay for the Insurance Renewal?
I recently had a car accident with my brand new 4WD vehicle. The front part were badly damaged and is now in the manufacturer's garage. Good thing I didn't get any physical injury as the vehicle's air bag went off just on time and my comprehensive insurance will cover for the agency repairs. My question is, assuming that I'll never encounter another major accident for the next 11 months, how much(more or less) would I pay for the vehicle's insurance renewal next year after it has been assessed by a qualified individual. As early as now, I want to have an idea how the insurance company will compute for my insurance renewal and what are other factors do they consider say I paid them around $1,300 for this year's fee. I hope someone could give me an idea re insurance renewal and other pertinent info re this matter.""
Why should anyone purchase insurance under Obamacare when there is no fine?
If everyone bonds together and refuses to purchase insurance under govt. intimidation this would be too large for the govt. to control and destroy Obamacare. Fine or not I will never ...show more
Do I qualify for my parents health insurance?
I have a job that offers health insurance at a price I'm in school I'm 22
Is it true that if you have full coverage insurance on a rental car... (please look inside)?
They can't ban you from renting from there for the rest of your life? OK. Back in 2005, I rented a car from Enterprise with FULL coverage insurance. 1 day I was on my way to school because I had a deadline to turn in a research paper that was 30% of our grade, & my sister 2x my age locked me in the house on purpose & thought it was funny. I got in the car, & drove it to school, & I panicked & got into a wreck & the car crashed into a tiny tree on the median. It was only a fender bender. But the company tried to say it was totaled for over $2,000 worth of damage. Everyone else who saw, said it was a fender bender. The twigs got inside the light on the left side of the front of the car. But that could've easily been fixed. Not sure. But the wheel alignment was messed up. Does that mean the car is totaled? What does TOTAL a car mean? That it couldn't be fixed? Well, I was just talking about it today, & a lot of people online had ganged up on me & attacked me. Now I'm feeling sad & hurt. About to cry. & they were calling me dumb, irresponsible, etc. Very hostile & angry @ me. They act like I wrecked THEIR personal car! People get into accidents all the time. Anxiety disorder or not. & they were saying that since I had full coverage, I shouldn't have been banned. & they were saying my story didn't make sense. But people look for any & every reason to discriminate against me. It's not fair.""
Ontario motorcycle insurance help?
im a 17 year old male wanting to get my m1 and buy a 1985 yamaha virago, and i really don't know where i can insure it for cheap because of the year most insurance places in ontario wont insure it, id have the Absolute bare minimum so it would be cheapest. please help""
Which car insurance companies offer temporary insurance?
I'm a 20 yr old male that has had his license since age 18 but has never been insured. My mother would prefer to simply add me on hers, but her insurance company does not offer temporary insurance, which is what I need since I will be going back to school in late September. Which car insurance companies offer temporary insurance (3 months)?""
Is there some affordable health insurance plan in the U.S. that doesnt have a huge deductible?
Is there some affordable health insurance plan in the U.S. that doesnt have a huge deductible?
Lady friend totaled my car... How will my insurance go about covering things?
My friend borrowed my car & crashed into someone. She totaled my car (I got the car 6 months ago & I have $8150 worth of payments left on it) & did about $2000 worth of damage to the other car... She was in the hospital for 3 nights HOWEVER I believe she was kept for that long because of some other health issue she was having that was not caused by the accident. She's NOT going to pursue my insurance for medical coverage. She does not have a vehicle or vehicle or vehicle insurance. The other driver was not admitted to the hospital, I don't believe. We have the same insurance company. My friend was 4 times the legal alcohol limit when she was checked at the hospital following being taken there in an ambulance; however she was never checked by a police officer & issued a DUI. She was only issued a ticket for rear ending another vehicle... It goes without saying I am furious with her. I don't believe we will be in too much contact from this point forward unless everything works out good with this situation. Do I have much to worry about the hospital checking her BAC? I have heard that the only way the insurance company will find out all that is if it's in the police report. How will things be handled? I will sue my friend as a last resort; however she has NOTHING literally. I live in Florida.""
""Life threatening condition, no medical insurance?""
if you're struck with a sudden, immediately life-threatening condition, like steven johnson's syndrome, and you don't have medical insurance, can a hospital turn you away?""
Is there cheap health insurance for students?
If so does anyone know? or have it? best insurance?
Should I keep my car insurance?
ok I will be attending college away from home in august which is when my current policy expires, When I go I will NOT be able to take my car with me at all, therefore would it be worth my while to maintain my current car insurance which is costing $167 a month, when I will have very little money to my name(I will have a job just have a lot of things i have to pay for myself), I know that when i start it again ill have to pay a slightly higher price than i would if i had kept it but will it be more than what i am saving? sorry if this is confusing im not very good with asking questions.""
""Hi i'm 21 no previous driving experience, how much will my bike licensce and insurance on a 125cc-200cc cost?
im considering doing my bike test and just wondering how much it would cost to insure a 125-200cc road bike? Also how much does it cost on average pass your bike TEST THANKS VERY MUCH ANSWERS WILL BE APPRECIATED!
Vehicle hit while parked will insurance rate go up????
I get a call from my girlfriend that on the way to the train she saw my car was smashed -Bumper , fender , Headlight need to be replaced The car was parked at the time. Gessing this would be considered a hit and run?Wll insurance rates go up if i put in a claim?????""
Where can I find cheap car insurance for someone who has a dui?
I live in AZ and I am trying to find car insurance for someone who has had a dui. The only company so far is Bristol west but they are too expensive. Where else can I go?
What will it cost for insurance on a 2004 or 2005 325i for a 16 and a half year old?
I'm looking to buy my own car this summer and need to know how much more money I need for insurance. I don't want any comments like you shouldn't be getting such a nice car this young but I've made all the money I need forit and am paying for it in full. Thanks Any estimates for a year would be great
What will have the cheapest insurance payment? 2003 escalade or a 2012 camry hybird?
It will be my first car which one is easier to afford and which one looks better
People who cant afford health insurance are quacks?
i see the merits of having universal health care, kind of, but it seems to me that the problem is a lot of middle class citizens who just decide nto to purchase health insurance on the premise that they cannot afford it , and instead opt to buy material goods that are solely for luxury. you cant go out and buy nice cars and houses and bypass health insurance and then cry it off that the government should give free care to everryone.......i definitely agree it should be cheaper for the poor etc. bottom line: ppl need to realize health is the most important thing in there life, and satisfy that need, before thinking about personal possesions (nice cars etc)""
Changing car on insurance mid-policy?
I'm getting a new car on Wednesday, a Vauxhall Astra, and still have 5 months left on my insurance, which I paid in full up front for Nissan Micra. I phoned up my insurance today to ask how much it would be to change the car on my policy. To change the car it would be 300. I've got quotes from other insurers that are cheaper than this for the year! To cancel there would be 2 fees adding up to 95! Is this right? What is the best thing to do? Can I run my insurance while I don't own the car as this would be the cheapest way to do it? The car is going as a trade-in to a garage who will probably just be using it for parts and scrap. Thanks for any advice :)""
How much would insurance oN MY CAR BE?
i am thinking about getting an 02 jeep cherokee, i am 17 and had no violations or anything, how much do u think that insurance would be alone for me and not under my parents name. (insurance per month)""
Does car insurance go up if you get your drivers permit?
will my parents car insurance go up if i only get my permit?
Taxi insurance?.....?
Just wondering how much about the taxi INSURANCE is to be a driver. Im 21, have my own car. Normal insurance is around 240 PM (60 week). Anyone know how much extra on top of that for taxi insurance? Around 30 more ive been told?""
Insurance premium increase of 50%?
I had an accident with my RV that was about $1,200.00 on my side and very minor on the other vehicle. The accident was considered my fault and being 1 point and my first ever in over 32 years of driving. My insurance company now has increased my premium about 50%. I am in California and would like to understand the criteria for this increase. It looks like the company will recover the full amount paid in the next premiums. Where can one go to understand this? Thanks""
What insurance quotes car auto online?
what insurance quotes car auto online? i want to know about this.
Pilot Knob Missouri Cheap car insurance quotes zip 63663
Pilot Knob Missouri Cheap car insurance quotes zip 63663
Student health insurance in California...?
I am a full-time student who desperately needs health insurance. I posted a similar question but haven't received any answers. My job won't offer any health benefits for a whole year (Wal-Mart). I buy Concerta from the pharmacy. My college offers no health insurance and nobody I talked to knew what to tell me. Can anyone recommend a plan? My job is only part-time so I need something cheap or affordable that will help cover my medication. Please help. I have no idea how to do this. D:
How can I get my nose surgery?
I have a schnoz and I had it operated on like 6 years ago when it was broken. I've grown into it badly I think and it's holding me back from being pretty. And I alwaaaays think about it in public and I am very self conscious. Does anyone know doctors in California who could try and run it through insurance? I feel so ugly.
How does insurance for a scooter in florida work?
I was wanting to get a scooter a little like the one on this site: http://gainesville.craigslist.org/mcy/1167379006.html So anyone have any info that might help me like will i need insurance, would i need a special tag or license that costs more, are there any laws towards scooters in florida, would i need to get something from the owner like any type of paper work? Any tips would help a bunch!! thanks!!""
I want to switch car insurance companies?
My car insurance is up at the end of September. The current company that I'm with has sent me a renewal reminder. They will automatically renew it at the end of the month. (They also sent me a note to say the card I used to pay last time has expired, so I will need to enter a new one). I've found a cheaper quote elsewhere therefore I want to go with a new company. However, despite the fact that all my dealings with the current insurance provider have been online, if you want to cancel your policy, you have to do it by phone. I don't particularly want to call them and get the hard sell (I'm really not very good in that sort of situation). Seeing as the credit card I used to pay for the insurance last time has now expired, shall I just ignore them and go with someone new, or will they then keep chasing me saying I owe them money?""
Why are my insurance quotes so high?
I have tried searching for insurance on my moms car which is a Suzuki Swift GL 1.3 and I'm getting back quotes of 10,949.50 cheapest fully comprehensive and 6,404.20 Third Part, Fire and Theft. I passed my test january this year and I'm 18, I had temporary insurance on the car for a month in april and a week in june, the month in april cost 55 with Tesco and the week in june cost 70 with another company. I've also tried searching for insurance on other smaller engined cars like a citroen saxo 1.1i SX and got cheapest price coming back at 4,777.63 I live in Birmingham and have set it as the car being parked in the garage over night. Am I doing something wrong?""
Car Accident and Insurance?
On 7/24 I was at a Dairy Queen drive thru the person behind me hit the truck I was driving. I was looking at her in the rear view mirror the entire time. She had a cigarette hanging from her mouth that was unlit and she eventually backed up after hitting me. I got out of the truck and looked and I did not see any damage. She then said I didn't move you hit me I then told her No I did not hit you I am in front of you and this truck was never in reverse. Since there was no damage to the truck I did not bother getting any of her information since it was not my fault. On 7/27 I got a call from the police saying she told them I hit her. I gave them my side of the story and they said she had a witness who was a passenger in her car and they will be in touch. I also let them know I had a witness as well. The cop called me back yesterday and wanted to get my insurance information so her and I could exchange information. My question is do I have to give my insurance information to this cop? I did not hit this woman and I think she is trying to get one over on the insurance company. The cop said yesterday I'm surprised the truck does not have any damage because her car does have damage. This truck was a rental truck which was inspected at the time it was dropped back off at the rental company obviously there was no damage to it. This woman looked like she was on something to begin with and I'm guessing she was not paying attention probably looking for a lighter and let off the break and hit me. Which I still don't see how her car would be so damaged. I don't want this con artist having my information. So should I tell the cop I am not giving him my insurance information and tell her to take it to court? Should I get a lawyer? I'm not sure what to do I am 29 years old and I have never been in a accident so I am not sure how to go about this but I know this woman is trying to pull a fast one and I am not going to sit back and let it happen.
Health Insurance in US?
I would like to know if health insurance is mandatory in some states of the US.
How much does motorcycle insurance cost in the uk for a 18 year old?
Not the exact price, just roughly.and per month""
Looking for cheap full coverage?
Is there any cheap insurance in Michigan
My car insurance in RI?
I have car insurance in Rhode Island and my son lives with me. When I went to lower my coverage I found that my son had been included in the policy as a driver. I do not let him drive my car at all and they said that since he is licensed and living with me he is automatically included in the policy. This sounded to me as so much hogwash and I hope that someone can fill me in on this weird rule.
What will happen if I don't sign up for covered california health insurance?
I live in ca, I don't have healthcare and I am eligible for covered ca health insurance. What will happen if I don't sign up for it? Do I have too? Will I get in trouble if I don't?""
Cruiser vs. Sportsbike Insurance?
I am 18 years old and looking to buy my first motorcycle. I like both styles of motorcycles but was wondering which type would be easier on my wallet. I am assuming a sports bike would be more expensive but how much more? Input would be great.
Delaware auto insurance (state required minimum) cheaper than Geico?
Which company gives Delaware auto insurance (state required minimum) cheaper than Geico? I tried every known companies (Progressive, Nationwide, 21st etc) but I can't find out any...Does anybody know any cheaper option?""
""How do I get quotes on things such as insurance, utility cost, and building remodling?""
how do I get quotes on things such as insurance, utility cost, and building remodling when I'm writing a business plan? We finally have found a great location for a bar and grill we have wanted to open and a business plan requires a lot of estimating costs and I want to find the most accurate figures so that I can set myself up for success.""
Automobile insurance sites?
Hey, I've been trying to find a website that gives out free automobile insurance quotes. I found a ton, but they all ask for personal information like telephone numbers and addresses. Are there any sites that will just give you what you're looking for: a fast insurance quote without having to give out all your personal info?""
Car accident I have liability the other involved had no insurance?
I got into a car accident today which pretty much totalled out the back half of my van, seeing as the insurance agent will probably call it as totalled out. Here is my question the other party told us that he had no insurance at all and I only carry liability insurance whats going to happen with my vehicle, how are my damages going to be paid?""
What is the best / most reliable life insurance company?
I am a healthy 18 year old. Soon to move out of home and onto college. I plan for the future. I know how important it is to pre plan, I myself and going into the funeral business. What Life Insurance company offers affordable and reliable policies of $100,000 for a healthy young 18 year old male? How much would the monthly premium cost?""
Is it worth it to pay $300 a month for health insurance when you qualify for medi-cal?
My kids qualify for healthy families and we are paying for their insurance anyways. We now need a new car, and were trying to figure out if we should switch to healthy families and buy a new car or keep their insurance through my husbands work?""
What would be the insurance policy on a 2013 Mustang GT/CS?
Make believe it is the summer of 2014 and I just bought the stated car above. How much would a typical insurance go for a used Stang with around 7,000 miles in a small city(like Gainsville) go for?""
Can i get a license without insurance.?
OK. I've got a lot of questions to ask. i'm 16, i live in North Carolina and i'm going to go get my license in about a week and a half. I was wondering do i need liability on myself or what because right now all i want is my license to drive my parents car and stuff, so would i need insurance for that? And also what kind of insurance and what would be the cheapest way to go. And when i check on the DMV website its unclear on what insurance and what they would accept and not accept. PLease help im extremely confused.""
Homeowners Insurance in Florida?
I am looking to buy a house for the first time. Insurance seems high in Florida. Does anyone know what a possible insurance price would be for an 1800 sqft ranch with a pool? I have seen over 2200 a year!
Do car insurances typically give lower quotes for married couples?
I'm going to be jumping on to my fiances auto plan [Progressive] and heard that insurance agencies give lower prices to married couples. Is this true? He drives a 1988 bonneville and I drive a 2001 sunfire. I am also in college, he isnt.""
I need cheap car insurance?
I need cheap car insurance?
What do you think of the '08 Ford Fusion?
Insurance is cheap enough on em
Do farmers get cheaper car insurance through (NFU?) Farmers union? (uk and NI)?
Just seen an NFU and was wondering...
Pilot Knob Missouri Cheap car insurance quotes zip 63663
Pilot Knob Missouri Cheap car insurance quotes zip 63663
Are trucks cheaper to insure for teenagers?
Im looking into getting my first car and i was just wondering if its cheaper to insure a truck then a car. I am 17 years old and live in alberta canada, everyone tells me that they are cheaper to insure but how much cheaper?""
Why do people hate Obamacare so much?
Because of this law, a lot of people are now able to get affordable health insurance. I'm one of those people. I can buy my epilepsy medication at an affordable price. Why do Republicans want to rip this away from me and go back to the way things were before? By the way, I was on my parents insurance before, but I moved out because I needed to be a man and get out on my own. Because of Obamacare, that is much more affordable now for me. Health care was a disaster before this law. What will Republicans do if they repeal Obamacare?""
Will my insurance cover a stolen rental car that I loaned to someone?
I have a great insurance company, but I don't even know if ANY insurance company would cover this. I rented a car with my neighbor (i.e. we agreed to split it), but I'm the ...show more""
How do I get health insurance?
I'm a 18 year old girl and on my own. I have no health insurance and is now two weeks pregnant. Can anyone give me a clue on how to get health insurance? Like step by step?
How to make insurance cheeper?
what are the things i can do to make my car insurance cheaper? i have good grades my car is 97 color gold
I have a question regarding the state disability insurance in california ?
i am supposed to have a foot surgery next month. i am a dental assistant and the doctor just retired last week and sold the office to another dentist. i am still at the same office working with the new dentist. so will i still qualify for state disability when i get my foot surgery if i am now working with a new doctor? THX
I am carried under my mothers insurance because I am in college currently and unmarried. I am pregnant though, so when I deliver, will the baby be carried under my mothers insurance also? Capital Blue Cross.""
Does the monthly payment on a lease vehicle include taxes and car insurance?
I am looking to lease a car but I am on a budget. Ive been looking online at some people that want to sell or transfer their lease because I would only want it short term. Since lease cars are usually new insurance would be too much for me to pay, so I was wondering if a monthly lease payment includes it, and taxes.""
Health Insurance for 20 yr old in NJ.?
I live in New Jersey. I'm 20. I havent had health insurance since i was about 15, and I live with a friend's family because I have no parents. My Mom died in 2008, and my father is absent. Is there anyway i can get medicaid or any type of affordable insurance ? I read that Medicaid is only available to the elderly, disabled, and people with children. If thats correct, do i have any other options ? (My mom had medicaid and i was on her policy before she died). Also, im in school full time, but not at a university, so the school doesnt offer healthcare. Any opinons/information is appreciated.""
Insurance for a motorcycle 125cc in ireland?
I am 19 and I would like to find out how much insurance would be for a motorcycle 125cc. What about a Honda CBR 125 insurance. I would be a beginner. From dublin ireland If anyone could recommend a 125cc that would have cheap insurance? Thanks
What penalities will I get having invalid car insurance?
Two nights ago police stopped me when I was delivering food and checked my insurance details. I had insurance for social purpose only. They told me to change my insurance to business insurance and they let me go with warning. Last night same guys stopped me again and again they checked my car and found me delivering food. Luckily they let me go again but they reported of the offense. What will happen now? will I get points or fine or what?
Does my contractors liability insurance cover roofing subs?
Does my contractors liability insurance cover roofing subs?
Insurance for a mustang ?
Im 17 planning on buying a 96 mustang with my own money and i was wondering about how much it would cost for liability for it...
Car accident insurance help needed?
My partner was involved in a car accident the other day, the young lad got out of his car and said that he'd rather pay for the damage in cash rather than go through his ...show more""
I need help finding affordable health insurance for my family?
My husband has a job currently that offers health insurance for us, BCBS of NC great insurance but his job doesn't pay enough for us to survive now that we have a new baby. He is switching to a driving job that pays a little more so we can survive and pay some more bills, so we have decided to try to buy our own health insurance with this new job. Things are very tight with money with me being a stay at home mom to a new baby boy and a toddler so I need very affordable health insurance for my husband and myself. My kids are covered by medicaid so I do not need to buy it for them. I do not qualify for medicaid so I have to buy insurance for myself and my husband. Any suggestions of where to look? Any help would be greatly appreciated.""
Which car in Canada has the lowest insurance rate?
I'm not talking about new cars btw, I'm talking about the old cars from 95-2002 the shitbox cars, I'm a student and I plan on getting my first car with my first insurance so I need to know what's a good starter/shitbox car with the lowest insurance costs. Thanks""
Why do people keep comparing health insurance to car insurance?
Yes you are forced to have car insurance....if you OWN a car! Why do people keep stating that being forced into buying health care is no different than being federally mandated to own car insurance?
Insurance low balled me on my totaled car?
My car was rear ended and totaled in an accident. The insurance now is offering me a lowball offer that is not even close to my fair market value. They used CCC Services that found 3 comparable cars advertised for sale over 350 milles away from my zip code to determine my fair market value. Is this even legal or reasonable at all??? I researched and found 5 comparable cars within 50 miles of my zip code and faxed it to them but they don't seem to care. What do I need to do? I can't buy car within my market with the payout they offer. What is the best thing to get the insurance to raise the payout??? thanks
Cheapest Auto Insurance in Ca.?
Would you recommend me the cheapest auto insurance?
Do I have to use my insurance check to fix my car?
someone hit my car and I received a payment from their insurance. Do I have to get my car fixed or not. It's not major damage it's just a broken light and some scratches and they wanted to charge me like a thousand.
Can you put two cars on two different insurance companies?
If i have two cars, can i put one on Geico and one on state farm. I'm having very bad experience with State farm and i'm thinking of switching with one car at at time. Is it possible to have the two cars in my household on two different insurance company eventhough both cars are in my name?""
No fault coverage of automobile insurance in California?
What is no-fault coverage? When you get in an accident, how it works? I don't know and understand the term.""
Motorcycle insurance is not required in florida. But can i ride a florida motorcycle in Virginia?
I live in Florida and am planning to get a motorcycle license from Florida. But I'm probably not going to get insurance because it's my first bike in the US, and it's going to be a 600 or a liter bike. (I've in riding in another country, so i do have the experience, but that doesn't count in the US). Florida doens't require me to have motorcylce insurace, but will I be able to ride this bike occassionaly out of the state without insurance? Will I be restricted to riding within the state?""
Where do you get a semen analysis performed in southern California without insurance? ?
I have looked all over the Internet! !! We live near orange county and la county he has no insurance. Please help! !!
How much does car insurance cost if you're under 21 in North Carolina?
Hi. I'm 20, female, turning 21 late next month and my mom is planning to ship her 1998 mercedes benz sedan to me (in NC) from california early next month. I went to a driving school when I was 17 and I have been driving ever since. I also do have a clean record. If I would want to have a full coverage, how much do you think will it be per month? And also, since I am turning 21 in a couple of weeks after the car itself arrives here, do you think it will cost me less? Thanks.""
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Pilot Knob Missouri Cheap car insurance quotes zip 63663
0 notes
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BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://freeautoinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Cheap insurance companies?
So ive just bought my new car, its a renault clio 1.4l. Its my first car and its insurance group 4. So i wanted to know if anybody knows any cheap and good insurance companies, thanks""
How much would my car insurance go up if I got a mustang?
I'm 24 years old, have a good driving record, and I am currently on with my dad's insurance. I have a 2005 chevy aveo right now, with almost 75,000miles; and I pay $110 a month for insurance. Unfortunately, my car may be reaching it's end, and I may have to get a new car. I've found a used 2002 ford mustang, 2 door and 14,633 miles on it. How much do you think my insurance would go up? My dad says it would sky rocket... But I figure I'd ask anyway! Thanks!""
Im 15 planning on getting license when 18 need know how much insurance will cost?
ok i am 15 and parents told me i can get my license if i can afford insurance i just need to know how much it will cost when im 18 cause i need 2 years driving experience before i can get my license.. how can i find this out.i havent gotten my perrmit yet plan on getting it on my b-day when my parents leave me alone..my little 16th b-day present to me
How much would car insurance be for full coverage on a 2001 Chevy Blazer ls model 2 door 4 wheel drive?
How much would car insurance be for full coverage on a 2001 Chevy Blazer ls model 2 door 4 wheel drive?
Should i get life insurance for my child?
my child gets ssi money every month and we really do depend on that money and our child has a health condition that she could die with in a year or so or she could get better with a miracle and life a happy life i dont know is i should get life insurance for my child or not who is any a year old. if so please say where i should go to get one?
What homeowners insurance do you use/recommend?
I am looking for homeowners insurance for a home in California. We have 2 dogs, one which is a German Shepherd. What insurance carrier works well with dog owners?""
Insurance when buying a used car?
I'm going to buy a used car next week from a private seller and I am concerned about the insurance. I've heard that you need to have insurance to drive it but what should I do? I am 20 years old and I've looked up temporary insurance and most of them you have to be 21 years or older and some are around 200 for 1 day cover but you have to have a Full UK Driving Licence for at least 6 months when in my case, I've only had it since yesterday as I passed my test yesterday. So what should I do? Get the full insurance and tell them this cars registration number or not get insurance at all and assume I get 7 days free insurance when buying this used car from the private seller?""
I aged out of Medicaid 21 yr old male no insurance?
I no longer have health insurance because I'm 21 years old. My mom gets medicaid because of a disability and my sister gets medicaid because she is 19 yrs old. My family is labeled as low-income, and I can't afford private health insurance. What can I do to receive free health insurance. I live with my mother and sister. I'm a full time college student with a little part time job. Am I out of luck?""
""%100 liable for totaled vehicle, very low settlement. help please?""
The auto insurance company says i am 100% liable to the damages, received mail from the auto insurance company, it said im responsible for 18000 for the vehicle however they will pay any 3rd party damages i hit a traffic light and rear ended a car . I called them to ask for payment options and they offered me 13000 one time payment and its settled. Why is it so cheap? im very confused""
How much would a 16 year old boy pay for car insurance?
I am not 16 yet, but I want to get a Chevy Camaro. I live in PA, and am wondering how much car insurance would cost me a year with out wrecks, tickets, etc. I went to chevy.com and built my own Camaro, and it cost me about $25,000 with the specs, and colors I want.""
Health Insurance for 25 Year Old Disabled Male?
I'm 23 years old and I live in California. I work full time but only make $8 an hour. My husband is 25 and has been disabled since age 12. He has a serious back injury and may be paralyzed one day and he cannot work. If this ever happens, I really don't want to be $1 million dollars in debt because we are uninsured. I have never bought health insurance before and I have NO IDEA what I am doing. I'm looking for insurance that will cover him if he needs to go to the emergency rooom, needs an operation or will cover him if he does indeed become paralyzed. Where do I start? What are our options? Will he be denied because of a pre existing condition? I don't care what I have to pay, I just want him to be insured. We don't want to go throught the process of getting him SSI because we don't want to be poor forever and if I make over a certain amount he will lose everything. Thanks for your help, I REALLY appreciate it.""
""I want to but a new car in the next few months,can I transfer insurance?
It's insured for the next 6 months. When I get the new car can I transfer that insurance on to the new one? What if the quote my insurance company quotes is not competitive and I want to cancel the policy. Do I get a refund on the amount of months left or do I lose it? Thanks.
Car insurance prices 4 ex------?
ex-fenders does any one know a good car insurance for my boyfriend he had a fight 4 years ago and he did not disclose this last year and had hius car taken of him , he did the form to fast on line and did not see the questionon, so ppl in the same boat can u comment and not a busy body who thinks they know it all 
Why is everyone whining about being required to buy heath insurance?
you probably don't realize it, but you practically are required to buy car insurance. if you wreck and you have no insurance, it's not very pretty, especially for your money. Same thing with heath. if you get sick and don't have insurance, it's not very good! i don't understand why people so strongly oppose requirement to buy heath insurance, but don't even stop to think about car insurance, the same principle.""
Who offers the best and affordable auto insurance ?
First time buyer, just got drivers license""
How much is a 17 year old liability insurance for a camry 4 door in los angeles?
i need to know howmuch is basic liability for a 17 year old with a camry 4door in los angeles california.. any recomendations and i dont really feel like searching up quotes so any past experience is prefered.
Rental car insurance?
I just rented a car from Budget and it being my first rental, I wasn't exactly sure of all the terms and conditions... unbeknownst to me I could have used my own full coverage insurance with me. I flew out of state and rented a car for the wedding and just assumed I would need to buy their insurance policy, no one ever told me different. I did take my policy with me, but was never asked for that information. Then I get the bill back and they charged me 32.50 a day! Has anyone ever had this happen and how lenient are they if you've already returned the rental? Anything I can do? I'm back at work and won't be able to call in until this afternoon, just wanted some feedback. Thanks in advance.""
How much does insurance cost for a 2002 mitsubishi eclipse gt for a 16 year old who went through drivers ed?
How much does insurance cost for a 2002 mitsubishi eclipse gt for a 16 year old who went through drivers ed?
Can you get insurance with a suspended license?
i asked a question earlier about my friend's loser bf who has a suspended license and says he is going to buy a car from a used car dealer my friend (who is stupid) is going to get him the loan to pay for the car he says HE will pay on the loan (i doubt it) i say you need insurance for a car loan but she may just get him just a loan i dunno what that means anyway i know you need proof of insurance for a car loan he says he has been forging his insurance for years i still say they are going to check on it for the loan again i am trying to prove him wrong but can a person get car insurance with a suspended license?
Is it legal to have car insurance on your vehicle under someone's parent's name?
Is it legal to have car insurance if it's in someone else's name, and they are aware and okay of it? The specific situation is, I am getting a car from my dad, and the auto insurance is going to be under his name still. I am a licensed driver, and need to figure this out, because I do not want to drive with his insurance, if it is illegal.""
Cheap florida health insurance?
my wife and i want to have a child but cannot afford to pay for the complete doctors visit and all.. we do not qualify for medicaid what insurance that is affordable can we use?
Would my auto insurance increase if I hit a careless pedestrian jaywalking on a private property?
Would my auto insurance increase if I hit a careless pedestrian jaywalking on a private property? Here are the case facts: - 1. Pedestrian was hit by my car while crossing a road located within a private property (a community college) in Brampton, Ontario (Canada) 2. I was in no position to clearly see the pedestrian in advance as the pedestrian suddenly appeared from behind the huge pile of snow on the side of the road. The pedestrian was walking from the parking lot and came onto the road from a blind spot. 3. I was driving at 30kms/hrs and saw the pedestrian just before I hit the pedestrian. 4. The pedestrian was NOT using the designated pedestrian crosswalk but was jaywalking on the road in attempt to cross the road. 5. I applied brakes as soon as I saw the pedestrian on my way but the pedestrian got hit by the time finished applying the breaks. I think my car came in contact with the pedestrian when the car had almost stopped possibly causing the minimum impact. Pedestrian seemed to be all right (not injured) but was slightly in pain due to the hit as my car hit her in the thigh. She did not fall down and was still able to walk (but was crying due to the shock) 6. I called 911 (both cops and ambulance) and they didnt charge me with offence. 7. The Police Officer concluded that it was not my fault after he confirmed with the witnesses that I actually tried to stop the car and that the pedestrian was jaywalking and not using the pedestrian walk for cross the road. The cop mentioned that I would have been charged if I were not driving on a private property. The building security also concluded that I was not at fault. 8. The police accident report makes no mention of my fault. 9. The paramedics concluded that pedestrian was not injured and was all right but they took her to the hospital anyway (for check up since the pedestrian seemed to have some pain in the thigh) My question is  Although, I was not ticketed or charged, would MY INSURANCE GO UP? I have heard that Insurance companies are notorious and would hold you responsible anyways or may hold you partially at fault?""
State Farm or Allstate Car Insurance: Which one is Better?
I'm trying to choose between the two...which one is better?
Enquiry about car insurance and how it works?
Okay, the question is worded wierdly, but you'll get it :P. Anyway, I have my driving test coming up in April, so I have to be thinking about a car, insurance etc. I was wondering if there was an average of how much car insurance is for the first month after you pass, and how long it stays like this till it starts too go down. Also, is there anyway I can reduce it? I plan on making parents named drivers etc, will this help reduce?""
What all does someone under 18 need to get car insurance?
I'm under 18 years old and I need to get car insurance but I dont know if I can get it on my own. My parents do not want to put me on there insurance and I don't know if I can get it by myself. I also heard that they have to co sign for insurance? If that's true will them co signing for my insurance affect there car insurance what so ever? They think that there insurance would go up if they co signed for me but I don't think that's true. Some one please help!
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affordable medicare supplement insurance plans
Names of good CHEAP! Auto insurance companies in New York State ?
I'm trying to look for cheap insurance companies for my bf who is way over the age of 25 and had two accidents. Due to the accidents from the past, their charging him an exorbitant amount. Could you please name a few.""
How much does a check up cost without an insurance?
I heard some rumors that if you don't have insurance they can do a check up on you and just send you a bill @ your house where you can do your payments.
Car insurance question. UK only please?
Me and my husband went bankrupt in NOV 2010 (long story) and basically, the things like car insurance and cable and internet and energy companies were fine as there were no credit checks as we were already with them. But now we have had a car insurance quote from our company to renew in mid-May, and it has gone up from 37 a month to 60 a month. So firstly, I wonder if the bankruptcy may have affected this new quote? And also, if we try and move to another company, will our bad credit caused by the bankruptcy and home repossession make companies refuse us? I don't see why, as our credit score is irrelevant to our driving, and we have never made a claim in the 20 years of driving, and have many years of no claims bonus. But someone we know said some companies may refuse us car insurance! Help anyone? Thank you.""
Does gender affect car insurance prices?
I have heard being female means you get lower rates. Is this true? Do you pay a lot for insurance?
What is a good estimate of the cost of insurance for a Mustang V6?
I am 16 and I have been looking at a manual transmission V6 Mustang for the past couple of years. I have looked around and I am aware of the typical prices that are being sold. I'm trying to focus on the 2007-2010 versions. The 2010 V6 Mustang is the version that has really caught my eye. I need to know how much I should expect to spend/save. Thank You.
Afforable Health insurance?
I'm 19 years old, I work a part time job and I need health insurance. The cheapest I saw was Blue cross blue care and it was $95 a month and 30 copay. Is there anything cheaper I ...show more""
Will My Car Insurance Go Up?
My wife scrapped the side of our SUV against the wall coming out of the garage. I would like to get it fixed through our insurance since the damage is more that $500 deductible. Do you think my insurance will go up if I make this insurance claim?
1 day or Weekend Auto Insurance?
Hi Guys, I have a car that has no insurance on it since i am not using it any more but still runs good. I need to travel to NY from Detroit this weekend and again don't need it any more there in NY. Are there any cheap Auto Insurance firms that give us auto insurance for the weekend only. Thanks a lot for the help.""
Car insurance keeps going up despite excellent driving record?
I have had car insurance through shelter for going on 4 years.ive had no traffic tickets at all no accidents nothing ! But yet my monthly amount keeps changing.It has went from around $92 then I added a my car alarm system got a discount it went to $72 for a few months.then to $82. For the past 4 months now I got a letter saying my next payment due is $107 . That $20 dollar increase.??? I'm getting very fed up with shelter I'm a new mom and it's hard enough to pay my bills as it is I recently got married does that change ur car insurance ? He has no license because of something that happened around 10 years ago . When i report I'm married is it going to help or hurt me? I do not have any intentions of adding him to my policy but just was wondering if I will get a discount from being (married) now? I know most company's give discounts because they seem to think married ppl drive more safely.
I have a polish worker were can i find cheap car insurance for him?
I have a polish worker were can i find cheap car insurance for him?
""How much can I expect to pay for car insurance in BC, Canada?""
I'm trying to budget for next year, and just need a rough estimate of what insurance will cost a 19 yr old female, driver training and defensive driving certificates, 2 years learners, 2 years GDL, 1.5 years full licence driving (total of 5.5 years driving experience), driving an older dodge turbo vehicle of some sort. Any broad range ideas?""
If requiring people to have car insurance is the same as requiring them to have health insurance than why?
Wont the government help you pay your car insurance if you cant afford it? Isn't car insurance a basic human right?
My license suspended cause of insurance payment were can i get a very cheap car insurance?
please help
""What is a good Car Insurance Company. Im in my early 20s, not the greatest driving record.?""
I have had a few speeding tickets, no insurance tickets, ect. 1 accident 6 years ago. I just need good, cheap, liability insurance for my fiance and I""
Where can I get a cheap health insurance?
health insurance is so expensive... where can I get those health insurances?? especially the cheap one... yea...the best cheap..not the worst cheap
Liability car insurance?
Im 18, never had a wreck or any tickets, i live in a small town/rural area in alabama, and i want to know about how much liability insurance would be for a... -2008 mustang -2010 mustang -2012 mustang""
I have been 18 for a few months now and I'm planning on moving intomy boyfriends parents place in about two weeks. The reason i am waiting is because my grandfather wont let me take my car until i switch the car into my name with my own insurance policy. He has allstate, and i am about to start working at a new job. I will be graduating in june from high school and i live in Virginia. My grandfathers wife (step-grandmother) treats me badly and i need to move away. I have waited 6 years for this since my mom passed away in 2003. I know that none of you will know exactly how much insurance will be but could you give me some insight or a range on how much a month ill pay on insurance and the best policys. I am driving a 2002 Dodge Intrepid, 4 door. I drive everyday about 15-20 miles each day. I am a female, 18 years of age. (19 in september). I did have one traffic light accident that was MY fault but plead no contest and got away with one days worth of driving school. ..if you could please help me that would be great. And much appreciated. Im not sure if you need anymore info, but thats all i can think of right now. AND PLEASE DONT ANSWER IF YOU AE GOING TO ASK how are we supposed to know? BECAUSE I UNDERSTAND THATU DONT KNOW ME AND THAT U HAVE NO WA OF KNOWING. I JUST WANT TO KNOW A PRICE RANGE PER MONTH AND HE BEST POLICYS?? thank you, amber.""
Do I need insurance to take my drivers test?
I live in North Carolina and I have my permit and I've taken drivers classes and I'm ready to take my test but I don't have a car or insurance. Can I use someone else's car? Will I need insurance?
What are peoples opinions of the affordable care act?
I am not that informed about it and curious how people feel about it
Is there drivers insurance for infrequent drivers?
I'm currently in LA, and my family is here too. So, I've been an insured driver since I was 15, for the last 13 years... In August I will begin grad school in Boston, and will be without a car. But, perhaps during winter break, Thanksgivings, summer, I may return to LA to visit family and friends. I can easily borrow one of my parents' cars while I'm visiting, but I don't want to have to maintain car insurance year round for several hundred dollars just to drive a few times a year. Are there any reasonably priced options for someone in my situation? As far as I know, most car insurance terms are 6 months. Thank you!""
Health Insurance For Babies?
Hey there. I am 17 and I am about to give birth to a baby boy. I was wondering if anyone knew if my father's health insurance would cover the baby until I am 18, since I am still not legally an adult until July. If you have any answers or opinions, I would greatly appreciate it. =]""
What are some healthcare insurances available for 63 yrs old?
My mom is looking for healthcare insurance.
How does insurance in general work?
and what are some of the rules of finanace for insurance??
Guaranteed Car Insurance?
I am having trouble finding car insurance because I am only eighteen, and my car is quite expensive. Does anyone know of an insurance site that will give you insurance no matter the conditions? I am willing to pay any amount to get comprehensive cover.""
Home insurance cost in auburndale ny zip code 11358?
I am in the process of purchasing a new house in auburndale, queens ny. i wonder how much is the average home insurance cost in this area? it is a tudor building, 2 and half floors.""
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affordable medicare supplement insurance plans
I have a a term life insurance calculator?
I have a term life insurance calculator, i want to place the link in to other sites which are relevant to term life insurance. Can any one please suggest me list of those sites which are relevant to term life insurance or any article or blogs site which belongs to an individual person and is relevant to life insurance. Please provide me only US site. thanks""
I need dental insurance...?
Does anyone know of any good places I can get dental insurance through? Thanks
Can I claim for mechanical faults on my fully comp car insurance?
My car set on fire whilst I was driving it & as a result is a write off. My insurer is refusing to pay up as they claim its a mechanical fault. Is there anything I can do? Please help.
Where can I get low insurance quotes for a first time driver?
The driver in question is 24 years of age and has been passed for just over a week, we found a ridiculous qoute of 5500 pounds, and a more reasonable one of 2400 pounds, just wondering if theres possibly a company who can beat the latter quote.""
Buying an insurance write off ( car )?
I was wondering if it was possible to buy an insurance write off for the purpose of using it off road, for things such as car trials and banger racing? i know that if a car is category C or below, it can be returned to the road after repairs, but what are the rules as to off road use?""
Lexus IS300 insurance rate?
Im thinking of getting an IS300 but im only 16 years old. How much do u think the insurance rate is goin to be?
Can anyone tell me Obama's discount rate for Health Insurance?
He states healthcare will be affordable for everyone? What %age discount will we get? How much will insurance be (per month) for those battling chronic diseases that cost in the tens of thousand of $ each month? Do you think those people denied, due to preexisting health conditions, will be able to afford insurance now?""
What can i do if my fmla and insurance is terminated?
Today is my last day for fmla and my insurance benefits, but I can't afford any insurance. Its almost 4 months I've been out of work due to diabetes, high blood pressure, fractured c1, infections on my skull and spine, and excessive migraines. I am unable to bend over, lift heavy objects, push or pull objects, stand, sit, or walk for long periods of time and was recently denied disability benefits. I need other operations done, but I cannot afford health insurance to continue my treatments.""
Can you buy multiple life insurance policies?
If one had a whole life insurance policy valued at $1M, and through a life settlement company sold it for $455K; could you essentially use those same funds to purchase another life insurance such as a universal life insurance policy for $1M?""
Pregnancy Insurance California?
Ok I know my son is responsible and wants to me about this matter but would like some help if someone knows since most places are closed on the weekends that would help with this. My son (21) and fiance just found out she is pregnant, my son works and has great insurance for himself. and just purchased his first home. Income about 30,000. Girlfriend just got laid off from a part time job and no insurance. Just moved in with him recently. If not married will his income disqualify her from Medi cal or will he be charged for the service. They were planning on getting married before this and adding her on to his insurance 100.00 a month. for family benefits. but now that she is already pregnant some have told us the insurance may not pay because of preexisting. and if they marry most likely will disqualify from getting medi cal. Also have seem something about AIM. If anyone has used that or have knowledge of that insurance. I know this is long someone also mentioned that my sons first time buyers credit (loan) may also be taken from him if she gets medical. Any help will be appreciated.""
I have an old car ... is it worth it to be paying for 100/300 insurance coverage?
I am driving an old '97 accord, which I got after someone hit & totaled my previous car last year. I have been paying 100/300 JUST liability insurance for it, but I want to know if it is worth it. I am paying approx $100/month for just all liability at this rate. I lowered my coverage and 25/50 is approx $70/month, so I want to know if it is worth it. I need advice since I know nothing about this at all. I don't mind paying if it is a better option, but I also don't want to overpay for an old car. Any advice is greatly appreciated!""
How much does full coverage auto insurance for new drivers usually cost?
How much does full coverage auto insurance for new drivers usually cost?
Health insurance question?
i am going to see a doctor tomorrow for something that has been bothering me for 2 years but ive only had my insurance for 1 year but before i had my insurance i did not see a doctor for the problem i had.... so what im asking is if i tell her i have been having the problem for 2 years will my insurance not pay for it since they consider that preexisting even though i have never seen a doctor for it before my insurance i have bluecross blueshield ppo plan
""Average car insurance for 17 year old in ON, Canada?""
I'm a 17 year old female, no problems with driving, and with drivers ed course completed and certified. I have good grades going from 70s-90's. I'm looking into getting the new 2012 Ford Fiesta once I get my G2. How much would I pay a year/month for car insurance? Thanks""
How much would insurance be and oil changes?
I am thinking about buy a 2004 mustang convertible I am 16 it will be under my parents name how much would insurance be on it if it was a v6 and how much would it be for a v8 and how much would oil changes and tires be. And would a camaro of the same year would it be higher insurance or a 2004 challenger what one would be cheaper for insurance and we have the money for any but what one is cheaper for insurance and we live in nebraska in a small town
How much do you pay for car insurance a month?
i have a 2001 Toyota Rav 4 and my parents tell me to give them $100 a month for car insurance, does that sound right? how much does car insurance usually cost?""
Health Insurance in RI?
Im 25, married, with a 1 year old baby.Im trying to find a family health insurance plan for my family.The company that I work for offers health insurance but the rates are very high, I can not afford what they offer, however it is hard to find Health Insurance elsewhere because my employer does offer it.What are my options?(I live in RI.)""
How to find cheapest car insurance for young drivers?
How to find cheapest car insurance for young drivers?
What is the cheapest car insurance in Minnesota?
I am a new driver, but I am 21 years old and my car is an old model ( Geo metro 1997)""
Help With Young Male Car Insurance?
I'm a 20 year old male (or will be in April) and am needing help finding a good car insurance deal. So far, I have used LoveMoney.com to get my car insurance as it's returning costs of around 1400 as-a-pose to over 2000 on comparethemarket.com etc. Although I am looking for 0.8 - 1.1L cars, the insurance is ridiculous and the fact that I have pass plus doesn't make a blind bit of difference. Does anybody know of any cheaper ways to get cheaper car insurance? and as an estimate do you know what the approximate monthly cost would be for a quote around 1400? unfortunately it doesn't state it on the quote. Thanks""
Best whole life insurance company that isn't that expensive?
My husband is planning to start driving a cab in the next few months. I have life insurance that my mother pays on, but we want to start a policy with a good company for my husband that is whole life, any recommendations?""
Any reasonable way to get car insurance as a young person?
I'm 18 now, and I've just passed my car test, and bought myself a 2000 Toyota yaris 1Litre (998cc) And have been toying with finding myself some cheap insurance. So far the cheapest I have com accross for me to own my own policy is 2,100 a year, on a car I bought for 600! Obviously I'm doing something wrong. I'm not so keen on having a parent own the policy, as this then results in a loss of building up no claims bonus. I have tried every insurer under the sun, including the co-op smartbox insurance, which still yields unreasonable results.If anyone has any suggestions, I would be thankful Alex""
About how much does insurance cost for BudgetTruck Rental?
Can someone give me a ballpark on how much insurance would cost for Plan 2  Supplemental Liability Insurance (SLI) on budgettruck.com I need a 16' moving truck in a Columbus, Ohio suburb up to Toledo area""
A month or two of car insurance?
Are there any car insurance businesses that pay for just a month or two, not the whole 6-month policy that you pay a portion each month. Just that, I pay for a month or two and that is it. I'm going to have a temporary vehicle to move around in but its only for said 1 or 2 months.""
What is the average cost for replacing a damaged A frame on a vehicle?
My friends son was driving her car and lost control hitting a curb, the right front passenger tire is now bent towards the back. I told her more than likely it is the lower A frame that is bent, my question is what would it cost to fix? She has a 2011 Dodge Caliber and no insurance, her husband and her separated a few months ago left her with no support and she couldn't afford to continue paying the insurance on the vehicle so she is now coming out of pocket. We just need a ballpark figure. Only serious answers please, no obvious dumb answers. Thank you in advance.""
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affordable medicare supplement insurance plans
Insurance agents - Life insurance commissions?
Hello everybody, I am hoping to find life insurance agents working with different companies. my question is what is the commission I can accept to receive from different publicly traded companies what offere not only auto, home and others but also life and disability?? I am currently working with Mutual Company and I am a captive agent and only receive 35-55% commission on any life insurance produce i sell and it seems like it was important for me before to work for a mutual company and never was conserned about low commission, but I am also getting invoved with Auto and home insurances and i am hearing that these public companies offer higher commission and let me tell you now days I want to get higher commission becuase the industry has slowed down for me and I am interested to make the most out of what I do right now... any information about commissions with different companies would be appreciated.... I am open to any advise, suggestion, information, and comments.... thank you all""
Where to Find Affordable Family Health Care Insurance?
Recently I was looking on google for affordable health care insurance, but I can't make my decision which site to choose.There are so many sites.Please suggest me one.""
What happen if I don't pay my car insurance?
I woul like to switch to another company that's going be cheaper, but I was wondering can I just not pay my old car insurance and start laying my new car insurance company, or do I need to finish with all the months that they gave me the insurance card for (it was for 6 months, 3 months left).""
Best insurance for Male 18-24?
What is the best type of insurance for a male 18-24. There is a basic prepaid one for $1200 (upfront) but my rates double if I get a speeding ticket etc.. Then there is the traditional one from my bank but that's $300 a month and I can't do that. What type should I be looking for? Also, is it worth it to get the cheap insurance if my rates could potentially double? Could I fight them doubling my rates. I don't plan on speeding but wow. 04-06 Hyundai Elantra GLS/GT.""
How to be a insurance agent?
i need to some gain some knowledge about how to be a insurance agent. I am a senior in HS and i dont know what path to take. is insurance agent a difficult job? what classes should i take? is insurance agent a business major?
What Texas insurance company covers composition over wood shake shingles?
Hi everyone I'm selling a house and want to be prepared to answer questions about insuring a roof with composition shingles over wood shakes (or wood shingles). I have a major carrier, but I've heard there are insurance companies that refuse to insure these roofs these days. I'd like to know for sure what insurance companies I can say cover these roofs. I am in Dallas, Texas, so it should be a company that is in Texas. Thanks so much for your help!""
Aren't health insurance companies allowed to sell across state lines?
I had health insurance in Texas from a company in Oklahoma. United Healthcare sells insurance in all 50 states, I believe. Why are people that are against health care reform claiming that health insurance would be cheaper if companies were allowed to sell across state lines? Also, if their claims is true, who would regulate it, the states through their insurance commissioners or the feds through a national insurance commissioner? I'm not interested in the politics of health care reform, just don't understand what people are talking about since I have had a different experience.""
Instead of buying auto insurance is there a way to just have a savings account just for $coverages?
So all US states require all cars on the road to have insurance ... since insurance is just dollars put asside for release in the event of emergencies or other pre-determined event ... why cant I just put $100,000 into a bank account and call it my auto liability account and have my car insured with the state under my name providing that I don't touch those funds?""
Affordable Senior homes?
what is the best place for seniors who live on their own and have health problems or have difficulty in taking care of themselves? Something that can be affordable in the same time.
Do you have to apply for California Training Benefits when receiving Unemployment Insurance?
I just filed for UI and received a letter in the mail about the California Training Benefits program but no where does it say I have to apply for it.
How much does insurance cost for old/classic cars cost?
I am 15 and and a half, and I live in New Mexico, here you get a drivers license at that age. Anyway, my parents got me a 1977 oldsmobile vista cruiser (my dream car) and I know insurance for older cars are cheaper, how much (average) would it cost and could you recommend insurance companies which you think is best""
Late car insurance payment?
scenario: someone is late on their car insurance monthly payment. this person mails it to the car insurance company late and when person checks their checking account, the money is still there because the car insurance company hasnt taken the money out. what is happening here? is the person still covered with car insurance? will the car insurance company charge double with high interest on the next monthly payment?""
Are older cars cheaper to insure?
Are older cars cheaper to insure?
What is the cheapest insurance company for 17 year olds?
im 16 but will be turning 17 in a few months. to get ahead of the game and in the know i decided to start looking at cars and insurance straight away. my car of choice would be a 1995-1999 Vauxhall corsa 1.0 0r 1.2 litre as they cheap to buy, run and supposedly insure. ive looked around for insurance qutoes for myself when i turn 17 and recieve my full ik license but all quotes so far are above 4,000 even with a pass plus. is there any companys to get it below 3,000 or anywhere close. i realise i am never going to get cheap insurance straight away but i would consider 3,000 a much more reasonable quote and would love it to be closer to 2.000. also any tips or advice on getting cheaper insurancewould be greatly appreciated thanks guys""
How hard is it for police to verify that you REALLY do have car insurance?
With all the different companies that offer insurance, how would a police officer know if if the insurance card is a fake or not or if the policy number is real during a traffic stop?""
Will my impounded car show up on my insurance?
My car got impounded last night, does that show up or increase my car insurance?""
How can I lower my insurance rate?
I got a speeding ticket back in july of '04. My insurace went up recently. I am past the traffic school time. I live in CA. Is there anything I can do to lower my rate increase
Will Vandalism affect my Car Insurance rates?
My car was vandalized last night, they ripped off a piece on the back and cracked the bumper in the front. If I make a claim with my insurance company will this affect my rates?""
""How are your health insurance plans, if you have individual insurance?""
I was asking about those who have health insurance, what are your companies like. Do you like your health companies, are the insurance plans good.""
Can we get finally affordable health insurance now?
Me and my fiance pay $650/month on health insurance and it really sucks. My fiance was denied by every health insurance b/c of a heart condition which is common in his family and I am pregnant and everybody denied me of course too. So we got coverage with Cover Colorado. With the new health reform, can we apply now at different insurances? How is that with the premium? If they need to take you, can they give you a very high premium?""
Can you get an insurance quote if you don't have car yet?
My dad is helping me buy a new car. And he is up my a s s trying to get me to figure out how much insurance will cost. How am I supposed to get an insurance quote without a vin though?
Is it illegal to drive a car that has insurance but I'm not?
My dad has insurance on his car under his name but I'm not insured. Can I drive his car or is it illegal. Please help. Oh and I live in California.
Car Insurance Question... PLEASE HELP!?
My sister bumped another car when she was backing out, when the car saw her backing out but still went ahead and there was no damage. My sister, in a moment of insanity, gave the woman, who is an attorney, her insurance number and some other information. All she took from the woman was her name and email. Now we have a claim coming in. We have no idea what to do. She is still in college, and is under my parent's insurance. There was obviously nothing wrong with the car. My parents are beside themselves with worry, because the claim could mean anything from $50-$20,000. Words cannot explain my anger towards my sister's naivety in the human race. What can we do? We will know more about the claim tomorrow.""
Will My Car Insurance Go Up?
I was Driving down a road going about 35-40 mph. ( Speed Limit was 45 mph ) I was going straight, and this woman coming the opposite direction decides to turn into a cut out, that goes into a shopping center, and as she turns in to the cut out she just keeps going, out into the street I slam as hard as I could, on my brakes but I still hit her, I hit her on the passengers side in between the 2 doors. There were 2 witnesses that I have never seen before in my life that witnessed it. I have back, and neck problems had someone call an ambulance because the pain was a lot worse. They took a CT SCAN and said nothing was wrong. My Neck and back is still hurting me a lot more, from the accident, I have too wear a sling on my left arm / shoulder because of the force of the seat belt. My nose is swollen do to the impact of the air bags, also affected my neck, and head pain. I have marks on my right arm, and stomach from this. Now the air bag deployed in my truck, and all of the air bags deployed in her car. My Truck looks like it will probably be totaled the bumper is ruined, the hood is ruined, the headlight is broken, The door I had to practically pry open because it was stuck, Smoke started coming out of the truck headlight broken Paint, I think the radiator broke, etc.... etc... Both Vehicles had to be towed away. I have good insurance on our cars, but since this isn't my fault the other woman's insurance will have to pay my medical bills, and to fix my truck, or give me blue book value on it right? I am 20 years old, I live in Las Vegas, Nevada. My insurance is Allstate, and the Other Woman's insurance is allstate also. I will be getting a lawyer.""
Can you help me figure out how much home insurance I need?
I was wondering if you guys could give me some advice about house insurance. We've been paying insurance as if our house is worth 224,000 still however it is worth about 175,000 ...show more""
affordable medicare supplement insurance plans
affordable medicare supplement insurance plans
0 notes
alabama insurance law 2013
"alabama insurance law 2013
alabama insurance law 2013
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://averageinsurancecost.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
What is the cheapest insurance for a 19yr old?
What is the cheapest insurance for a 19yr old?
Does anyone know any cheap car insurance for 17 year olds in the UK?
Hi, I need some insurance for my Ford Fiesta 1999. I have been looking at some insurance qoutes but there still VERY expensive ( Around 6000-10000 ) I would love to get around 2000 for my car as i know its possible but i just need to find a insurer. Does anyone know any? Thanks""
Is there insurance for replica cars(EX. Replica Lamborghini Countach).?
Is there insurance for replica cars(EX. Replica Lamborghini Countach). OR Do you just say to the insurance company the donor car used to build the Replica(EX Pontiac Feiro)($3-5K) So they cover only the car used and just treat the replica kit as just additon stuff(EX like adding more exspensive RIMS to a VW). Is the replica insurance cheaper then a real cars insurance. EX Replica Lamborghini Countach($25K)(V6 Engine, Pontiac Fiero) VS. REAL 1988 Porsche 911 ($25k)(V6 Porsche Engine) Do 21st auto Insuracne company have Replica Car insurance and/or will they cover just the donor car used to build the Replica.""
Low income health insurance in Missouri?
hi, I'm a 25 year old, male, non-smoker, full time student. I don't make a lot of money therefore I can't afford to pay for health insurance. what should i do? Is there anyway I can apply for low income benefit for health insurance? is there anything You can recommend for me to get health insurance cover? Thanks so much if you can answer me.""
What will happen when the car dealer finds out I lapsed on my insurance?
I financed a car from an in-house (buy-here-pay-here) finance car dealer, about 2 months ago I lapsed on my insurance, and now the finance company is asking for proof of insurance. I also got into a car crash about 1 month ago, and its currently getting the damages fixed by my hook-up, but not drivable yet. My payments have been made on time every month, as well. So my questions are * What will happen when the car dealer finds out I lapsed on my insurance? * If they repo my car, can I get it back? if so, and how long do I have to get it back?""
Which is the best dental insurance?
how do i purchace individual dental insurance and which provider is the best. i have Metlife dental through my job and i thought that i was fully covered only to find out that i have a 1000 dollar limit every year, which is like absolute nonesense, just a visit to the dentist with no work done takes about 250 dollars. i need to have a root canal and a crown and its goin to cost around 4500. please help i live in houston,texas if that helps""
""16 year old male, first car and insurance?""
Alright, I turned 16 a few months ago and got my license the day after my birthday. The majority of cars that we have looked at are around $1500 a year for just liability. However, 3 cars that we have not checked with insurance have really caught my eye. The first being a mazda3 anywhere from an 04 to an 08, the second being a mazda6 with the same age, lastly a 04 mazda rx-8. I would be added to my parents progressive insurance and was curious how much the insurance would be on each of these cars? My family and I are planning on checking with an agent tomorrow but I wouldn't mind an educated guess. :) If it matters I have not had any accidents and my GPA is around a 3.25. Thanks for your help""
Have car insurance prices gone up in the past few months?
Hello About 3 months ago i looked for car insurance prices for my myself as an additional driver on my parents car and was getting quoted prices for 1300 ish, now i looked again this morning and they are more like 1700-2500 what has happen ? I dont get why they would fluctuate this much, any ideas ?""
How is my motorcycle insurance so CHEAP?
Okay so im looking into buying a motorcycle this summer. Ill be turning 18, and have always wanted a bike. So i was looking at how much insurance would cost me for it because i hear that its expensive and im a full time student and work minimum wage job, so its not like i have money just to shoot out my *** for fun. I was looking at progressive, because they show instant online quotes so i dont have to actually call in and give my real name and social security # and stuff like that. So i go onto progressive's, and enter all my real info like age and stuff(but lie about my actual address and name and email cause i dont want constant ads and spam). And i got cheaper than expected quotes.....So i put in, 2009 Kawasaki Ninja 250r. Male. Turning 18 in july. Put in that i have motorcycle endorsement and taken safety course(i havent yet, but i will by the time i actually own a bike and have to buy insurance for real). No accidents or tickets. 0 years riding experience(although i ran multiple quotes and noticed price drops by $29 for a 12month policy if youve had even 1 year of riding experience, which is nice). And i got a quote for $285 12month policy. For Bodily Injury & Property Damage 50/100/25. Underinsured Motorist Bodily Injury 25/50. $100 deductible on comprehensive for bike(again i ran multiple quotes, and changing the deductible amount on comprehensive only saves a few bucks). $500 deductible for collision(this deductible amount changes your rate incredibly). No other coverage. Got quoted $285...seems kinda cheap to me considering im so young? Not complaining that i save money....just wondering if this sounds normal? Random insurance question, lets say im riding my bike and going at a good speed, say 45+mph. Then fall and completely eat ****. I injure and damage only myself and my bike. Lets say my bike needs some repairs or maybe even replacing, and my leg is broken or something like that. Will any insurance cover any costs since it was my fault to my own personal injury? Is this when health insurance kicks in for medical bills? And would motorcycle insurance pay for any of this? If so, which kind? Like comprehensive, collision, liability, under-insured motorist? Because i have no idea. This next part might be a little hard to understand, so ill try my best. But i ran multiple quotes and changed the age i said i was, for instance, i put in my real birthday on one July 1996, than i put July 1995 on another just to see how much the rate goes for a 18yr old, because once i actually get the bike i will be 18. The quote where i put my real birthday and said i was 17, got quoted $285, the quote where i said i was already 18, got quoted $319.....how is that possible that i get a $34 cheaper quote for being younger??? I feel like someone at progressive online site is trolling me and getting my hopes up now, just to see me go ape **** when i actually go get a real quote. Thanks!""
Can I get car insurance myself if the car is owned by my dad?
My dad bought me a car so it is legally his. Can I get car insurance or does he have to do it?
Does my insurance change when I change my license from one state to another? totally confused!?
I want to change from a Delaware license to a Maryland drivers License. I am on my moms insurance and I pay her every year for keeping me on. This is very confusing. After changing from DE to MD license do I notify the insurance company? Can my rates change? Can I still drive the car registered under her name? Please, any info you can provide is helpful! ! I am doing this to get in state tuition for college""
Motorcycle and car insurance?
I want to get a motorbike but cant afford to run my car also. Put a question on here the other day about running a bike only all year round and been sort of put off by responses re winter riding. Is it possible to road tax and insure a car for half a year only and then for other half of year not road tax/insure it. During that period to insure and tax bike instead if put car on private driveway and not use it for that period? So basically run car half year in crap weather and bike other half in good? Whats the reprocussions insurance wise if thats possible? UK answers would be more usefull as thats where I live! thanks!
Can a 17 year old get their own medical coverage in California?
I'm 17 and live in California. I was wondering if I am legally allowed to sign up for my own medical insurance, like through MediCal or something, and not through my parents. It's a long story, but neither of my parents are able to provide medical coverage for me. And I'm not emancipated or anything. 10 points best answer. thank you ( :""
What is the difference between life insurance and health insurance?
What is the difference between life insurance and health insurance?
Is it expensive to insure a honda civic for a new teen driver?
I am 16, male, 3.8 gpa, took drivers ed. Would it cost alot if the civic was new? What if I am on my parents policy?""
""As a first time driver at 29 in the UK, how can I get my insurance at a reasonable price?""
I am a 29 year old male - I have recently just passed my test and I would like to start driving, but even on a 1.2 t reg corsa worth 500 I get quoted 2700 at the very best for 3rd party only! I have tried changing details etc etc. 1, I have never had a conviction or made any insurance claim in my life 2, I live in M24 postcode 3, I have a good credit rating 4, I have no parents who drive or know anyone who will front for me, nor do I feel comfortable doing that. Can you insurance experts help? Or even at the very least explain why I am being quoted 4x the vehicle value? Thanks for your time""
How do I get health insurance?
I'm a 18 year old girl and on my own. I have no health insurance and is now two weeks pregnant. Can anyone give me a clue on how to get health insurance? Like step by step?
What model Acura Integra is the best for customization and performance?
What model Acura Integra is the best for customization and performance And based on your answer what would insurance be (16 yrs old) and how much is the car itself.
How do I get health insurance for my 2 year old son?
I have a 2 year old son and me and his mother are separated and I want to get him a health insurance plan. His mother is not working now and I work on my own so I don't have health insurance from work to cover for him and we are about to go to court to settle for child support and custody and I want to have him on health insurance. Please any help will be appreciated. Where do I go or where do I call? is any health insurance good or how does this work? Thanks.
Would a Peugeot 406 1.9 Diesel 75BHp cost alot on insurance 4 a 17 year old lad? plz?
i want a pug 406, badly!!""
What motorcycle is best for a newbie?
i have never ridden a bike before besides training classes i haven't started yet. i'm only 16... yeah i know i'm young but i'm very determined to get one so i want to get as much information as i can now, allthough it is still pretty early. i'm 5' 3 and 115 pounds. i prefer a sport looking motorcycle but i want the safest motorcycle that would be best for a newbie, like me, to drive. links & any kind of information will be greatly appreciated = ) oh and i'm planning on buying a used one i have saved about $1000 so the price i would LIKE to pay is $4000. but i'm not sure if this is a good or bad price.""
How much do you pay for your car + car insurance?
I pay around $300 for both the car (2001 Hyundai sonata) and the insurance, but me and my husband are having our second child and we know that we need something bigger but cannot find an suv for less than $300, then we still have to pay for insurance. Is anyone out there that pays less than that for a good suv? Thanks for the help""
How many people lack health insurance?
If you lack health insurance, why? If you cannot afford it, what could people around you do to help you out?""
Will my insurance raise if neither party gets paid damages?
I got in an accident and it is my fault. I traded info and immediately told my insurance company. It turns out that the other party tried to commit fraud on the case, got caught, and will not get a claim now. Though I do feel bad as it is ultimately my fault, my car has no damage so if neither party gets collision claims will it go on my record or raise my premium? It seems like it shouldn't but I feel like it will. Thank you.""
Do I need horse insurance?
Do I really need horse insurance on a horse that I am leasing for more than half the year. I am going to lease a horse from out of state next September to about June. He is a 8 year old chenut gelding thoroughbred. He will be moved from a farm out of state to a boarding facility closer to me. He doesn't have any health problems but can become stiff after work. Do I need insurance just in case something were to happen to him if so what are some good companies.
alabama insurance law 2013
alabama insurance law 2013
What can I do about uninsured motorist?
I was driving at a green light and the person made a left turn into me without a turning signal. I swerved right to avoid them, but we still crashed. A car then hit me from behind because of it. Their car has no damage, but I'm pretty sure my car and car 1 is totaled. I'm worried because car 1 might not have insurance. I have a dislocated thumb, that I need surgery on and won't be able to work for a while. My job won't give me short term disability. I have liability insurance in PA. Do I find car 1? Can I go to car 2's insurance and get anything? I heard PA is a no fault state but I don't understand any of that. If anyone could explain anything to me and let me know what to do next, I would really appreciate that.""
Where can I find an affordable Orthodontist in Seattle/Kirkland/Woodinville area?
Where can I find an affordable Orthodontist in Seattle/Kirkland/Woodinville area?
What car insurance company should I go with?
I am looking for the cheapest car insurance for a 19 year old who has a clean driving record
Will my auto insurance rates go up if I get a red light camera ticket?
This is my first red light camera ticket but my second ticket this year. The first one was a speeding ticket. Will my auto insurance rates go up for a red light ticket?
How much (on average) would private health insurance be per month for a family of three?
male 40 y.o., female 36 y.o., and child.""
How much does auto insurance cost for a 16 year old female?
I was trying to do the online quote thing but i cant because its asks for a phone in order to generate the rates , and im most certainly not about to give them my phone number. No way jose.thats why im asking. -Im a 16 year old female -Dont have a license (yet) -im single -I would be driving a 2001 kia... i think sephia? Idk but it looks like a very basic car. -I have good grades -i have never gotten tickets or DUIS So do any of u have an estimate??? Also please dont comment something irrelevant or pointless...""
How much would insurance be for a 125cc motorbike in the UK? Just a ball park figure.?
How much would insurance be for a 125cc motorbike in the UK? Just a ball park figure.?
Good car for a 18 year old thats cheap on insurance?
Hi, i just turned 18 and recently have been looking in purchasing a used car. my budget is about $5000 and I will be able to afford my own insurance. I dont want a very low quality but i also cant afford a mercedes. So what do you think i should look at? I live in Ontario Canada btw.""
AFFORDABLE auto insurance for 18 year old?
I am 18 years old. I live with my mom and younger non driving brother. My mother does not have her licence because she is not well and my little brother is to young to drive. I am ...show more
""At 14 and 16, can my boyfriend and I get health insurance together?
Can we get a plan together for our baby on the way and us? We'd like to pay for it ourselves and we need health insurance for the baby and I.
How much for infinity g35 or nissan 350z insurance?
Well ive had my license since I was 16 and im currently 18. I have a jeep and after working on it and driving it so much ive decided to get rid of it for something new. Im pretty set on getting either a g35,350z or 330xi, however, i wanted to know how much insurance might cost for either the infinity or the 350z. For the people who want to judge and say i dont deserve any of these cars,please refrain from commenting that on this post.1)I do not car and 2) Im a very good driver and i drive a lot and have a lot of experience on the road sees that I'm always driving around to and from practice,work,and each parents house because they are divorced. thank you""
New Car Insurance?
I just bought a new car. I put down $7,000 and am paying $197/month for five years. I purchased car insurance, and the monthly premium is $358. Is this too much? I'm 18 years old, and I live in Colorado. I know it's going to be high because I'm a teenager and it's a new car, but does this seem like it is too high?""
I need cheap car insurance for Astra SRI 1.8 58 plate. I'm female with full license for 4 years.?
I use car for school run and shopping only and I park it on the street outside my house. I am 32 years old and female. Any help would be great as car insurance is beyond expensive. Thanks
Car Accident - Auto insurance Question?
Today I was involved in a horrible collision. Car made a complete stop put hazard lights on, I made a complete stop at a reasonable distance however 15 seconds after I stopped I look at the mirror and a taxi van cab slams right into me my car goes flying forward hits the truck infront of me and bounces back, air bag goes off . Long story short I'm in horrible pain and have evident bruises . Police arrived filled out reports. The man that hit me was found at fault for both collisions. So my major concern is : I called my insurance company , made the claim they took down all the info but at the end of the conversation she told me that if I don't have full coverage I'm out of luck then she asked me if I do which I don't remember . So I'm taking a look at my policy contract and I don't see anywhere where it says full coverage ... I think it is full coverage since my car was being financed. All it basically says on the contract is liability limit $ 1 000, 000 So if they write off my car what happens next?""
I need a list of affordable cars that look like a sports car but aren't considered one by insurance?
Or just a list of sports cars that tend to have lower insurance.
Will a speeding ticket increase the insurance rate on car?
I got a ticket and i dont want to tell my parents. The officer said i could send the check to pay it off through the mail or by email.
Cheap car insurance companies?
I just turned 17, and im gonna be learning to drive soon, but once I have learnt to drive, I can't afford the insurance""
How much would insurance cost for a mini moto?
How much would insurance cost for a mini moto?
Driving without insurance?
I can't afford insurance for the truck I got, it's registered in my dads name and is legal, but what happens if I get caught with out insurance?""
What is the cheapest insurance company for georgia drivers under 18?
What is the cheapest insurance company for georgia drivers under 18?
How do I get all my old insurance names?
Hiya. Im struggling to find a way to get my information. Most of us dont keep all our old paperwork. Been driving for 6 years but cant remember even who the companys where. Any way of finding out or are they lost forever? Is it also possible to claim on possible ppi on car insurance?
How much would a BMW increase your insurance every month if you have Nationwide?
Like compared to having a non-luxury import car?
The insurance company put my name in wrong would i technicly now not be insured?
My name is Jonathan capital J! to cut a long story short i was with one insurance company phoned up for my renewal quote they did the renewal over the phone with their sister company who was the cheaper one and said they would deal with it all for me and just swap all the deatails to that insurance but they got my name wrong. On last years one it was correct ''Jonathan'' now its been sent to them someone had typed in ''jon'' not even a capital letter for my name! Would the police now be able to stop me and say well your technicly not insured because thats not your name? thanks in advance.
Insurance copay question?
My girl and I each have our own separate health insurance plans through our respective employers, she recently gave birth to our first baby ( we're not married ) She used her insurance plan to cover the hospital fees and we expect to pay about twenty percent of the bill as a copay. Would MY insurance help cover all or part of said copay? I'm guessing it will be about two thousand dollars. Thanks in advance for your help.""
Is this true about car insurance?
I know that when you're 25, your car insurance is usually lowered. Today someone told me if you're under 25 but over 18 and have a child, your insurance is the same as someone over 25. Is that true?""
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alabama insurance law 2013
Can I buy an expensive sports car and insurance under my moms name?
I want to purchase a brand new Nissan GTR from the dealership (I have the money ready) and want to buy get full coverage car insurance for it too. However, Since I am male (I'm 28 years old) the car insurace is way too expensive. If I were to have my mom come purchase the car for me as her being the primary legal owner with me being the co signer (I am paying for it with my own money upfront) and have her be the primary legal full coverage driver on that car in the insurance policy with me being able to drive it too with full coverage will this work in order to get a drastically lower monthly insurance payment? It's perfectly fine with my mom being the legal owner as long as my mouth is shut to the insurance company. I also don't mind paying for the both of us on this car as long as my insurance payment is lower. What do you think? Isn't it a brilliant idea?""
What is the average cost of motorcycle insurance in illinois for a 21 year old?
What is the average cost of motorcycle insurance in illinois for a 21 year old?
Can I get medicaid? (17 weeks pregnant)?
Okay here is the deal, I appreciate all of the help. Okay so I am 17 weeks pregnant and have cigna through my job but when I went to talk to HR today, I will have to be terminated when I take maternity leave because I will only be at the company for 11 months. ( need to be there a year ). So when I give birth, I wont have coverage, that is a bummer! I dunno what else to do but cancel my insurance and get medicaid, something I was trying to avoid but now I don't feel like there is an option, cause I can't cover the baby either with my companies health insurance... argh.. Can i still get medicaid even though I'm so far along??? I'm so scared and dunno wtf to do. Help!!!!!!!!!!!!! and BTW I am in the state of FL""
Will 1 Point on my drivers record increase my Insurance in California?
Will 1 Point on my drivers record increase my Insurance in California? I got a speed ticket for driving 12+ miles over the speed limit and was told I received 1 point and a speeding ticket.
""I am looking out for a healthcare provider which is also an insurance company located in California, U.S.?""
I am looking out for a healthcare provider which is also an insurance company located in California, U.S.?""
Some Health Insurance Companies Offering Decent and Cheap Plans for International Students in the US?
I will be studying my Master in the Boston area, this September. The grad-school health insurance is a little too expensive to me. What would be some companies offering decent and affordable health insurance plans?""
About how much would the insurance for 16 year old driving a 1997 Chevrolet Camaro?
In Missouri about how much would car insurance be a 16 year old with good grades be for a 1997 chevy camaro, or a 1997 pontiac firebird. And also, what is the cheapest car for a 16 year old to insure? Thanks""
How much do speeding tickets effect your insurance ?
I got 2 speeding tickets, my first and second one of my life and im only 17. How will these tickets effect my insurance ?""
Do motorcycles require insurance in georgia?
Do motorcycles require insurance in georgia?
""How much money does insurrance cost for a New male driver, in Alberta Canada?""
Ok so im 16 and i want to take my test, the only thing is my parents want me to take drivers ed. because apparently it saves on insurance. but it costs like 600 bucks Jeeeze. Anyways i want to know how much insurance costs so i can work out how much i would actually save...or wouldn't. Thanks""
How much would short term auto insurance normally cost in new york?
say i have a bmw 530i im single, 35 years old, male and all my driver's license records are clean how much would it cost to insure the car for only one day?""
Which car insurance companies reserve cars through hertz?
im going to be getting me a new car and with my current insurance company they only reserve through enterprise which i am not old enough to use. hertz rents to 20 year olds. im just trying to make sure i will have an alternative way to get around if something happens to it. so which insurance companies reserves through them? or will u have to request it? because i know some wants you to pay first and they will rein-burst you
Cost car insurance in michigan?
hi im 19 live in michiganand want to get a car. it will be valued at around 8,000-10,000 dollars. how much will the absolute cheapest car insurance be per year. i have never been in an accident or had any tickets. thanks for any responses!!""
What is the cost of the insurance for the car i want ?
I want a Suzuki Ignis 1.5 sport im just about to start driving wants the insurance going to cost ?
Will I get my licence quicker if I learn in an automatic? Will the insurance be cheaper if I go on my dads?
Before you say it, I know I wont be able to drive manual if I just learn in an automatic""
Change something in my Progressive insurance?
so when i got my insurance with Progressive, i was keeping my motorcycle outside, but now i keep it in a garage. Is there any way i can change the part of my policy where it asks where i keep my motorcycle? I was hoping me keeping it inside would get me a lower rate. Thanks!""
What cars are cheap and affordable for first time drivers ?
I am booking my driving test soon and looking to save some money for a car, already have some saved up, i wondered on any opinions on cheap cars, low-ish insurance and a reliable one. In the UK which i could buy.""
What is a good cheap car for a 17year old? I want cheap insurance as well.?
I have recent started driving lessons and I want to buy a car. I only earn 30 a day tho.
Can Drivers under 18 without a car drive with their parents insurance?
I just got my drivers license and I don't have a car. Im not 18, and i don't think i will be driving enough to have to need a car, or to pay insurance every month. But if ever ...show more""
How much do you pay for your car insurance ?
I have a mini van about 10 years old. I pay $250 every six month I believe ... premium. Covers 1000K Injury, 50K, 25K property damage, and 10K injury.""
Does anyone know what the average insurance cost for a 2004 Dodge Ram is?
I just bought a beautiful 2004 dodge ram quad cab 4x2 4.7 V8 and i have quotes that range from $165- $303 per month. If you have a similiar truck to mine, how much is the average insurance payment, and what company do you use? I head AAA and 21st Century were pretty good?""
How do I find out who insures a store?
I know its private and you can't find this out and the owner doesn't have to tell you. Although there is a safety hazard when I go into this store and I don't want to get hurt and have to sue...I don't want it to get down to that...I want to let they're insurance company know. This really concerns me how you can contact somebody's insurance company... Is there anybody else I can report to?
What's the cheapest way to commute between Liverpool and Manchester?
Hi, I'm starting a new job in Manchester next month and I'm trying to find the cheapest way to commute. I'll be travelling from Rock Ferry to Manchester Piccadilly 5 days a week and my working hours will be roughly 9am to 5pm, although some days will require an earlier start and a later finish. I've looked at a rail season ticket and was shocked to discover it would cost 3008.00 with First Trans Penine. I've also read that the train journey is horrendous. My wife and I share a car but realistically, she can't rely on me to pick her up and drop her off at work at the same time every day (she works in Liverpool) so we would potentially need another car. With that, comes the initial cost of buying the vehicle, then tax, insurance, MOT and weekly fuel, which in my mind will cost even more than the rail season ticket. Added to that is the fact that we're not particularly well off so can't afford more than a couple of thousand for a 2nd hand car. A brand new car on finance would be out of the question. So, are there any regular Liverpool to Manchester commuters out there and if so, how do you keep your costs down? Any suggestions would be much appreciated!""
Car insurance question?
Can someone get insurance on a vehicle when their name is NOT on the title?? The insurance is in VA. My husband owns the car and was letting his little bro drive it, but we've removed the insurance and told him NOT to drive it, and found out that he has put insurance on it with his insurance company! Is this possible or legal even?""
Does filing a police report increase car insurance?
I filed a police report for a hit and run minor fender bender that I can fix myself. Did I make a mistake filing a police report?
alabama insurance law 2013
alabama insurance law 2013
Temp car insurance for under 21?
I'm 19 and want car insurance for 3 months. Either short term or pay as you go
Car road tax and insurance costs?
Can anyone direct me to a website which will tell me the insurance group or cars. Also one which will tell me how much road tax per year. Looking to buy a car but would like an idea of these costs first. Looking at a Honda Civic se executive... 1600cc... 2003 model.
Car Insurance - What kind of coverage is needed for an Occasional Driver...?
Okay, this is the deal, I have full coverage car insurance. This means that the insurance will cover me, if I have an accident that is my fault or if someone else hits me & it's not my fault. I also have insurance that covers me if someone breaks into my car & steals any kind of important items in my car. The Question... I sometimes let other people drive my car, to run errands for me (like driving my car home, cause I'm too sleepy to drive or I'm super busy & need an item from the store & I hand my keys to a licensed driver). I talked to my insurance company & was told they do not have coverage that will cover other drivers unless they are listed under my coverage. The problem - I don't want to list everybody in my family or all my friends. Isn't there insurance coverage that will cover anybody driving my vihecle as long as they are older than 25 & has a valid license? If so, what's the name of this type coverage - I nd to know the name b4 I call other companys. thanks""
Motorcycle insurance Please Help?
So I'm looking into insurance for a bike I'll be getting soon and I did a estimated online check on Geico for my insurance and it says: Here is your quote for 12 months of coverage: Payments as low as $172.63 Your 12-Month policy is only $2012.00 Does that mean I pay $172.63 per month and $2012.00 a year? Sorry I'm new to this, never had to pay and figure out my own insurance! Just paid my father and he did the rest.""
Why isn't the Affordable Healthcare Act more like car insurance?
I'm just wondering why no one thought to copy how car insurance works to work with healthcare. Think about it, we'd save a lot on government spending. Those who buy healthcare, are covered through insurance. If you don't buy healthcare, it is up to you to buy it, and if you're asked to show proof of health insurance and don't have it, you're fined. It's simple, easy, and perfectly understandable by anyone. So.. if it works for car insurance... why wouldn't it work for health insurance?""
Insurance Claim and Home Owner Insurance Claim?
If you were to be injured at a persons home and you make an insurance claim due to seeking medical attention can the home owner also make an insurance claim? What if both the injured party and the homeowner make a claim and both receive money? If this is not allowed what action can be taken upon the parties?
""If I make a claim using my company car insurance, does that affect my personal insurance reputation?""
I recently got into a little fender bender using my company car. The other driver wasn't present, so I left a note. He called, and I followed through by filing a claim with the insurance company. I'm worried, though, that my personal insurance reputation/rating is going to be affected because of this claim with my company car. Any information you can provide would b helpful.""
Question about health insurance?
I went to the ER in late May and I recently got promoted so I applied for health insurance. However, my health insurance does not go into effect til July. I was told by the hospital that I will be billed in about 2 -3 months. Is there anyway I can use my insurance for the bill or will I have to pay out of pocket?""
New car insurance when to get it?
Bought a 2010 Toyota corolla s at rusty Eck ford my grandpa consigned for me and they took a copy of he's insurance to let me drive the car home on 60 day tag plates. Am I supposed to put the insurance right away or after the 60 day tags are over ? I'm in Wichita ks
Car insurance question on a 2002 pontiac firebird?
so i might possibly be getting a 2002 pontiac firebird convertible. im a 17 year old female and it would be my first car. im going under my moms insurance because it will be cheaper. but being that is it a sports car does anyone know a round about on how much insurance would be? 10 points =)
""21st Century, mainly for the reduced rates with the same as other carriers?""
21st Century Insurance Company is a quality, affordable carrier for automobile ... At 21st Century Insurance Company, we understand how complicated buying auto insurance can be....I'm thinking of switching my auto insurance from GEICO to 21st Century, mainly for the reduced rates with the same coverage. Anyone has any experience with ...for a quote go to http://www.quoteinsuranceauto.com""
How much commission can I make selling car and homeowners insurance?
How much commission can I make selling car and homeowners insurance?
Cheap Cars for cheap insurace??????????
I am 18 a new driver and i am looking for a used car with a budget from 400 to 600 iam trying to find a car with a cheap insurance and are Diesel cars cheaper to insure????
Car insurance/ car accident?
i got into an accident i was at fault for failure to yield, my car got damaged badly she hit me going about 40 my front bumper is all smashed and my headlight fell out could cost 2500 or more my insurance is only liability, how does this work my insurance covers her vehicle and vice versa or what?""
""Why do the Cons enjoy that insurance premiums are avg. $13,000 per year?""
And expected to get up to $25,000 within ten years? Do they enjoy that average Joe might spend about half of their annual income on insurance? I'm interested to know how either s bankrupt nation or an illness plagued nation is good for the country. ? These statistics are all over the news today""
""Insured car, uninsured driver?""
I have a free-loading bother in-law and I was just wondering. If he uses the family car which is insured but he does not have car insurance, can he be liable in any accident situation? Please tell me yes, so I have a reason to refuse my car to him. Anything from if he is at fault or not at fault, injury, coverage, or settlements... Thanks""
Do you have health insurance?
if so, how much is it per month? how old are you? what kind of deducatbale do you have? feel free to answer also if you do not have insurance? also, do you support obamacare?""
How much would insurance for 2009 Ford Focus be? Estimate?
I'm wondering how much insurance would cost for the 2009 Ford Focus for a 17 year old girl be? I want to buy a 2009 Ford Focus when I turn 17 not this coming up January but next. Oh and prices of how much the car costs would be nice too. Thanks!
""Car accident, my fault, my insurance company not paying for one of the cars involved. what to do?""
I was involved in an accident involving 3 cars. It was my fault. I'm fully insured. My car and one of the other cars in the accident are being repaired with my insurance company. The third car involved, which is a taxi had little damage around the tires and was not towed on the scene of the accident. The cab driver is now claiming 1700, after repairing the car without talking to my insurance company and without his damage estimated. He is calling me and telling me that my insurance company is not answering his calls and they are not handling his claim. He is calling and telling me that he is going to sue me. What shall I do? At the scene of the accident I gave him my insurance card, should I get involved in this. Please advise me. I'm really worried.""
What is the best family hatchback between 1.4 and 1.8 with Auto transmition?
I have an Auto-only licence and currently drive a 1.4 corsa. However, I'm looking for a bigger car... I have 2 young kids and am looking for something up to a 1.8LTR. However, it has to be roomy enough for a family of four, economical on fuel and relatively cheap on insurance / tax. Any ideas?""
Afordable health insurance for a person diognotis hep-c?
helth care provder
Are there any Insurance companies in the Philippines that have Mortgage Protection Insurance?
Any companies that have this certain type of insurance directed to people paying off a house or a property?
Anyone know about AAA car insurance and there uninsured motorist policy in California?
My daughters agent also mine now says she needs to pay her deductible,. I used to have farmers when the same thing happened to me ( a uninsured unlicensed driver hit her).And my deductible was waived. When I looked over the policy it doesnt say anything about a deductible. Any help would be appreciated""
Best and cheapest car insurance in australia?
Can anyone tell me the cheapest and best most reliable comprehensive car insurance in australia i need to insure my car asap im thinking westpac or aiime
Why are Americans so opposed to universal health insurance?
Virtually every Western industrialized nation has it, even Canada, and they are not more bankrupted than the US because of it. It seems like getting in the way of progress for the local population, really. So, what are the arguments of the people opposed to this reform? Thank You.""
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alabama insurance law 2013
0 notes
Car and Insurance for Teen driver?
"Car and Insurance for Teen driver?
I'm 16, turning 17 this year living in Houston, TX I have had my license since August of 2009 and Insurance twice from August to November I think, and from January I believe, until now. I never had any accident, finished Driver's Ed., and have 3.6 GPA. I'm getting my own car now, and I'm looking for low price car with good reliability and low insurance cost. Which car and which insurance company would be the best for me? I'm looking for something cool, sporty. I can drive manual.
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://averageinsurancecosts.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Where can i get some good liability car insurance? ?
I wanto insure my vehicle i recently got so any ideas. Although iv had an at fault accident before help...
Dui and car insurance?
My record got explunged now that I am 18 in the state of California. Will my car insurance take me back?
How much do you pay for car insurance?
I know that you cant tell me exactly how much car insurance would cost for me so I am asking how much you pay for car insurance? If you are around 18 years old and drive and older car and have good grades how much do you pay per month for car insurance?
Pregnant with no insurance?
medical/medicare did not approve me. what other healthplans are there?
I was a passenger in a car accident. The car was not at fault. Will my insurance go up?
Also, just to know, assuming that the car I was in had been at fault, would MY insurance go up?. Again, I was not driving.""
Affordable insurance?
I want to start a new job They will offer me and my family a great insurance plan expense free The only catch is that it will not take affect for 6 months The present plan paid for by my employer will only last for 30 days once I leave this job Does anyone know of a basic affordable health insurance plan that i can purchase for 5 months Thank You
""Getting my first motorcycle, need some help picking one out with my current financial status?""
So, I'm 16, and getting a bike is basically a tradition in my family. My grandpa has been riding since he was 14, my deceased grandpa was in a biker gang called the Blue angels which was made entirely of cops, my step grandpa currently has a golden wing and has had 4-5 bikes before that. And my dad had one sport bike until he found it was inconvenient because of how tired he got after riding it [like he didn't expect it from a sport bike though, right?]. Anyways, I need help finding a bike I can afford. Seeing as it's my first bike, (and im only 16), I don't want to spend 15 grand on a bike that I'll probably end up laying down. I'm probably going to buy a used bike for under 2 grand. I'm not picky about the year and what company it was made by. But I'd prefer not to get a sport bike because of this insane insurance costs. And I'm not going to be leaving the state very often, so I don't need a touring bike. Summary; I'm leaning towards a Cruiser. And I'm not gonna be the Jack *** going 80 across the intersection while doing a wheelie, I enjoy life too much. And I've ridden a few dirt bikes before, so I have a bit of experience. Any help is appreciated for finding a bike model that I can get fairly cheap used. And I'd like something larger than 250cc, but I don't want a Ducati Monster engine... You know?""
Car insurance rates on honda civics?
I am a 18 year old female(I'll be 19 in a few weeks) living in Florida and just got my permit on December of 2011, and license July of 2012. I am going to the Honda dealership on October 1st with my dad to purchase my first car. We are not to sure if we are going to lease or finance, it all depends on the car rates and the deals they offer. I will be under my moms insurance through Geico. Because I am a first time driver and a girl i know it can be a little expensive. I know I can get discounts by having good grades which is good because I actually did have good grades in high school and currently attending a college. I just want to know estimates of how much I will be paying. Oh yeah, because I will be paying for my insurance. Not my mom nor my dad. I know it also depends on what type of car you have as well. It will be a white civic either 09 or 10. If anyone can help me out that would be great. I look forward to reading your answers. Thanks!""
Cheap Car Insurance For Young Adult?
I am 19. I just bought a car that needs to be plated. Its a 2002 Daewoo. (model name Lanos). I need to know the cheapest insurance I can put on the car. Ive never had any tickets or violations or trouble with the law. Ive never even been pulled over. I live in Indiana. Any suggestions please let me know. Also, I just moved to Lake Station from Elkhart. I guess you have to go through emissions to get plates but since its an 02 I dont believe I need to do it this year. However, I may plan on going back to Elkhart & thats where my lincence is from. Could I tell the BMV that and they plate it as Elkhart? & I wont even have to go through emissions?""
Will Getting a license in a different state lower car insurance?
If you originally have a drivers license in one state, and move to a different state and get a drivers license there, can it lower your car insurance. I've heard from some people that it can because when you apply for car insurance they won't see any tickets you may have had originally, but I've also heard that no matter what they can see your driving history.""
What is the cheapest insurance for beginning drivers in NC?
I'm about to turn 16 and get my license but I need proof of insurance before I can get it. What is the best insurance to get and how much will it cost?
Will your insurance rates go up if you hit a car but don't cause any damage (California)?
Someone rear ended me but no visible damage was done to my car. I'm going to report it to my insurance company but I most likely won't file a claim. Will the other person's rates go up even if I don't file a claim but only report the accident?
What is the cheapest car insurance if you have bad credit and low income?
What to do if you can't afford car insurance
Car insurance...?
I am thinking about buying a 1999 ford fiesta sometime. I have opted for a 5 door car rather than a 3 door car. I have heard of some people paying up to 3k per year for insurance. How much difference roughly in terms of  would having 5 doors make in stead of 3? And what would be the difference rouughly between insuring a car with a 1.8 diesel engine than something like a 1.4 diesel engine? I want to get a car when I have passed my driving test.
Is it mean to cancel the kids' health insurance?
I pay for all of the health insurance through my job, including his. I told hime that he has 15 days to some for himself and 30 days to get some for the children. He thinks that is a horrible mother because it would all cost me $300 a month but it will cost him $1200 per month. He make 260K per year. I make $70K He he moved out and got involved with someone else. Why should it be free to destroy your family? I really should have done this four months ago when he moved out.""
How do i report insurance fraud?
for the last year i have worked for one of sacramento's mortage realestate companys. during that time i have witnessed my boss committing hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of insurance fraud, filing false police reports , theft, vandalism . who do i report this to and is there a reward ?""
Affordable Motorcycle for college student?
I own a car already, and I'm thinking about getting a motorcycle as an option to take. What models are usually affordable for a 18 year old college student?""
How much does your car insurance cost?
How much does your car insurance cost?
Who will pay the medical and funereal fees?
My boyfriends son was killed by a man who ran a red light. His son was NO way at fault. The man has 15,000 coverage on his insurance (california) and that's it. Bare minimum, so now what is done with the 35,000 left for costs not paid by medical ins ect... I feel it would be so unfair for him to have to pay for the costs when his son has passed away, so not fair.""
Car insurance 17 year old?
I just passed my test afew days ago and have been looking at insurance. Most insurers won't give me a quote and if they do it's 19k. But i was looking into classic car insurance for a mini and got a quote from adrianflux for 3500 but i was i told i was to young for classic car insurance. I tryed a 1000cc yaris and they would not even quote me. I checked my details twice and there all right. I asked over the phone why there is such a change im price when they have the same size engine and he just said there cheaper to repair n that . and just so it's clear the minii quote was not classic car insurance. So any one know the logic behind this? + any other suggestions about insurance will help.
What is the difference between term insurance and whole life insurance?
What is the difference between term insurance and whole life insurance?
Purchasing insurance to cover maternity leave in California?
Is there any sort of insurance you can buy in California so you can get approximately your regular wages during your unpaid maternity leave? I've heard that state disability doesn't pay too much. And how long can you take off? Some women say they've gotten 3 months off but I don't know what I need to do to get that, and still have approximately my regular income coming in. I'm not pregnant yet, so I could buy something without having a pre-existing condition. Thanks!""
""By looking at these charts, can you understand why the U.S. needed health insurance reform?
How much is Progressive Auto Insurance for a 16 year old?
I turned 16 october 2 and I was wondering how much it is for me? My family has like the lowest one which is the liability. How much is it for me about? I havent got a car yet, but I have the money I just have to pick one out. It will probably wont be any younger than like 08. Also can I get my license with out have to pay insurance right away? I dont want to drive yet (I dont like driving). I am also a female.""
I have a question about insurance? Help please?
I just recently got my license, and I'm already listed under my mom's policy. (I'm going to be driving her car.) Anyway, the rate obviously went up because she added me to her policy. But they aren't going to charge her for it until next month. Even though I'm listed under the policy, would I have to wait until next month to drive? Because I haven't technically paid yet for my part of the insurance? Thank you!""
Car and Insurance for Teen driver?
I'm 16, turning 17 this year living in Houston, TX I have had my license since August of 2009 and Insurance twice from August to November I think, and from January I believe, until now. I never had any accident, finished Driver's Ed., and have 3.6 GPA. I'm getting my own car now, and I'm looking for low price car with good reliability and low insurance cost. Which car and which insurance company would be the best for me? I'm looking for something cool, sporty. I can drive manual.
Provisional insurance for young driver?
Looking to get insured on my mums car but my mums insurance company wont put me on her insurance,,,, could i get insured by a company such as provisional marmalade? Any other suggestions?""
With a driving permit in California ? Insurance ?
Can I drive my dad's car but with somebody else teaching me to drive. Do I need to be in the insurance policy ? How does that work?
What is the Performance break down for State Farm Insurance?
For example: The statements for Sun Lifes performance is broken down into both geographic and market segments. These segments are: Sun Life Canada, Sun Life US, MFS Investment Management, Sun Life Asia and Corporate insurance. I am unable to find this information about State farm online, any help would be much appreciated! thanks a lot.""
What is the average auto insurance cost for young drivers?
I know there are many variables, but I really want general monthly cost for young drivers please""
When will health insurance become affordable?
If the insurance companies and pharmaceuticals won't reign in costs, then we need to go to socialized medicine. It is ludicrous that insurance costs so much for individuals.""
What does insurance cover for a car accident?
one of my friends recently had an accident in his Honda city. The body was damaged. But the insurance company pointed to a line which says only 50% of cost of damage to 'rubber, nylon, plastic, tyres, tubes, batteries, airbags' and 30% of fibre glass..what else can get damaged in an accident? If the car is made of plastic and the glass with fibre glass, its basically saying we will pay only a max 50%? Does this exist everywhere or only in India? Can we take the insurance company to court?""
Whats the best practical car or van insurance wise for a banned driver?
I was banned from driving due to a dr10 conviction and rest assured i have heartedly learned my lesson from this experience. My question is im looking to get my life back on track and so was wondering if anyone would know whats the cheapest practical car or van insurance wise for say if i wanted to start a buisness or just best overall. When i say practical i mean at least something that could pull a trailer as i e been told a 1400cc would be inadequet. Im 22 with no no claims bonus so i know its gonna be hard but any info appreiciated. Please no lectures i know what i did was a stupid incident but i truly have learned from it.
Motorcycle accident - How much insurance money will I get?
I recently had an accident on my motorbike where a car did a U-turn in front of me and I went over the handlebars. I fractured my heel, broke a finger and tore the ligaments in my legs. I've been in pain since it happened and am only just getting well enough after 2 Months to walk without crutches. I have not had any sick pay as I work for agencies and have lost around 500 a week. This has almost caused me to lose my house. I want to know how much money I should expect to get as a payout? I'm not expecting to be back at work for a few weeks yet and I still have limited movement in my legs (I can't crouch down).""
Car insurance?
My husband and I are planning on getting a new car and we're looking through auto-trader.com and finding a lot of good cars but is there a website you can go to to calculate how much the insurance of each car to help us narrow our decision down?
Me and my wife wants to add our 16 year old to our insurance.?
If we tell them he does not have a license yet how much would it cost in Texas
What company does cheap insurance for learner drivers?
What company does cheap insurance for learner drivers?
Is it possible to get a national insurance number when you are under 16 years old?
I am applying for a job at a cafe, but the application form requires a national insurance number, I am 14 years old.""
What's the cheapest way of getting hire car insurance?
I don't really want to pay $25 a day for insurance excess reduction!!
What would you say is a cheap and decent car to purchase and insure? (Please see details)?
My dad and I are trading in another car, with the value of 3000, and as a result, we were looking at getting a car worth around 6000 (or less). He has had no claims for years, however, I have only recently passed my test. Has anyone been in this situation or a similar one? If so, what cars would you recommend purchasing. I'd really like a Mini convertible (as do most people), and so does my dad, but how much would you say the insurance would be. We're talking about 5 years no claims with my dad. I'd purely be a named driver. I did look at the Citreon C3 pluriel, because I was told it was really cheap to insure, but having to pull the sides off the car to make it into a convertible is a bit of a joke! Thanks for your time guys, hope you're having a nice night! x""
Insurance for modified car advice !!?
i want to buy a car that has full interior and exterior body work done to it, will this effecct the insurance ?? also the engine has had a 'ecu chip' and air filter added/changed so will this effect insurance in any way ?? and can i get replys from someone who knows what there on about no some random answer thanks""
How much did using my SSN to get a car insurance quote hurt my credit?
How much did using my SSN to get a car insurance quote hurt my credit?
I'm turning 16 this year and i was wondering about insurance prices on a few cars?
I recently found a 1994 misubishi 3000gt, and a 1997 pontiac trans am. Like i said I'm turning 16 this summer and I want to know what car is better on insurance for a kid like me? I would also like to know which would be better for the winters in Idaho? An estimate will be perfictly fine. Thank you very much.""
""Ok i dont have car insurance but i want to rent a car for a month, is there a car insurance for this situation
so i would just like to pay for the car insurance for a month. I was wondering though do I need car insurance when i rent a car.
How do we work with insurance companies in California?
We are a Southern California Drywall Company and would like to work with insurance companies. How do we get started?
Policy for 17 year old driving on traders insurance!?
Can a 17 year old drive an Audi a1 1.4 sport on traders insurance?
My car was rear-ended but I don't have car insurance?
Someone rear ended my car today. My insurance has been expired for a while now but I still called the insurance company and they filed a claim for me. When I mentioned that my insurance had expired, the lady who filed the claim said that the adjuster will call me on Monday and give me the details. Though the accident wasn't my fault, I am worried about not having insurance at the time. Also, nobody was injured in the accident but my back bumper had a very minor scratch. Was what I did wrong? And should I be worried about anything?""
Parents: 300cc motorcycle vs. 600cc motorcycle?
If you had a 17 year old son and he wanted a motorcycle would it make a difference to you if he started out on a low displacement motorcycle instead of a high displacement motorcycle or would you say no/yes either way.
Where can I get private health insurance?
I need health insurance, like I know many people do. I have cancer, but I guess that's not considered a disabilty because I was turned down. My job does not pay for medical. I know several married couples where they have two different insurance policies through each of their employers, and they get to pick and choose which one to use. I don't have a spouse. I know several people who are alcoholics who have an HMO through their retirement and they are in the hospital every other month, simply because they have over drank. They run to the doctor every two months for very trivial things/ I know of several who abuse the veterans hospital from runny noses to a simple headache, plus they are paid monthly for a disabilty they don't have. They just don't want to work. I think married couples should only be able to use one insurance policy, and these others should be only allowed to go to the doctor a few times a year. If they are an alcoholic send them to AA.""
Is it true when purchaseing a vehicle if the cost is under 7000 you dont have to have full coverage insurance?
i am in texas if any one can help let me know
Why is it so difficult for me to get health insurance?!?
Im 23 yrs old in Maryland and Im trying to buy my own health insurance for the first time. I havent been to the doctor in so long so Ive been having issues lately with my seasonal allergies. During this past year I went to an ENT specialist without insurance to get medication/prescription for a sinus infection and paid cash. The ENT specialist recommend I get sinus x-rays if the medication didnt clear up the problem. I am still having issues with it so I decided to apply for insurance so I could afford further treatment. However Ive applied to 2 places, both companies called me for an interview where they asked me a bunch of questions over the phone about any treatments I received or have been recommended to have. I have been declined twice with them saying get the recommended treatment done then reapply WHY??? OMFG I dont have a serious ongoing illness why are these people giving me such a hard time???? =( What do I do?? Thanks.""
Car and Insurance for Teen driver?
I'm 16, turning 17 this year living in Houston, TX I have had my license since August of 2009 and Insurance twice from August to November I think, and from January I believe, until now. I never had any accident, finished Driver's Ed., and have 3.6 GPA. I'm getting my own car now, and I'm looking for low price car with good reliability and low insurance cost. Which car and which insurance company would be the best for me? I'm looking for something cool, sporty. I can drive manual.
How much would insurance be on 96 tahoe?
i'm 19, and i'm about to get my licences. i always be eye balling this tahoe. how much would insurance be on it??""
""Florida Auto Insurance Quotes Online, are they really safe?
Florida residents do you really think entering all your valuable personal information online for an auto insurance quote is really the safe way to obtain auto insurance? A local personalized auto insurance agent who you can pick up the phone and call or stop by their office sounds so much safer and personal.
What car insurance companies do you recommend?
My vehicle was vandalized two weeks ago. I was not satisfied with the way my insurance company handled my case. I'm thinking about switching to another insurance company, any recomendations?""
What is the cheapest 50cc Moped / scooter insurance for a 16 year old ?
I have been look everywhere for cheap moped / scooter insurance and the cheapest I can see is 320 for third party only. I wanted third party fire and theft, but it doesn't look like I'll be able to afford that if third party is so expensive. The scooter I have is from Direct bikes. It's the sports DB50QT-11. I'm from Scotland and have no convictions. Answers really appreciated. Thanks :)""
Do car insurance rate drop when one turns 25?
If so, how much? I'll be 25 in 3 weeks.""
Insurance cost for jeep patriot?
I am currently thinking of buying a 2008 jeep patriot. I am worried if the unsurance cost for it would be high?
How much is the average price of veneer on your teeth ( average price)?
Only done to the front two teeth.
Farmes Car Insurance?
I had a accident on the freeway a girl hi tme from behind and she had farmers insurance are they good at fixing other peoples cars when their cutomers are at fault
How Much Is Car Insurance? Please Help?
Ok See im 16 and i have a 1990 Pontiac Firebird and I have a Junior License Year: 1990 Make: Pontiac Model: Firebird Trim: Engine: 6-Cylinder V-6 Trans: Auto Fuel: Gasoline Color: Black Interior: Grey Miles: 170000
How much for Health Insurance?
I am turning 18 in 4 months. I am most likely going to be moving back with my father. I am currently under my mother's health insurance but it's only for certain doctors and I will be living in a different state as her, so I will need to get my own health insurance. How much would it be for Health Insurance for me. I have diabetes so I need to get it. Any help is greatly appreciated, thanks.""
Car insurance do i have to tell them ??
am trying to fill in a form for a quote, i was involed in a crash which wasnt my fault, the other person admitted responsability, do i have to declare this as a claim ?? or do i not mention this, am trying to get a quote for this years car insurance Thanks""
Insurance for a cheap car?
Hi all, i am living in NYC which has notoriously high car insurance rates. I'm looking to purchase a second beater car to work on as a side hobby. This car would run anywhere from $500-$2000. Is there anyway to insure this car without it being $100/mo? Because those are the quotes i am currently getting for just liability insurance. Seems a bit ridiculous seeing how the cost of insurance would go over the value of the car in just a year or so.""
Cheap car insurance I mean cheap?
Just passed my test and found insurance is massive, I need some kinda voucher or something to get to insure my car. Any ideas. UK ONLY""
How much would motorcycle insurance be for me?
I am 16 years old and have had my driver's license for only a month. I want to get my motorcycle license. I live in California, so I have to take that CHP motorcycle safety course. I was looking at getting a Triumph Bonneville. One that is less than 15 years old but not newer than 5 years. Maybe like a 2001 or something. On craigslist they are going for about 3-4k for what I'm looking for. What would my insurance be about? Just a broad idea is okay and just say a price, not to go on some website to get a quote cuz I don't want a quote yet.""
Live in FL need to know were to get low car insurance rate for my daughters 2001 saturn sl1?
She is going to need comp and collision because she owes on the car she is 22 and has 1 speeding ticket cost per month now is approx 170.00 any help would be great she has progressive now
Is there a website for seeing what class of car you have for insurance to see how much it wil be.?
I know insurance have classes of cars based on a number. Like my old school might be a 7. but my Escalade might be a 20 or something. Please help.
""Cheap car insurance for a 17 year old, impossible?""
I need insurance for a job & i can't afford insurance.. So expensive atm, last year was about 1700 now its 4000 for 1L? What they playing at, anyone insured anyone recently with cheap car insurance at 17, i don't want to know why it is expensive thanks!""
Can you get a car without insurance?
b/c im getting a car without insurance
Can I drive my car with full insurance on a provisional licence?
I have bought full uk licence insurance on my car. I pay fully comp price's (500 a month), But, Im still on provisional licence.. Can I keep my full insurance and drive with my L plates on with a driver with a full UK licence who's held it over 3 years in with me still? They are also named drivers. Thanks!""
Car insurance question?
I have a 2000 Landrover, and right now I'm on my moms insurance policy and the car is in her name. I think its stupid that I have to pay insurance when the car isnt even in my name, but everytime I ask her to put it in my name she gives me some bull about it being like $200 to transfer titles and that it if its in my name ill have to get off her insurance. Is any of that true? And if so, how much does it cost to get your own policy? My insurance is 160 right now if that makes any difference. It's kinda high because I had a wreck about a year ago.""
Car Insurance for any Car in USA?
I am a Senior Indian Citizen of 73 with a US Green Card in Parker, Colorado. I have an international driving permit. Can I get a Car insurance for driving any car hired or private?""
""Where can I find affordable dental insurance, that I can use immediatleywith no waiting period???
Im in the State of VIRGINIA :)
Why is classic car insurance more?
For a teen I mean. I know these types of cars need special insurance companies but these special companies don't take 18 year old drivers. I'm currently parting out a 76 camaro with a tired 250 v6 so it's not fast in any ways. Though it is still called a sports coupe . so I was curious and got a quote and they quoted me $550 a month. strange thing is my friend drives an 04 rsx that's standard (the camaro is auto) and pays the same rate monthly under his parents. What are the factors that determine these rates? safety? engine size? the amount of damage they do? I had a 03 civic coupe (standard) briefly and was paying $260 a month under my parents insurance. According to the insurance company, all these cars are considered sports cars and therefore have higher rates however they would not tell me the reasons why and that is what I am here to ask.""
16 year old insurance drive sports car?
I have found a Toyota Corolla that I REALLY love! It's the perfect car for me, cheap, low miles, good mpg. My only concern is it's a sports version. It will be my first car, so I have NO insurance right now, and I am wondering if they will even insure me for this. My brother has a ford mustang Coupe, and he is under liability. But I'm wondering what my place would be if I got a Toyota Corolla. Will I be able to be insured or not? Thanks for reading!""
Insurance questions?
I have a 99' silverado LS 5.3 liter truck. It was hit in the parking lot by some fool at work and now all the body panels on the passenger side are dented. I took it to a dealer to get an estimate (since the guy has insurance) they quoted it at 7500 dollars worth of damage. I know that the truck doesn't actually book for much more than that. The truck still drives fine just that it is beat up on one side and the door won't open. I still owe about 3k on the truck. I have yet to get an adjuster to come look at it from state farm. Do you think the truck will be totalled? What are my options and how much will they sell the truck back for if it is a total? If it is a total what value will they go off of and how much should I expect for my truck which was in fair condition? Will the adjuster make a check out to me or will he send it to my bank or both? Any help with this from someone that has had a vehicle totalled by someone else would be greatly appreicated..I really don't know.
Car and Insurance for Teen driver?
I'm 16, turning 17 this year living in Houston, TX I have had my license since August of 2009 and Insurance twice from August to November I think, and from January I believe, until now. I never had any accident, finished Driver's Ed., and have 3.6 GPA. I'm getting my own car now, and I'm looking for low price car with good reliability and low insurance cost. Which car and which insurance company would be the best for me? I'm looking for something cool, sporty. I can drive manual.
Help understanding insurance card?
I have us family health plan and online I need to fill something out for school if not they will charge me for insurance when I already have it. What I need is Insurance company Policy number Group name Group number What is on my card: Member id number Group number Rx group number Copay. Can you help me match what I have to what I need
Medical insurance?
Im looking for medical insurance in connecticut that covers ivf treatments completely and consultation fees please help!! Thanksss :)
Car insurance quote?
I am a 17 year old boy in Texas I just bought a white 1999 Pontiac Grand Am GT 2 door Paid with Cash I've never had a ticket or anything on my record Does anyone know about how much my insurance will run?
Are insurance payments for turboed cars high?
I am 17 and I am going to get a car soon. I want to get a '95 Nissan 240sx with a sr20 swap from my dads friend. I know it seems like a lot of car for a 17 year old but I've driven turboed cars before and can handle the power, so please no rude comments. I really want this car but the only thing that concerns me is the insurance payments. Will they be really high because it is a turboed car? And because I'm only 17?""
What is the cheapest auto insurance for a 19 year old female?
I am soon going to buy a used Toyota Corolla and I live in North Carolina. I am just starting to get my driver's license and I was wondering what auto insurance is cheaper? Would it be cheaper if I was on my parents auto insurance?
Medical Insurance too expensive?
Currently I am paying $514.03, every WEEK to cover my family of four. Our employers do NOT cover a huge chunk of the costs. I am completely ignorant to this new Obamacare, but I am also starting to learn about it. The only thing I seen happen with Obamacare is yes my insurance got better and stronger (Open Network), but it also increased over $200 a week. I am not kidding it is about $2,064.00 a month. I can't afford to go to the Doctor and pay the Co-Pays because of my weekly payment!!!! It almost seems better for my husband to lose his job and we can collect welfare/medicaid! What is out there for us? Please don't tell me to shop around because I have and its very expensive. I can save $50 and some even increased over $100. Nothing in our medical history to cause expensive insurance either. What does Obamacare do for this situation? Who can I call to get some help?""
How much does car insurance cost if i wanna pay it every 6 months?
It would just be me on the insurance (Full Coverage).I also only want to lease cars.I feel it's better to pay insurance twice a year as oppose to paying for it every month.
How much does liability insurance cost? How much coverage do I need?
I am planning a day camp this august. I know I need to purchase liability insurance just in case, but how much do I need? There will be a maximum of 140 girls, 55 leaders, and 30 younger siblings (of leaders), (thats 225 people). The minumum would be roughly 50 girls, 25 leaders, and 10 siblings... I just need a guestimate as I am working on the budget and am trying to figure out how much to charge the attendees.Also, how much coverage do I need?""
19 Y/O searching for health insurance advice?
I am 19 years old, I will be starting college in late August/early Sept. as a full time student at comm. college. I am not employed and my mother supports me. unfortanatly, she ...show more""
""Im learning to drive, do i need insurance?""
I'm 17 and i'm learning to drive. If my parents take me out to teach me, will I need insurance? How does it work? And if i need it where can i get it cheap.""
Classic Car Insurance for Young Drivers?
Always been a fan of Old Minis. Always been in the family. Uncle has had various Mini projects. I've read so many different things about classic car insurance. I'm 17 Years old, recently passed. I've heard that you get get classic car insurance at this age for close to and under 1000. I may not be driving until i turn 18. Won't be driving much. Odd weekend's and to Sixth form a few late days when i can't get a lift off my parent. My Sixth form has it's own car park and the car will be parked on the drive. Just wondering how true the claims are of the cars being cheaper to insure. If so which companies should i go about contacting, and is it best via website or phoning them. Also i would be looking at any Mini, would prefer a 1275 GT. However realise this would cost more. Not bothered about having a Mini 850 or a normal Mini 1000, as i know the Special Eds will cost more.""
Cheapest car insurance for 17 year old?!?
I'm looking at car insurance and the cheapest i can find is around 2000, that's 166 a month and i can't afford that :/ I'm looking to get a renault clio, corsa or a ford KA, anyone know any really cheap car insurance places i can look at?! X""
Do you have to pay for insurance when you start a driving job?
A staffing agency is requiring me to pay a $150 refundable deductible before I start the job, does this sound legit?""
""24 wanting a first bike, 125cc to start with. How much for a cheap one with insurance?""
Wanting a motorbike, starting off slower though to get the hang of it before getting a bigger engine. Going to be using it for going around the dales on a weekend. Would 1000 pounds be enough for bike and insurance? Any models to look out for on my search too""
Would I get a good insurance price for a 1.8 liter car?
Me and my dad are talking about my first car and I was looking online and I see one that I liked but it's a 1.8 liter is it a good idea and if it does matter it's a mercedes ce 300 1995 also would it come under classic insurance
Does anyone know about kit cars and insuring them?
I am a younger driver and was told my insurance wouldnt be as much if I was to buy a kit car. Anybody know about this?
Is there a way to decrease my Car insurance coverage?
i recently just bought a 2004 jaguar x-type for 12,800 with warranty included.payments is 250 a month.but car insurance is 480 a month! is there something is there a way of avoiding paying that much pay that much in car insurance..im 21 and i would like to no if i really need my car to be fully covered or can i just put the car in under there coverage. Plus i don't have the best driving record.""
I'm a first-timer with cars and insurance?
I was trying to research car insurance and taxes but came up with no clear answer. My probem is that I am looking to see how much it would cost for me to buy a cheap car (preferably a Mini or a Beetle) and what the insurance would cost. Can anyone point me in the right direction? I'm trying to work out how much I have to earn this summer so I can own my first car.
How much will 1 point affect my car insurance???!?
I got a right turn violation about 8 months ago and i took traffic school so im assuming that my insurance won't penalize me. Now i got another ticket(stop sign violation), how much would you estimate the percentage of my insurance? I live in California btw and im 20 years old.""
What can I do when a cap on my tooth is breaking away and I cannot afford insurance and not enough money?
What can I do when a cap on my tooth is breaking away and I cannot afford insurance and not enough money?
""Recently hit by another driver, got estimate for his insurance company. Not sure I should repair for that cost""
My car is a 1994 Lexus ES300 with 125,000+ miles on it. I would say it is in good or fair condition, the leather seats are cracking badly and it has a few scrathes, etc. I'm just wandering if it is in my best interest to repair this car or for it to be totaled out. The estimate for repairs in $3500.00, which could always go up once repairs start for unseen damage. I'm just not sure the car is worth repairing for that amount considering its condition. The damage is to the drivers side rear panel which is now rubbing something when I turn either way or go over any kind of bump in the road. The estimate does not consider repair for that since that could not be seen by looking at the vehicle. They are also saying the paint can't be matched perfectly because of the fading caused by sun and weather over the years. With everything considered my resale value is not good. I did want to sale this car at some point and get newer car.""
Will my insurance premiums go up from this situation?
This is 2 weeks after the accident (today). After the guy talked to his insurance they said that they will cover his damages and my insurance won't be affected. This morning the guy I hit said he was still going to bring his car in for an estimate in case I still want to pay for the damages because he said he talked to an OPP officer and the officer told him that his insurance company will come after my insurance to have the damages paid for, resulting in higher insurance for me. Should I just tell him to go ahead with the repairs it and deal with my insurance when it happens....if it happen?""
Month to month insurance question?
I am about to sell a 2003 Chev Silverado that hasn't been driven, registered, inspected or insured in several years (I am in Texas, if that helps). I am getting everything up to date as far as inspection plus some repairs that need to be done before completing the sale, so I will need temporary insurance. I have been shopping for just the next month, and have even googled month to month insurance in Texas but keep coming up with insurance companies that only quote a full year. Since I don't currently drive or have any reason for auto insurance, I don't have the option of adding it to an existing policy for a month. I do have an active license so I am eligible to get insurance, but I don't want to pay a huge down payment on the premium and lose it once I cancel after I have handed the truck over in 2 weeks. Are there any companies or websites designed specifically for temporary or month to month insurance? What are the options?""
""If I am 27 and single, do I need to be paying for life insurance?
I have been paying for life insurance for a few years now and I am convinced that I shouldn't be. I do not have any children or plan on any in the next few years. My father says it is so I am locked into a premium. Does that really matter?
I was in an accident today and the other person left the scene, cops came and got all of my info... my car is REALLY banged up.... i have michigan no fualt insurance becuase that is all i can afford... a $500 deductible ..what does this mean? how much will my insurance company cover to get my car fixed? thanks""
Car and Insurance for Teen driver?
I'm 16, turning 17 this year living in Houston, TX I have had my license since August of 2009 and Insurance twice from August to November I think, and from January I believe, until now. I never had any accident, finished Driver's Ed., and have 3.6 GPA. I'm getting my own car now, and I'm looking for low price car with good reliability and low insurance cost. Which car and which insurance company would be the best for me? I'm looking for something cool, sporty. I can drive manual.
0 notes