#cause kai's a good honerary big brother and he hugs him and stuff
goldenavenger02 · 3 years
Maybe something regarding Lloyd right after he aged up? Congrats on 275 followers :0
the weight of the world is pulling me down
Because the made up stories of Fritz Donegan, although juvenile, was better than focusing on his future. Even paying more attention that his limbs were longer, his voice was deeper and none of his clothes fit him anymore was better than the cold hard truth at the forefront of his mind.
'You're going to fight dad sooner rather than later.'
'The time for the Green Ninja to face his destiny has grown nearer.'
He had been lying to himself when he tried to make peace with the change inside the comic book store, surrounded by dust and bones. He had been lying to the others when he said he was ready. He was starting to wish he hadn't denied the copy of Starfarer, if only just so he had the distraction from thoughts swirling in his head.
Because the made up stories of Fritz Donegan, although juvenile, was better than focusing on his future. Even paying more attention that his limbs were longer, his voice was deeper and none of his clothes fit him anymore was better than the cold hard truth at the forefront of his mind.
'You're going to fight dad sooner rather than later.'
"You know, I figured I'd find you out here," A voice broke through his thoughts, bringing him back to his location, sitting on the edge of the Bounty's railing, "can't sleep?"
Lloyd shook his head, still looking forward instead of at the presence behind him; he could already feel the tears forming in his eyes, and as soon as he made eye contact with anyone else, he wouldn't be able to keep them in.
He heard Kai walk forward and put his wrists against the railing before speaking. "I come out here a lot, when I still have adrenaline from fighting. Helps me relax a bit. Although, I don't usually sit on the railing when we're on top of a mountain."
Lloyd couldn't even fake a smile at the joking tone, even if it had a bit of truth to it. The lump in his throat made it impossible to respond and he was still trying to navigate his new, deeper, voice.
"You have every right to be upset about this, you know," Kai continued, "if I were in your shoes, I'd probably be blowing up the training course right now."
'No, you wouldn't,' Lloyd wanted to say, 'You would be angry, yes, but you'd run the blacksmith shop and raise Nya and lose all hope that your parents who abandoned you were alive.'
All he could do was let out a sob and squeeze his eyes shut, his hood clenched tightly in his hands.
He let Kai gently pull him down from the railing before pressing him against his shoulder, the warmth of the hug and a hand in his hair only making the tears come down tenfold.
His chest clenched tightly as he tried to get a full breath in, but it only came in gasps and shaky breaths. He wanted to voice everything that was going through his mind.
That his arms and legs were too long, that his voice was too deep and therefore wasn't his, that none of his clothes fit except for his gi, that he didn't even know where he was going to sleep. All that came out though, was something so simple, that Lloyd hadn't even been fully aware that he wanted to voice in the first place.
"I-I miss my d-dad."
As soon as the words escaped his lips, the tears came faster than before, with them came the shaking breaths and shallow breaths, all against Kai's shoulder.
"I know you do." Were the only words that Kai offered as a source of comfort, still holding him close to his chest.
Lloyd swallowed back the tears, trying to focus only on the heartbeat against his ear in order to try and calm himself down so the come down wasn't just as bad as the panic.
He managed to stabilize his breathing and stop the tears enough to pull away from Kai's shoulder, still being engulfed in a hug. His eyes stung, his face hurt, and his throat was way too raw which was not helped by the occasional hiccup that made his chest feel too tight.
He let the fire ninja wipe his tears away with his calloused, warm, hands before he was finally let go, the bite of the cold wind against his body making him shiver again.
"I'll talk to Sensei about getting you a bed and some new clothes tomorrow," Kai smiled softly as he wrapped his arm against Lloyd's shoulder, "but I've got a mat I can set up for tonight for myself, and some pajamas you can borrow."
"I don't wanna take your bed." Lloyd mumbled as he picked up his hood off of the deck.
"Lloyd, you have been through so much shit today," he was shocked that he had only been older for less than twenty four hours and Kai already felt comfortable swearing around him, "the least I can do is offer you some clothes and a place to sleep."
Lloyd didn't stop himself from wrapping his arms tightly around Kai in a wordless hug.
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