#cause my music tastes didnt fit either of my previous mains
nabaath-areng · 4 years
‣ URL music meme
RULES: spell out your URL with song titles and tag people to make it more fun!
(puts screenshot here cause looked empty otherwise lmfao)
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N - Nåden - Garmarna A - Army of Dreamers - Broder Daniel B - Beast of Blood - Malice Mizer A - AND AND - TORU MATSUMOTO A - Amon - Dir En Grey T - Titan Arum - Psysalia Psysalis Psyche H - Heaven - 9GOATS BLACK OUT
A - Additional cause for sorrow - deadman R - Redeemer - D’espairsRay E - Elephant in the room - The god and death stars N - Naraku - the GazettE G - Gilmore guilt more - THE NOVEMBERS
Tagged by: NO ONE Tagging: whoever wants to is tagged by me! Yes even you!!
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