#cause right now im mostly feeling like an invasive plant in the fandom :)
ivycorp · 1 year
Have you ever thought about taking fic commissions?
Plenty of apologies; this has taken me a while to address - mostly because it's a bit of a two-fold answer.
Have I ever thought about it - as a concept? I won't lie because I have - accidentally I had been mistaken as someone else and thus I had the brief moment of thinking on that matter before it was quickly cleared up ;)
Have I thought about it - as actually opening up the option to commission me for fics these days? Maybe, but I already feel like my writing takes forever, my schedule is a bit of a pain - if one does not mind a wait, though...
Plus, honestly, I doubt there would be much interest - that said, I'm opening a poll to see if there is, and I'll decide the next steps based on that ;)
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