#cause some people said he'd basicallly be a right winger american
cassyapper · 2 years
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anyway im going to bed now but here is my hall of fame for the responses to q11 from my kakyoin quiz. some honorable mentions that i didnt include solely because this hall of fame focuses on funnyism and not intellectualism were the two people who said “transfem lesbian”, the person who mentioned that kakyoin and jotaro would awkwardly date for a month after part 3 before deciding theyre better as friends, and the person who said part 4 kakyoin would be the worst best friend to jotaro of all time and he loves chucking anvils at him him and also josuke thinks kakyoin is so cool. god bless
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image id: multiple screenshots of various answers to the question “tell me a headcanon about the man the myth the legend himself” on op’s kakyoin quiz. the response are as follows:
1. nonbinary and uses any/all pronouns. polnareff is trying to talk about them, they interrupt him to say that now they’re using she/her, polnareff apologizes and tries to continue his sentence, she stops him again to say oops, now she’s using he/him, cycle continues with polnareff getting more and more apologetic and frantic
2. uhhhhh one of his fave pastime is watching snails crawl around in the grass . prefers land snails to aquatic snails bu enjoys the company of both :-)
3. this isnt a headcanon but i think he has the same energy as a foosball table in the basement of a distant relative. does that make sense
4. really talented at really weird things. like he just busts out the bagpipes one day and starts playing amazing grace on there
5. he loves throwing raisins directly at the foreheads of pigeons
6. i like to think his childhood is like the scene of goob from meet the robinsons
7. i like to think kakyoin and polnareff had a food eating contest at every town they stopped at and it was who could eat the weirdest looking food (polnareff didnt win very much)
8. slaps people with his cane
9. rip kakyoin you would’ve loved making miis of the crusaders and kicking their asses in wii tennis
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