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Facts and Causes of Autism
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Before we get into the details of causes of Autism, let us understand some facts that surround this disorder. Here are the some facts of children with autistic disorder. Autism Facts - According to the current estimate, every one child out of 59 births is said to have Autism. - Close to 85% autistic adults are unemployed. - It is most common among boys than among girls. - ASD is common among all groups, races of society. Causes Yes, as a parent of an autistic child, we want to know the causes of Autism. This is the random question asked to every doctor on hearing that their child is Autistic. Most of them think autism is caused by genetic and doctors say there are several other genes (that cause autism) which they are yet to locate. They are also caused due to environmental trigger. Environmental Factors
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Studies have shown that autism is also possible due to environmental factors. For instance; toxins and pollution around us could be a reason for a child to be autistic. These are research made in small towns based on the toxins released from industries across the belt of such towns. This has caused pollution that has resulted in the rise of autism cases. Vaccination & Mercury There is a belief that autism was the result of a vaccination named Thimerosal. This is because autism was diagnosed at the time when vaccination was given. However, as the research went much deeper, it was told there were no proof to show any relation between the two, vaccination and Autism. An amount of mercury is present in vaccination. However, studies show that high levels of Mercury could also cause autism in children. Hence, the belief that autism was caused due to Vaccination. The fact remains that usually a very small amount of mercury or thimerosal is present in vaccination and this does not cause autism. Mercury is emitted through industrial waste or by consuming plenty of fish (as mercury content is high in fish). As a result of these studies, pregnant women and their babies are tested for mercury content in their body system. This can ensure proper monitoring of the babies. Here is a list of other causes that has come to light due to deeper studies. - Autism could be caused due to underlying health issues. - Diseases such as congenital rubella, fragile X syndrome, metabolic imbalance also cause autism. Earlier, mothers were pointed for a child to be autistic; they were blamed for not dedicating enough time, love, care, and affection towards the child. In some cases the parents were blamed for bad parenting. Doctors thought an emotional trauma could also be one of the causes. However, as time paved way for more research these theories were proved wrong. There is no definite theory against why autism is caused. Doctors are yet to investigate on this factor to analyse the right cause that is relatable and also find a better cure for the Childs growth and support in the society. Read the full article
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