#cavillmas: day 14 theme: On Santa's Lap
Santa Claus is Coming to Town
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MERRY CAVILLMAS! This fic is for @cavillsthighs​ #cavillmas celebration. My prompt was for Day 14: “On Santa’s Lap” and this will have a spicy little follow up in a few more days! Enjoy!
word count: 1132, rating: PG-13, they get a little naughty and a little nice. warning: Santa!Sy, sexy talk
dividers by: @firefly-graphics​
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You bit your lip gently as you approached your husband with the Santa costume. “Oh Sy?” you sing song softly.
              He looks over his shoulder, “Yeah, Bug?”
“Remember how I said that it’d be fun if you dressed up as Santa this year for Leigh and Jamie after you did it for the fire station’s toy drive?”
              He stands up, “Not really?”
“Well, I got you your own costume…” you murmur softly, holding up the bag.
              “Bug, you’re serious?”
You nod, “Yes, Wyatt. They’re still young enough to believe and it’d be so cute for them to catch a glimpse of Santa and you were so good with the kids at the fire station. So convincing that your own kids didn’t recognize you and you made so many kids days, just by letting them sit on your lap.”
              He chuckles, “How did you feel about sharing?”
You grin, “I didn’t like it but it was for a good cause.”
              “Fine, but you know that I only did it because the other guy quit and I was a last resort.”
You shrug, “I know but I just think that it’d be really nice to do this while the kids still believe.”
              Sy huffs, “I already eat the cookies AND the carrots, why do I need a silly costume?”
You grin. “Because I’ve got a costume too, handsome and if Santa Claus comes tonight then he’ll also be cumming tonight. Mrs. Claus will make sure of it,” you promise with a wink.
              He groans, “Bug, you drive a hard bargain.”
You smirk, “I know, baby, but who knows how much longer we have to sprinkle this kind of magic in the kids lives, they are growing up so fast.”
              Sy runs a hand over his hand, “That’s true. Jamie is growing like a weed. Can’t believe he’s already in his big boy bed.”
You smile and kiss him, “I know, but he takes after his daddy.”
              He chases your lips when you pull away.
“Uh, uh, there’ll be more where that came from after you hold up your end of the bargain, Mr. Claus.”
              He groans, “You’re killing me.”
You laugh and peck his cheek, “It’ll be worth it I promise.”
              Midnight rolls around and you slip into your new set in the bathroom, wrapping your Christmas themed bathrobe around you before heading into the bedroom and biting your lip at the sight of your burly, ex military man bedecked in him red velvet and fur trimming.
              He looks up at you, “Don’t laugh, bug.”
“I’m not laughing, I promise. You look very handsome.”
              He groans, “You haven’t seen the worst part yet.” You hold your breathe as he reaches for the acrylic beard and straps it on his face, before tugging the hat on.
You can’t help the small giggle that bubbles out of your lips.
              He frowns, “Bug, you promised.”
“I know, I’m sorry. I couldn’t help it but I think it’s very sexy you are willing to do this for our babies.”
              He scratches at the fake beard, taking in your form in. “How sexy.”
You strut over to him, “Very, very sexy. So sexy, that I’ll give you a little sneak peak.” You wiggle the neckline of the robe apart so Sy can catch a glimpse of red fabric tied in a bow around your bosom.
              His eyes darking slightly, “Mrs. Syverson, you are gonna spoil me.”
You smirk, “Daddy, it’s Mrs. Claus tonight.”
              He bites his lip and then, stands up. “Alright, I’ll go get this is little farce over with and come back for my Christmas gift.”
“Good boy,” you murmur, tugging your robe closed once more.
              Sy grabs the bag of stocking stuffers you’d wrapped earlier during your yearly Love Actually rewatch and shoulder it.
“Wait!” you hiss, reaching towards the throw pillow on your bed. “You look too fit! Come here.”
              He sighs and walks over to you, sulking slightly. You undo the thick black faux leather belt at this waists and let his jacket fall open to reveal his slightly softer around the edges middle and allow yourself to ogle your very sexy husband for a moment before pressing the throw pillow against his abs and fixing his jacket once more.
“There! you look perfect.”
              He huffs, “Sure.”
You reach up and cup his snow white bearded cheeks, “You look amazing. Thank you for indulging me, thank you for doing this for the kids. I won the husband lottery.”
              His eyes soften, “I love you, Bug.”
You smile up at up, “I love you too, Sy. So much. More and more every day.”
              He presses a tickling kiss to your lips before he grabs the bag once more. “Gotta complete the mission.”
              He shoulders the bag once more and tiptoes down the stairs, you go down the hall and open the doors to kids room enough to play the sounds of bells before the thud of “Santa” landing on the roof. You hear Leigh gasp and her blankets rustle. You sneak back to your room and turn the lights off, sitting in front of the door you left cracked open to watch the kids. You hear the patter of Leigh’s little feet as she slips out of her room and into Jamie’s. Soon enough she reappears dragging a bleary eyed toddler behind her.
              “Come on, Jamie, I heard him!” she murmurs, in hushed excitement. She leads her brother to the decorated banister, where they kneel to watch “Santa” fill their stockings, munch the cookies and pocket the carrots for the “reindeer”.
              Jamie watches with big eyes and calls out “Santa” causing leigh to freeze. Sy plays along and looks up, winking at the kids before pointing to their beds. Leigh nods once, eyes round as she grabs Jamie.
              “We gotta get back in bed!” she orders, tugging her brother to his feet and pulling him down the hall. They both rush into their rooms, their doors slamming as if to prove that the are in bed once more. Sy gives his best “ho ho ho” before munching on the carrots and tiptoeing back up the stairs and into the bedroom.
              He closes the door gently behind him and clicks the lock before he tugs of the hat and beard. “So how I do, mama?”
You smile at him, “You were perfect.”
              He grins at you wickedly taking a seat in bedside chair, “Now Mrs. Claus, why don’t you come sit on Santa’s lap and tell me just how good you’ve been this year.
You giggle as he pats his thick thigh temptingly, “Only if I get his package for a present.”
              He grins, “I think that could be arranged.”
“Well then, ho, ho, ho. Mr. Claus,” You murmur, dropping your robe to reveal his treat.
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Taglist:  @angryschnauzer @avantgardium-leviosa @asylummara @angryburrito @brandycranby @beastlywritings @beck07990 @cavillsthighs@cavillsim @cavillsbestgal @cavillanche @cavilladdict @christhickevans @cynic-spirit @cruelfvkingsummer @connieisland @devterra @eldarwen333 @fuckoffbard @foodieforthoughts @feralrunaway @gearhead66 @geralt-of-baevia @hope-to-hell @henryobsessed @hail-horror-queen @hell1129-blog @inlovewithhisblueeyes  @persephone-is-here-omg @iloveyouyen @ketterdamclub @khadineberry @kmuir1 @killjoy-assbutt-1112 @luna-aestas @littlefreya @littlewrenofrivia @lawfulgranola @lookinsidemyhead @maizyistrash @mary-ann84 @mindingmyownbusiness @nuggsmum @natthebattygeologist @ohmygoodie @oh-for-fic-sake @oddsnendsfanfics @persephone-is-here-omg@poledancingdinos @palaiasaurus64 @quantumcheese @radaofrivia @salimahbicharara-comun @shadyskit @sillyrabbit81 @sif-the-tsunami @summersong69 @the-soot-sprite @thelastsock @trappedbetweentwo @trinitylovexox @viking-raider @winchestersister55 @winchwm @princesssterek @zealoushound​ @titty-teetee​
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