#ccShip : Vegeta x Tifa | badassbarmaid | Badass Saiyan Mates
cc-vegeta · 2 months
tag differences // with @badassbarmaid
Vegete x (Saiyan) Tifa - she is around Goku’s age ccShip : Vegeta x Tifa | badassbarmaid | Badass Saiyans ccShip : Vegeta x Tifa | badassbarmaid | Badass Saiyan Mates + enemies to lovers + (Future) Trunks is instead Bulma & Yamcha’s son + Tifa and (my) Goku @cc-dbz-skw are besties!
Vegeta & (Saiyan) Tifa – she is around Gohan’s age ccBond : Vegeta & Tifa | Saiyan Badasses | badassbarmaid ccBond : Vegete & Tifa | badassbarmaid | Badass Saiyans + teacher/student bond like Piccolo/Gohan + Tifa is shipped with (my) Gohan at @cc-gohan
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cc-vegeta · 2 months
First Impressions of (Saiyan) Tifa - [Saiyan Saga]
// with @badassbarmaid + referencing this
(Kid) Gohan: Wow! She’s so cool and strong, like Mister Piccolo and my dad!
(cc) Krillin: She’s cute! I better keep bringing my A game so I have a chance with her!
(cc) Piccolo: That explosive anger, it’s like Gohan’s. If we can use that to our advantage too, we’ll have a better chance to survive before Goku gets here.
(cc) Vegeta: What a waste, she would have been a fine mate. I suppose she will just have the honour of being killed by me, Nappa can deal with the rest.
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cc-vegeta · 2 months
Chance to Spare [Vegeta x Tifa, Saiyan Saga AU]
cc-vegeta “It would be a waste to kill such a strong woman like yourself, so I’m giving you a once in a lifetime offer. Surrender and join us, and you will be spared.”  // Saiyan Saga AU, while they are waiting for Goku
@badassbarmaid answered:
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Staring at the Saiyan, Tifa's eyes narrowed, her energy strong and crackling around her as her emotions rose.
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She had no idea who this was, and it was the first time she saw someone like her on this planet, beyond Goku. "I will never surrender to a tyrant," she spat, standing her ground.
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“Oh? A tyrant? Is that a new one, Nappa?” Prince Vegeta commented with a sneer then glanced towards his partner. He eyed Tifa curiously, though his expression showed disappointment. Oh well, he gave her a chance.
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“That’s too bad, well it would have been awkward anyway. I did blow up that city she was in, with all those pathetically weak humans!” Nappa added with a grin, delighting in the destruction he caused upon their arrival on Earth. “Speaking of, I’m bored Vegeta, so I’m gonna warm up before Kakarot gets here, that’s if he even shows up haha!”
“Fine, just don’t have too much fun, save some energy for Kakarot.” With Vegeta’s permission while they would wait for around two hours, Nappa flew off to probably destroy another city or two for sport.
“Goku is not the kind of person who would not show up like this, something must be making him late,” Piccolo thought. He could sense a similar potential like he saw with Gohan, power linked with their emotions. Having that extra person on their side, and as strong as she was, he would make sure she didn’t go after Nappa.
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“Don’t do anything stupid, we could use your help. Channel that anger of yours into our plan to take them down one by one. Krillin, you distract the big guy so I can grab his tail, then when I got him immobilised, you and Gohan both attack him with your full strength, do I make myself clear?” Piccolo told them, addressing Tifa.
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cc-vegeta · 2 months
(cc) Vegeta: I can’t believe them! Going on some ‘training trip’ without me! They’re more excited when they see each other than when they see me!
(cc) Krillin: -maybe since Vegeta’s such a grouch-
Well they are best friends, and you tend to train alone so…
(cc) Vegeta: So what? I am Tifa’s mate and Kakarot is my rival. they can't be each other's rivals! Damn it, they might as well fuck each other too since they’re training together so much already!
(cc) Krillin: Come on now, Goku is committed to Chi Chi as Tifa is to you. Just calm down a bit, have you tried, talking to them?
(cc) Vegeta: Why should I? I’m talking to you, aren’t I?
(cc) Krillin: You know I’m a policeman, not a therapist, right?
(cc) Vegeta: Is it not your job to assist the Earth’s inhabitants like myself?
(cc) Krillin: -probs took a lot for Vegeta to admit that-
Alright, I’ll go through my contacts and set you up with someone I know. alright? -ends up doing a course so he can be Vegeta’s therapist anyway, lmao-
// inspired by headcanons with @badassbarmaid
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cc-vegeta · 2 months
Vegeta x (Saiyan) Tifa - Headcanons
// with @badassbarmaid + first rough draft that we can change/RP details later!
Saiyan Saga
Tifa (24) won the world martial arts tournament after Goku, followed by Hercule (held while they were training for the Androids)
Nappa blows up East City, where Tifa’s bar was, also her family/friends who were visiting.
Tifa arrives to save Gohan from the Saibaman that attacks him (or later) then fights Nappa, being around Piccolo in power.
She later teams up with Krillin, Gohan and Piccolo, who get to know her while they wait for Goku.
Vegeta (knowing she’s a Saiyan or not) offers to spare Tifa’s life if she joins them.
When Piccolo sacrifices himself for Gohan, he also looks at Tifa in his dying moments, eyes asking her to protect Gohan in his place.
When Vegeta dodges the Spirit Bomb thrown by Krillin and it heads towards Gohan, Tifa deflects it towards Vegeta to land a direct hit.
Tifa can (instead of/with) Gohan, transform into a Great Ape with her tail (regrown)
Namek Saga
Tifa joins Bulma, Gohan and Krillin to Planet Namek, they all become good friends during the journey.
Tifa’s potential gets unlocked by Guru (after Krillin and Gohan), though it takes some time, becoming around as strong as Nail by the time Goku arrives.
Meanwhile Gohan, Krillin and Vegeta fight and are defeated by the Ginyu Force,
Goku defeats Recoome and Burter, Vegeta kills them as Tifa arrives to help.
Jeice brings back Captain Ginyu, and the 3 Saiyans seem to team up, until Vegeta leaves for his own goals
Worried about Vegeta going after Gohan/Krillin, Goku asks Tifa to follow them.
Goku gets body swapped by Ginyu but struggles against Gohan/Krillin when they fight.
Tifa who even with Jeice, manages to defeat him though was close to death from a sneak attack, Vegeta who had been watching secretly, finishes Jeice off and then puts Tifa in a rejuvenation chamber for her to recover and save her life.
Frieza Fight
While Vegeta takes a nap, Tifa helps carry the dragon balls and witnesses the Namekian dragon being summoned and wishes granted before Frieza arrives.
She teams up with Krillin, Gohan and Vegete fighting against Frieza's second form until Piccolo arrives.
Vegeta almost kills Tifa so she can become stronger (from Saiyan zenkai) after being healed by Dende
About to die from Frieza’s 4th/true form, Vegeta begs Tifa to save their Saiyan race, and relay his last words to Goku, seeing him arrive in his final moments.
“Freiza, he made me who I am. Don’t let him do it, to anyone else! Whatever it takes, he must be stopped, by a Saiyan!”
Goku after becoming a Super Saiyan, tells Tifa with Gohan to take Piccolo back to his ship and find Bulma, they are later all teleported to Earth from a wish.
Android Saga
Future Gohan (instead of Future Trunks) arrives to kill Frieza and King Cold before warning everyone about the Androids, prompting them to train for the next 3 years
Trunks is instead Bulma and Yamcha’s (human) son
in the first year, Tifa transforms into a Super Saiyan from a movie villain (Frieza’s brother Cooler) while Vegeta is out in space training
Tifa is about to take over for Goku (defeated by Android 19) when Vegeta arrives
Vegeta is shocked (and secretly proud) when Tifa transforms into a Super Saiyan to catch up to him while they look for Android 20 / Dr Gero’s lab
Vegeta refuses any help even when he is being outclassed by Android 18, and when Tifa and the others rush in to help, Android 17 steps in to defeat them.
Cell Saga
Vegeta trains with Tifa in the HBTC, both attaining power beyond a Super Saiyan
Vegeta fights Tifa so Cell can absorb 18 and reach his perfect form
after Vegeta is defeated by Perfect Cell, Tifa fights him but cannot match his new power
Gohan/Goku show/teach Tifa their way of Super Saiyan training in the HBTC
Tifa fights her own Cell Junior during the Cell Games
A revived Cell kills Tifa (in place of Future Trunks), causing Vegeta to snap and attack Cell in a rage. It is then that he truly admits and accepts his feelings for her.
(cc) Cell: “Your Tifa? Don’t be ridiculous, Prince. There is no room for love with all that pride of yours, I should know. I’ll do you a favour though, and send you right to her in the afterlife!”
Buu Saga
Vegeta and Tifa have a daughter named Sela (pun on celery) around Goten’s age
turned into Majin Vegeta by Babidi and forced to fight Tifa, Vegeta is brought back to his senses after seeing his daughter’s tears.
Vegeta (putting his pride aside) fights alongside Tifa against Kid Buu, but their teamwork is still not enough to finish Buu off, leading to the plan to use the Spirit Bomb.
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