meoproject · 6 days
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hey this isnt how you credit artists btw
official gen con twitter account with 40k followers btw
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hellcifrogs · 3 months
I need more Junko au, anything!!! Eventhing!!!
It can be silly, some doodle or wrtings,plans for the future, scrapped ideas, things you're not certain about
Specially I wanna know about the characters relationships with each other, maybe some ships 👀👀👀
Okay, so this got a bit long...
The Uchihas have been "massacred" in the AU as well, but only in theory (as well) the few remaining Uchihas are hiding or -literally- working for their lives. That's the case for Domin. He escaped, proved he could still be useful and changed his name. Everyone with awakened Uchiha blood had to change their names at some point to hide.
- Amie and Shiori (Shouta) are Uchihas on the run. Shiori's sister, Tsubasa, left the Hyuugas with him when he awakened the sharingan, and they both resent Yan li and Remei a little for staying.
The Hyuugas aren't much better either they hoard the best and most talented youths and discard the rest to other clans. Nolan is the exception, he was demoted from Uzumaki to Hyuuga after Junko arrived and took his place (the clan heads claimed her "rare" Uchiha blood was more worthy than Nolan's Hyuuga blood, when in truth they just wanted to keep a closer eye on her).
Viola knows how cruel the clans system can be, and hopes she can change something from within by becoming the heiress. Honoka wants to believe in her, but once Junko gets her sharingan she can't say she has much hope.
Diane found a way to get away from the Hyuuga clan without getting into any bigger disagreements, by getting a job in Suna. Even though things aren't that great over there, at least those aren't their problem. In Suna Aura and Yori are disputing the kazekage position. Their rivalry was bad enough but on top of that, Ten and Mika have recently been causing trouble in the region, taking sides, and overall causing a mess for the people, and the two need to sort that as well.
On the topic of different villages, Dei is another Uchiha who found safety and protection from Konoha's hunt in Iwa and offered them his loyalty instead. He got Nanako as a teammate and the two will have a small antagonist role in Junko and Viola's journey.
Also Junko manages to escape from Konoha. Both Honoka and Kyouharu are put under investigation. And Kyouharu! He's going to cause so. Much. Trouble to future Hokage Dante. Dante is gonna suffer to fix the system as it is, he's part Uzumaki and knows that helped him get the job in the first place. Suzuyasu knows that as well - just take it from there.
Irene has a crush on Kaito. I don't think they'll get together for now, but the idea is out there.
Aura and Eliete. They're just... always there for each other on the fun and the pain. They both sacrifice anything for the other. Eliete believes Aura when no one else will and Aura shows Eliete her (very very rare) vulnerable moments.
On the same note - Junko and Honoka. Bffs, love and trust each other so much.
Saito got himself a very fierce wife and they are the cutest opposites atract kind of couple!
Yuriko and Ten... they'd be a slow burn, enemies to lovers, tough "I don't need anyone" fighter and stricy "I'll take care of everyone" doctor trope.
Hm... there could be more, I haven't thought of many more too specifically, but there could surely be more ;)
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nkogneatho · 10 months
do whatever you want but please never trust manifestation tiktoks :)) they are monetizing their videos by brainwashing you and making you watch more often
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hella1975 · 1 month
ohmhy god saymari
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humblemediagenius · 3 months
for my birthday i should get a dropout.tv subscription ngl
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vadvis · 8 months
oh me? o_o heh...well, thats me in the corner :3
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kitttwilight · 2 years
my mom asked how to search for fanfiction on wattpad and i asked why and she was like "I'm looking for breaking bad fanfiction" HELP AHDJWIOEHB
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1800duckhotline · 2 years
posting art on 23456976054 different accounts because i am so so disorganized chaos misery
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sovawife · 2 years
HI WOULD ANYONE BE INTERESTED IN $30 SELFSHIP COMMISSIONS I REALIZED I SPENT WAY TOO MUCH FUCKING MONEY on cons and i need to like. i need like. i need to make it back so my parents dont KILL ME </3
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keycmsaccounting · 1 day
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jezterisms · 3 months
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WHAT ????? HUH?????
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i hate it here
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im terrible at animating things but its also fun to do- so uhhh..
also yes that is infact the R6 and R15 versions of my avatar next to eachother, why do you ask-
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aarthi-m · 1 year
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fivestxrmichelin · 1 year
wwait. sshe dddoes know i dddidnt ccheat on hher, rrright? it wwas hhanakos ddecision aand i tthohght tthat sssince it wwas hanako aand nnot me... i nnever tttalked to them even once...
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businesscatfelix · 2 years
hello folks
commissions open tomorrow
please be excited and hyped for it
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