#ccyy answers
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Here's the tweet where Miles said that, by the way. Would be hard-pressed to find the link to it now but I saved it cuz I was so delighted to see him say it.
Thanks for sending it my way!
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qhli1210 · 4 years
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I know Dashuai Sun for 27 years, he still does the SAME thing-at least, that's been MY experience! Beside he paints from his heart, he continues to do what he loves. This is part of his answer “I believe that even though an artist may paint many paintings over their lifetime, the body of work actually should be viewed as one large piece of art made up of many smaller pieces. It is similar to building a multi-faceted palace. Each brick or stone represents one piece of art and when you step back and look at the whole body of work you begin to see the palace that I see in my mind’s eye.” #time #passion #mindsetcoach #peaceandkids#mindsetmatters #motivationalwords #journey #BTS #thankyou #motivationiskey #instagood #crushyourgoals #happiness #dreambig#inspiration#successformular #inspirationalposts #success #passionate #resourceful #bestoftheday #Margaretsun #dashuaisun#travel #raphael#davinci#michelangelo #sharingherjourney#trafficsecrets#moms (at New York, New York) https://www.instagram.com/p/CCYi-PxJQNf/?igshid=qjajkm9exava
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thefreelancerider · 4 years
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“What’s your favorite picture you or Paige has ever taken?” - It has taken me a week, but after digging through nearly a decade of images I’ve finally landed on a photo to answer last week’s One Question Wednesday submitted by @jackson_knight5 - There was something about that first trip to Iceland... everything was so new, inspiration was everywhere, and most importantly we had a little bit of time for just the two of us. Since that first Icelandic adventure, there hasn’t been a day that we don’t think about going back... 🇮🇸 - - - #exploremore #adventureisoutthere #travelstoke #postthepeople #makeportraits #ladiesgoneglobal #wearetravelgirls #travelista #sheisnotlost #traveldeeper #littlestoriesofmylife #seekthesimplicity #darlingescapes #guardiantravelsnaps #optoutside #liveauthentic #portraitphotography #portrait #portrait_vision #dream #travelphotography #travelgram #travelawesome (at Iceland) https://www.instagram.com/p/CCYY-MQpMSV/?igshid=8o5q7ujt7hqq
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Was just thinking about Ruby in V9 (my most beloved girl) and how she’s So deep in her depression. But in specifics regarding the bees. When they have their flirt disarming moment and Weiss is like about time and Ruby is like for what?
In contrast to how Ruby reacted at the end of V6 when Yang and Blake told her about the Adam fight and how Ruby said she was glad Yang was there for her (or the reverse it’s been a hot minute) and how she smiled at Yang after she and Blake touched hands.
If Ruby had been in a better headspace I know she’d be so happy for her sister and one of her best friends. That contrast just came into my mind and it’s such a departure to how Ruby truly feels even with her pain that seeing it consume her…
Volume 9 was filler ppl are crazy that was a full meal even with the unfortunate episode cuts. I miss the girls so much I hope we get more news before the end for the year
V9 was just SO good, because that very much is how depression and stress can manifest. She should be so happy. She probably really wanted to be happy! But how could she be when Penny is gone, they only got a partial message out, Atlas and Mantel are gone, and now they're stuck in a fairy tale! She can't even do anything for Weiss who's also clearly going through it and the Jaune she knew was gone, and she's the leader and needs and answer, right?
Anyone who says that V9 was filler doesn't even know what filler is, let alone that episodes that don't advance the over all plot often add so much to the characters. I don't understand watching a show and not wanting to be able to take the time, slow down, and giving you reasons to care about the characters you're watching. Most people aren't gonna watch a show that's been going on for 10 years if they only exist to further the big plot and have no personality outside basic tropes. I know they have a shoe string budget, but I wish more shows could have "filler". If V9 is filler I really miss shows having it.
Here's hoping we can get some kind of news before the end of the year!
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Blake is clearly Japanese, and Yang is clearly chinese, so isn't giving them darker skin tones racist?
I'm going to answer this is good faith, and I will accept no follow up.
Blake being "clearly" Japanese, just no. Belladonna is Italian believe, and Kuo Kuana seems to have a lot more influence from the Pacific Islands. Even if she was Japanese, there are darker skinned Japanese people.
Yang isn't just Chinese. Even so, Chinese people can be darker skinned. I also find this ask suspect because a lot of people in the fandom make Blake darker skin (and people have been shitty about it since V1) . I've reblogged a lot of it. I've NEVER gotten anything like this in my inbox in my years running this blog until it's Yang too. Weird.
I have met with many fans of the show over the years, and it seems like many POC can see themselves as the characters and want that reflected in their skin too. It made a lot of sense to me that someone with textured hair could see Yang's protectiveness of hers as similar to their own experiences. RW/BY sure lacks protagonists with darker skin, and it's not racist to make fan art of them darker (what is this take from anyway, 2003???)
I believe it was Miles who responded to some harressment a black Blake cosplayer got years ago that Blake is Blake no matter the skin tone.
At the end of the day though, I am so very White and not the arbiter on what is or isn't racist. However, I'll always question the motives of anyone that raises a fuss over someone making cute art of characters with darker skin tones, more so in a show that lacks skin diversity.
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chittychittyyangyang · 3 months
If people want to hate on something, they will. It doesn't matter if it's been 11 years of a show or 61 years. I've seen people hate on Doctor Who for 19 years, and it never stops. They can't help themselves; they're so full of hate that it takes over their whole lives and doesn't let them enjoy things. My advice is to just ignore them. Let them shout into the void until there's nothing left. While we're over here loving and enjoying RWBY for what it is, shipping Bumbleby until our dying breaths and celebrating the fact that RWBY isn't over. We don't need to defend this show or argue about how amazing it is because the majority can see it for ourselves. And CRWBY know they have an amazing fandom supporting them. ❤️🤍💜💛 (Sorry if this comes across as negative in any way, that not what I intended)
Sorry if this was delayed, real life has been a bit of a mess!
But, yeah, this is still by far not the most toxic or long-standing fandom I have been in (thanks Dragon.Age) and it's why I made the choice when I made this blog to not talk much about things I don't like or anything over negative. I do admit to find it fascinating to some degree that people spend so much of their time hating something cause I can't even see what anyone gets out of it besides supposed moral superiority?
Loving RW.BY has changed my life for the better, and I feel happier when I focus on what I love. I really wish everyone would work towards a mindset to focus on what they enjoy and build others up vs shitting on a show for clout?
If even Arryn, who visibly got/gets so much negativity from fandoms still loves going to cons and meeting fans, I know that's gotta mean they do know how much we care. 💜
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chittychittyyangyang · 6 months
Since I don’t want to flood your inbox I shall bestow you here a million boops. So many boops you won’t know what to do with them. Boop boop :)
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Cat: I just need to cut her out and she can take me there
Yang with the inner rage of a thousand dragons stepping in the path to her sister: I cannot swear but know that in my soul I am. You’re not getting to Ruby
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Curiosity isn't the Cat's biggest flaw, it's thinking Yang (and WBJ) won't do everything in their power to keep them away from Ruby.
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Asked other people and I have my own answer but I’m curious about your opinion on this. We see Yang almost always try to cheer Blake up when she’s down and look her in the eyes whenever they talk. Is there something similar the Blake does for Yang?
Sorry this took me a while to respond to, I had a hard time figuring out how I wanted to answer. I ended up rambling anyway lol.
I'll give you the one they both do for each other, they adapt. You mentioned Yang looking Blake in the eyes when Blake said she needed that. Blake, who's humor is normally pretty damn dry and used to tease (usually Weiss) was telling puns and getting up in Yang's personal space. Because she figured if Yang was going to respond to her advances they'd need to be more direct, more Yang.
But the biggest thing I think she has done is to be there for Yang and to wait. It's about all she really could do since I think their biggest barrier has been Yang's self-doubt and what it means to have everyone you love leave you. If someone really loves you, they'd stay, right? And what if she was wrong and Blake didn't love her back, or did somehow think less of her because they don't always agree?
I really do think that being there for someone is greatly overlooked. And I mean truly being there for someone. Not just physically, but mentally being present in their lives. The whole team at some point during their childhood development either didn't have someone there emotionally and/or physically, and when you don't have the modeled for you it can be really had to know you need it or how to do it. Blake's primary way of showing love is truly being there for someone, cause when she's there, she's all in.
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There's so much in the confession I will never get over, but the absolute sincerity, love, and admiration Blake has for Yang. And Yang is just overwhelmed. I'd bet she's never really had someone look at her like that, with such love that there's no way she could ever doubt Blake's love for her.
Honestly for me the best thing about the bees is that we have seen them within their relationship adapt and grow so much. Relationships aren't usually so transactional that one person does X and the other does Y or any kind of 1 to 1. It's a lot about learning how best to talk to your partner, how to exist together, what drives them, how to move forward together, and challenging each other to be the best versions of themselves. They both see so much good and each other and genuinely love each other so much. They meet each other where they are and encourage each other to keep growing, and that's just a truly great relationship.
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chittychittyyangyang · 7 months
On god, if volume 10 never airs I will write that shit myself and your inbox will be my first stop. You've been a huge part of my enjoyment of something that makes me really happy and deliriously hyped. Whatever the future holds, what an inspiring story! What great stories we all get to continue to tell! See you there <3
Aww, thank you, anon! I'm so happy I've helped you enjoy your experience! I'll be so happy to hear what ideas you'd have! For now, I'm still holding hope RW/BY will find a home and the crew can finish what they started with their friend.
Stay inspired, and keep moving forward. 💜
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I haven’t even had a chance to watch the episode yet but based on the gifs, Weiss’s hug game is on point. Blake and Yang come up to Jaune like “friends :)” but Weiss is like “you’re getting the full fucking package buddy this is an S-tier hug”. When did she learn to do that. The technique
Curbing a bit from professorspork, I think Weiss learned her hugs from Yang and her time apart. The first time we see Weiss give anyone a huge hug was Yang in V5.
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chittychittyyangyang · 2 months
What’s your favorite RWBY crack ship? Neo x Neon is hilarious to me and I can’t make sense of it lol
You know, despite all evidence to the contrary, I'm really not much of a shipper as a whole, let alone crack ships. I asked this to my roommate too who's also into the show and we were even trying to think what I'd like. The best we could come up with is White/Knight, not that anyone else would label it a crack ship, but had you asked me before V9 if I ever thought it could or would happen I would have said it better not.
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Man, I didn’t know Japan and China were clearly defined societies found in Remnant. Crazy, right?
Sorry, I just find it funny when people force a certain race on RWBY characters. I’ve never understood the darker skinned Blake depictions myself, but I’m not gonna drag people over it. If anything, Blake having darker skin would make more sense since Menagerie seems to have a tropical climate.
Very few characters have one to one "hey this character is clearly supposed to be from x place in our world." Maria being a good example.
Truly, those people like that just wanna start shit, but I've been in this fandom for too damn long and I'm not gonna really listen to any "blackwashing" for a main cast where everyone has the same skin tone and are read as White.
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God look at Blake’s face as Ruby yells at her and Yang. Like just 1 volume ago she was confessing that she saw Ruby as a pillar of strength and now this is happening. She has no idea what to do. Weiss and Ruby were lashing out at each other for most of V1 and yang’s known Ruby her whole life but I don’t think Blake has ever seen her like this. She might not have even thought it was possible
I wanted to give this a bit of time, and it's really interesting to see not just Blake's reaction, but Weiss's. Neither really know what to do with Ruby having her anger directed at them. Both of them have a history of abuse, and I do think that plays in to their reactions and shrinking away, but they both seem more worried about Ruby than scared of her. Blake is probably so worried because she knows more than anyone how important it is to not just give up. I'm honestly not sure if they have all connected that it's not about leadership and what they can do as individuals, but that they do it as a team. The ability to lean on one another and support each other through the good time and the bad.
As for right now, what do you do with someone's anger when they've never expressed it before? How do you calm someone down when you are all so hurt and in a place where no one is right and no one is wrong (and honestly might not even want to hear anything kind about themselves). And said person can outrun the whole team.
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My one wish is that they'd update the colours of the girls along with their models. Wild how they're still that pale
BIG MOOD. If NOTHING else bring back the tinest bit of skin color Blake had in V4. White girl Weiss might snow blind us in Vacuo if she stays so pale.
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