#certainly did not expect him there FGDHSJ
lavenoon · 1 year
Warning: My brain will narrate dreams instead of showing me when music is playing. This got very long. sorry
Every covert mission. Every high state high security gathering and party. Every time there is intel to gather. He's there. A bright blue animatronic.
No matter how they go about it, no matter how many times they check the lists, he appears without fail and yet he doesn't exist. The Agency has been trying to track them for months now and yet it always seems he is one step ahead of them.
At gatherings for targets of shady businesses he is always there and yet no agent can get close. He always seems to just be out of reach, never interacting with the agents; dismissing himself from a group before an agent can get close to him.
The only times he's not seen at events the Agency 'attends', there ends up being nothing to collect or gather. These events always end up being busts, sometimes these events end badly.
Agents have started considering it to be a bad omen when he doesn't appear.
Undercover missions aren't the only ones being affected. Stealth and infiltration missions to steal information have their own mystery target.
Stakeout Agents will spend days to weeks planning on how to create a distraction, disable a security system, find some way into their target's location only for the perfect opportunity to present itself to them time and time again.
Sudden blackouts, guard schedule changes, false alarm security alerts calling for guard backup leaving high guarded rooms empty.
All thought to be coincidence, until an agent hacks into a target's computer to find a strange program running. A program that starts appearing on more and more missions that agents hadn't noticed before then. A game of Snake.
At a glance, it simply looks like someone left a game running. It isn't until you look closer that you realize the game is playing itself with the snake getting shorter, not longer. The score appears to count down with each passing second instead of raising.
The poor agent to see the score hit zero had realized too late what it was.
The building's lights and systems that had been previously shut down had been restored. The "game" deleting itself with the reboot erasing any proof of its existence. The score had been a timer, and the agent was out of time.
Missions after that, agents kept an eye out for any devices that were stilled powered on despite these 'blackouts'. Didn't matter what the device was, a computer, a tablet, a digital clock or watch. It was there. A game of snake counting down.
Agents learned to not stick around for the end of these countdowns, getting out as soon as possible knowing what will happen if they don't.
Months pass with no luck catching their mystery animatronic or mystery hacker. No knowledge of what they could want every found.
It isn't until a field Agent reports a high priority target they've been tracking, who had gone into hiding awhile back, has been found knocked out next to a mysterious crate.
The crate was filled with files of many of their targets that they never could quite catch; pictures, reports, evidence that would let them catch these people all inside the crate.
However, that is not what caught their eye. What had caught their eye was a simple card on top. The card said:
We all pretend to be the heroes on the good side, but what if we're the villains on the other
and just below the phrase, signed in bright Neon Blue letters:
Viper : )
The dream ended there. It was such a trip having this narrated inside my own head while sleeping but was really fun. Makes me wish i knew how to write stories; this would have been so fun to continue.
Anyway, I hope you have a wonderful day/night dear, Take Care!
: )
Okay okay I finally have time to give this the attention it deserves - and ooooooohhhhhhhhh!!!!
I'm vibrating in my seat - do I spy (hehe) an animatronic agentsona? I am LOOKING so very very intently at that ooohhhh that's so cool. AND OFC IT'S SNAKE OH MY GOD snake as timer is so so cool I love that I am. Ohh mischievous chaotic guardian angel, I love love love that!! Can't wait for the Viper to join the agency hehehe <3
Also also hell yeah grey morality!! The Agency is definitely shady and mingling amongst people acting in kind, I love that reminder as a little greeting card!!
(Also wdym you wish you knew how to write stories - you wrote this down, too, it came from your brain! Write that continuation, if it's not up to your own standards, remember that without you, it wouldn't be there at all! <3)
Been having a really nice day so far! Got paperwork done, took a walk, found a rock, and am now back home and cozy, writing some and answering asks! Hope the day has been kind to you too, you take care too! Food, water, rest, stretch - self care check! <3
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