#cevio fee
mimiso-soup · 5 months
i need you all to see my vision from a few months ago
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nine-aetharia · 2 years
Hi I've been meaning to ask, synthv/vsynth is like vocaloid roght?
Yes, it is! But Vsynth and Synth V are two different things.
If you're familiar with Vocaloid, then Synthesizer V (sometimes shortened to Synth V or SVS) is software similar to that. You input notes and lyrics and tune everything so the little robot singer sings.
Vsynth (short for virtual synthesizer or vocal synthesizer) is the catch-all term for these types of software, and the vsynth community uses it to refer to these programs, because there's a lot of them! Since the rise and popularity of Vocaloid, there's been a lot of competitors that have popped up in recent years, and they're all from different companies, so we can't refer to all of them as just Vocaloid (just like how we can't refer to every vsinger out there as Hatsune Miku - also fun fact! Miku hasn't been a Vocaloid in YEARS PIAPRO TOOK HER)
Here's a crash course:
VOCALOID is a vocal synth software by YAMAHA. It's the most popular one out there but sadly, it's fallen behind lately. It's not the thing that sings, it's the thing that makes the little singbots sing. It's the engine. Most of Vocaloid's voicebanks are provided by other companies - Hatsune Miku, Kagamine Rin and Len, and Megurine Luka are from Crypton (and they yoinked them back); Kaito and Meiko are native from Yamaha, Gumi is from Internet Co, etc, etc. You get it. The old versions of Vocaloid have been discontinued and are stupid hard to find. Their latest release is V6.
PIAPRO STUDIO is the engine Miku and the other Cryptonloids are now on.
CEVIO is another vsynth software out there. If you remember IA (you know, Miss KagePro herself?), she was pulled out of Vocaloid and moved to Cevio, and her sister ONE was released there too. CEVIO has come a long way since the IA days. We got shit like ROSE and POPY now.
ACE STUDIO is also another vsynth engine. I've never used it myself, but I know people who have. IIRC they're planning to use a subscription model (most software including Vocaloid are one-time purchases - you get the engine and the vb separately but you only have to get them once), so you get the engine and the voices but you pay a monthly fee. The English UI is still in development but there are community-made guides out there for those who want to use it. It's still in beta I think so you can test it out. It is SO GOOD.
And then there's SYNTHESIZER V STUDIO (which I personally, along with most of the community, think is THEE leading vsynth program currently). You still have to get the engine and vbs separately for this one but there's a Synth V Basic which is free (it just doesn't have a couple of features like crosslang, scripts, etc). Vocaloid Xingchen (Stardust) was moved here, and LORD. Listen to her
Synth V also has the most English vbs amongst all modern vsynths, I think, and the Pro version has crosslang so the vbs can sing in English, Chinese, Japanese (or another language if you get a dictionary - the community has made a lot of them and they've got them up on github). And they all sound FANTASTIC
(looks at smudged writing on hand) emvoice...
Anyway, isn't it funky how far we've come since the first Vsynth sang Bicycle Built For Two?! :D
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xroboticschickx · 3 years
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1. SFW
2. OCs
3. Vocaloid, UTAU, CEVIO, Synth V, Nijisanji, and Hololive/Holostars Fanart 
4. Other Fanart
5. Icons
6. Aircrafts/Aircraft Engines
7. Fluff/OTP Ships
8. LGBTQ+ 
9. Yandere with Minor Gore
10. Minor Gore
2. R-18+
3. Nudes
4. Hardcore Gore
5. Complex Backgrounds
6. Animals
1. I will only accept PayPal. My PayPal is https://paypal.me/mccoyakg?locale.x=en_US 
2. Can either be payed in full or payed in two installments
3. If you pick the two installment route, half of the price of your commission is payed up front while the other half is payed when the drawing has been completed. You will not receive the drawing until the second installment is payed.
4. I have 10 slots open. It’s first come first served, but once those slots are taken up, you’ll be put onto a waiting list and I’ll contact you when a slot opens up.
1. Two or more people/Character group art = 50% of the original price per extra character
2. Magic/Flames/Weapons = $6 each
3. Rush Order/Same Day Fee = $15
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chulacabra · 4 years
i am 100% interested in hearing you babble endlessly about vocaloids
I think as of the announcement of Akane and Aoi being released for SynthV instead of Vocaloid, Vocaloid as a software is officially dead.
There’s 5 notable music vocal synth softwares out there atm, being Vocaloid, UTAU, CeVio, SynthV, and NEUTRINO, released in that order. There’s also Piapro Studio which is made by Crypton and is still in production. Vocaloid has released multiple editions over time, usually about 3-4 years apart. Where they went wrong is Vocaloid 5, which they released too soon to have any particularly notable new features in it. 
I’m also suspicious that YAMAHA also might have raised licensing fees???? Potentially. Because there already were some transfers before this. The big things to note with this is a couple years back IA, one of the most popular voicebanks, was transfered to CeVio instead of receiving a Vocaloid update. Probably a good move tbh, CeVio IA sounds great. 
Not too long ago Crypton announced that Miku would no longer be a Vocaloid and that they’d instead be developing their own software and porting all the Crypton Vocaloids (Miku, Rin, Len, Luka, Kaito, Meiko) to that. That’s a pretty big deal since they’re the most popular.
AH-Soft, another one of the big Vocaloid devs, released one of their voiceroids, Tohoku Kiritan, for the NEUTRINO software rather than Vocaloid. She’s done INCREDIBLY well there are SO many covers. OwataP loves her. And like literally yesterday, AH-Soft announced their voiceroids Akane and Aoi to be released for the SynthV system. I think I can take that as a confirmation that they’re no longer working with the Vocaloid system?
So that’s 2/3 of the bigger voicebank devs that have moved elsewhere, along with IA and the company who made Stardust and a bunch of other Chinese voicebanks. The only one of the big three that hasn’t announced plans afaik is Internet Co?
There hasn’t been a new Vocaloid released in over a year and that’s like. Unheard of.
Anyway Vocaloid is dead.
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pearlstarlight5 · 2 years
I'm putting some of my vocal synth ramblings on Tumblr because here, I'm truly unhinged
So to start, I'm a huge fan of Fee-Chan unironically. Her design is cute, I like her voice, and she's fun to write. I characterize her as a soft-spoken geek and a covert pervert. Somewhere in all her science books has her embarrassing porn stash. Just ask poor Momo! Also like the official my version is 18. Basically, think her original characterization except she's y'know, legal.
I even think about buying her Talk Voice except I don't speak Japanese (I understand some words and phrases, can read Hiragana and read and understand Katakana, and do not understand how to read Kanji. Overall, while vocal synths have helped me greatly improve my little Japanese as retained from high school, I'm still far from fluent). I wonder how she would sound in Utau, but that would be null if Fee Song becomes a thing. Although, maybe CeVIO AI Talk wouldn't be the worst purchase per se since then I could get Maki Talk English too.
Plz U-Stella, I would buy Fee Song Day 1!
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