hockeylvr59 · 18 days
Erik Gudbranson made me sob with his stories during the CBJ vigil…
How Johnny would walk in exactly on time not a minute earlier and would be out the door before gudbranson even had both his skates off because being with his family was most important. How maybe Johnny had it right all along.
How gudbranson would pick him up and bear hug him until Johnny said he loves him and that it would take a long time and how gudbranson now knows it was because Johnny loved the hug.
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chickenfreeblog · 4 years
if any other weeks act like this week i’m gonna pick them up like a little cookie ans then stuff them in milk until they become cookie pudding. do NOT think i won’t
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sonikaimaging · 4 years
JUST DROPPED | DirtRoadOfficial - Decisions (COMP x C Flames x Kojo x DirtRoad)
"Decisions" is the name of COMP, C Flames, Kojo, and DirtRoad's brand new video just released for the first single off their collaborative album, "4". The visual for the track, which was mixed and mastered by Tony Krav at The Goldroom Studio in Baltimore, was shot and edited by TKTVisuals. Check it out.
#Decisions #Comp #CFlames #Kojo #DirtRoad #TKTVisuals #TonyKrav #hiphop #rap #indiemusic #indievideos #indieartists #Baltimore #DMV #AllAboutTheMusic
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lalaramera-blog · 12 years
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hockeylvr59 · 10 months
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11.25.23 via avs twitter
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hockeylvr59 · 1 year
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hockeylvr59 · 3 years
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Media day 2 // 9.17.21 via sportsnet insta
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hockeylvr59 · 3 years
Wedding Dress || Matthew Tkachuk
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Requested: [ ] yes [x] no 
Author’s Note: This was completely inspired by the song Wedding Dress by Levi Hummon because it just screamed Matty to me. I have another song in mind for a follow up, let me know if that’s something you’d be interested in. 
Warnings: mentions of legal drinking
Word Count: 1,134
Everyone that knew Matthew Tkachuk knew that he was a goner for her from the moment they met. And though he tried to deny it - at least at first - that everyone included him. 
But what wasn’t there to be a goner for? She was smart, funny, beautiful, and his entire family loved her. They had met her first after all, given that she was a graduate assistant for Taryn’s field hockey team at UVA. 
Matthew could still remember the day he first met her, standing outside the visitor’s locker room in D.C. next to his sister. She was wearing one of the many Flames shirts that Taryn had acquired over the past few years and was laughing at something his sister had said. The way she smiled made it impossible for him not to mirror her expression involuntarily even if they had lost the game to the Capitals in overtime. 
His sister had introduced them and explained that the beautiful woman in front of him had offered to be her ride since she didn’t have a car at school. Well, Taryn didn’t phrase it quite like that but that was the gist that Matthew had gotten out of it. He’d later learned the role that she played in his sister’s life but even without that knowledge he was grateful that Taryn had such a great support system at school including having someone willing to drive her up to D.C. mid-week just to watch him play. 
Before long, she had been added to their family group chat, helping to arrange for Chantal and Keith to attend a tournament Tayrn was playing. Even after the tournament, she remained, providing Matthew with updates about her life and who she was as a person: witty, able to give it just as good as she got it, and never afraid to call him and Brady out on their shit. Matthew was growing more and more infatuated everyday. 
By the time summer arrived, Matthew was already head over heels and he’d only met her once. Learning that she was going to spend the summer with them nearly knocked him off his axis and the first few weeks were honestly a little embarrassing for him. She was just...so perfect... and Matthew didn’t know how to act around her. Brady teased him endlessly once he’d realized and Taryn had threatened him to back the fuck off because this was one of her mentors and friends. 
Matthew of course didn’t listen. Well...he’d tried, but failed miserably the first time they took the boat out on the lake and he saw her in nothing but a semi-skimpy bathing suit laughing and drinking with his mom. He’d been unable to bite back a flirty comment and when she returned her own he was sunk. Matthew wasn’t present for the ensuing conversation with Taryn but clearly the girls had reached an accord of some sort with a promise that she could handle Taryn’s older brother. 
Since then, they’d been together. Through the highs of a party and relaxation filled summer and the lows of a long distance relationship once September hit and Matthew had returned to Calgary while the women he loved went back to Virginia. It hadn’t been easy but they had made it through that first year and Matthew was by her side as she graduated with her masters degree. It was at that point that people...namely Chantal and Matthew’s grandmother...started asking if there would be wedding bells anytime in the near future. But they’d talked it over and agreed to wait. Even though she was planning to come to Calgary in the fall, neither saw any reason to rush that step of their lives. They were more than content with where they were, moving in together was going to be a big enough step already. Matthew recalled that she’d told him repeatedly that she didn’t need a ring on her finger to know that he loves her and that marriage could wait until they were both truly ready for it. 
Yet, now...just a few months later...Matthew was questioning that decision. Letting her tug him to the dance floor at Mitch Marner’s wedding he couldn’t help but think about how much he loves her as she rested her head against his chest, slowly swaying to the beat the band played. Across the room Steph, Mitch’s bride, was mingling with the guests. Matthew wasn’t stupid, he knew Steph looked gorgeous today as the bride certainly should, but when his eyes fell back on the woman in his arms his mind drifted away. 
She’d be the most stunning bride the world has ever seen. Maybe it was just the champagne starting to go straight to his head but for the first time he couldn’t help but wonder how she’d respond if he proposed. Would she even say yes? He knew that he was far from perfect, that she was leaps and bounds outside of his league, but he was pretty sure that she loves him as much as he loves her. 
They said they were going to wait, but the way she’d cried during the vows made him wonder now if that was something she wanted for herself. Did she really want to wait? Or did she want to be the one to catch the white bouquet that Steph had left waiting at the couple’s table to throw later in the evening. It was a silly superstition that whoever caught it was going to be the next to get married but suddenly Matthew didn’t even care, he wanted her to be the one to catch it so that he could made that stupid wives tale true. 
Spinning her around, Matthew watched the fabric of her dress swirl around her knees and after a moment he pulled her back against his chest kissing her deeply. His eyes sought out hers and he slid his hand around her lower back smiling softly down at her. 
They’d only been together for a little over a year, but Matthew knew that she was the one. Aside from the Stanley Cup, there was only one thing he wanted in life and he was now determined to make it happen. 
He wanted to see her in a wedding dress. To make the most perfect woman he’d ever met his wife. Now obviously wasn’t the time, but as soon as he got a ring...asked her father’s permission...he was going to get down on one knee. 
Until then, he was just going to fantasize about the way she’d look in not just any wedding dress, but her wedding dress. He already knew she was going to blow him away and that he’d be even more in love with her then, then he is now. 
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hockeylvr59 · 3 years
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hockeylvr59 · 4 years
More than Morning Sickness || Matthew Tkachuk
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Requested: [x] yes [ ] no
Yoooo I love your writing! Can I request a Matthew Tkachuk imagine where the reader is pregnant but she has severe morning sickness and Matty has Chantal and Taryn come and stay with her while she’s on the road so she doesn’t have to be alone because he wants so bad to stay and help her through it even though he knows he can’t 💕💕 I love your writing omg
Authors Note: So I had an idea for a twist on this request kind of based on current events so after running it by the requester I went ahead and made the changes to write it the way I wanted to. Enjoy!
Warnings: none?
Word Count: 1,670
Nausea. Vomiting. Headaches. Fatigue. 
You’d been staying with your boyfriend Matt and his family in quarantine for about two and a half months when those symptoms hit you like a truck, coming completely out of nowhere. You’d gone from messing around with Matt’s family in whatever sport they were attempting to barely being able to get out of bed. 
For a couple of days you were able to play them off as a minor bug or your body’s disagreement with something you had eaten. But when they didn’t go away, Matt’s family started asking questions. 
Taryn and Brady both suggested that Matt take you to the doctor. Keith didn’t seem to know what to suggest. Matt’s mom Chantal, however, disappeared to the store before returning with a bag full of items. As she pulled the items from the bag, gradually the eyes of her family grew wider. Saltine crackers, Gatorade, B6 vitamins, prenatal vitamins, and finally a pack of pregnancy tests. 
“Bro...you knocked her up!” Brady exclaimed. 
Keith mumbled something about quarantine babies under his breath while Matt just stood in the kitchen looking completely shell-shocked. 
When you stirred from your nap, you saw Matt sitting on the edge of the bed, his head in his hands. The moment he realized you were awake though, he shifted, leaning in to press a kiss to your forehead. 
“How are you feeling?” He questioned softly, fingers gently pushing away strands of hair that had fallen in your face. 
“Little less tired.” You murmured. “Still have a bit of a headache and feel like I’m going to puke.” As always, Matt’s face was filled with worry, but you’d learned that lying to him did more harm than good. 
“Mom thinks you’re pregnant,” Matt whispered, moving to lay down beside you. “And she’s probably right.” He added. This time it was you that was shell-shocked, your stomach twisting as you thought about it. You and Matt certainly hadn’t been practicing abstinence...and there was that time out on the lakehouse dock where you had gotten a little careless. 
Matt pulled you from your thoughts with a gentle kiss to your lips and when he pulled back he sighed. 
“She bought a couple of tests, think we should maybe take them?” His fingers rubbed the skin of your hip gently, helping you remain somewhat grounded. 
“Yeah...okay.” You agreed. 
Five minutes later, Matt was holding your hair back while you once again vomited, the sound of your phone timer going off on the counter. After a moment, Matt stood and the sound of the faucet ran for about 30 seconds. Even still, you heard the clatter of plastic against the counter as Matt checked the tests and silenced your phone. Kneeling back beside you, Matt draped a cool rag over the back of your neck and his hand fell to your lower back. 
“This is all my fault,” He mumbled, words of apology spilling from his lips. You didn’t even need to hear the word ‘positive’ to tell you that was exactly what the tests had read. Resting your head on your arm you attempted to send Matt as much of a smile as you could. 
“Last I checked it takes two to tango Matty.” You admitted. “So unless you plan on up and leaving me you have nothing to be sorry for.” Matt didn’t pick up on your weak attempt at a joke and instead cursed, promising that he wasn’t going anywhere. 
Though Matt’s family ribbed the two of you hard for conceiving a quarantine baby, they were all super supportive, willing to get you whatever it was that you needed. While the vitamins Chantal had bought helped a little with the fatigue, they really didn’t do much to stop the constant nausea and vomiting. 
Two weeks after finding out you were pregnant, you were being diagnosed with hyperemesis gravidarum. The same day you got this diagnosis, the NHL announced further information about its return to play plan. You were upset knowing that Matt would be going into a bubble and would miss so much of the pregnancy but you knew it was his job and there was nothing you personally could do about it. Talking with Taryn and Chantal, you knew the best thing you could do was take the medication the doctor had given you, try to intake as many vitamins and nutrients as possible, and put the rest up to a higher power knowing that you were doing your best to take care of yourself and the little one growing inside you. 
Because you had decided that return to play wasn’t something you could control, it wasn’t something you ever talked about with Matt. Instead, you spent as much time as possible with him, watching from the outside sofa as he messed around with Brady in the backyard, cuddling him on the couch while a random movie or tv show played in the background. You talked about the things you’d need for the baby, who you hoped the baby would take after more and just other random things that had nothing to do with his impending departure. 
As the date for summer training camps approached, you found yourself packing Matty’s bags out of habit, tucking them off to the side of the room ready to go. Though you were feeling a little bit better since starting the medication, you still tired easily and you knew that the emotional strain was beginning to take its toll. You’d cried yourself into many a nap thinking about how much Matt was going to miss and how you were going to do this on your own. It was silly because you had Matt’s entire family at your beck and call and there was no doubt that you’d be taken care of, but it just wasn’t the same. Having your boyfriend’s family around would never be able to compare with having your boyfriend/baby daddy by your side. 
Matt was out with Brady and Taryn and you were lounging on the couch with Chantal when your phone rang. Caller ID showed that it was Noah’s girlfriend and while you hadn’t really spoken to any of the other wags recently you answered curious as to why she had reached out. Without even greeting you, she quickly spoke one sentence that sent your mind spinning. 
“Noah just told me Matt is opting out.” You froze, your eyes immediately filling with tears. “Y/N.” She repeated your name, but you barely registered it. 
“I’ll call you back.” You whispered, cutting the line before glancing over at Matt’s mom almost full-on sobbing. She looked at you with confusion on her face before moving over to your end of the couch wrapping her arms around you. 
“What’s wrong?” She murmured, her hand rubbing over your back. 
“Where’s Matt?” You hiccuped, trying desperately to calm yourself before you ended up sick once more. She murmured that she would call him and fifteen minutes later you felt Matt’s arms wrap around you, pulling you into his chest as you continued to softly cry. 
“Sweetheart...what happened?” He questioned, thumb tucking under your chin to force you to look at him. 
“You’re opting out?” The words were barely audible, but it was clear Matt heard them when he let out a soft chuckle. 
“All of this is over that?” He breathed in disbelief. “Yeah, sweetheart. I opted out. My only priority is right here. You and our baby.” You couldn’t wrap your brain around that and just stared at him with wide eyes. His thumb brushed over your cheek as he stared at you, a look of fondness and worry in his eyes. “Did you really think I’d leave you?” He murmured. “I promised you I wouldn’t and I intend to keep that promise.” 
“But…” Every excuse you’d told yourself as to why Matt was certain to go rushed through your head but before you could voice them he was speaking once more. 
“But the cup can wait until next year..when I put our baby in it. But I don’t have to go and I can’t imagine missing all of this. But I know my family would take great care of you but that’s my job. There isn’t an excuse in the book that would justify me leaving you right now. So I’m not going to. This baby...while tiny...is so much bigger than hockey. You both are so much more important than hockey. Okay?” Matt finished, his forehead pressed against yours as you took in the weight of his words. 
“Why didn’t you tell me?” The question slipped from your lips immediately and hearing it made Matt sigh. 
“I thought you knew.” He admitted. “I talked to Brades and dad, asked them what they’d do. I talked to my coaches and Gio and asked what they’d do and everyone supports me staying here. I didn’t think it was a secret that I was planning on staying.” You didn’t have anything to say to that and seeing how quiet you were Matt pecked your lips. “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you directly. I didn’t mean to cause you stress over it.” 
Wrapping your arms tightly around Matt’s neck you buried your head against him, the weight you’d been carrying over him leaving suddenly disappearing. 
“Are we good?” Matt mumbled against your head, his hands dropping to cradle your hips. 
“I love you.” You breathed after nodding against him. 
“I love you too,” Matt replied. “I love both of you so much.” As he pulled away he kissed you softly, his smile growing. “Now how about some Italian ice? We brought some home from that place we had talked about.” 
Offering out your hand you let him pull you from the couch and as you tucked yourself against his side you couldn’t help but notice that for the first time, even momentarily, your nausea had vanished. Evidently the baby was just as happy about daddy sticking around as you were. 
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hockeylvr59 · 3 years
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hockeylvr59 · 4 years
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hockeylvr59 · 4 years
i saw an ask on @nyisles which is what this request is based off of, but can you write a blurb on either mat barzal or matt tkachuk taking care of you when you get a sunburn during quarantine & becoming fluffy protective boyfriends and their families are left in shock at how sweet and caring they are OR you taking care of one of them when they’re sunburnt
I burn so easily that I absolutely love thinking about this prompt. I went with Matt because I am dying to quarantine with the Tkachuks’. (864 words)
It was an inevitability. 
The moment Matt had mentioned that his family was going to spend a few days up at the lake, you knew it was only a matter of time before being out in the sun got the better of you. At his parents' house it was easy enough to hide away inside, or to find a spot of shade outside but knowing that you were going to be out on the water, shade was not going to be a well accessible option. 
By evening the first day, you’d been proven right. 
Despite the fact that you’d applied sunblock every half hour it seemed, your skin was now an angry red in place of the paleness of its usual pallor. It wasn’t your first sunburn, but the tightness of your skin had you wincing under the material of your clothes and a headache was forming at the front of your skull. Somehow you’d made it through dinner, your complaints remaining in your head, but as Matt’s family settled around the fire you cursed. The heat the fire put out would certainly only make you feel worse, causing your already on fire skin to bring your misery to intolerable levels. 
Though you hadn’t said anything about the burn, your boyfriend was clearly aware of it, having slipped you pain killers at dinner to help with inflammation. Now, though it was clear that he couldn’t tolerate your suffering any longer because he’d tugged you away from his family without a word, guiding you into the bedroom you were sharing. His skin was cool as he lifted the tight long sleeve t-shirt off of your body, fingers trailing lightly across your irritated skin. 
“Damn baby...the sun got you good huh?” He murmured. As you nodded, you watched as he reached into his duffel bag pulling out a bottle of after-sun gel. “C’mere.” He instructed and after tucking your hair up into a bun out of the way you relaxed, letting his strong fingers gently rub the gel into your skin. After getting both of your arms, your shoulders, and chest, Matt pushed your tight yoga pants over your hips to do the same with your legs. Once he was done, his arms wrapped around your waist gently and he dropped light kisses to your lips. 
“Do you want to go socialize or are you ready for bed?” He inquired and you knew that he honestly wouldn’t care which answer you gave him, he just wanted you to be comfortable and would do whatever it took to make that happen. 
“Can we go just chill for a bit and then go to bed?” You whispered, Matt’s lips immediately pressing onto your slightly red forehead. 
“Of course we can.” He responded, once again reaching for his bag. A moment later his hands held a pair of his sweats and one of his sweatshirts and after tugging the former up over your hips and pulling the strings tight, his hands moved to unclasp your bra. “No one will be able to tell and you can’t tell me these straps aren’t killing you.” They absolutely were and he was right that his sweatshirt would hide your figure enough that no one would even notice your lack of a bra. 
By the time you slipped back downstairs, the fire was going and music was playing from a portable speaker as his family chatted and relaxed. Snuggled up in Matt’s clothes you let yourself be pulled onto his lap, nodding that you were alright when he checked to make sure that his touch wasn’t bringing you discomfort. It was these moments, the ones where Matt whispered teasing quips in your ear as his family told stories all around you that made you feel like the luckiest woman in the world. 
Eventually, Brady teased Matt about what had taken the two of you so long upstairs and instead of responding with a smirk and some snarky comment, his eyes instead filled with the lightest glare. 
“Making sure my girlfriend isn’t fucking miserable because of her sunburn takes time moron.” The glare in his eyes softened the second you reached your fingers up to tangle in the curls at the back of his neck. No one else dared to make a comment after that and you felt yourself starting to drift off at the scent of the fire burning and comfort of Matt’s body surrounding you. Matt’s breathing had steadied beneath you as well and it was clear that everyone thought you were both asleep when Chantal spoke softly from across from you. 
“He’s gonna marry her. Mark my words.” She declared. 
“He’s so gone for her...it’s really kind of adorable.” Taryn agreed. 
“Never did I think Matt could have a girl in his room and not do anything inappropriate.” Brady teased. 
“She definitely brings out a softer side of him.” Keith mused. 
Though you knew Matt’s family liked you, it was these comments that solidified the fact that this was what you wanted for the rest of your life. 
Sunburns sucked, but if you had made to take care of you after...well that made them a little better.
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hockeylvr59 · 5 years
Crush || Matthew Tkachuk
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Requested: [ ] yes [x] no
Authors Note: So I’m not sure how I feel about this because Matthew’s personality is difficult for me. I know he’s normally sarcastic and confident but I feel like if he’s hiding a crush he’d be a little different. And throw in a kid and that brings out even more softness so I don’t know if this feels like him at all….but let me know what you think. I was watching his NBCSports interview from the all-star game and tried to base his temperament on that but idk how accurate I got. 
Warnings: none
Word Count: 2,262
The cool air of the rink was the same. The feeling of his skates cutting through the ice was the same. The sound of sticks on pucks and his teammates chirping was the same. Everything about today’s practice was the same except for one thing...
Practice had started five minutes ago and his favorite team photographer wasn’t in her normal spot on the bench. 
Matthew couldn’t recall the last time that y/n had missed a practice. Her presence was such a part of the routine by now that for some reason her absence left him feeling bothered. Standing at the blue line, Matthew tried to pay attention to his coach’s instructions, determined to push past this unsettled feeling. Skating hard toward the net, he buried a puck past Rittich, a flash of movement from the bench catching his eye as he returned to his previous spot. Before he could assure himself that it was her, that everything was back to normal, Gelinas had pulled him aside wanting to chat about his shot and how to improve his game when breakout chances occurred. 
By the time Coach had finished with him, the next drill had already started. Taking a moment to figure out what was going on, Matthew settled himself at the back of the line before finally taking the chance to glance over at the bench. His heart settled back into place at the realization that the movement had been just who he was hoping it was. In the same millisecond, his jaw dropped as he realized that while she held her camera in one hand, snapping away like usual, things weren’t exactly normal. No...normally y/n didn’t have a baby resting on her hip. 
Lost in thought, Matt didn’t even realize that he was next in line for the drill until Johnny was shoving him from behind. And although Matt attempted to focus and participate in practice, there was one question that wouldn’t leave his mind.
She has a kid?  
You see, while Y/N was a staple at Flames practices, Matt had never actually really talked to her before. Of course, he’d occasionally hover over her shoulder to comment on the photos of him she’d taken, but he really didn’t know anything about her personal life. Admittedly, he had made a point to observe a lack of any rings on her left hand but now...seeing her with a baby made him realize that that observation really meant little to nothing at all. 
Partway through practice, Matthew had watched TJ Brodie skate over to her during a forward-only drill and he watched as she chatted with him, a smile on her face as she adjusted the kid against her side who appeared to cling tighter to her. From the other side of the rink, Gio watched as his young assistant captain eyed their photographer, his obvious crush ever more apparent. No one had said anything to him about the crush yet, but maybe it was finally time to give him a little shove in the right direction. 
A modified scrimmage was set up to conclude the on-ice practice and for a while, Matthew lost himself in the game, forgetting about y/n and the baby on the bench. It wasn’t until the puck deflected oddly off of someone’s stick and he heard a feminine screech of pain that it all came flooding back. Over on the bench, y/n was shaking out her right arm frantically, her fingers clenching into a fist and releasing repeatedly. With play stopped and Ward checking to make sure she was okay, Matthew couldn’t help but listen as she assured his coach that she was fine, that she was more worried about the baby and the camera than taking a bouncing puck to the arm. Still, he noticed the grimace on her face and a rush of anger filled him at the thought of her being hurt. It was a stupid feeling because it was a fluky play and while he cursed himself for it, it was an emotion he was finding hard to control. 
By the time he looked over at the bench again, she was gone, clearly not willing to risk another stray puck flying her way when she really wasn’t able to protect herself. 
The nagging feeling that he should go check on her followed him into the locker room as Matthew stripped out of his gear. He’d have a few minutes between grabbing a shower and the team film session if he was quick. But as he stood in the shower he told himself that it would be ridiculous and weird if he tracked her down. After all, they weren’t friends and the last thing he needed was for his teammates to give him hell over it. 
Still, after throwing on some sweats and a t-shirt, Matt found himself standing in the middle of the hallway, his brain telling him to head to film, while his heart pulled the other way. Caught in a mental debate, he missed Gio walking down the hall from the training room until he was hit in the chest with something thrown by his captain. Catching it, he looked up confused as to why he had an ice pack and a roll of elastic bandage wrap now in his hands. 
“She’s down the hall. Go help her wrap the ice pack around her arm.” Gio directed. 
“Wait. What?” Matt found slipping from his lips. 
“Chuck...she has a kid, not the plague.” Gio declared. “Now go before I have to watch you debate whether you should for a minute longer.” 
“I wasn’t…” Matt attempted to defend himself but Gio just walked away shaking his head before Matt could finish his sentence. Sighing to himself, Matt adjusted the items in his grip before turning down the hall where Gio had pointed, finding y/n sitting on the ground just around the corner with her back against the wall, computer propped up on a box and baby sleeping on her chest. 
Running his fingers through his hair, Matt sighed before approaching, the sound of his footsteps causing y/n to look in his direction. 
“So uh...Gio sent me with an ice pack for your arm.” Matt stated, his voice cracking, driving him completely nuts. 
“Thank you.” She whispered back softly, her lips dropping down to press against the baby’s head in an effort to ensure that it didn’t wake up. Now that he was closer Matthew noticed the pink clothes and though it was gender-biased, he took that to mean that this was a little girl. Unmoving for a moment, Matthew just Y/N with her daughter until she reached up for the ice pack. 
“Oh uh...can I help you? Gio sent a bandage wrap to keep it in place so you didn’t have to hold it.” Matt found himself rambling, something else that was so unlike his normal behavior. When she nodded, he found himself smiling, dropping into a squat beside her and taking the offered arm. “Did you get hit on the front of the arm...or the side?” He questioned, unable to see any signs of bruising as she wore long sleeves. 
“It hit here.” She pointed out, grazing her hand along her daughter’s head as she returned her free hand to the baby’s back. With appropriate direction, it only took a minute or two for Matt to secure the ice pack, and once he was done, he stood back up, his fingers tangling in his hair again. 
“Well...you should be all set.” He stated. “And I should head to film.” Shoving his hands into the pockets of his sweats he turned to walk away, only pausing when he heard her melodic voice say his name. 
“Thanks Matt.” She murmured and it was sad that those two words alone caused his chest to swell. 
As he settled into film he had so many new questions. He had to remind himself that they weren’t any of his business and that his business was to focus on the screen in front of him and not on how gentle she was with her daughter or how wonderful her voice sounded speaking his name. He’d be chirped for weeks if the guys knew where his head was at and he had a reputation to uphold. 
By the time they finished watching film, Matt was ready to go grab something to eat before hitting the gym for some weights. Detouring back to the locker room for his forgotten phone, Matt had to walk down by where y/n had situated herself in order to get to the player’s lounge. As he passed the side hallway where he’d see her just an hour or so before he once again heard his name, this time being called out with more volume and energy. 
Though his stomach was growling, Matt was unable to keep walking and so he stopped and turned down the hallway finding Y/N standing over a now awake child. 
“Oh Matt...thank god.” She declared. “Can you do me a massive favor and watch Lottie for a minute while I use the bathroom?” Her words came out in such a rush that by the time his brain processed them she was looking at him expectantly, bouncing on her toes. 
“I don’t…” He started and for the second time today, his protests were being cut off.
“Please?? Just make sure she doesn’t go walking away.” Apparently his body language signaled his agreement because immediately she smiled and kneeled down next to the little girl. 
“Mommy will be right back. Stay here with Mr. Tkachuk and behave. I’m coming right back after using the bathroom.” Though the little girl whined for a moment she eventually nodded at Y/N and with that the woman who was driving him crazy disappeared down the hall leaving him with her daughter. 
If Matt were honest, he didn’t know the first thing about kids and so he stood just watching ‘Lottie’ as she stared back up at him with big brown eyes. Feeling awkward he eventually slid himself to the floor, leaning against the wall, his gaze remaining on the baby as if she would magically vanish if he so much as blinked. 
Y/N had been gone far longer than a minute and Matt found himself glancing down the hallway to see if she was on her way back when he felt two tiny hands pressing down on his thigh as the little girl plopped herself down right next to him, a book lying beside her. As she settled herself, she reached for the book before attempting to hand it to him. 
“M. Chuck...ook peas.” She requested, those big brown eyes staring into his once more. Gently taking the book from her, Matthew opened it and just stared at the page until it clicked that she wanted him to read to her. It was a children’s book, one which had maybe five words a page and so he complied, telling her about the cat and the rat and the bat and the hat. As he turned each page he couldn’t help but marvel at the look that crossed Lottie’s face and as he finished, he nearly jumped hearing Y/N’s voice above him. 
“Tell Mr. Tkachuk thank you Lottie.” With a giggle, the little girl nodded and Matt watched as she brought her fingertips to her chin before moving it away, palm up. 
“Tank u” She babbled before pulling herself up and throwing herself at her mom’s legs. 
“Yes. Thank you.” Y/N echoed, as Matt set the book down and pulled himself to his feet. 
“Was that sign language?” He asked, not even realizing how random of a question that was until it had been asked. 
“It was. She started learning sign language as a way to communicate before she could talk.” Y/N explained. “She doesn’t really need it now, but I think she enjoys it because she pairs it with her words still.” Matt merely nodded in response, his hands finding their way back to his pockets once more. 
“Seriously thank you for watching her. My bladder was about to burst.” Y/N explained. “She’s been so clingy today because she’s teething again and with hand, foot, and mouth disease going around her daycare I had no choice but to bring her with me today and I did not realize how hard it would be to have a clingy sixteen-month-old attached to my hip as I tried to work.” 
“It’s no problem,” Matt assured her, though his brain was now spinning with all of the information she had just thrown at him. She had answered some of his questions, but there were still many more lingering. 
As he lifted weights an hour later, Matthew missed the looks his teammates were giving him as he watched Y/N between reps as she flowed easily between taking pictures of the Flames in the gym and capturing snapshots of her daughter who was trapped into a corner with plyo boxes working on a puzzle. No one commented on the smile that appeared on his face as he watched Lottie bounce on her toes as she called out for her mom to show off her finished foam puzzle, but that didn’t mean that they weren’t storing up ammunition to chirp him later. 
If things went the way the vets had a feeling they would, there would be plenty of time to do just that in the future.
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hockeylvr59 · 4 years
can you write something about being annoyed when you’re quarantined w the tkachuks and matty and brady mention the league being close to a return & being upset that the league is ignoring all precautions and maybe confiding in matty that you’re worried about him & he just listens to you and becomes soft boyfriend matty
Thank you for the excuse to basically write a big long rant. I’m sure a lot of you can agree and side with the reader in this for sure. (804 words)
When was hockey going to be back? That seemed like the only thing people cared about lately. That was all anyone kept asking Matthew and Brady every time they did an interview. And every time you overheard the topic you gritted your teeth and left the room. 
Up until now the answer was that no one really knew. But today you’d wandered into the kitchen to hear Matthew and Brady chatting with Keith about the plan the league was going to announce for a return and completion of playoffs. As they continued to talk you felt your anger growing and suddenly the empty plastic cup you’d been carrying clattered to the floor and you stormed out of the room, tears forming in your eyes. 
You’d barely had time to flop onto Matthew’s bed when your boyfriend found you, concern gracing his face. In the entire time you’d been dating you’d never had an outburst like this and it was clear he didn’t understand why. 
“Baby what’s wrong?” He questioned and because you’d been holding it in for so long, everything you’d been thinking and feeling spilled out like a dam had burst. 
“Am I the only one who sees how completely ridiculous this is?!?” You exclaimed. “Once again money is being put above all common sense and people’s lives are being put at risk. The league is fucking stupid for even thinking about returning. I’m sorry if the fucking olympics are cancelled who the hell do the NHL owners think they are trying to finish the season. It’s absolutely ridiculous!” 
Pausing for only a moment mid rant you didn’t even notice Matty staring at you, mouth gaping. 
“And it’s not just the players...it’s support staff, trainers, hotel maids, airport staff, bus drivers. These people are all just supposed to risk their lives for what? A shiny trophy? Minimum wage?” 
Matt’s hand fell to your knee but you didn’t even acknowledge it. 
“And you’re going to tell me that it’s okay to pull players from their families for months on end with only digital contact. You’re telling me that you’re going to tell all of these new dads that they have to miss MONTHS of their child’s life. You’re telling me that they took into account how players’ mental health is going to be impacted when they’re stuck in a hotel for months?”
“Baby it’s going to be okay.” Matt interjected. 
“Oh bullshit Matt. Someone is going to get sick and when one player gets sick you’ll all get sick. And yes most of you are healthy and likely wouldn’t perish but what about Domi’s diabetes or Letang who has a freaking hole in his heart? What about them? The NHL made this fucking mistake back with the Spanish flu and guess what...someone did die…  And don’t tell me that players will self report symptoms because we all know that’s utter bullshit. The NHL is the league of ‘play through anything’ and ‘we’re not weak like other athletes’ so I call utter bullshit. You’re telling me that in a game seven any one of your teammates who has suddenly come down with symptoms is going to say ‘yeah you know what I’m not gonna play?’ No Matt they won’t because they’ll think it’s no big deal and then suddenly they’re collapsed on the bench unable to breath and being rushed to a hospital. So don’t tell me that it’s going to be okay. It’s a fucking stupid idea and I wish people would see that.” 
By the end of your rant your cheeks are soaked with tears and your voice has cracked, leaving you with only hiccups. Silently Matt pulls you to his chest, his arms wrapping tightly around you. 
“I don’t want anything to happen to you.” You murmur, your voice muffled by the fabric of his shirt. Matt’s hands rubbed up and down your back as you cried, his lips pressing soft kisses to your forehead. 
“You’re right.” He whispered softly. “I’m scared about returning too soon. But this is my job baby...these guys are my family. And I know you don’t like it...I don’t like it either but I promise you I’ll take every precaution and I won’t try to play through something okay? I know it’s not what you want to hear but I love you and I’m not going to let anything keep me from coming home to you.” 
He was right, it wasn’t what you wanted to hear, but it was something you knew you were going to have to accept because screaming it from the rooftops wasn’t going to do you any good. If anything made you feel better it was that Matt had listened to you, really truly listened, and though you could continue to hate it, at least you were being heard.
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hockeylvr59 · 5 years
Omg can I request the prompt “you’re glowing!” For matty Tkachuk. When they tell his family they’re having a baby??? Thank you so much!!
So this is a continuation of my previous Matty pregnancy blurb as requested so feel free to read that one first. (571 words)
After finally getting Matthew to agree that you needed to tell his family about your impending arrival you went to work on your plan of how to do it. Dragging Matthew back to his bedroom, you dug in your suitcase for a moment before pulling out the item you needed and tossing it at him. 
“Matthew...change.” You directed. Thankfully your boyfriend complied without asking questions though you could see the confused look on his face. Once he had pulled the clean t-shirt over his head you stepped closer to him, straightening the fabric before resting a palm on his chest and kissing him. 
“And now we wait.” You murmured, laughing as Matthew deepened the kiss before dropping down to kiss your stomach through your overly large hoodie. It was only once he’d kissed both of you with that dimpled smile on his face that he stood back up and stretched the shirt trying to read what it said from upside down. 
On the front were the words ‘2020 forecast’ with four pictures underneath that were described as ‘dirty diapers, tiny socks, sleepless nights, lots of love’. On the back was his last name...your baby’s last name...and your due date formatted into a sports number. If his family didn’t get it with this well...you weren’t sure how you could be more direct. 
“Cool.” Matthew simply stated, kissing you once more before retreating from the room to head back downstairs. 
It didn’t take long for Matthew’s t-shirt to be noticed upon his family’s arrival back at home. Returning with food, everyone gathered around the kitchen to fill up plates to eat. With Matthew standing on the opposite side of the island from his parents you watched their faces to see if any signs of recognition registered. Keith was eyeing the shirt but didn’t say anything, rather, it was Chantal whose brain seemed to process first, gripping her husband’s arm. 
“Matthew.” She said, her tone one of warning. 
“Yes, mom?” Matthew questioned, his eyes peeking over to you as he looked up, trying to fight the smirk that wanted to appear on his face. Instead of responding to him, Chantal looked between the two of you before her hands dropped the serving spoon she’d been holding and she flew around the island, her arms wrapping around you. 
“I knew it!” She cried out. “You’re glowing!” Tears were pooling in your eyes as she looked you up and down before hugging you once more. Both Brady and Taryn were watching the two of you with looks of confusion on their faces. Keith was eyeing Matthew once more before finally speaking. 
“I don’t know whether I should congratulate you or smack you.” He declared shaking his head before turning to you. “I suppose I should wish you luck though.” He teased. 
“Will someone tell me what’s going on?!” Taryn exclaimed, her face showing pure annoyance. 
“You’re gonna be an aunt.” Matthew shrugged, coming over to kiss you quickly before turning back to his food because lord forbid he be delayed in eating.  Taryn’s squeal filled the kitchen as she rushed over to hug you. 
“You’re having a baby!” She exclaimed and you nodded, just taking in all of the love you felt at that moment. 
“Keith...I think your son might be the one that needs luck...it’s a girl.” 
“And she won’t let me forget it,” Matthew mumbled under his breath.
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