#cg!donna nobel
littlespacereader · 6 months
Sorry for the long awaited 10th Doctor fic. I won’t lie, I was really trying to figure out what I was going to write. That’s when I came across this gif! My favorite duo! The Doctor Donna duo! They always had such a fun dynamic in the show that I said to myself “what if they were the reader’s Caregivers?” So please enjoy this cute fic!!
Who Broke The Vase?🏺💙
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Caregiver! 10th Doctor, Caregiver! Donna Nobel, & GN Little! Reader (SFW!)
Tags - hurt/comfort, DoctorDonna duo are the cutest, stuffie, broken glass, mention of violence at the end (just playful banter no worries), hugs and forehead kisses
Nicknames - Mama for Donna, Papa for The Doctor, space boy for The Doctor, munchkin, little one, little rose, darling
“Are you sure you’re okay here by yourself for a couple of minutes?” Donna grabbed her purse off the counter top and looked over at me.
“Of course! You’re just going around the corner to the Tardis. I’ll be fine. I’ve got Sir Teddy the second to watch me.” I gestured to the stuffie on my left.
I was sitting in the living room, legos spread throughout the floor. I was making the coolest building for Mama when we both heard the sound of the Tardis in the distance.
The Tardis meant Papa was home! He always brings me the coolest gifts or even better he takes Mama and I on the coolest adventures! I wonder what it’s going to be this time.
“Alright, I’ll be back soon with Papa. Don’t you or Sir Teddy the second do anything stupid while I’m gone.” She joked with a wink.
I smirked and rolled my eyes, “We won’t.”
She walked over and placed a kiss to the top of my head and one to Teddy’s head before she left out the front door. “Love you munchkin. Be back soon.”
“Love you too Mama!” I called back to her before the door closed.
The Doctor Donna duo were the farthest thing from a couple. They are what you like to call platonic soulmates. On one of their adventures they met me and were extremely kind and compassionate about my regression.
They surprised me one day and said they would be my Caregivers, not as a couple but as two separate Caregivers both wanting to love and protect me. What more could a Little ask for?
I played with my legos for a little bit but I couldn’t really focus on them. I was so curious to what Papa had been up to since he left. Maybe he found a new alien race? Maybe he solved world peace on another planet? Maybe he saved another spaceship?
Wait! I looked into the kitchen at the fridge. At the very top of the fridge is the picture of the Tardis I drew with a magnet on top to hold it in place. And this isn’t just any drawing! I drew this one especially for Papa!
It’s Mama, Papa and I on the beach with the Tardis resting under an umbrella. Papa would find the Tardis to be so silly! He would absolutely love it!
So onto my feet and off to the kitchen with Teddy I ran! Except when I got to the fridge I had a problem…the drawing was at the vvvveeeerrrrrryyyy top of the fridge and was hard to grab, even on my tippy toes.
This was a problem, but not one I couldn’t figure out. First step was getting something to stand on. Mama has a step stool somewhere…Ah ha! In the pantry!
I grabbed the step stool and brought it to the front of the fridge. But even at the top step it wasn’t enough! Now we had to result to drastic measures. Holding onto the fridge handle with one hand and Teddy with the other, I swung him in the hopes that he would hit the picture and knock it loose.
I hit and hit and hit and with one final swing, the magnet fell and my picture slowly started to drift down. But I also hit something else…
Teddy’s leg managed to snag the handle of the white and blue vase at the top of the fridge. Teddy’s leg snagged it and threw it off the top, shattering it on the floor below.
I stood there on the step stool in total shock. My heart started to race as a million thoughts ran through my mind. One thought stuck and stayed, I am in so much trouble.
I’ve never been in big trouble with my Caregivers before. What were they going to be like? Angry, loud, frustrated?!
Tears started to fall down my face as my beautiful picture landed near the mess. What was I going to do? Was there enough time to clean this mess? Maybe Mama wouldn’t notice the vase missing.
But soon I heard Papa and Mama’s voice in the distance. I couldn’t think, I was just starting to panic. I just started to run, leaving the mess and my picture behind. I grabbed Teddy and ran upstairs to the safety of my room.
The Doctor swung the door open with his usual grin on his face, “Y/N! I’m home!!”
But instead of seeing his little one run as fast as they could over to him, he was met with a silence. Strange…Y/N is usually happy to see him.
Donna scooted past him and walked into the house worried, “Y/N? Y/N?!” Where had their Little gone?
Donna searched the living room finding the legos left abandoned. The Doctor searched around for any sign of the Little. He paused in the doorway of the kitchen.
“Donna? Did you have something white and blue made out of glass?” He asked over his shoulder.
“What?” Donna joined the Doctor in the kitchen as they looked over the mess.
Pieces of glass surrounded the fridge and the step stool. On top of the mess laid the picture Y/N had drawn for the Doctor.
The Doctor picked it up and smiled at the picture. He always loved all of Y/N creations. This one was especially funny to him.
“Doesn’t take Sherlock Homes to figure out what happened here.” The Doctor joked.
“You think they’re okay? Maybe they got hurt?” Donna looked around the room frantically.
“No, no, I think they’re okay. If they were hurt they would’ve ran to us right away. I think the accident just scared them.” The Doctor said looking over the pieces. “What was this anyway?”
“It was a vase my mum bought me. I never really liked it but she insisted I have it to lighten up the room. But she doesn’t know that glass and Littles usually don’t mix.” She laughed.
“You’re right about that.” The Doctor stood up and looked to the stairs. “We better see if they’re alright.”
“Hold on just a minute their space boy,” she grabbed his arm. “We need to be on the same page with this. No good Papa, mean mama routine anymore.”
“Well, it was just a vase. One you didn’t even like that much.” He pointed out.
Donna rolled her eyes, “The vase doesn’t matter. What matters is they could’ve gotten serious hurt while we were gone. That’s what we need to focus on with them. Just, follow my lead with this and don’t be mister good guy.”
“I’m not always Mister good guy! I’m stern.”
Donna just riled her head and gave him a look, a look that said ‘you’re the biggest softie there is’. He sighed, ���Alright.” He pocketed the drawing before following Donna upstairs.
And with that the two made their way up stairs. They immediately went into Y/N’s room, their door was wide open but they were missing from the room.
The Doctor Donna duo was about to leave when they heard soft sniffling and sobs from the closet. The Doctor’s hearts and Donna’s singular heart broke hearing the upset Little.
The Doctor carefully opened the closet door and couched down. There in the back of the closet clutching their stuffie sat Y/N, tears running down their face as they cowered away. “I’m sorry! I’m sowry!!”
“Awwww, Y/N it’s alright. Papa and Mama are not angry. Come here, we just want to make sure you’re not hurt.” The Doctor said holding a hand out for them.
But they didn’t move from their spot. They just shook their head, “ ‘m fine.” They said with a broken voice.
Donna took a seat on the ground next to the Doctor, “I know you’re fine darling but Mama is so worried about her little rose. Could you come out so I can make sure my rose isn’t missing a petal?”
The Doctor smiled at Donna, knowing she would only save such a nickname for someone as special as Y/N. Her soft and gentle voice started to relax Y/N a bit. They crawled out of their spot and over to Donna who held her arms out to them. Y/N was then wrapped into Donna arms, getting a big comforting hug from her.
“There we are. You’re okay my little rose. You’re okay.” She whispered as she rocked them back and forth in her arms. Y/N turned and buried their face against her shoulder.
Now, let’s have a look at your arms,” The Doctor leaned over and lifted their arm high up then back down. “Alright this one looks to be okay!”
“And now let’s look at the right arm,” the Doctor did the same thing, overly lifting their arm then bringing it back down. “Everything look alright with me Captain.” The Doctor winked to Donna.
“Thank you sergeant.” She winked back. “We can’t have our best soldier getting hurt now can we?” That brought a small smile to Y/N face.
“Now let’s check on Sir Teddy the Second. Would you mind lifting his left paw?” The Doctor asked.
Y/N had stopped crying, watching the two with amusement as they first examined them then Teddy, making sure they were both okay.
Once the two Caregivers had settled their Little down, it was time to ask the big questions. “What happened to you and Teddy? Why did you leave the living room?”
Y/N expression dropped hearing that they could maybe be in trouble again. “I’m sorry! I’m really sorry! I didn’t mean to!” They began panicking again.
The Doctor took their hand in his right away. “No, no, no, we’re not angry! We were so worried about you. We thought the worst that maybe you got hurt or cut by the glass.”
Donna wrapped an arm around them, “Darling you know I didn’t like the vase Nan got us. That’s not an excuse to break it, but the vase is not what matters. You’re what matters to me.”
The Doctor decided to help, “Was it to get this beautiful picture for me?” He held the picture in his arms.
Y/N nodded, “Yeah I wanted to give Papa the picture with the Tardis.” They leaned over and pointed on the Tardis under the umbrella. “See, we’re all at the beach and the tardis is resting under the umbrella.”
The Doctor chuckled, “That is hilarious. I could just picture the Tardis resting under an umbrella. It’s a beautiful picture!” He smiled at the picture. But his eyes soon caught Donna’s serious ones.
He cleared his throat and continued on, “But while it is a beautiful photo. It’s not something that should put you in danger.”
“It was at the top of the fridge! I wanted to get it before you came home. So I used Teddy to get it and….the vase fell.” They tried to explain.
“Yessss but you could’ve asked me to grab it before he saw it in the kitchen.” Donna reminded.
“Oh…yeah…” Wow, that all made sense.
The two Caregivers couldn’t help but laugh. “Listen, I think you learned your lesson. Just never do something dangerous like that again please. If you need help with something always ask Papa or me, okay?”
“Okay. I’ll never do it again.” They shook their head.
Donna and the Doctor smiled then placed a loving kiss to the top of their head. “Then all is forgive darling.”
The three stood up but immediately Y/N put their arms up and made grabby hands at the Doctor. His face lit up as he picked the Little up and into his arms.
“There we are. Now, let’s see the present Papa brought home for you!”
“Present?!” Y/N’s eyes lit up.
“Yes! Straight from 45 BC Rome! You know I met Julius Caesar when I was there?”
“Reallly?! Wooooowwwww! Did you warn him he was about to get stabbed in the back?”
“What?! No! I couldn’t tell him that! It could change history as we know it!”
“That isn’t being a nice friend though.”
“Stabbing him in the back is not being a nice friend, I’m just protecting history.”
Donna couldn’t help but smirk at the two antics. Whether the Doctor liked it or not he was truly a softie when it came to his Little Y/N. But she wasn’t the stern one her mother expected her to be either.
Just like the vase she was breaking the model of what it meant to be a good parent or in this case a good Caregiver.
“I agree darling I don’t think the Doctor was being a good friend.”
The Doctor turned around shocked, “You two?! I can’t win can I?”
Y/N and Donna smiled, “Nope!” They both said together.
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