#ch .  maisie patel .
acipaer-a · 2 years
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❝   do you need a hand   ?   ❞
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wistlton · 2 years
@lovegentle​​​   :   a kiss on the forehead .
always said that she would not marry   &   she would keep to that self made promise .   because she really didn’t see a reason for it .   she had two older brothers ,   her oldest already married and made her an aunt twice   :   and she saw how happy he was with his wife of course ,   and she knows he was lucky to find love .   but she enjoyed her freedom .   she enjoyed doing what she wants at any given time   &   not having to ask permision .   perhaps this particular trip outside wasn’t a success .   rain was pouring down and soaking through every layer of her clothes   :   and she had started out alone ,   but he had somewhat ended up tagging along in the end .   had been free to make the mistake however .   the flowers she had been picking from one of the clearing in one hand   &   the other wrapped around his ,   rest on his forearm as they walk up to the house .   both look like drowned rats when inside and perhaps she’ll catch a cold from this ,   but she actually found herself enjoying his company .        
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❝   thank you for following me back home ,  my lord .   ❞      turn to him when inside the entrance hall of her family home   &   looking up at him ,   there is a dimpled smile upon features .   and gaze slowly trail up from a spot on his chest and up to find his eyes .   takes her a little by surprise how close they are all of a sudden ,   makes air catch in her throat and it’s a new feeling that wash over her .   not quite sure what it is ,   but heart beat a little faster in her chest   &   there is a big part of her that just want to simply run up the stairs and hide in her room .   a shivers run down spine when he leans close ,   and when kiss is pressed to forehead   :   there’s a brief tension of the muscles in back .   unfamiliar .   not uncomfortable however .   air exhales softly ,   air she has been holding in until he pull back   &   wide eyes look up at him ,   clearing her throat while straighten up some .     ❝   okay then .   ❞      voice is small ,   barely a whisper .   takes a small ,   unsteady step back and happy to have the excuse of dwindling flowers in hand .     ❝   i have to put these in water .   ❞
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wistlton · 2 years
@lingeringscars   :    if every person in this room does not end the evening completely in love with you then I am no judge of beauty . 
dress fits perfectly ,   darkest shade of purple   (   would look black here ,   in the dim light of the ballroom .   )   and golden details   :   hair pulled up and away from her face .   far cry from the muddy dress and tussled hair she had adorn just a few hours ago .   wonders what a bath and her maid could do in such a small amount of time .   and now she stands here ,   in the crowd of people she wants nothing to do with .   men who seek her out for the title and wealth she carries   &   she has no intentions of simply     .  .  .     marry for that reason alone .   because she have to .   because she doesn’t have to .   not really .   her father never rushed her into it   :   and if that didn’t change   (   and even if it did change ,   she wouldn’t .   )   she wouldn’t want to marry .   not out of duty anyways .   not because it was a good match .   wanted to marry out of love and nothing else .   standing here however ,   she simply wants to go home .   one of the few balls her brother had made her go to ,   because it was his wife that hosted it   &   she was counting the seconds until it was an acceptable time to leave .     
❝   i do not want it .   ❞      voice is soft as she stands next to him ,   slight crease between brows as she looks over to him .   she does not want these people’s attention   &   she does not want their love .   it only means people would show up the morning after ,   expecting her company .   and she would rather be outside ,   doing just about anything else .     ❝   happy if they ignore me all evening .   ❞
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wistlton · 2 years
@wistledowns​ .
there was a time she would simply have pushed away from anything resembling what is happening right now   &   not enjoyed this as much as she is doing .   (   there was a time where getting close to someone wasn’t something she wanted for herself at all .   there was a time where she just wanted her freedom ,   but even with colin ,   she never feel like she has lost it at all .   it’s different sure ,   but she has gained something else as well .    )   just like this .   found more laughter and smile and happiness in her life after he came into it ,   no matter how much she first had fought it .
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find herself in his arms and maybe it must look pretty silly ,   there is no music being played in the room,   but there is some form of swaying back and forth like there is .   some banter and teasing   &   inbetween ,   there is one of them with a soft hum of some music .   laughter and a smile spread across features as head tilt back ,   dark gaze trickle across him .   and when he leans down ,   eyes close for a moment and hand shift from his shoulder to the back of his neck   :   soft hum when kiss is pressed to the dimple on her left cheek .   leans into it like it’s the most natural thing in the world .   eyes slowly open and forehead go to rest against his   &   there’s a soft exhale ,   content with him ,   fingertips play with curls at the back of his neck  .
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wistlton · 2 years
@grimsins​​   +    𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑟𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑐𝑎𝑙𝑙 .
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think her brothers knows ,   the maid would have told on her by now .   sneaking out in the afternoon ,   it wasn’t proper .   knows the reprimant by heart at this point ,   but being out here again ,   it feels like she can breath again .   days had been filled with balls and silk and lace dresses   &   hours infront of mirror   :   someone tugging her hair in every direction .   and sure ,   she is still wearing a dress ,   but it’s less formal and certainly doesn’t speak to the title her name holds and beneath it ,   she had pulled on one of her brothers pants so she can use a man’s sadle .   finally had a moment to sneak out to the stables ,   tacked up aquila   (   her favorite mare .   )   and now she feel rain slowly drip down upon features while slowly riding through the forest .   it’s not the country side   :   it’s not far enough away from civilication ,   but it’s away from the ton and it’s away from everything she would rather be without .   reigns in one hand   &   she push a branch away from her face ,   duck beneath other .   hair grows more and more damp from the rain slowly falling ,   and when coming down to the lake   :   her final destination for the evening ,   aquila comes to a stop   &   she leans head back ,   letting drops hit against her face .   if she catch a gold ,   so be it .  
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