#ch: flynn
nikosasaki · 3 months
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FAULTLINES ⭑ a riverdale series
originally released in 2018, Faultlines was a spinoff from the original Riverdale series, following the story of Southsider Benny Bayford and his close friends, the junior Southside Serpents. the series was known for covering serious topics like drug addiction and abuse, but became more known for it's expansive queer representation. the series spanned four seasons and nearly 80 episodes, with the final season showing the main characters reuniting in their hometown of Riverdale after being separated during their college years.
taglist: @kendelias @chlobenet @bravelittleflower @eddiemunscns @purpleyearning @eddysocs @heavenlysurf @arrthurpendragon @nolanhollogay @stanshollaand @lovehermioneforever @raith-way @kiara-carrera @decennia @luucypevensie @waterloou @ginger-grimm @hiddenqveendom @foxesandmagic @jvstjewels @dragonsbone @endless-oc-creations @ginevrastilinski @sunlitscribe @dyhlanobrien @partiallypearl @witchofinterest @fleetwoodmcs @daughter-of-melpomene
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matthley · 1 year
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ponchos are the peak of Jedi fashion
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jacobelcrdi · 7 months
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gabriella-marino · 1 year
Rearranging Spaces || Canella
Gabriella almost couldn't believe it was her last year in PrideU. Kind of the same way she couldn't believe it when it was her first, either. The time felt like it had simultaneously flew and crawled by. A lot of things had changed, but there had been a bit of a constant through the years. Like her dorm and her roommate.
She'd been stuck in said dorm for a while after the demon attack, bed ridden and not being able to do anything but lay there and recover. And even when she was better, she still had to make an effort to pretend like she was only as good as a nonmerperson would be.
So, when Candace suggested they rearrange the room a bit, she was on board. Spending weeks inside the space as it had been, Gabriella could agree it needed something to give it a fresher feeling for this last semester.
"I forget, can I use thumb tacks on the walls?" she asked, having finally gotten a poster to put up.
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houseofwisteria · 9 months
The day tangled stops being one of my favorite movies is the day i die and I stand by that
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steveshcrringtons · 2 years
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Introducing: Sophie Hope (nee´ Flynn) 
Sophie never thought her life could get more complicated after the outbreak. First, she lost her brother and sister-in-law which resulted in having to raise her nephew Sam from a young age. Then, she lost her husband. She just wanted to live a normal life...well as normal as it could get in a post outbreak world, living in the Boston QZ. She wanted to raise Sam in peace and quiet. 
Then Tess Servopoulos came into her life, and with her came Joel Miller, and her peace and quiet normal life got thrown out the window. 
tagging: @eddiemunscns @samwilsonns @cas-verse @foxesandmagic @ocappreciation @acabecca @sgtbuckyybarnes
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syfynjvall · 1 year
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since twc is coming back soon here’s some silly little detective shitposts ft. some cameos
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devilsmenu · 1 year
@grcycosmcs - Chad & Flynn
send me a ♫ and i will shuffle my music and write a starter based off of the song that i get
Exid - I Love You
"Sit back and relax" Chad told Flynn pointing out to the arm chair. "What happened?".
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thecosmicsleep · 2 years
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@sexysideoftheforce 😶
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gingermusings · 3 months
closed starter for @scoobwrites who: flynn & penny where: the mall - a few days after the party
In all honesty, a major part of Flynn had expected this to all be called off a few days after it was decided. Not because he wanted an out, but well, he just figured at least someone in Teri’s life would have talked her out of it. She had a giant family, more sisters than he’d have any clue what to do with, so surely one of them would think jumping right into marriage all because of an accidental pregnancy was a bit insane.
But the call or text that it was over never came. And the plan to get married and have this kid was still on. Which meant he needed to get a few things, to really officially seal the deal. Well, there were a lot of items they’d need for when the baby came along - but they had months to prepare for that. What Flynn was focusing on right now was getting a ring. The perfect ring, even. Because for all this might not be the most conventional marriage, nor was it likely what Teri ever actually wanted for herself, he was still going to do his damndest to make sure it was as close to everything she may have dreamed about.
Which meant enlisting help. And while he loved his boys - this wasn’t necessarily either Eric or Naveens wheelhouse. Nor were Billy or Riley going to be of much help, he hadn’t even considered either of them for longer than a second, in truth. Perhaps Luka could have worked, but he knew that there was really only one person that would be right for the job. Only one of his friends that would be honest enough to ensure he strayed away from anything tacky or ugly and that knew his now fiance well enough to be certain of what she’ll like when it comes to jewelry.
And that was Penny.
Waiting for her at the food court, Flynn couldn’t help the bouncing of his leg as he tried to get his shit together. It had been a few days since the party and surely by now Teri would have started telling people. At least her sisters and her roommate. Or that’s what he really hoped was the case. Because for all this was kind of his news to share as well, it felt wrong for the bomb to be coming from him. But when Penny didn’t immediately start yelling at him for being a dumbass when she approached the table he sat at with two slushies, he realized maybe it was about all fall on him. Fuck.
Holding out the second slushy in offering for her, he hesitates only for a moment before figuring it was best to just rip off the band aid. “Have you talked to Teri lately?” It was an awkward way to start the conversation - no hello or easing his way into it - and he realizes right away how stupid it sounds. “I mean about anything serious, that is. Obviously you’ve talked to her in general. But has she, you know, said anything about… me lately? Do you know anything?” Again, beyond awkward, even for Flynn’s standards, but there really was no easier way to go about this that he could think of. He didn’t want to just blurt out what happened, he’d need to work his way up to dropping the baby bomb if she didn’t already know.
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litearra · 6 months
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one would think ivy league university hockey players are smart, but these two idiots coloured their hair green and pink in their freshman year. levi however continues to embrace the pink while zach changes his hair back to it's natural colour.
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nikosasaki · 2 years
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oc halloween challenge 2022 ⛧ day twenty-four; group costume
"I would like, if I may, to take you on a strange journey."
taglist: @kendelias @chlobenet @bravelittleflower @eddiemunscns  @lizziesxltzmxn @wokenhardies @delicateblackrose @eddysocs @heavenlysurf @arrthurpendragon  @villanele @nolanhollogay @stanshollaand @lovehermioneforever @raith-way @kiara-carrera @decennia @luucypevensie @waterloou  @connietheecunning @hiddenqveendom @foxesandmagic @jvstjewels @samwilsonns @ginevrastilinski @sunlitscribe @m1ke-wheeler @chrissymunson @partiallypearl  
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feathersontheclyde · 11 months
@soughtbirthright said: YOU COULD BE NEXT!!!!
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goes and sits down quietly. " Princess your cousins are scary. ""
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crestfallencrest · 1 year
Bravus Vesperia Magica (Ch. 3)
(Basically a Magical Boy/Girl AU origin story!) Read here on Ao3 [x] (Notes at the end) Read Chapter 1 here! [x] Read Previous Chapter here! [x] Hi! Surprise! I actually got this out before my trip which was a big surprise for me! [Enter Victory Fanfare here] So starting this chapter off with a tiny POV change! Just a tiny one! There will be some tiny POV changes here and there. And also some tiny hints and tiny reveals of how Yuri and Flynn's life was like before now in this chapter! And a tiny peek into Yuri's head once more! Enjoy!
Chapter 3: White Lily
“Ah– Karol, where are you off to?” 
Karol skids to a stop, holding his bag close to his chest as he whirls around to face Flynn. The blonde was currently moving out of the kitchen, tying his apron around his waist and he raised a curious eyebrow at the small boy.
“Oh, nowhere!” Karol answers quickly as he glances for the door. “I just need to go… uh… tend to Mom’s garden.” 
Flynn’s eyes trail over to the door in question. “The flowerbed outside?” He questions and then offers a gentle smile when Karol nods a bit too quickly. “Well, I haven’t started cooking yet. I can help you, if you’d like.”
“No, no, that’s okay!” Karol holds out both of his hands to stop Flynn from moving towards the door. “I can do it! It’s… part of my chores!” 
Flynn tilts his head, looking rather confused before slowly relenting and moving to step back into the kitchen. “Okay… Well, don’t go too far, alright? Dinner won’t be too long.”
Karol isn’t sure why a chill shot up his spine but in order to focus on the task at hand, he chooses to ignore it. “Uh… Right. Well, I’ll be right outside if you need anything!”
“And if you need anything, let me know, okay?” 
“Sure thing!” 
And with that, Karol was out the door with a flash. He hopped off of his stone porch and ran past his mother’s flowerbed and towards the shed so he could grab the watering can and her small digging shovel. As he went over to the water faucet, he quickly began to fill the watering can up with water before carefully making his way back to the flower bed. 
There were still plenty of flowers left within the garden though they had very clearly seen better days. His mother usually hired a gardener to take care of her plants while they were away but it seemed like maybe she had either fired him or he quit. Regardless, the flowers weren’t doing that great. A quiet part of Karol’s mind wondered if he should start tending the flowers instead. 
It would certainly make his house feel like home again. 
But first, he had a mission to carry out. He quickly moved over to a patch of empty soil and used the shovel to break up the dirt a bit as he began to pull out little packets of red carnation seeds. After breaking up the dirt, he quickly began to push some of the dirt to the side, ready to plant the seeds. 
For a moment, doubt began to rest in his mind. It was only a rumor that he had heard, after all. A rumor that Nan was a huge fan of carnations. He didn’t know if it was true or not but he… just wanted to surprise her with something nice. And even if she wasn’t as into carnations as the rumors suggested, she still had to at least think that flowers were a nice gesture, right?
…Except… What if she was allergic? Or what if she actually hated flowers? Nan had a soft side, of course, but she was also just as much of a tomboy as she could be. What if the rumors were wrong? 
As he’s digging into the earth, he’s pulled from his thoughts as his fingers brush against a rather hard object buried underneath the dirt. Used to finding random rocks while digging around, he pushed the dirt aside so he could grab the stone and toss it to the side. But he’s stunned into silence when he pulls out an amber-colored stone instead. 
The stone was small and fit perfectly in the palm of his hand, almost looking like a lost jewel rather than an old rock. The remaining sunlight that was beginning to drift away for the day seemed to hit the stone just right, making it almost glitter as he turned it over in his hand, observing it closely. He had seen stones like this before and he was pretty sure they studied them in class. Though they usually had fossilized creatures inside of them… at least, so he thought.
But whatever this was seemed to be a perfect sphere and fully polished. Maybe it was a piece of jewelry that was lost? But then again, how could someone have lost this within his garden? Was it his mother’s? Did she accidentally bury it?
He frowns, eyes squinting a bit. It did seem familiar somehow… Maybe it was his mother’s! He turned it over in his hand once more, the familiarity growing stronger and stronger with every moment before he eventually decided to shove it into his bag to show to his mother later, when she returned home. 
If he didn’t forget about it by the time she finally did come back… 
Attempting to push the bad thoughts away, Karol continued his work, somehow feeling a bit more confident about the flowers. As he planted the seeds, covered them in soil, and then watered them, he felt a giant sense of accomplishment and pride in himself before moving to water the rest of the neglected flowers. 
It’s when he gets to the lilies does he give pause, lowering the watering can just slightly. He felt himself drawn to the pure white color of the flowers and felt himself reach out to poke at one of the petals. They were still standing strong but he had a feeling that they would only be in season for just a little longer. 
He remembered when they had first sprouted. When Yuri had spotted them, the man’s eyes seemed to be drawn to the white flowers with an unwritten expression on his face and Karol couldn’t help but wonder if maybe Yuri had liked lilies at the time. Every time he walked Karol home, his eyes seemed to drag over to the white flowers in question. 
He pursed his lips and seemed to consider his next actions as an idea began to hatch in his head. Yuri seemed so busy and tired lately and he did so much for him. Karol should definitely do something nice for Yuri, right? Maybe a gift of flowers for Yuri would be nice too? Would his mother even notice if the lilies were gone? What if Yuri didn’t appreciate it?
He hears the front door open and the lightbulb goes off in his head. Oh, of course! Flynn and Yuri were childhood friends! If anyone would know, Flynn would, right? “Hey Flynn!”
Flynn was halfway out of the door before he heard Karol call out to him. He gives the small boy a smile as he steps out onto the porch and looks over the garden. “Hey, are you just about done out here? I think I’ve almost got dinner finished so you should probably head inside and wash up.”
“Yeah, I’m just about done… I just… um… I have a question.” 
Estelle had mentioned rumors of some monsters appearing within the city lately and it had sounded familiar at the time but Yuri had a hard time trying to remember why it had nagged at his brain as hard as it did. Maybe he had heard passing talk of it? He certainly would have remembered seeing a monster out in the wild. 
Yuri was laying in bed, staring up at his ceiling when the memory finally returned to him.
It had been a little under a month ago, in early August. He had heard the rumor about a week after school had started. It had been during their lunch period and Yuri had decided to just trail behind Flynn as the boy made his rounds through the school. As the newly appointed Student Council President, he took the role very seriously and was determined to make sure everything was in order. Yuri would have found it rather cute had Flynn not been determined to criticize his uniform every few minutes. (He was glad that Flynn seemed to give up on it a couple of days later.)   As they walked through the halls, he remembered how his vice president, Sodia, had wandered up to the two of them. How she gave Flynn her usual look of respect and adoration only for it to be replaced with scorn as her eyes found their way to Yuri’s, as was usual. The girl never liked him for some reason. He couldn’t possibly see why: After all, he was the pinnacle of perfection. Such a well behaved model student, how could anyone hate him? …Hah. Anyway… Sodia had torn Flynn away from him, not that he cared too much. But still, Flynn had asked him to wait for him so wait he did. As he had leaned against the wall that day, he couldn’t help but listen in to the passing conversations of students wandering the halls. Nothing relatively interesting had caught his attention. Mostly just talks of playing basketball after school, complaints of homeworks, students lamenting the loss of their summer vacation…  But he remembered one catching his attention. A group of girls, huddled by the stairs that led to the upper and lower floors. One looking pale as her eyes darted between her friends as she spoke, voice urgent and frightened.  “I swear, it wasn’t a bear…!”  “So, was it a wolf, then?”  “No–! I–I don’t know… I don’t think it was.” “It really just sounds like you came across a bear and just freaked out. Maybe your imagination is just making it a lot worse than it actually was.”  “M-Maybe…” “Or maybe she ran into the curse of the Quoi Woods.”  “Oh, stop that. There is no curse. Stop trying to scare her.”  Yuri found himself raising an eyebrow. The Quoi Woods… There was a park that wasn’t too far away from the school, The Quoi Park, which had usually been a pretty popular place for kids to hang out after school. It was actually where Yuri had met Karol for the first time. Despite the popularity of the park, however, the extremely dense forest that sat on the edge of the park had a different reputation.  It was always considered to be haunted or cursed and it seemed like every time Yuri heard about it, a new ghost story had emerged from the shadows. He was pretty positive that someone had made up those rumors to keep kids from going in and getting lost in the woods. Surprisingly, it seemed to work, since not a lot of people seemed to care about going into the forest. If Yuri cared just a tad bit more, he might have gone to explore it himself but he simply had better things to do than chase ghost stories. When Flynn returned from whatever Sodia had dragged him off to, the topic of the Quoi Woods was quickly shoved to the back of his brain, no longer concerned about the weird “Creature” that had apparently been seen. 
Yuri’s eyes open after he’s finished recalling the memory and he gives a tiny sigh of irritation. He had not heard much else regarding the Quoi Woods since that day. But he had a feeling that he would likely have to look into it, especially if there was a chance of it actually having some monster in it that would prey on unsuspecting people. If he had the ability to do something about it, then he would. He’d probably have to bring it up to Estelle tomorrow. If he wasn’t turned away at the gate for his fight earlier. 
If he was suspended, he realized that he probably wouldn’t mind too much. It’d give him some time to rest after going through one hell of a day. He had been trying not to think about it but the sudden responsibility that had been dropped on him left him feeling rather exhausted and overwhelmed by everything else going on in his life. Taking care of Karol, working a part-time job, going to school, taking care of Repede, and now… Saving the world? 
He could have said no. He could have turned down this responsibility but how in the hell could he? He always wished to help make the world a better place and this was a way he could do that, if everything Estelle said had been true. But even if he didn’t feel that way, he would have had to have been a pretty evil son of a bitch to turn down Estelle’s request. 
‘Sorry Estelle, I can’t help you save the world. I have a 5 to 9 shift at the restaurant today and then I have to do my homework.’ There was no way to make that sound acceptable, no matter how hard Yuri tried. 
So then, he began to weigh his options. Saving the world was definitely a priority. Karol was also a pretty big priority. He hoped that anything he had to do for the world wouldn’t interfere with watching over Karol. Maybe he’d have to talk to Estelle about that. Hell, maybe the responsibility wouldn’t be so heavy once they found the other members of Brave Vesperia? 
Yuri’s eyes trailed over to the sleeping puppy, laying next to his bed. As for Repede, his injury to his eye was practically healed at this point. Plus, it seemed like the canine was a lot tougher than he looked. After all, he was able to transform as well… at the same time as Yuri. He couldn’t help but wonder about the connection there. Was Yuri fated to find Repede? He wasn’t one to put much stock into fate but… well… It was pretty hard to ignore.
He would likely have to talk to his boss about his job. Maybe he would have to double down on making sure he knew that he could only work weekends at this point. He was a bit lenient before but now he should probably be more firm about it. As much as he hated it. He really could use the extra money. As for school… his earlier conversation with Flynn still rang loud in his head. 
“ Dude, if this school is pitching such a fit about me being here, maybe I should start putting my focus into shit that really matters.”  “Yuri, you better not be suggesting what I think you are–” “And what if I am?” 
He had said those words in a fit of anger but part of him really couldn’t help but wonder if staying in school was worth it? He never really expected to become much in his life. It wasn’t like he was planning on becoming a big time businessman or a doctor or anything like that. Maybe he could become a chef or something. He could start working full time somewhere and it would take one thing off of his plate. But even then, imagining the look on Flynn’s face if he decided to drop out would probably kill him. Flynn, for some reason, wanted so badly to graduate with Yuri. It was some sentimental thing Yuri wasn’t sure he understood but…
He sighs and throws an arm over his eyes. Man, this all sucked super hard. 
He continued to lay in his bed and carefully went over his options, over and over again. At some point, Estelle finally texted him to let him know she had made it home. Once her number was saved in his phone, he flopped back down onto his bed and continued to contemplate and think. One arm over his eyes and one arm hanging off the bed, he almost began to drift off as he considered his next steps when suddenly, a cold nose touched his palm, startling him from his thoughts.
He sat up and stared down at the source, seeing Repede had finally woken up and was staring up at him with a curious eye and a wagging tail. The worry and anxiety seemed to wash away upon seeing the pup awake and well and he quickly reached down to pick him up and place him in his lap. “Hey there, Repede…” He greets gently, scratching behind his ear. “Man, you had me worried there for a minute.” 
Repede gave a sharp bark as he leaned up to nuzzle his cold nose against Yuri’s bandaged cheeks, which earned a laugh from the man. 
“Yeah, I’m doing okay. The nausea seems like it’s worn off and I took some pain meds so the pain has worn off too. I’m doing okay.” He gives a gentle smile. “We’re both okay.”
The reply is another furious wag of the tail and another quick bark. 
Yuri continued to pet Repede for a while, thinking back to the large dog he had seen earlier. So Repede would be changing from a puppy to his adult form? Or, at least what looked to be his adult form? He had to admit, the idea of it all was rather cool and entirely unreal to think about. But he had seen it. He saw Repede’s other form and then saw him change back before his very eyes. He briefly wondered if it hurt, rapidly growing like that but Repede didn’t look to be in pain but…
“Repede, what did you think of all of that? Of getting to transform?” The question came out before he could stop it and surprisingly, the dog looked back up at him with a strange look of understanding. 
Instead of barking or whining, Repede simply leaned over to give the bracelet on Yuri’s hand a quick lick before quickly planting his two front paws on Yuri’s chest, trying to lick at the man’s cheeks again. 
Yuri laughed and leaned back. “Ew, dog breath– Knock it off!” He snorts as he lifts Repede up in his hands and pulls him away. “I guess that’s a good sign?” 
Another bark of agreement. 
Well, that was a relief. Yuri smiled and placed Repede onto his bed and then moved to flop back down beside him. “Seems like we have some work cut out for us.” He hums quietly, moving to grab his phone, mindlessly scrolling through whatever could possibly grab his interest. “I guess if you’re there to help out though, Repede, it shouldn’t be too bad, right?”
Repede lets out a yawn before letting his head plop down on Yuri’s stomach. He reached down and gave him another quick pet, taking this as an agreement. 
They sit in their silence for a while, just taking in the time to relax for once but his mind wanders to Karol and Flynn after a few minutes. Flynn wasn’t horrible with kids. If anything, he was as good with them as Yuri was, maybe even better. He had babysitting experience with the kids in the apartments in the Lower Quarter, after all. He was surely doing okay with Karol.
But he couldn’t seem to stop himself from pulling out his phone and pulling up Karol’s number, sending out a quick text. He just wanted to check in, make sure that everything was going well. Nothing wrong with that, right?
‘hey just wanted to check in. everything ok over there? flynn dead yet??’ 
Yuri grinned a bit as he dropped his cellphone to the side for now as he waited for the reply. Yes, Flynn could handle himself just fine and thankfully Karol wasn’t too big of a handful but… Karol also had a large amount of energy as a twelve year old and the only thing that let Yuri keep up with the boy was the unspent energy that he had as well. Flynn was once a rowdy child, just like Yuri, but the guy seemed to mellow out as time went on. Yuri, however, did not. 
So there was a chance that Karol’s energy was just a bit too much for Flynn to keep up with. A part of Yuri hoped so, so he could laugh at Flynn later. 
However, when Karol’s response came in a few minutes later, Yuri found himself laughing at the boy’s misfortune instead. He tried to repress the giggles but the desperation that came from the text was almost enough to send Yuri into a laughing fit.
‘no he’s not dead but I think im going to die. Flynn is finishing up dinner and I think its going to kill me. Or it’s going to come to life and ask me to kill IT. I’m scared. :((( ‘
Repede’s head lifted up, confused, as Yuri quickly tried to calm down from the desperate message sent from Karol and before he even knew it, he found himself standing up and pulling up Google on his phone, searching for the nearest pizza place in relation to Karol’s house. 
“Speaking of being heroes, Repede, I think we need to go save Karol from the horrors of Flynn’s cooking, don’t you think?” 
Repede slowly stood up and gave a big stretch before barking out another agreement as Yuri grinned and moved to slip his shoes on.
Yuri normally had no issue with walking the streets after dark. There was something a bit peaceful about it, walking down the empty streets, the soft buzzing of the street lights guiding his way, the rare and occasional car that would drive by him and the soft breeze of the warm summer night that would pass by him. It was peaceful and usually gave him the chance to stare up at the few stars that managed to break past the lights of the city of Zaphias. 
This time, however, he felt anything but peaceful. He kept a careful eye over his shoulder the entire way to the pizza parlor on the way to Karol’s place, making sure that someone didn’t get the jump on him once again. He knew that Zagi was out there, waiting to strike though he wasn’t entirely sure when that would be. He and Repede left quite a few wounds on the man in their fight earlier that day so surely he would have to take the time to recover… but Zagi was also just a complete nutcase. Would he really be against pushing past his limits just for another chance at taking Yuri out? So he proceeded with caution, watching his shoulder with Repede at his side, watching every spot that Yuri wasn’t. It made him feel a bit more at ease, knowing that no one would be able to sneak up on him between the two of them but if Zagi did deem to show himself, he would have to act as fast as possible, despite still feeling absolutely exhausted from earlier. Hell, even this walk was taking a lot out of him. He actually had to stop and rest at the pizza place for about thirty minutes after purchasing the two pepperoni pizzas that he intended on taking to Karol’s house. 
Thankfully, the boy did not live too far away. But still, maybe he would invest in a bike at some point. 
Another thing that made Yuri anxious, he thought as he continued his way over to Karol’s, was the giant star in the sky that usually brought him a strange sense of comfort. 
Brave Vesperia. 
The star was suddenly an eyesore. Twinkling in the sky like it’s legend hasn’t just completely rocked his world in a span of 24 hours. It was almost mocking him, in a way. He still had a bunch of questions and he was sure Estelle wouldn’t have been able to answer them all, considering that she seemed to be just as new as he was. But, if he was a member of Brave Vesperia, then what exactly did that mean? Was it just destiny? A prophecy? Reincarnation? All of it sounded like a cheesy plot line in a fantasy cartoon… 
He wasn’t sure what to really think about it aside from the fact that he really really hated the idea of some unseen power trying to tell him what he should be doing with his life. And because of that, he couldn’t help but feel a bit spiteful towards the star as well. After all, he wasn’t doing this because it’s his destiny or whatever dumb shit it was. He wanted to help Estelle because she needed help and it was the right thing to do.
Nothing else mattered, right? 
This was the conclusion that he decided to stick with at the moment as he began to make his way towards the familiar brick house that was right down the street. He could still see the lights of the living room and kitchen were still on and he could only hope that he made it in time before Karol succumbed to food poisoning. 
As he stepped up to the front steps, he glanced down to Repede, who looked back up at him with a tilted head. “Well, here we are, Repede.” He grins a bit as he moves to ring the doorbell. “Time to grace them with the presence of yours truly and his trusty partner, yeah?”
Repede barks out in agreement before turning his attention to the approaching footsteps on the other side of the door. Yuri lets his eyes trail up just in time to see blonde hair and blue eyes peeking through the blurry window of the door and he has to bite back a laugh upon hearing his voice come through, muffled.
“Oh, for the love of–”
Within seconds, the door is thrown open as Flynn greets Yuri with wide and surprised eyes. “Yuri, what in the hell are you doing here?!” He exclaims loudly as his eyes seem to begin scanning him from top to bottom, as if examining him for any more injuries. 
Yuri decides to distract him by shoving the pizza boxes into his chest and then reaching down to scoop Repede up into his arms, still unsure if the young pup was allowed in or not. “Oh, I was in the neighborhood so I wanted to stop by.” He hums lightly as he moves to peek his head in. “Hey Karol!! Are you there?!” 
Almost immediately, the young boy emerges from the hallway, having already changed into his pajamas for the night. Upon seeing Yuri, his confused expression changes to a wide grin as he quickly hurries over to the door. “Yuri! You’re back! You’re okay!” 
Karol’s eyes dart over to Flynn and then down to the pizza and a flash of guilt enters his eyes as he realizes that his text regarding Flynn’s cooking probably prompted Yuri to come to his rescue but it was quickly replaced with a wide eyed expression when he saw Repede in Yuri’s arms. Yuri snickers a bit. 
“Yeah, I wanted to stop by and check on you two. And I wanted to introduce you to someone.” He grins, looking to Repede. “Is it okay if I bring him in or…?”
“N-No– yeah, no it’s fine!” Karol stammers, looking extremely excited, almost bouncing on his heels. “Yeah, come in, please!” 
Yuri wastes no time in stepping inside, grateful to be out of the dark and into the safety of Karol’s home. He places Repede down and moves to remove his shoes by the door. “Okay, so…” He starts off, grinning at Karol. “Karol, this is Repede, my new dog! And Repede, this is Karol. He’s the boss man around here, so what he says goes. Got it?” 
Repede looks between Yuri and Karol before giving a quick bark of approval before moving over to Karol and letting the boy pet him. “Wow… Hi Repede.” Karol grins widely, scratching the dog behind his ears. 
Happy that the two seem to be getting along okay, Yuri hums in approval before looking at Flynn, who still seems to be standing there, dumbfounded with pizzas in hand. “Well, Flynn? You gonna go put those in the kitchen or…?” 
Flynn suddenly stammers, snapping out of his trance. “W-Well–” He huffs, gripping onto the boxes. “You really should have called, Yuri… I’ve already cooked dinner and Karol’s also not feeling well, so I worry that he’s not even going to eat the pizza… If you had called ahead, I would have told you this.”
“Aw… Karol’s not feeling well, huh?” Yuri’s eyes dart to Karol, who pointedly looks away, cheeks red with shame. 
Smooth one, captain. 
“Yes, unfortunately so…” Flynn gives a small sigh. “I was going to send him to bed early after trying to give him something easier on the stomach–”
“Um…” Karol suddenly spoke up, moving to pull Repede’s small form into his arms. “I think I’m feeling a bit better now… Can we try and eat some of the pizza?” 
Flynn pauses, raising an eyebrow at Karol. Yuri has to fight to hide the smirk on his face and Karol quickly begins to scramble for an excuse. “I–I think that maybe I was… um… just… worried about Yuri, that’s all! It really tied my stomach into all sorts of knots and… and now Yuri’s here and he’s okay, right?” 
“Aw, you were that worried about me, boss? I’m so touched!” Yuri throws a hand over his heart, dramatically, before he turns to Flynn. “C’mon Flynn, let's give the kid some pizza. We can use your dinner for leftovers. Maybe you can even take some to school tomorrow.”
Flynn’s confused expression had softened into one of understanding and Yuri immediately knew that he and Karol had won. And he also knew that Karol absolutely owed him one now. “Alright…” Flynn speaks softly as he turns away to take the pizza boxes to the kitchen. “I’ll go get us some plates then.” 
“Sure thing.” Yuri grins as he makes his way over to the couch, moving the plop down on it. 
He sits in silence, waiting until he knows for sure that Flynn has gone into the next room before he turns his head to look over his shoulder, giving Karol the biggest shit-eating grin he could muster. Karol clears his throat and looks more interested in playing with Repede than looking at Yuri. 
“You’re not feeling well, Captain? Whatever could have happened?” He teased, earning a groan from the small boy.
“Shut up, Yuri…” Karol’s cheeks are red again. “You don’t know what it was like. It was like I walked into a war zone. The spices almost suffocated me…” 
“Oh, I don’t know what it’s like? I lived with it for about four years. He started trying to learn how to cook at the age of twelve because his mom would end up working late and couldn’t be home in time to feed us.” Yuri snorted as he waved his hand dismissively. “Guess who was the test dummy for that? I forced myself to learn just so I could cook dinner for us instead of him.”
From his place on the couch, Yuri can see the look of confusion appear on Karol’s face briefly and for a moment, Yuri raises an eyebrow questioningly, unsure of what it was that he said that could have been considered confusing. Karol knew that he could cook, right? So what was so confusing–
Ah. Right. That. 
“Did you and Flynn used to live t–” 
“Karol?” Flynn’s voice calls out from the kitchen, causing both Yuri and Karol to snap out of their thoughts. Suddenly the blonde man peeks around the corner, eyeing the boy with a small smile. “Hey, Karol, since Yuri is here, why don’t you go grab the thing you put together for him?” 
There was a certain gleam in Flynn’s eyes as he spoke and Yuri couldn’t help but turn a bit on the couch so he could glance over to Karol, who’s cheeks have once again gone red with embarrassment. His lips fell into a frown. “Oh God, what did you two do?” Yuri asks with a huff. 
“N-Nothing!” Karol exclaimed quickly before jumping to his feet, putting Repede down carefully. “We just got a ‘Get Well’ present for you, that’s all!” 
Yuri’s eyes widened just a bit. “A present? I’m not sick though.” “You were stabbed, Yuri.” Flynn’s response was quick and a bit deadpanned. 
“No, I got sliced and it was my own fault.” Yuri corrected, crossing his arms. “You guys didn’t have to get me anything.”
“It’s really not a big deal.” Karol calls out as he hurries down the hallway, not willing to listen to reason.
Yuri shoots a look towards Flynn, having a distinct feeling that this was his idea. Yuri was never too big on attention like this. In actuality, he really wanted Karol to forget this ever happened. He did not want Karol thinking the whole ordeal with a big deal, even if it kind of was but he would simply be more comfortable if Flynn and Karol had just forgotten that it happened. That would be easier for Karol than for Flynn but, dammit, a man could dream and wish, right?  
Flynn, like the creepy ass mind reader that he was, seemed to catch onto Yuri’s suspicions immediately. He wanders into the room with two plates of pizza, setting one down on the table in front of the couch that Yuri sat on. He places the other to the side, letting it wait for Karol’s return before he moves to go get his own plate. “Don’t look at me like that. This was all Karol’s idea.” He snorts, the gentle smile not faltering in the slightest.
“Something tells me that you didn’t do anything to discourage him though.” “And why would I do that?” Flynn calls back, slipping back into the kitchen with a soft hum on his lips. Yuri bet that the bastard was using this as some kind of payback for something. He just knew it.
By the time Flynn was returning with a plate of pizza for himself, Karol is also hurrying back into the room holding something carefully in his arms. Yuri sucks in a sharp intake of air as his eyes zero in on what Karol was holding. 
A small red vase filled with a small bouquet of white lilies. 
As Yuri stares wide-eyed at the white bundle of flowers, Karol carefully moves them over to the table in front of the couch and smiles a bit shyly as he stands up straight. “I was gardening earlier and while I was doing that, I saw the lilies and… uh… I figured they’d make you feel better.” 
Yuri doesn’t respond. He feels a bit too brain dead suddenly to form a coherent sentence. He feels the couch dip in next to him as Flynn takes a seat by him. He doesn’t even spare the man a glance and instead, reaches out and runs a finger against one of the soft petals of the lilies. He felt a strange feeling settle in his stomach and he wasn’t entirely sure how to pinpoint it. He did recognize these from Karol’s garden, of course. He would glance their way sometimes but–
“You like lilies, don’t you?” Karol’s voice breaks through again, uncertain. 
Did he like lilies? Yuri wasn’t too sure himself. He always felt a little drawn to the flower due to his own namesake but only because it was hammered into his head when he was little from a warm and loving face that he could hardly remember anymore.
“Yuri?” Flynn’s voice speaks gently, concern right on the tip of his tone.
“Hey, ma? What’s your favorite flower?”  “Oh, Lilies, without question. Especially white lilies, but they’re not my favorite.” “Then what IS your favorite lily?” He remembered warm arms, hugging him close, pulling him into a warm chest with a loving laugh leaving her lips. Lips pressed against his head, a hand running through his hair. “It’s you, silly!” 
“They’re great.” Yuri says quietly at first before quickly clearing his throat. He gives a big smile to Karol, reaching over to ruffle his hair, making sure to make it as messy as possible. “You didn’t have to do this, boss. But I really do appreciate it. I’ll take good care of them.” 
Any doubt that Karol may have felt seemed like it was washed away the second Yuri began to ruffle his hair. Looking rather proud of himself, he bashfully looks and moves to sit down to eat his pizza. “I’m glad. You always seemed to look at them when we would walk home together so I figured they would be a nice present.” 
It was not on purpose, I can assure you.
“Yeah, guess I do look at them a lot.” Yuri sits back, moving to shove a slice of the pizza into his mouth. He tears his gaze away from the bouquet and glances at Flynn and, man , sure wish he didn’t do that. 
Flynn is giving him that look of uncertainty again, where he knows something was wrong with Yuri but he wasn’t going to bring it up just yet and risk making shit awkward. Yuri appreciated it but he also knew that it meant he was going to be hearing about it later. He appreciated that a little less. 
He quickly looks away and instead focuses on reaching out and grabbing the remote and switching it on, desperate for any sort of background noise instead of the weird silence. “So, Karol, anything fun happen at school today?” He asks, knowing that Karol would take the bait to talk about his day. 
As he listened to Karol ramble on about the ongoing events at his middle school classes, Yuri tried his hardest to ignore Flynn’s knee bumping against his and the way he could feel Flynn’s eyes burning into the back of his skull. 
After eating more than his fill of pizza and poking Yuri with plenty of questions regarding his injuries (which Yuri gave the same story he had given Flynn. He saw no reason to shelter Karol by hiding what had happened), Karol was very quickly hitting the end of his rope in the land of the living. Despite the fact that he was still capable of holding a conversation, one look at his eyes that were slowly beginning to fall closed told Yuri everything he needed to know. 
Despite it all, Karol would jerk awake seconds later and would rub his face, determined to stay awake for just a bit longer. From his place on the floor, he continued to rub at his eyes before letting out another yawn. “Oh… I meant to ask earlier…” His voice was thick with sleep, his body wanting nothing more than to pass out right then and there. 
Both Yuri and Flynn exchanged amused glances, knowing that fight all too well from when they were kids. 
“Yes?” “Go ahead, shoot.” 
Gaining permission from both Yuri and Flynn, Karol does not hesitate to ask his next question, a curious look appearing on his face. “Did you guys… did you grow up together?” 
Yuri snorted gently. “Karol, you already know this. Yes, we did.”
“No– I mean… like…” Karol trails off, trying to think of how to phrase it. “You guys lived together? Yuri, you were mentioning how you guys cooked dinner together earlier…” 
Flynn raises an eyebrow. “You were?”
“Ah… We were talking about…” Think fast, Yuri. “...about how you loved to cook for us when your mom was out.” 
“Oh… well, it was necessary but I think you loved it more than me. I mean, you started taking over the kitchen sometime later. It was almost impossible for me to cook then.” Flynn smiles a fond smile. “I dare say you’re in your element when you’re cooking.”
It was a hobby that Yuri had picked up during a fight for survival. At the very least, it turned out he had a natural talent for cooking. 
“So, you guys did live together? I thought you guys were just childhood friends.” Karol tilts his head, confused. 
“We are, just… Things happened and Yuri had to come live with us afterwards.” Flynn pauses, looking at Yuri. “Though, you were living with us, even before that.” 
“That?” Karol asks, unaware of the can of worms he was opening. 
Shooting Flynn a quick glare, Yuri shifts in his seat and looks back to Karol. For a moment, his eyes darted over to the bouquet of lilies sitting on the table. “I don’t remember hardly any of it but some stuff happened with me and my mom. And she and Flynn’s mom were good friends, from what I hear. So Mrs. Scifo let us stay with her and her family for a while. We were like neighbors, kind of. Neighbors under the same roof.”
Karol is quiet as he gives a quick nod of understanding. “Oh… That was really nice of your mom, Flynn!” He suddenly smiles. 
“It really was.” Flynn nods in agreement. “She was a really kind woman. Of course, at the time, I hated having a new roommate.” 
Yuri snorts, leaning back into the couch. He’s silent as he tries to wrack his brain for any memory of meeting Flynn for the first time. Unfortunately, as he mentioned before, his memory of that time was fuzzy, at best. Although, maybe fuzzy wasn’t the best word for it. Fuzzy implied that he had at least some sort of memory of those times. But a lot of his memories from when he was around five were blank. As if his memory had large gaps that were missing. It wasn’t too strange, however. After what he experienced as a child, it was understandable. But it admittedly stung a bit, knowing he couldn’t remember how he met Flynn. He couldn’t remember meeting Finath or Amelia. And most importantly, he couldn’t remember…
He finds himself looking towards the lilies again. 
“Oh yeah? How did you react?” Karol asks, laying his head down on the table as he glances between Yuri and Flynn.
“I’m pretty sure I locked him out of the room we were supposed to share one night.” Flynn chuckles quietly. “Yuri didn’t tell on me though. At least, not until my parents and his mother found him sleeping on the couch and asked him why he wasn’t sleeping in his bed. Guess who got the lock removed from his door that day?” 
Yuri weakly nudges Flynn’s side. “You definitely deserved it.” 
Flynn laughs again, moving to catch the hand that poked at his waist. “Oh, definitely. Although, considering you broke one of my action figures the following day, I believe that I had some sort of point.” He does not let go of the hand. 
“Me? Breaking one of your little soldier dolls?” Yuri doesn’t pull his hand away and instead just gives the man a teasing smirk. “Doesn’t sound like me. Sounds like there was an imposter in the house.” 
“Then there was the time you threw a baseball through my window…” 
“I feel like you had a hand in that as well.” 
“I’ve also got a scar on my leg where you hit me with a rock…” Despite it all, Flynn continues to smile and one squeeze of the hand lets Yuri know that there were no hard feelings about it. 
“Bullshit, I don’t believe you.” Because, once again, Yuri couldn’t remember. His eyebrows furrow, as he stares at Flynn’s face. He would remember hurting Flynn, right? Of course, their entire childhood was filled with bumps and bruises that they had given each other but…
“Nope, I’m not lying.” Flynn snickers and moves to pull up one of his pant legs to show a very small but prominent scar on the lower leg, near the knee. “I remember that you cried more than I did.” 
“I–” Don’t remember. “Shuddup, no way.” 
“Yes way. Karol, he–” Flynn turns to look back to Karol and his words die immediately. Yuri follows his gaze and whatever conflicting feeling he had surfacing in his chest immediately washed away when he saw the young boy’s face buried in his arms on the table, snoring gently. 
“Good job, Flynn. You bored him to death with your childhood stories.” Yuri reached over to flick Flynn on the forehead before he moved to get up from his seat, so he could try and get Karol up and into bed. 
He almost let out a yelp when the hand holding his own yanks him back hard onto the couch. Fingers slip from his grasp as Flynn climbs to his feet instead. “ Our childhood stories. Just because you don’t remember doesn’t make them any less yours.” He speaks gently before moving to carefully scoop Karol into his arms. “I’ll put him to bed. You’re still hurt, remember?” 
“It’s just my hand…”
“Yes, the hand that you would have had to carry Karol with.”
Flynn rolls his eyes as he begins to make his way towards the hallway, carrying Karol with ease, which Yuri couldn’t help but pout at. Karol was a growing boy and because of that, he was already pretty hard to carry for Yuri. Flynn, however, spent a lot of his free time training at the gym. Considering that Flynn was planning on pursuing the path of becoming a police officer once they graduated (much like his father), that was of no surprise to Yuri. 
(Flynn going to the gym came with the added bonus of Yuri getting to admire the change to the man’s body, particularly the muscles that began to slowly make their appearance as time went on. The cons of this is that if they ever got into a fight again, Yuri would be at a bit of a disadvantage.) 
Not so innocent thoughts aside, Yuri watched as Flynn carried Karol to his room with ease, leaving him momentarily alone with the white lilies and Repede, who had made himself at home and was curled up next to the couch to fall into yet another comfortable sleep. Yuri reached down to pet the small dog, smiling just a bit when he watched his legs twitch as if running in his sleep. 
He tries to ignore the white lilies that seem to be haunting him as he focuses on whatever Repede was dreaming about when he hears Flynn re-enter the room. As if on auto-pilot, Yuri climbs to his feet and starts collecting all of the set aside plates from their pizza feast. 
“Better get these dishes washed before bed…”
“For God’s sake, Yuri, can’t you please just relax for the night?” Flynn lets out a sharp sigh as he manages to grab at least one of the plates right from underneath Yuri’s reach. “It won’t kill you.”
Yuri just as quickly reaches over and pulls the plate from his grasp. “I don’t wanna hear a lecture on relaxing from a guy who’s idea of a fun time is studying for a potential pop quiz all weekend.” 
“ Once. That happened once. ” Flynn sighs quietly as Yuri begins his escape into the kitchen. Unfortunately, Flynn was not one to be deterred so easily. “Can I at least stay up with you?” 
“I’m not stopping you from doing anything, Flynn.” Yuri laughs as he piles the three plates into the sink and begins to run the water. 
“That’s up to debate.” Flynn grumbles quietly as he moves to lean against the counter as Yuri digs underneath the sink to find a glove to pull over his hands. He had to protect his injured hand as much as possible, after all, or else Flynn would find something else to whine about. 
They stand in silence for a while, Yuri making quick work of all of the dirty dishes (the plates they used and also the dishes Flynn used for his monstrosity he cooked earlier) and Flynn just watching him, intently. Yuri had half a mind to just ask him to say what he needed to say but he was also perfectly content with ignoring the weird tension in the room. 
Flynn, however, was not patient enough to let it go on. “Can you tell me what’s on your mind, Yuri?” His voice breaks the silence so suddenly that Yuri’s eyes glance up to meet Flynn’s before he can even think about it. 
Flynn’s got that same look on his face from before. Worry, concern, some soft feeling behind his face that made Yuri’s stomach do flips. There was no irritation, no frustration, at least not for now. There’s just a silent plea that floats in the air between them. Flynn continues to stare at him and Yuri stares back, pausing in his task of scrubbing the dishes as his mind races through what Flynn could possibly be talking about.
Can you tell me what’s on your mind? A lot. A lot was on his mind. Way too much and half of it was something that Yuri either couldn’t talk about or would rather push away and ignore, if he could. 
“What’s currently on my mind at the moment is how fascinated I am that Student Council President, Flynn Scifo, is currently hovering over my shoulders, silently micro-managing how I wash dishes in the Capel residence.” Yuri deflects with ease, shooting Flynn a teasing grin.
At least, he wished it was with as much ease as hoped. To be honest, Flynn had never fallen for his deflects before, so Yuri was not sure why he thought he would now. Instead of just taking the bait, Flynn stares at him with a face full of doubt before moving to lean closer. “Yuri, come on…”
“Well, it’s not my fault that you aren’t being specific.” Yuri’s grin remains, forcing it to stay, to try and keep their conversation light instead of dragging it down with whatever sore topic was waiting on the tip of Flynn’s tongue. 
“Well, where do I even begin with you?” Flynn’s fingers tap on the counter impatiently, weighing his options over what to bring up first. “I guess we’ll start with this one.” He moves around Yuri’s form so that he can stand to his left instead of his right and before Yuri can shove his hands back into the soapy water of the sink, Flynn is gently grabbing his wrist and pulling it closer. 
Yuri lets out a deep sigh as the glove is carefully peeled off of him and he stays silent as Flynn observes the hand with a frown. Flynn’s fingers brush gently against the bracelet and Yuri tries to ignore the quiet feeling of anxiety rising in him. The bracelet didn’t seem to react to anything as Flynn examined his hand closely, looking more at the bandaging rather than the bracelet. While his eyes do dart to the bracelet, it’s only for a second before Flynn looks back to Yuri.
“You didn’t go to the hospital, did you? Miss Estellise was supposed to take you…” There’s disappointment in Flynn’s tone when he speaks again, his eyes trailing back down to the bandaged hand.
“Nope.” Yuri’s answer was quick and simple as he tugged his hand away and pulled the glove back on. “Once we got to the apartments, I just let Estelle patch me up after I showered. Just like I told you, the wound was not as deep as it looked.”
“What?” Flynn’s head snaps back up to meet Yuri’s gaze, eyes wide in shock, though Yuri could not figure out what part was so shocking. “Miss Estellise was– She–?”
Flynn trailed off, seeming a bit flustered over something though Yuri wasn’t entirely sure what he could possibly be freaking out about. His grin quickly turns into an annoyed frown as he moves to continue his task of washing the dishes. “Flynn, seriously. My hand is fine. Estelle was perfectly capable of patching me up. She’s like a natural nurse or something. She’s got one of those… healing touches.” Literally. He turns back to look at Flynn as he tries to give some kind of comforting smile to the man. “I’m fine. I promise I’m fine, okay? I’m okay.” 
Yuri took a moment to study Flynn’s face, watching as a conflict of emotions took over. Worry and concern, his mouth tugging down into a frown as he let a hand reach out to gently hold Yuri’s hand. Unease and suspicion as he silently mouthed Yuri’s words ( “Healing touch…?” ) back to himself, as if committing them to memory. And then finally, defeat but acceptance as he gives one final glance to Yuri’s hand. 
“A-Alright…” He whispers, only to repeat it, voice more clear and confident. “Alright, Yuri. Alright… I trust you.”
Yuri smiles. It’s still teasing, but he makes sure Flynn knows he’s being genuine. “Probably not your best decision but… Thanks. I mean that.” He says, quickly reaching out to take Flynn’s hand again, giving it a firm squeeze of assurance before letting it go. 
“Yeah… Can you just…” Flynn pauses, turning back to lean against the counter again. “Can you just promise that you’ll go to the doctor in the future? If something really bad happens?”
Yuri can feel his mouth twitch, his smile threatening to fall as he quickly goes back to washing the dishes. He doesn’t answer and Flynn, sure enough, can’t accept that.
“You still hate the hospitals, don’t you?” 
“They’re hospitals , Flynn.” A scoff leaves Yuri’s lips before he can stop it. “Can you introduce me to someone who looks at a hospital and goes ‘Oh man, that place looks fuckin’ AWESOME.’? No, Flynn, hospitals are gray, quiet and depressing.”
A noise leaves Flynn that sounds akin to his usual tone of sniffing out any bullshit that Yuri put out. Yuri immediately copied the noise, in a higher pitch just to mock the man beside him. Was it mature? Absolutely not. Did it make him feel better? He’d be lying if he said it didn’t. He rinsed off the remaining dishes and began to put them in the dish rack to dry before moving to remove the gloves so he could toss them away. 
As he moved away from the sink, however, Flynn immediately reached out and grabbed Yuri’s waist with both of his hands and pushed him against the counter, effectively pinning him to the hard marble behind him. There is a brief moment where Yuri considers violence, a brief twitch of the hand as he nearly moves to shove Flynn off of him. Instead, he takes a deep breath and just stares at Flynn, his grin completely gone now. 
The silence settles between them, Flynn unable to push the words out and Yuri unwilling to continue the conversation if he didn’t have to. The only sound breaking the almost deafening silence was the soft ticking of the clock that hung against the entryway of the room. Flynn’s eyes dart from Yuri’s grey orbs before they trail off to the side, anxious and concerned and God, Yuri wished he would stop worrying so much over him, it wasn’t worth it–
“Yuri, you know you can talk to me, right?” The voice came out so tiny and tired. “You told me that before, that I could come talk to you if I needed to. You know the same goes for you, right?” 
Yuri’s eye twitches and suddenly it hurts to look at Flynn. He tears his gaze away, ignoring the sharp pain in his chest and the way that his breathing hitched, just slightly. Flynn definitely catches it as his grip on Yuri’s hips tighten before he’s leaning down to press his forehead against Yuri’s chest. Despite Estelle’s healing, his chest still stings, just a little and he can’t stop himself from flinching in pain but if Flynn notices, he doesn’t say anything. 
As they stood there, Yuri thinks back to the day he had told that to Flynn. It had been three days since Flynn’s mother, Amelia, had passed. Being just fifteen, Flynn had become despondent from his grief, surprising no one. He had just lost his father five years beforehand, the man having died suddenly while in the line of duty as a police officer, and now he had lost his mother to a sudden illness. So many people came and went, paying their respects to Flynn, and to some extent, Yuri. 
He remembered how Flynn held himself together, hiding his true feelings behind polite greetings and small ‘thank yous’ to every person who came to visit. As soon as the visitors would come and go, however, Yuri would watch as the young boy’s facade would just shatter as he would fall apart in front of him. He remembered how much he hated it, seeing Flynn in that state. 
He remembers making the offer to the broken teen, desperate to find some way to make him feel better. Surprisingly, Flynn accepted the offer. They stayed up pretty much the entire night just talking . Sharing stories of Flynn’s parents, memories just between them. He remembers making hot chocolate a few hours later, at three in the morning, just so they could stay up a little longer and talk some more. 
Yuri wasn’t sure but he hoped that in some way, it helped Flynn onto his path of recovery. He still wasn’t there yet, though, Yuri wasn’t stupid. But he was doing better. He was motivated again, always pushing forward, always on the move. It was admirable. But Flynn was always like that. Always multiple steps ahead of Yuri, always stronger, always wiser, always– 
Flynn shifts and pulls his head away from Yuri’s chest and, oh right, he should probably respond, right? But Yuri mulls over Flynn’s request, turning it over in his head and wondered if maybe he should talk to Flynn. Maybe it wouldn’t hurt. But even then, he had a hard time trying to voice the words. 
Instead, he’d move to something else that was, somehow, easier to talk about. “I really did like the lilies.” 
Flynn glances up to him, eyebrows furrowed in confusion. 
Yuri gently put his hands on Flynn’s shoulders and pushed him back, giving him the tiniest of smiles. “You didn’t seem to like how I reacted to them earlier. You had that weird worried look on your face, like you have now.” He explains and watches Flynn’s face fall in curiosity as if self conscious over how his face looked currently. “But I really did like them. They’re nice. I was just surprised that you guys thought that lilies suited me.” 
Taking Flynn’s confusion to his advantage, he strolls past Flynn and wanders back into the living room, moving to flop down onto the couch with a quick sigh. He sees Repede climb to his feet and slowly make his way over to his legs only to flop back down once he was within touching range of Yuri. He snorts and pets the pup behind his ears before glancing back over to the lilies in question. 
He reaches out and plucks one from the vase, turning it over in his hand as he examines the petals quietly. 
“Hey, Yuri… do you think we could get away with filling my room with a million lilies?” A warm voice whispers into his ear, a wide smile evident in her voice. He could no longer remember how her smile looked before. Was she the type to wear lipstick? Did she go without? He couldn’t remember. Instead, all he could remember was the pale color of her skin instead.  “A million flowers?” Yuri looks up to her, as he’s pulled close to her chest. The smell of her perfume, a scent he could no longer remember, was no longer there and instead, replaced with a clean but bitter scent of a room that was too tidy, too white, too quiet. He immediately begins to kick his shoes off onto the floor and curls up next to her, carefully avoiding tubes and wires as he does so. “I dunno if I can bring in a million flowers…”  “Ooh, whaaat?” A laugh so gentle and full of life fills the air. “But I’ll get so so soooo lonely without a million flowers to keep me company, Yuri!”  Yuri gives an indignant pout. “Ma, I’m not strong enough to… to hold a million flowers! And… I can’t count that high. How do I know if I got a million?”  He’s held so close, and he remembers how warm she felt despite how cold the room was. But even as he was pulled closer into her arms, even as he stared up at her face, knowing how he could hear the smile in her voice, despite seeing her picture thousands and thousands of times… her face was blank. No matter how hard he tried to remember, no matter how hard he tried to wrack his brain… “Hmm… Then I guess you can just bring me a normal amount. So long as my favorite lily comes to visit me every single day! Okay?” 
Flynn moves over to sit by him and Yuri could feel his eyes on him. “You think lilies don’t suit you?” He questions, repeating Yuri’s words back to him. 
Yuri snaps from his thoughts, glancing over to his friend with a small smile. “Yeah, I dunno. Feels like they’d fit someone else, you know?”
Flynn gives a small hum of thought as he reaches over and plucks another lily from the vase, looking it over thoughtfully. They both stay quiet, staring at their own respective flowers and lost in their own minds. 
“I think I’ll be the judge of that.” Flynn finally speaks up after a few minutes of silence. As he catches Yuri’s attention, he takes the flower and gently moves it towards Yuri’s face. As he gently pushes some of Yuri’s hair behind his ear, he tucks the flower gently in place, letting it rest on the side of Yuri’s face. “...Yes. There, see? The lilies suit you just fine.” 
Flynn’s smile is wide and almost blinding as his fingers brush against Yuri’s cheek before withdrawing entirely and Yuri is left wide eyed and slack jawed as he stares back at Flynn’s dopey grin. His cheeks heat up and suddenly the room felt hot and uncomfortable as he quickly decides that he’s better off looking anywhere else instead. 
“Flynn, y-you… can’t just say shit like that, man.” Yuri huffs out, only to grow more irritated when Flynn gives a tiny laugh in response. “I’m serious! Do you even know what you’re talking about?”
“I do. At least, in my head, I do.” 
Oh, this bastard thinks he’s so smart.
Yuri rolls his eyes and shoves his own flower into Flynn’s chest, who takes it with a delighted smile. “You’re too damn sappy, knock it off.” Yuri leans back into the couch after shoving the flower at Flynn, but he can’t stop himself from reaching up and gently touching the lily that was still tucked into his hair. 
Flynn, seemingly satisfied with the impromptu flower exchange, leans back into the couch as well, making sure to gently bump his shoulder into Yuri’s. Yuri lets his eyes dart over to Flynn, eyeing him up and down, remembering his words from earlier. Maybe it wouldn’t hurt to open up to Flynn more. If anything, maybe just a little…
“You know…” Yuri speaks up, voice soft as he knocks his hand against the back of Flynn’s. “...I think I remember something about my mom.” 
Flynn bumps his hand back, glancing over to Yuri with surprise as he does so, knowing that his memory of his mother was sparse at best. “Oh… You do?”
“Yeah. I think she really liked lilies too. I know she liked white lilies, at least.” 
“Oh… That’s really pretty and just like her, from what I remember…” 
Yuri nods quietly, a small smirk appearing on his face. 
“Yeah. They weren’t her favorites though.” 
For those not in the know: Yuri's name means "Lily"! Pretty important fact going forward! And also decided to sprinkle a hint of symbolism with the white lilies and their meaning. Also I need to make a confession: Because Yuri has so much going on in his life, I literally had to create a calendar just so I can keep up with everything LMAOOO I'm so sorry that I've done this to you, Yuri.
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gabriella-marino · 2 years
Can(dace)vassing || Canella
The campaign was one event down but had another one just around the corner and Gabriella was...kinda freaking out.
She’d been freaking out this whole time, but in a way that hadn’t worried her. It felt a lot like when she was nervous for a big performance or routine and she’d learned a long time ago how to use those nerves to her benefit! How they could be channeled into her energy during the routine and at the end of it all she would ride the high of a job well done! Then she could go home and crash.
Only, with this whole thing, there was no relaxing until the election. So she was just constantly in that state of trying to think of how best to use her time. She wished she had someone who could help her, honestly. And while Aquata was the most obvious person, she didn’t want her to lose confidence in Gabriella.
There was someone she had in mind but...she’d been working up the courage to ask. Because while Gabriella had grown to really like Candace, she was still kinda scared of tipping her over some edge Gabriella wasn’t aware of.
She stepped in time with her roommate now as they walked out of the science building, the two of them having found out that their classes let out at the same time so they could walk together back to the room. Which Gabriella was thankful for since the sun was setting faster and faster these days. It was sinking over the castle now, shadows stretching out over the growing population of fallen leaves and drying grass. 
After the initial pleasantries Gabriella let her nerves simmer as she picked up her hands to ask, “I have a question to ask but it’s kinda...awkward? I don’t know if that’s the right word.” Oh, English, such a fickle language. “But I think you’re the best person to ask.”
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houseofwisteria · 9 months
❝ you deserve so much more than what you were given. ❞ ( from raps to flynn! )
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He breathes. " Yeah. Sure. It wouldn't be nice to not have to live my life looking for scraps wherever I could find them but hey I made a lot of friends along the way and went on plenty of adventures AND! Most importantly... I met you my sunshine. " He shrugs. " For a man like me that's rock bottom to once in a lifetime happiness. "
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