#ch: joanna hirsch
Sense8 Friend Group
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hey, guys!  this request is really spur of the moment but i couldn’t resist because i love my little sensate babies so fucking much!!  they’re family regardless of having no blood ties to one another.  the show only has two seasons, therefor the sensates have only been friends for a short while, but this group will have known each other for at least 5 years to make their bond a little more realistic.
your characters don’t have be carbon copies of the sense8 crew, but they must be heavily influenced by them!  this means that their personalities should be as close to spot-on as possible but things like career, romantic relationships, and gender can be changed.  yes, gender swapping is allowed, BUT there must still be equal parts male and female.  and i’d prefer it if we still had two non-hetero characters and i’m hoping for at least two people of color.  i won’t be a pit bull about this because i don’t like to put a muzzle on people’s creativity, but i don’t want to perpetuate a disgusting trend.
below will be small blurbs to go along with each character, just in case some of you haven’t seen the show.  p.s. if you haven’t, you should totally check it out!! taken characters will be denoted by a full name and their character inspiration/face claim in parentheses beside it.  these guys should all be 30 + and they’ll all have been in miami for at least the last five years.
*** please don’t use the original faces for your character’s face claim or keep their names!!!  you can message me here on tumblr or my discord is nikki007#3925. first come, first served.
joanna hirsch (riley blue / fc tbd):  joanna is the “mother” of the group.  she’s battled depression her whole life and has been an addict for probably the last 7 years of her life.  some years have been better than others but she always seems to fall off the wagon.  since childhood she’s believed she’s cursed and said curse (in her mind) is the reason everyone she seems to love is ripped away from her at the hands of the grim reaper himself (her mother, husband, and infant).  she can’t keep a job to save her life and she’s always in need of support from the friends.  no, she may not have many useful skills, but she’s empathetic to a fault and has been known to calm the more aggressive members in the group.
will:  will has lived most of his life trying to live up to the expectations of his police officer father.  he doesn’t necessarily want to be a cop like his dad but it’s kind of like a family tradition and he doesn’t want to be the one to break that cycle.  despite his disinterest in dawning a badge, he’s really good at his job.  he’s clean-cut, fair, gentle, kind, and sensitive to the plights of others.  will is super observant and he can always tell when something is up with each of the friends.  he’s smart and protective of everyone in the group - most of all joanna.
sun (originially a poc / e. asian):  sun is the daughter of a very wealthy business tycoon.  she’s smart, athletic, aloof, and hella responsible - especially when it comes to her bratty little brother.  she’s the type that would fall on a blade for the people she loves, so long as they don’t cross her.  it’s hard for her to forgive and forget, especially if you’re not in their circle of friends.  you definitely don’t want to be on her bad side. her father has always favored his prodigal brat of a son over his tough-as-nails, loyal daughter.  unlike the wolfgang (who she’s similar to and has a special quiet connection with), sun doesn’t have a problem asking for help when she needs it.  she’s comfortable in her skin and confident to a fault. she’s a kickboxing master.
lito (originially a poc / hispanic & homosexual):  lito does something in the entertainment industry.  he plays the macho-man part very well but he’s dramatic (is always crying about something) and terribly sensitive to how others perceive him.  next to capheus, lito is the biggest cinnamon roll in the group.  he can’t fight worth a damn but the wolfgang makes sure to fight any battles poor little lito can’t.  lying is something he’s learned to excel at and he’ll cover for any of his friends and be convincing about it.  originally, he’s closeted on the show but you can have him be open about his sexuality or not.
nomi (originially transgender & homosexual):  nomi is the group’s tech genius.  she was a problem child growing up and has had her hand in hacking since she was a teen.  she comes from a very conservative family that doesn’t agree with several aspects her lifestyle - especially her sexuality.  she’s self-absorbed and despite her problematic youth, she was raised in a middle to upper-middle class family.  she’s a very “screw the rules, i have money” type person.  she actually took the fall for a crime in her past because her folks are loaded and she knew she’d get off with a slap on the wrist (community service and probation).  she isn’t known for being the most reliable, but she’s working on it.
capheus (originially a poc / african):  capheus is the sweetest guy you’ll ever meet.  even when greeted with stony glares and silence, he’s still happy and greets people with a smile.  he works as a bus driver (or city worker?  garbage man, etc.) and puts in long hours to help his ailing mother who has a terminal illness.  positive, motivating, and empathetic - capheus will never turn a blind-eye to anyone in need.  but don’t mistake his kindness for weakness.  capheus has a voice and a very strong one at that.  he may believe in peace and community, but when there’s a wrong to be righted, he’ll do his part to fix it - even if it means getting physical.  it wouldn’t be unlikely for him to volunteer somewhere on top of working a regular job.
kala (originially a poc / s. asian):  kala is terribly confused.  she’s one of the smartest people in the group but she’s having difficulty figuring out her love life.  she doesn’t understand how she can love her husband, yet be so drawn to the wolfgang - sexually and emotionally.  she’s a competent scientist and despite her logic and good girl ways, she’s drawn to bad boys.  her husband is a good man and he treats her well, but that’s not enough for kala.  she’s probably the most pure and wholesome (besides capheus) of all the friends (lost her virginity to her husband people, i mean come on!).  she doesn’t believe in violence and is the most diplomatic in the group.  definitely an emotional cheater.
wolfgang:  wolfgang is the group’s resident bad boy.  he’s a criminal with little to no emotion (on the outside).  he was a loner growing up, raised in a house full of criminals.  the only ray of sunshine he had was his mother. wolfgang doesn’t have any immediate family (or if he does they’re all probably estranged) - the group is his family.  even when he needs it, he never asks any of the friends for help.  they have to practically force their way into his life half the time and wriggle information out of him.  he’s contemplative and brooding - definitely has daddy issues.  papa wolfgang was physically and emotionally abusive, which has made lil wolfgang super aggressive and violence prone in turn.  he viewed his family as monsters, so naturally wolfgang thinks he’s one too.  he’s attracted to the kala but knows she too good for him, so he’ll tease her about their sexual attraction but urges her to not leave her husband.
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