#ch: preston sallow
summersromance · 4 years
TEN QUESTIONS TAG GAME! ( thanks for tagging me, @septemberliterature​!! )
i. how did you come up with your wip’s title? what does it mean in relation to the story?
well, my title is the entire point of the story!! so, irl, mission: kiss the girl was an idea i had back when i was, like, eleven?? i’m not sure how i got the idea, but it was an untitled wip about a girl who wanted to kiss another girl bc she felt bad that her parents kept being homophobic to her best friend (yeah ik it doesn’t make sense). i titled it recently to reflect the main goal, and it just seemed logical!! there’s a mission to kiss a girl, and i was like “wow, now this wip is mission: kiss the girl.”
ii. do you title your chapters? if so, what’s your favourite?
i do!! they’re all REALLY bad so i’m probably gonna remove them, but my favourite rn is “summer clichés, special days” (chapter one). in emmy’s family, there’s this whole thing around “special days”. everyone has one special day, which is just a number (emmy’s is 24) and on that number of that month, you can do whatever you want. like, for example: on the 24th of ANY month, emmy can do ANYTHING. this really doesn’t serve the plot, so i might cut it out, but i really love this idea.
iii. what’s a recent line you really like?
uh probably this one (yes, ik this isn’t a line):
“Instead, I curl up in my room. Just thinking, reflecting. Watching bad YouTube videos and Vine compilations to try and forget about the fact that Liam’s bi. I sit there, just delaying the inevitable, delaying a confrontation with my friends and my peers, just sitting.
I want to run. I want to escape, to steal a car and fly off into the distance, to disappear in the night and never look back. I want my brother back, I want to talk to Briar again, I want to sing in the diner without a care.”
iv. are there any writing-related quotes you really like?
uh probably anything talking about how much first drafts suck!! like seriously they’re utter shit and i love them for that.
v. Do you have an idea for a cover design for your story?
i,,,, do not.
vi. what sort of au can you imagine your story being?
okay, so, i would LOVE a harry potter fanfiction of this book,,,, like just metaphor it up and it’d be ready to go. also: fantasy. i don’t really like writing fantasy, but i love reading it and that would be so cool.
vii. which oc would be the most angry with you as the writer?
honestly, emmy’s pretty chill. while she’d be mad at me initially, she’d cool off and chat with me for a bit. i think adi, emmy’s best friend, would be so mad at me for all that i’m putting emmy and adi through.
viii. if you had to tell the story from a different pov, which character would you choose?
oh my GOD this is such a good question!! i think i’d love to tell it from briar’s perspective, liam’s ex girlfriend. that’s a bit unorthodox, i know, but let me explain:
briar devlin is the type of girl that’s planned her entire life. she knows when she wants to get pregnant, when she wants to get married, and she knows every little detail. for her, high school is the time to kick back before “the real world” kicks in, right? so she’s dating this boy, and everything’s going well, and then he tells her: he’s bi. of course, this doesn’t change anything, but another day, he abruptly says he wants to break up with her. she asks why, and he says that he wants to explore dating a guy (and she’s like yeah suuuure)
of course, this is like five hundred gut punches at once. briar’s parents, who are very much cookie-cutter strict parents (and who also loved liam) are upset, and start to ignore her. and THEN, liam talks to her, and asks if he can stay in her house because he’s 100% sure that his parents are gonna kick him out. so, liam stays in her house, and briar has to deal with her parents trying to them back together, wingman her ex-boyfriend (who she still likes), and deal with college applications at the same time.
shit now i want to write briar’s story
ix. what would be your oc’s taste in music if they lived in our world?
oh my gOD i love this question.
emmy would love like boyband songs?? she’s so basic i love her. her playlist is just taylor swift + ed sheeran + one direction + check yes, juliet
wendy - a total hoe for girl bands... like little mix, spice girls, etc
adi basically just loves anything rock or country. dolly parton + dorothy
preston doesn’t listen to music bc he’s the devil
liam is a soft boi!! cavetown, mxmtoon, etc
briar likes every genre of music!! she’s a total musical fan ngl
x. what’s one personal goal you want to achieve by the end of the story?
i just want to have a complete, finished, story!! i’m not expecting to publish this story, or anything like that. this is just my palette cleanser novel -- i’ve spent so long writing fanfiction, that i can’t write anything BUT that. i just want to draft, revise, edit, and finish this.
tagging whoever wants to do this!!
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