#ch: thierry
abdicxtes · 5 years
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THE FIRE EATER ∙ “That’s what you would promise me, Thierry?" Her voice ached with disappointment. His selfishness weighed down on her, pressing at her throat like a rock she couldn't swallow. "That you would burn everything for me? What good will that do either of us?” “A fire is real," he said, snapping the last word out. Between them, sparks shot into the air and floated towards the clouds, and where any other night she would have seen them as stars trying to reclaim their home, tonight she only prayed that they didn't catch on anything and set the world alight. The firewood cracked and whistled as violently as the shallow, angry breaths they took. She felt the heat wash over her when he pointed at her once more. "You can’t touch a dream.” "You'll be cold on the inside," was the promise that Aleto made to Thierry the day the man sold his soul to the god in exchange for something, ultimately, he now knows was never worth the price. As part of the bargain, the caravan became Thierry's ever-travelling prison, and he in turn became Cirque du Maudits' resident fire eater. More than a parlour trick, however, Thierry can create fire from nothing, and has will over any flame near to him, all without the risk of ever being burned. Bitter and permanently chilled inside and out, Thierry is in search of something that might finally bring him warmth and comfort again.
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sospeedy · 6 years
When the notifications about the bomb went out, Tommy was sitting on the floor playing tug-of-war with Cricket and one of the dog’s favorite rope toys. Thierry had been out for a little while. Not too long. Not long enough to be on his way back yet, probably.
He tried texting him, and after a few messages failed to go through he started to get a little more anxious about it. Thierry could fly, and Tommy could get out of the city in a couple of seconds, but that wasn’t the point. He didn’t want to just leave it up to chance.
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sospeedy · 6 years
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Tommy Shepherd & Thierry Villeneuve 
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sospeedy · 6 years
Things could have gone better. They could have also been a lot worse. The asylum got most of its patients back and Tommy was still alive, but it hurt to breathe and everything still smelled like the worst bar-b-que ever. He also felt like he needed fifteen showers.
Once he got back to the hotel room he only stopped long enough to tell Thierry he was there before he disappeared into the bathroom. Taking off his goggles left him looking like he was wearing a mask. The layer of dirt and ash stopped exactly where they had been.
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sospeedy · 6 years
Tommy and Thierry didn’t manage to take their trip before the city went to hell again. As soon as the news broke about the prison and the asylum, he had been contacted by the team he’d joined and done precisely zero with until then. They had a plan. He one hundred percent wanted in on that plan.
He still hadn’t acquired much beyond what would fit into a backpack, so unearthing the old costume only took a microsecond. Tommy spun the goggles around on his finger by the strap and glanced over at Thierry. “I gotta do something this time.”
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