#ch: xianyun (genshin)
spumonibones · 26 days
Chasing Wings: Ch. 07 Lore/Story
Chapter 07 (Ao3) | Chapter 07 (Tumblr)
Chapter One (Ao3) | Chapter One (Tumblr)
Surprise!!! Two updates this week to say thanks to the two kind souls who have taken the time to leave comments. Your words mean the world!!!
Lore+Notes under cut!
LORE/STORY: • Using Anemo to Fly
→ As of version 4.6, of the Anemo Characters listed (playable), only the inhuman ones have been shown using Anemo for flight. We've seen Kazuha utilize his Anemo to do an extended jump, but that's the closest. Scaramouche is a doll with Forbidden Knowledge and experience with Gnosis'... And well the whole... Remembers himself despite erasing his history from the very concept of the world...? We're not getting into that, it'll take too long. At any rate, he can get away with a lot. Xianyun/Cloud Retainer is a bird adeptus, so she has that going. Barbatos is gonna Barbatos. Xiao, I think we've only seen him use Anemo for high jumps thus far?
→ But for the purpose of this fic, Xiao does not have the capacity to use Anemo for flight nor does he have wings anymore (he has tried and found it does not work). Venti does have the capacity, but hasn't figured it out yet.
GAMEPLAY: • Weapons appearing and disappearing: I don't know if there's an in-game explanation for this, but I'm to assume it's Vision-related.
• Xiao can Plunge Attack from any height and walk away. 10/10, one of my hobbies in Genshin.
• Dragon-like creature: if you didn't already guess, it was a Geovishap. The game describes them as being dragon-like, and since dinosaurs don't seem to exist here that's what we're going with.
STORY: • Venti having a panic attack.
→ While never explicitly stated, the fic often alludes to Xiao having anxiety, and with that he has experience in what to do when someone is showing signs of it. Different methods work for different people. In this instance, Xiao is walking Venti through a breathing exercise, trying to help mitigate sensory overload by having him focus on specific things (Xiao's voice as he repeats a mantra, Xiao's heartbeat has a steady rhythm to focus on). Generally it's a bad idea to grab onto someone and hold them when they're panicking, but in this very specific instance Xiao has a valid concern Venti will hurt himself so he temporarily tries to restrain Venti.
→ And no, you still don't get to know what happened with Venti back in Monstady yes thank you, you are so welcome. That's still like... another 10+ chapters away, but less than 15 chapters away.
Chapter 07 Song/Lyrics: "My Goal, Is Your Goal" Song: My Will by Aleah
This song just seemed to really encapsulate where these two are in the fic.
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