spitdrunken · 2 years
I read this fanfic where Spamton had a mummy kink when Deltarune first came out and ngl kinda awakened something in me. He's so small and pathetic <3 I want to do unspeakable things to him
Spamton with a mommy kink is top tier and I mean this with my whole soul <33 Everyone making him this small and pathetic creature to take care of was just !!!! SO GOOD!!! People making Spamton way smaller than he is canonically have my whole heart cuz that's how I imagine him too lmaooo. (Literally having to lift him up to get him on the couch or something.) Unspeakable things to him huh,, I have so many thoughts about taking Spamton in and being the first person in years to be nice to him, to look after him, and what kind of breakdown he'd have if that attention suddenly stopped again :')
Horny with Spamton NEO is also good but,, he either still has to be submissive or reverent for it to line up with my personal tastes :')
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spitdrunken · 2 years
would you ever wanna write some spamton stuff??? the sweepstakes stream reawakened something in me and I’ve been in a horny spiral since
may be a bit vanilla but I do really like the idea of turning him into a glitchy weeping mess with praise, telling him he’s such a big guy and kissing him while stroking his cock. maybe get a lil angsty idk
of course of course!! i’ve watched the sweepstakes stream multiple times myself, it’s truly an… experience <33 i love spamton sooo much!! and don’t worry about any idea being ‘too vanilla’ or whatever, it’s still fun :D!! made him mostly mechanical rather than doll-like as some other people do! because i thought that would be fun <3
Spamton is already overheating when you’re just fiddling with his pants.
He’s not panting or wheezing, instead, the loud whirring of a fan fills the room. The sides of his shirt have billowed out under the force of the air, and he’s shaking so hard you can hear his teeth clacking together. Right underneath your hand, what you’re assuming is his cock is writhing restlessly. You slowly start to speak.
“Are you… Sure you want to do this? If you’re not ready yet, that’s fine.” He shakes his head vigorously. Even as he stops moving, his nose is still moving a little until he slaps a hand down to stop it. 
“YES! YES!! YES!!! IF YOU STOPPED NOW YOU’D BE [Killing] ME! PLEASE DONT. [Hyperlink Blocked] FROM A HOTSINGLE… HAHAHAHA!” At the violent burst of laughter that has his body convulsing, you swear you can hear a jet of steam exiting his body. You’re getting worried he might explode. 
“I thought we agreed I wasn’t a ‘hotsingle’ anymore, just hot.” You speak to distract him momentarily from your touches and, for a moment, his eyes roll violently in their sockets. 
“!!!” Spamton’s gaze focuses back on you, pupils blown wide with a heart jumping up and down inside it. “DONT SWEAT THE DETAILS, T00TS! WE STILL HAVE OUR [Specil Deal], DONT WORRY!”
In the meantime, his cock has gotten so twitchy that it’s wriggled its way up the hem of his pants all on its own. With a slight tug at the fabric, it slips out and slaps against your hand with a squelch. It’s not really a dick. Rather, it’s more like a twin set of dark tentacles, extending from a slit on the lower half of his body. They’re twitching violently and leaving dark smears all over the top of your hand. 
As you wrap your hand around his tentacles, you press your mouth against his. Kissing Spamton could be described as unconventional at best, considering he has no lips to speak of. But while his teeth are cold, they’re not exactly uncomfortable. You both like the closeness, so you do it. (Though after he nearly stabbed your eye out with his nose once, he always lets you know when he wants a kiss, or lets you initiate.) 
“[%@^#]!” He curses as your hand glides effortlessly up and down his slick shafts, jacking him off at a pace that makes your wrist ache. “P PL PLEASE–”
“I won’t stop, promise. You’re doing so well,” You press a kiss to his cheek. “You’re such a big guy,” Another. “The best, and–” Another, to his mouth this time. “Looking so good for me right now.” Spamton makes an absolutely indescribable noise at your praise, his teeth grinding together with the screech of metal on metal. He throws his head back and forth, glitching uncontrollably, but you never stop moving or speaking. For your own safety though, you move your head back. Keeping him still would be impossible, and trying to force him to would only be painful for him.
Not to mention… It’s a thrill to have him completely lose control, from your hand alone. 
“I’m so glad you’re letting me make you feel good,” You lower your voice, and wonder if he can even hear you over the noises his own body is making. “I wanna do my best for you. Because that’s what you deserve, right? The best for the best. You’re such a pretty boy.” One of his tentacles curls itself around your wrist and slides up and down along, following your movements, while the other remaining in between your fingers. 
“OhhHHHHH YE SYES YES YES [Desperate]--” He cries out your name, pressing himself as close to you as he can. “CUT ME LOOSE CUT ME LOOSE MEMEME!!! [Angel]!!!” Before you have time to think about the phrasing, he cums all over your hand and makes the noise of twenty Windows error messages popping up all at once, before collapsing against you.
You rub his back, deciding that if he isn't up within a minute, you'll get something cold for him. His whole body is burning up. Against your expectations though, a jolt shoots through his body. Eyes filled with static look right past you. “...please…” His voice doesn’t sound tinny like it usually does, and there’s no other distortions either. 
Spamton slumps again, and you don’t know what to think.
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spitdrunken · 2 years
jerking off sp@mton
400 follower event!
notes: you jerk off the garbage man. that’s it!
you wouldn’t recommend anyone to tuck shady businessmen they find in dark alleyways underneath their arm and take them home, but you’ve been glad for spamton’s company. even if he’s loud and doesn’t know how to leave you alone, constantly pestering you for one deal or the next- you have a feeling he’s just been really, really lonely. perhaps you have been too, the only two ‘lonely s1ngles in the area’.
no one’s ever looked at you quite like he does. with awe, like you descended down from the heavens to save him. in a way, you suppose you did. he’s always trying to make you ‘deals’ that have him on the losing side, fumbling all over himself in an attempt to gain your forgiveness at any hint of annoyance- even when there’s nothing for him to worry about. he clearly needs you in a way no one else has before. it’s intoxicating, really. ...but it doesn’t quite get you going as much as the noises you make when you touch him. and all that just from your hand, the adorable little thing. 
“PLEASE PLEASE P L EASE PLE ASE--” he lets out a flurry of error noises, his body so hot that it almost stings even through your clothes. (it’s the reason yours are still on.) “GOODGOODGOOD???GODGODGOD-- GOOD?? AM I???”
you're not sure what he's looking for most, getting off or intimacy. you suspect it's the latter. he always clings to you as much as he can, sticking his comically long nose underneath your arm and wrapping his tiny limbs around you like he's trying to climb you. it’s so cute. his lower jaw hangs slack and jitters up and down because of the many twitches shooting through his body. 
“you are, you are!” you coo at him, and he starts to vibrate so hard it makes your own teeth clack together. “the most handsome. the best boy. doing so well for me! don’t you think?” you reward him with a jerk of your wrist.
his tendril is wrapped all around your hand, the majority of it slipped in between all of your fingers. the tip of it rests between your index and thumb, where you give it plenty of loving attention. a thickish black ooze drips down your arm, and you know you’ll have to spend ages getting it off of your skin later. it’s like ink. but it’s worth it. it’s writhing around now, gushing, and you know it can only mean one thing. 
"at your limit already, honey?" spamton never gets the chance to respond, because you start pressing all your fingers together and rubbing them back and forth, stimulating his whole tentacle. he lets out what only can be described as a screech, eyes filling with static as he slumps against you. you thought you’d broken him the first time this happened- now you know he just needs a few minutes to recover.
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spitdrunken · 2 years
spamton was like the first internet sexyman who had a sizable portion of nsfw fics (at least at the start) where the reader was the one in charge and man I was so living for it
if you were to finish that wireplay fic or write something else for him you'd have at least one enthusiastic reader 👀👀
anon you get it. what i loved most of all was reader being in charge!!!! so good. honestly i clicked off a fic if they 1. made regular spamton tall 2. dom spamton…… i can only imagine the little puppet guy as being such a sub. a puppy. soooo eager to be touched by you he can’t even function!!!!! so touchstarved and lonely, he can smoothtalk only until things start to get serious. then the all that can leave his mouth is steam and garbled noise <3!! he LIKES to think he’s a dom, that he’s the one in control, pulling the strings… yeah, tough sell <3
I rlly forgot how much i love this little guy honestly anon you may be fed soon TT
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