#chaeyoung x tenth!member
myoinimuni · 3 years
Twice’s tenth member, Matsumoto Maki
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Matsumoto Maki
Facts about Maki
Maki can What? (more facts about Maki)
Maki’s relationship with the girls
Maki’s idol friends outside of TWICE
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Maki’s tattoos
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honeypwark · 4 years
[ Fan Favorite ]
↳ Sixteen era
↳ Lily becomes a member of Twice. JYP critiques and compliments her. She didn't practice a speech.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
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✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
Lily stands with her hands behind her back. Despite winning the audience votes and being in Major for the final mission, she's still fairly certain she won't debut. With trainees like Nayeon and Dahyun in Minor, she doesn't hold out much hope for maintaining her position in Major.
The eliminated members, Momo, Chaeyeon, Eunsuh, and Jiwon, stand offstage. Standing alongside Lily in Major are Jihyo, Somi, Minyoung, Sana, Chaeyoung, and Mina. In Minor, Jeongyeon, Nayeon, Dahyun, Tzuyu, and Chaeryoung.
JYP announces Nayeon as the first member of Twice. Nayeon walks down the steps and makes her way to the center of the stage, unable to control her smile as she gives a short speech.
"Please open the envelope and announce who will be eliminated."
Nayeon shakily picks the first envelope and opens it slowly. Her expression drops as she reads the name and she closes the envelope. She sets it back on the table and swallows, eyes downtrodden.
She steps to the side but can't look up at the girls standing in Major as she speaks, "Please come out, Lily."
Lily breathes out and nods. That makes sense.
The audience's reaction upon hearing her name surprises her. It seems like the entire audience is shouting in protest as she walks down the steps and over to Nayeon. Nayeon opens her arms to her as she meets her on the center of the stage.
"I'm sorry," she mumbles in Lily's ear.
"It's okay, unnie," the younger girl assures her, "It's not your fault."
They break apart and face the audience.
"JYP, please make your comments," the MC says.
"Lily," JYP says.
Lily nods.
"In the first mission, you thoroughly surprised and impressed me," he says.
Lily smiles softly, remembering watching his reactions to her jokes.
"You proved you have the personality to be a star," he continues, "However, your Korean is what knocked you out of Major until the second to last mission. You have struggled with Korean throughout the show, which is to be expected as you have only lived in Korea for less than four months. You excel in dance and vocals but often fumble over Korean lyrics. Nonetheless, your Korean skills are impressive for someone who has had very limited time speaking it. Thank you for your hard work."
Lily bows and thanks JYP.
He continues on to compliment Nayeon. Nayeon and Lily switch sides of the stage and Lily feels a weight off her shoulders upon taking her place between Jeongyeon and Dahyun. At least she doesn't have to internally stress about being eliminated for too long.
The next switch is between Jeongyeon and Somi. Then, Dahyun and Minyoung. JYP denying any further lineup changes sets the seven members in stone: Jihyo, Nayeon, Jeongyeon, Dahyun, Sana, Chaeyoung, and Mina.
"But," JYP speaks over the shouts of excitement and protest from the audience, "The seven members will stay, but to complete Twice, I want to add three more members."
Lily furrows her brows at that. Who would he add? The seven confirmed members are a solid team, they're all exceptionally talented.
"One member is chosen purely by the audience and viewer votes," JYP says. "That member is Tzuyu."
After Tzuyu gives a speech, JYP announces the second of the three final members to be Momo, who JYP says the group needs because of her amazing performance and dance skills. Lily smiles and couldn't agree more. Momo has always been kind to Lily and helped her when she was lacking in dancing.
Momo is crying as she makes her way onstage, where she is greeted by the eight other members in a hug. The MC calls a commercial break after Momo speaks and JYP comments but before the announcement of the tenth and final member.
Lily does the math in her head. With the two new additions, Chaeryoung, Chaeyeon, Jiwon, and Eunsuh are the remaining candidates for the tenth member. Lily would have to guess that JYP would pick Chaeryoung.
The break ends and the nine members are lined up, back on the major side.
"The final member of Twice is someone that the team desperately needs," JYP says. "That person is Lily."
Lily looks up in shock.
Surprise paints her face, eyes wide and mouth slightly agape. She'd been so positive it wouldn't be her chosen, especially after being switched out of Major. She can't even seem to move her feet she's so in shock.
Somi pushes her forward gently and she slightly stumbles down the steps to walk to the center of the stage. The screams are deafening as she makes her way there. She'd been aware that she was a fan favorite but had figured her lacking in Korean would prohibit her from debuting, regardless.
Yet here she is, standing center stage and the audience screams for her, mind completely blank on what to say. Luckily, she doesn't have to worry about it as the MC speaks.
"The last member of Twice is Lily!" the MC says. "With this, ten members have made Twice. Please give a warm applause."
Without being asked to, the members start walking toward Lily as she stands stunned on center stage. Nayeon runs forward and wraps her arms around Lily.
"I'm so sorry, Lily! I took your place when I didn't even need to!"
"Unnie, it's okay," she says, too shocked to string more than a few Korean words together at a time.
The other eight members join Lily and Nayeon onstage.
"Lily, what are your thoughts on becoming a member of Twice?" the MC prompts.
"Uh," she says, mind drawing a blank on how to say anything in Korean. "I haven't- I didn't practice what to say if I was chosen, sorry."
The audience laughs.
Nayeon holds Lily's hand and squeezes it in support, "Um, okay. Thank you? Because I'm pretty sure the only reason I was chosen is because you guys like me, so thanks. Um, yeah. Thank you."
Lily keeps her reaction to being chosen short so she has less of a chance of messing up her words. The audience still cheers for her just as much.
The MC attempts to speak over the yelling, "This will be the team to debut."
Lily looks around her at the girls that have been chosen, still in shock. Jeongyeon, Chaeyoung, Dahyun, Mina, Sana, Nayeon, Tzuyu, Jihyo, and Momo are all lined up on either side of her.
"Please tell us why you chose Lily," the MC requests.
"Lily, your Korean is one of the only things that keeps you from being an almost perfect idol," JYP says. "Twice needs you. In every group you'd been in during the show, you've kept everyone's mood up. You are an energizer and mood maker and someone the audience has adored since the first episode. Even during the show, your Korean has improved tremendously. During this final mission, you truly sounded like a native Korean speaker."
Lily's face splits into a grin. The crowd cheers and aws.
"It would be a terrible mistake on my part not to let you debut in this group. I believe you will quickly become proficient in Korean with your dedication and work ethic. Congratulations."
Lily bows deeply, "I'll work hard!"
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wishyourgirlfriend · 8 years
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Jeongyeon x Reader
Word Count: 1884
Written by Admin LJ
(Author’s Note: This is Part 2 to “Marry Me?”, I hope you guys like it!)
“Oh my god, you look beautiful.”
The past three hours were spent in your apartment bathroom, surrounded by Jihyo and Sana, while they did your hair and makeup. You insisted on doing it yourself, but neither of them listened, and showed up to your apartment unannounced with a case of makeup and hair products at the ready.
They had really outdone themselves this time around- your makeup was so elegant and truly stunning, and at first glance in the mirror, you looked like an entirely different person.
Jihyo had just done the finishing touches to your eyeshadow when Sana came bounding in after a brief trip to the kitchen for a snack, your dress in her hands, when she saw your makeup finished. She gasped at the sight, and then proceeded to gush for the next five minutes about how great it looked, before holding out your dress to you with a grin so bright it could blind half the city. “Put it on, put it on! I can’t wait to see how it looks!” Sana exclaimed as she shoved the dress to you.
“You guys,” you rolled your eyes playfully, swatting Sana’s hands away from you, “you’re acting like this is my wedding day or something.”
Jihyo rubbed your back lightly as she guided you out of the bathroom and into your bedroom, where Sana had then laid your dress on the bed. “Yeah, but it’s your engagement party. One step closer to the wedding day, right?” Jihyo commented as she pulled Sana from the room. “Get dressed, we’ll be in the kitchen.”
Then the door was closed, leaving you alone to put on the dress Jihyo had picked out for you. It took little time to remove what clothes you had been wearing and replace them with the dress. Once you had put it on and zipped yourself up, you stood in front of the mirror to see how it looked, and you smiled at the sight in front of you. The dress was beautiful- it was deep red in color, and form fitting, which made your body look stunning. The heels you had picked greatly complemented the dress as well, and you were pleased with how you looked.
It hit you for the tenth time that day that this was yours and Jeongyeon’s engagement party. You still couldn’t wrap your head around the fact that you two were getting married- it was exciting and amazing and everything you could have hoped for. Jeongyeon was the love of your life, and you couldn’t imagine being with anyone else.
With a final look in the mirror, you exited your room to rejoin with Sana and Jihyo, who were gathering up their belongings in the kitchen. “You guys ready?” You asked, catching their attention, which had previously been focused on their pile of makeup they had brought.
Jihyo gasped. “Wow.”
“(Y/N), can you marry me instead?” Sana asked quite loudly, her mouth hanging wide open as she stared at you.
You couldn’t help but blush. “Stop it…” you whined, though you really did appreciate their compliments. It made you feel confident, and any nervousness you had been feeling prior was dissipating. “We gotta leave. We’re gonna be late if we wait any longer. And I really can’t be late to my engagement party.”
The three of you put on your jackets and grabbed your purses, and had just begun to walk out of the door when Jihyo stopped. “(Y/N), do you have the...erm, ‘surprise’?”
You nodded, patting your jacket pocket, and Jihyo gave you a thumbs up. Sana appeared to be out of the loop, and asked what was up, but neither of you told her.
“You’ll see.” was all Jihyo said before the three of you left, Sana pouting the entire way out.
You had really underestimated how many people you and Jeongyeon had invited to the party. The hall you rented out was practically full of people- friends and family from both sides- and you spent the first hour greeting those who had come. It was nerve wracking to see how many people had come, but you were excited nonetheless as you held tightly to Jeongyeon’s hand as the two of you maneuvered through the crowds.
“I don’t think I’ve said it yet, but you look so beautiful.” Jeongyeon whispered against your ear as you walked, and you blushed, giving her hand a loving squeeze in response. She was blushing too, and you grinned at her.
“You don’t look too bad yourself,” You said in a hushed voice, eyeing her dark blue dress up and down. It looked incredible on her- you knew she probably wasn’t the most comfortable in it, but your reassurance was bound to make her feel a bit better about it.
Jeongyeon whispered a small “thanks” to you, and you squeezed her hand again.
Greetings were long and tiresome, but it was expected, and after everyone had settled, the real fun began. Food, drinks, music, and laughter filled the hall, everyone buzzing around and enjoying the time with friends. It wasn’t long before folks started getting up to dance, quite a few of them with a bit too much alcohol in their systems, but no one cared. It was great fun. The music was loud and upbeat, and the party reminded you of something like prom- everyone getting along, looking wonderful and having the time of their lives.
For the entirety of the party thus far, you had stayed glued to Jeongyeon’s side, her arm wrapped securely and comfortably around your waist as you two wandered around, making conversation with friends and family, one after the other, the look of adoration Jeongyeon wore every time she spoke of you warming your heart in every possible way.
Dinner was wonderful, and dessert followed shortly after (it was also wonderful). You sat with Jeongyeon and the rest of Twice at one of the tables, Jeongyeon’s hand resting gently on your leg as you all laughed and messed around together, making memories that were sure to last a lifetime.
At some point, while Momo and Chaeyoung attempted to tell a joke together that they kept messing up, Jihyo, who sat to your left, leaned over to you and whispered, “I think now’s a good time? What about you?”
“Yeah,” you whispered back, reaching into the pocket of your coat, which was hanging on the back of your seat, slowly and carefully so Jeongyeon wouldn’t notice what you were doing. “Hey, hold on a sec.” You said to Jeongyeon and slipped away from her touch, to the center of the dance floor. Jihyo followed suit, a glass in her hand, which she tapped with a spoon to get everyone’s attention for you. You smiled as thanks, and began to speak with one hand behind your back.
“Hey, everyone. Thank you so much for coming,” you started, waving to the large group of people around you, your eyes catching Jeongyeon’s momentarily, who looked a bit confused, but still smiled lovingly at you. “I’m normally not one for speeches but I thought it would be best for me to say a few words.” You looked towards Jeongyeon once again and smiled. “Jeongyeon, can you come here, please?”
Jeongyeon raised her eyebrows and gave a quick nervous look, but stood nonetheless, and met you on the center of the dance floor. She went to go say something, but you cut her off with a finger pressed to her lips to hush her.
“I just want to take a moment to share my appreciation for my beautiful fiancee.” You announced, and Jeongyeon blushed a bright shade of red, which made you giggle, before you continued on with what you had to say. “From the time i met Jeongyeon, I knew there was something special about her. She had this energy about her that was mesmerizing. She had such a bright personality since day one, and everything and anything she did was done from the heart. She puts her all into everything, no matter what it is, and doesn’t give up. It’s admirable, really.”
“I love you.” Jeongyeon whispered so only you could hear, and you felt your cheeks heat up a bit, but paid no mind to it as your eyes moved around the crowd who had come to celebrate.
“Jeongyeon is an outstanding human. It’s one of so many reasons I fell in love with her.” The crowd cheered, and you laughed while you waited for them to settle down so you could speak again. “The day Jeongyeon asked me to marry her was hands down the best day of my life. I felt so complete in that moment-” Jeongyeon’s eyes sparkled as you continued, “-and I’m always going to feel complete so long as she’s by my side.”
Your focused moved from the crowd to just Jeongyeon, and you stepped forward with a smile on your face, your heart beating rapidly at the sight of Jeongyeon’s own grin. “You’re the greatest thing to ever happen to me.” You told her, and she looked down at her feet, cheeks still a bright shade of red, if not redder than before. “So, I think it’s my turn now…”
Then you got down on one knee and revealed the small box hidden behind your back, opening it to Jeongyeon to reveal a gorgeous ring. Jeongyeon’s hands flew up to cover her mouth, eyes wide and stunned. The girls of Twice too were stunned, and Sana had already started to cry tears of happiness at the sight of you two.
“Yoo Jeongyeon, will you marry me?”
The moment Jeongyeon nodded, the crowd went wild. People were clapping, cheering, shouting, the girls of Twice dancing around each other excitedly (Chaeyoung was up on Tzuyu’s back so she could have a better view of you two) while you and Jeongyeon laughed. Family members were crying, so happy to witness the proposal firsthand, and friends were high fiving and yelling “kiss her!” to Jeongyeon.
Jeongyeon still hadn’t said anything, but she was laughing and crying while she kept nodding to you. You stood and gently took the ring out of the box, and motioned for Jeongyeon to hold out her hand, which she did without hesitation. You took her ring finger between your own fingers and slid the ring on, the cheering coming from the crowd getting a whole lot louder after you pulled Jeongyeon to you in an impossibly tight embrace.
“Kiss her!” Chaeyoung called from Tzuyu’s back, the two maknaes grinning ear to ear at their unnie.
And so Jeongyeon did, pulling away from your embrace only to press her lips to yours, her hands finding your waist to pull you close, your own hands winding up around the back of her neck to pull her even closer.
The cheers from the crowd were nearly deafening, but you didn’t mind. In fact, you hardly noticed. You were only focused on the woman in front of you, who broke the kiss only to whisper against your ear, “I can’t believe in a few months I get to call you my wife. I’ve gotta be the luckiest person in the world.”
“No way,” you whispered back, your lips finding hers again. “I’m the luckiest because I’ve got you.”
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