#chai garam in train
railrestroblog · 2 years
Tea becomes a need during travelling. understanding this, RailRestro introduced tea on train for rail passengers. Now, travellers can order tea in train online while travelling through Indian Railways. With RailRestro app, they just need to provide PNR number and place the order their choice of tea along with food in train. Their order will get delivered to them directly to their train seat.
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day 2
Day 2 started off on an odd note but ended up being completely worth it. The morning began with us gathering in the studio to figure out our plan for the day. We wanted to share our strategy with one of our faculty members, and that’s when the first surprise hit us: our approach of dividing tasks so early on was completely wrong. We were told to drop the rigid planning, go in with open minds, and let our observations guide us. So, that’s exactly what we did.
For Ansh, this day was particularly significant—it was his first time ever at Kurukshetra Railway Station. He had never imagined it having five platforms. To him, it was bigger than expected, yet he’d describe it as "medium big." The lifts also surprised him, adding an unexpected ease to his experience. Ansh confessed that while he loves being on the train, he can’t stand the station—it’s too much for him. He also had this lingering fear that using the washroom there would lead to catching something like hepatitis.
Ansh and Jatin were assigned to cover the booking office They managed to get permission from the superintendent to go inside and observe how everything worked. They were even offered chai, which neither of them really liked. So, they secretly called Ritika and handed the chai off to her. Poor Ritika had to drink both cups. Later, when one of the women at the ticket counter asked how the chai was, Jatin, who hadn’t taken a sip, confidently replied, “I like it sugary; wouldn’t know otherwise.” Smooth, right?
While at the booking office, they chatted with a Commercial Clerk (CC) who opened up about his personal life. He had dreams of marrying the love of his life, but the heavy burden of family finances held him back, and he had to let go of that dream. His story was both poignant and a bit of a reality check for us.
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We also revisited the elements we’d explored on the previous day. This time, we took a closer look at the food stalls, especially how they prepared food and the overall hygiene. We saw the "pakodewala" refrying everything before serving it to customers. We even witnessed a small fight over a 500-rupee note whether they returned a new note or a torn one. The superintendent had a memorable line about the situation: “Yaha sab prakar ke log aate hai, koi naram to koi garam” (“All kinds of people come here, some easygoing, some hot-tempered”).
The casual attitude of the station’s employees was also pretty surprising. We learned that they can skip marking their attendance on any given day and just do it later. It was all quite relaxed. We also observed how the ticket workflow for the CCs operates, with the money collected being handed over to the commercial head every night. Speaking of money, we noticed cash just lying on the keyboard in the ticket counter area. Jatin remarked, “Mai pese yoo le sakta tha, sab hawa mai rakha tha” (“I could’ve just taken the money; it was all just lying around”).
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There was also this awkward situation where, despite the TT asking people to step back from the mic, they kept crowding in. Nearby, we discovered a small railway park where people had joined cemented benches together to sleep. Ansh, ever cautious about hygiene, stuck to packaged food.
One of the highlights of the day was our fascination with the "Vande Bharat" train. It zooms by so fast that it left us all speechless every time. We found ourselves just standing there, watching it in awe. Ansh was also pleasantly surprised to find that railway station water only cost 15 rupees—way cheaper than the 30 to 100 rupees he was used to paying.
However, Ansh also had a heart-stopping moment when he saw people crossing the tracks with complete disregard for safety. His fear was palpable. We also noticed that one of the ticket counters, despite being open, was avoided by passengers because it was covered in pigeon droppings. Even when the ticket master called people over, they refused to use it and instead followed the crowd to the other line. There was also a nearby machine for ticket booking, but no one bothered to use it, despite the operator’s increasingly frustrated shouts.
Shivdip pointed out that today was all about observation, and we took a closer look at everything. We noticed cracked floors with stones placed on them to make it easier to walk by, and trash stuffed into the gaps between chairs, as if people couldn’t resist the urge to fill any empty space with garbage.
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We also marveled at the big, majestic truss above us, appreciating its strength, and couldn’t help but laugh at how some of the shed areas weren’t fully covering the benches and leaving one bench when others were together.
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There was this one granite bench that stood alone, which Simran thought might have been there since the station was first built.
Simran and Merwyn even ventured behind the railway station to a bridge that had a staircase connecting to the station. There were very few people around, and a park for seemingly no reason. The walls were beautifully painted with scenes from the Mahabharata, which made us wonder why such a well-maintained area had so little foot traffic.
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As we made our way back, we noticed the coaches up close and were amazed to find that they had ACs and coolers inside. We could even feel some sort of gas, so we knocked on the door to see what it was. When someone finally answered, we played it cool, pretending we needed water, even though our bottles were full. The mechanic inside, who had been living in the coach for a month, kindly brought us chilled water. He explained that he travels from station to station, staying for weeks or even months at a time. He also mentioned how hot and hard it is to live in such a congested space. We couldn’t help but think how cool it was, like living in a real-life animation where you work at the station and live on the train.
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Ritika had a sentimental moment when she saw her hometown train waiting at the platform—it made her emotional. We also explored the departments outside the station, where we met some pump engine drivers who were aware of the corruption at our college.
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One of them bluntly said, “College ki director corrupted hai to bache bhi corrupted hi niklenge” (“If the college director is corrupt, then the students will turn out corrupt too”).
Ritika had a few close calls herself—a bull with a torn, bleeding tail and very big horns charged at her, and she genuinely thought she was going to break some bones. Luckily, one of the pump engine drivers saved her. Later, a creepy man stared at her, scaring her again. But then we found a brand new, clean train, and that lifted her spirits.
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As the day came to an end around 6:30 PM, we were ready to head back. The college driver took forever to show up, leaving us frustrated, so we decided to take an auto from the station instead. We negotiated the fare down to what our usual auto driver would charge, as the station rate was 100 rupees more. Somehow, we managed to enjoy the cool evening breeze as we made our way back.
When we returned to the studio, we gathered to discuss everything we had observed and experienced that day.
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It had been a long, exhausting, but incredibly insightful day.
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olffood · 6 months
Chai Lover's Paradise: OLF's Garam Chai in Train Adventures!
Start your mornings in train with a chuski of GARAM CHAI! Visit us at www.olfstores.com | call on +91-9522996999, Download the app from PlayStore.
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chogiwow · 1 year
in a very darjeeling // toy train // foggy mornings // garam chai // shawl lapete hue sitting by the window kinda mood
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titlishu · 4 years
so random, but i miss hearing 'garam chai!' at train stations.
fucking y e s me too :’)
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placesyoucallhome · 4 years
🍄 !!!
What are your OCs favourite snacks? Their favourite comfort food which always cheers them up when they’re down? Favourite meal to make? Do they enjoy baking and cooking and are they any good in the kitchen?
((also from @eligos-venator!!))
For Ruhka, it’s Tikka Masala. He doesn’t eat sweets terribly often, and he likes trying new foods quite a bit actually, but Tikka Masala was one of the first things he was taught how to make once he was out of the desert, from a passing Thavnairian traveler when he was making his way from the Sagolii to Ul’dah. It was the first bit of actual food he’d had in months back then. It’s relatively simple, spicy, filling, and now it tastes like a reminder of freedom. He always keeps a garam masala spice mix on hand, and besides, how else is he gonna make masala chai either? He’s 100% the cook of the whole lot though, and he’s pretty good at it too.
Salt eats sweets like it’s her job, Ruhka tries to cook healthier meals for her, but he always ends up catching her hand in the cookie jar, literally. A cookie jar he did not have until she moved in. She has a fondness for raspberry tea too though, with plenty of sugar.
Canum would very much like it if he never had to bother with wasting time on food again, thank you. He also can’t cook for beans anyways, though he can follow a baking recipe decently enough. He will however drop everything and rush over to his father’s apartment in Lavender Beds if he says he’s cooking though. It tends to be very old school Gyr Abanian recipes. Canum does however miss Doman food a bit.
Hazard is like Ruhka where she’s generally willing to try anything, but unfortunately, her stomach isn’t quite up to task yet and it often makes her sick even if it tastes good. She was an arena slave, nothing so glamorous as Ul’dah’s gladiator ring even. She got simple, though nutritious food to keep her fighting abilities and training up. Now that she’s out she wants to try things, but she’s also likely to be puking it up after, and she can’t spend too much gil on something that’s going to end up in the gutter instead of her stomach.
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i-see-r-3-d · 4 years
And its officially the Rainy season here 😀
The first drops of rain always bring a smile on our faces and we heave a sigh of relief – hoping that it will now cool the soaring temperatures
Bombay/ Mumbai is at its beautiful best during the rains! And the perfect way to celebrate this dreamy atmosphere around is to sit near the window – and not just watch the rains, but enjoy the soothing sound of rain, breathing deep – taking in the freshness of the air that only a fresh rainfall provides; watching children splash around in the puddles and making paper boats and rejoicing in the smell of fresh earth! Don’t we just want to sometimes just go out there and dance in the rain?
To make it even more perfect – is to now sip on the hot mint-ginger chai with some fried yummies like pakoras or the king of Mumbai street food – Vada pav!! Don’t we all crave this? Did you know – it is not some silly fancy to crave these foods during rains – but there is an actual reason behind this. Our innate cravings that come from our gut have solid logic to them.
Most mothers know and some rather dread rains as they bring with it infections – both respiratory and digestive, fevers and various other issues. Why just children, don’t we also fall ill?
Now let’s talk logic – when or why do we fall ill? Why is it that some people fall ill more easily and others don’t? The reason is Immunity or the Immune system.
Immunity is the body’s natural defense system against illness and infections. Everyday several bacteria, virus and germs attack our body. Our body shows resistance against these attacks. This resistance level depends on how strong is our immune system. Strong immune system is a key for proper functioning of the body and to fight off most diseases. For staying healthy, our immune system should be really strong
Low immunity has become a major cause of concern today owing to changes in lifestyle and our eating habits! And one of the most overlooked reasons why our immune system collapses is insufficient calorie intake.
Be it at restaurants or at parties or in trains, anywhere for that matter – one of the hot topic for conversation includes counting calories and discussing our new discovered weight loss techniques or fad diets. So people want to avoid ‘the-so called-high-calorie’ food like the plague. And yesterday I overheard an even more fantastic gyaan (I am being sarcastic here!) – “we must never give our taste buds of anything that it wants.” And let me tell you – it did not come from a fit woman – rather from the exact opposite of fit!
Given that Aunty’s logic – means no garama-garam pakoras or vada pavs! And yes a pakka chance of catching flu or cold-cough and general dullness. Coming back to what I always say – our body or gut and our innate cravings are not our dushman (enemy)! Your body is not planning and plotting all the time to ruin your “weight loss” program!
In fact – we should revere our bodies for not reacting the way it should ideally have – for all the torture we put it through in the name of diet or exercise. Many people exercise as a way to punish their bodies for over eating. To them I would like to ask – did you eat the food or your stomach grew an arm and a mouth to eat it all! You were not mindful when you ate and you literally tortured your stomach into digesting all of that and if that was not enough you run like a maniac on treadmill to now burn it all off and punish yourself! Does this even remotely make sense? But so many people do this!
We should eat and exercise from the perspective of being FIT, HEALTHY and HAPPY and not to punish ourselves. And to be honest these punishing tatics never work – because most people who may have lost “weight” doing these things always put it back on!
Shouldn’t our diet and exercise plan aim to keep us fit for the rest of our lives? Or are we meant to yo-yo from losing weight and putting it back on? – and this seems to be like on a loop!
So again – your palate is not here to disrupt your your weight loss plans. It is only trying to protect your immunity – so that you do not fall prey to a whole range of infections. To provide the system with the adequate calorie surge needed to protect from bacterial and viral and other infections does our body urge us to eat fried food. And simply because it cannot speak in the formal way – do we end up craving for these.
To my thinking minds – tell me one thing – during summers does our body not quease at the thought of eating these same fried food! This is because our gut-feelings are intelligent enough! Give your body some credit.
So it is not you being crazy with your cravings and it has nothing to do with ‘control’ or ‘willpower’ as a few people feel.
There are essential fats, like in filtered groundnut oil – being rich in antioxidants (much more than your 1 cup of green tea) that help you fight free radicals and prevent illnesses and infections. These also make your skin glow and strengthen the roots of your hair. (Are we not told to oil our hair – when we face hair fall – same logic!)
And I am talking about the pakoras and vadas that you fry at home – so you know exactly what oil you are using and you will not re-use that oil – which happens outside!  And the craving for the ginger-mint chai with these is because ginger assists your intestines to break down fat and rids your stomach of gas. That way, your smart body has taken care of what-looks-like overindulgence too.
So stop cursing your body – your cravings and your calories. Eat mindfully and eat in moderation and exercise right and you will find yourself enjoying your food and yet being Fit-Healthy and Happy!
Happy Eating 😀
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new-haryanvi-ragni · 2 years
Indian Railways update: Chai Garam at Rs 20 Only, BIG relief for passengers travelling in premium trains
Indian Railways update: Chai Garam at Rs 20 Only, BIG relief for passengers travelling in premium trains
Indian Railways removes the on-board service charges for all meals and beverages; adds Rs 50 to the price of snacks and meals, reports PTI.  source https://zeenews.india.com/railways/indian-railways-update-chai-garam-at-rs-20-only-big-relief-for-passengers-travelling-in-premium-trains-2487587.html
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topfygad · 5 years
7 Reasons To Book & Stay At Kumaon Mandal Vikas Nigam Ltd Tourist Rest Houses
Why I Enjoyed Staying At Kumaon Mandal Vikas Nigam Tourist Rest Houses
Kumaon Mandal Tourist Rest House Chaukori
  This blog post is about my experience of staying at Kumaon Mandal Vikas Nigam Ltd Hotels during our Bloggers Bus journey with Uttarakhand Tourism
During my travels, I have stayed in all kind of hotels, guest houses, luxury resorts, and even campsite, but I rarely write about the hotels I stay as mostly my focus is on the destination & experience. I have actually said no to many a hotel FAM trips as it just meant staying in the hotel and writing about it. While I am always keen to explore around also and experience the place, interact with people and maybe chat with friends whom I have never met so far. Anyways enough of my quirks, let me share my experience of staying at Kumaon Mandal Vikas Nigam Ltd Hotels or Tourist Rest Houses as they are called.
What is Kumaon Mandal Vikas Nigam Limited?
In order to promote tourism and related activities in Kumaon and Garhwal regions, the government formed two organizations Garhwal Mandal Vikas Nigam & Kumaon Mandal Vikas Nigam Ltd. The aim of these bodies is to develop sustainable tourism activities in the area. Kumaon Mandal or KMVNL as it is commonly called is responsible for developing tourism infrastructure in the Kumaon region. The KVMNL operates tourist rest houses in all major tourist attractions in Kumaon. Besides owning & operating tourist rest house KMVNL is also engaged in organizing treks to in Kumaon to different places of interest like Pindari Glacier and even facilitating, the revered Kailash Mansarovar Yatra for pilgrims.
As part of there offerings, the KMVNL owns and operates Tourist rest houses in various parts of Kumaon. This blog post is about my experience of staying in these properties and the reasons to stay in Kumaon Mandal Vikas Nigam Ltd hotels.
So here are my top 7 reasons to stay at Kumaon Mandal Vikas Nigam Ltd Hotels
Location Location Location :  
Room with a view: Naukuchiatal Kumaon Mandal Hotel is more like a colonial bungalow
 A major reason for me to chose a hotel is a location more so when you are in the Himalayas and want the best possible view of the snowcapped peaks or the pristine Deodar or Rhodendron forests around you. Here KMVNL scores top marks and most of the properties we stayed had the best possible view in the place. But if you ask my favorites I will give you not one but 3 as late Lord Harold Samuel, a real estate tycoon in Britain, coined the expression: ‘There are three things that matter in property: location, location, location.’  So my favorite 3 locations in no particular order were KMVN Ltd rest house in Naukuchiatal, the resort in Chaukori and the hotel in Kausani. In Naukuchiatal we were right at the lakefront and I could see the lake while sitting in the balcony of my room. We could see many birds chirping around as we strolled around the hotel grounds. In Kausani, right from my hotel room, we could see some of the highest peaks in the Kumaon Himalayas right from Nanda Devi, Trishul,  etc, as we watched clouds playing hide and seek with these peaks in the range of 20,000 feet height. In Chaukori the view was even close and had a feeling you could actually touch the peaks
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A Panoramic view of snow-capped Kumaon Himalayan Peaks seen from Sitlakhet ( click image for bigger size)  Image credit > Vagabond Image
Room Size & Amenities:
I could only get about 1/4 of the room in my mobile camera such is the size of rooms at Naukuchiatal Kuman Mandal Hotel
Not only the KMVN hotels are situated at the best possible location at the destination, most of them have huge room size, typically 30-50 % bigger than your average hotel room in the hills. Not only the rooms are big they have many amenities in the rooms as per the room tariff and category like tea coffee maker, TV, attached bath etc. Now you may say that these things are now very common, but remember we are talking about some of the remotest places in Kumaon where all these facilities are provided. Coming back to room size my room in the Naukuchiatal KMVN TRH was so big that you could complete your morning walk from room to bathroom only. OK, I exaggerate, but you get the gist
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But the large room size is really handy when you are traveling with kids as they can easily sleep on the extra bed or in some cases like in Chaukori and Kausani in attached smaller bedroom/sitting area.
 Dining Facilities:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 All KMVN guesthouses & hotels have a well-appointed kitchen and trained staff to cook simple food that you can have in the Dining Hall or in your room. Though I would suggest you have it in the Dining hall as some of the properties are so spread out that by the time food will reach you it will get cold.  We found the food served in KMVNL Tourist rest houses to be simple, homely yet delicious. We tried a few local dishes like Bhat kee Daal, Raita, local pickles and some common dishes you now find everywhere in India like fried dal, Aloo Mattar, Pooree Bhajee etc. Non-vegetarian food is available in all the hotels but at smaller places, you may have to place the order in advance as they bring the chicken egg etc. from the local market, that could be a few KM away.
The Dining Hall
Budget Friendly:  While some of the KMVN hotels are at par with the market rates, most of them also have rooms that fit the budget traveler also. Some of the rooms that are newly constructed can cost upward of USD 80 per night you will also get rooms that cost around 20 USD or around 1500 INR per night. In most cases, the breakfast is included so it is a great deal considering the location and size of the rooms. Not only that some of the hotels like the one in Sitlakhet also have Dormitory facilities for backpackers and trekkers who are on a tight budget.
Even small places like Gangolighat TRH in Kumaon Mandal Hotels have beautiful flowers
Gardens & Lawns: Some of the most beautiful flowers on this trip I clicked at the KMVN hotel gardens. Some of my favorite again would be Kausani, Chaukori, and Naukuchiatal. The lawns and gardens were well maintained with beautiful flowers blooming everywhere you looked. Even in some of the smaller places like in Sitlakhet and Gangolihaat, there was no shortage of flowers to click in the small but well-maintained flower patches. Many a photo session were conducted early morning in the lawns of KVMN TRHs as we were surrounded by beautiful flowers making a perfect location for photo shoots. No wonder many new movies are being filmed in Uttarakhand now as it offers a great location with might Himalayan peaks as the backdrop.
Flowers that kiss the peaks- Image clicked at Sitlaghat Kumaon Mandal Hotel
Chaukori Kumaon Mandal Tourist Rest House has the best flowers in my opinion
Mr. Ramesh Kapkoti, from Uttarakhand Tourism, shared his knowledge about local customs, treks, trees etc. with us
Well Trained Courteous Staff:  In all the properties we stayed with KMVN right from Naukuchiatal to the last one in Nanakmatta we found the staff to be well trained in the job they were to do and also very courteous and willing to accommodate our special request whether related to food or arranging chai, pakodas, chair and tables for our endless gup-shup sessions in the lawns. Indeed we have some great memories sitting on the lawn looking at snowcapped peaks and enjoying Garma-garam chai with pakodas served to us. Not only the in hotel staff but also the field staff that accompanies you on treks / adventure activities is given training for there activities as we learned from Mr. Ramesh Kapkoti, a well-known traveler and high altitude trekker from Uttarakhand Tourism who was accompanying us and helped us learn about the local trees, mountain ranges, customs etc.
Bloggers Ka Swagat Pakodon Say, Kiya Jaye
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Eco-friendly Approach: All the hotels of KMVN Ltd are doing there bit for a sustainable travel experience for the visitors.  All the guest rooms have jugs / reusable bottles so that plastic bottles can be avoided. Though they are available to those who insist on bottled water, the preference is given to refillable jugs/bottles. Most of the food is sourced locally and we enjoyed the local veggies in our meal that tasted much better than what we get in the cities. I think there is some merit to grow and consume local movement. But the best part I liked was tree plantation drive. In order to celebrate our visit to Sitlakhet as we were there during the month of Shravan ( rainy season) when Kumaon celebrates Harela Festival, we participated in tree plantations in front of our hotel. If you are staying in the Sitlakhet KMVN TRH you will find a small Citrus tree in front of it planted by Bloggers Bus 3.0 participants, and then if you walk a little down towards a clearing on the left of the hotel you will find a small Thuja orientalis tree planted by yours truly along with some other travelers from Bloggers Bus 3.0. Do say my hi to our trees when you are there and share the pictures.
Vyjay, Sandy & Upendra Swami planting a Citrus Tree at Sitlaghat
So my dear reader if you are traveling in Kumaon, may I suggest you check out the Kumaon Mandal Vikas Nigam Ltd website and book the hotel directly from there site.
For more information on KMVN Hotels, & services  you can contact them using the information here > KMVN Contacts
For booking a Kumaon Mandal Vikas Nigam Hotel directly go to there website and make your booking >  Book Kumaon Mandal Vikas Nigam Hotel 
  So I hope I have given you enough reasons to consider Kumaon Mandal Vikas Nigam Ltd Tourist Rest house, where I stayed as part of Bloggers Bus on invitation from Uttarakhand Tourism
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source http://cheaprtravels.com/7-reasons-to-book-stay-at-kumaon-mandal-vikas-nigam-ltd-tourist-rest-houses/
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Day 6 - Wednesday 13th March 2019
The train journey here to Ranthambore Tiger Reserve was a long one, we had seats booked which were already taken, surprisingly it was the father ( and kid ) of the family of five who paid for three seats that were in them
Pradeep asked them to move and the chair thief squashed in behind us and from then on his daughter, standing on top of the drop down tray, kept poking Tonys head with her hand, accompanied by perpetual chatter.
Actually she was a sweet little thing.
Throughout the 2 hour journey a succession of men walked up and down the carriage shouting 
“Garam Chai “ ( hot tea )
“Garam Pattis “ ( warm savoury cakes )
As much as I wanted to try both, I resisted because apart from the obvious, I had walked past the kitchen where it was prepared in my effort to get on the train !
Finally we rolled into Sawai Madoor station and jumped into a waiting cab for the very bumpy ride to the hotel Pug Mark.
After a late evening meal we decided to turn in  as we had a very early morning start in our pursuit of the elusive Bengal Tiger 🐅.
The Sanctuary houses about 80 tigers, which is double of what it was a decade ago, however even now the killing still goes on as these corrupt and ruthless poachers can demand high prices for tiger bones.
No prizes for guessing who buys them, answers on a postcard please.
Some tigers are tagged because they used to stray outside of the park, but now the rangers can keep an eye on them and protect them when necessary.
We were up with the cockatiels at around 5.30am,  had just enough time for a coffee and then we were picked up by our driver, guide and jeep.
The Reserve is made up of 10 zones and on the morning of your safari you are allocated a zone so that the amount of vehicles in the different areas is limited.
We were designated zone 7 and off we went in our quest for the elusive Bengal Tiger.
We passed through the town of Sawai Madoor which was bustling even at this time of the morning, food vendors were setting up their stalls the aroma filling the air, cows and dogs meandered around the traffic, how the cars, scooters, motorbikes avoid them is nothing short of a miracle. 
These market stalls a squeezed into every corner, in derelict buildings, under arches and even under the huge elephant statues that adorn the many temples, everyone seemed to have a purpose.
Within ten minutes of arriving at the park we encountered a female tiger casually sauntering across the road, she gazed at us with unblinking eyes and then melted into the undergrowth, her orange and black fur camouflaged her so well against the bushes and trees that at times we could hardly see her.
Our second trip was in the afternoon and this time we were allocated zone six, once again we made the journey through Sawai Madoor and if anything the town was even more manic than before.
We followed a school bus and out of the back window smiling little faces waved at us and the more we waved back the harder they beamed at us.
When we passed them we got a tremendous cheer, I’m writing this with tears in my eyes and a smile on my face, it’s not often that people are so happy to see you.
We had to search very hard to get a glimpse of our second tiger, however we found a young male asleep on a river bank, stretching languorously, his huge paws curling and uncurling. 
He seemed oblivious, however every so often he turned his head towards us and stare with unblinking eyes, completely at ease and very relaxed.
We also saw deer and various species of birds but it all paled into nothing after seeing the tigers.
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thosewanderingdays · 8 years
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Train lines weave through India like veins carrying blood through the body. I sit like a tiny cell inside a carriage travelling towards the boney spine of the Himalayas. Rain pelts against the window and the landscape runs past in streaks. The steady rhythm of the train lulls weary travellers who are stretched out on vinyl bunk beds.
At each stop a passing parade makes its way through each carriage. First is a man carrying a thermos in one hand and a stack of small cups in the other. ‘Chai, chai, garam chaaaiiiii…’, he pauses his mantra to pour a cup of sweet and spicy tea for a passenger next to me. Next, a crippled beggar drags himself along by the hands, stopping at the feet of each passenger with pleading eyes and hands held out. Most turn their heads to look out the window but one stranger hands him a note which he touches to his head and then his heart before putting it in his pocket. The beggar is followed by another vendor, this one selling small plastic men with sticky hands and feet. He throws one at the wall behind my head to demonstrate how it sticks like a spider then flips down the wall. He doesn’t get any takers, so he shuffles onto the next carriage.
Another man appears. He, or rather she, has fake breasts that protrude from underneath a colourful sari and her face is decorated with make-up. With one hand on her hip she waltzes up to the man across from me and puts out her hand, into which he places a note. Everyone else in the carriage also fish out some money and put it into her hand. I look around the carriage and get the feeling that there’s something about this scenario that I’m missing. I later learn that she is a hijra, a member of India’s third gender. In recent years the Indian Supreme Court ruled that non-binary males and females would be legally recognised under a ‘third gender’ category. Since ancient times hijra have been believed to have the power to bless and also to curse, and many are invited to bless celebrations such as births and marriages. When the British colonised India they passed a law that made all hijras criminals and their community was pushed onto the margins of society, forcing many into prostitution and begging. Despite this, judging from the willingness of the passengers on the train to give this hijra money, the hijra are still somewhat revered, or perhaps feared, for their demigod powers.
The train sounds its horn and begins to creep forward on the platform. The parade of beggars and vendors steps off, only to be replaced by another assortment of characters at the next stop.   Rachel McLaren
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railrestroblog · 2 years
Enjoy Chai Garam on Train with RailRestro App
This year has been a roller coaster for us from every point of view. But seeing so many happy faces around us makes us delighted that we not only delivered meals but rather happiness and if had to be precise it 50M+.Order from RailRestro app and get your first meal free. The offer is valid till 10th January 2023 on all mobile app orders.
Satisfy your Chai needs in train with RailRestro's Chai Garam. With sturdy packaging and keeping hygiene in mind, RailRestro has launched Tea in Train for both children and adults. Enjoy wide variety of tea and complete your train journey. Download the app and order now.
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For more details click here to watch this video:
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gohealthscience · 5 years
How to Gain Weight Fast | Best and Easy Diet Plan
Dubble patle ho? Koi ilaj dhoond rahe ho! Weight Gain karne ka? Apko Weight Loss krne ke to bhot tareeke mil jayege lekin Weight Gain krne ke jo tareeke apko bataye jate hai vo ya too kafi costly hote hai orr ya fir aise hote jinhe follow krna thoda mushkil hota hai. Orr inke ilava kai Supplement se bhi weight gain krne ke bare mai batayea jata hai no doubt ye kam nhi krte lekin yeh tbi kam krte hai jb inke shi diet or exercise time to time ki jaye lekin inke kai side effects bhi ho sakte hai jinke karn aap fir se phele vali condition mai aa jate ho. Too dosto aaj hum fast, Best and Easy Diet Plan ke bare batayege jise aap badi he aasani se follow kr sakte ho or weight gain kar sakte ho and achi bat yeh hai ki yeh treeka itna costly nhi hai iss mai batae gaye meals aapke ghar me hi mojood hote hai. Or ise aap agar aap regularly minimum 1-month tak bhi follow krte ho too apko result jror milega. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});
How to Gain Weight Fast | Best and Easy Diet Plan
Ajj ka diet plan un logo ke liye hai jo log apna weight gain krna chate hai. Lekin weight badhana or weight sahi tareeke se badhana ye dono alag bate hai. Agar apko lagta hai ki weight gain krne ke liye apko sara din kuch bhi khate rehna hai ya fir app kitna bhi mitha kha sakte hai. Too yeh weight gain krne ka sahi tareeka nahi hai isse aap motape ka shikar ho sakte hai. Oor dheere dheere motape se hone vali bimario ka bhi shikar ho sakte hai. Isi liye aaj hum apke liye le kar aye hai ek poore din ka Affordable Diet Plan jise agar aap sahi dang se follow krte hai to aap naturally weight gain kr sakte ho.
Diet Plan to Gain Weight Quickly
Diet Plan
6:00 AM. Early Morning
Din ki suruaat hum panni se karege halka garam pani le le 1 se 2 gilab pani subah ek jagah beth kr khali pet piye kuonki subah khali pet pani pine se hmare shareer se toxins bahar niklte hai. Hamare muscles relax ho jate hai or Blood Circulation shi ho jata hai. Pani peene k adhe ghante bad aap 6 se 7 bheege huye Badam (Almonds) or Akrot (Walnuts) khaye. Begoke khne se iske fyade bhi badh jate hai or pchane me bhi asan ho jate hai. 7:00 AM to 8:00 AM. Workout Abb iske badh aap ek ghanta Workout yani ki Exercise k liye jrur nikale. workout jitna weight loss k liye jruri hai utna he weight gain k liye jrurui hai. Orr koi bhi diet tbi kam kregi jab aap diet k sath workout kroge. Orr iske liye jrur time nikale or ho ske to subhe ke time he kre isme aap weight trainning, swimming and yoga etc. kr sakte hai. 8:30 AM. Post Workout Meal Workout se aate he ek acha Nutritious meal le jaise ki Bannana Shake. but ise bhi healthy tarike se bnaye. Aise nhi ke dudh or kele ghol diye or bn gya Banana Shake. jaise k aap simple dudh (Milk) ki jagah malai wala dudh (Milk) le sakte hai. (2 bananas minimum) or isme chini (Sugar) ka istemal nhi krna or agar mitha pana hai to shahad (Honey) add kr lijiye or aap isme Akrot (Walnuts) Badam (Almonds) Kishmish yeh sb dal sakte hai. Too iss tarah se ek Healthy shake tyar kr le or workout se atte he piye is shake ko pene ke badh Breakfast krle. 10:00 AM. Breakfast Ek healthy nutricias breakfast krne se apki energy pura din bni rehti hai. Aap jyada active mehsoos krte hai. Chahe aap kitna bhi busy kyon na hoo lekin brakfast miss nhi hona chahiye. Options  (ANY ONE)
2 Parathas + Milk Tea
4 Idli sambhar
Cheese Sandwich ya koi b Healthy Sandwich
2 Chilla (Besan/Oats/Wheat/Moong Dal/Suji etc.)
Isme se koi bhi ek chijj le le orr sath mai aap apni pasand ki koi bhi chai (Tea) le sakte hai agar green tea lege to sabse best hai. 12:00 PM. Mid Morning Meal Breakfast ke do ghante badh aap Fruits kha sakte hai. Mossom ke hisab se koi b fruit kha sakte ho (ANY FRUITS) isse apki body ko fibers or Nutrients milege. 2:00 PM. Lunch Time Fruits khane ke 2 ya 3 ghante badh aap ko yeh sbhi chije khani hai.
2 Chappati ya fir 1 Bowl Rice
1 Bowl Daal ya koi bhi Curry
1 Bowl Vegetables
Dhi (Curd)
5:00 PM. Evening Snack Lunch ke 2 ya 3 ghante badh aap apni mann pasand chai (Tea) le Sakte hai. Agar green tea le to sabse best hai nhi to dudh (Milk) vali chai (Tea) bhi le sakte hai. chai ke sath ek Healthy snack jrur le. OPTIONS (ANY ONE)
1 Bowl Roasted Makhane
2 Oats / Wheat cookies
Peanut-butter Sandwich
8:00 PM. Dinner Abb iske 2 ya 3 tin ghante badh aati hai dinner ki bari dinner apke din ka sabse light meal hona chahiye dinner me aap yeh sb kha sakte ho ALL of THESE
2 Chapati
1 Bowl Dal or Vegetable
10:00 PM
Past Dinner
Warm Milk
Agar apko night me bhi bhookh lagti hai to aap sone se 1 ghnata pehle aap halka garam doodh le sakte hai isme aap shahad (Honey) daal sakte hai ya fir iske sath khajoor (Date Palm) le sakte hai. Aab dekhte hai ki aaap is diet me or kya kya le sakte hai. agar kisi bhi meal ke bad apka kujh mitha khane ko mann kre to aap 1 piece Dark Chocklate le sakte hai. ussi tarah aap apni diet mai aalu (Potato) ya sakrkanti (Sweet Potato) bhi le sakte hai liken ise ubal k lena hai tll k nhi ussi tarah he Fat Dairy lene se b fyada milega jaise ki malai wala dudh, dhi (Curd) ya panner. yeh pura diet plan 1700 calories ka hai. Agar aap ise bilkul isse tarah follow krte hai too apka 1 mahine mai 5 se 7 kilogram ta weight gain hoga. Important Points: (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Bahar ka khana bilkul na khaye jyada tla hua ya masale vala khana na khaye chinni ko bhi avoid kre or workout bilkul bhi miss na kre iske sath sath yeh bhi dhan rake ki apni 7 se 8 ghante ki nennd ko bhi pura kre or kisi bhi tarah ka Stress na le. Oor app apni achi diet or exercise ke sath sath in chijjo ka b dhan rakhege to wajan asani se badega. Too kaise lga apko yeh Diet Plan hme niche comment box me jrur bataye or yeh jankari aapko achi lgi to ise jyada se jyada Share kre ta jo koi bhi apne dubble patle sharrer se presan hai vo b apna Weight Gain kr ske. Agar aap isi tarah ke articles read krna chahte hai to aap hume follow kr skte ho ~ Go Health Science
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ashafriesen · 5 years
A Day During The Mumbai Monsoon- The Highs And The Lows Of The City
A Day During The Mumbai Monsoon- The Highs And The Lows Of The City
 “Mumbai is a beautiful city, but a terrible place” ~ Architect Charles Correa
Mumbai — the city is a hub of entertainment and is warm and welcoming to everyone. It is a megacity and is also the capital of Maharashtra. When you hear the word Mumbai, you instantly think of it as the city of dreams – the city where all your dreams come to life.
On the other hand, Mumbai monsoon is very opposite of what Mumbai is portrayed as. Mumbai monsoon is very clumsy and difficult don’t get me wrong, I love the monsoons when I enjoy it from the comfort of my home sipping my tea but ask me to step out and it’s a different story altogether. So what are the reasons that make Mumbai monsoon pretty but also not-so-welcoming at the same time?
I am a college student. I have been living in Mumbai for the past 16 years and I travel by trains very frequently. Mumbai, like any other place, has its highs and lows. You might see the beauty of Mumbai in a lot of aspects but this year, the citizens have also seen a little bit of downside to the city. Here are the highs and lows of monsoons in Mumbai through my lenses;
1. Great Food and Mumbai Monsoon
Mumbai is well known for its street food which is very popular amongst the citizens of Mumbai. Vada Pav has is a staple diet of Mumbaikars. When you are in Mumbai, Vada Pav becomes an important part of your life. No matter how much you deny it, you can never get bored of Vada Pav. Eating Vada Pav during the Mumbai monsoon is even more fun because the weather is cold and humid and nothing feels better than a stall with deliciously smelling Vada Pav. It’s not just Vada Pav, other ‘Mumbai original’ dishes like pav bhaji are also very common these days. The weather makes you so lazy, you don’t feel like cooking anything. That is perfect because then you can go and eat some pav bhaji with your friends and family.
2. Beautiful Scenarios
Monsoon particularly is a very happy season. You get to see such beautiful scenarios as soon as you walk out of your house. There are little puddles everywhere. You can see little kids, with their little paper boats made out of their school notebooks and play with them in the rain. It is the most peaceful thing to look at because you can see how happy these kids are and they are just living in the moment and not caring about if they get sick or if their clothes get dirty. This always reminds me of how we should not stress too much about our future and only live in the present and what happens in our present.
When I go home from college, I often little school kids playing in water puddles jumping and playing with their little paper boats. Sometimes, I have also seen little stray dogs join them in their little fun activities. It reminds me of the days when I was little and I used to play with my friends in water puddles and make little boats.
3. Happy Time With Family
I believe monsoon is the best time to be bonding with your family. sometimes, it is raining so heavily that kids want to skip school and people don’t feel like working and that’s why they often end up taking a leave. At such time, family bonding grows even further. Enjoying some good ‘garam-garam pakoras’ with chai are the best combos during Mumbai monsoon. Having a fun time with family over pakoras/bhajiyas with chai is always a great feeling.
Bhajiya is a common food in my household. My mother always makes bhajiya on Sundays during the monsoon season.  And of course, the Pudina chutney is must with these bhajiyas. People usually eat it with tomato ketchup but I always prefer to eat it with pudina chutney
4. Ganesh Chaturthi
We welcome Lord Ganesh at our place every year as we believe in Lord Ganesha. Ganapati is one of those festivals in Mumbai where everyone comes together to celebrate it. The entire Mumbai unites for this sole occasion and celebrates it with much enthusiasm. people often get together for the 11th day of  ‘Ganapati Visarjan’ where they immerse the statue of Lord Ganesha in water after worshipping it for 10 days. Since Ganesh Chaturthi usually falls in the month of September which comes under the monsoon season. People ignore the intensity of the climatic condition and go for the ‘visarjan’ anyway because their love for Lord Ganesha is bigger than their fear of climatic conditions.
But Like Every Good Story, Monsoon In Mumbai Has It’s Lows As Well:
1. Water Clogging During Mumbai Monsoon
Life of a typical Mumbaikar depends on local trains. Almost 80% of the citizens rely on the Mumbai local trains because it is the lifeline of the Mumbaikars. Mumbai streets are easily flooded. Since there is a lot of heavy raining in Mumbai monsoons, water gets clogged very easily and there is a lot of water on the railway tracks as well, due to which the trains are blocked and don’t move any further. Water clogging further leads to power cuts because there are loose wires lying around.
Recently, Vasai-Virar faced the biggest problem of water clogging. It started raining on a Friday night and continued to rain at the same pace on Saturday and then Sunday. It did not look like it was gonna stop anytime soon.
The rains continued even on Sunday night and did not stop and then on Monday morning, the water level started rising and reached up to the ankles. Soon, the electricity was cut-off and so was the water supply. Since it was the first day, it was okay and people had no difficulty spending the day. Tuesday, the water level had reached till the waist, People living on the ground floor had to leave their houses and shift to someone else’s homes or live on the terrace of the building. With continuous power and electricity cut, people found it hard to stay in as the phones and other electronics had no charging. The temperature was not too much because of which there wasn’t a lot of problem sleeping at night. By Wednesday evening, the rain died down a little and that is when the water started draining out and the authorities were called for help.
By Thursday, people were back on track with their work lives and students started attending their colleges and schools. These pictures that I have attatched below are clicked by me and my friends. We lived this horror story.
2. Animals’ lives at risk
Stray animals usually find themselves at a loss of help during this time. People are so busy caring about themselves and their problems, it becomes difficult for the stray animals in Mumbai monsoon. Stray animals don’t usually find food at this time of the year because the food gets washed off because of the water. Mumbai monsoon is tough for stray animals.
When I was stuck in Vasai, I saw numerous stray dogs that were stuck because of the water being flooded. They were hungry stranded for so many days.
3. High tides at Churchgate which makes it difficult for people to go there
Marine Drive is the hotspot of people in Mumbai as well as tourists but due to Mumbai monsoon, it is not safe for people to visit at Marine Drive because there is a high tide during monsoon in Mumbai. Because of the high tides, people are warned as to not visit places like Marine Drive, Juhu Beaches, or any beaches for that matter, in order to remain safe. After the 2005 floods, people themselves have become very cautious and have started taking precautions so as to maintain safety.
I have visited Marine Drive so many times that I have lost count. My friends and I, also visit Juhu Beach sometimes because it is close to our college. But we avoid visiting such places during monsoon season because it is never safe to visit such places during monsoon.
4. Not safe food
My mom has strictly asked me to avoid eating outside the house because it may be unhealthy and unsafe and it can lead to diseases and I might get sick. When it comes to a metropolitan city like Mumbai, with vendors at every corner that you turn, you need to be careful. There are many water-borne diseases during Mumbai monsoons and therefore it is safe for you to not eat outside food in order to keep yourself from diseases. Here are some healthy tips that you can follow in monsoons.
What could be pretty becomes a menace. With this article I hope to bring some light to the issues faced by the Mumbai suburbs and outskirts. BMC are you listening?
This article is contributed by Tanya Sharma. She is a 20-year-old BMM graduate residing in Vasai. With this article, she hopes to convey to everyone the difficulties of travelling in Mumbai especially during monsoons.
The post A Day During The Mumbai Monsoon- The Highs And The Lows Of The City appeared first on Maa of All Blogs.
A Day During The Mumbai Monsoon- The Highs And The Lows Of The City published first on https://parentcenternetwork.tumblr.com/
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There is something exciting and blissful about monsoon travelling. Even though you know there will be rain, puddles, delays and soaked feet, you cannot ignore the beauty, rainbows and garam garam chai. In today’s post we look at 9 places around the world where monsoon plays an important part in adding to its allure and sheer beauty.
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Monsoon Travelling
The concept of ‘Monsoon Travelling’ is nothing new. Monsoon is the advent of rains and a change in weather, from the harrowing summer. That is why, embarking on a new family adventure or solo travel trip during monsoons, actually makes you get out of your home and go see the world.
Although you need to carry rain protective gear when embarking on a monsoon trip, the other aspects of travel remain the same – such as choosing the destination, planning for the trip, making lodging arrangements and arranging cash for the entire holiday.
Your travel holiday can be focused on a particular event, such as the World Cup happening in Russia, the Berlin Fashion Week or the London Comic Con. Some of you might want to go on a world tour perhaps. Whatever the reason for the travel or whichever destination you want to visit, you will need funds. It is not easy for salaried individuals to keep aside some form of travel funds when there are so many priority expenses to cater to. So, what do salaried individuals do in order to go on a holiday? Apply for a travel personal loan of course.
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9 Places To Visit During The Monsoons
Although any destination, whether a beach or a mountainous hill station, would look dreamy during the monsoons, we have a list of 9 places you can visit especially during the monsoons. So let’s get started.
1.Mossy Forest, Malaysia
The Mossy Forest, located at Cameron Highlands in Malaysia, gets us started. The forest is a paradise for greenery lovers. It can best be accessed from the town Tanah Rata. You can spend your time exploring the gorgeous mountains and reward yourself with a cup of hot steaming local tea. Hiking would be a great choice for adventure seekers. The highlight of the trek is the iconic slippery boardwalk. The alternative to that is the root-ridden dirt trail. All this would take you close to an hour.
Do be careful of carnivorous pitcher plants along the way, with rain also bringing along its friend, the mist. There are delicate orchids standing out among the green moss. Getting to the forest is an experience in itself. Winding roads take you through green tea fields before making its way to the misty mountaintops. Travel tip here would include boots, which will be your best pal against the moss filled footsteps.
The travel loan amount required to visit this place is INR 2,00,000.
2.Madagascar Park Forest
The Tsingy de Bemaraha National Park can be easily accessed from Morondava, which is an 8 hour drive. The forest hike will take you through the national reserve’s Big Tsingy section. A guide will accompany you, to prevent you from getting lost in the mega forest or worse, getting impaled by the spikey rocks. It is more of a rocky forest, with Tsingy’s limestone formations cover up to 230-square miles. It is an UNESCO heritage site.
The trek can last for a whole day, taking you through crevices, rickety rope bridges and allow you to witness chameleons, lemurs and a wide variety of birds. Again walk with heavy boots, instead of Paragons. The travel loan amount required to visit this place is INR 2,75,000.
3.Great Otway National Park, Australia
The Great Otway National Park can be accessed by the Great Ocean Road, that begins from Melbourne west in Torquay. The park offers hikes which are short and easy, passing through the lush landscape of Otway’s rainforest. They are home to huge tree ferns, swaying eucalyptus trees, koalas and kookaburras. The gorgeous Henderson and Erskine waterfalls add to its beauty.
The travel loan amount required to visit this place is INR 3,50,000.
4.Amazon Rainforest, Brazil
The most illustrious one on this list, the Amazon Rainforest can be accessed from Iquitos, Peru. This is the perfect place to start off a trek. The treks or tours are organized over the river, with lodges located at Iquitos letting access to a canopy walkway. The rainforest is the world’s largest rainforest, spanning over eight countries and approximately 1.4 billion acres.
The forest is fertilized by dust that seeps in from Africa’s Sahara Desert. It shelters pink dolphins, jaguars, sloths and toucans, among others. Isolated tribes still live in the forests.
The travel loan amount required to visit this place is INR 3,75,000.
5.Redwood Forest, California
The forest can be best accessed from the Avenue of Giants, which is a 32-mile drive through massive ancient trees. A great hike option would be the Rockefeller Loop at Bull Creek Flats, which is less crowded. The forest is popular for its iconic tall trees, with three of the world’s ten tallest trees located in the park’s Bull Creek Flats area. You can also drive through one of these huge trees. Hugging them completely is however impossible.
The travel loan amount required to visit this place is INR 2,50,000.
6.Cloud Forest, Ecuador
The cloud forest can be best accessed from Quito, which is the Ecuador’s capital city. The forest is located on a misty region, within lodging offered by a number of occupants. You can embark on the hike offered near Mindo, Casa Amarilla. You can witness colorful birds and a plethora of insect species. Hummingbirds and toucans are common sights. Birdwatchers with their binoculars can have a ball. The travel loan amount required to visit this place is INR 3,00,000.
7.Bamboo Forest, Japan
The Bamboo Forest can be accessed via Kyoto’s bus or train station. The hike trail leads you straight through the iconic bamboo grove. The bamboos grow really tall and towering. The sound of bamboo stalks bumping with each other will keep you company through the hike and rain.
The travel loan amount required to visit this place is INR 2,50,000.
8.Black Forest, Germany
The forest can be accessed from Baden-Baden. The hike trail is quite long, spanning almost an hour and covering up to 200 miles. You also pass the Hohebaden Castle on the way. The forest has inspired numerous fairy tales by Brothers Grimm, so you will special being there in the first place. You can also gorge on some local delicacies along the way, such as Black Forest gateau and Black Forest ham. You can gulp it down with a pint of German beer after all.
The travel loan amount required to visit this place is INR 3,00,000.
9.Sian Ki’an Biosphere Reserve, Mexico
Tour companies located at Sian Ka’an will help set up hiking tours. Public transport is the easiest way to get there. Although you can go on short treks through the jungle, you can also hop on to a boat tour through submerged mangroves along the ocean. There are plenty of crocs, sea turtles and dolphins to behold.
The travel loan amount required to visit this place is INR 3,00,000.
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Travel Personal Loan at Loan Singh
The unsecured aspect of a travel personal loan in itself makes it a potent financial solution in times of travel cash crunch. Suppose you remove the offline paperwork, delayed verification, repeated trips to the bank and delayed approval, from the travel loan availing process.  And then you turn the process online, with only 3 documents (to be uploaded), an approximately 5-minute application process and doing all this from the confines of your home. These features, my friends, make an online travel personal loan even faster to avail.
An online travel personal loan is a fantastic option during times of sudden travel plans. Sometimes, your savings might not cover the cost of a complete travel holiday. You might sometimes need to supplement your emergency travel fund with a shot of cash from other sources.
It is true that a number of traditional lending institutions provide travel loans. But, isn’t an online travel personal loan synonymous with quick, instant and requiring less paperwork?
So, what’s the best source of travel funds to plan a sudden ‘zindagi milengi na dobaara’ travel trip? How can you travel the world with the least of hassles and no tension? How to apply for an instant travel personal loan? Are there any online travel personal loan providers in India? The single answer to all these questions is Loan Singh.
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Travel Personal Loan Eligibility
The eligibility criteria for an online travel loan with Loan Singh are:
Salaried (receiving a monthly salary directly into your bank account)
Indian and above 21 years of age
A credit-worthy repayment history
No collateral needed
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indianbhabhipic · 7 years
Train Me Do Mardo Se Chudi
Train Me Do Mardo Se Chudi
Hello dosto mera name varsha jain he. Me delhi ki rehene vali hu meri age 22 sal he or me iit kharagpur me padti hu.Ye meri peheli story he agar koi galti ho jaye to maf kar dena I hope you will like the stoy so let’s start
Ab me apne bare me kuch batati hu, me 22 sal ki hu, mera rang gora he or meri figure 34dd-28-32 hai mera badan slim he or dikhne me achi khasi hu.
Ab me sidha story pe aati hu. Ye bat tab ki hai jab me delhi se kharagpur ja rahi thi. Meri tarin subah 9 baje ki thi me 8:30 ko station gai me waiting area me baithi tabhi meri nazar vaha bethe do mardo pe gai. Dono hate kate the dark in complex. Mene unki taraf dekha unki age takriban 28-30 tak ki hogi. Mene notice kiya ki kafi der se mujhe hi ghur rahe the pehele to mujhe aajib laga, mujhe laga vo log shayad chor the jo meri chizo ko dekh rahe the lekin nahi vo mujhe dekh rahe the mene pehele ignore kiya fir bhi vo mujhe hi ghur rahe the lekin fir train aa gai or me train me chad gai me general dabe me sit thi train me jyada bhid nahi thi mai apni site par beth gai vo dobo meri side vali site par bethe the me side set par thi vo bagal me .
10 minutes bad train chal padi thodi der bad log sab stel ho gaye mene bhi mere bag jama diye sit ke neche or phone me chat karne lagi mene meri jacket utar di q ki garmi thi , mene sit ko chair type bana liya tha taki ache se beth saku , mene white shirt or tight guthano thak ka skirt pehen rakha tha or andar black cup shape bra and black panty peheni thi me chat karte karte bor ho gai thi mene fir bhi notice kiya ki vo log fir se mujhe dekh rahe the fir mene jane diya unhe dekhne diya mujhe mene fir sidha unki or dekha or kaha
Pehela aadmi – hii, kaha ja rahe ho
Mai- kharagpur , or aap
Dusra aadmi- patna
Me fir magazine padne lagi fir thodi der hui mene khana khaya thoda sa or toilet gai fir thodi der get par khadu rahi kafi der get par khade rehene ke bad me sit par aai or beth gai, lekin sit par aane ke bad dekha to vaha koi or aadmi betha tha mene use uthne ko kaha to vo utha nahi fir un aadmiyo ne meri madat ki fir vo uth gaya or me beth gai
Mai – thanks
Dusra aadmi -koi bat nahi
Mai vapas kuch snacks khaye or magazine padne lagi fir mujhe bohot bor ho raha tha aaju baju ke log so gaye the do peher ka waqt tha sirf vo do aadmi jage huye the mene unhe dekha or smile di or khidki ki or dekhne lagi fir thodu der me vapas mene us taraf dekha do vo mere boobs ko ghur rahe the mene ye notice kiya mujhe aajib laga fir mene socha q na thodi masti ki jaye
Fir mene dekha to ab bhi mere bobo ko ghur rahe the me thoda sidha ho kar beth gai taki unshe ache se dikh fir thodi der me mene upar ke do batan khol diye jise mere boobs ache khase dikhai dene lage un dono ki aakho me jese chamak aa gai mene dekha unke lund khade ho gaye the dekhne se lag raha tha ki kafi bade the mene shirt ko yhoda sa stretch kiya taki boobs ache se dikhai de unshe mene fir unske bad ek or boton khol diya mere boobs almost khule hogaye the . Mene jan buc kar angdai li taki boobs bore bahar hoke unhe dikhai de or vesa hi hua balki me ra jo ek or boton tha vobhi lhul gaya or shirt side me hoke bra ke sath boobs bahar dikhai deye vo pure dudhiya gore the unke lund pure hard ho chuke the mene q ki sit ko chai type kar liya tha to mene mere legs jo cross me the unhe khol liya pr spered kar diya unke side kar ke lekin unhe esa lagne diya ki mujhe garmi lag rahi he or anjane me ye sab ho raha he fir jese hi mene legs spread kiye unki aakho me chamak aa gai meri gori janghe dekh kar me hamesha wax karti hu is leye meri chut or janghe ek dam chikni thi ek dam mast.
Fir unhe samj aa gaya ki me garam hu to ek aadmi utha or toilet ke pas gaya or dusra bhi utha or mujhe ishara kiya kichalo me bhi uthi bra shirth skirt thik ki or gai vaha. Vaha koi nahi tha or aas pas ki sit par bhi koi nahi tha pura khali pehela aadmi darvaje par khada tha or dusra bhi vahi basin ke pas me vaha gai or bola
Mai- mera nam varsha he
Pehela aadmi- virendra
Dusra aadmi-lokesh
Lokesh- chalo aandar or toilet me jane ka ishara kiya me aandar gai or lokesh ne mujhe daboch liya or mere boobs bane laga or gale ko kiss karne laga fir virendra bhi aaya or usne bhi mujhe samne se pakda or mere hoto ko chusne laga or meri shirt khol diya or bra ke upar se boobs ko chusne laga fir thodi der me bra ko bhi khol diya or fir chusne laka lokesh ne fir meri skirt ko neche kar diya or panty phad di or mere ass hole ko chusne laga meri ass kafi bhari hui thi fir lokesh toilet sit par beth gaya or meri gand me luska lund ghusa diya or zor zor se chodne laga isi bich virendra ne apna9′ ka lund mere mu me ghused diya or mere muh ko chodne laga fir virendra ne mujhe khada kiya or meri chut ke mu pe alna lund rakha or ek dhaka lagaya to lund thoda sa andar gaya me dard se child uthi me marrrr gai…… Maa…….
To vo bola chup randi sali chinal
Vir usne 4-3 dhake lagaye or lund andar dal diya mujhe bohot dard ho raha tha or me ro rahi thi chod chod fir bhi dono mujhe chodte rahe fir ek jordar jhatke ke sath dono jhad gaye fir dono ne apne lund mujhe usane ko diye or fir tiyar karne ko bola or fir taiyar hone ke bad mujhe fir choda vir patna aane par vo chale gaye or me bhi chali gai ye meri life ka pehela tarin me me anjan logo ke sath experience tha
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