destielfanfic · 4 years
My First Destiel Fic, vol.5
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Thank you guys for sharing your memories! My First Destiel Fic is a nostalgic survey open to any destiel fan and has a simple goal - to celebrate fics that were our gateway into a wonderful world of destiel shipping. Thank you, fic writers, you are our heroes! 
from @chamomilecas
hi! i joined this fandom in mid 2017, so just before season 12 came out! the first deancas fic i ever read was actually t&s (ik ik) but since it’s v.ooc imo id like to suggest the second and third fics i ever read! 
shortskirts verse - twentysomething (on ao3) first hs/college au i read and tbh i don’t remember much apart from it being super sweet and well written!
waves - wormstaches (on ao3) i think everyone has heard of this au tbh and my god it is amazingly written! also features pan!cas in a lot of ugly sweaters (which i love sm and reminds me a lot of myself eheh) basically these fics made me addicted to the college au genre till this day lolol - as well as pan!cas representation !!
All fic titles link directly to the fic, when possible, we have added link to our review or submitted rec post.
Twist and Shout by gabriel & standbyme [NC-17, 97,500 word count, posted 2012] (our review)
What begins as a transforming love between Dean Winchester and Castiel Novak in the summer of 1965 quickly derails into something far more tumultuous when Dean is drafted in the Vietnam War. Though the two both voice their relationship is one where saying goodbye is never a real truth, their story becomes fraught with the tragedy of circumstance. In an era where homosexuality was especially vulnerable, Twist and Shout is the story of the love transcending time, returning over and over in its many forms, as faithful as the sea.
Shortskirts Verse by twentysomething [NC-17, 22,400 word count, posted 2011] (our review)
So, they're in high school, and then they're in college, and it's mostly not about Taylor Swift, except when it is.
Waves by wormstaches [M, 54,100 word count] (our review)
Dean Winchester is the average guy: football, college, kid brother, nice car, girls and beer; his life is black and white, that is until he meets Castiel Collins: pretentious, slutty, sweater-wearing genius, who won’t even take the time to look up at him from his obscure novel while he insults him. And then everything is shades of gray and Dean is drowning.
from @candy-gothic
My first fic was 300 Things by cautionzombies. I can't remember when I read that but im sure it's not that long since I only started reading fanfictions around 2013-2014. It was my gateway in the world of fanfictions. I started watching SPN around that time too. Such shame it's not in ao3 anymore (or is it?) bc i really want to reread it again.
300 Things by cautionzombies [NC-17, 76,500 word count] (our review) NOTE - the fic is indeed deleted from the hosting platforms by the author. This is our gentle reminder to always download your favorite fic and leave nice comments to the authors! 
Dean’s life at twenty-four makes him feel like he’s forty–he works two jobs to help pay bills for his house and put his genius little brother through private school, and has spent six years (on and off, let’s be honest) working on his mechanical engineering degree at KU. With so much of his life devoted to his family, Dean has little time in his schedule for class and no time for social interaction. Then, while getting his classes together for the fall, he finds himself in a do-or-die situation: He must take his last literature class now, his spring already filled with those left for his major…except that none of the English classes will fit his schedule.
from @obsessedkuroi
So, hey, saw the request. I've sorta been hovering around the fandom since...maybe 2009? 2010? I know I caught up on the first 4/5 seasons in a blitz of a couple weekends of binging and crying during my college days, and then went sobbing to ffnet (ah, AO3, not yet around at the time) to find Destiel fics to comfort myself with. After all this time, Tripping by Hatteress is one fic I still come back to reread. That, and the little additions. It's one of the few fics I think did an insane amount of justice to Dean as he is in Canon, repressed emotions and all. A second one...I suppose, as Christmas has just passed, this short gem of emotion is perfect for the season. It's called Where The Sea and City Meet by RC_McLachlan and it still makes me tear up reading it.
If you ever want any more old school Destiel fics (like, back from 2008-2010, when I dived headfirst into the fandom) hit me up. I have an entire google doc filled with just Destiel recs I made for a friend eight years ago. Thanks for all the fic recs! I'm way out of the loop on Destiel fics these days, I dropped out of being an active member of the fandom some six years ago and just recently got dragged kicking and screaming back in (and rewatching the series from the beginning cause I'm a masochist)
Tripping by hatteress [NC-17, 49,000 word count, Tripping Verse has 6  works and 76,600 word count, posted 2012] (our review)
What do you do when the Universe itself seems to have decided you belong with your very stoic, very angelic, very MALE hunting companion? Dean’s about to find out.
Where the Sea and City Meet by RC_McLachlan [M, 3,000 word count, posted 2010]
Castiel risked his life by going back to 1982 to find Dean's Christmas gift, and all Dean got him was a coat.
If you enjoyed the fic, please drop by the archive (AO3) and let the author know with your comments and/or kudos! And if you found our recs useful, let us know by Liking and/or Reblogging our posts!
You can find all My First Destiel Fic posts under this tag!
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achillestiel · 4 years
the parent trap only works if you’re identical | part seven of eight | ao3 link
Tag List: @littlerachelbee @imthedoctorlove @deancas-handprint @castiel-loves-dean @wanderermatthews @thelahatiel @priscillahc @mridzyp @multi-fandom-dark-lord @thefantasyfiend @harmonyhelms @imlivingliferightnow @kara-merlin @still-clowning-in-this-house @never-forever-more @continuezmesfilserrants @2musiclover2 @castiels-bitch @stjimmie @cmths5 @chamomilecas @syrille
“Just stay. I don’t know how but we can work something out.” Cas said. “Please.” He said pleadingly. Dean’s reply was to bring their lips back together. Cas sighed happily as they just sat on the couch kissing for a long time. “Dean, come to bed with me.” Cas said breathily, his lips hovering just over Dean’s ear. It sent a shiver of excitement through his whole body.
“Of course.” Dean replied, taking Cas’ hand as one of the phones on the coffee table vibrated loudly. Claire’s phone. Dean was about to ignore it until he saw Eileen’s name on the screen. With a roll of his eyes, Dean grabbed the phone off the table, looking down at the screen and smiling.  
Hey! We haven’t heard anything from you for a while. Guessing you’re still in DC. Did you do the car thing? Gotta keep the rest of Team Parent Trap updated!
“You ever feel like your whole family is plotting against you?” Dean asked, showing Cas the screen. “Those kids are seriously doing to be the death of us if they’ve roped Eileen, Sam and Gabriel into this.”
“I think it speaks volumes that they all want to see us together.” Cas said, smiling down at the phone screen as he scrolled back up the messages. “Why are they called Team Parent Trap?”
“You...you’ve...wow. Cas, you’re lucky you’re hot.” Dean said, shaking his head. He threw Claire’s phone onto the couch while Cas flicked off all the lights downstairs. They walked hand in hand upstairs, stopping by Jack’s room and knocking on the door. Jack and Claire were sitting watching TV, looking like butter wouldn’t melt. Claire grinned smugly at Dean when she saw his hand laced with Cas’.
“We’re going to go to bed kids, don’t stay up too long.”
“And don’t even think about touching the car again.”
“We’re innocent until proven guilty with concrete evidence.” Claire said with yet another smug grin.
“Spoken like the niece of a lawyer.” Cas said, chuckling. “You may have gotten away with it if your Aunt hadn’t thrown you under the bus.”
“Dang it Aunt Eileen.” Claire muttered.
“Yeah well, we’ll talk more about your punishment in the morning. Night kids, love you both.”
“Love you too dad.” The twins said in unison. Dean grinned at them as Cas also wished the twins goodnight and headed to their room.
“I honestly don’t know whether to be proud of them or question our parenting skills.” Dean said as Cas led him not to the guest where they had slept the night before but to Cas’ room. He smiled to himself as he walked into the room. It was just so Cas. Nearly every available surface was covered with books, nick nacks from around the globe and photos of him and Jack.    
“What?” Cas asked, noticing Dean’s smile.
“Twelve years and you still manage to make any room you call your own a museum of stuff. ” Dean said, looking around the room and smiling at various ornaments. “It’s like a cross between a gift shop and the library of congress.”
“I’m going to take that as a compliment.” Cas said and Dean just laughed, pulling him close for another chaste kiss. “I was serious by the way, I want you to stay come the morning.”
“Cas, I want to stay but I need to go home. For starters, I’ve been wearing the same boxers for two days but I also have a garage to run.” Dean said between kisses. “How about we just enjoy tonight and try to work something out come morning?” Dean asked. Cas sighed but nodded, letting Dean pull him in for another kiss. Clothes were soon discarded on the floor, both men losing themselves in the touch of the other.
“Dean…” Cas whispered. Both of them moments away from drifting off to sleep. “I...I love you.” he said. Dean was silent for a beat before Cas felt him wrap his arms around Cas’ waist.
“I love you too.”
When Cas awoke the next morning it was to Dean’s arms holding him close, the distance of twelve years effectively dissolved over the course of two days. Dean’s face was burrowed into Cas’ back, making him smile when he felt Dean’s gentle breaths against his skin. Cas knew their time together was drawing to a close, because even he knew that Dean needed to go back to Kansas. He didn’t want to think about it but it was inevitable. Dean and Claire would have to return home, leaving both Cas and Jack heartbroken.
Downstairs, Cas could hear the sound of laughter and clanging pots. He was warm and cosy in Dean’s arms but if he didn’t get downstairs soon then there was a high chance something would catch on fire. Careful not to wake Dean, Cas slid out of bed and dressed in a simple sweater and pants combo. From the bed Dean let a contented sigh, smashing his face into one of Cas’ duck feather pillows. Cas smiled to himself as he looked down at Dean. Even after all these years Dean really was the most beautiful person he had ever met. Another loud clang from the kitchen pulled Cas’ focus from him. He prayed that his kitchen was still standing as he hurried downstairs.
"Hey Pops!" Claire called as Cas walked into the kitchen.  
"Pops?" Cas asked, glancing around the room. Pots and pans littered the surfaces
"It was getting confusing calling you both Dad. If you don't like Pops there's also Daddy-o or Padre." Claire said with a grin.
"Pops it is." Cas said.
“How long have you two been up? You haven’t been playing mechanic again have you?” Cas asked the twins.
“Not long, we’ve only just got up.” Jack said. “We haven’t touched the car, we promise.”
“I have a hard time believing that when it comes to you two.” Cas said. “What exactly are you two up to?”
“Making pancakes.” Jack said, grinning brightly.
“And yet it looks more like you’re making a mess, scooch over. I’ll make breakfast while you two try to stay out of trouble.” Cas said as he started to make breakfast. He was just plating up a huge stack of pancakes when Dean came into the room.
“I smelt pancakes.” Dean said between a loud yawn. He stretched out his arms as he walked over to Claire, giving her a high five before ruffling Jack’s hair.
“You could smell pancakes from a mile away.” Cas retorted. “There’s fresh coffee in the pot.”
“Thanks.” Dean said, shooting Cas a warm smile as he filled up two mugs, passing one over to Cas. Neither Dean nor Cas missed the smug looks on the twin's faces. “Shut up and eat your pancakes. You two are still in trouble for yesterday.”
“Yes, we’re now contemplating whether to go old testament or new testament god.” Cas added. The four of them sat in comfortable silence, eating pancakes and drinking coffee. The fact that Claire and Dean were leaving still felt like it was hanging over their heads and Cas noticed just how slowly the twins were eating. Drawing out the departure for as long as possible. After nearly half an hour there was no more putting it off.
"Claire, why don't you go and grab your bag? I just have to talk to your dad for a second." Dean said. Claire nodded but she and Jack walked away Dean heard them both sniffling. Dammit, all it took for Dean was to hear the twins sniffling and his eyes began to water. "Um...how about we come here for Thanksgiving? You and Jack can spend Christmas with us...I know it's not the best but..."
"I can't leave DC right now and it's not the best for you to leave Kansas?" Cas offered. "I want you and Claire to stay so much but..."
"We can make something work, right?" Dean stammered as tears welled in his eyes. He tried to blinked when but when he saw Cas' eyes filled with tears that sent him over the edge. "Dammit Cas, you just had to be so easy to fall in love with didn't you?" Dean joked between tears.
"I'm going to kiss you but it's not a kiss goodbye ok?" Cas said, cupping Dean's tear-stained face.
"Ok Cas." Dean replied. Cas pulled him in close and their lips met. They only parted when they heard coughing. Claire and Jack stood their awkwardly, both of them with red-rimmed eyes. "We...we best be heading off...traffic...you know." Dean stammered out. "Come here dude." He said to Jack, holding out his arms. Jack ran into his arms, hugging him tightly as Claire sprinted towards Cas. The four of them just standing there and hugging for several minutes.
"So, Jack and I will be seeing you at Thanksgiving." Cas said to Claire. Claire nodded but Dean could see the tears in her eyes.
"And then you're gonna spend Christmas in Kansas with Claire and me, that's cool right?" Dean said to Jack. He too was crying as he nodded. Dean pulled his son back in for another hug. Holding on tightly until it was finally time to go. "Love you kiddo."
"Love you too dad." Jack said.
"This is going to be hard but try to stay out of trouble." Cas said to Claire. Claire let out a sniffling laugh and nodded.
"I'll try. Love you Pops."
"I love you too Claire-Bear." Cas said. "We'll walk you out to the car." Cas said to Dean. The four of them walked out to the Impala, Dean towing their bags in the trunk. Claire and Jack exchanged a tear-filled hug. Dean wiped away a tear and felt Cas lace his hand through Dean's. Cas gripped tightly, silently telling Dean that he loved him. Dean squeezed back and watched as Claire gave Jack and Cas one last teary look before she got in the car.
"Um...I'll call you when we're home...maybe we can talk more when Claire and I are back in Kansas." Dean said, giving Cas one last kiss.
"Drive safe Dean." Cas said. He and Jack stepped back as Dean got into the car. Cas and Jack stood in the driveway waving to them until Dean was halfway down the street.  
"Are you mad at me?" Dean asked a still sniffling Claire. She turned to glare at him with her red-tinged eyes. "Gonna take that as a yes."
"Yes I am mad at you and I think you're an idiot! You love Pops, I know it and you know it. Heck, Jack, Uncle Gabriel, Uncle Sam and Aunt Eileen know it! Even Pops himself knows it! You love him and he loves you! YOu've always loved him otherwise you wouldn't get drunk and cry watching cowboy films." Claire yelled, her eyes filling with tears again. "I just want my family to be together and instead we're driving away from them! I know we have Uncle Sam and Aunt Eileen back home but Pops and Jack are our family. This whole thing is so goddamn stupid!"
"Claire, we'll see them at Thanks-"
"I don't want to wait until Thanksgiving to see my dad and brother. I want them with us! Don't you want them with us?"
"Of course I do Claire!"
"THEN WHY ARE WE STILL DRIVING BACK TO KANSAS ?" Claire yelled, her voice so loud that Dean nearly slammed on the breaks. "Just answer me that Dad!"
"I...I don't know...holy fuck you're right. I don't know." Dean said, slamming on the breaks and doing a completely illegal u-turn.
“What are you doing ?” Claire hollered, sliding around on her seat as the drivers behind them blared their horns.
“Chasing after your dad...kind of...ok I'm going to your dad...either way, I'm doing something I should have done twelve years ago.” Dean said, racing back down the road towards Cas’ house. The Impala had barely come to a stop but Claire was unbuckling her seatbelt and leaping out the car.  
“Dad! Claire!" Jack called, sprinting out of the house and running up to Claire. They both hugged tightly as Cas stood in the doorway just staring at them with disbelief.  
“It took us about 30 seconds after we left for us to realise we didn't want to lose you two again.” Claire said.
“We?” Cas asked.
“We.” Dean said, climbing out the Impala and striding over to Cas. “I made the mistake of not coming chasing after you all those years ago. I didn’t want you to have to chase me this time.” Dean said, shrugging like his words were far more casual than they were. Cas let out a chuckle and just shook his head.
“How is this going to work?” he asked. “I’m here in DC and you're in Kansas. What about the kids? How is this going to work?”
“We can make it work Cas, I know we can 'cause...I love you Cas. Always have. Always will.” Dean said, pulling Cas in for a kiss.  
"And I love you too Winchester. Until the end of my days." Cas said, grinning from ear to ear.
“I can’t believe we actually did this.” Jack said, high fiving Claire.  
“Yes...you two are still grounded you know?” Cas said.
"Aw dang it." Claire and Jack said in unison.
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achillestiel · 4 years
Tag List: @littlerachelbee @imthedoctorlove @deancas-handprint @castiel-loves-dean @wanderermatthews @thelahatiel @priscillahc @mridzyp @multi-fandom-dark-lord @thefantasyfiend @harmonyhelms @imlivingliferightnow @kara-merlin @still-clowning-in-this-house @never-forever-more @continuezmesfilserrants @2musiclover2 @castiels-bitch @stjimmie @cmths5 @chamomilecas @syrille
Eight Months Later
“Ok. From the very top, tell me what exactly happened.” Cas said, sliding his phone into the clip-in phone holder his assistant Hannah had given him at Christmas. On the screen, his former ex-husband grinned sheepishly. “Don’t smile at me like that Dean, it won’t work.” Cas added. 
“In Claire’s defence, she didn’t start it.” Dean said. “Which is a phrase I never thought I would say.” he added when he saw Cas’ disbelieving look. “Some seniors pushed Jack over during lunch. Kaia saw the whole thing, tried to stop them but they wouldn’t leave him alone so she grabbed Claire and Alex. Claire punched the tallest of them in the face, which is actually pretty impressive when you think about it because the kid is probably a foot taller than Claire.”
“Dean, she’s been suspended for a week.” Cas said, stifling a groan as Hannah placed a mug of decaf green tea in front of him. “Suspended Dean. I get why she did it 
“It’s fine. She’s going to work in the shop with me and now every kid at school knows not to mess with the Winchester-Novak twins. Hey Hannah, tell him to stop stressing.”
“Stop being so stressed out.” Hannah said to Cas. “You’ll be on a plane home in just a few short hours. I’ve completely cleared your schedule until tuesday so you can have a nice weekend with Dean and the kids. Stop with the stress.”
“Listen to Hannah, she’s smart.” Dean said. Hannah shot Dean a thankful smile as she walked back to her desk. “She’s right, you’ll be home soon and we’ve got the whole weekend together.” Dean added. 
“I can’t wait, this week has really dragged.”
“Well the whole gang and I will be picking you up from the airport before you know it.” Dean said, his whole face lighting up when he smiled at Cas. “I better go and make sure Claire isn’t doing like setting the kitchen on fire out of boredom. I love you Cas, can’t wait to see you.”
“I love you too Dean, I’ll see you this evening.” Cas said, hanging up and resting his hand in his hands. 
“Oh God, are you stressing out again?” Hannah asked, her head popping up from her desk. “Cas, you know that Dean loves you. He’s not going to say no.”
“Do you think it’s too soon to be asking him to marry me?”
“Weren’t you two married already? He’s not going to say no.” Hannah said, rolling her eyes. “Please just drink your green tea and calm down.” she added, returning to her work and occasionally muttering under her breath. 
The past eight months had been a whirlwind of change for everyone. After a lengthy discussion it was decided that Cas and Jack would move to Kansas. The house in Washington was sold so they could buy a larger property in Lawrence. During the week Cas stayed in Washington in an apartment not far from his office and flew home on the weekends. It wasn’t the best of situations but for now, they were making it work.
In the words of Claire Winchester, Dean was ‘spiralling’. He had been sitting in his bedroom for thirty minutes just staring at the wall. He wasn’t going to talk about the forty minutes he had spent before that pacing back and forth, occasionally flinging himself on the bed before resuming his pacing. 
“Told you, he’s doing it again.” Claire said from the doorway. 
“Yeah, you were right. He’s spiralling.” Jack intoned, standing next to her and eating a bowl of dry Cookie Crunch cereal with his fingers. 
“I can hear both of you and Jack, stop eating. You’ll ruin dinner.” Dean said, finally ripping his eyes away from the wall. “And I’m not spiralling.”
“You are.” The twin said at the same time. “You and Pops really are perfect for each other.” Claire added. “You need to stop wigging out, it’s going to be fine.” 
“I don’t want it to just be fine Claire, I want it to be great.” Dean said. Claire rolled her eyes as she grabbed a handful of dry cereal out of the bowl in Jack’s hand. “Will you two please stop eating? We’ll be going to grab Cas in half an hour.” 
“So maybe it’s time to get up off the bed, get dressed and nut up Winchester.” Claire said. At that comment Dean looked over and glared at her. “What? It’s just a suggestion. We don’t know why you’re freaking out so much.”
“Yeah, all you’re doing is asking dad to marry you...again.” Jack said. “Why are you worried?”
“Scared he’ll say no?” Claire asked with a snort. Once again Dean just glared at her. “God, I think I preferred it when you used to cry over cowboy films.” She added, grabbing a handful of cereal and swiftly exiting the room. “Just man up!” she added loudly as she stomped down the hall. 
“She might have a point, dad. Please don’t ground me for agreeing with Claire.” Jack said quickly. 
Several hours later Dean, Claire, Jack, Sam and Eileen were all standing in the arrival lounge waiting for Cas to appear. Dean’s heart was hammering violently against his chest and he’d already thrown up twice. Claire and Jack held up a sign saying ‘Welcome Home Pops’. It was a bit frayed and battered as it was the same sign they brought with everytime they picked up Cas from the airport but it had become something of a family tradition. While Dean bounced nervously from foot to foot, Eileen rubbed soothingly on his back. 
“It’ll be great Dean, stop freaking out.” She said. 
I think I’m going to throw up again Dean signed to her. 
“You’re not going to throw up. Just calm the f...hell down.” Sam said with a roll of his eyes. “At least you’re sober this time and not on a boat.”
“Please don’t talk about the boat, I’m trying really hard to not throw up right now.” Dean muttered. He focused on breathing and out, all the while keeping an eye on the arrivals board. Cas’ plane had landed ten minutes prior. He’d be here any-
“There he is!” Claire called out, waving her free hand frantically. Dean’s head snapped from the board to where Cas was walking towards them, a huge smile on his face when he saw everyone. Before he had time to freak out even more so, Dean hurried over to Cas and threw his arms around him. All the while thankful to Eileen for shoving several pieces of gum in his hand after he’d finished throwing up. 
“God I’ve missed you.” Cas said as he hugged Dean. “Are you ok? You look a bit pale.”
“I’m fine. Fine.” Dean said quickly. “I’ve just really missed you too. Look, the whole rabble his here!” he added, guiding Cas over to where the others were waiting for him. Claire and Jack raced over, hugging their dads tightly as Eileen and Sam grinned. Sneakily, Sam was already video calling Gabriel so he could witness what was about to happen. 
“I can’t wait to get home and just spend the whole weekend with you all.” Cas said. “Shall we head back, grab some dinner? Sam, Eileen do you want to join us?”
“Hold up Cas...there’s something I need to do first.” Dean said, he needed to do this now before he chickened out completely. Covertly, Claire pulled her phone out and started to record.
“What’s going on?” Cas asked, his brow furrowing. 
“Um...Cas, I love you. I know that it’s been a real crazy couple of months. Especially with Team Parent Trap and their crazy plans but I love you. I loved you when we first met and I love you even more now.” Dean stammered out, coughing ever so slightly with nerves. “So Cas...um…” Dean said as he lowered down onto one knee. 
“Dean, are you trying to propose right now in the middle of an airport?” Cas asked. Dean stared up at him with a terrified look on his face. 
“Oh god, it’s too soon isn’t it? That’s what you’re going to say. It’s too soon and you spend your weeks in Washington and-”
“Dean Winchester, of course I want to marry you, you idiot.” Cas said, sighing with exasperation. “That’s why I was going to propose...tonight...at dinner.”
“Wow...and you called us morons for switching places.” Jack said while Claire just howled with laughter. 
“Wait.” Dean said. He was still down on one knee, now just looking up at Cas with a bewildered expression. “You were planning on proposing tonight?”
“Yes Dean, I was.” Cas said, the corner of his mouth twitching with a smile.
“You know, maybe you two should have actually talked about this before. This probably wouldn’t be happening.” Sam suggested. Next to him Eileen was having to hold her side while she laughed.
“Oh yeah, and ruin a surprise engagement Sammy. Dumbass.” Dean shot over to his brother. 
“This is amazing.” Claire said, holding up her phone. “I’m so glad I’m filming this car crash. This is going on TikTok.”
“Ok I’m getting up now.” Dean said with a laugh as Cas held out a hand to help him up. “I can’t believe how badly this is going.” He added with a shake of his head. “Cas, I know this really hasn’t been too long and we saw each other again because our kids were idiots-”
“Hey!” Claire and Jack yelled out. 
“Shut up, I’m trying to propose here! Castiel Novak, will you marry me? Again”
“Yes, yes I will. Dean Winchester, will you marry me again?”
“Sure, go on then.” Dean said with a grin. He pulled Cas in for a kiss as several onlookers clapped and cheered. “As badly as this went it was still better than the first proposal.”
“Let’s try and not have any more ok? It’s just you and me, now and forever.”
“Hey!” Claire and Jack yelled for the second time. 
“Ok, just you, me and the kids. Forever.”
“I don’t know Cas, forever is a really long.”
“Dean Winchester, you infuriate me.” Cas said with a groan. Dean just laughed and pulled him for yet another kiss. 
“Yeah but you love me.”
“I do...I really do.”
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