#changmin reactions
stealanity · 4 months
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playlist one , the boyz ( cch to src ) :
ꕤ choi chanhee ,
the so-called boyfriend ( smau , hiatus )
cry for me
strawberry flavor
[ 8:42pm ]
[ 10:42pm ]
[ 11:12pm ]
[ 5:25am ]
ꕤ ji changmin ,
you did well
lying eyes
first love
dream of you
dream of you ( part two )
[ 10:32pm ]
[ 2:24am ]
[ 6:17am ]
[ 6:14pm ]
ꕤ ju haknyeon ,
our secret little date
[ 12:24pm ]
[ 8:23pm ]
[ 9:36pm ]
ꕤ kim sunwoo ,
color palette ( smau , finished )
game over ( ft. eric , written serie , discontinued )
you're save
late night kiss
a to z being your boyfriend
old toy
new toy
ghost train
just friends
[ 3:47am ]
[ 3:45am ]
[ 9:45pm ]
[ 6:38pm ]
[ 11:57pm ]
[ 11:25pm ]
ꕤ sohn eric ,
endless race ( smau , finished )
game over ( ft. sunwoo , written serie , discontinued )
age of love
broken night
never be you
roulette to your heart
because of you
black hair & red lipstick
all over
one bed
birthday present(s)
[ 3:22pm ]
[ 2:56pm ]
[ 2:24pm ]
[ 2:04am ]
ꕤ ot-eleven ,
sorry, for breaking your heart ( written serie , hiatus )
kiss or kill? ( one shot )
the boyz as the vamps' songs
october 19 : international kiss your crush day
kiss their s/o for the first time
their s/o asking them for one last kiss
their s/o having a habit of sitting on their lap
their s/o being drunk
their s/o cutting their hair short
their s/o holding hands when they're anxious / clingy
their crush not being touchy
always having an extra scrunchie for their s/o
watching a horror movie with their s/o
sharing a bed with their s/o for the first time
accidently outing their relationship on vlive
. . . link to hyung line !
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tinytinyblogs · 11 months
Sunwoo As Your Boyfriend
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(n.) A person who 90% of the time annoy you, and 10% of the time makes you forget the 90%
The boyz masterlist here #1 #2
Sunwoo is the type of boyfriend who you can lean on. He is mature, smart, and knows how to take care of you. He is also romantic and will always make you feel special. He is always there for you. He is the first person you want to call when you have good news or bad news. He is always there to listen and to offer support. He is mature and responsible. He can handle anything that comes his way, and he always puts you first. He is smart and funny. He can make you laugh even when you are feeling down. He knows how to take care of you. He will cook for you, clean for you, and do whatever he can to make your life easier. He is romantic. He will surprise you with flowers, gifts, and thoughtful gestures. He always makes you feel special. He is always honest with you. He will never lie to you or betray your trust. He is supportive of your dreams. He will always encourage you to follow your dreams and to achieve your goals. He is patient and understanding. He knows that you are not perfect, and he will always be there for you, even when you make mistakes.
Sunwoo loves to fall asleep around you. He loves the feeling of being close to you and the warmth you give him. He also loves the feeling of being safe and secure in your arms. He likes to cuddle with you. He loves the feeling of your arms around him and your body against his. He likes you to hold his hand. He loves the feeling of your hand in his and it makes him feel connected to you. Sunwoo loves the feeling of not being alone. He feels safe and secure when he is with you, and he knows that he can always count on you.
Sunwoo would obviously take you on a beach date. He loves the beach so much, and going with you would be another level of happiness for him. He loves the feeling of the sand between his toes. He would love to walk hand-in-hand with you on the beach and feel the sand between his toes. He loves the sound of the waves crashing against the shore. He would love to sit on the beach with you and listen to the waves crashing against the shore. He loves the feeling of being close to you. He would love to cuddle with you on the beach and feel your warmth against his skin. Sunwoo would also love to do some activities with you on the beach. He might want to go swimming, build sandcastles, or just relax and enjoy the view. A beach date with Sunwoo would be a perfect day. He would be so happy to spend time with you in his favorite place.
When Sunwoo spots you in a crowded place, he will ignore everyone else and make a beeline for you. He will have a sweet smile on his face and he will give you the best hug he can muster. He will tell you how much he loves to see you and how happy he is to be with you. Sunwoo will tell you how much he loves to see you in a way that makes you feel special. He will tell you how beautiful you are and how much he enjoys spending time with you.
When you're with Sunwoo, you can't help but laugh. He has a way of making you feel comfortable and relaxed, and you can always be yourself around him. You both have a lot of similarities, so it's easy to understand each other. You love to play around and tell jokes, and you always have a good time together. You might make up silly songs or dances. You'll laugh so hard that your sides hurt. You might tell each other jokes that only you find funny. You'll laugh until you cry. Sunwoo makes your day full of happiness and fun. He always knows how to make you laugh, and he always knows how to make you feel special. You love spending time with him, and you know that you can always count on him to make you smile.
Sunwoo is not afraid to show you his broken side. He will let you know when he is feeling down, and he will let you know when he is struggling. He will cry in front of you, and he will tell you all of his problems. He knows that you will listen to him and that you will help him to feel better. He trusts you. He knows that you will not judge him, and he knows that you will not tell anyone else about his problems. He needs your help. He knows that he cannot solve his problems on his own, and he needs your support. He loves you. He wants to be able to be himself around you, and he wants you to see all of him, even the broken parts. Sunwoo loves all the attention you give him when he is feeling down. He loves the way you listen to him, and he loves the way you make him feel better. He knows that he can always count on you to be there for him, and he is grateful for your love and support. When you make Sunwoo feel better after a rough day, it makes you feel good too. You feel happy that you could help him, and you feel loved that he trusts you enough to share his problems with you. You know that you are making a difference in his life, and that is a great feeling. Being there for Sunwoo when he is feeling down is a privilege. It is a sign that he trusts you and loves you, and it is an opportunity to show him how much you care. If you are lucky enough to have Sunwoo in your life, cherish him and be there for him when he needs you.
Sunwoo loves to call you randomly just to remind you that he loves you. He doesn't care what time it is, he just wants to hear your voice and tell you how much he cares. Sunwoo's random calls are a sign of his love for you. He loves you so much that he can't help but tell you how he feels, even if it's in the middle of the night.
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cupidjyu · 1 year
caught in the loving act?!
(98 line) when he hears you talking about them fondly
genre: flirting, shy juyeon, everyone is flirty juyeon's just a big loser. kissing, hugs, smiles all around! notes: i don't have much to say, just know that i am literally about to fall asleep ^.^ word count: 1.3k
You were calling your friend on the phone in another room. You were so immersed in your conversation, that you didn’t hear his knocking on the door. 
He sighed at the lack of response. He wanted to ask you what show you wanted to watch later for your scheduled movie date night. But with no answer, he decided to open the door. But, he froze when he heard his name.
“Isn’t he the cutest? People always say he looks intimidating, but they don’t actually know just how cute he is,” You rambled on and on, your legs kicking on the bed excitedly. “Like how clingy he is? He’s really clingy. And also pouty, especially when you tease him.” You let out a sigh. “I love him so much.”
Then, you looked at the time. 
“I have to go,” You giggled. “i have a date with the love of my life.” You hung up and stood up. When you turned around, you were met with the sight of him staring at you shyly. He couldn’t even look you in the eye, his cheeks flushing. “Hi, Juyeonie?” You titled your head. Then your lips curled up mischievously. “Did you hear me talking about you?” You eyed him coyly.
He blushed even more.
“Yes…” He mumbled, looking down at the floor as he shifted. He let out a sudden whine. “But did you have to expose my habits just like that? It’s– embarrassing.”
You laughed and nodded, pulling him into a hug as you looked up at him. “Of course. I think your habits are the cutest.”
“But only you’re supposed to know about them.” Juyeon huffed with a pout. “Now the whole world knows.”
“Don’t be sulky.” You poked his cheek. “You’re too cute when you’re sulky.”
He whined again, making your eyes soften. “But I only want you to see this side of me.” He frowned, eyebrows furrowing.
“Okay, okay, fine.” You soothed him, brushing his hair out of his face in which he melted into your touch. “My big baby. Only for me.”
“That’s right.” He crossed his arms before pulling you into a heart-stopping kiss. 
He wandered the house, tidying up random things and letting out occasional sighs of boredom. But suddenly, he heard your voice from across the apartment shouting. He was definitely worried as he rushed over to check on you. The door was slightly ajar and he could see that you were video-calling your friend.
He gasped, his cheeks immediately feeling hot. You were holding one of his artworks. 
“Isn’t it so amazing?” You yelled excitedly. You kicked your feet with adorable giggles. “My boyfriend is such a great artist. I love him. Look how good this one is…” You pulled out another artwork. But what Kevin noticed was how gently you handled the canvases, which made his heart melt.
“Another one!” You beamed.
Your friend clapped briefly before giving you a worried look. “Y/n, maybe just calm down a bit.”
“No–” You shook your head stubbornly. “I have to show you another one–” Your words were interrupted when you heard the door creak open from behind. You whipped around to see him leaning against the doorframe, his arms crossed as he wore a fond smile.
“She’s right. Maybe take a deep breath?” He smiled.
Your body went rigid. “K-Kevin?”
“Hi, love.” 
You hadn’t noticed your friend hang up already.
“What were you doing just now?” He laughed, approaching you, almost making you want to shrink with mortification.
“I was… showing your art…” You muttered. 
“Really? Because as far as I know, that art was made specifically for you.”
“Was it?”
“Yeah.” He nodded. He pulled you into a tight hug, pressing a kiss to the top of your forehead. “Is the art pretty?”
“Of course it is.”
“Then the art was made for you. Since you’re beautiful.” He caressed your cheek.
You stammered, unable to come up with a response. Instead, you opted for burying your flushed face in his chest.
It wasn’t often that your friend came over, so it was natural for you to be excited to see her again. The two of you went off to talk and have fun in another room as Chanhee kept to himself, scrolling through his phone with music playing in the background. But over the music, he could hear you speak his name. He tilted his head in confusion as he walked over the room.
He saw that the two of you were looking at the computer. Specifically, online shopping on a popular website.
“What about this one?” Your friend asked, pointing at the screen.
You stared at it for a second before shaking your head. “No. It has to be perfect.”
Your friend whined. “We’ve been looking for twenty minutes already.”
“If I’m trying to get a gift for him, it has to fit him,” You explained with a serious expression. “He’s already perfect! Something pretty, nice, and adorable… just like him.” You looked up at the ceiling with lovesick eyes.
Your friend rolled her eyes. “You’ve unbelievably whipped.”
“I am,” You sighed. “I’m in love with him.”
When your friend left, you decided to start cleaning up the mess that you two made. But suddenly, someone attacked you from behind, into a firm back hug. You immediately knew who it was, with his typical perfume and all. His chin was hooked over your shoulder as he peppered kisses all over your cheek.
You giggled. “What’s this for?”
“I don’t need a gift.” He whispered. “You’re all I need.”
You froze. “You heard everything?”
“Mhm.” He smiled. “Thank you for being so sweet.”
“Well, because it’s precisely you.”
He hummed in agreement. Then he kissed you again, this time longer and deeper. “I’m in love with you too.”
“Glad the feelings mutual,” You laughed.
“But what if I’m even more in love with you?” He challenged, smiling brightly.
“Oh, we’re making this a competition?”
You were currently on a video call with a family member and Changmin just happened to walk by. He was about to mind his own business when he heard you start yelling with frustration. He widened his eyes in fear that you were actually getting into a serious argument so he opened the door and peeked in.
“Are you seriously saying that he looks like a squirrel?” The younger boy on the screen looked at you skeptically.
“Yes!” You exclaimed.
“Uh…” He glanced down for a second before pulling up a hideous picture of a squirrel, mid-bite on his phone. “This is your man?”
You groaned, putting your head in your hands. “Why do you always pick the ugly pictures? Changmin is cute. A cute squirrel. Have you seen his cheeks when he eats? I want to squish them.”
“Jeez…” The boy rolled his eyes. “In love much?”
You snorted. “Like you would know.”
He gasped. “Woah. I’m blocking you.” And then he hung up. You fell against the back of your chair in disbelief.
“He actually hung up...”
“A squirrel, you say?” Your boyfriend appeared behind you, smiling cheekily.
You widened your eyes. “Changmin? How long were you– Where’d you come from?” 
“Straight from your heart.” He wiggled his eyebrows.
“Okay, wow that’s cheesy.”
“Says the one who wants to squish my cheeks.”
You whined, “In my defense, you weren’t supposed to hea–” But he suddenly cupped your cheeks and pulled you into a deep kiss.
When he pulled away, he raised an eyebrow attractively. “Why don’t you call me cute to my face?”
“Why should I?”
“So I can kiss you breathless.”
“Really?” You smirked. You waited for a moment before leaning in and whispering into his ear. “Cutie.”
He laughed, his eyes darkening. “Oh, you better get ready.”
“Ah, I’m so scared.” You sarcastically joked. But then you yelped when he dove in and started kissing you with so much passion, you were in fact: breathless.
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leejynz · 1 year
can u do boyfriend! eric or boyfriend! changmin scenario
might as well do both
tbz scenarios - boyfriend! eric / fluff!
*note this is all fictional and just based off of my opinions on the boyz (eric & changmin) js for fun*
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- 50% acts like a man and 50% acts like a baby
- buys you vip seats everytime to all the sports games you want to go too
- gets pouty when your attention is on a male celebrity on the tv “yah!! what about me?!? your boyfriend is an idol!!!”
- sends you selfies of him when he’s about to go to bed when he’s on tour “i miss you baby *face kiss emoji*”
- cleans the house when he comes home from work while you’re still at work
- can’t hide his smirk when you lay on his chest; raising his ego
- can’t help but smile when he gently fixes your hair when you’re sleeping but tries to not wake you up
- back hugs 24/7.
- contact name (you): my sweetheart (have you seen his weverse 😉)
tbz scenarios - boyfriend! changmin / fluff!
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- tucks your hair behind your ear when youre stressed
- always covers a blanket over you whenever you fall asleep in the couch
- text arguments about who misses who more “i know you miss me but i miss you the most 😡”
- the type that would love to rest on your chest instead of the other way around
- rubs his head on your neck in the morning at any random time (cuddling)
- never gives his food to his members but will give you a sip of his drink if you do aegyo for him
- leaves daily sticky notes on the fridge “morning dummy don’t skip breakfast”
- contact name (you): my pigeon (yes bc of the nyc pigeon but i feel like it’s a pet name he’d give)
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riizewrtr · 4 months
can you describe tbz members with sex positions and where they usually do it?
oOooO i like this hehe i won't link any positions or pictures so you'll have to look them up yourself, lol sorry! maybe i will later when i'm not too busy!
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Sangyeon likes doggystyle, he loves being able to grab your hair while he's thrusting into you and loves the way your ass jiggles, and mostly only enjoys sex at home in the safety of his bed
Jacob sorry but i see him as a normal missionary guy, he loves how intimate it is, being able to see the way your face scrunches in pleasure, being able to give you full on love and kisses while making love. like sangyeon he isn't too risky and would rather do it at home
younghoon likes the grasshopper, being able to still hold you but by the leg/thigh. he finds it sexy and it helps when he's a bit tired but still wanting to fuck you. likes it at home, if it's a quicky he can do it in a closet or bathroom max. nothing too crazy
hyunjae likes the lotus <3 it's very intimate and loving. he loves holding you and hugging you while he's making love to you. you would mostly do this position on a couch, he also likes to only fuck at home.
juyeon likes the cowgirl, he LOVES being rode!!! but he can still take over by thrusting his hips into you. i can see juyeon if he's REALLY needy he would do it in a closet or a bathroom, but likes to do many positions so would rather do it in a bed.
kevin i can see him liking 69 mostly during foreplay! but while fucking he likes the bodyguard, so standing while fucking! he can also carry you and fuck you standing since he likes showing how much he's been working out hehe so he can fuck anywhere especially if he's needy
chanhee is also like Jacob, he likes something intimate as missionary or maybe spooning, where it's really close and an intimate setting where you can just feel each other to the fullest. i can see chanhee only wanting to make love and not FUCK where he would go hardcore!! only fucks at home
changmin would like the butterfly, so he likes fucking you flat on your back while your legs are on his shoulders on a flat surface. so he can fuck in the kitchen or in the dining room on the table. he loves kissing and squeezing your thighs so your legs on his shoulders is heaven for him
haknyeon likes the flatiron position, he loves forcing you down on the bed. not face down ass up JUST FLAT!! he likes taking control and having that control over you. he likes how hard or soft he can go in that position and it makes your pussy a little bit tighter than usual since your legs aren't as fully spread so he enjoys it he can do a quicky bending you over in a closet max no where too crazy
sunwoo would love the joyride, it's similar to cowgirl except your feet/legs are by his head!! the way you grind against him is absolute heaven for him. he just loves the feeling of his cock grinding and moving around in your tight cunt. also likes it at home
eric also likes doggystyle but he can do it on the stairs at home, so bending you over the stairs and fucking the shit out of you there, where he can also hold you around the waist to give you sweet little kisses while groaning sweet nothings against your lips while fucking up into you <3
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hcuyk · 3 months
okay since you're back, may i please request something around 4am with changmin (or sunwoo?) and make it angst or comfort or whatever just because why not thank you my love i'm so happy you're here you don't imagine how much
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Not often did you wake up in the middle of the night, yet something felt different. Maybe it was because there was a sudden lump that had developed within your pillow or the temperature in the room had changed, but your dream had slowly faded into darkness. As you adjusted to your senses and reality itself, your eyes fluttered open and caught a glimpse of Changmin in the dark.
Your eyes traced the silhouette illuminated by the moon, noticing his eyes wide and fixated on the ceiling. Unsure of both the time and if Changmin had noticed you, you scooted over to where he was and wrapped your arms around one of his, hugging it close to your chest.
“Why are you up?” you mumbled while tucking your nose behind his shoulder, wanting to remain as close as possible. 
Changmin turned his head to face you, slightly startled that you had woken up, but his parted lips of shock curled up into a warm smile—it was almost impossible to not be in love whenever he saw you. He pressed a kiss to the top of your head before shifting in his spot, adjusting so he could bring you into his arms.
“Why are you awake, hm?” He pulled you in close and against his chest, allowing you to snuggle up against him within his embrace. 
“I asked you first,” you retaliated. You gave him an exaggerated pout before having it interrupted with a yawn. He shook his head and laughed at you softly, his arms squeezing you. He then had one of his hands gently pat you on the head, providing a weak attempt to get you back to sleep.
“Just woke up randomly, and I couldn’t go back asleep,” he whispered.
“You better not be bullshitting.” He giggled at your grumble, causing you to shuffle your feet under the comforters and kick his legs when you found them. Changmin then burst out in laughter at your terrible attempt and refuted the action by locking his legs around yours, trapping you completely in his hold. 
Instead of fighting back, your tired state melted against him, but you still glared at him as a threat. 
“I’m not bullshitting, I promise.” Your skepticism made him coo and kiss your nose, watching as your bunched-up facial features began to relax.
“We sleep together?” Noticing your slight worry, he nodded and pressed a soft kiss against your lips to reassure you.
“We sleep together.”
It had taken less than a few minutes for you to knock out, but Changmin was still completely awake. He would play with your hair, tucking strands behind your ear, before his thoughts drifted off once more. He kissed your cheek with a whispered ‘I love you’ before untangling himself from you to glance at the ceiling once more. 
His eyes then trailed over to the nightstand by their bed, and without much thought, he silently pulled out the drawer to take out a small velvet box. He flipped it open to reveal the ring he had bought you and raised it to where the moon was shining, wanting to look at it one last time before officially getting down on one knee for you.
His heart thudded against his chest and fluttered the moment he thought about you wearing it on your ring finger. He smiled and put it away so he could go back to holding you, finally relaxed enough to fall back asleep.
You were his forever, and he couldn’t wait for tomorrow. 
permanent taglist . . . @armysantiny @stealanity @zzoguri @nyujjan @tinisprout @the-kpop-simp
author's note // first timestamp for changmin! (the other one was unhinged and we pretend it doesn't exist 😭). matty my biggest supporter ilysmsmsmsmsmsmsm thank you for sending this in i hope you enjoy ALSO this may or may not be canon kidult changmin 🫣
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loveleejae · 6 months
thread : ​​the boyz's boyfriend vibe
🤍 💌 🤍
once a month, you go to the amusement park with his nephews, ride the carousels and eat cotton candy. getting to know your and his parents. a serious relationship. mom and dad for all the boyz
a joint vacation in canada. a photo on the background of niagara falls, which has been a screensaver on a laptop for 5 years. hiking in the mountains and guitar songs. hugs in front of the tv every night. every morning messages "good morning, sun💛"
shopping is like the best date, with his comments "I'm the best model of our time, right?". watching melodramas together. after which you have to calm down an overly sentimental younghoon 🥺 new cute selfies in dm every day
constant jokes that only you laugh at (just because you love him). eternal hugs and kisses on the cheek, because he loves skinship very much. he grumbles solicitously when you forget to eat or dress lightly. every day before going to bed, messages "I heart you 🤍"
frequent dates in cat cafe. weekend evenings as an excuse to drink red wine and arrange a book reading together. he takes you to a museum, after which he will say that you are the main art there. he will bring home a cat and say that it is your son (after which there will be outrage from eric, who thought that he would be the child)
the best english teacher. because he teaches from beyonce's songs. during video calls, lullabies will be played on the synthesizer before going to bed. the constant competition "who twerks better", which he always wins. thanks to him and morty, you will stop being afraid of snakes
all weekend you lie under the covers and watch cute videos with cats (with the same ones as new). you're like that iconic meme " - it's ugly. - I don't like it either." he will make sure that you eat well and properly, he will cook everything you ask for himself
on weekends, as a tradition, there is a marathon of horror films. sometimes, instead of kisses, soft "bite" on the cheeks. he takes you to an amusement park, where he will win a stuffed giraffe, which you will name after him
you have a stomach ache from laughing all the time because his jokes are amazing. there are a lot of tangerines at home for the new year, which his mother sent. an annual joint vacation in jeju. he will introduce you to the whole 99-line
mutual pranks as the meaning of this relationship. "who's flirting with whom." after you take his t-shirt, he'll put on your top and say, "it suits me better." he flirts in dm at random like "are your parents space by any chance? then where did they get such a sun?"
a joint vacation in los angeles. he will teach you how to ride a surfboard. best friends with his mom. you'll be bothering juyeon together. he will grumble that the house is not tidy, and in return he will receive grumble for the fact that everyone wakes up because of his alarm clock, but not him
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[don't repost]
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kyswoo · 1 year
The Boyz reaction
seeing you crying
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pairing: yandere!the boyz x reader
genre: yandere au, angst, fluff
request: “hello 😊 can you make a reaction to yandere!the boyz leaving you alone for the night bc of work and coming back to see you're crying and anxious(maybe fluffy at the end)?”
a/n: a lil bit short? sorry... not sure if it’s “yandere” enough but yeah well... sorry for the delay
masterlist 🌸
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When he saw your crying face he slowly approaches you and sit by your side, rubbing your back
He pulls you for a hug and pets your head, he’ll keep comforting you until you stop crying
“Shh it’s okay I’m here for you now, I won’t leave you” he says with a soft smile, cupping your face
He will cuddle you the entire day and listen to you when you want to talk about it
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He rushes to you as soon as he sees you “hey come here... what’s wrong?”
He pouts as he stares at you, he hates seeing you sad “I’m sorry babe... don’t cry please”
Jacob will hug you and tell you a million times how much he loves you and would never leave you
“I’ll buy you anything you want okay?” he tells you smiling, trying to redeem himself 
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He is very confused, rubbing the back of his neck not knowing what to do
“Did I do that? Am I the reason you’re crying?” he asks you starting to freak out, when you don’t answer and keep crying he takes that as a yes and start crying too
“I’m so sorry y/n, I’ll never do that again... please forgive me...” he doesn’t even know what he apologizing for but at that moment he just wanted you to stop crying
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“Who did this to you?” he was ready to beat whoever it was, he will hold you thightly waiting for you to tell him what’s wrong
Once you talk to him, he will just rub your arms and pout “I was getting ready to fight someone” he smiles once he hears you giggle
“That won’t happen again okay?” he assures you and kiss your forehead
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He doesn’t do anything at first but then he decides to comfort you
He sits by your side and put your head on his shoulder “why are you crying now?” he asks in his softest tone
“You can tell me, I’ll make sure it doesn’t happen again” he caress your hair and give little pecks on your face "I don't it like when you cry"
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He sits in front of you as soon as he sees you crying and caress your cheek
“Stop crying babe please...” he hugs you but he also starts tearing up
"I'll do anything you want just please stop crying" he will hold your hands until you calm down and talk to him “that’s my fault I’m sorry...”
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He will sit in front of you with a tissue, he dries your tears with it and won’t say anything
“Feeling better now?” he asks once you stop crying “what’s wrong?”
He hugs you and caress your hair trying to cheer you up, his face doesn’t express a lot of emotions but he tries his best to comfort you
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“Come on, you’re crying again?” he says taking off his jacket
He doesn’t show a lot of emotions but deep down he is worried that he is being too harsh on you
He squat down to face you and rubbed your cheek, wiping your tears away
“You know I love you right? Stop crying please”
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"awe babe did you miss me that much?" he teases you when he arrives
He will still hug you and caress your head, saying cute things but still teasing to try to make you laugh
"I promise next time I won't leave you alone for so long okay?" he smiles cupping your face
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He is very worried but also very mad at whatever made you cry
He tries to comfort you but doesn't know what to say so he just stands next to awkwardly patting your head
"hey who do I need to hurt?" he asks in a joking tone, but not really as a joke, trying to make you talk to him
“Ah it’s me I have to hurt” he chuckles once you explain it to him “I’m sorry babe...”
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He immediately ran to you and hold you in his arms
“I’m so sorry baby, I’m sorry...” he repeats it several time while caressing your back
“Baby please stop crying, I already said I’m sorry” he holds your hands looking at you, waiting for you to calm down
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taglist~ @deputyjuyeon @super-btstrash-posts @ilijimo @semanticbias @yeonjunwifeu @sunoo-bby @tinkerbell460​
(not sure if I tagged right tho, it’s been a while hehe, I couldn’t tag some people T^T)
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mo-notmoe · 10 months
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tropical romance flavor, watermelon strawberry sugar, christmassy summer, bubblegum cherry glitter, and special edition passion fruit lip gloss!!!
Introducing the Christmas in August lip gloss collection from The Boyz Phantasy Cosmetics!
(This is not an actual product just some drawings that I made that I love very much, and hopefully u do too 🫶)
AND this one has passion fruit spelled correctly!
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serenhoshi · 2 years
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐁𝐨𝐲𝐳'𝐬 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐋𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐮𝐚𝐠𝐞
Acts of Service & Quality Time
Honestly i don’t know if Sangyeon is a good cook or a clean person in general, but I feel like he would help you take care of yourself as an act of service. He would love braiding your hair if it’s long enough, doing face masks for you, help you shower after a long day... It’s all about you and your mental (and physical) well-being. Also quality time because these moments spent taking care of you are just pure and intimate moments for both of you, with chill background music and silly conversations.
Words of Affirmation & Quality Time
We all know how Jacob is supportive with everyone, he is so sweet and good with his words that any sentence said about you will be the cutest ever. If you ever have a hard time, about litteraly anything, he will find the right words to motivate you again and help you fight your depressed feelings. There is also quality time because I think he would like to teach you guitar or play it as a background music while you read a book for example. Just peaceful moments between the two of you <3
Quality Time & Gift Giving
Younghoon is a very dreamy guy (infp, he has to be), and he has a lot of thoughts. I think the ones that are in his mind the most since you’re dating are “oh, this reminds me of y/n”. He will bring you cute plushies, or jewels, or random key rings because they reminded him of you. I also added quality time because I think he would love to spend whole afternoons with you, doing activities together like: baking brownies, binge watching a tv show, making beads bracelets for each other, and more!
Physical Touch & Acts of Service
Clingy Hyunjae loves to give and get big hugs from you. He’d totally rub his cheek on the top of your head with a smile, or hide his face in your neck if he is the little spoon. Also loves to hold your hand while you walk around in the streets, he’d always rub the back of your hand gently with his thumb, as a comforting thing, maybe? To remind you that he is here and remind himself that you’re here. I also thought of acts of service because he just seems like the kind of person who would get you/make you breakfast every morning. He’d prepare most of your meals (sometimes it’s not good tbh, but he gets better with time!), and would DEFINITELY be the type of boyfriend who goes to get you pads and medecines when you’re on your period (for the uterus havers).
Quality Time & Physical Touch
Clumsy cat (aka Juyeon) sees you as a model in everyday life. You’re so independant and mature and...he’s so lost lmao. When there is too much going around he just joins you to hold your hand or let his head rest on your shoulder. You’re his little calm space in the mess the members bring in his life (because they’re so noisy and weird sometimes he gets lost, the world is too fast for him). So hes the kind of boyfriend who follows you around because he doesn’t know what is going on. He obviously loves spending time with you, doing stuff or litteraly nothing, he doesn’t mind as long as it’s with you.
Quality Time & Words of Affirmation
Kevin is an artist, so I quickly thought of art dates together, with background music and you two painting something random, switching canvas every 5 minutes. Sometimes you talk, but because of how focused you are it’s mostly quiet, but it’s still a very cute moment, and each of you keep the canvas to decorate your appartments afterwards. I also thought of Words of Affirmation because of Kevin’s vlives. He always has the right words for everything, and he is very comforting with everyone, mostly with you.
Gift Giving & Acts of Service
New is a very caring person, he always makes sure you eat and sleep well, and his tiny acts of service are to reassure himself of that. He cooks for you and cleans your bedsheets for example -you do the same at his appartment obviously, because he does it for you but doesn’t have the time to do it for himself-. Also he loves to gift people, and get gifted stuff as well. He’d spoil you SO MUCH, always having an excuse to offer you something. It could be nice or not btw, for example: he bought you a shirt and then proceeds to tell you that’s because yours was ugly.
Physical Touch & Quality Time
Before you ask, yes, he will bite you. Not as hard as he does with the members, but he will bite you. People who bite others do it as an affection thing -never understood why, my friends themselves bite me at random times- so he will do it with you obviously. He also is the kind of person who will hug you tightly in bed in the morning so you are forced to stay with him and never leave. I added Quality time because, as a dancer, he WILL take you to their practice room to teach you some stuff. He either will admire you because you’re good, or mock you because you suck. He loves you no matter what ofc :)
Acts of Service & Gift Giving
Haknyeon will cook for you and share his food with you, which is a big step in your relationship. He’ll take you to the restaurant as well, in the end never expect to starve because he’ll take care of your stomach. I added Gift Giving but I think the biggest part of your gifts will be plushies? Idk Haknyeon just associates you with these cute fluffy dolls so he wants to give them to you. He buys his favorite in duets so he can have one as well.
Words of Affirmation & Physical Touch
Sunwoo craves for attention. Y’all know that. In a relationship he is the one begging for a hug and “I love you”s. He calls you a hundred different cringy couple names and never stops complimenting you. If your confidence doesn’t fly up to the sky with him idk what to do for your self-esteem anymore. Ofc he wants you to compliment him back or else he’ll be upset and will give you the silent treatment. You don’t have to be the giver for physical touch, he’ll do it himself. He always holds your hand, even at home, loves to back hug you and smell your hair in the process, he just loves to play with your hair in general.
Acts of Service & Physical Touch
Eric is the same as Sunwoo when it comes to physical touch, but I think he’s more playful. He’d tickle you, carry you on his shoulder in the appartment, give you piggyback rides and stuff as such. You can also see it as an act of service kind of love language, as he would always offer to carry you if your feet hurt during a walk in town or something like that. Loves to cook for you and tuck you in bed. Is a litteral b*tch for romantic baths where he can wash your hair and massage you.
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moonandsunwoo · 2 years
tbz reaction to you still sleeping with a teddy bear
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# — pairing: bf!tbz x reader
# — genre: fluff
# — warnings: none
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→ this was requested. i hope you like this and it was somewhat like you hoped~
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🧸 | sangyeon
he just finds it endearing, plain and simple. wouldn’t make a big deal out of it bc why would he, it’s just a plushie! and if you like to keep it around then you shall! he’s easy like that.
🧸 | jacob
would ask for its name and then give it a soft pat before going on about his day. he’d make sure you wouldn’t forget to pack it from that moment on and always double check the floor to see if it didn’t accidentally fall in your sleep.
🧸 | younghoon
his new fave thing is immediately to hold you whilst you’re holding the teddy. probably has a picture of you holding it set as his wallpaper (with your consent ofc). he just thinks it’s so cute and so soft and very much like how he perceives you
🧸 | juyeon
juyeon! would! ask! you! about! them! he wants to know if it/they (if you have more than one) have names, where you got them from, why they are so important to you ect. he would also like to contribute to the expansion of your collection if he may…👉👈
🧸 | hyunjae
he was the one who gave you the plush in question so 🤨 u better sleep with it. but don’t forget to hold him too once in a while, bestie we know he’s a soft boy
🧸 | changmin
“So THEY can stay but my chUCKY-“ prepare to argue with him about this. he demands equal rights for his horrid doll and your cutie everything else is blaspHEMY- (he’s totally cool with it, would probably get your teddy and Chucky matching outfits WAHAHA)
🧸 | chanhee
never mentioned anything to you about it. he saw it one evening and then that was it. or you thought. guesss who put the silky bowtie on it (Chanel ofc🙄) or the pearls or the hello kitty addition- yes so he was that.
🧸 | kevin
the man with the army of plushies would just love it. you can put it to his soft friends when you’re out too! for safekeeping yes. you both just have communal mountain of plushies nearly placed on the bed 💗
🧸 | haknyeon
he: 🧐🧐 I tHouGht yOu liKe hOldiNg mE- he’s absolutely joking but he’s also haknyeon so he will also be stupid about it. it’s his duty as a bf oki thanks.
🧸 | sunwoo
tease. you should smack him with a pillow perhaps. (guess who resorts to holding the plush when you’re gone hmmm ew he’s a simp for u bestie there’s no cure)
🧸 | eric
“is that yours? can I touch it?” he’s careful around it bc it must mean something to you if you have it with you when asleep! and he pats the teddy’s head when he leaves the room, every time. but shhhh that’s a secret
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© moonandsunwoo
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tinytinyblogs · 11 months
Sangyeon As Your Boyfriend
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(n.) A person who 90% of the time annoy you, and 10% of the time makes you forget the 90%
The boyz Masterlist here #1 #2
Sangyeon seems to be the perfect boyfriend. He is thoughtful and caring, and he always puts your happiness first. He would make sure to do things that you enjoy, like taking you out to your favorite restaurants or going to see your favorite movies. He would also be there for you when you need him, whether you're having a bad day or just need someone to talk to. He would listen to you patiently and offer you wise advice. He would make you feel loved and appreciated, and he would always make you laugh. You would feel like you could be yourself around him, and you would know that he would always be there for you.
Sangyeon is a very affectionate person, but he doesn't like to show it in public. He only shows his clingy side to the people he trusts the most, like you. When he's with you, he loves to hold your hand tightly and be close to you. He feels safe and secure with you, and he doesn't have to worry about hiding his true feelings. He's the kind of guy who will always want to be close to you. He'll want to hold your hand, cuddle with you on the couch, and sleep with his arm around you. He may even get a little jealous if you spend too much time with other people. But all of this is because he loves you and cares about you so much. He wants to be close to you because he feels a deep connection with you. He feels like he can be himself around you, and he doesn't have to pretend to be someone he's not.
When he's with you, Sangyeon is like a big baby. He loves to be taken care of, and he always has a smile on his face. He'll cuddle up on the couch with you and watch your favorite movies. He'll let you braid his hair and paint his nails. He'll even let you dress him up in your clothes. When you need him, he'll be there for you. He'll be the shoulder you cry on when you're feeling down. He'll be the one to make you laugh when you're feeling stressed. He'll be the one to hold you when you're scared. Sangyeon is a true partner in crime. He'll go on adventures with you, no matter how crazy they are. He'll support your dreams, no matter how big or small. He'll always be there for you, no matter what. And even when he's being serious, he still has a smile on his face. He knows how to make you laugh, even when you're feeling down. He's the kind of guy who can make you feel like anything is possible.
Even when Sangyeon is busy and can't spend time with you, he will always make sure that you are taken care of. He will ask you if you have eaten, and if there is anything you need. Your picture on his phone screen is his source of inspiration and relaxation. He looks at it when he needs a pick-me-up, or when he's feeling stressed. Your picture reminds him of all the good times you've shared together, and it gives him the strength to keep going.
Sangyeon is head over heels in love with you, and your smile is his everything. He feels like he could fall even more in love with you every time he sees that beautiful smile. He would do anything to protect you and make sure that no one ever hurts you. He would do anything to make you happy. He would fight off a bear for you. He would cross the ocean for you. He would climb the highest mountain for you. He would do anything to make you smile. He knows that your smile is the most beautiful thing in the world, and he would do anything to see it every day. He would make you laugh until your sides hurt. He would tell you corny jokes until you rolled your eyes. He would do anything to make you happy. He loves you more than words can say, and he will never stop loving you. He is yours, and you are his. He will always be there for you, through thick and thin. He will always make you smile.
Sangyeon loves talking to you, especially when you're making plans for the future. He loves the way you can talk for hours about anything and everything, from your hopes and dreams to your deepest fears. He loves the way you challenge him to think about things in new ways, and he loves the way you make him laugh. He can't wait to see where your journey takes you. He wants to travel the world with you, build a home with you, and start a family with you. He wants to grow old with you and watch your children grow up. He wants to be with you for the rest of his life. He loves the way you enjoy your life together, even in this cruel world. He loves the way you can find joy in the simple things, like a cup of coffee on a rainy day or a walk in the park. He loves the way you make him feel safe and loved. He loves the way you make him feel like he can do anything.
Arguments can sometimes happen when Sangyeon is stressed. He might say things he doesn't mean, or he might lash out in anger. But it's important to remember that he doesn't mean it. He's just feeling overwhelmed and under pressure. When Sangyeon is stressed, he needs your understanding and support. He needs you to be there for him, to listen to him, and to help him calm down. He needs you to remind him that you love him, and that you're there for him no matter what. Sangyeon will always apologize for his behavior. He will hug you tightly, and he will tell you how much he loves you. And your relationship will be stronger than ever.
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cupidjyu · 9 months
clair de lune
changmin x reader
summary: you and changmin are polar opposites in the dance studio. you're graceful and with a "perfect" image while he goes off on his own way, experimenting with different styles. you hate him and want nothing to do with him. until he chooses you to be his partner in a duet.
genre: dance rivals au, their dance styles are opposites (ballet/hiphop etc), enemies to lovers ish, unknowing pining, self-esteem issues (stop self projecting!), slight hurt/comfort, if you ever watched pride and prejudice (2005) you will recognize scenes, "moonlight" notes: based on the classical song clair de lune, fun fact: i can play the piano! also ik u want me to open requests but gimme like another two weeks to not be exhausted from studies PFF hope you enjoy! word count: 13k (it just keeps growing im sorry)
Wiping off the bead of sweat that traveled agonizingly slow on your forehead, you glanced at the woman—your instructor who was also the bane of your existence–with a furrowed brow. She only stared at you sternly, causing you to sigh with frustration as you turned back to the mirror.
You stretched your arms, trying to make that picture-perfect angle that would satisfy her, and then you pointed your toes, just like you had been told to do since you were young. And then you began to move, your fingers outstretched, your back in a neutral position, and your shoulders–
And this time, you couldn’t constrain the groan that escaped from your lips. You let your muscles relax as you broke out of position to face her with a slightly annoyed frown.
She marked something on her clipboard. Oh, how you hated that clipboard. You once took a glance at it and you had almost cried in bed for the next two days over her incredibly harsh remarks. Constructive criticism, she would say. That… that was just bullying in your opinion.
“Are you giving up?” She practically barked, her voice loud and obnoxious. 
“I’m not–” You rolled your ankle, making sure you didn’t injure it. “I’m just tired. We’ve been practicing for hours.” And then you turned your neck, slightly wincing at the pang of soreness. 
You could’ve sworn her eye twitched as she faked a smile. “For hours because you’re simply not adequate enough to–”
“I am,” You interrupted, your face contorting with exasperation.
She gazed at you with slight surprise. And then she sighed, running a hand through her graying hair. 
“Then why do you keep messing up?” She spoke softly this time, but it was enough to shoot straight through your heart.
“Because I–” You bit your lip, looking down at your pointe shoes. You couldn’t even finish your own sentence because you yourself weren’t sure.
Your instructor stood up, picking up her bag with heavy eyes. “At this rate,” She exhaled lowly. “I might have to give this solo to someone else.”
You widened your eyes and you were immediately rushing to her, hands clasped together. “No, please,” You pleaded. “I– I promise I’ll perfect this. No mistakes. Promise.” You emphasized the last word so clearly that it echoed throughout the room. 
She stared at you with skepticism. 
“Then go,” She uttered. “Start practicing. In two days’ time will be your evaluation and then we’ll decide.”
With a huff of determination, you watched as she opened the door and left. Turning back to the mirror, it was then that you realized just how worn out you looked. Your hair was a mess, the front pieces slightly sticking to your forehead from the “practicing for hours,” which you weren’t exaggerating about at all. Your cheeks were flushed from the constant activity. But despite this, you rolled your ankle once again and began to dance.
A bit too vigorously.
Every twist and turn started to become more sloppy, more painful. As the song progressed, you found yourself stumbling more and more over your own feet and your lungs began to feel like they would collapse in on itself. 
But you kept going, determined to keep this solo that you’ve worked so hard to get a spot for. 
And it was going well! Amazing actually! Or maybe you were just telling yourself that because soon after your fake words of affirmation came the tripping of your feet and the falling of your whole body against the floor. Your shoulders stiffened as your hands came in contact with the floor and you groaned. 
Luckily, you weren’t exactly hurt anywhere. But you were frustrated. Your friend would always tell you to just take a break but you couldn’t afford that. Instead, you made a move to get up again until your eyes wandered over to where a water bottle had rolled its way over to you. 
Still completely agitated, your hand closed around it and threw it as far away as you could. You watched it skid, all the way down until it hit someone’s shoes. Pointe shoes were nowhere to be seen. Just simple sneakers. And you knew exactly who it was.
“Just when I thought I was being nice,” Changmin hummed, picking the bottle up. “Guess this is mine then.”
His voice was just so… cocky at the moment that you couldn’t help but glare up at him as if to non-verbally tell him to just leave.
The two of you were different. Not just from the pointe shoes and sneakers or from the tight balletwear and the comfortable t-shirt. It was just a lot. While you specialized in the more graceful choreographies and genres like ballet and contemporary, he was the more powerful, sharper one who thrived in hip-hop, popping and the like. And while you spent most of your time perfecting intricate moves, he was frequently finding ways to make his performance more… out there. 
Polar opposites, some people would say.
The only thing that you two had in common was being popular. Not your biggest feat, in your opinion, but it was the truth. In the dance studio, if either of your names were spoken, it was immediately recognized. The both of you were praised, criticized, and talked about on the daily, whether you liked it or not.
Opposites attract, was what other people would say.
But that wasn’t true. At least for the two of you. 
He was just so… arrogant.
“You look worse for wear,” He remarked with an amused smile.
“Thanks for pointing that out,” You snapped, brushing yourself off as you stood up, wincing at the forming bruise on your knee. “What are you doing here?”
“Walking by,” He simply replied.
“You could have just walked by the room then. Not in it.” You took that extra second to look him over. He must have been heading for practice because unlike you, he wasn’t sweaty and didn’t look like a mess. His hair softly fell over his forehead and he had those typical bulky headphones that he always wore to ignore you around his neck.
He smirked. “Just wanted to see how horrible you were doing.”
Fuming, you completely threw away the thought that he looked particularly nice that day. Clenching a fist, all the failed moves in the mirror came rushing back to your vision like waves of the ocean.
“Satisfied? Did you see all the mistakes I made?” You bitterly laughed. It was often just bickering with him. But with your instructor’s voice ringing through your ears obnoxiously, you couldn’t help but snap. With a sigh, you motioned to the door harshly. “Great. So leave.”
You had expected him to retort back. But instead, he just looked at you with an incomprehensible expression. And then his eyes traveled down to the water bottle still in his hand. Out of nowhere, he threw it to you and you scrambled to catch it.
“At least take this,” He replied quietly, no malice behind his tone. 
To say you were confused was an understatement. “Did you put anything in this?”
He laughed. “What? A love potion?”
“No,” You sputtered, toying with the cap of it. “Like a sleeping potion or–”
“And who’s going to take care of you when you’re asleep?” He raised an eyebrow.
“You.” You glared with narrowed eyes. 
“You’re funny,” He sarcastically replied. 
“Are you too much of an asshole to?” A smile tugged on your lips. “Is that why?”
“I’m perfectly capable.” He rolled his eyes. “Just not for you.”
You nodded, fully expecting his answer. And then you jabbed a finger at the door. “Get out then. I need to practice.” Without bidding him goodbye, not even a single wave, you turned around to start the music again.
But then you heard his voice again, calling out to you from across the practice room.
At first, you just thought that he was rambling, saying random things to bother you. But he said it again when you didn’t respond.
“Moonlight,” He said again, a teasing tone suddenly appearing in his voice. With an annoyed exhale, you turned to face him. That was when you came to the revelation that he was addressing you. As moonlight.
“Me?” You furrowed your eyebrows.
“Yes, you.” He tilted his head slightly. “Good luck with your practice, moonlight.”
Your hand was already raising, threatening to throw the music speaker into his face. “Don’t call me tha–”
“Moonlight,” He repeated. “This song. Clair de lune?”
“What about it?” You eyed him suspiciously.
His gaze searched yours silently for a moment. You’ve always hated it when the two of you locked eyes. It always left you feeling weird inside. Agitated, probably.
“It means moonlight. Which… reminds me of you.”
If you weren’t so exhausted, you would have noticed the way he nervously fumbled for the door and you also would have noticed his small stumble out into the hallway.
The lights blared across your vision and the bass of the music pounded from your stomach, all the way down to your ears which only worsened your growing headache. You dreaded this party. But, no matter how many times you complained about it, it happened every single year. Annually, it was a good luck party for those performing at the recital.
You didn’t want to go and you usually never did. But since that solo was meant for the recital, you had forced yourself to dress up and finally open that party invitation with the gold lettering.
You kept to yourself, occasionally waving at fellow dancers and friends. But even while there was a particular amount (read: a lot) of people questioning you about your performance and whether you were dating a famous celebrity (you weren’t), you managed to slip away and grab a drink.
You couldn’t even tell the color of the liquid because of the bright lights flashing about. But hey, at least it tasted good. Weaving through the crowd, you were desperate to find a more secluded place. But that was when you ran into someone.
Changmin. Of course, you rolled your eyes, he would be here. He had a performance too. Which frankly, you didn’t care about. At all. 
Your eyes skimmed over him for a moment, taking in his party attire. His hair was finally styled up and you were almost jealous over how well the purple lights complimented him.
He looked at you with slight surprise before schooling his expression into something obnoxious. Or teasing. You couldn’t quite tell.
“How’s the solo going?” He spoke with an amused smile. Thankfully, the music had died down. You wouldn’t know what to do with yourself if you had to lean even closer to him just to hear his infuriating insults.
“Amazing,” You immediately replied, maybe too fast and not very convincing. It had gone badly. Fewer mistakes but still much too many. But who were you to tell him that? Not when he would use that as his new monthly taunt. And out of sheer politeness, you smiled disdainfully. “Are you performing?” 
He raised an eyebrow at your obviously faked, higher-pitched voice.
“Drop the formalities.” He shook his head. “But yeah and it’s going to be better than yours. Though, I’m missing a dance partner.”
“A duet?” You tilted your head in confusion.
He nodded, a small, amused smile appearing on his lips. “Why, desperate to sign up?”
“No,” You retorted, scoffing. “Why would I ever want to dance with you?”
He simply shrugged with a smile, which only infuriated you more. With a huff, you stepped forward, furrowing your eyebrows.
“I hope you know that dancing with you is like stepping on a piece of dog sh–” You were interrupted. By your own yelp of all things. It was a common occurrence that when interacting with Changmin, you often forgot your surroundings. It was like this cloud of anger engulfed you constantly.
For example, right now, you completely forgot that you were at a party.
A guy dancing, probably having the time of his life, suddenly bumped into you, causing you to stumble over your own feet. At that point, you sort of just gave up, choosing to accept the embarrassment. But, that was when you felt a hand rush to your side to steady you.
It only briefly brushed against your waist but it sent sparks down your whole spine. Inhaling sharply, you snapped your head to look at Changmin.
“What are you doing?” You hissed.
“What?” He stared at you. “Nothing.”
“You touched me,” You spoke in utter disbelief. The feeling of his fingertips just merely grazing you left you stuttering and you weren’t quite sure why.
“So you don’t fall flat on your face,” He muttered, leaning closer, right up to your ear. Immediately, you were engulfed by his cologne that… much to your demise, smelled really good. “Wouldn’t want to ruin your pretty face.”
You felt your mouth go dry and you harshly pulled away, swallowing thickly. And now, you were incredibly grateful for the bright lights of the party because you couldn’t bear for him to notice your embarrassed expression. Visibly or not, you weren’t sure. Your cheeks felt oddly warm though.
“Well, I hope you–” You cursed yourself for stumbling over your words. “I hope you ruin your… your horrific face.” God, you mentally slapped yourself.
He only grinned. And this time, his hand actually closed around your waist. At first, you thought he was teasing again but you realized that yet again, someone was going to bump into you.
“Don’t lie,” He whispered, quiet enough only for you to hear.
“I’m not.” But your voice wavered.
“Definitely.” His lips pulled up into a teasing smile–one that you couldn’t help but think was attractive–and he walked away.
With a groan, you fixed your clothes and turned around. You let out a low breath, completely overwhelmed by the sight. The crowd was larger than before and the music only increased in volume. And so, holding a hand to your chest–ignoring the weird pounding of your heartbeat from… past events–you navigated through the bout of dancing and laughing people.
At some point, you found yourself in another room, the thumping music only heard through the walls. No matter if you were one of the most popular, successful dancers of the studio, you were still closed off. Like right now, you were pretty sure your instructor would ridicule you for literally hiding behind the curtains, sipping another drink.
Leaning your head back against the wall, you allowed yourself a deep breath as you tried to forget everything. The struggle of your dance routine, the immense and loud party, him and his stupid playful smile. 
But of course, that same him happened to pop up again. But this time, he was with Juyeon. Juyeon was a sweet man and you didn’t mind conversing with him. You had seen the way he danced powerfully yet gracefully at the same time despite his long limbs. His only flaw was that he was friends with… him.
“You still haven’t found a partner?” In the corner of your eye, they walked by, causing you to hide further.
Changmin sighed. “I’m trying.”
“What about Y/n?” Juyeon asked, nudging him with a small smile. “They seem suitable. Beautiful too.”
Your rival paused in his tracks, turning to Juyeon with an unimpressed look.
“Beautiful, but completely intolerable.”
It took all of your willpower not to jump out and throw your glass cup straight into your face. You were about to be flattered, maybe even confront him and tease him for calling you beautiful. But to counter that right after with intolerable?
You hated him.
The party was slowly dying down, now reduced to slow music for those couples who kissed in the hallways. You would think they stopped that after high school but apparently they still do so now. You were sure you looked like a mess but you couldn’t care less as you spotted Changmin in the background, leaning against the wall and simply observing the crowd.
Approaching him, you stood next to him. He only regarded you with a glance.
“What about her?” You spoke up, gesturing to a girl. She was talented, most definitely. You’d seen her do all sorts of dances, specializing in the art of tango which you admired.
“Helping me now?” He muttered.
You ignored his question, choosing to stare ahead. With a sigh, he shook his head.
“Her style is completely different from mine. So no.”
“That’s what you look for?” You scrunched up your face. “You know it’s boring when your styles are exactly the same.”
He turned to you and you tried to ignore the fact that when his hair was slightly disheveled and the top few buttons of his shirt undone, he didn’t look half bad. Still, his looks didn’t quite fit his irritating personality.
“Then what should I look for in a dance partner?” He looked at you, bored.
You thought for a moment. And then you let your hand trail down to his sleeve. Grasping the fabric, you pulled him closer.
“Someone who compliments your own dancing,” You whispered. He stared down at you in surprise. This time, his expression wasn’t an act to make you annoyed. His wide eyes, lips parted… were all real as his gaze traveled across your features, gulping nervously. “Even if…” You paused, marveling in the way his cheeks flushed under the party lighting. “They’re completely intolerable.”
He inhaled, about to walk forward. “Y/n–”
But you were already stepping away, creating that distance that you were most familiar with.
Often, dance played out in steps. One-two, one-two-three, et cetera, et cetera. The wave of your arms and the placement of your feet moved in these rhythmical steps. Or at least, you tried to get them to move in the right rhythm. It seemed that the only thing that was on time was the fast pace of your breath.
Breathing heavily, you stood up to face your three evaluators. Two of them had a somewhat satisfied look on their face, barely writing anything on their clipboards. But one… her. You grimaced, remembering the sight of her constantly picking up her pen in the middle of your routine, even frowning and shaking her head.
Your hair was messy and probably damp with sweat from the vigorous evaluation but you still stood tall. Up until that one word, that left everything crashing down on you.
Stricken, you turned to face your own instructor. 
“What?” You stuttered.
She stabbed her clipboard with the pen, tip down. “I said, you’re out,” She spoke in an obnoxiously calm voice. “I already found someone else to take your spot the other day.”
“But I–” You sighed in frustration, stepping forward, ignoring the searing pain of your joints from all the constant practicing that resulted in absolutely nothing. “I tried so hard for this. You taught me this solo, how could you–”
“I’m sorry,” She interrupted firmly. “Next time, Y/n.”
You watched each of them. There was some sense of remorse behind their expression but you could see something else. Something that pertained to… greed, money. You always knew that this dance studio–with its esteem and popularity–always would have those people who bought their way in. Those people who wanted your solo so badly that they obtained it with a simple check from their bank.
But you couldn’t change anything about that. So, with a deep breath–one that was concerningly shaky–you stepped backwards to the door.
“Fine,” You muttered. “It’s fine.”
Before you could even register it yourself, you were running out the door, the sound of it slamming behind you. Again, like those rhythmical steps, you tried to breathe in and out, tried to compose yourself. But, as soon as you turned the corner, away from any watchful eyes, you found yourself sliding down the wall. 
Bringing your knees up to your chest, you buried your face in your arms, allowing a few tears to slip. It was refreshing, really. You were always expected to be the perfect, most graceful dancer of the studio. But sometimes, it was hard to keep that up.
You let yourself relax, sniffling occasionally as you remembered all the hard work that turned into pointless frowns, sighs, and pen-writing. But then the sound of footsteps approached you. Still, you didn’t bother to look up.
“How’s the solo going?” A familiar, dreadful voice. You felt the warmth of a shoulder bump against yours as the person sat down next to you. Even through your muted ears, you could hear the thump of his head as he set it back against the wall.
With an exhausted exhale, you looked up, only to come face-to-face with Changmin. You already knew it was him but just the sight of your rival still brought you a scowl as you looked back down into your lap.
“Is that the only way to start your conversations?” You spoke softly.
He only stared at you wordlessly. You could feel his eyes on you, studying the tears that trailed down your face.
At his lack of response, you groaned. “It went horrible. I lost it. Happy now?” You bitterly smiled, wiping at your cheeks harshly, wincing at the burn of the fabric of your sleeves. When you turned to face him again, you realized that his face had fallen. 
“You… lost it?” He asked quietly.
You forced a roll of your eyes. Though, you knew it was useless to try to pretend that you felt perfectly content with this.
“Yes,” You breathed with frustration. “Yes, I did. So go. Laugh in my face and leave.”
But you didn’t hear a single huff of amusement. It was completely silent. Except for the shifting of clothes–the shifting of him moving closer to you. Now, his whole side was pressed to yours and again, you were reminded of how nice he smelled.
“I won’t laugh,” He whispered.
“Okay then.” You glanced at him briefly. “Fine. What are you doing here then?”
He turned to you slightly and you flinched when you saw his hand lifting up towards your face. You stayed frozen once you realized that he was picking up a thread of fabric stuck in your hair. Probably from your constant rubbing of your tears.
“Small talk,” He eventually replied, his voice surprisingly soft and… gentle.
You snorted, slapping his hand away. “With your rival?”
“Best to learn your enemies,” He humorously responded.
And even with your tears drying on your skin, you laughed. It was quiet, slightly weak from emotions of failure. But you still laughed. Because of Changmin of all people. With a sigh, you patted at the drying tears.
“God, I probably look like a mess.”
“You don’t.”
You turned to him in slight surprise before narrowing your eyes. “How can I trust you?”
“Just do.” He smiled. 
You hummed, shutting your eyes with exhaustion. “Then I’ll take your word for it.”
“It’s quite the opposite actually,” He continued. Perking up, you grinned playfully at him. 
“And what do you mean by that? What’s the opposite of looking like a mess?” 
“Looking…” His voice was barely a whisper now. “Looking pretty.”
Your breath hitched at his words. You didn’t know what you were expecting but you weren’t expecting that. But again, he was your rival. He was probably just teasing you.
“Are you saying I’m a pretty crier?”
He paused. And finally, without any dark rooms or party lighting, you could see the flush on his cheeks. “No comment?”
You laughed softly. But your content expression quickly turned into a small frown. “Shouldn’t you be practicing right now? You have a performance for the recital.”
He never answered your question. Instead, he looked down to where your hands and elbows were bruised from constant practice. Then he faced you with an incomprehensible look in his face.
“But you’re not performing at all?” He asked instead. 
Biting the inside of your cheeks to keep the tears from bursting out of your eyes again, you shook your head. 
He grew quiet again. You always hated how hard it was to decipher Changmin. He often trailed off and wouldn’t say anything, leaving you to decide if he was either going to throw another insult at you or finally leave you alone.
With an annoyed huff, you finally asked him, “What’re you planning?”
“Nothing.” He faked a smile. “I’ll… see you around?”
You stood up, your legs wobbly from the drained feeling after you poured out all of your emotions in the span of a few minutes. “Not for a while,” You sourly remarked. “I’m useless now. See you in two months.”
He tilted his head, his faux smile turning into an amused, almost mischievous one. “See you tomorrow.”
You were never one to question his odd responses. He just got the time wrong. That’s all.
You watched numbly as your ballet shoes tumbled to the floor. With a clenched jaw, you reached down to pick it up and shove it into your bag before turning back to your half-empty locker.
As you stood there, contemplating if you needed to bring home any of this stuff since you weren’t going to be dancing for a while anyway, your thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door.
Looking up, there was a woman poking her head in.
“Y/n?” She looked straight at you. 
“Me?” You pointed at yourself in disbelief. For a second, a spark of hope appeared in the depths of your heart. But it quickly flickered away. Maybe she was about to shove it in your face that you weren’t supposed to be here today. Which, you weren’t. But, you just needed to pack up some of your belongings.
“Y/n.” She smiled in strange relief. As if she was searching for you for a while. “You’re needed in the practice room.”
When you only stared at her in utter confusion, she laughed, completely relaxed which only caused to spiral into more perplexion.
“I forgot to mention which one! It’s the one at the end of the right hall.” 
You only raised an eyebrow at her, clutching your bag. Why was she acting so natural? As if telling you that you needed to report to practice when you were told very clearly that you were out as if that was the most normal thing in the world. 
“I don’t… I don’t have anything to perform though?” You stared at her.
She gazed back, looking at you as if you had just confessed the worst murder of all time.
“Yes you do?” She replied. “Come on. You’ll be late.”
Maybe this was all some sick joke. Still incredibly confused, you followed her out onto the hallway, all the way down to an unfamiliar practice room. This whole section was dedicated to something else. Something that wasn’t… ballet or contemporary.
She gestured for you to open the door. Looking at her with a bored expression, you pushed the door open and in just a split second, you were gaping at the person who stood at the doorway.
Oh my god. 
Your hand tightened around the doorknob, threatening to slam the door closed in hopes that this was all a bad dream. But the door refused to budge. 
Changmin. Changmin had placed his foot down to stop it from moving an inch. He tilted his head and lifted an eyebrow.
“Where do you think you’re going?” He looked at you completely seriously. Which you hated. Because you had really hoped this was all a joke.
“What are you doing here?” You still attempted to shut the door. But he still held it open.
But suddenly, another man appeared. You didn’t recognize him but you assumed he was Changmin’s own dance instructor. He had on a bright, enthusiastic smile, much unalike to your own who constantly had a stern, disappointed frown.
“Y/n!” He spoke marvelously. “Splendid choice, ‘min.”
Changmin only glanced at you, slightly sheepishly and with his ears were tinted red. He quickly recovered though which made you wonder why he was shy in the first place.
“Surprise surprise?” He smugly grinned.
You were absolutely speechless, unable to say anything. All you could do was stare—gape at him with a dropped jaw.
“What?” You blurted out.
Changmin almost laughed at your reaction. But still, he led you out to the hallway. Hopefully for some sort of explanation.
“You’re my new dance partner.”
Okay, that wasn’t the explanation that you wanted.
“You’re what?” You practically exclaimed.
“You heard me,” He whispered. His eyes darted to the practice room briefly. “He’ll be teaching you the moves for the first few days and then we’ll practice together,” He explained in a completely calm voice.
What was up with everyone and acting completely natural in such an absurd situation?”
“Are we not going to talk about the fact that you chose me to be your dance partner,” You deadpanned. “We’re supposed to hate each other.”
“Then still do,” He sighed. “But trust me on this.” He stepped closer and in the corner of your eye, you could see his hand twitch—almost like he was going to grab yours.
“How many times will you ask me to trust you?” You asked quietly. “That’s not very easy, especially after you’ve practically insulted me all these years.”
“I know, and I’m—“ The apology that threatened to escape his lips was interrupted by the door opening. His instructor poked a head out with an excited smile.
“What’s taking you lovebirds so long?” He wiggled his eyebrows. And now that you looked closely, you could read his ID card that read, “Eric.” He looked oddly young to be an instructor but you didn’t question it, too focused on the fact that you now had to dance with your one and only rival.
Changmin scowled. “Give us a minute won’t you? I’m still older than you.”
“Yeah, yeah,” He sighed before disappearing back into the room.
Changmin turned back to you, looking at you with soft eyes that only caused your stomach to twist even more.
“Yesterday,” He breathed. “You looked…”
“Like shit? I know,” You snapped.
“No! You—“ He groaned. “I can’t explain it right now. But Y/n.” Again, his hand twitched to hold yours.
“What?” Your voice was meek. Why were you suddenly so nervous?
“I’m not blind to see that you’re talented. And who was it who told me that I should find someone who complimented my dancing?” He paused and winced sheepishly. “Even if completely intolerable.”
“You think that I compliment your dancing?” You whispered. “But we never danced together before.”
“All the more reason to test it out?” He gave you an unsure smile.
You bit your lip, completely conflicted.
“Changmin… I don’t know.”
He looked at you, his gaze gentle. “If you want to back out, that’s fine. I just—“ His cheeks were flushed again, a pretty pink. Pretty? “I wanted to do something. For you.”
Your eyes searched his, looking for any spark of amusement. But, he still looked back at you earnestly.
“Aren’t we rivals?” You asked again.
“Are we?” He simply replied, never providing you with an actual answer.
“We are,” You breathed out, but the way your voice trembled slightly wasn’t very convincing. 
“Whatever you want,” He whispered. “So what do you say, dear rival?” The way he said the last word wasn’t convincing either. None of this was convincing.
You sighed, defeated and unable to find a reason to say no. Hanging your head low, you noticed the way his hand ghosted over yours. Was it there all that time?
“Fine,” You muttered. “But don’t expect much.”
He hummed teasingly. “I expect a lot from someone as talented as you.”
And much to your horror, you felt yourself blush. Shoving him with an annoyed (embarrassed) scowl, you stepped away, finally noticing just how close he was to you.
“Shut up,” You said. “Let’s keep this completely professional.”
“Whatever you want,” He repeated, smiling softly.
You hated to admit it but the duet was fun. It was so unlike what you usually learned. You were used to the perfectly practiced poses, the straightened back, and the straining of all your limbs to get that pristine, elegant image that you were supposed to keep up. But this dance… was more freeing. It had a romantic aspect to it but it was fun and energetic while still telling a story through the choreography. 
A love story of all things.
However, you did notice that it was hard to learn the dance alone. Even if you asked Eric to dance in place as Changmin temporarily, he would refuse, saying it would ruin the “chemistry” between you two.
What chemistry? There was none. You were sure of that. 
But even the voice in your head wavered over that statement.
Now, the time that you dreaded has arrived. The one when you would actually have to practice the choreography with your dance partner.
To say it was awkward was an understatement. It was appallingly difficult.
The two of you wouldn’t stop bickering. It wasn’t really Changmin correcting your dance like you had thought. It was just… bickering.
“What if I stepped on your foot right now?” You grinned.
“Don’t,” He groaned. “It already hurts.”
“But it would be funny.”
“My ankle is twisted,” He replied with a frown, grimacing.
Immediately you were widening your eyes and stepping forward. You didn’t even notice that you were looking him over with worry.
“It is?” And just like he had done before, your hand ghosted over his. “Why didn’t you get it checked? You should be resti—“
Except he only regarded you with a smug smile.
“Is someone worried for me?”
You stared at him, your mouth agape. And then you grumbled, stepping away, only to feel a spark through your wrist where it brushed against his knuckles.
“Your ankle isn’t twisted,” You gritted out.
He grinned wider. “It’s not but I appreciate your worry anyway.”
“I was not worrying,” You muttered, looking away.
He huffed. “And my name isn’t Changmin.”
You rolled your eyes. “Let’s just get this over with.”
“Get what over with?”
“This… move,” You mumbled, letting your eyes travel down to his hand. What was up with you and his hands? You didn’t know either.
And by this move, you meant the move where the two of you would have to hold hands and he would twirl you and pull you close, and— you hated everything about it.
“Don’t we just—“ He was the one who took the lead, guiding your hand gently to his. But he paused in his tracks once he felt your pinky link with his. And like he was electrocuted, he pulled his hand back.
You held back a smile, finding this awkwardness all too painfully amusing. 
“Do we intertwine the fingers or…” He trailed off.
“Or just hold palms?” You offered, cringing at how warm your face felt at the moment.
“No, we’re supposed to—“ He reached forward, grabbing your hand in an odd way, his fingers hilariously stiff.
“Ah,” You whined. “It feels weird.”
He huffed, his ears red. “Of course it does. We never…”
If Eric was monitoring the two of you right now—which he said he would in an hour or two—he would have bursted out laughing at the sight. The both of you facing each other, hands fumbling with frustrated faces—one would think you were playing a game of rock, paper, scissors.
“What are you doing?” You whispered, staring at the way he just poked one finger into your palm.
“What are you doing?” He whispered back, glaring at the way your fingers closed around his ring finger.
“I can’t—“ You groaned. “I can’t do this with you.”
“You have to. Just—“ And like a leap of faith, he finally reached forward properly and grabbed your hand in his. After all those instances of your hands merely hovering, it felt almost… nice to feel his warm skin properly. His hand was comforting and you watched with wide eyes at the way he so naturally intertwined his fingers with yours.
Your breath was caught in your throat and you observed silently as he brought your connected hands up to his chest, holding it close. He looked up at you, his gaze softening.
“Like this?” He whispered.
“Yes,” You replied, almost breathlessly.
He gave you a small smirk. “Then focus.” 
And without a warning, he brought your hand up and twirled you around. You stumbled slightly but managed to gain your balance as he pulled you in, right up to his chest. Instead of just your hands, it was your whole body against him.
“See?” He smiled down at you, slightly out of breath. “Wasn’t so bad right?”
“Professional,” You breathed out. “It’s because I’m being professional.”
“Mhm,” He eyed you teasingly. His eyes trailed down. “Do professionals still hold hands even after practice is done?”
You gasped quietly, embarrassment flooding through you.
“Oh, I—” You tried to pull your hand out of his grasp but he only tightened further, keeping your hand in his. His hold was gentle and warm, which put a funny feeling in your chest. You narrowed your eyes. “Changmin,” You warned.
“It’s comfortable,” He murmured and before you could protest, he was bringing your hand up to his lips. He pressed a soft kiss to the back of it.
Your breath hitched in your throat. “You’re so annoying.” You glared.
He only pressed another kiss as a response, leaving you stuttering.
Another thing you hated to admit: you had grown closer to Changmin. Blah blah, you’re still rivals of course. Just maybe… with more smiles and friendly remarks. That’s normal, isn’t it? For enemies?
The dance routine drastically improved. The two of you were comfortable with holding hands now, moving past each other with fleeting touches. It became almost natural. But then again, that was just what happened when you were being professional. Obviously.
But still, nothing could compare to the growth of your relationship with him. You didn’t hate it. It felt nice to have someone who understood you. You learned more about him as a person. You learned that he was always exhausted after dancing and then learned that he often forgot to eat anything after practice. They go hand-in-hand. So it became–much to your disliking–your job to bring him a small snack every day so that he wouldn’t faint. 
He learned more about you as a person too. He learned that you weren’t used to freestyling or experimenting since you were so trained to have a picture-perfect image. When he learned that, it became–much to his… liking–his job to make you laugh and relax whenever you got too caught up in your internal expectations.
He wasn’t so bad after all. 
He was still annoying though. Just like right now.
“Just once,” He pleaded. “Try it.”
“I’m not– used to the choreography being changed. Or anything being changed.” You gave him a nervous look, your fingers fidgeting restlessly. “And you know that.” Your voice quietened as all the memories of people criticizing you came rushing through. 
His gaze softened as he studied your anxious-ridden features. “I do know that. But that doesn’t mean you can’t.”
You looked at him skeptically. “I’m not like you.”
“You’re not,” He agreed. “You’re you. And that’s what I find amazing.”
You furrowed your eyebrows. “That’s not–”
He shook his head, taking a step forward. He opened his mouth to speak but you shushed him with a simple glare.
“And don’t you dare ask me to trust you,” You ridiculed. 
He gave you an amused smile. “How’d you predict that?”
“Because you’ve asked me plenty of times,” You deadpanned.
“Ah…” He grinned. “You’re right. And every time I do, you reply that you don’t.”
You grew silent at that. And then you let your eyes trail down, away from his gaze. You noticed that whenever you did so, he never let his own eyes wander. They were always on you. Across the room, the hallway, even when you were sitting right in front of him.
With a deep breath, your cheeks beginning to flush already, you spoke something so quietly that he had to lean in to hear.
“I trust you now though.”
You heard his breath hitch, causing you to look up into his eyes. And were his eyes always so… bright and sparkly?
“You trust me?” He whispered.
“Don’t make me say it again.”
“If we weren’t so short on time, I would.” He smiled. He reached down and like it was the most common occurrence, he took your hand in his, leading you to the middle of the room. “Then, if you trust me, won’t you do the thing?”
“What thing?”
“That thing.”
You stared at him, trying to feign innocence so that you could somehow get out of it. But he only looked at you, almost challenging you with his gaze.
Eventually, you groaned in defeat. “Fine,” You grumbled.
The next move, which the two of you had already perfected, was a simple touch on the waist and that was it. But Changmin just had to come up with a new idea. He insisted on a dip. The type of dip that was reserved for people who were actually in love and… had feelings for each other. Which, the two of you definitely didn’t fit in that type of category. Professional dancers was all.
“I don’t think this is going to work,” You spoke over the music. 
He smiled charmingly. “Just enjoy the moment. It will.”
And so, holding your breath, you approached him. His hand automatically came to your waist, just like it had in the original move. But then, he slowly, guided you so that you were leaning backward. Feeling yourself grow warm over his gentle touch that held you steady so that you wouldn’t fall, you allowed yourself to fall. Literally, into his arms. 
After the count was over, he gently brought you back to stand up. And yet another thing that you hated to admit: that new dance move left your heart pounding. And it wasn’t from exhilaration. 
You were breathless as you stared at him in shock. It all came rushing to you. The small details–the softness of his eyes, the hands that held onto your waist tightly but never enough to hurt, the small smile on his lips when he probably noticed that you had blushed.
A quiet “oh” was all you could muster.
He gave you a soft smile. You noticed that was the only thing he regarded you with these days. Occasionally, it would be his usual, teasing, mocking smile. But recently, it’s just been that one that left your hands feeling sweaty.
“And if I said I told you so?” 
“Don’t,” You scowled.
But he only leaned closer. You weren’t even doing the move again yet his hand still found its place on your lower back again. And like you were in a trance, your eyes fluttered as you drew closer to him. You looked straight into his eyes, only for you to realize that he wasn’t returning that same eye contact. Instead, his gaze flickered down to your lips. You sputtered and your hands flew to his chest, trying to create more distance.
“Don’t get too carried away,” You murmured.
“I wasn’t,” He whispered. “It was you who was leaning closer.”
“No,” You breathed. “It was you.”
He watched you fondly. Of course, he would notice the way you stumbled over your words.
“Maybe it was the both of us.”
One would think that after the routine was perfected—which it was—the two of you would be off to perform it, get those congratulatory flowers, and be off. But no. There was always that extra step of the stage rehearsal.
It was the one where you had to practice the routine on the actual stage, in front of two people: Changmin’s instructor Eric, and your instructor. You haven’t seen her since she kicked you off, so you couldn’t help your eyes from darting to her ever-growing sneer.
You always despised this part, mostly because it was nerve-wracking. Even though there were only two people in the audience, the spotlights, and the music blaring through the speakers made it all feel real.
It didn’t help that your instructor kept writing things in her clipboard. And it was only when you were in the center. For heaven’s sake, Eric didn’t even own a clipboard.
“You’re shaking,” A deeper voice whispered.
You blinked and turned to where Changmin was standing in front of you. It was no use hiding anything from him. It was almost like he could read you like a book.
You shook your head, pulling him into position. But, it was hard as it was him facing away from the crowd while you… you had to face the audience—more specifically, your instructor.
“I’m just tired,” You whispered as your eyes glanced down. Eric was smiling softly while she picked up her pen, leaving your heart pounding. Changmin turned to look at you briefly and you could feel his gaze, focused on how you fidgeted nervously.
“I tried to tell her that she didn’t need to come to the rehearsal,” He muttered back, his hand coming up to your waist just like the choreography asked. “But she insisted.”
You hummed. “I wonder why.”
“Ignore her,” He replied, guiding your hand up to his shoulder. Just like the choreography asked.
“I can’t,” You whispered, your voice almost pleading. “She’s looking at me.”
Suddenly, you felt his hand close around your waist tightly as he shifted the position. You watched, bewildered once you realized that even though his back was still to the crowd, he was shielding you with his body. Away from prying eyes, away from anyone who would make you nervous, he stood in front of you, his arm protectively around your body.
This was not the choreography. This wasn’t what it asked. Yet it made you feel that smallest bit of solace that you needed all this time.
“Better?” He spoke in a hushed tone, giving you a reassuring smile.
Unable to do or say anything, you only looked at him with flushed cheeks before nodding quietly.
He only continued to follow your features with his soft gaze. He never attempted to make you move, knowing that you were still nervous, your hand on his shoulder tightening in intervals whenever you remembered that you were still being watched. Instead, he just stayed put, watching you and making sure you were okay.
Alarms blared in your ears, telling you that you needed to start dancing or else you would be scolded. But, with Changmin’s hand closed around your waist, you couldn’t help but melt. You were sure that the two instructors were watching–probably extremely confused, but you were more focused on someone else. Changmin–whose body shielded you from the blinding stage lights and whose eyes scanned over you attentively.
“Thank you,” was what you could finally muster up with a soft voice.
He gave you a small tilt of his head, accompanied by a lilt of his lips. 
“Of course,” He replied. “Take your time. Whenever you’re ready.”
You bit your lip, shaking your head with a growing smile. “They’re waiting.”
“So let them wait.”
Your shoulders shook with a silent laugh. You were about to joke about how endearing he looked when protective but you stopped for two reasons. One–you were supposed to be rivals and that wouldn’t be a very rival-y thing to say. Two–Eric spoke up, his loud voice echoing through the concert hall.
“Alright,” He yelled, his voice laced with a teasing tone. “Lovebirds, let’s take five!”
Clearing your throat, your cheeks flaming, you pulled away from his hold. You didn’t notice Changmin staring after you longingly.
The five-minute break came and went a bit too quickly for your liking. Luckily, Eric had somehow convinced your instructor to take a lunch break. As you were fixing up the laces of your shoes, he approached you with a kind smile.
“She’s all done and taken care of,” The younger man joked, brushing off his shoulder comically. You smiled in relief. And then he sat down next to you. “Listen. On the agenda, I’m supposed to evaluate each of you individually, to make sure everything’s down and ready. So, during her lunch break, let’s get that done. Yeah?”
You nodded and stood up, approaching the stage. Oh, but you hated how steep the stairs were. Trying not to stumble, you took the first step. You were about to take the second when you felt another presence behind you. You hated how you could recognize him immediately.
You felt Changmin’s hand, gently take yours as he helped you up the stairs. When finally up on the stage, you turned around to tease him about being such a gentleman. But, his back was already turned, walking away.
But when you narrowed your eyes and looked closely, you could see his hand flex. Almost like he was embarrassed and… nervous after helping you up on the stage.
You caught yourself smiling, your heart blooming into something new. Except, you weren’t quite sure if it actually was new.
But Eric’s voice caught you off guard, shaking you out of your little trance.
“What’s so amusing?” He grinned.
You shook your head, biting back a shy smile. “Nothing.”
“How’s it feel? Your stylist looked you over, even giving you jazz hands to help you cheer up. Dress rehearsal–literally meant that you had to wear your performance outfit even when the audience was practically empty. 
You scrunched your face up in discomfort, looking at yourself in the mirror. You had to admit, it was a pretty look. It incorporated various little details of what you were most familiar with, ballet. It was a graceful, flowy outfit but there was something different about it. There were other… parts to it. Spontaneous colors and pieces stuck out, representing your dance partner.
And of course, there was romance in it. Roses specifically, delicately sewn into the fabric. And there was a bright red one, tucked behind your ear.
“It’s beautiful,” You whispered. But just at that moment, you twitched awkwardly. “A little itchy.”
Your stylist laughed, pulling at a loose seam. “It’s just one night.”
You froze, your shoulders raising. “Yeah,” You breathed. “One night.” And it would all be over. This impetuous thing. After that one night, you would be forced to go back to keeping up that image that you hated and loved at the same time. You would return to the same routine of scolding because you didn’t do well enough and the scorn looks because you couldn’t lift your leg high enough. 
And Changmin.
He would be over too. He would go his own way, dancing with experimentation and freedom. You wouldn’t see him except on your breaks which only resulted in petty arguments and glares. What would happen to those kind smiles that you would share occasionally and the fleeting touches even when you weren’t practicing the choreography? Would it all disappear?
“Is everything okay?” The stylist asked. 
You blinked and straightened up. “Great,” You said as you forced a smile. With a deep breath, you headed to the door, ready to greet Changmin who must also be dressed in his own outfit. 
As you walked onto the stage, you froze once again when you saw him standing in front of you, a sheepish smile on his lips. 
“Hi,” You whispered, looking him over. Oh, you hated it. You hated everything–how he looked charming with his hair so meticulously styled, how the flowy, white shirt hugged his shoulders and waist so perfectly, how his eyes naturally sparkled, even when the stage lights were off.
“Hey, you.” He grinned. And you hated how his gaze traveled over you slowly, taking in the sight. Suddenly, you felt the urge to wrap your arms over yourself.
You gave him a small laugh, stepping forward. There was no one else in the concert hall right now. Eric and the director of the recital must be running late. And yes, somehow, Changmin managed to keep your instructor from coming back in the meantime. It was just the two of you, standing in the middle of the stage, unlit but bright enough to emphasize both of your shy smiles.
You hated him. 
But… his smile and his soft gaze. It was all too hard to resist.
Clearing your throat, you played with the hem of your clothes. “What do you…” You trailed off, fighting the urge to stumble over your words nervously. “What do you think?” You looked at him expectantly. He only stared at you wordlessly, which only furthered your anxiousness. Forcing a roll of your eyes, trying to act natural, you shifted on your feet and avoided his watchful gaze. “And don’t say I look bad because I’m sure that–”
“You look pretty.”
You inhaled sharply, whipping your head to look at him again. His smile looked almost fond and he never seemed to take his eyes off you. Instead, he only leaned closer, bending his head forward to observe the rose tucked behind your ear.
“Very pretty,” He whispered. You could only stay there, completely rigid as you felt his hand come up to the side of your face to adjust that same rose, his touch light and gentle. 
“Oh,” You finally breathed out. “Thank you.” You cursed at yourself for lowering your voice from embarrassment. It only made him lean closer to hear you.
And it seemed that Eric had burst through the doors, only to witness the two of you stupidly smiling at each other.
Just like you had expected, Eric and the director watched your routine. Over and over, you had to perform it so that they would catch any mistakes. By the fifth time, the two of you were practically gasping for air.
“One more time?” Eric suggested, looking at you with pity once he noticed you almost fall over from exhaustion if it wasn’t for Changmin who steadied you with a simple touch on your waist.
But then, the director stepped forward. “Actually,” She spoke up. “I think that we just have to get the ending right.”
You glanced at Changmin, only for him to do the same. Just like your brief glances, the position at the very end of the performance was always awkward. The two of you could never quite get it down.
Since the dance was more on the… romantic side, you were expected to face each other, hands intertwined and held close to your chests. And Eric had especially emphasized staring very deeply into your eyes, much to your dismay. Oh and to stand very close–so close that you were practically kissing.
But, you always refused. Changmin as well. You would take a step back and he would hold your hand a bit further away from his chest, creating an odd-looking distance.
So that was what you did. Which, didn’t seem to satisfy the director at all.
“That’s all you can do?” She questioned, leaning forward in her chair. “Put more into it!”
You bit your lip nervously, taking a half-step closer.
“More!” She exclaimed, causing Eric to laugh evilly.
Changmin glared at them playfully before yanking you forward, right up against his chest. You sputtered, looking at him in surprise. He gave you a small, soft smile, though there was still a hint of teasing behind his eyes.
The director stayed silent and for a moment, you thought that she was satisfied enough. But then, she slammed her hand down. “More! You can do better than that!”
Your palms were practically sweating from how long you were holding hands and your face also felt incredibly hot from how close his lips were to yours. But still, with a sigh, you shuffled ever so closer, until the front of your shoes were touching. Changmin simply watched you with gentle eyes.
Eric groaned, and you could see him standing up in protest in his peripheral view. He threw his hand out to the stage. “Is this not close enough?”
The director snickered. “Oh, definitely. I just wanted to see how close they willingly would get.”
Immediately, the two of you were blushing. But still, Changmin didn’t make a move to step backward and away from you. And so, you gulped, choosing to avoid his gaze.
“On second thought,” Eric called out. “You’re kind of off-center… if you guys could move to the right a bit?”
After this, you would be done. You would perform the routine on the recital night and this would all be over. Except, you weren’t too sure if you wanted it to be over. You were still deciding on that. When you looked up into Changmin’s eyes, you found that invisible weight–the one that leaned to you wanting this to last forever–to become heavier and heavier.
Ignoring your rushing thoughts, you shuffled to the right, your hands still grasping his. He shuffled along with you, taking mini-steps backward until you reached the tape on the floor that signaled the center.
You stared at Changmin, eyes sparkling as he did the same. And then, you found yourself laughing. Laughing for what? You weren’t sure, but you felt like you were brimming with joy. The awkward shuffling to get to the center, the warm hands intertwined with yours, the surprised yet oddly fond look on his face when you giggled–you couldn’t help but just… feel a certain emotion. You weren’t sure what. Was it relaxation or something else?
He looked at you, his own smile growing on his lips. And then he joined in on you with the laughing, leaning closer to hide his face in your neck.
And yes, you were still in that same ending position. Except, it wasn’t awkward anymore.
“I envy you,” The director sighed, dramatically falling back into her chair. “You have such heart-pounding, romantic chemistry!’
The both of you froze and turned to her in panic.
“Oh, no–” You rushed to say, only to be cut off by Changmin who was also panicking.
“We’re not like–”
Eric only raised an eyebrow, crossing his arms over his chest. “You cannot be that blind,” He deadpanned. “Just look in front of you.”
When you looked back into Changmin’s eyes, you not only saw it–the eyes that you dreamed about more often and the lips that you sometimes wondered how they tasted–but you could feel the now familiar pounding in your heart. You wondered if he felt the same.
On the night before the performance, you found yourself sitting on a bench outside of the dance studio. The crickets were chirping, keeping you from being completely alone with your thoughts. You tried to count the stars or the cars that passed by, but it was of no use, as all you could think of were the endless possibilities of the recital going completely wrong.
But your ears picked up the sound of someone’s footsteps, slightly kicking at the concrete. And then he sat next to you. Changmin. It was always him. And for some reason, you found his warmth almost comforting–something that melted away the rigid clasp around your nerves.
“Okay?” He asked, his tone quiet to match the atmosphere of the calm night that differed from your tight chest.
“Yeah,” You whispered, turning to him. He wasn’t looking. Maybe he was trying to count the stars too. “Just…” You sighed, embarrassed. “Nervous.”
“Don’t be.” He smiled as he turned to face you. “You’re amazing.”
“I’m…” You tilted your head and furrowed your eyebrows.
“What?” He widened his eyes cutely. “You don’t think so? Though,” He laughed briefly. “Better than me? Probably no–”
“No,” You blurted out, catching him off guard. “I’m just–” You exhaled with frustration and confusion. “Why are you so nice to me? I thought we were…” You trailed off then, choosing to turn back to the twinkling stars. Yet they only reminded you of his eyes.
“Rivals? We still are,” He joked. 
You could only give him a weak laugh in response. He looked at you cautiously before turning his gaze down to his lap where his fingers were fidgeting nervously.
“But as for caring for you…” He spoke quietly. “Take a wild guess.”
You looked at him, trying to decipher his strange behavior. But, all you could get from your observations was that his cheeks and ears were oddly red. 
“Because…” You thought for a moment. “If you weren’t you would be kicked off the team?”
He gave you a small smile but shook his head. 
“Because you’re in a particularly good mood?”
“No,” He breathed out.
And you knew that there was one more reason. But you were terrified to say it. You didn’t know why but it was just… frightening. But, when he only gazed at you expectantly, you knew that you were being forced to say it.
“Because you…” Your voice quietened, but you knew that Changmin could see the way your mouth formed the word ‘like.’ Slowly, your voice grew in volume to finish the question. “...me?”
And what was even more terrifying was that he nodded wordlessly. Or was it thrilling? You couldn’t tell. But all you knew was that your heart was beating fast again. And it was all for a different reason.
“Changmin,” You whispered, too shocked to form a cohesive sentence. “I–”
“I do,” He looked at you, his eyes searching yours for an answer. “It’s because I like you.”
And it hit you like the spot lights did to your eyes. He would always smile at you softly, distract you whenever you were nervous, and his touches were always gentle. You thought it was just part of his demeanor but now, things were different now. He never regarded others with that affectionate smile and soft gaze. It was only when his eyes would land on you, that his expression would change into something strangely affectionate.
“I don’t know what to say,” You shakily replied, watching as he stood up from the bench. He gave you a small smile that didn’t quite meet his eyes.
“I’ll see you tomorrow,” He mumbled, about to turn away but your hands grasped onto his sleeve. 
“Wait,” You rushed to say. He turned to you, his eyes filled with hope and disappointment, all at the same time. “Changmin.”
“After this night… will we go back to the way we were?” You looked up at him. And instead of pulling his wrist out of your grasp, he reached forward, enclosing your hand in his. Your eyes flitted down to his action, breath held.
“Do you mean when I would think of you every day?” He raised an eyebrow.
You playfully slapped him. Or, at least tried to, until he tightened his hold on your hand, keeping you still.
“Don’t lie.” You rolled your eyes.
He shook his head before gently guiding you to stand up with him. You followed and then you gasped quietly when you felt a rose being tucked behind your ear, just like your stylist had done for your outfit–for your performance tomorrow.
“I’m not lying,” He whispered. “I never was.”
You swallowed thickly. “Even when you said that I remind you of… the moonlight?”
He hummed before adjusting the rose slightly so that it sat perfectly in your hair. And that was when you realized the rose was blue, rather than the classic red. You watched him curiously until he gave you a soft smile. 
He tapped the rose gently, his fingertip brushing against your ear. 
“You’re just like the moonlight.”
You breathed in deeply, closing your eyes until you heard the curtains rise and the shuffle of the audience, expectantly waiting for your performance. It only took you a few hours before to find out that your duet with Changmin was the most anticipated one. In fact, it was on the front page of the pamphlet and displayed brightly on one of those LED screens outside of the concert hall.
When you blinked your eyes open, you were met with millions–at least it felt like it–of faces staring back at you. Immediately, you felt the need to freeze up and forget everything that you’ve worked so hard for. But once you felt that familiar squeeze on your waist from the man who stood next to you, everything came rushing back to you.
Soon enough, the music started and like it was automatic, your head snapped up to face him. The beginning move, the one that you practiced the most unintentionally, was easy to spot the differences over the time. When you first started practicing together, he wouldn’t even look you in the eye out of arrogance.  Now, even though he still wouldn’t, you could see that it was for a different reason. He was too embarrassed to.
As you moved to the rhythm, fleeting touches on his shoulder and down his chest before breaking apart, you realized that so much has changed. The hesitant grasp on your waist was firm now–protective. 
He wasn’t always too embarrassed to look you in the eye. Sometimes, when he would pull you into his chest, he would stare so deeply that the stage lights that already felt hot, began to feel much alike to the sun. 
Sometimes, you would hear the occasional baby crying in the crowd or the applause when Changmin would do that dip that you were so adamant on not doing, only for it to be one of your favorite parts to do, but other than that, all that resonated through your ears was the beating of your heart. Partly from exhilaration and partly for someone else. Him.
You hated him, but oh, you liked him so much. 
And when the ending came and he would pull you close while intertwining his fingers with yours, you allowed yourself to fall. Maybe not physically because that wouldn’t end well on the tall stage, but in some other way. A way that signaled to him to pull you so close and for him to lean down so that his lips hovered right over yours.
The music had already ended and the audience was clapping and whistling. Yet to you, it went silent. All you could hear was Changmin’s breathing against your lips and all you could see were his soft, loving eyes.
Slowly, you felt his hand let go of yours and for a second you thought that you might have gone too far. But then, you felt that same hand tighten around your waist, yanking you close enough that his bottom lip brushed against yours, sending shivers down your spine.
There were no words spoken but the two of you immediately got the message to close your eyes and… fall once again. You leaned forward, about to press your lips to his in which he hummed softly. But then, the curtain fell with a loud thump and you broke apart. Before you could say or do anything, you were being rushed out by the staff, with only a glimpse of the longing in his face.
Your hand came up to where the rose tucked in your hair and you pulled it out. You observed the red petals, twirling the stem of it until it broke apart in your hand. You liked the blue version better.
Your fingers lingered over your own lips, wondering what it would feel like if you had just leaned that tiny bit closer–wondered if he would kiss back. His warm breath that fanned over and his soft, soft gaze as his eyes wandered down came rushing back until your stomach was fluttering with butterflies all over again. 
“Y/n?” One of the staff poked her head in. “The curtain call’s in five.”
“Oh, right.” You abruptly stood up, smoothing down your outfit. Your hair was down now, rid of any clips and pins. The rose was long gone. 
She ushered you to the door. “You and your partner have a separate spotlight. Since… you know,” She laughed shyly. “Everyone just loved your performance.”
You froze. “They did?”
She looked at you like you were crazy before leading you down the hallway leading to the stage. “It’s all the crowd’s been talking about! The chemistry, the romance, the love… it was all so clear. How did you do it so naturally?”
Your breath hitched, unsure yourself. “I… I guess because it was real.”
She hummed, eyeing you teasingly before gesturing to the stage. You took in a deep breath, and walked to the center of the stage. It was dark–the curtains down with only the sound of the murmuring crowd. When you looked up, you could see Changmin approaching you, a warm smile on his lips.
As he stood next to you, his hand grasped yours and he nudged you with his shoulder.
“Nervous?” He joked.
You smiled shyly. “I am actually.”
“And why’s that?” He glanced at you with bright, sparkling eyes, even without the stage lights shining on the two of you.
“Because I’m with you. You make me nervous,” You whispered. His eyes widened slightly and his hand tightened on yours.
You could hear the countdown for the curtains to pull up, but you ignored it once Changmin had leaned closer.
“Listen,” He watched you cautiously. “What we did back there… did you mea–”
“Yes,” You rushed to say. 
Before he could respond, the curtains were rising up and again, the stage lights blared in your vision. Now, you could hear the loud cheers of the audience and you were filled with that exhilarating, heart-beating feeling all over again. When you turned to Changmin, you realized that he was staring back, a dazed look in his eyes.
With a squeeze of his hand, the two of you bowed, smiling brightly. You were about to let go of his hand to wave at the crowd when suddenly, you felt him tug on your hand, hard enough that you were pulled right against his chest.
He steadied you with a hand on your waist. And in the corner of your eye, you felt something being tucked behind your ear. You couldn’t see it but you knew exactly what it was. A blue rose.
He leaned in, just like before with his lips right in front of yours. You held back a smile as you looked up into his soft eyes.
“Is this okay?” He whispered, quiet enough so that only you could hear.
“Yes.” You spoke your loudest, over the growing cheers and applause from the crowd. “This is perfect.”
He smiled before pulling you in and pressing his lips against yours. For the third time that evening, you felt butterflies in your stomach as your eyes fluttered closed. You allowed yourself to finally and completely fall into the moment—into him, into his arms, and into his love as his grip on you tightened ever so slightly so that he could move his lips comfortably against yours. 
When you pulled away, eventually interrupted by the staff gesturing to you hurriedly when you peeked an eye open, you looked up at him before bursting out into a shy smile. The cheers were even louder now, which only caused Changmin to blush a pretty pink.
After being led off the stage and changed out of your outfits, the two of you met at the hallway that led to the exit–away from the spotlights. It was just you now, holding his hand, swinging it shyly as you occasionally stole glances at him. 
But just before you reached the door, he was turning you around and kissing you up against a wall. You allowed him to, feeling your heart beat erratically. But then again, that was a common thing now when with him.
“I’ve been waiting to do that for the longest time,” He muttered, breaking apart with flushed cheeks.
You smiled. “How long?”
“Ever since you gave me that playful smile when you called me a piece of shit that one time.” He grinned.
You burst out laughing. “That was so long ago,” You joked. “There’s no way you– you’re serious?” Now you were gaping at him.
He nodded shyly before hiding his face in your neck. “I loved your smile. I thought you were so beautiful when I first laid eyes on you.”
You raised an eyebrow.
“Can’t say I felt the same,” You muttered. “I actually despised you.”
He chuckled, pulling away to press another kiss to your lips. “Do you despise me now?”
You blushed. “No, I don–” You were cut off by another kiss and his adorable laugh. You grumbled, slapping him shyly. “I take it back. I still despise you.”
“And I’m in love with you,” He replied, playing with the rose tucked in your hair, a fond smile worn on his lips.
“What is this?” You giggled, approaching where he was sitting on the floor of the balcony, completely ignoring the chairs that were perfectly placed there for sitting.
You didn’t take into account that giving your boyfriend the code to your apartment door would lead to him breaking into it without permission. One time, you came home, completely exhausted from practice and he popped out of a corner to scare you for the fun of it. It ended in a lot of screams and slapping. But still, he apologized and took care of you for the rest of the evening.
The two of you did go your separate ways…in terms of dance of course. You went back to ballet and high expectations. But at least you had someone to listen to you—someone who always told you that you were doing amazing whether that be through whispered words or kisses and hugs.
He, on the other hand, continued to experiment through various dance styles. One of the recent ones that he learned was the art of tango, ironically enough. And yes, he often pressured you to practice with him. You hated to admit it, but whenever he “serenaded you with his body” (as wrong as it sounded, that’s literally what he said when he danced with you), you couldn’t help but flush slightly, especially when he would kiss you before twirling you.
All of your friends, Eric especially, were delighted to find out you were dating. According to them, you’ve been in love with him this whole time and vice versa. You couldn’t deny it.
Everyday, you fell more and more in love with him. Apart from his constant teasing, he was the sweetest boyfriend one could find. He supported you in all of your endeavors, pressing kisses all over your face while whispering “I’m so proud of you.” Even when you insisted that it was corny, you secretly loved it.
And just now, you walked in on him setting up a picnic on your own balcony. Candles were lit and it seemed that he even cooked for you.
He gave you an adorably warm smile.
“To celebrate your special solo performance coming up, I present to you a coupon for a free date with me.” He grinned, gesturing for you to sit down.
You laughed bashfully, kneeling down in front of him. Like usual, he greeted you with a kiss.
“Are you saying I have to pay for every other date?”
“My love is priceless.”
“Fine,” You huffed playfully. “Let’s break up.”
He gasped. “You would never.”
“You know I wouldn’t.” You scrunched your nose. He smiled in response, watching you silently. You began to grow shy, looking away to stare out at the city view. It was the evening, the street lights and the unfortunate view of small windows lit with overtime office workers twinkling. 
But you felt a gentle hand cupping the side of your face, guiding you to look back at him. Then, he tucked a stray piece of hair behind your ear as he gazed at you affectionately.
“My beautiful,” He whispered, tilting his head.
Your heart thumped but you still found yourself frowning grumpily.
“Don’t call me that.”
His eyes widened slightly as he pouted. “Why not?”
“Last time you called me beautiful you said I was intolerable right after,” You grumbled.
He whined, slapping his hands over your cheeks to squish them playfully which in turn, caused you to yelp.
“You know I didn’t mean it,” He breathed. “How was I supposed to tell Juyeon that I had the biggest crush on you?”
You laughed loudly, smiling so hard that your cheeks hurt. The candles flickered before they blew out, leaving it dark enough that the only source of light was the moon.
“Then what would you like me to call you?” He asked. He glanced up at the night sky before smiling back down at you. “Moonlight?”
“Mmm…” You thought for a moment. And then you smiled shyly. “You can only call me moonlight when you feel the happiest and… the most in love.”
It took him a moment to register your words but then his eyes lit up. He scooted forward so that his lips lingered right over your forehead. And then he leaned in, pressing a soft kiss to your skin.
“Moonlight,” He whispered.
“Oh,” You stuttered. He didn’t respond, instead, moving to press another kiss to the tip of your nose.
“Moonlight,” He muttered again, louder this time as his hand trailed down to caress your jaw.
You shut your eyes, suddenly overcome by the need to hide your face. But still, you felt his lips now hover over yours. He tilted your chin up, pulling you into the softest kiss you’ve ever experienced.
“My moonlight.”
You flushed pink, looking at him with wide eyes. “You—“
“I do feel the happiest and the most in love.” He smiled. “Right now.”
Immediately you were melting into his touch before gaining enough strength to lurch forward, throw your hands around his neck, and kiss him as much as you could. 
“Me too,” You giggled.
Even though you were expected to keep up that model image, you secretly enjoyed the beauty of letting that go for someone who saw you for who you were. He saw you without the practiced poses and faked smiles, instead choosing to love your random quirks and imperfect features.
He smiled, wrapping his arms around you.
“You are my Clair de lune.”
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leejynz · 1 year
the boyz reaction - to you being drunk (as your boyfriend)
fluff! kinda? angst!
*note this is all fictional and just based off of my opinion of the boyz js for fun*
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- hed obvi be worried but would get mad that you didn’t listen to him
- would start lowkey yelling at you when you didn’t get up
- start lecturing you like a dad the next day about knowing your limits in drinking
- “yah do you know how dangerous the world is?? you could get kidnapped!!”
- extremely worried but would laugh at how cute you are
- lowkey kind of shy when he tries to help you in front of his friends
- “you’re so cute when you’re like this but first let’s get you out of here”
- was in disbelief when your friend called him, he was so shocked since you’ve never gotten drunk
- “yah y/n, y/n, did i do something wrong?”
- wouldn’t leave your side the next day bc he got worried you were drinking bc of him
- he was getting tired as this was your tenth time getting drunk this month
- talks super gently to you “cmon let’s get you outta here”
- still loves you tho, he takes care of you the next day with breakfast
- “call me when you’re gonna drink next time”
- he rushes to get you as soon as he heard that you drunkenly said you’d walk home yourself (which you definitely can’t)
- best boyfriend duties, he smiles at you, looking at the rearview of you in the passenger seat while he’s driving
- carries you back to your guys’ house and tucks you into bed
- “are you serious? again? it’s the fourth time this week!” mad but talks gently
- does that “fever check with the back of his hands on your forehead” thing
- carries you so easily with those big kevin muscles
- he declined your friends call bc he already knows the reason, he’s too tired
- but ofc he goes to the diner you go to 24/7 and sees you passed out
- he’s pissed off but deep inside hes extremely worried for you but chooses not to show his feeling
- tells you to drink in the house with him next time
- he was shocked since you said you quit drinking last month but gets a concerning call
- he found you so cute with a flushed face, but immediately takes you home
- you say “oh my gosh you’re so cute but i have a boyfriend.” he jokingly asks/tests you questions to see what you’d say drunk “oh really? why do you like your boyfriend so much?” (when we obvi know the bf is him)
- he’s a little awkward but it’s even more awk bc of how cute you are to him in public, you keep saying he’s hot and you’d date him “if it wasn’t for my boyfriend, haknyeon”
- he tucks you in bed at home and keeps kissing you on the cheek
- he keeps on smiling at your angel face and ends up falling asleep with you
- you think he’d be mad, but he’d be extremely worried for you
- he’d piggyback you to home since it was nearby and make sure you weren’t too cold
- he’d try hard to make the perfect hangover soup and comforts you the next day
- this was the first ever time this happened and he was worried smt might have stressed you out and you didn’t know
- gets shy to ask you the next day, “hey i just wanna ask if everything’s okay? i just want to make sure you didn’t drink bc of something or someone”
- cuddles and watches movies with you after you told him that everything was okay yesterday
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possession1981 · 5 months
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16 notes · View notes
hcuyk · 11 months
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SYNOPSIS : changmin loves you. the happier ending to kidult
PAIRING : daycareworker!changmin x genderneutral!reader
GENRES : established relationship, daycare au, angst, fluff, features the boyz as children
WARNINGS : mentions of car accident and child neglect
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ESTIMATED RELEASE DATE : within the next week. i lied its coming out when i get time cause why tf is my college doing sm
TAGLIST : @stealanity @yourjaylaks @wooyoung-a @kimaya2209 @armysantiny @changminurheart @moonieric @sunfics @deputyjuyeon @simpforsunwoo @nyujjan @i6swoo @karsohn @nilesig @twentysixofmays @changmin-wrlds @mavericsohn @lisori @nanamioo @enhacolor @kyswoo @sunwoahkim @jaerisdiction @yunkiwii @ja4hyvn @choielyssa @crazywittysassy @yenart @sleepymoon27 @st1ngrayz — lmk if you want to be added!
A/N : to all the patient people who stuck with me for two years and waited for this very moment. i never thought this was going to happen, but here we are. jeonghan's teaser will release twelve hours from now
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Tears began to stream down your face, unable to hold them back, and you were thankful Changmin missed it, but when you heard him apologize, you turned around and snapped at him.
“What the hell do you even want?”
“I want to talk to you.”
“You had two weeks to talk to me!” you yelled, fighting the loudness of the rain. The stream of tears ran faster down your cheeks as you brought a hand to your forehead, shielding the rain from getting into your eyes.
“I tried!”
“By knocking on my door for an hour straight at two in the fucking morning?! You could’ve called! You have a key!”
“Well it’s not like you tried either—”
“I got hit by a car!” you screamed, storming towards him as the sky reflected your mood. The thunder was just as loud as the pounding in your heart, and the rain poured just as much as your tears. You pushed Changmin, and behind him you saw a crack of lightning. Your vision started to blur as you didn’t hold back your sobs, wanting to show him the pain he’d inflicted on you ever since he left.
“I got hit by a car, Changmin! What about you? Were you hit by a car?! A truck? Perhaps a plane?” You forced out a manic laugh before continuing. “Wait, no, don’t tell me. Let me guess,-”
“-mauled by a bear?”
“I can explain-”
“Tell me I’m goddamn overreacting.” You took a step forward, and instead of pushing him again, you stared, making him look at the pain he created. “Tell me I’m overreacting, Jichang. Look me in my eyes and say it loud and clear.”
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“I knew you’d be there for me.”
“I missed you, I needed you-”
“I know.”
“The day I lose you is the day I lose myself.”
“I don’t want you to wake up and realize I’m not the one for you. I don’t want that for us.”
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it isn't a vae fic if there isn't angst Y'ALL AREN'T ESCAPING 👹👹 if i take longer than a week with this fic, i'll post a second (happier) teaser
it's been two years guys!! i'll be surprised if anyone sees this at all. if you do, please reblog and share, or even give me some support/hype in the comments. i want everyone who wanted a happy ending to see this <3
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