#channie's shots were sooo pretty
seorikkun · 1 year
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changbin + bangchan | fnf
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couprang · 4 years
Hi there! Can I request this? I got from generator prompt,   "Yn teaching Lee Chan how to kiss, and Lee Chan ends up kissing Yn really quick, nervously asks 'Like that?' and leaves Yn silent and flustered for a moment." You can do it whatever you want, smut or not. Thank you!
hello!! thank you for sending ,, here it is!! i hope you enjoy ☺️💗
ps. sorry if this is soooo long i enjoyed writing this ><
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lee chan was indeed your best friend. both of you were inseperable, although you were younger than him he acts like he’s one. every time you need him, he’s always there and same goes to you, you’re always there when he needs you.
but for the past few months, you keep shrugging off a feeling every time he goes to you, it felt somehow different. you feel and see something in him.
you closed your locker and shrieked in surprise when he goes to you, with a cute smile. “gosh, you startled me!” you said as you smacked his arm.
chan always walks you home and everyone thinks that both of you are together. when in reality, there isn’t something between you two. he was just being friendly.
“you’ve been dozing out, lately.” chan breaks the silence. you went back to your senses and looked up to him with a smile, “it’s just that... i’m thinking about the finals, that’s all.” you replied.
chan nods, “me too. but hey, look on the bright side, after the finals the school prom is happening!” he exclaims.
oh right, you thought.
prom is happening a week and you had no idea what to do. you even thought not to come but chan always forces you to.
“oh yeah, forgot about that.” you laughed nervously “have you asked someone?” you asked and the boy pouts.
“not yet but i’m going to! i already picked someone.” the smile on his face as if he was excited.
you accepted it. you do like him. you like your own best friend.
seeing him happy about someone honestly made you sad. “how about you, y/n?” he asks “oh uhh...” “how about jeonghan? your ‘secret admirer’ i suppose.” he teases.
you chuckled, “i don’t know, honestly no one has asked me yet.” you bit your lower lip, “cheer up! it’s too early, you have a whole week! don’t worry, all the handsome boys in the school will ask you out.”
both of you chuckled. but you, you never thought that chan wouldn’t ask you. it was completely out of your expectations.
you remembered what your friend, ryujin told you.
“okay, let’s have a bet.” she says “if chan asks you to be his date for prom, you have to confess to him.” she says excitingly.
“no. i wouldn’t do such things. besides he only sees me as a friend. i’m just.. being delusional, i guess.” ryujin sighs.
“what if it’s the complete opposite? you wouldn’t know if you’d try. plus nothing’s gonna happen to you if you do that, you’re not gonna die.” ryujin giggles.
“if he knows that i have a thing for him, he’ll surely distance himself away from me. i don’t want this friendship to break like that.” ryujin’s smile falls.
“please... give it a try.” ryujin speaks lowly.
you sighed in defeat, “i’ll try.”
it won’t happen anymore. “you’re so quiet,” chan stops his tracks as i looked at him.
i hate these feelings. it’s driving me crazy.
“is there something occupying you? please tell me, i’m concerned.” he takes a hold of your hand and heat rises in your cheeks.
chan pulls you into a hug as he caresses your hair. “if there’s something bothering you, tell me. maybe not now but i’m always free.” you met his eyes once again.
you gave him a nod and he smiles at you.
it was this day. it was prom day.
“what do you mean you’re not coming?” ryujin asks in disbelief. “i told you, no one asked me and wearing heels is just gonna hurt my ankles.” i said as i scrolled through my phone.
“did chan not ask you out?” she asks. you glanced at her and looked back at your phone. ryujin gasps, “he did not?” she asks surprisingly.
“isn’t it obvious? now you know, he only sees me as a friend.” ryujin sits down on the edge of the bed. “i’m sorry.” she says.
“it’s okay. you don’t have to, it’s better this way. i’ll probably get over these feelings soon.” ryujin sighs, “are you really not coming?”
“my final word, no.” you replied.
“if you change your mind- nevermind. i’ll get going. bye!” you smiled at her as she shuts the door.
you got a notification from chan.
‘are you ready?’ he says
‘i’m sooo sorry, channie but i’m not going :(‘
‘was my persuading not enough?’
‘i’m really sorry, chan. i hope you enjoy! tell me about it tomorrow! see you next year.’
you closed your phone. you felt like crying.
“why do i have to feel this? this is so wrong.” your murmured to yourself.
you look up to see your gown hanging on the opened closet. you sat on your bed and looked at the mirror in front of you.
i’m gonna do this. i want to take this out of my heart. i don’t care about the consequences. as long as i get rid of this, it’s more like getting rid of him. you thought.
the venue wasn’t that big but it wasn’t that small either. there were pretty girls and handsome boys that really prepared theirselves for this prom.
“y/n?” you heard a voice. it was from ryujin, “you finally changed your mind!” she squeals and you give her a smile. “where’s chan?” you asked.
“not sure but he’s probably somewhere.” you nodded at her but the moment you were about to leave, ryujin held your arm.
“by the way, i didn’t see him with anyone.” ryujin whispers. you nodded and left.
his date was probably late. but it was already half an hour. you were on the corner where less people were staying and you felt comfortable, at least.
“y/n?” you heard a soft familiar voice. you looked back only to see him, lee chan. he had a wide smile skectched on his lips.
“i thought you’d never come.” you smiled slightly, “i gave it a chance and there’s a reason why i wanted to come.” before he could reply, everyone was interrupted by an announcement.
“ladies and gentlemen, i am glad that all of you are enjoying yourselves with your lovely partners. it is your last year in highschool and i hope you all will make this night wonderful. please do make happy memories with your schoolmates that you may treasure these memories with you.” everyone applauded as the principal made its exit.
moments after, the lights became dim and slow music started playing. everyone was dancing slowly and lovingly. you looked at them in awe, wishing you could do the same.
“may i have this dance?” chan asks you, “what?” you replied “don’t you have a date?” you asked.
chan chuckles, “i wouldn’t be asking you to dance with me.” he pulls you up and he places his hand on your waist.
your foreheads touch and you locked your arms around his neck. “i always wanted this to happen.” he tells you.
he looked down at your lips, soft and plump. “i have something to tell you.” you said. he smiles, “go on.”
“the reason why i went here is because... i wanted to let out something out of my chest.” chan smiles widely, “what is it?”
“lee chan, i... i like you. no scratch that, i’m in love with you.” chan closes his eyes and the smile on his lips felt like it won’t ever go away.
“that’s the only thing i wanted to hear tonight.” you chuckled as he pushed you closer to him. “i want to kiss you.” the words somehow slipped out of chan’s mouth and he shots his eyes open.
you chuckled, “what?” chan bites his lower lip, “it’s just that.. i haven’t tried kissing yet.” you were smiling because of his cuteness.
“it’s oka-“ you felt chan’s lips on yours, cutting your words off. the moment he pulls away, you were shocked. you never expected that to happen.
“like that?” he asks you. you smacked his chest, “i wasn’t ready.” you said.
chan kissed you once again and you happily kissed back the man you always dreamed of.
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reeesea · 4 years
Something Sweet: Part Eight
~something special~
one ~ two ~ three ~ four ~ five ~ six ~ seven ~ eight ~ nine
pairing: minsung, han jisung/lee minho
warning: mild language, some alcohol consumption
words: 4.4k
summary:  Jisung gets his night out and a new birthday buddy 
a/n: This au isnt dead! yay, I hope you enjoy the mess <3
ao3 link
“Hyung, where are we going?” Jisung tried his best to sigh as loudly and dramatically as possible. “Today was already so long, you could've just left me on the couch tonight.” His whining was largely ignored by his friends to much of Jisung’s despair. He was feeling a little bit drained at the fact the trio had all spent the day in meetings with groups of people, and now was being dragged, his introverted ass to be exact, was being dragged out of their apartment to be around even larger groups of people. Damn his members for both being charismatic bastards with extrovert tendencies. 
“Ji, you're literally always complaining that we never go out. Aaand you're right. We never do sooo, here we are.” Changbin had all but peeled Jisung off his blanket pile on the couch and into his nicest pair of jeans and his “least offensive” shirt. According to Changbin of course that meant a sleek black button up, that he's pretty sure Changbin had gifted him some Christmas ago. But of course being Han Jisung he had found a few of his favorite accessories to complete his look.
“Plus something tells me you won't be complaining for too long, once we get there”
“What's that supposed to mean Channie-hyung”  
He continued on without giving him a response. They had been walking for only a few minutes, neon filling the street as streams of people made their way through to the various bars and restaurants on the block. The glow of the nightlife was electric, Jisung couldn’t deny it, but he still didn't find it to be what he would call a comforting atmosphere. It definitely had nothing on his blanket cocoon he had going on the couch. Spacing out as Chan led them through the streets, the oldest took an abrupt left into an entrance of a bar, almost hidden by the largest store fronts that occupied either side of it. 
As soon as Jisung stumbled through the doorway, a sense of deja vu came over him. Well maybe not deja vu because he had definitely been here before. The mirrored walls and the low lit space was now full of weekend patrons that breathed life into the place that he hadn't realized it was missing the first time he visited. Wait, when had he visited this place? 
Minho!? Before he could spend any more time traversing his thoughts he looked over to the bar to find Minho smiling brightly at him. Unlike his first visit, Hyunjin was un-uniformed, seated on a stool alongside a giggling Felix, and not behind the bar. Chan and Changbin both shared a look before gently shoving Jisung to move out of the doorway and toward their friends. 
“What are you doing here?!” Jisung somehow didn’t think he would be seeing the older this weekend, they had shared similar sentiment over the past week that they were looking forward to a no-plan-weekend.
“What do you mean I work here.” Hyunjin mused sarcastically. Felix hit him, and got up enthusiastically to greet them. 
“WE’RE BIRTHDAY TWINS, we HAVE to celebrate” Felix hugged him immediately. Jisung was surprisingly comfortable in his clingy embrace. Something about the disarming nature of the boy made it feel almost natural, and maybe it was. Clearly a bit tipsy already the freckled boy talked animatedly about how excited he was to finally have a friend that was “LITERALLY” his age. Jisung admittedly could relate, and found himself beaming right back at his new companion.
Minho hadn’t taken his eyes off the youngest rapper since he ‘walked’, stumbled, through the door. He was initially afraid that Jisung would feel sore about celebrating his birthday with Felix but the bright look in his eyes when they met his, smoothed any of those anxieties. 
Last week, Minho was more than surprised to get a text from an unknown number. It turned out just to be Bang Chan looking to plan a get together between the lot of them for the youngest’s birthday. Tragic backstory and all, Chan was sure to elaborate on Jisung’s dreams of going out with his friends.
“He really just wants to be a normal kid ya know, well not a kid exactly, and not normal by any means, but you get my point. To be honest, as hyungs we feel bad for taking that away from him. He's so pure at heart really, and he works so hard, and I know he doesn't sleep enough, but does anyone really? hahaha, anyway...” Minho found that Chan rambled just like Jisung, it was painfully endearing. 
Of course, Minho had agreed to let them help coordinate a get together. It was mostly Chan who had his own work cut out for him. Negotiating with their company about last minute free time was a challenge but he just had to reassure their management that everything was in place and promise that they wouldn't do anything “newsworthy” to potentially hurt their debut. Minho reassured them that dispute the host club’s reputation, Sweet Lotus was probably the most secure club in town.
Chan had been frantically messaging Minho just an hour ago, about how they couldn't find Jisung, only to get a message ten minute later apologizing and reassuring him that he was actually just buried on the couch. Chan gave off single parent vibes so strongly, Minho can’t help but let his guard down, and found himself warming up to the 3RACHA leader quickly. He looks rather relieved to have made it to the Sweet Lotus with Jisung in tow. Jisung’s loud but warm laugh filled the air and Chan’s shoulders visibly relaxed with a gentle smile stretched across his face. Minho found his heart settled comfortably in his chest as well. 
“EXCUSE ME EVERYONE.” Although the statement was only for the ears of the six of them, a few surrounding victims were pulled in by Hyunjin’s dramatic exclamation. “I require a toast for this evening! Even though we haven’t known each other long. THIS night, is a night of celebration, of birthdays, of new friendships, of potential one nigh-” 
“Sorry… Anyway, first ones on me boys lets get it.” dramatically distributing shots of clear liquid they all did a inaugural cheers simultaneously downing the shot. Jisung made a disgusted face that triggered some subtle harassment from Changbin, who pinched his cheeks fondly. 
The night now officially blessed by Hyunjin standards, Minho decided it was probably time to actually begin the night’s planned festivities. “While I do enjoy shots of free soju, that's not exactly why we're here. Is it?”
“It's not?” Granted Jisung had no clue why he was in most situations, but he was especially lost having been told nothing prior. 
“Come on Sungie, it’ll be fun” Minho took his hand subtly, and led them up a set of stairs near the back of the bar. Soft magenta light flooded the stairwell as they made their way to the second floor. Minho nodded at the tall handsome host at the entrance, allowing them to enter the lounge freely. Upbeat music flooded the room, bodies dancing under other multicolor lights seemed so content it was almost like a scene out of a movie. Pairs of couches laided with expensive looking fabric, and even more expensive looking patrons lined the walls. A light fog dusted the floor, and everything about the room felt intoxicating and indulgent.
Jisung looked up to find Minho’s gaze already on him, warm and inviting as ever. He looked like a perfect match to the pink haze and sweet scents that surrounded him. Minho led the group with such confidence and grace he matched his beautiful environment, it was very clear why he was so popular when he had worked at the Sweet Lotus. He embodied the very image. The self conscious part of his brain wouldn’t let him enjoy the image long though.  
Something about him couldn't help but feel like he stuck out. Sure Changbin had dressed him up for their outing, but he still couldn’t help but feel like he didn't belong to be surrounded by people as beautiful as his new friends. 3RACHA wasn’t exactly known for their beautiful charms or dainty visuals. Minho, Felix with his whimsical smile, and Hyunjin with his undaunting charisma were all in their element here. Jisung always had a rough time figuring out his image outside of 3RACHA.
Apparently sensing his anxiety he felt Minho's hand hold on to his firmer, and even Chan left a gentle pat on his head. Already situated themselves in a secluded booth near the back, Changbin had already gone off to order drinks for their table with Hyunjin, Felix was talking to Chan about their shared home town, Sydney. And then there was Minho. Looking at him with a raised eyebrow and a questioning look. 
“What, is there something on my face?” 
Minho’s giggles somehow sound like bells, Jisung can’t explain why. “No, no you just seem uneasy. I just want to make sure you're actually happy to be here”
“I am I promise! I'm just really surprised, I had a long day and I didn't really know what was happening until we got here, and I’ve never been to a place like this before, and I haven't seen you in a while and, wow let me tell you it's really good to see you.” Suddenly he felt like his face and hands were on fire. His connected hand with Minho’s burned with the realization. 
“Also you're still holding my hand! Did you know that? In case you didn't know I just wanted to make sure you knew. Not that I want you to stop I actually really enjoy it, but just in case you like forgot or somet-”
“You're adorable Sungie.” Minho’s eyes remained locked on Jisung with overwhelming fondness. Just ask Jisung, he was definitely overwhelmed. His face continued growing hotter until he saw a hand outstretched with a glass of liquor in front of his face.
“Ji, take the drink and close your jaw you'll thank me later.” Chanbin coaxed the flustered brunette to drink the bitter alcohol he had brought. Tearing away from Minho’s intense stare, he accepted the drink and took a sizable sip from the glass.
“LEE MINHO.” The 3RACHA boys all practically jumped out of their skins at the booming voice. While subtle grins formed on the unbothered roomates.
“Ope, Who told on me?” Minho asked, completely unfazed, looking at his roommate accusingly.
“It wasn't me….” Hyunjin’s lists of excuses died in his throat, as a woman dressed in a sparkling purple dress made her way over to their corner booth, finger already pointing accusingly at Minho. 
“How dare you show your face in this place after 3 months, without a WORD.” The woman almost sounded betrayed and hurt through her voice. Still it was obvious that the threatening woman immediately demanded respect with the way she held herself. Although her words were sharp her graceful features didn't deliver much real malice other than signs irritation at the oldest dancer.
“I’m sorry, Noona time got away from me~” Minho flashed his innocent puppy eyes and added a subtle charm to his words that the beautiful woman seemed to be completely immune to.
“Uh huh, and I'll pretend I believe that excuse.” Something akin to a standoff seemed to be occurring between the two. 
“But ONLY because I missed seeing your pretty face around here.” 
“...Guys, this is Momo-noona she owns Sweet Lotus.” Hyunjin’s attempt to provide the bystanders with some context broke the light tension in the air. Momo shifted her expression to a bright smile that suddenly screamed gentle kindness, void of all the intensity it had previously held at Minho.
Seemingly hoping to aid in the situation Chan jumped in to respond, “Oh well, it's great to meet you, I’m Ch-”
“Oh, don't worry, I know exactly who you are.” The eldest member’s eyes widened and a nervous laugh escaped his lips, not expecting to be recognized. Especially by the semi-threatening woman.
“You're the hometown heroes around here, the next big thing in the music industry hmmm?” 
The trio seemed to only be more cemented in their stunned silence. Momo’s smug expression did not last long before transforming into a large smile and welcoming expression. Her aura radiated a welcoming feeling, unmatched, even by her employed hosts.
“Truly, it's my pleasure that I get to host the 3RACHA boys, you'll always be welcomed here.”  
“I- uh um, Were flattered really, Thank-” Changbin stumbled out.
“You don't have to Thank me any sweet Changbinnie~ as long as you enjoy yourselves and promise to visit again. I’m happy.” Changbin’s ears glowed red at that, thankfully hidden by the colored lights.
“How do you know us so well? Is Hyunjin gossiping more than he should be?” Jisung poked some fun at the bartender.
“Hey! Confidentiality is our highest priority. I would NEVER!” Hyunjin crossed his arms defensively, sinking further into their booth.
Momo giggled, content with her employee’s loyalty, “Thank you for that Jinnie, but no a friend of  Sana is a friend of mine”
“Wait you know Sana-noona?” Jisung was surprised that Sana actually talked about them to her friends, a part of him hoped she was proud to be associated with them.
“Mhm, believe it or not your sweet Sana-nonna is my closest friend. We’re thick as thieves, we were even roommates for a few years when we first arrive in Korea” 
“Woah” Changbin was definitely glowing with some pride now at the implied indirect compliments and recognition. Meanwhile Chan was still trying to connect the dots in his head from all of the new information, a cute confused look on his face.
Momo took a moment to lean closer to Jisung’s face. Acknowledging their hands that were still joined. Directing her attention back on Minho with a smirk, “He’s a cutie Lee Know. I’ll give you a pass on abandoning me for months, if this one is the one stealing away from my establishment.”
  Minho grew red at the use of his past host name, and personal nickname from Momo. Minho’s nervous laugh erupted out of him. “Aaahhhhh okay Momo-noona thanks! it was great seeing you, ah would you look at that I need another drink. Come with me Hannie.” 
Minho was slightly scrambling to escape the booth in embarrassment at Momo’s dramatic encounter with them all. Jisung was pulled in tow from their joined hands. 
“Oh okay, it was nice meeting you Momo-ssi.” Jisung used his free hand to wave at their booth before they disappeared into the dancing crowd. 
Hyunjin had revived himself from the booth, giggling at his retreating roommate. Felix joined in too, and enjoyed seeing the flustered side of their hyung.
“Is he always that precious. I just have the urge to pinch his cheeks.” Alluding to Jisung, Momo turned to the remaining 3RACHA boys for confirmation.
“We all do.” Chan’s full charming smile and older brother's pride visible on full display.
The night continued as “planned”, once the unofficial couple returned from the bar. More alcohol was ordered to sustain the drinking games that Hyunjin had spearheaded into teaching the rest of them. Being the current university student apparently was enough qualification for the rest of them to follow without any resistance. 
“Okay and so once your turn is done you pass your glass to the next person and they have to go.” Although full of enthusiasm the rules didn't make sense, nor could anyone properly follow them, so it ended up just being Hyunjin yelling at the each of them when they should or shouldn't drink. 
“CHANGBIN they won on your turn, so that means you do a shot!” 
“What I- Okay hand me the bottle.” Without even pouring a glass, he shot back an acceptable amount of soju for Felix to drunkenly cheer from beside him. 
“Yay Changbin!!! Join me on my journey to blackout.”
“Lix baby, that should not be your goal.”
“It never is.” Felix sighed at his hyungs concerns, but not before taking a sip from his fruity cocktail he had ordered earlier. Jisung had an identical cocktail one that he had finished quickly. Felix had originally ordered them so they could “match for their celebration”. No one could ever say no to Felix, and that remains the only thing that makes him truly dangerous.
Overall, it was a mess, but all of them finished the game substantially more tipsy when they started. Jisung was definitely starting to feel the effects of the empty bottles and glasses around him. He felt a little numb but just enough to be more comfortable and accepting of the new atmosphere. Having not expected any of this tonight, he definitely found himself surprised that they all had gotten through the large number of bottles that the uniformed waitress had brought them not even an hour ago. 
The buzzed feeling in his body didn't make him any less aware of his company though. Felix's bubbly personality comforted and uplifted the whole group. Changbin ended up being a  relatively heavy drinker, having lost the most rounds during their games, and became more animated as the night went on. Chan was smiling almost non-stop and it made Jisung glad to see his oldest hyung relax and enjoy a night out, after working so hard for so long. Hyunjin’s laugh would echo through each conversation making the environment warm and fun. Jisung never would have thought that the fabled “night out” trope would actually feel relaxing. He couldn't help but smile to see his hyungs and his new friends become closer. So much of his life has shifted since meeting Minho.
Minho’s hand had been disconnected from his still they returned but they still sat knee to knee in the booth. The shared warmth of their legs and the mindless fiddling of fingers when Minho would reach over to play with the frayed strings on the holes of his jeans, kept the content feeling of butterfly wings steadily in his stomach. Jisung felt full of bliss as well as soju. 
Minho was mostly focused on all the group’s conversations and the liquid level of his glass, but every so often would sneak glances beside him to make sure Jisung was still smiling. Sometimes staring back, sometimes not but Minho wanted to make sure the other was enjoying his birthday celebration. The smile that had been plastered on Jisung’s face and his infectious laugh that flooded the room, was enough to reassure the older. 
Minho managed to stay just relatively tipsy for most of the night but the rest of his roommates did not seem to be as in control of their drinking as he was tonight. Hyunjin had descended into his sleepy contemplative state of drunk while Felix was practically buzzing with electricity as he talked off the 3RACHA members’, and anyone who would listen’s, ear off. 
Drawing back in to see how Jisung was doing he found that the younger boy’s eyes were already on him. A heart shaped smile spread across his face as their eyes met. 
“Before you give me those dopey eyes again. Yes, Minho-hyung I am having  a good time and have been since the last time you checked.”
Minho forced his mouth to close after being caught. He was about to deny his accusation when Jisung just reached for his hand and held it smiling, actively shutting the other up. Suddenly very distracted by the way the neon lights bounced off the others' faces to leave it practically glowing. Minho had always found himself curious of how Jisung could be so breathtaking and still act like he didn't know it. Jisung laughed at Minho’s expression, and who was he to not join him. He would never be able to deny that the younger’s laugh was irresistible. 
“Oh my god I love this song, come dance with meeee” A loud, very drunk Felix shouts, as the sunshine boy practically pulls Changbin, also a rather enthusiastic drunk, and Minho toward the dance floor. The inhuman strength of the younger when he is intoxicated is enough to somehow get his other two companions to their feet. Minho flashes an apologetic glance and an extra squeeze to Jisung’s hand at being physically yanked from their little moment. 
Jisung, understanding enough, just laughs at Felix’s drunk antics and motions for them to go ahead. Leaving him at the booth with a drunk Chan who is currently holding some “deep” conversation with a very tipsy Hyunjin. Seems Chan’s dad-like charms had gotten the princely boy to open up to him. This night had definitely ended up different than Jisung had first though but he'd be lying to say he wasn’t enjoying all of it.
“Han Jisung.”
Jisung looked up to find Sweet Lotus’s owner giving him an inviting expression. He couldn’t lie that Momo did not scare him a little. But he would say that if anything he just respectfully found her to be intimidating. 
“Oh hai.” Jisung tried his best to sober up and put on a friendly face. 
“Would you come with me for a moment?” Jisung nodded and got up from their table following the woman to a somewhat quieter area of the clubs open concept near some standing tables.
“So. I’m happy to see you are what's keeping my Lino so busy.” Her friendly smile grew wide.
“What me? No Minho has just been working hard on his other job. He also has auditions and dance and everything.” 
“Hmmm, I don't know. Minho has always had a lot on his plate, but I’ve never seen him actually look this happy.” 
“Really?” Jisung had never really considered how much Minho could have changed because of him. He didn't know much of Minho’s past. Before they had talked he was simply the nice attractive waiter he had given his number to. 
Jisung’s shock was clearly evident on his face, and Momo’s eyes softened at the confused, small, and slightly tipsy boy in front of her.
“Really I mean it, and if anyone would know it's me.” Jisung relaxed visibly, but still held on to  his apprehension. 
“Jisung, I know you're a good kid. Sana’s told me a lot about you boys and she really swears by it. That you're something special, and I can see it too.” Jisung’s heart lifted in his chest a little with pride for his group. But Momo’s expression remained serious. 
“But to me, Minho is truly something special, and I feel like you already know that”
“I knew immediately.” He nodded aggressively, and spoke freely with his filters gone due to the alcohol. Momo giggled at Jisung’s honesty.
“You're such a sweetheart Jisung, but I want to give you some advice about Minho.”
Jisung nodded enthusiastically.
“Minho may be the shining gem he seems to be, but he's also fragile. He's not always as confident as he appears, and can be really stubborn.” 
Momo’s expression grew somber for a moment before continuing, “What I’m trying to say is look out for him. Please. He’s placed a lot of faith in you already. So be sure to take care of him, and don't let him push you away. He's a fool with his emotions, especially when he's scared.”
Jisung could feel the weight of responsibility settle on his shoulders, but it was a weight he wanted to be worthy of bearing for Minho.
“I’m trusting you here Jisung-ah, Minho stopped letting me take care of him a long time ago, and I'm afraid he's been on his own for longer than he should to be. I would love to see you continue to make him happy.” Momo’s smile was full of fondness now, but something about it was still slightly somber.
Jisung didn't want to let her trust in him go to waste. “I always want to be by Minho-hyung’s side, I promise to do my best Momo-ssi” 
Momo laughs with her slightly disarming giggles, her expression visibly relaxing back into a friendly smile. “Sana’s right you really don’t know how powerful you are.” 
“What do you mean?” Jisung was confused at the sudden change in conversation but he found Momo’s change in demeanor to be comforting that she believed in him, at least a little bit, to heed her warnings. 
“She means you're too cute for your own good.” Minho voiced from just behind Jisung, making his head turn quick enough to catch Minho draping his arm around the younger’s shoulders.
“Noona are you done terrorizing my Sungie now?”
“I would never! Right Jisung~” Momo winked her eyes playfully in response.
Jisung tried his best to cover up his confusion, and flashed his most convincing innocent puppy dog eyes, “Yeah hyung we were just talking.” 
“About me I hope.” Minho giggled at them both, only slurring his words slightly. Turning his head toward Jisung, leaving barely two inches between their faces. But alcohol has a funny way of erasing their usual personal boundaries.
“Well I'm stealing you away now, less talky and more dancy for the birthday boy.” Minho giggled more and Jisung felt his heart leap in response, as he moved the two of them toward the dance floor.
“Have fun boys~” Momo waved and watched them disappear into the crowd with a hopeful smile on her face.
The night progressed full of dancing, longing stares, and being too close to each other for it to be considered friendly. Eventually the pair’s roommates had headed home or disappeared off for the night, leaving Minho and Jisung alone in the pink neon lights of the Sweet Lotus. Jisung’s night out had been everything he could’ve hoped for and more. It took more effort than either of them would like to admit to let go of each other's hand once they had to depart for the night. 
Almost every part of Jisung was screaming for him to not let the other leave, and that he should stay. But both of them knew that the morning would just bring them more work, that sadly didn't leave room for long morning’s together. 
But If Jisung was only able to let go of Minho’s hand after the older had to let it go in order to cup his cheek instead, and give him with a gentle kiss goodnight, that was between the two of them as far as Jisung was concerned. And if Jisung went to bed smiling like a fool with red cheeks and red lips then that was for only him to know. And if Minho’s smile mirrored Jisung’s while he stayed up thinking about pink lights and heart shaped smiles, then that was only his to know. 
Thank you for reading ily <3
one ~ two ~ three ~ four ~ five ~ six ~ seven ~ eight ~ nine
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